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CONTENTS OUR VISION Our vision is simple: to Our programmes are co- together, teach one another 03 OUR VISION provide a series of snowsports delivered by young people and support each other as they 04 W E LCO M E training programmes that working as apprentices and face similar challenges. enable young people to build volunteers, supporting our Throughout this review, you’ll 06 R E A C H I N G N E W H E I G H T S TO G E T H E R relationships while providing Programme Managers. It’s see how we’ve worked with them with the skills and a unique form of training young people to make a big 07 UPLIFT qualifications they need to that provides opportunities difference to many young lives lead safe and positive lives. for young people to learn throughout 2019/20. 09 FIRST TRACKS 10 G R A D U AT E 11 E XC E L 12 E XC E L : C A S E S T U DY 14 APPRENTICESHIPS 16 YO U T H FO R U M 17 V O LU N T E E R S O F T H E Y E A R 18 OUR EVENTS 22 MAKING HEADLINES 23 HOW WE RAISED OUR MONEY 25 I N CO M E & E X P E N D I T U R E 26 OUR PEOPLE 32 T H A N K YO U 3
W E LCO M E FROM SNOW-C AMP FOUNDER & DIRECTOR, DAN C HARLISH O ver the last 16 of the programme year, and into its own, expanding to years our ability to for the first time in Snow-Camp provide many more one-to- reach out to young history, the emergence of one and group counselling people and youth organisations Covid-19 lead to the pause of sessions for young people, as has grown. As our programmes all Excel Programmes running well as delivering workshops have developed and become at that time. Although the on a range of challenges being established nationally, we have pandemic made it impossible faced by young people at the been able to expand our work to continue to come together moment, including loneliness, and increase our impact to at snow centres to deliver our anxiety and sleep patterns. provide more young people programmes, and lead to all These efforts, combined with across the country with the our staff working from home, regular creative and fitness opportunity to learn vital new it did not mean the closure of focused challenges, have kept skills, gain qualifications and find our support to young people. our young people engaged and careers in an industry they would As a team we are proud to have motivated. We know that further not normally have access to. continued working throughout innovation and flexibility will be Our commitment to our this challenging period, required in the year ahead and young people is combined with adapting quickly to ensure we we are committed to restarting and partner with 83 youth launch ahead with those, this is partners, individuals, youth a continuing commitment to are doing everything we can and completing all our organisations. And there have a good opportunity to pause for projects, companies, trusts and partnerships. More and more of to help young people at this programmes just as soon as it is been many positive outcomes a moment and look back at the foundations who believe in our the support we offer is now co- time. It has been fantastic to possible, ensuring all our young and success stories, some of progress that has been made vision and want us to succeed. produced with organisations who see the success of new online people achieve everything they which we are pleased to share over the year and some of the Thank you to you, our share our vision, together with sessions created for our young set out to when they started with you on the following pages. young lives we have been able to supporters and partners, for all the young people themselves. people, enabling them to with Snow-Camp. It’s been a busy year for the positively impact. And as always, that you do to support Snow- Moving forward, this approach continue progressing with their Despite these challenges, whole team at Snow-Camp and on every page and alongside Camp. We would not be here will only continue to grow. qualifications week by week. we are proud that throughout looking ahead there are already every positive impact, we see without you. This year we faced a challenge Our Uplift mental health 2019/20 we have been able many positive plans in place the huge range of support we like no other. Towards the end programme has also come to support 943 young people for 2021/21. But before we receive from so many amazing Dan 4 5
Snow-Camp programme > UPLIFT R E AC H I N G UPLIFT NEW HEIGHTS TOGETHER In 2019/20 we ran our brand-new mental 95% of young “Uplift is about bringing out the wellbeing programme, Uplift, nationally for the 83 youth best version of yourself, so that first time. Run by BACP (British Association for people said that through we can live a happy life. A life organisations referred Counselling and Psychotherapy) counsellor 943 young people onto Snow-Camp they had Kevin Hempstead, Dr Carla Stanton and holistic that’s free of the mental barriers our programmes from therapist Rachael Welford, the team delivered blocking us from our own success. Uplift learnt new tools to London, the North 32 workshops and 169 one-to-one counselling should be accessible to all young people all West, the Midlands look after their mental sessions to 245 young people in London, the over the world, as this kind of support can change so many people’s lives. It could even and Scotland wellbeing Midlands, the North West and Scotland. We also launched a new online young person’s support save lives.” hub on our website. 90% of youth workers said that Will, Snow-Camp Youth Forum member 95% of young 72% of Uplift had a positive effect on their young people. young people people said that by 96 youth The programme was supported by our youth gained 1 or overcoming challenges in more new volunteers and ambassador Will Cunningham, who has been a We are now working with our Uplift team to recruit a qualifications apprentices taught part of Snow-Camp for several years. As someone team of counsellors, doctors, therapists and mental snowsports, it had shown our young people who has struggled with his mental health, Will health youth ambassadors nationally. For 2020/21 them their potential and with Snow-Camp understands the importance of Uplift and is best we are hoping that each Snow-Camp region will Programme placed to encourage others to get involved. have their own Uplift team. how much they could Managers achieve in life 6 7
Snow-Camp programme > FIRST TRACKS F I R S T T R AC KS In July and August 2019, 943 young people started their Snow-Camp journey by “I’m a full-time carer for my mum and I struggle with attending our 2-day First Tracks Programme. anxiety. Attending Snow-Camp gives me a much- Here they experienced snowsports for needed break from my responsibilities at home while the very first time at the Snow Centre, improving my fitness and reducing my anxiety. SnowDome, Chill Factore and Snow Factor. Day 2 of First Tracks was a massive day in my life. I Our apprentices and youth volunteers wasn’t sure I wanted to go back after the first day, but taught our young people how to ski or I did and it’s the best decision I’ve made! First Tracks snowboard and led classroom-based made me realise the enjoyment that comes from life-skills sessions, which focused on achievement and by sticking with snowboarding and not UPLIFT AND COVID – 19 “We have been independence, responsibility, confidence giving up meant I could snowboard quite well by the Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Uplift has been of paramount supporting and self-esteem. end! Going from VERY nearly giving up to snowboarding importance. It has enabled us to continue supporting vulnerable Danny with 72% of young people gained a level from the top of the big slope was an AMAZING feeling!” young people, who were at risk of falling through the cracks during group sessions 1-3 Snowsport England or Scotland Connor, Snow-Camp young person. this period, via weekly virtual group and 1-1 sessions. and regular check ins and 1-1 Snow Life Award. We’d like to shine a light on why our work is so important during sessions, which is giving him the this time by telling you about a young man called Danny. confidence he needs to live life Danny is a care leaver with learning difficulties. He is free of the fears and desperation 23 and has been NEET (not in education, employment that led to our first encounter. or training) since leaving school. He has faced many Danny’s relationship with his traumas in his young life, including the loss of 2 close friends Programme Manager has been to knife crime. We first started working with Danny in August paramount to the work and 2019. Over the last year Danny has learnt many new life-skills, built support we have been able positive relationships, gained new qualifications and learnt a new sport, which has increased his confidence and self-belief. to provide. Without the trust, Unfortunately, just as the pandemic started, Danny’s home empathy and compassion she life became unsafe due to bullying and abuse, which has had has shown and built upon, I a detrimental effect on his mental health. He voiced suicidal honestly believe this young thoughts to our Programme Manager. Over the last few months person may not have found the Danny has been supported by our mental health counsellor voice he needed to reach out for Kevin Hempstead. We have also been working with his social help when life for him seemed worker and care worker to find him new accommodation. We’re not worth living” pleased to tell you that Danny is now settling into a new flat and Kevin Hempstead is in a positive place. 8 9
GRADUATE < Snow-Camp programme Snow-Camp programme > EXCEL G R A D UAT E E XC E L In October and November member and ISIA Level 2 ski In February 2020, 79 young course when we had to pause apprentices helped us to deliver 2019, 187 young people, who instructor Jonjoe Boulter. “Outside of Snow-Camp life people, who completed the programme due to Covid-19. online course work sessions to completed First Tracks, moved Our young people also took can be very difficult because Graduate, joined Excel, our This meant that our young people complete the theory side of their on to our Graduate Programme. part in an Uplift mental wellbeing I often move from place to instructor training programme. were not able to complete their instructor qualifications, along With support from our workshop and had access to one- place, however this has recently A 10-week programme of instructor shadowing hours in with mental health workshops, apprentices and youth to-one counselling sessions. improved as I now have a long- advanced snowsports training the mountains or attend the final ski and snowboard technical volunteers, our young people It was fantastic to see our young term foster placement. Snow- and assessment by Snowsport sessions needed to gain their workshops and young people progressed through 6 weekends people’s initiative, courage and Camp have given me a passion England and Snowsport Scotland instructor qualification. ‘meet-ups’ via video calling. of snowsports training. Life-skills skills develop collectively while for snowboarding as well as combined with our Uplift mental Our staff team worked around We are incredibly proud of sessions focused on careers supporting one another and stability and a purpose in life. wellbeing workshops and the clock from home to make how much our young people within the snowsports industry building friendships. counselling sessions. sure our young people were still achieved on Excel and we are I’m so much more confident with presentations from Olympic 146 young people gained an Unfortunately, the young supported, engaged and learning planning to run the remainder of talking to new people now and bronze medallist Jenny Jones, ASDAN certificate in Sports people were halfway through the during this challenging time. Our the programme in 2020/21. I’ve made lots of friends.” the UK’s fastest snowboarder and Fitness and a level 4-5 Paige, Snow-Camp Jamie Barrow, Ski Miguel and Snowsport England or Scotland “I completed the Excel Programme in 2011. I am young person Snow-Camp Youth Forum Snow Life Award. now 24, I have graduated and I’m working in the real estate industry. Although I never went into the skiing industry, the qualifications and experiences I gained through Snow-Camp have made a huge difference to my life. It’s something I have spoken about proudly in interviews with global leading real estate firms. I’m also able to go on skiing trips 72% have with confidence with the company I am currently gained a First 66% have working with! I have always been proud of my Aid certificate gained a so far Safeguarding Snow-Camp achievements but over the past few certificate years it has helped my confidence in standing so far out in such a competitive industry. I enjoyed it all but offering life-skills and mentoring those of 73 virtual different backgrounds was the most rewarding workshops and sessions have been part. Thank you for providing this opportunity delivered during and keep up the good work!” the Covid-19 Hanan, Snow-Camp Youth Forum member pandemic so far 10 11
EXCEL CASE STUDY < Snow-Camp programme E XC E L > C A S E S T U DY since I was little, never Most importantly, I have receiving the proper learnt that I can push support I needed due myself further than I ever to not being diagnosed thought possible. Snow- properly until 2 years Camp is a welcome respite ago. My mum became from my responsibilities physically disabled in at home, both physically 2018 after an attack by and emotionally. I have a prisoner while doing discovered a profound her job. I spend a lot passion for snowboarding, ASHLEIGH NORRIS of my time looking after and I can’t wait to AGED 19 her and my dad, who further develop my skills. FROM BARRHEAD, GLASGOW recently suffered a heart Going to Glencoe in JOINED SNOW-CAMP THROUGH attack. I was unable to Scotland has been my YOUNG PERSON SERVICES finish school due to my biggest Snow-Camp highlight EAST RENFREWSHIRE own health issues and my so far. Being able to so happy to be back with of Excel as I didn’t participate in Excel. I’m responsibilities at home, completely disconnect the friends I had made on want anything to stop me not going to let this get “I’d like to start off by so I spend a few hours from the world around me previous programmes and to from snowboarding, but in my way though, nothing thanking you for giving me each week in community and focus on the people be continuing to develop my unfortunately my condition inspires me and motivates the chance to participate college. Unfortunately, in and surroundings was an snowboarding skills while didn’t get much better and me more to recover than in Snow-Camp. I have January of this year I was eye opening and extremely having fun. I also really I ended our last session the chance to get back absolutely adored being diagnosed with a chronic enjoyable experience. I enjoyed learning about what on the slope in quite a to snowboarding with my part of Snow-Camp since illness called CFS/ just loved sledding down it takes to become a good bit of pain. Since then my friends and get on that the very first days of First ME, which leaves me very the mountain! instructor and I was (and mobility has decreased to trip to Austria. I’m going Tracks and as time has gone easily tired. I was so excited when I still am) excited about the a level that I have been to work hard at building my on my love for snowboarding Snow-Camp has been a life got the news that I had a prospect of being able to referred to physiotherapy strength back up and I know has only increased. Here’s changing opportunity that place on Excel and that I share what I’ve learnt with to try to manage my pain by this point next year a little about me: has completely changed was going to Austria. I other learners, who will and fatigue. My ability I’ll be showing everyone I was diagnosed with how I see myself. I have tackled the beginning of probably be just as nervous to walk long distances is pictures of me snowboarding Asperger’s Syndrome at realised that I do have the Excel programme with and excited as I was on my gradually decreasing, and down the Austrian 17, which is quite a confidence; I do have an a passion that I don’t first day! it’s devastating to think mountains. With Snow-Camp’s late diagnosis. I have ability to adapt and I think I’ve ever felt for I pushed through my of the consequences this continued support, I know struggled with anxiety am motivated to learn. anything else before. I was symptoms at the beginning could have on my ability to I’ll get there.” 12 13
APPRENTICESHIPS MEET OUR APPRENTICES 79% said that 96% said presenting and Rawi Dirna, Midlands Julie Davis, Scotland Amina El-Imam El-Alaoui, London public speaking that they felt were key skills that like they had made they had learnt a positive difference throughout to young people’s the year lives After the Covid-19 lockdown 100% have already made plans to move on to either further education, Tamsir Gaye, Midlands Joel West, North West Jake Duggan, London training or employment while continuing to volunteer at Snow-Camp 12 young people, who completed They attended work placements an SQL in Sports Coaching with Excel in May 2019, were employed at Chel-Ski, Skiworld, Finches SD Consultancy and had access to by Snow-Camp for our 2019/20 Emporium, Ellis Brigham, Ski Easy, mental wellbeing workshops and programme year. This is our biggest The Snow Centre, Snow Factor, 1-1 counselling sessions. Ross Garry, Scotland Blake Rowlands, North West Baylee Donaghy, London cohort of apprentices to date and Chill Factore, Disability Snowsport Due to Covid-19, we had to the first time that we’ve run the UK, Bearsden Ski & Board Club, postpone our apprentices’ programme in the North West! Glasgow Ski and Board Centre, Ski BASI Level 1 Instructor With support from our Rossendale, Rivington Alpine and qualification training, which Programme Managers, apprentices Positive Youth Foundation. They they’ll have the opportunity to ran First Tracks, Graduate and also gained an NVQ in Activity complete in 2020/21. Excel with our youth volunteers. Leadership with YMCA Training or “The Snow-Camp apprentices and volunteers and to continue the training programme. They James McGill, Scotland James Ward, North West Jordan Aninakwah, London are amazing! They’re doing my youth work are fantastic role models and a great tribute for me! They take the time to get to know my to the way Snow-Camp transforms young young people, using the time on the coach people’s lives, nurturing a confidence and and lunch breaks to understand their individual belief in themselves.” needs while inspiring them to achieve more Danielle, Senior Youth Worker. Picture credit: Andrew Sinclair from John Lyon’s Charity 14 15
YO U T H F O R U M Congratulations to James Ward Dome, Kym Scobie at Snow Thank you to our snowsports for gaining employment at Chill Factor, Zulekha Dennis at industry partners for generously Factore, Charlotte Stratham Chel-Ski and Amina El-Imam providing our young people with and Kian Beesley at the Snow El-Alaoui at Ski Easy. these fantastic opportunities! Young people who do not join youth volunteer Uche with Lib our Apprenticeship Programme Peck, Director of the Violence 13 young people spent a week are able to join the Snow-Camp Reduction Unit at City Hall at Les Hotels d’en Haut in Val OUR VOLUNTEERS Youth Forum, where they are and Debbie Weekes Bernard, Thorens, France, where they trained as youth ambassadors London’s Deputy Mayor for gained valuable work experience OF THE YEAR for the charity in each region. Social Integration, Social Mobility and training at a 5-star hotel. 84 YO U N G P E O P L E S P E N T A N A M A Z I N G 2 9 6 5 H O U R S Our Youth Forum have had a and Community Engagement. V O L U N T E E R I N G O N O U R P R O G R A M M E S N AT I O N A L LY very busy year: Our Scotland volunteer Kym T H R O U G H O U T 2 019 / 2 0 84 young people worked 1 youth volunteer joined our staff joined a 14-week BASI Level 2 alongside our staff and team. We were delighted to hire training programme with the apprentices as volunteers on Shayleigh Kitto as our Assistant British Alpine Ski School (BASS) our programmes. London Programme Manager in in Morzine. Jack McNulty, Rosie Stephenson, October 2019. winner of the winner of the Our London volunteer Ebony Gregor Michie North West London volunteer volunteer of the 43 Youth Forum meetings were worked her first ski season in year award for of the year award organised by our volunteers Tignes with Skiworld. for volunteering volunteering 205.5 hours 152 hours across the country, which provided them with a safe space to discuss any issues they were facing with their peers and Snow- Camp staff. Our Youth Forum members also had access to the Our London volunteers and Uplift workshops and one-to-one apprentices represented Snow- counselling sessions. Camp at the Mayor of London’s Our London volunteer Jack Lee Heraghty- Thorne Beckett, Serious Youth Violence Steering 10 young people volunteered spent a week in Courchevel with White, winner winner of of the Scotland Group. Over the last year, at The Telegraph Ski and LeSki where he was taught the the Midlands volunteer of the volunteer of the the young people have been Snowboard Show in London. skills needed to be a chalet host. year award for year award for volunteering attending monthly meetings, volunteering 105 hours 84 hours where they have been helping Our North West volunteers to identify causes, sharing organised a ‘Ski Mount Everest’ best practice and proposing fundraising challenge at Chill solutions to serious youth Factore in Manchester. They violence. Pictured above is our raised an incredible £500! 16 17
OUR EVENTS AUTUMN DRINKS On November 6th, we were joined by 150 supporters at the beautiful Haberdashers’ Hall in London for our annual charity drinks event. A stone’s throw away from Smithfield Market and St Paul’s Cathedral, The Haberdashers’ Hall is an oasis of calm in the heart of London. It really AJ BELL COURMAYEUR CL ASSIC was the perfect venue to host our drinks event. In January 2020, 12 teams arrived charity partner of. Participants event at Thank you to Master James Kininmonth and The in Italy to take on the first ever from both events came together courmayeurclassic Haberdashers’ Company team for letting us use the AJ Bell Courmayeur Classic, for après ski and a Team Distance “At AJ Bell our people have beautiful space and for providing refreshments in-kind. our brand new snowsports Challenge organised by Snow- always been passionate about Thank you also to Tim Haden-Scott from Delancey for his fundraising challenge. The event Camp. We absolutely loved raising money for organisations generous support to the event. brought teams together to seeing so many people from that make a real difference to take on 5 different snowsports so many different business the community. We’re proud to challenges over 2 days to raise backgrounds coming together to support Snow-Camp and to have money to support our work. It have fun and network. helped bring their unique and INTER-LIVERY SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS was fantastic to have our North A huge thank you to our innovative programmes to the In January 2020, we arrived in Morzine for the West apprentices involved, superstar teams for collectively North West. annual Inter-Livery Ski Championships, where representing Snow-Camp on raising an incredible £62,626! After 10 years of the AJ Bell we were delighted to be charity partner for the slopes. They also spoke to A special thank you to our top Alpine Challenge, this year’s the third year running. We kicked off the participants about the impact fundraisers ‘Delanski’ from the inaugural AJ Bell Courmayeur Championships with our charity Team that the charity has had on them property development company Classic was a fantastic event, and Distance Challenge, and with over 180 and why their support makes all Delancey. Congratulations to demonstrated the ambition of the livery men and women taking part – the difference. event winners Alpbach Allstars. charity and the young people it it was the biggest single ski event The event also coincided Thank you to our headline works with. We look forward to Snow-Camp had ever organised! with the Knight Frank City Ski sponsors AJ Bell. building on this success in 2021.” A final highlight of the ILSC event Championships, which we were Find out more about our 2021 Andy Bell, CEO of AJ Bell came during the celebratory evening dinner when Kym, our volunteer who KNIGHT FRANK CIT Y SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS was attending BASS ski school, was We were delighted to join the 2020 Knight Frank City given time on the main stage to explain Ski Championships in Courmayeur, where we were her journey with Snow-Camp. charity partner for the third year running. This year we Livery companies are fantastic ran our Team Distance Challenge for participants and supporters of our charity, and this event our North West apprentices spoke at the Financial was once again a wonderful expression of Times Alpine Forum. Thank you to the event their focus on giving, with £22,000 raised over the organisers Momentum Ski and thank you to Knight course of the day. Thank you. Frank for making a kind donation to the charity. 18 19
LAMBERT SMITH HAMPTON JUNE 2021 SKI CHALLENGE 24 teams from Lambert Smith Hampton joined our Team Distance Challenge at their annual Ski Challenge in Courmayeur. It was a fantastic event and we were delighted to be involved as charity partner for the second year running. Thank you. We are looking forward to continuing to work with Lambert Smith Hampton as charity partner in the future. Huge thank you to the team for looking at a range of ways to support Snow-Camp, including charity days across the company, in the year ahead. Watch this space! VIRTUAL ALPINE EVENING On May 5th 2020, over 700 skiers and We absolutely loved seeing attendees getting snowboarders joined us for an evening of virtual into the après spirit! Families gathered across the après-ski, hosted by BBC 2 Ski Sunday presenters country in their retro ski kit on their sofas. Many got Chemmy Alcott, Graham Bell and Ed Leigh, with out their cocktail kit to make our Mountain Mojito appearances from Olympic Bronze Medallist Jenny and we saw people enjoying traditional alpine food Jones, legendary ski instructor Warren Smith and drink throughout the evening. A highlight was and BBC Security Correspondent Frank Gardner when everyone rocked out to that classic tune…. the (pictured below). Ski Sunday theme song! Streaming live from ‘Chalet Snow-Camp’, The first ever Snow-Camp Alpine Evening was a attendees heard from our young people on how huge success and has raised an incredible £24,000! our life changing work is continuing to support Thank you to everyone who donated, to our hosts them during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as and special guests and to our event partners Drinks from the Chair of our Trustees, Alan Grant and Abode, OOSC, Ellis Brigham, Absolute Snow and Snow-Camp Founder Dan Charlish. Firefly. Look out for the Christmas special! 20 19
MAKING HEADLINES H OW W E R A I S E D ROYAL RECOGNITION In October 2019, we were awarded a OUR MONEY Princess Royal Training Award for our youth-led Apprenticeship and Youth Forum All the work described in programmes. We were honoured to receive this review is only possible our prestigious award from HRH Princess because of the generosity Anne at St James’s Palace. of all kinds of amazing All the recipients, which includes individuals and organisations. businesses from both public and private Their dedication and sectors, were subject to a rigorous determination inspires us assessment process, which took place over every single day. Hear from a 7-month period. Princess Anne was a some of our supporters part of the final judging process, selecting below about why they the final award winners. This was a hugely choose to support us. proud moment for the team! HALF MARATHON HEROES IN THE MEDIA Congratulations to Azeem, Avery, Shane, Chris, Carrie, Megan, Harry and Pedro for taking on the Royal This year, the importance of our work was shared far and Parks Half Marathon 2019 for Snow-Camp. We felt a great sense of pride as they crossed the finish line, wide through 7 broadcast appearances, 9 print features following months of training and fundraising. They collectively raised over £3500! and over 50 online articles including BBC 2’s Ski Sunday, BBC News London and West Midlands, BBC London “The passion, ethos and commitment of the Snow- Radio, BBC Sussex Radio, CityAM, Evening Standard and Camp team to help inner-city young people to turn The Telegraph. their lives around through the power of snowsports Our feature on Ski Sunday was a real highlight and we is incredible. To be able to run in support of this would like to take this opportunity to thank John Nicholson forward-thinking and proactive charity was very and the BBC team for their continued support. The feature special. The life-skills and opportunities presented follows the story of our young person Uche, who was at the end of Snow-Camp’s journey with the young stabbed a few years ago. Uche talks to Jenny Jones about people is testament to how important this charity the effect this had on his mental health and how Snow- is. I encourage anyone else who can and has the Camp were there to support him. If you would like to watch time, to support Snow-Camp in any way possible.” it, please go to: Carrie Salmon, Snow-Camp fundraiser 22 23
GOMPELS HEALTHCARE CHARITABLE FUND INCOME & EXPENDITURE Organisations like Gompels Healthcare Charitable Fund ensure we can keep “Snow-Camp tackle some of the biggest achieving more. issues affecting disadvantaged young Sam and Clea Gompels have been people who are often left behind by society. generous supporters of our work for many Taking them out of their comfort zone with In 2019/20 we raised £975,670*, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, thank you. The pie chart years, and we are very grateful for their snow-based activity breaks down barriers and builds below shows our income for July 2019 – June 2020*. commitment to supporting young people. opportunities. The team are superb at delivering value The organisation first became a major for money and innovation.” donor to Snow-Camp in 2014 and since 47% Trusts and Foundations 14% Snow-Camp Events then have supported everything from the Ongoing support from partners like Gompels Healthcare 21% Corporates 2% Individuals expansion of our programmes into new Charitable Fund is vitally important as we keep striving to regions and our mental health programme reach more young people in more ways. And every penny 5% Statutory 11% SLAs Uplift to supporting the Snow-Camp donated – from a trust, a corporate partner, a statutory team’s much needed move to a bigger funder or an individual fundraiser – adds up to greater HQ office. Thank you. support for young people. Thank you. We spent £861,560* in 2019/20. people. The rest went towards *Unaudited figures, audit due to be Of this £686,772* was used to running the organisation, completed in December 2020. Please directly support young people including generating funds and email Snow-Camp for a copy of the through our programmes and planning for the future. We latest audited accounts. staff team. For every £1 we hope this review has given you received, we spent 80p* on a good sense of how lives have our work supporting young changed as a result. “We are huge fans of Snow-Camp and everything it does for young people and the snowsports industry. Snow-Camp’s work is unique and extremely valuable, and we are delighted to support the charity through our Premium Snowsports Industry Partnership. This partnership has become an important part of what we do at Ski Safari and being able to get our teams together regularly as we are both based in Hove makes the relationship even more special.” Richard Rice, CEO of Ski Safari 24 25
OUR PEOPLE TRUSTEES “Lockdown doesn’t mean slow down for Snow- Camp. The need for Snow-Camp’s programmes CHAIR: MR ALAN GRANT is more important than ever. Non-Executive Director of several insurance businesses Snow-Camp will survive this crisis, some charities very sadly will not and we ourselves TREASURER: JO BROWN Finance Director for have been impacted in so many ways. However, with Ridgmont Holdings Ltd the generous and critical support of our donors – trusts, foundations, corporate sponsors and individuals – along MR DOMINIC DE TERVILLE Founder, Playbook Media with the encouragement of the Trustees, Dan, Lara and their incredible team have worked very hard over recent years to MS CAROLINE STUART-TAYLOR put the charity in a position to continue our programmes. Former Chief Executive, Ski Club of Great Britain Going forward we will be the same but different. Snow- Camp is using every ounce of its creative energy to find new MS CLAIRE PEMBERTON ways of working and delivering support to our young people. Senior Key Accounts Manager, Adidas Group PLC I’m very proud of all that Snow-Camp has achieved so far. This can only be maintained through the continued support MR DOUGLAS MCKENZIE of our donors and new sources of support. Thank you to Youth Offending Team Police Officer, Metropolitan Police Service everyone who has supported the charity thus far.” MR IAN BROWN Managing Director, Alan Grant Snow Centre Chair of the Trustees DEVELOPMENT BOARD JOHN HOLMES Chair of the Development Board AZEEM AHMED CHRIS KOLOLIAN JENNY FERGUSON OLIVIA GREGORY CAROL NEWLAND DAMIAN NORMAN MIHA KOSAK SUE WATSON Picture credit: Andrew Sinclair from John Lyon’s Charity 26 27
THE SNOW-CAMP TEAM OUR PATRONS & AMBASSADORS We are fortunate to have an amazing staff team with a wide range of skills experience needed to deliver Our Patrons and Ambassadors promote our work as widely as possible and encourage more people to support our programmes. This year we were delighted to welcome Kevin Hempstead to our team as our in-house Snow-Camp. They are committed to our cause and to raise awareness of the issues facing young people. mental health counsellor, Morv Bett as our North West Programme Manager and Shayleigh Kitto as our Assistant London Programme Manager. Pictured is the team at our annual New Year dinner in Hove. PATRONS JENNY JONES ED LEIGH GRAHAM BELL WARREN SMITH CHEMMY ALCOTT Olympic Bronze BBC Presenter BBC Presenter Director of the Warren BBC Presenter Medallist Smith Ski Academy AMBASSADORS SIR STEVE REDGRAVE FRANK GARDNER OBE DOUGIE CRAWFORD PAT SHARPLES JAMIE BARROW x5 Olympic Gold Medallist BBC Security Former UK’s top Men’s GB Snowsport Britain’s Fastest Correspondent Downhill, Super G & Head Coach Snowboarder Super-Combined skier EMILY SARSFIELD JAMIE NICHOLLS JACK GOWER ANNA VINCENTI CARA BROWN British Ski Cross Athlete British Snowboarder British Alpine Skier Former British Skier, Professional British Alpine Ski Footballer for Malta Champion DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER SCOTLAND PROGRAMME MANAGER DAN CHARLISH ANNA KENT LAURA MCINTYRE OPERATIONS DIRECTOR SNOWSPORTS COMMUNITY MANAGER MIDLANDS PROGRAMME MANAGER LARA KINNEAR DAN KEELEY CHRIS WALSH JASMIN TAYLOR NICK MOYNIHAN PAM THORBURN FINLAY MICKEL MARTIN BELL World Cup Telemark Former British Alpine Skier British Ski Cross Skier Former British Former British Ski Racer DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR NORTH WEST PROGRAMME MANAGER Ski Racer Downhill Skier RACHEL CRUZ GABBY BIAZOTTI MORV BETT PROGRAMME DIRECTOR BOOKKEEPER LONDON ASSISTANT PROGRAMME MANAGER GAVIN HANMER JENNA MATTHEWS SHAYLEIGH KITTO EVENTS MANAGER MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELLOR SCOTLAND FUNDRAISING VOLUNTEER JULIA SMITH KEVIN HEMPSTEAD WILL FERGUSON-SMITH ROWAN COULTAS BILLY MAJOR FIN BREMNER British snowboarder British Alpine Skier British snowboarder 28 29
We’re so lucky to have such a each Snow-Camp region to feature and for spending time wonderful group of Patrons and meet our young people, give with our Midlands young people. Ambassadors and this year we’d them some tips and tricks out Chemmy Alcott, Graham Bell like to give a special shout out on the slopes and inspire them and Ed Leigh for hosting our and thank you to: through a motivational talk. Alpine Evening event and to Jamie Barrow for taking the Pictured above is Jamie and our Jenny Jones, Warren Smith and time to go on a ‘Snow-Camp Scotland group! Frank Gardner for also taking tour’ throughout October and Jenny Jones for your part. We couldn’t have done it November 2019. Jamie visited involvement in our Ski Sunday without you! 30 31
THANK YOU “Delancey has been a longstanding supporter of Snow-Camp since 2014 and So many people helped to make the progress outlined in this review possible – from the organisations we’ve partnered with to deliver our programmes to everyone who has donated time and money. Your support made it possible for us to reach more young people in more ways - and we can only do what we do because of you. We can’t thank you enough. continues to stand by the work that this charity does both on and off the slopes, supporting the mental, emotional and OUR 2019/20 FUNDERS physical health of many young people across the UK. The work that Snow-Camp does is more vital than ever, especially now, as we enter this period of uncertainty and change during Covid-19. I would like to thank Dan and all of his team for their Absolute Snow Loughborough University Snowsports Club The Haberdashers’ Benevolent Foundation hard work over the last year, helping to shape the lives of our next generation, Anand and Sethi Family Foundation Mark Armitage Charitable Trust The Leatherseller’s Company Asda Foundation Momentum Ski The Loveday Charitable Trust Aviva Community Foundation Barclays Ned’s Fund New Generation Ski and Board School The Myles Trust The Sterry Family Foundation and which we have seen reflected in the Butlins Bognor Regis Newland Contruction The Stock Exchange Ski Club increased numbers of those positively affected by their national programmes.” Club Europe Norton Rose Fulbright The Telegraph Ski and Snowboard Dandia Charitable Trust NUCO Travel The Underwood Trust Edinburgh University Snowsports Club PT Ski UCL University Snowsports Club Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust Renishaw Wasteland Ski Equity Ski Sandaire Whitestorm Ski Rental Jamie Ritblat, Kaluma Travel Knight Frank Ski Miguel Skiworld Will Houghton Foundation Young Lambeth Coop Founder & CEO of Delancey Lambert Smith Hampton Snomads Ski Leeds University Snowsports Society SnowTrex Thank you to all our monthly and Les Hotels d’en Haut Team Archie individual donors and to all those who Lockwood Charitable Trust The Childhood Trust wish to remain anonymous. 32 33
PROGRAMME PARTNERS ONSIDE YOUTH ZONES PARTNERSHIP OUR PROGRAMMES WERE DELIVERED AT With the support of an incredible Together, we pool of funders, Snow-Camp engaged 160 were honoured to launch our young people, national partnership with OnSide providing this year. OnSide’s Youth Zones them with the are designed to give young life-changing people somewhere to go, opportunity to something to do and someone join our year to talk to in their leisure time; long journey of occupying their bodies and programmes alongside two opportunity with both hands, minds with fun activities, learning Snow-Camp apprenticeships. and I have loved my entire OUR TRAINING PROVIDERS WERE new skills and socialising in a experience with Snow-Camp. It safe, positive way. “I have fortunately been has given me the opportunity Operating across the country able to witness first-hand the to meet new people and make in deprived areas, Snow-Camp opportunities Snow-Camp has new friends, and for this I will partnered with Youth Zones to offer, and the impact it has always be thankful and grateful in Manchester, Blackburn, on young people’s lives. When for Snow-Camp.” Oldham, Wirral, Wigan, Chorley, I learnt about the opportunity Blake Rowlands, Snow-Camp Warrington, Barnet, Barking and Snow-Camp was giving to apprentice referred from The Dagenham and Wolverhampton. young people I had to take the Hive, Wirral Youth Zone. SNOW-CAMP KIT PROVIDER “Working in partnership with Snow-Camp we have been able to provide disadvantaged young people across our 13 Youth Zones with experiences they will never forget and enables them to achieve more than they ever thought was possible, raising THANK YOU TO OUR WORK PLACEMENT AND WORK EXPERIENCE PROVIDERS their aspirations, learning new skills and developing a strong Bearsden Ski and Board Club Finches Emporium Ski Easy sense of self belief. It helps set them off on a positive track for life and for British Alpine Ski School (BASS) Glasgow Ski and Board Centre Ski Rossendale some has led to an apprenticeship with Snow-Camp, opening up fantastic Chel-Ski Les Hotels d’en Haut Skiworld career opportunities as they develop their leadership skills It’s a partnership Chill Factore LeSki Snow Factor we value hugely and we hope will grow and flourish into the future.” DSUK Positive Youth Foundation The Snow Centre Ellis Brigham Rivington Alpine The Telegraph Ski and Board Festival Kathryn Morley, CEO of OnSide 34 35
YOUTH PROJECTS W E W O R K E D W I T H T H R O U G H O U T 2 019 / 2 0 Prince’s Trust West College Scotland Paisley Queens Cross Housing Association LONDON MIDLANDS Royston Youth Action Baraka Youth Association Birmingham Youth Services SiMY Community Development Brent Young Carers Clifton Road Youth Centre Stirling Youth Team Camden Youth Services Creative Academies Network SWAMP Coram’s Fields Oaklands Youth Centre The Tullochan Trust Ealing - Trusted Spaces Positive Youth Foundation Universal Connections Rutherglen Ealing Youth and Connexions Soft Touch Arts Urban Fox Future Youth Zone Soho Youth Projects & Working 4 You West Dunbartonshire Hillingdon Young Carers Small Heath Youth Centre Young Person’s Services (East Ren) Insight Drugs & Alcohol Advice Service The Way Youth Zone Islington Youth Service Tile Cross Academy NORTH WEST Lambeth Young Carers TS Sterling Boys & Girls Clubs Greater Manchester LEAP Urban Devotion Birmingham Greater Manchester Youth Network London Youth Jamea Masjid Youth Club New Horizon Youth Centre SCOTLAND Manchester Youth Zone Onside Barking and Dagenham Aberlour One Manchester Onside Croydon YZ Blue Triangle Housing Association Onside Blackburn SkyWay Charity CLD Motherwell Onside Chorley Spotlight DRC Youth Project Onside Oldham St Andrews Club Fuse Youth Café Onside Warrington Streatham Youth & Community Centre GCC - community justice Onside Wigan The Access to Sports Project Getting Better Together Ltd (Shotts) Onside Wirral The Renewal Programme Glasgow City Council Positive Futures Tower Hamlets Outdoor Education Glasgow City Council Social Work Team Rainbow Surprise Triangle Adventure Playground Lambhill Stables Salford Foundation Unitas Youth Zone MCR Pathways South Manchester Muslim Community Association Urban Hope Princes Trust Ayrshire The Hive Youth Zone Virtual Venturers – Clapham Princes Trust Glasgow Clyde College Wigan Youth Zone Westminster Youth House Anniesland YMCA Salford XLP Princes Trust Glasgow Clyde College Langside 36 37
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