ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...

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ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium

ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Contents                                                        Introduction & Year Review
                                                                2020 has brought change, trials and a level           We have generated KOs for nearly 10,000
2    Introduction & Year Review                                 of uncertainty not seen in decades. In the face       genes, over half the orthologous genome, and
                                                                of a global pandemic, the scientific community        have already phenotyped over 7,400 KOs – a
                                                                has banded together to combat this new health         staggering achievement, which we discuss in more
3    2020: New Dimensions for IMPC                              challenge and continue essential research in          detail below.
                                                                other areas.
5    Publication Highlights                                                                                           Mouse welfare is a top priority; our animal
                                                                We assisted COVID-19 research this year by            technicians continued to conduct 24/7 mouse
                                                                collating our COVID-19 related resources. You         care. Our mouse centres have continued
          The Deep Genome Project Could Change our
                                                                can find COVID-19-related IMPC alleles on our         phenotyping throughout the year and our team
          Understanding of Disease and Healthcare               resource page. We’re also part of the Global          at the IMPC Data Coordination Centre, DCC,
                                                                Mouse Models for COVID-19 Consortium                  has continued to load and analyse data, also
          IMPC Experts are Analysing Gene Essentiality to       (GMMCC), a global partnership of genetic and          providing data support to all our users.
          Find New Possible Causes of Disease                   genomic centres and repositories. GMMCC aims
                                                                to underpin global research into SARS-CoV-2           Like all other disciplines, research in the health
                                                                by the efficient delivery of relevant mouse strains   and medical sector has been affected by the
          Researchers Invent New Algorithm to Find Genes
                                                                and mouse genetics expertise.                         pandemic. We believe it is important to celebrate
          Linked to Circadian Misalignment                                                                            the scientific successes and achievements made in
                                                                The International Mouse Phenotyping                   such a difficult climate.
          Researchers Investigate the Cause of Fam151b-         Consortium, IMPC, comprises 21 of the leading
          related Retinal Degeneration                          mouse genetics centres worldwide. We have been
                                                                developing a complete functional catalogue of
                                                                the mouse genome, linking each gene to disease,
          Arf1-KO Induces Anti-Tumour Response with             enabling a better understanding of how genetic
          Protective Vaccination                                variation in the human population causes disease
                                                                and identifying new targets for
11   Consortium Members, Funders and Collaborations             therapeutic intervention.

                                                                Our mission is to generate a knockout (KO)
          Gabriella Kids First Pediatric Program (Kids First)
                                                                mouse model for all protein-coding genes in the
                                                                mouse genome for which there is an orthologue,
          Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG)               or equivalent gene, in the human genome. Each
                                                                KO mouse line undergoes phenotyping via our
          Undiagnosed Disease Network (UDN)                     comprehensive and standardised pipelines to
                                                                identify significant changes in phenotype. The
                                                                data generated is processed and released on our
          Centers of Mendelian Genomics (CMG)                   open-access web portal.                                                             Image: IMPC data flow

17   Other Exciting Updates

18   Looking to the future - 2021

                                                                     Join us as we highlight achievements
                                                                        across our consortium, celebrating
                                                                                 scientific success in 2020
ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
2020                                                          New Dimensions
                                                                  for IMPC
    The IMPC database grows larger every year. In 2020, we reached a new milestone, generating KOs
                                                                                                                                                     Know your Genes - Late Adult Data

    for over 9,700 genes. These gold-standard mouse lines represent over half the orthologous genome                                                 Adcy1
    between mouse and human. Moreover, over 7,400 of these KOs have been phenotyped, generating 98.8
                                                                                                                                                     Adenylate cyclase 1 (Adcy1) is found in the nucleus, plasma membrane and synapses. It has
    million data points and over 572,000 images!                                                                                                     several protein binding functions and both adenylate cyclase and phosphorus-oxygen lyase
                                                                                                                                                     activity. Evidence shows Adcy1 is involved in various key biological processes, such as circadian
                                                Genes/Mutant Lines/MP Calls                                                                          rhythms, brain development and intracellular signal transduction. Adcy1 is also an orthologue for
                                                                  By Data Release                                                                    the human ADCY1 gene, which is associated with deafness. (See all disease models associated
                                                                                                                                                     with Adcy1 by annotation and orthology or phenotypic similarity.)
                            10000                                                                                        120000

                                                                                                                                                     ■   IMPC phenotyping, found that a viable phenotype was present with both copies of the gene
                                                                                                                                                         were knocked out (Adcy1 KO mice homozygous viable.)
       Genes/Mutant Lines

                            7500                                                                                         90000                       ■   Early adults exhibited one significant phenotype affecting the nervous system.

                                                                                                                                  Phenotype Calls
                                                                                                                                                     ■   Middle-aged adults exhibited one significant phenotype affecting pigmentation.
                                                                                                                                                     ■   Aged mice exhibited six significant phenotypes affecting the nervous system, pigmentation,
                            5000                                                                                         60000                           metabolism and hematopoietic/immune system.

                                                                                                                                                     IMPC expression data found adult mutant expression in 24 tissue types and embryo expression in
                                                                                                                                                     17 tissues types. NCBI mouse ENCODE transcriptome data shows Adcy1 is highly expressed in the
                            2500                                                                                         30000                       cerebellum and cortex. See available IMPC models and ES cells for this gene.

                               0                                                                                         0
                                    1.0   2.0   3.1   3.3   4.0     4.3     6.0     7.0   9.1   10.0     11.0     13.0

                                            Phenotyped genes              Phenotyped lines             MP calls

                                                                                                                                                         CRISPR has allowed us
    Data is coming faster, with continuing                                                                                                              to knock out genes and
    improvements in quality                                                                                                                         phenotype them much more
                                                                                                                                                     quickly than our traditional
    IMPC publishes regular data releases (DRs),                               which mice are aged before they are phenotyped                                     ES cell method
    continuing to improve the quality and robustness                          at 52 weeks or later. This data allows researchers
    of data. This year, we’ve published four data                             to observe the effects of gene knockouts later
    releases, DR 10, 11, 12 and 13. There have been
    some important changes in our data releases,
                                                                              in life. This is vital for understanding the
                                                                              underlying genetics of late-onset disease. Many
                                                                                                                                                     GenTaR, our new tracking platform for
                                                                                                                                                     phenotyping, is another data change this year –
    including updating our statistical program from                           human diseases are age-related, such as dementia,
                                                                                                                                                     read our news post for more information.
    PhenStat to OpenStats and our first integration                           osteoporosis, diabetes, hearing loss and eye issues.
    of data from our late adult pipeline (where mice                          Late adult data will help researchers understand
                                                                                                                                                     In 2021, we will still strive for excellence with
    are aged before they are phenotyped.) Our next                            these types of diseases, find relevant candidate
                                                                                                                                                     our data – continuing to improve and update
    release is coming up, so keep an eye on our                               genes and identify mouse models that accurately
                                                                                                                                                     our resources.
    web portal or follow us on @impc for the next                             represent the late-onset phenotypes.
                                                                              We will continue to release late adult data in
    Phenotypes exhibited by aged individuals are                              2021, supporting the ongoing research into
    important for understanding gene function.                                these areas.
    Selected mouse lines enter our ageing pipeline, in
ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Highlight 2

    Publication Highlights                                                                                            IMPC Experts are Analysing Gene Essentiality to
       We reached a record of over 3500                                                                               Find New Possible Causes of Disease
          IMPC-related publications this
      year, even with COVID-19 affecting                                                                              IMPC researchers published a paper on gene                     ther cellular lethal or developmentally lethal. De-
              research around the world.                                                                              essentiality this year, introducing a new gene clas-           velopmentally lethal genes were also more likely
                                                                                                                      sification system, Full Spectrum of Intolerance to             to be associated with early-onset diseases and/or
                                                                                                                      Loss-of-function (FUSIL), which identifies genes               diseases affecting multiple bodily systems.
                                                                                                                      associated with disease.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Developmentally lethal genes, therefore, make
                                                                                                                      FUSIL classifies genes based on organismal via-                great targets for further analysis. The researchers
    Here are some highlights:                                                                                         bility and cellular viability. Loss of gene function           tested the FUSIL system on three large rare disease
                                                                                                                      is often referred to as a binary concept; lethal or            sequencing programs for unsolved diagnostic cases
    Highlight 1                                                                                                       viable. This study shows that gene essentiality is             which flagged two genes, VPS4A and TMEM63B.
                                                                                                                      more of a spectrum ranging from cellular lethal,
                                                                                                                      developmental lethal, subviable, viable with a sig-            Two unsolved cases associated with VPS4A showed
    The Deep Genome Project Could Change our                                                                          nificant phenotype, and viable without a signifi-              patients with intellectual disability, developmental
                                                                                                                      cant phenotype.                                                delay, delayed motor development and eye abnor-
    Understanding of Disease and Healthcare                                                                                                                                          malities. IMPC knockout mice for VPS4A had
                                                                                                                      The study found several interesting associations,              smaller embryo, abnormal brain development and
    Our work across the IMPC aims to identify                  gene regulation and can have a significant ef-         such as how essential genes were almost always ei-             spine curvature phenotypes.
    every protein-coding gene in the mouse genome,             fect on gene function.
    which makes up 3-5% of mouse DNA. This is a            3. Translate this genetic information and data
    vital first step in understanding gene function.          into clinical knowledge. Doctors, Specialists,
                                                                                                                      Know your Genes - Gene Essentiality
                                                              Clinician-Scientists, and Researchers any-
    Much of the coding genome still remains ‘dark’.
    There are many genes for which we have no func-
                                                              where in the world will be able to use this in-         Vps4a                                                          ■   Early adults exhibited six significant phenotypes
                                                                                                                                                                                         affecting the nervous system, integument, immune
                                                                                                                                                                                         and hematopoietic systems and vision.
                                                              formation to study the role of genes in health          Vacuolar protein sorting 4A (Vps4a) is found in the cytosol,
    tional information at all and, as a consequence,          and disease and find new targets for therapies.         endosome, nucleus and plasma membrane. It has a few            ■   Two embryonic phenotypes were found at E18.5,
    we are ignorant of their role in disease. We know                                                                 protein binding functions and ATPase activity. Evidence            affecting growth and size. See embryo viewer.

    even less about the role of the non-coding portion     4. Ensure fast and easy access to this data for            suggests Vps4a is involved in processes such as the
                                                                                                                      cell cycle, cell division, vesicle budding, and endosomal      IMPC expression data found adult mutant expression in 26
    of the genome (which makes up 95%) in disease.            integration into the clinical decision-making           transport. Vps4a is also an orthologue of the human gene       tissue types, with a further three tissues having ambiguous

    Researchers are only just beginning to understand         process. By streamlining the production and             VPS4A. See disease models associated with Vps4a by             expression. Embryo expression was found in all 62 tissue
                                                                                                                      annotation and orthology or phenotypic similarity.             types tested, suggesting Vps4a expression is widespread
    how non-coding DNA can regulate gene function             analysis of these mouse models, clinicians                                                                             during development. NCBI mouse ENCODE transcriptome

    and contribute to disease.                                could diagnose patients more easily. Rapid                                                                             data shows Vps4a is most highly expressed in the testis
                                                                                                                      ■   IMPC phenotyping found that a lethal phenotype             and cerebellum in adulthood and the central nervous
                                                              administration of targeted therapies would in-              was present with both copies of the gene that were         system (CNS) during development. See available IMPC

    Forty-four leading scientists, clinicians, and aca-       crease the chances of treatments being effective            knocked out (Vps4a KO mice homozygous lethal.)             models and ES cells for this gene.

    demics authored an editorial in Genome Biology to         earlier in a patient’s course of disease.
    raise awareness of how limited our understanding
                                                           They firmly believe that generating knockout               TMEM63B was mutated in one clinical case, with                 Genes data focus page.       Our researchers are
    is of the function of the majority of our genes and                                                               intellectual disability, abnormal movement and                 working on an IMPC haploessential screen to
    their products. In addition to IMPC members, the       models for coding and non-coding genes will
                                                                                                                      brain morphology symptoms. IMPC knockout                       support the discovery of essential genes associated
    authors of this editorial include numerous human       transform biology, medicine, and global health.
                                                                                                                      mice for this gene had phenotypes like abnormal                with disease. Our FUSIL and haploessential data
    geneticists and clinical researchers. Together, they   The Deep Genome Project will develop and de-               behaviour and hyperactivity.                                   will be incorporated into our upcoming Essential
    laid out a four-step plan on how to illuminate the     liver a better understanding of the genome and                                                                            Genes Data Portal where researchers can submit
    dark genome.                                           improve the current resources that researchers and         The majority of rare disease patients remain un-               gene lists to find human and mouse essential
                                                           clinicians use for the study of disease, efficient         diagnosed due to a lack of detection or due to the             scores. Through this, the IMPC will continue to
                                                           diagnoses, development of treatments, and im-              difficulty in interpreting a variant in an unchar-             support the discovery of novel candidate genes
    1. Study the protein-coding section of the mouse       proved patient care.                                       acterized gene. Undiagnosed patients also often                linked to rare disease.
       genome (3-5%.) The IMPC is working to-                                                                         suffer from physical, social and financial costs.
                                                           Full IMPC article:                                                                                                        Full IMPC article:
       wards completing this step. This includes in-                                                                  FUSIL, as an open-access resource, can be used       
       troducing human coding variants into mice to        deep-genome-project-could-change-our-understanding-        to identify candidate genes linked to rare disease.            categorically-analysing-gene-essentiality-to-find-new-
       explore their function and providing a critical     of-disease-and-transform-healthcare                        Clinicians and researchers can use FUSIL to more               possible-genetic-causes-of-disease

       pathway for understanding the role of human         Journal Paper:
                                                                                                                      easily prioritise candidate genes for studies, mak-            Journal Paper:

       genetic variation in disease.                       Lloyd, K.C.K., Adams, D.J., Baynam, G. et al. The Deep     ing it easier to find the causes of undiagnosed cases          CACHEIRO, P., et al. (2020). Human and mouse
                                                                                                                                                                                     essentiality screens as a resource for disease gene
                                                           Genome Project. Genome Biol 21, 18 (2020).                 and de novo genetic disorders.                                 discovery. Nature Communications. Published online 31 01;
    2. Target the non-coding section of the genome
                                                                                                                                                                                     DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14284-2

       (95%.) Non-coding DNA has vital roles in                                                                       Find out how we’re using FUSIL on our Essential                                                                              6
ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Highlight 3                                                                                                                    Highlight 4

      Researchers Invent New Algorithm to Find Genes                                                                                 Researchers Investigate the Cause of Fam151b-
      Linked to Circadian Misalignment                                                                                               related Retinal Degeneration
      Researchers               from our consortium                  After they tested the algorithm against genes                   Researchers                from the MRC Human          thelium damage, light toxicity and nerve cell pat-
      member CAM-SU Genomic Resource Center,                         known to disrupt circadian rhythms (which were                  Genetics Unit (Institute for Genetics and Mo-          terning issues. The exact cause of the degeneration
      Soochow University, have developed a ma-                       flagged successfully) they tested it against the 750            lecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh), in         remained unclear.
      chine-learning algorithm to identify candidate                 mutant mouse models. The algorithm flagged 88                   collaboration with the Mary Lyon Centre (MRC
      genes linked to disruption of circadian behaviour,             genes, which were further narrowed down by the                  Harwell Institute) and the Roslin Institute (Uni-      This study creates a platform for future research
      eating behaviour and other cyclical biological pro-            researchers to a group of five: Slc7a11tm1b/tm1b, Rhb-
                                                                     dl1+/tm1.1, Spop+/tm1b, Oxtr tm1.1/tm1.1 and Ctc1+/tm1b.
                                                                                                                                     versity of Edinburgh), recently used IMPC data to      into Fam151b’s gene function and how it may re-
                                                                     Mice in these mutant lines shared similar pheno-                inform their research into Fam151b.                    late to human disease, as well as research into the
      Circadian misalignment can be caused by lifestyle              types, had statistically significant differences from                                                                  Fam151 family on a larger scale. An understanding
      or genetics. It can promote conditions such as                 wild-type mice and had an effect size greater than              We previously flagged Fam151b as a gene linked         of the underlying mechanisms involved in photo-
      sleep disorders, depression, seasonal affective dis-           1.2.                                                            to eye morphology and retinal degeneration, spe-       receptor loss is vital for the production of treat-
      order, bipolar disorder, and metabolic disorders.                                                                              cifically ‘abnormal retina morphology’ at a signifi-   ments. The mouse model in this study could be
      Research into circadian misalignment is crucial for            The researchers further investigated Slc7a11. The               cance of 2.55 x 10-38. Research into this gene could   used to find effective therapies for photoreceptor
      our understanding of complex health issues.                    Slc7a11tm1b/tm1b mutant line expressed early activi-            improve our understanding of the retina and reti-      loss, which is a leading cause of blindness.
                                                                     ty onset and potentially impaired metabolism due                nal diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and
      Indirect calorimetry (IC) data was collected from              to altered glucose tolerance. They generated an                                                                        Full IMPC article:
                                                                                                                                     other conditions that lead to blindness.     
      five IMPC centres: the Riken BioResource                       IMPC knockout model for this gene and found                                                                            investigate-the-cause-of-fam151b-related-retinal-
      Center, The Centre for Phenogenomics, the In-                  that the mice had disrupted light/dark cycles. They                                                                    degeneration
      stitut Clinique de la Souris, the Wellcome Trust               also found that Slc7a11 plays a role in suprachias-             Findlay et al. first determined whether Fam151b
                                                                                                                                                                                            Journal Paper:
      Sanger Institute and Helmholtz Zentrum Mu-                     matic nucleus (SCN) neuron synchronisation and                  had similar functions to its C. elegans homologue,     Findlay, A.S., McKie, L., Keighren, M. et al. Fam151b, the
      nich. With this data, Zhang et al. compared 750                messaging between cells.                                        menorin (mnr-1.) They ran the gene through sev-        mouse homologue of C.elegans menorin gene, is essen-
      knockout mouse models to 2000 wild-type mice,                                                                                                                                         tial for retinal function. Sci Rep 10, 437 (2020).
                                                                                                                                     eral databases, including HHPred which matched
      examining differences between food intake and ac-                                                                              the Fam151 profile with the Phospholipase D do-
      tivity peaks over time.                                                                                                        main of a spider (Sicarius terrosus) toxin. Other
                                                                                                                                     statistically significant matches included members
                                                                                                                                     of the ‘Phospholipase D and glycerophosphodi-            Image: Ventus55 / CC BY-SA
      Know your Genes - Circadian Rhythms                                                                                            ester phosphodiesterase’ (GDPD) families. These
                                                                                                                                     GDPD members, like other PLC-like phosphodi-
      Slc7a11                                                        ■   IMPC phenotyping, found that a viable phenotype
                                                                         was present with both copies of the gene were               esterase enzymes, have a TIM barrel fold that is
                                                                         knocked out (Slc7a11 KO mice homozygous viable.)            also found in menorin and Fam151b proteins.
      Solute carrier family 7 member 11 (Slc7a11) is found in
      the plasma membrane, cytoskeleton and endoplasmic              ■   Early adults exhibited five significant phenotypes,
      reticulum and has transmembrane transporter activity.              affecting the metabolism, vision, hearing and size/         Fam151b is expressed at low levels in most tis-
      Evidence suggests Slc7a11 is involved in processes such as         growth.
      cell death, cell proliferation, homeostasis, visual learning
                                                                                                                                     sues, including the retinal pigmented epithelium
      and synapse organisation regulation, among many others.        IMPC expression data is not currently available for             (RPE), retina, iris, ciliary body, lens and cornea.
      Slc7a11 is also an orthologue of the human gene SLC7A11.       this gene. NCBI mouse ENCODE transcriptome data
      See disease models associated with Slc7a11 by annotation       shows Slc7a11 is highly expressed in the thymus and
      and orthology or phenotypic similarity.                        subcutaneous and genital fat pads. See available IMPC           The Mary Lyon Centre (MRC Harwell Insti-
                                                                     models and ES cells for this gene.
                                                                                                                                     tute), one of our consortium members, generated
                                                                                                                                     a Fam151b knockout mouse model (Fam151bKO/
                                                                                                                                       ). Findlay et al. examined this model across sev-
      The SCN is our internal master clock that regu-                behaviour. Future research into the genetic back-               eral weeks and found “a patchwork pattern from
      lates our innate circadian rhythms. Slc7a11’s ap-              ground of circadian misalignment is vital for our               fundal imaging indicative of retinal degeneration”
      parent role in entrainment to light/dark cycles and            understanding of an ever-growing list of condi-                 at week 11. Histological analysis found a “severe
      the synchronisation of SCN neuron activity sug-                tions.                                                          reduction in the length of the outer segments of
      gests it could play a role in circadian misalignment           Full IMPC article:                                              the photoreceptors [and reduction] in the num-
      if disrupted by a mutation. Zhang et al. concluded   
                                                                                                                                     ber of nuclei…found in the outer nuclear layer
      that the algorithm could successfully find novel               circadian-misalignment                                          (ONL.)”
      candidate genes for this condition.
                                                                     Journal Paper:
                                                                     Zhang T, Xie P, Dong Y, Liu Z, Zhou F, Pan D, et al. (2020)     Degeneration began occurring around day 15 at
      This algorithm can be used for future dataset anal-            High-throughput discovery of genetic determinants of
                                                                                                                                     eye-opening, after which it gradually progressed.
                                                                     circadian misalignment. PLoS Genet 16(1): e1008577.
      ysis, opening new research possibilities into cir-                               They examined several possible causes for this
      cadian misalignment for metabolism, sleep and                                                                                  degeneration, ruling out retinal pigmented epi-
ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Highlight 5

  Arf1-KO Induces Anti-Tumour Response with
  Protective Vaccination
  IMPC Arf1 embryonic stem cells were used in
  a study investigating the Arf1-mediated lipid me-
  tabolism pathway’s role in sustaining Cancer Stem
                                                          stress and, as a result, induced DAMPS and DC
                                                          infiltration, enhancing the T-cell infiltration.
                                                          Arf1 knockdown was not directly cytotoxic to
                                                                                                                      “If the results are reproducible
  Cells (CSCs) and how disrupting this pathway
  would affect tumour growth and number.
                                                          tumour cells and, after further tests, it was deter-
                                                          mined that the anti-tumour effect was via DCs-
                                                          ATP-IFN-γ-mediated T-cell immunity. Knock-
                                                                                                                      in humans, DAMP-mediated anti-
  Wang et al. knocked out Arf1 from a known mod-
  el for CSCs (Lgr5-CreERT2/Apcf/f ). The generat-
                                                          down also prevented tumour metastasis.
                                                                                                                      tumour immune therapy could be
  ed Lgr5/Arf1/Apc mice had a dramatic reduction          Vaccination with knockout Arf1 cells also proved
  in stem cell tumour numbers and a significant
  increase in lifespan.
                                                          successful in protecting animals from developing
                                                          tumours. The vaccination was effective against
                                                                                                                      a breakthrough for the treatment
                                                                                                                      of reoccurring tumours”
                                                          melanomas and a variety of histological types like
  Wang et al. found that “the Arf1-regulated lipoly-      colon cancer and breast carcinomas. Arf1 inhibi-
  sis pathway selectively sustains stem cells, progen-    tion triggered a localised T-cell immune response
  itors and cells enriched with CSCs in mice and          that then attacked cancer throughout the body.
  that disrupting the pathway in these cells results in
  lipid droplet accumulation, mitochondrial defects       If results like the above are reproducible in hu-
  and cell necrosis.”                                     mans, DAMP-mediated anti-tumour immune
                                                          therapy could be a breakthrough for the treatment
  Arf1 depleted mice showed evidence of a T-cell          of reoccurring tumours, particularly those with
  immune response, with dendritic cells (DCs) and         high Arf1 expression. When used in conjunction
  inflammatory DCs also significantly increased.          with other already effective treatments or with the
  “Knocking out Arf1 in Lgr5+ [intestinal] stem           addition of successful checkpoint blockades, this
  cells triggers T-cell infiltration and activation,      method could prove even more effective.
  leading to CSC death and prolonged survival.”
                                                          Full IMPC article:
  Similar effects were seen on liver CSCs, potentially
  via downregulation of PD-L1.                            induces-anti-tumour-response-with-protective-

  Knocking out Arf1 also affected other aspects of        Journal Paper:
  the immune system. They found Arf1 inhibition           Wang, G., Xu, J., Zhao, J. et al. Arf1-mediated lipid me-
                                                          tabolism sustains cancer cells and its ablation induces
  may induce inflammasome-mediated cell necro-            anti-tumor immune responses in mice. Nat Commun11,
  sis/pyroptosis. Arf1 inhibition or ablation also in-    220 (2020).
  duced key DAMPS, as well as ER-stress markers.
  They concluded that Arf1 inhibition triggers ER

ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Consortium Members,
     Funders and Collaborations
     2020 has been an important year for
     the growth of the IMPC consortium and
     the further development of critical research
     programmes with our collaborators.

     Firstly, we’d like to welcome our new
     consortium member, the Institute of
     Laboratory Animal Sciences (ILAS) at the
     Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,
     Beijing. ILAS is a comprehensive national
     research centre for laboratory animals and
     comparative medicine. They integrate
     the conservation, breeding, and supply
     of laboratory animals and animal disease
     models, combining the comparative study
     of medical technology with technical

     We want to thank all of our consortium
     members for their exceedingly hard work
     in 2020. The IMPC, as an international
     collaborative effort, integrates data from
     many mouse centres across the globe.
     The expertise and capabilities of our 21
     consortium members are the backbone of
     the IMPC.

     We’d also like to thank all our funders
     from 2020. Without their support, we
     wouldn’t have made the substantial progress
     we have made this year.

                                                    Lastly, we would like to thank our collaborators,
                                                             whose partnerships enable us to have a
                                                      continued and increasing global impact with
                                                      our data and resources. Here are some of our
                                                                 collaborator highlights from 2020
ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric
Research Program
Kids First aims to uncover new facial weakness, diaphragmatic hernias (CDH),
biological insights into childhood cancer and        adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and much more.
structural birth defects. Children with birth
defects have an increased risk of developing         The IMPC and Kids First are collaborating on
childhood cancer, suggesting that these disorders    a pilot project to create mouse strains to study,
may share genetic pathways. Kids First is using      phenotype, and validate coding and non-coding
whole genome sequencing and the Gabriella            genetic variants (e.g. missense, structural variants,
Miller Kids First Data Resource, a large-scale       copy number variants, INDELS, frameshifts)
database of clinical and genetic data, to discover   identified from Kids First datasets.
new genetic pathways between these disorders.
                                                     The IMPC and Kids First will continue to
Kids First has now over 5,000 families               collaborate, investigating more genes to find links
and 14,000 participants in 23 studies. In            between birth defects and childhood cancer.
collaboration with IMPC mouse centres, they’re
investigating genes that have been implicated in

                                                                                                             Illuminating the Druggable Genome IDG
                                                                                                             Around 3,000 genes are part of the 41% of IDG’s target genes across 25 groups of
                                                                                                             druggable genome. However, less than 10% of            phenotypes, including ageing, reproductive,
                                                                                                             druggable proteins are targeted by FDA-approved        immunity, craniofacial, nervous, renal,
                                                                                                             drugs. IDG is a program to identify and collect        cardiovascular and many more.
                                                                                                             information on genes within druggable protein
                                                                                                             families, specifically genes that are not well-        Information sharing between the KOMP2 and
                                                                                                             studied. These protein families include kinases,       IDG projects allows researchers to prioritize
                                                                                                             G-protein coupled receptors and ion channels.          understudied genes and increase the pace and
                                                                                                             IDG is integrating this data into a single resource,   scientific depth of phenotyping studies. The
                                                                                                             Pharos, and is also helping support technology         combination of IDG’s human protein/gene data
                                                                                                             development for the study of druggable proteins.       with the IMPC’s phenotype and mouse model
                                                                                                                                                                    data helps researchers to find candidate genes
                                                                                                             The IMPC (KOMP2) is generating knockout                for drug discovery. It also accelerates our ability
                                                                                                             mouse strains for the IDG project. Human genes         to discover new biological insights and apply
                                                                                                             that IDG are studying can be mapped to mouse           findings to health and disease.
                                                                                                             orthologues. The IMPC can then generate and
                                                                                                             phenotype knockout mouse models for these
                                                                                                             orthologues. The IMPC currently has data for
ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Centers for Mendelian Genomics CMG
                                                                                                               The CMG use genome-wide sequencing the identification of Mendelian conditions. We
                                                                                                               and other methods to discover the genetic basis       have KO models and data for over 2,000 of the
                                                                                                               underlying Mendelian traits. They accelerate          genes CMG are investigating.
                                                                                                               discoveries by sharing their data, knowledge and
                                                                                                               effective approaches via reaching out to individual   Over eight and a half years, CMG has made
                                                                                                               investigators and coordinating with other rare        over 2,600 novel discoveries. This includes
                                                                                                               disease programs worldwide.                           variants associated with congenital diaphragmatic
                                                                                                                                                                     hernias, Robinow syndrome, Mayer-Rokitansky-
                                                                                                               Discovery and understanding of genetic variants       Kuster-Hauser syndrome and TBX6-associated
                                                                                                               that underlie human Mendelian disorders will          congenital scoliosis (TACS.)
                                                                                                               assist in the faster diagnosis of patients and lead
                                                                                                               to new therapeutic approaches.                        The IMPC aims to continue to provide KO
                                                                                                                                                                     models for projects like CMG and the Mendelian
                                                                                                               We collaborate with the CMG by prioritising           Genomics Research Center. Through this, we
                                                                                                               genes with putative Mendelian variants for the        will continue to support the solving of unsolved
                                                                                                               generation and analysis of null mutants via the       rare disease cases, increase our understanding of
                                                                                                               IMPC pipeline. Our mouse models support               the molecular mechanisms of disease and find
                                                                                                               the functional investigation of candidate genes,      potential therapeutic targets.
                                                                                                               mechanistic evaluation of candidate variants and

     Undiagnosed Disease Network UDN
                                                                                                                                                       Our collaborations are not
     The UDN is a study that aims to improve The UDN uses IMPC data and mouse models to
     diagnosis and care for patients with undiagnosed      assist diagnoses. Our phenotype data can provide                                      limited to this year’s highlights!
     diseases and facilitate research into the aetiology   evidence to support the pathogenicity of variants
     of undiagnosed disease. De novo and rare              associated with rare and undiagnosed disease
     mutations are difficult to diagnose. In many          cases. Our mouse models provide resources                    Our continued work with other collaborators such as
     cases, rare mutations can be found only in a          for functional studies for pathogenicity and             MMPC | Genomics England | Rare Disease Foundation
     single-family. The inability to discover the causes   therapeutic approaches.
     for a patient’s symptoms can lead to difficulty                                                             UK Biobank | Care4Rare | INFRAFRONTIER | 3i | Monarch
     finding affective treatments, extensive stress and    The UDN has now reached over 1400 evaluated         Initiative and more is vital for our aims. These collaborations
     financial difficulties.                               participants and, with an additional 400                not only support our global reach and impact but enable
                                                           participants accepted and 333 under-review
     Many of these mutations can also be severely          applications, they will continue to make progress    the vital step of translating our data into clinical knowledge
     physically disabling and have wide-ranging            throughout 2021. At the IMPC, we aim to                                                                  and results.
     symptoms, such as craniofacial deformities,           continue to support the UDN study with our
     intellectual disabilities, growth issues, and         resources, supporting the UDN’s aim to give
     immunological and haematological irregularities.      valuable diagnoses to those with rare mutations.             Check out our collaborators page for more information.

ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium - International Mouse Phenotyping ...
Other Exciting Updates
     Given the extraordinary circumstances of            To help our users, we also produced a free and
     2020, the IMPC has had to adapt and change,         virtual IMPC course and webinar this year. New
     particularly seeking out new opportunities          and older users from various biology disciplines
     for virtual engagement with our users. We’ve        can learn how to fully take advantage of our
     been undergoing user experience (UX) testing        resources. Check them out if you want to learn
     throughout the year and have been building and      how to get started with our data, how to order
     improving our web portal behind the scenes.         mouse models or how IMPC resources are being
     We’ll be rolling out these changes in 2021 when     used in studies of genetic disease, development
     testing is complete, offering a new, more fluid     and sexual dimorphism, amongst other topics.
     and easier to use portal.
                                                         We were also very active on social media in 2020!
     Normally, you could expect to see us at some of     We post all our article highlights, data release
     the largest genetic conferences of the year. This   announcements and conference information
     year, we still made it to the virtual versions of   on our @impc Twitter account. You can also
     ESHG and ASHG as attendees or exhibitors.           follow @geneoftheday for quick and exciting
     It’s great to see that, even as countries entered   snapshots of IMPC data.
     lockdowns across the world, the scientific
     community continued to perform and share
     excellent work.

     Know your Genes - IMPC Data                                                                             Looking to the Future - 2021
     Lep                                                                                                     IMPC’s vision to generate a complete                  a major challenge but will open up new vistas on
                                                                                                             catalogue of mammalian gene function is               the functional relationships between the non-
     Leptin (Lep) is found in the cytosol, cytoplasm and extracellular space. It has DNA, leptin and
     signalling receptor binding functions and hormone activity. Evidence suggests Lep is involved in        progressing at a rapid pace, providing a critical     coding genome and human disease.
     a wide range of processes, such as the regulation of transcription and phosphorylation, ovulation,      springboard for future research into human
     placenta development, cytokine production, circadian rhythms, blood pressure, metabolism,               disease and the development of new therapeutic        In 2021, we’re planning to attend three
     and signal transduction. Lep is also an orthologue of the human gene LEP, which is associated           approaches. With over half of the protein-            conferences: Genomics of Rare Disease, ESHG
     with leptin deficiency and obesity. See all disease models associated with Lep by annotation and
                                                                                                             coding portion of the genome available as mouse       and ASHG. These and other conferences are
     orthology or phenotypic similarity.
                                                                                                             mutants, we are looking forward in 2021 to reach      exciting opportunities to reach our existing
                                                                                                             our target of 9,000 phenotyped mouse genes –          audience as well as new users. We’ll display our
     ■   IMPC phenotyping, found that a viable phenotype was present with both copies of the gene
         were knocked out (Lep KO mice homozygous viable.)                                                   providing functional information on half of the       resources, highlighting the best of IMPC-related
                                                                                                             orthologous mouse and human genomes.                  research, providing support and learning and
     ■   Early adults exhibited 20 significant phenotypes, affecting the nervous system, cardiovascular
         system, integument, skeleton, metabolism, vision and reproductive system.                                                                                 collaborating with the scientific community. We
                                                                                                             We’re also excited to begin work on our aims          hope to see you there!
     IMPC expression data found adult mutant expression in only three tissue types – brown and               to use the mouse as a key tool to analyse the
     white adipose tissue and testis. NCBI mouse ENCODE transcriptome data shows Lep is highly               function of human genetic variation and its
     expressed the subcutaneous and genital fat pads. See available IMPC models and ES cells for this
                                                                                                             impact on disease. First, this includes introducing
                                                                                                             human coding variants into mice to explore their
                                                                                                             function. Second, we aim to begin to explore the
                                                                                                             non-coding section of the mouse genome. This is

                                                                                                             Would you like to keep track of our progress throughout the
                                                                                                             year? Follow us on social media @impc | @geneoftheday
                                                                                                             and sign-up to our seasonal newsletter for regular updates.
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