Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking

Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking

Animal Print
On view Februrary 18 – April 9
pg. 12
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                                                                           PRESSTIME   SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                                                  HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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                                                         From                                                                                          Full Color Offset:
                                                         the Directors                                                                                 A New Pilot Program for Artists

                                                         Welcome 2022!

                                                         It’s a new year, one that will bring many changes, but with it much joy and gratitude.
                                                         The big news: as we enter our 21st year, Carla has announced her retirement. She will be
                                                         greatly missed at Highpoint after an impactful twenty-year career as its co-founder and
                                                         Executive Director.

                                                         In 2001, we founded HP to nurture the art of printmaking, support artists and to be
                                                         accessible to the community through programming and education. It is this combination
                                                         which makes Highpoint so unique.

                                                         We have had the amazing opportunity to help start and grow an organization that serves
                                                         so many: artists, youth and our community benefit from HP’s diverse programs. However,
                                                         we couldn’t have done it without you: the staff, board, members, partners, and funders
                                                         who have helped make these twenty years possible.

                                                         Thanks to this community, Highpoint will continue to further the art of printmaking in
                                                         exceptional ways as Carla moves on to her next adventure!
                                                                                                                                                       Highpoint is extremely excited to announce        Offsetting Access is a yearly juried               • Participate in at least one Highpoint
                                                         HP now begins a new era. Patty Wilder, whose four-decade career including interim             a new pilot program, Full Color Offset!           application-based access and support                 community event during the program
                                                         nonprofit leadership, strategic consulting, and work with arts organizations, will serve            With the goal of fostering inclusion        program for artists that already possess             such as a cooperative exhibition, Free Ink
                                                         as HP’s Interim Executive Director until summer 2022, while our board conducts a search       in Highpoint’s Artist Cooperative, we are         a demonstrable level of printmaking                  Day, or artist talk
                                                         for the next Executive Director. Cole will continue in his role as Artistic Director and      introducing this pilot program to provide         knowledge and experience. Two selected
                                                         Master Printer.                                                                               printmaking education, studio access, and         printmakers will receive:                          Highpoint will be providing information
                                                                                                                                                       professional support to Minnesota artists         • 12 months free access to the cooperative         sessions about the Offsetting Access
                                                         We know that wherever Highpoint goes next, it will be with the same spirit in which it was    from racial and ethnic communities that             printshop at Highpoint (the shop supports        program and instructions for applying
                                                         founded: with gratitude for our supporters, a passion for sharing the printmaking arts, and   have thus far been underrepresented within          intaglio, relief, lithography, screenprinting,   beginning in March 2022. Please check our
                                                         a desire to bring our community closer together.                                              HP’s cooperative printshop. This includes           and monotype methods)                            website for updates.
                                                                                                                                                       but is not limited to people belonging to         • Artistic mentorship
                                                         We look forward to seeing you at Highpoint in 2022!                                           Indigenous communities, Asian and Pacific         • Technical support, including personal
                                                                                                                                                       Island communities, the Somali diaspora             instruction
                                                                                                                                                       and other African immigrant communities,          • A $500 stipend                                   The creation and implementation of these
                                                                                                                                                       the African American community, the               • Free access to Highpoint adult                   initiatives has been an honest, lengthy, and
                                                                                                                                                       Latinx community, and other communities             printmaking classes                              carefully considered process. Following
                                                         Carla McGrath                 Cole Rogers                                                     identifying as Black, Indigenous, or people of    • Opportunity to show work in twice yearly         initial consultations with a diverse group of
                                                         Executive Director            Artistic Director and Master Printer                            color. The program will function through two        co-op member exhibitions                         artists, other organizations, and Highpoint
                                                                                                                                                       initiatives: Offsetting Education, a program      • Guidance and feedback during scheduled           board members, a steering committee was
                                                                                                                                                       for artists without printmaking experience          critiques with invited guests*                   formed for the purpose of designing this
                                                                                                                                                       and Offsetting Access, a program for artists      • If an artist wishes to continue using the        program. The steering committee consists
                                                                                                                                                       with prior printmaking experience.                  co-op following the completion of the            of two Highpoint staff members and six
                                                                                                                                                                                                           program, they can do so at a deeply              BIPOC artists that are current and former
                                                                                                                                                       Offsetting Education is for artists who are         discounted rate ($50/month for up to 3           members of Highpoint’s artist cooperative.
                                                                                                                                                       interested in printmaking but do not possess        years)                                           The steering committee will remain involved
                                                                                                                                                       prior printmaking experience. For these                                                              in the program by helping Highpoint to
                                                                                                                                                       artists we are pleased to offer enrollment in     Artist responsibilities:                           evaluate its success. Many thanks to steering
                                                                                                                                                       any of our adult classes free of charge:          • Adhere to cooperative printshop policies         committee members Connor Rice, Nancy
                                                                                                                                                       • Highpoint will reserve two enrollment             (procedures, health and safety)                  Ariza, Hend Al-Mansour, Maria Cristina
                                                                                                                                                          spots in each adult class for this purpose     • Participate in scheduled critique sessions       “Tina” Tavera, Ana Laura Juarez, and
COVER:                                                                                                                                                 • When necessary, priority will be given to       • Participate in program evaluation with           Jonathan Herrera Soto for their assistance
Justyne Fischer, Homeward Bound (detail), hand colored
woodcut on voile. Featured in HP’s upcoming exhibition
                                                                                                                                                          artists who have not participated in a class     pilot program steering committee                 and commitment to helping us address
Animal Print. Learn more on page 12.                                                                                                                      within the previous 12 months                    members                                          inequity within our organization.
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                   PRESSTIME   SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                       HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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Highpoint Editions

“I went with my                                                                                                                                                         Offsite Exhibitions of Note

husband and daughter                                                                                                                                                    Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

to the Highpoint                                                                                                                                                        will present Brad Kahlhamer: Swap Meet,
                                                                                                                                                                        February 26 – October 9, 2022. In addition
exhibit last weekend,                                                                                                                                                   to his drawings, paintings, and installations,

and it was one of                                                                                                                                                       this exhibition will feature a new series
                                                                                                                                                                        of “Zombie Botanicals” made from dried
my favorite exhibits                                                                                                                                                    saguaro cactus parts and rock sculptures

I have been to at                                                                                                                                                       titled “Geologic studies / Mesa gardens”.

Mia, and we have                                                                                                                                                        A work by Rico Gatson is currently installed

been to many. There                                                                                                                                                     in LACMA’s Black American Portraits, on
                                                                                                                                                                        view now through April 17, 2022. Check out
were many things I                                                                                                                                                      a curated exhibition playlist on LACMA’s

liked about it, but of                                                                                                                                                  website!

particular note was the                                                                                                                                                 A large-scale mural by Njideka Akunyili

emphasis on and really             The Contemporary Print:                                                                                                              Crosby was recently acquired for the
                                                                                                                                                                        permanent collection and appears now in
                                   20 Years at Highpoint Editions
excellent explanations                                                                                                                                                  Life Between Islands at the Tate Britain.

of how the prints are              Minneapolis Institute of Art’s (Mia) recent                                                                                          The exhibition celebrates over 70 years of
                                                                                                                                                                        Caribbean culture and its impact in the UK.
                                   exhibition, The Contemporary Print: 20
produced...showing                 Years at Highpoint Editions, closed in
the progression of the             early January. We are so grateful to have                                                                                            Julie Buffalohead was interviewed recently
                                                                                                                                                                        on the podcast 5 Plain Questions, a podcast
                                   been able to celebrate with so many of
prints was incredibly              you — Highpoint Editions artists, exhibition                                                                                         that poses 5 general questions to Native

powerful. We also                  attendees new to Highpoint, and of course                                                                                            American artists, creators, musicians, writers,
                                                                                                                                                                        movers and shakers, and culture bearers.
                                   our enthusiastic supporters. We’re thrilled
loved the technical                to say that over 8,500 people visited the
flipbooks and the                  exhibition!                                                                                                                          Andrea Carlson has been announced as
                                                                                                                                                                        one of 37 artists participating in the second
                                        According to Mia, visitors really
printing equipment.                responded to the breadth and depth of                                                                                                edition of the Toronto Biennial of Art, taking

I just wanted to tell              the exhibition, often noting how many                                                                                                place March 26 – June 5, 2022. This biennial
                                                                                                                                                                        will explore the theme What Water Knows,
                                   wonderful artists were represented and
you [all] a big BRAVO.             how fascinating it was to get an in-depth                                                                                            the Land Remembers.

I needed that moment               look at how prints are made. There were
                                                                                                                                                                        Carlos Amorales’ prints Useless Wonder
                                   also many visitors who commented on
of awe.”                           how proud they are to have Highpoint in                                                                                              Maps 1 and Useless Wonder Maps 2 will
                                   the Twin Cities — one visitor remarked that                                                                                          be included in the upcoming exhibition,
— The Contemporary Print           it was “always great to experience visual                                                                                            Strange Weather: Contemporary Art from
  attendee                         innovation in our community.”                                                                                                        the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and
                                        Didn’t get a chance to visit, or want to                                                                                        His Family Foundation. This exhibition, on
                                   revisit the experience? The online catalogue                                                                                         view April 8 – August 14, 2022 at the Santa
                                   raisonne, Highpoint Editions: A History                                          Highlights from The Contemporary Print: 20 Years    Cruz Museum of Art & History, creatively
                                   & Catalogue, 2001– 2021 is available for                                            at Highpoint Editions, Fall/Winter 2021 at Mia   calls attention to the impact and history of
                                   viewing on Mia’s website.                                                                                                            forced migrations, industrialization, global
                                        Thank you for your faithful support                                                                                             capitalism, and trauma on humans and the
                                   of Highpoint — without you, this powerful                                                                                            contemporary landscape.
                                   exhibition would not have been possible.
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                                                                                              PRESSTIME         SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                                                       HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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Education and Community                                                                                                                                                         Youth Summer                                    Tales from
Programs Update                                                                                                                                                                 Camps                                           the Co-Op

                                                                                                                                                                                Youth will spend one day of the week at
                                                                                                                                                                                each of the partner centers: Northern
                                                                                                                                                                                Clay Center, FilmNorth, Chicago Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                Fire Arts Center, Highpoint Center for
                                                                                                                                                                                Printmaking, and Articulture. Registration
                                                                                                                                                                                is through Northern Clay Center.
                                                                                                                                                                                Membership discount applies to campers
                                                                                                                                                                                who are members at any of the five partner
                                                                                                                                                                                centers. Proof of full COVID-19 vaccination
                                                                                                                                                                                is required for campers attending the 5
                                                                                                                                                                                Centers camps.

                                                                                                                                                                                5 Centers Camp: Present Intentions
                                                                                                                                                                                Dates: June 20 – 24, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                Ages: 9+
                                                                                 Still from a live demonstration video         Student at Whittier International School shows   Fee: $350 (Members receive 5% discount)
                                                                                       for Whittier International School   off their water bottle decorated with a monoprint
                                                                                                                                               made using a Highpoint art kit
                                                                                                                                                                                Rediscover your current place and time
We would like to thank HP’s members and          Mokuhanga Inspired Workshop for Youth                        Green Partners — Creative Clean Water                             through a lens of curiosity. Make the most of
funders. Because of you, all of Highpoint’s      In December of 2021 we developed a youth                     Stewards Project                                                  your surroundings as you repurpose tools,
youth programming has been free of charge        workshop with New Country School inspired                    Highpoint is excited to be working on                             use natural and found materials, and work in
for the entirety of the pandemic, and that       by the traditional Japanese woodblock                        another project funded by Hennepin County                         a new medium each day to make amazing
continues. Thank you!                            printmaking technique Mokuhanga.                             Green Partners, the Creative Clean Water                          creations.
                                                 Students grades 7-12 carved blocks and                       Stewards Project. This project combines
Printmaking Art Kits                             used traditional Japanese brushes and inks                   printmaking art projects with environmental                       5 Centers Camp: Perfect Imperfections
Originally created for a grant with Hennepin     to create prints. The workshop was a huge                    education to promote environmental                                Dates: July 25 – 29, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Erin Leon, The Bottles, drypoint intaglio, 2021
County Green Partners in the spring of           success, and we are excited to be able to                    stewardship with fifth graders at Nellie                          Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
2021, these kits were designed to be             offer this class to more partners in the future.             Stone Johnson Elementary and Burroughs                            Ages: 9+
non-toxic and environmentally conscious.                                                                      Community School. Partners include artist                         Fee: $350 (Members receive 5% discount)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Meet Erin Leon
Nearly everything not reusable is either                                                                      and activist Sean Connaughty and Erin Rupp
recyclable or compostable. School partners                                                                    of Pollinate Minnesota. Works made by                             Learning new skills can be difficult, and in    My printmaking career began in 1990 at            at Highpoint. Since then, I have created
included Lyndale Elementary, Mississippi                                                                      students in this project will be displayed in                     this camp you’ll learn to not only embrace      The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in          a drypoint intaglio print every month as a
Creative Arts School, Whittier International                                                                  our student exhibition, this spring 2022.                         your final creation but also the process to     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My focus was in       challenge to myself. Each of these prints
School, Nokomis Montessori and Dowling                                                                             None of these programs would be                              get there. With every step as valuable as the   woodcut printmaking under the instruction of      focus on macro/microcosms or parts of a
Elementary.                                                                                                   possible without our dedicated education                          final creation, you will create works to show   Master Printer Dan Miller. I graduated from       whole. This method of mark making has been
     Highpoint also partnered with Mia to                                                                     team and fantastic volunteers. A special                          off your new-found skills and the process       the Maine College of Art in 1995 with a BFA       my most intimate experience as a printer,
bring free art kits to the public. In summer                                                                  thanks to our education interns, Ruby Sevilla                     of learning them, allowing the imperfection     in Printmaking, where I studied under James       given the time that goes into each piece.
of 2021, Mia, All My Relations Gallery, 4                                                                     and Gabi Estrada, as well as volunteer Kristin                    to become an integral component of the          Cambronne, Master Printer, with a focus in        Recently I was able to study photolithography
Sisters Market, and Highpoint partnered to                                                                    Bickal. We would also like to thank our                           finished piece.                                 intaglio. I became a key holder/printmaker        under Grace Sippy in an adult class offered
make 200 art kits in conjunction with Mia’s                                                                   community partners. These organizations,                                                                          at Pickwick Press in Portland, Maine for 8        at Highpoint.
exhibition The Contemporary Print: 20                                                                         schools and community members are                                                                                 years. It was during this time that I began to         My continuing goal is to create large
Years at Highpoint Editions. The kits were                                                                    dedicated and put in a lot of work to                                                                             work in a large scale format, concentrating       scale, multi-layered prints utilizing the
distributed at 4 Sisters Market, and included                                                                 collaborate with Highpoint to provide quality                                                                     on highly detailed woodcuts and drypoint          techniques that I learn and advance at
free tickets to the exhibition. In December                                                                   educational experiences for all ages.                                                                             plates of endangered and exotic species.          Highpoint. As a member of the co-op, the
of 2021 we again partnered with Mia to                                                                                                                                                                                          During this period, I participated in Big Ink     richness and depth of my work has improved
help design a Family Day where upwards                                                                                                                                                                                          as a contributing printer and worked as an        and my prints continue to develop and
                                                                      New Country School student prints
of 400 art kits were handed out to families.                              using Mokuhanga techniques
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                independent curator and artist in Brooklyn,       evolve. Being a member of the co-op has
As of the time of this writing, Highpoint                                                                                                                                                                                       NY, Austin, TX and Portland, Maine. My            also created new friendships and a network
has facilitated nearly 1,400 art kits, free of                                                                                                                                                                                  family and I moved to Minnesota and in May        for me as an artist here in Minneapolis.
charge to students and participants!                                                                                                                                                                                            of last year, I became a co-op member
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                                                                        PRESSTIME         SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                                                                           HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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McKnight Printmaking                                                                                                                                      Jerome Early Career
Fellowships                                                                                                                                               Printmaking Residency

                                                                                                                                                                    Savannah Bustillo, Untitled (in-progress monotype)

                                                                Josh Winkler, Pissing on Fire, color woodcut

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ryan Gerald Nelson, The imperative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to self preserve, screenprint

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sarah Evenson, Untitled (in-progress screenprint)

February marks the end of the 2021               In addition to their exhibition and opening                                                              Sarah Evenson, Ryan Gerald Nelson,                             semantic concept of assimilation (when                         unforgiving ecosystem than simply a stable
Fellowship year for Gaylord Schanilec and        reception, there will be a public event                                                                  and Savannah Bustillo have been doing                          phonemes are adjusted by the phonemes                          technological relic, Nelson points to the
Josh Winkler. Their exhibition will be on view   featuring the fellows in conversation with                                                               research, preparing, and developing artwork                    that come before or after them, done often                     susceptibility of both the Image itself as
in Highpoint’s galleries through February 12.    special guest Kim Todd (local author and                                                                 since September 2021. The first in-progress                    in English).                                                   well as the structures and apparatuses that
It was an exciting fellowship year despite       Associate Professor of English and Creative                                                              check in of the residency happened in mid-                                                                                    make the Image possible or not. Nelson
some pandemic limitations. In the intense        Writing at the University of Minnesota). Kim                                                             November with Laura Wertheim Joseph                            Sarah has been using their experience                          contends that our new world has proven that
heat of August, Dennis Jon, Associate            will moderate a discussion with the artists                                                              (curator at the Minnesota Museum of                            as a queer transgender artist to create                        the Image — highly compressed, politicized,
Curator at Mia made the trek to Stockholm,       about the influence of the natural world                                                                 American Art). In the coming months, the                       books, zines, prints, and pieces of writing                    venerated, even iconoclastic by nature —
Wisconsin to visit Gaylord’s woodshop, and       on their personal research and practice as                    Gaylord Schanilec, Total Despair, relief   artists will meet with guest critics three more                that explore queerness, transformation,                        exists in a perpetual state of precarity: its
down to rural Nicollet County the following      artists as well as their lives and outlook. The                                                          times before their exhibition opens in May.                    embodiment, and the subversion of                              visual constitution open to manipulation, its
day to Josh’s studio. In November, acclaimed     discussion will take place Friday, February                                                                                                                             structural hierarchies. In making this work,                   meaning able to be rewritten many times
art critic Jerry Saltz came from New York City   11 from 7– 8 p.m. Please visit our website                                                               Savannah’s work focuses on the ways                            they are not interested in normalizing queer                   over, often simultaneously, and its existence
to conduct studio visits with both artists.      for more information and to RSVP.                                                                        language practices shape her identity as a                     and trans lived experience. Rather, their                      (digital or physical) certainly no guarantee.
                                                                                                                                                          queer second-generation bilingual Latina                       pieces are spaces in which queer joys are
                                                                                                                                                          woman. By taking small discarded objects,                      celebrated as strange, wild, and exuberant
                                                                                                                                                          sounds, and movements that seem silent                         sites of social change and bodily resistance.
Congratulations to our 2022 McKnight Printmaking Fellows!                                                                                                 and insignificant, she reemphasizes them                                                                                      Jerome Early Career
                                                                                                                                                          to show both the strength and trauma in                        Ryan’s body of work visually and                               Printmakers Exhibition
We are pleased to announce our 2022 McKnight Printmaking Fellows, Amy Sands and                                                                           marginality. A key aspect she explores is                      conceptually investigates his own
Nicole Simpkins! We look forward to sharing additional details about their practice in                                                                    the relationship between “authenticity”                        developing theory of the Image by breaking                     May 13 – June 11
the coming months. Thank you to review panelists Willie Cole and Nicola Lopez for their                                                                   and race. The body of work she is creating                     down and depicting different stages of
commitment to the selection process.                                                                                                                      during the residency continues exploring                       the metamorphosis of the Image as it                           Opening reception and artist talk
                                                                                                                                                          these dynamics, including research into the                    traverses a myriad of mediated landscapes.                     Friday, May 13 6:30 – 9 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                          history of racist phraseology and teaching                     By presenting the Image as being more
                                                                                                                                                          practices, historical shibboleths, and the                     analogous to a biological organism in an
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                                                                                                 PRESSTIME         SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                                                    HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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Spring/Summer 2022
Adult Classes

Stone Lithography with Sharpie Flats                                                    Beginning Intaglio                                                                         Carborundum Collagraph Workshop                                            Sampler Sessions
Dates:        Tuesdays; March 1, 15, 22, 29 and                                         Dates:        Tuesdays; May 24, 31 and June 7, 14, 21, 28; 6 – 9 p.m.                      Dates:        Saturday and Sunday; May 7-8, and                            Dates:        Select Thursdays, Spring/Summer 2022, 6 – 9 p.m.
		            April 5, 12, 19; 6 – 9 p.m.                                               		            Saturdays: June 4 and 25; 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.                                   		            May 14 – 15 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.                                 Ages:         16+; for beginner students
		            Saturdays: March 26 and April 16; 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.                        Ages:         18+                                                                          Ages:         18+                                                          Cost:         $30 per course
Ages:         18+                                                                       Cost:         $335                                                                         Cost:         $275                                                         Class size:   10 students max
Cost:         $350                                                                      Class size:   8 students max                                                               Class size:   8 students max                                               Registration deadline: One week prior to each class
Class size:   8 students max                                                            Registration deadline: May 13                                                              Registration deadline: April 29                                            Instructors: Highpoint staff and experienced co-op members
Registration deadline: February 25                                                      Instructor:   Josh Bindewald                                                               Instructor:   Sarah Shallbetter
Instructor:   Lila Shull                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sampler Sessions are introductory, hands-on workshops for those
                                                                                        Intaglio techniques can be used to create images that beautifully                          This four day workshop will focus on exploring the endless textural        interested in exploring the basics of printmaking. Classes take place
Are you interested in learning how stone lithography works? Do                          combine line, value, and texture. Favored by figurative and abstract                       possibilities of collagraphic image-making. Carborundum collagraph         in the evening, and have no prerequisites. Workshops begin with a
you enjoy drawing and painting? This is a traditional printmaking                       artists alike, intaglio can wonderfully translate the hand of whoever                      is a versatile plate-making process that offers a wide range of            demonstration with most of the class period used for exploring the
focused class using an expedited layering process to build imagery.                     employs it. This class will serve as an introduction to all the basic                      creative freedom toward developing rich tones and dimensional              print process learned. Materials included with class fee. Each class
We will learn a quick and effective technique to add layers of color                    techniques of intaglio printmaking using copper plates. Drypoint,                          surfaces within one’s prints. Working directly on an acrylic plate using   will have an overflow session if the first fills. Please call or check the
to a print through a lithographic process that uses Sharpie markers.                    line etching, aquatint, and soft ground will be covered along                              a mixture of carborundum grit and acrylic medium, this painterly           website for updates.
We will learn introductory lithography skills on limestone, each class                  with plate preparation, proper inking and wiping techniques, and                           process invites experimentation. Students will be introduced to a
session will be a continuation of adding additional color layers.                       registration for multiple plate prints. Participants can expect to                         variety of materials and techniques to create prints of astounding         Thursday, April 21: Contact Paper Screenprint
Inspired by the theme of “home”, in a six-week time frame you can                       create a small edition of a two-plate, two color intaglio print and                        richness. Be prepared to let your imagination flow! In addition to         Use contact paper and acrylic ink to make screenprints.
expect to complete one or two sets of editions. We will explore                         gain an applicable understanding of the fundamentals of intaglio                           introducing additive and reductive collagraph techniques, students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thursday, May 12: Watercolor Screenprint
T-bar registration, ink transparency, color mixing, etching strength                    printmaking.                                                                               will learn how to ink and wipe plates, operate the press, and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Learn to use water soluble materials to make screenprints.
and gum Arabic processing. This class is for the individual who wants                         Each student will receive 2 small copper plates that they will use                   This workshop is suitable for all skill levels, and will span two
to work fast, enjoys using color, and is interested in learning a new                   to develop their image. All other necessary materials are provided —                       consecutive weekends.                                                      Thursday, June 2: Gelatin Monotype
technique. All skill levels are welcome, with the workshop pace set                     though students may wish to purchase additional or different paper                                                                                                    Use gelatin plates, cut paper stencils, acrylic paints, and hand
for beginners.                                                                          to try during the class.                                                                   About the Instructor: Sarah Shallbetter was born and raised                printing tools to make monotypes.
      The first meeting of this class (Tuesday, March 1) will introduce                                                                                                            in Minneapolis, Minnesota and recently returned after nearly a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thursday, July 28: Polyester Plate Lithography
students to the process of graining a lithographic stone. Stone                         About the Instructor: Josh Bindewald has been a staff member                               quarter-century stretch on the East Coast. Shallbetter is a printmaker,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Learn the basics of lithography and print a small edition using an
graining is a fundamental part of the lithographic process and we                       at Highpoint for nearly 10 years, where he is the Director of Artist                       photographer, and multi-dimensional artist. As a member of The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              etching press.
want to ensure that students learn this as part of the class. Students                  Programs. He has an undergraduate degree in Studio Art with a                              Boston Printmakers, she has worked with a multitude of artists and
will then schedule time between March 2 and March 15 to come to                         printmaking concentration from the University of Wisconsin-Stout                           printmaking studios. She received her BA in Studio Art from the            Thursday, August 4: White Line Relief
Highpoint and prepare their stone during our regular business hours                     and an MFA in printmaking from Bradley University. Josh has                                University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a concentration in ceramics       Carve a relief block and hand print multiple painted colors.
(Mon – Fri, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.).                                                           taught courses at Bradley University and Illinois Central College in                       and went on to study at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thursday, September 1: Screen Filler Screenprint
                                                                                        addition to numerous workshops and adult classes at Highpoint and                          Her work embraces elements of daily life and snapshots from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Learn how to use drawing fluid and screen filler to print a small
About the Instructor: Lila Shull questions how our imaginations are                     other venues. He primarily works with screenprinting and intaglio                          world around her. Shallbetter has exhibited across the United States
rooted in and reacting to our ever-evolving sense of place through                      processes but remains a “dedicated dabbler”.                                               and internationally. Her works can be found in private and public
the objects we choose to carry with us. Lila has taught printmaking                                                                                                                collections including the Boston Public Library Print Collection.
courses in every major printmaking concentration.
     Lila received her BFA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To register for Adult classes, call Highpoint at
from Winthrop University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              612.871.1326 or email
in Printmaking/Painting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Registrations are finalized upon receipt of payment, which can be made
and MFA in Printmaking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              via phone or in person. Proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 test
from the University of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              required. Highpoint members receive 10% off classes. One free space
Tennessee, Knoxville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              is available in each class to veterans; first come first served.
(2019), and has shown
work both nationally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We offer two free spots in each adult printmaking classes to people
and internationally. She
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, including but
is currently a remote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              not limited to: Indigenous communities, Asian and Pacific Island
Lecturer in Applied Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              communities, the Somali diaspora and other African immigrant
at Appalachian State
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              communities, the African American community, the Latinx
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              community, and other communities identifying as Black, Indigenous,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or people of color. Please contact us to register.
                                   Lila Shull, Welcome to Elyria, Nevada!, lithograph                                              Josh Bindewald, Ten Year (state 2), intaglio                    Sarah Shallbetter, Brooklyn NY, collagraph
                                                                                                                        (drypoint and spit-bite aquatint) with chine collé, 2021
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                                                                                                         PRESSTIME         SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                                                                            HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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Upcoming                                                                                                                     Gallery Hours:
                                                                                                                             Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. –  4 p.m.
Exhibitions                                                                                                                  Saturday, Noon –  4 p.m.                                                                                                       Gallery

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Santiago Rojo, Vivir Mejor, Laser print on debris, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                           For the Record:
                                                                                                                                                                                           Oaxacan Artists from Pocoapoco
                                                                                                                                                                                           June 17 – July 16, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                           Opening reception: June 17, 6:30 – 9 p.m.

                  Johanna Mueller, Curse and Release,                  Hung Liu, New Old World Symphony – Blue Foot,                          Frankie Palmer, Primary, screenprint, 2020   In June, we welcome Pocoapoco to
                wood engraving, collage, colored pencil        color aquatint, spit bite aquatint, and softground etching.
                                                                                       Courtesy of Paulson Fontaine Press                                                                  the gallery! Pocoapoco is an arts and
                                                                                                                                                                                           cultural organization approaching creative
                                                                                                                                                                                           practice as a means to further exploration,                                 Eileen Rieman-Schaut, looking into the cosmos,                       Benjamin Merritt, Came Out Swinging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        intaglio, 2022                    (Under Half-Lit Fluorescents) #3, intaglio
                                                                                                                                                                                           opportunity and connection between                                                                                                              (mezzotint and etching), and monoprint
                                                                                                                                                                                           individuals, cultures and communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Based in Oaxaca, Mexico, their residency
Animal Print                                                                                                                 ACCESS/PRINT & LOOK/SEE 2022                                  and programs bring together local and                            Eileen Rieman-Schaut                                         Benjamin Merritt
On view February 18 – April 9, 2022                                                                                          On view: April 15 – May 7, 2022                               international artists and creative thinkers                      Imaginary Landscapes                                         Came Out Swinging (Under Half-Lit
Opening reception: February 18,                                                                                              Opening reception: Friday, April 15, 2022,                    across all fields, offering a platform for                       On view through April 2, 2022                                Fluorescents)
6:30 – 9 p.m.                                                                                                                5:30 – 8 p.m.                                                 fundamental reflection, creation and                                                                                          April – June 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                           dialogue.                                                        This series of prints depicts imagined
The human relationship to animals is                           Featuring painterly monotypes,                                We are excited to announce the return of                           Pocoapoco is pleased to present works                       landscapes, some of which are loosely based                  This series of prints was printed over several
simultaneously beautiful, problematic, and                crisp woodcuts, ultra-faithful realism, and                        ACCESS/PRINT and LOOK/SEE annual                              by eight Oaxacan multidisciplinary artists                       on real places. One of the images was made                   months between the Ox-Bow School of Art
above all complex. Animals are revered,                   decorative stylization, variety is a defining (and                 student exhibitions. These exhibitions will                   whose varying mediums and perspectives                           by impressing birch bark into soft ground; a                 in Saugatuck, MI and Highpoint Center for
respected, feared, ignored, disregarded,                  exciting) aspect of this exhibition. This show                     showcase artwork created by artists who                       demonstrate the critical and widespread                          landscape printed directly from part of the                  Printmaking.
and adored. We identify with animals; we                  features over 45 prints made by 33 artists                         participated in our ACCESS/PRINT teen                         presence of printmaking in Oaxaca. Utilizing                     landscape.
personify them using their traits to reflect              from across the United States, and includes                        mentorship program, as well as prints                         print as an opportunity to unite their practice                       The prints featured in this exhibition                  The print’s content, which form a longer
our behavior metaphorically. While we treat               work from renowned artists such as Hung Liu                        created by K-12 students who worked with                      and voice, the artists in this exhibition                        span more than ten years of creativity. Some                 poem, imagines the personification of
certain species like products, we share our               and Nicole Eisenman, as well as work from                          Highpoint over the past year.                                 connect around a shared desire to critique                       of Eileen’s earliest sugarlift aquatints from                chronic pain as someone knocking at the
homes (and lives) with others. Assembled                  Midwestern artists such as John Hitchcock,                              ACCESS/PRINT: A free mentorship                          and communicate the rapid transformations                        a decade ago share the walls with prints                     door, slowly budging inward, invading one’s
according to a single thematic rule, this                 Emily Arthur, and Oscar Gillespie. Curated by                      program that hosts 8 –10 outstanding                          of their territory, city, and home. For the                      made within the last 6 months. Juxtaposed                    space. The prints themselves, which feature
exhibition of prints surveys the complexity               Josh Bindewald, Director of Artist Programs at                     teen artists each school year. Each teen                      Record challenges the limits of the medium                       together, they demonstrate Eileen’s progress                 text writhing outward from the platemark
of our relationship with animals — it’s not               Highpoint.                                                         receives over 70 hours of studio access and                   stemming from possibilities provided by                          with intaglio processes and the use of color.                and onto the borders of the print, reflect the
just laudatory pet portraits! Each featured                                                                                  instruction in the printmaking arts to create                 language, playing with the translation and                                                                                    intrusion referenced in the poem. The prints
image contains an animal, animals, or animal                                                                                 a body of work that they can be proud of.                     definitions of print from English (printmaking                                                                                use poetry, but also the logic and material of
imagery as a major component. Beyond                                                                                              LOOK/SEE: This year will feature work                    — an artistic process) to Spanish (grabado                                                                                    printmaking, to show a poetic reflection on
that, variations on the theme represent                                                                                      from 5th grade students at Burroughs                          — recorded or engraved). Based in Oaxaca’s                                                                                    the intrusion of pain into everyday life.
all manner of our interspecies interaction                                                                                   Community School and Nellie Stone                             comprehensive, historical and often quite
ranging from commentary condemning                                                                                           Johnson Community school as part of an                        fluid relationship to the discipline, this
the commodification of living creatures to                                                                                   environmental education program developed                     exhibition allows artists and viewers alike to
reverential depictions of companionship.                                                                                     with funds from Hennepin County Green                         reexamine their relationship to the practice
                                                                                                                             Partners.                                                     of printmaking.
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
HIGHPOINT CENTER FOR PRINTMAKING                                                                                                 PRESSTIME   SPRING/SUMMER 2022                                                                                                HIGHPOINTPRINTMAKING.ORG

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Highpoint’s Current Members:
Thank you!
As of January 15, 2022

                                                                       Christopher Scott Massey and      Margot and Alex Rosenstein          Samuel and Cynthia Orbovich      Pamela Sullivan                     Camille Tilley                        Jocelyn Hale and Glenn Miller
                                                                          Dirk Nicholson                 Richard Scott and                   Larry Redmond                    Anda Tanaka                         Jerry and Margarite Vallery              Charitable Fund of The
                                                                       Rachel and Michael McGarry           Dale Vanden Houten               Mason Riddle                     Tina Tavera                         Bethany Whitehead                        Minneapolis Foundation
                                                                       Carla McGrath and Cole Rogers     Christopher Stevens                 Michael and Tamara Root          Noelle Worstman                     Jody Williams                         John and Laura Taft Charitable
                                                                       Lisa Michaux                      David C. Warner                     Martha Ruddy                     Natalie Wynings                     Karen Wirth                              Gift Fund of The Minneapolis
                                                                       Laura and Charles Miller          Frank and Frances Wilkinson         Chip and Trish Schilling         Ivan Zassavitski                    Katherine Wolf                           Foundation
                                                                       Timothy and Deborah Moore                                             Marc Schwartz                    Marni Kaldjian                      Maran Wolston                         Julia Kaemmer Fund of HRK
                                                                       Carl and Patricia Nanoff          First Edition ($100 – 249)          Patty Scott and Ray Newman       Sara Tonko                                                                Katharine L. Kelly Revocable Trust
                                                                       Todd Norsten and Leslie Cohan                                         Colleen Sheehy                   Keisha Williams                     Foundation and Corporate Donors       Longview Foundation
                                                                       Gary and Christine Park           Fred Aden and Hal Chader            Michael Sommers and Susan Haas   Jodie Ahern                                                               McKnight Foundation
Collector Members ($1,000+)       Lucy Mitchell                        Anne and Bill Parker              Rebecca Alm                         Cathy and Mike Spengler          Hend Al-Mansour                     Acheson Peterson Louise Fund          Mersky Family Foundation
                                  David Moore, Jr. and Leni D. Moore   John Rasmussen and                Tom Arneson                         Justin Terlecki                  Christopher Alday                   Addicks Hoch Fund                     Minnesota State Arts Board
Darren Acheson and                Sheila Morgan                           Megan McCready                 Megan and Erik Bakke                Sigurd and Sissy Ueland          Margaret Anderson Kelliher             of The Minneapolis Foundation      Nivin and Duncan MacMillan
   Dr. Carol Brooke Peterson      Lyz Nagan and Doug Powell            Paul and Mary Reyelts             Rebecca Biderman and David Fraher   Andrew and Megan Ulland          Ron and Terry Barczak               Andrew Duff Charitable Fund              Foundation
Lynne Allen                       Wendy Nelson                         James Rustad                      Josh Bindewald and Sarah Guse       Martin and Lora Weinstein        Julie Baugnet                       Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund           Park Family Charitable Fund
Celita and Eric Levinson          Sandra Nelson and Larry Lamb         Jan Shoger and Tim Lloyd          Lynn Bollman                        Josh Winkler and Rachel James    Kristin and Jim Bickal                 of the HRK Foundation              Peravid Foundation
Jeanine and Zachary Holden        Stuart and Kate Nielsen              Jeffrey and Helene Slocum         John Briel and Bojan Manojlovic     Ellen Wold                       Nancy and Patrick Bolan             Blanks Family Fund                    Peregrine Capital Management
Elizabeth Andrus and              Michael Peterman and David Wilson    Carolyn Swiszcz and Wilson Webb   Herbert and Katherine Cantrill      Elizabeth Wray and Gary Hittle   Richard Bonk                           of The Minneapolis Foundation      Prospect Creek Foundation
   Dr. Roby Thompson              Jennifer and Charles Phelps          Carolyn Taylor                    Pamela Carberry and                 Brian Wynings                    Alexandra Buffalohead               Bockley Brothers Family Fund of       Pugsley Fund of the HRK
Bruce and Martha Atwater          Brian Pietsch                        Nancy Warner                          Eduardo Ehrenwald                                                Ben Capp                               the Minneapolis Foundation            Foundation
Beth Bergman                      Charles Pohlad                       Christine Watkins                 Elizabeth Childs                    Supporting ($30 – 99)            Keith Christensen                   Brent and Mitzi Magid Charitable      R.E. Swager Family Foundation
Sally and Maurice Blanks          Alan Polsky                          Sharon Zweigbaum                  Wendy and David Coggins                                              Rick Cucci                             Fund                               Rehael Fund of the Minneapolis
Todd Bockley                      Thomas Rassieur and Barbara                                            Sarah Crump                         Zac Adams-Bliss                  Elaine DeStigter                    Butler Family Foundation                 Foundation
Colleen Carey and Pamela Endean      Steiner                           Limited Edition ($250 – 499)      Thom Dahlgren                       Megan Anderson                   Mary Esch                           Cantrill Family Fund of Fidelity      Ritz Family Foundation
Ben and Joanne Case               Darin and Laura Rinne                                                  John and Linda Danielson            Nancy Ariza                      Erik Farseth                           Charitable                         Rose Francis Foundation
Ellie Crosby                      John and Lois Rogers                 Mark Addicks and Tom Hoch         Marjorie Devon                      Levi Atkinson                    Michael Ferut                       Carol and Aaron Mack Fund             Rosemary and David Good Family
John Cullen and Joseph Gibbons    Joanne and Jonathan Rogoff           Zoe Adler                         Michael DiBlasi                     Megan Bakke                      Louise Fisher                          of Schwab Charitable                  Foundation
Toby and Mae Dayton               Jeff Ross                            Roberta and Bradley Allen         Beth Dorsey                         Jessica Bibeau                   Dorothy Goldie and Ralph Schwartz   Cathy Ryan and Doris Engibous         Sawmill Private Management
Megan Dayton                      Cathy Ryan and Doris Engibous        Karl and Rosemarie Bethke         Steven and Christine Dwyer          Savannah Bustillo                Eric Gustin                            Charitable Fund                    Scott and Sarah McMullin of
Martha Dayton and Thomas Nelson   Joel Saiki                           James Boyd Brent                  Diana Eicher                        Craig Daniels                    Janie Hanson                        Chichi Steiner and Tom Rassieur          Fidelity Charitable
Lisa and Pat Denzer               Richard and Claudia Swager           Margaret Bussey and Michael       Jil Evans and Charles Taliaferro    Claudia Danielson                Susan Hensel                           Charitable Fund                    Steve Miles and Joline Gitis
Mary Lou Detwiler                 John and Laura Taft                     Sherman                        Anne Feicht                         Don Dickinson                    Janet Higgins                       Cochineal Charitable Trust               Charitable Fund
Mary Dolan                        Clara Ueland and Walter McCarthy     John and Claire Butler            Kaitlin Frick                       Gabi Estrada                     Susan Huhn-Bowles                   Cornerstone Group                     Target Foundation
Siri Engberg and Marty Broan      Jerry Vallery and Teresa Tarquino-   Mary Ceruti and Jack Hecker       Joline Gitis and Steve Miles        Sarah Evenson                    David Jones and Marilyn Propp       David A. Wilson Fund                  Thomas C. and Mary S. Detwiler
Gretchen and Doug Gildner            Vallery                           Kristin Cheronis                  Toni Glotter                        Tyler Green                      Robert Kieft                           of the Minneapolis Foundation         Fund
Rosemary and David Good           Michael Walstrom and Kerri Blevins   Jonathan and Jennifer Crump       Heidi Goldberg                      Nancy A Johnson                  Orrin and Janie Kirschbaum          David and Leni Moore Family           Tim Grady and Catherine Allan
Sally Gordon and Gallen Benson    Susan and Rob White                  Heather Delisle                   David Hartwell                      Mara Jones                       Marie Klepinski                        Foundation of the Minneapolis         Fund of The Minneapolis
Elly Dayton Grace                 Margaret Wurtele                     Margaret Flanagan                 Denise and Marshall Hertz           Monique Kantor                   Therese Krupp                          Foundation                            Foundation
Nina Hale and Dylan Hicks                                              Kathleen Fluegel                  Dorothy J. Horns and                Erin Leon                        Anne Landreman                      Dorothy J. Horns and                  Universal Framing
Nor Hall and Roger Hale           Special Edition ($500 – 999)         Joyce Gordon                          James P. Richardson             Regina Levin                     Cyndi Maas                             James P. Richardson Family         Wet Paint Inc.
Randy Hartten and Ron Lotz                                             Jay Grimm                         Stephanie Hunder                    Jeremy Lundquist                 Mary McDunn                            Foundation of Schwab Charitable
Rob and Alyssa Hunter             Carol and Judson Bemis               Ann and David Heider              Justin Israels                      Jon Mahnke                       Douglas and Maggie Nathan           Dr. John C. and Searcy T. Lillehei
Jay and Cynthia Ihlenfeld         Joe and Karen Besasie                Wendy Holmes and David Frank      Ann Jennings                        Mike Marks                       Dirk Nelson                            Fund of Schwab Charitable
Rob Jeddeloh and Peter Krembs     Lynnette Black                       Kent and Eunice Kapplinger        Jennifer and David Kennedy-Logan    Emily Marsolek                   Julia Niessan                       Elizabeth Andrus Fund of the
David Johnson and Daniel Avchen   John and Debby Christakos            Anne Labovitz and Bill Gamble     Kristin Kewitsch                    Benjamin Merritt                 Susan Nyhus                            Minneapolis Foundation
Gloria Kaull                      Joan Dayton                          Mari and Tom Lowe                 Martha and Michael Koch             Austin Nash                      Margaret Palaskas                   Eric and Celita Levinson Fund
Katharine Kelly                   Kathy and Steve Gaskins              Brent and Mitzi Magid             Christine Kraft and Nelson Capes    Ryan Gerald Nelson               Gwen Partin                            of Fidelity Charitable
Lyndel and Blaine King            Jocelyn Hale and Glenn Miller        Jeff Mandel                       Josh Kreibich                       Sydney Petersen                  Carolyn Payne                       Four Fours Fund
Rebecca Lawrence and              Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad                Deborah McKnight                  Sarah and Jonathan Lebedoff         Bethany Richards                 Natasha Pestich                     Frances and Frank Wilkinson Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Highpoint Center for Printmaking is a fiscal year 2022
   Richard Thompson               Thomas Johns and                     Kim and Tim Montgomery            Harriet Lievan                      Eileen Rieman-Schaut             Jeremy Piller                          of Schwab Charitable               recipient of a general operating grant from the Minnesota
Searcy and John Lillehei             Julie Gillette Johns              Clarence Morgan                   David and Peggy Lucas               Amy Sands                        Stephanie and John Potter           Gaskins Larson Charitable Fund        State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the
Diane and David Lilly             Sally Johnson                        Karl Nelson                       Charles Lyon, II and Rebecca Lyon   Gaylord Schanilec                Douglas Ross                           of Schwab Charitable               voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Board operating support grant, thanks to a legislative
Nivin MacMillan                   Dennis Michael Jon                   Meg Nord and Paul Kaldjian        Dan and Caroline Mason              Kurt Seaberg                     Tariq Samad                         Greystone Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Jennifer Martin                   Jim and Jane Kaufman                 Brian and Julia Palmer            Bill and Mary McGill                Ruby Sevilla                     John Saurer and Christie Hawkins    Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts
Damu McCoy and Nicole France      Michelle Klein                       John Pearson and Earl Gutnik      Heather McQueen                     Lila Shull                       Emily Shapiro                       Hennepin County Green Partners        Funding provided in part by a grant from the Minnesota
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the MN
Sarah and Scott McMullin          Ricka and Joshua Kohnstamm           Elizabeth Redleaf                 Aaron Merrill and Masami Kawazato   Grace Sippy                      Rae Spencer                         Jane and Jim Kaufman Fund of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        State Legislature, a grant from the National Endowment
Don McNeil and Emily Galusha      Reid and Ann MacDonald               Michael Robins                    Sarah Nettleton                     Nicole Soley                     Sheila Summerfield                     Minneapolis Foundation             for the Arts, and private funders.
Bob and Mary Mersky               Aaron and Carol Mack                 Thomas and Mary Rose              Donald and Nancy Nord               Alysia Steingart                 Lucy Thompson                       Jerome Foundation
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
912 West Lake Street
                Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408



Mission: Highpoint Center for Printmaking is dedicated to advancing the art of printmaking.
Its goals are to provide educational programs, community access, and collaborative publishing

                                                                                                                  Carla McGrath
opportunities to engage the public and increase the appreciation and understanding of the
printmaking arts.

                                                                                                                  Education Fund
     Non-discrimination policy: Highpoint Center for Printmaking provides equal opportunity
     and access to its facilities and programs to all individuals regardless of race, national origin,
     color, gender, age, beliefs, sexual orientation or disability in admission, access or employment.
                                                                                                                  Thank you to the supporters of the Carla McGrath Education Fund,
                                                                                                                  in honor of her 20 years of service as HP’s co-founder and Executive
Interim Executive Director                                 Artistic Director & Master Printer
Patricia Wilder                                            Cole Rogers                                            Director. It is because of your generosity that our educational and
                                                                                                                  community programs will continue and flourish.
Board of Directors                                                                                                Zoe Adler                            Michelle Klein
Colleen Carey (Chair)                                      Rebecca Lawrence                                       Carol and Judson Bemis               Rebecca Lawrence and
President                                                  Associate General Counsel
Cornerstone Group                                          D.A. Davidson
                                                                                                                  Joe and Karen Besasie                  Richard Thompson
                                                                                                                  Sally and Maurice Blanks             Jennifer Martin
Jerry Vallery (Vice Chair)                                 Sarah McMullin
                                                                                                                  Todd Bockley                         Sarah and Scott McMullin
Category Advisor                                           VP Apparel Sourcing
Newell Brands                                              Target                                                 Alex Buffalohead                     Lucy Mitchell
                                                                                                                  Colleen Carey and Pamela Endean      Kim and Tim Montgomery
Neely Tamminga (Treasurer)                                 Jennifer Phelps
CEO                                                        Director
                                                                                                                  Mary Ceruti and Jack Hecker          Clarence Morgan
DISTILL                                                    Burnet Fine Art & Advisory                             John Cullen and Joseph Gibbons       Sheila Morgan
                                                                                                                  Mae, Toby, Scott, and Joan Dayton    Monica and David Nassif
Michelle Klein (Secretary)                                 Cathy Ryan
Chief of Staff                                             Printmaker and Book Artist                             Martha Dayton                        Stuart and Kate Nielsen
Minneapolis Institute of Art                                                                                      Siri Engberg and Marty Broan         Michael Peterman and
                                                           Keisha Williams
Alexandra Buffalohead                                      Curatorial Dept. Assistant
                                                                                                                  Kathleen Fluegel                       David Wilson
Arts and Cultural Engagement Manager                       & Artist Liaison in Contemporary Art                   Sally Gordon and Gallen Benson       Jennifer and Charlie Phelps
NACDI • All My Relations Gallery                           Minneapolis Institute of Art                           Elly Dayton Grace                    Alan Polsky
David W. Johnson                                                                                                  Jocelyn Hale and Glenn Miller        Thomas Rassieur and
Human Resources                                                                                                   Randy Hartten and Ron Lotz             Chichi Steiner
Target                                                                                                            Rob and Alyssa Hunter                Darin and Laura Rinne (Wet Paint)
                                                                                                                  Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad                Cole Rogers
                               Highpoint Center for Printmaking is a fiscal year 2022 recipient of a general
                                                                                                                  Rob Jeddeloh and Peter Krembs        Cathy Ryan and Doris Engibous
                               operating grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made         David Johnson and Daniel Avchen      Carolyn Swiszcz and Wilson Webb
                               possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board
                               operating support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and   Dennis Michael Jon                   Neely Tamminga
                               Cultural Heritage Fund.
                                                                                                                  Katharine Kelly                      Cindy Theis
                               Funding provided in part by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board,           Amy and Mitch Kern                   Jerry Vallery
                               through an appropriation by the MN State Legislature, a grant from the National
                               Endowment for the Arts, and private funders.
Animal Print On view Februrary 18 - April 9 - SPRING/SUMMER 2O22 - Highpoint Center for Printmaking
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