Anemia In The Emergency Department: Evaluation And Treatment

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Anemia In The Emergency                                                                                                                  November 2013
                                                                                                                                           Volume 15, Number 11
   Department: Evaluation And                                                                                        Authors

                                                                                                                     Timothy G. Janz, MD, FACEP, FCCP

                                                                                                                     Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Pulmonary/Critical
                                                                                                                     Care Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Boonshoft School of
                                                                                                                     Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
                                                                                                                     Roy L. Johnson, MD, FAAEM
    Abstract                                                                                                         Assistant Professor, Associate Program Director, Integrated
                                                                                                                     Residency in Emergency Medicine, Boonshoft School of Medicine,
                                                                                                                     Wright State University, Dayton, OH
   Anemia is a common worldwide problem that is associated with                                                      Scott D. Rubenstein, MD, MS, EMT-T
   nonspecific complaints. The initial focus for the emergency evalu-                                                Chief Resident, Wright State University/Wright-Patterson Air Force
   ation of anemia is to determine whether the problem is acute or                                                   Base Combined Emergency Medicine Residency, Dayton, OH

   chronic. Acute anemia is most commonly associated with blood                                                      Peer Reviewers
   loss, and the patient is usually symptomatic. Chronic anemia is                                                   David Cherkas, MD, FACEP
   usually well tolerated and is often discovered coincidentally. Once                                               Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of
                                                                                                                     Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
   diagnosed, the etiology of anemia can often be determined by
                                                                                                                     Chad Meyers, MD
   applying a systematic approach to its evaluation. The severity of                                                 Director, Emergency Critical Care, Bellevue Hospital Center;
   the anemia impacts clinical outcomes, particularly in critically ill                                              Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, New York
   patients; however, the specific threshold to transfuse is uncertain.                                              University School of Medicine, New York, NY

   Evaluation of the current literature and clinical guidelines does                                                 CME Objectives
   not settle this controversy, but it does help clarify that a restrictive                                          Upon completion of this article, you should be able to:
   transfusion strategy (ie, for patients with a hemoglobin < 6-8 g/                                                 1.       Differentiate between the 3 categories of anemia when
                                                                                                                              considering a differential diagnosis.
   dL) is associated with better outcomes than a more liberal transfu-
                                                                                                                     2.       Describe the diagnostic workup for patients presenting to the
   sion strategy. Certain anemias may have well-defined treatment                                                             ED with anemia.
   options (eg, sickle cell disease), but empiric use of nutritional                                                 3.       Summarize the general principles of transfusion therapy.
   supplements to treat anemia of uncertain etiology is discouraged.
                                                                                                                     Prior to beginning this activity, see “Physician CME Information” on
                                                                                                                                                the back page.

Editor-In-Chief                         of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New         Attending Physician, Massachusetts         Icahn School of Medicine at Mount     Research Editor
Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP                  York, NY                                General Hospital, Boston, MA               Sinai, New York, NY                   Michael Guthrie, MD
 Professor and Chair, Department of    Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP             Charles V. Pollack, Jr., MA, MD,       Scott Silvers, MD, FACEP                    Emergency Medicine Residency,
 Emergency Medicine, Icahn School       Professor and Chair, Department         FACEP                                  Chair, Department of Emergency             Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
 of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Medical    of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas        Professor and Chair, Department of     Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL    Sinai, New York, NY
 Director, Mount Sinai Hospital, New    Medical Center, University of North     Emergency Medicine, Pennsylvania
 York, NY                               Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel     Hospital, Perelman School of          Corey M. Slovis, MD, FACP, FACEP           International Editors
                                        Hill, NC                                Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,  Professor and Chair, Department
                                                                                                                                                                 Peter Cameron, MD
Associate Editor-In-Chief                                                       Philadelphia, PA                       of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt
                                                                                                                                                                  Academic Director, The Alfred
                                       Steven A. Godwin, MD, FACEP                                                     University Medical Center; Medical
Kaushal Shah, MD, FACEP                 Professor and Chair, Department        Michael S. Radeos, MD, MPH                                                         Emergency and Trauma Centre,
 Associate Professor, Department of                                                                                    Director, Nashville Fire Department and
                                        of Emergency Medicine, Assistant        Assistant Professor of Emergency       International Airport, Nashville, TN       Monash University, Melbourne,
 Emergency Medicine, Icahn School       Dean, Simulation Education,             Medicine, Weill Medical College                                                   Australia
 of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New        University of Florida COM-              of Cornell University, New York;      Stephen  H. Thomas, MD, MPH
 York, NY                                                                                                              George Kaiser Family Foundation           Giorgio Carbone, MD
                                        Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL          Research Director, Department of                                                  Chief, Department of Emergency
                                                                                Emergency Medicine, New York           Professor & Chair, Department of
Editorial Board                        Gregory L. Henry, MD, FACEP
                                                                                Hospital Queens, Flushing, NY          Emergency Medicine, University of          Medicine Ospedale Gradenigo,
William J. Brady, MD                    Clinical Professor, Department of                                              Oklahoma School of Community               Torino, Italy
 Professor of Emergency Medicine        Emergency Medicine, University         Ali S. Raja, MD, MBA, MPH               Medicine, Tulsa, OK                       Amin Antoine Kazzi, MD, FAAEM
 and Medicine, Chair, Medical           of Michigan Medical School; CEO,        Director of Network Operations and                                                Associate Professor and Vice Chair,
 Emergency Response Committee,          Medical Practice Risk Assessment,       Business Development, Department Ron M. Walls, MD                                 Department of Emergency Medicine,
                                        Inc., Ann Arbor, MI                     of Emergency Medicine, Brigham         Professor and Chair, Department of
 Medical Director, Emergency                                                                                                                                      University of California, Irvine;
                                                                                and Women’s Hospital; Assistant        Emergency Medicine, Brigham and
 Management, University of Virginia    John M. Howell, MD, FACEP                                                                                                  American University, Beirut, Lebanon
                                                                                Professor, Harvard Medical School,     Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical
 Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA    Clinical Professor of Emergency
                                                                                Boston, MA                             School, Boston, MA                        Hugo Peralta, MD
Peter DeBlieux, MD 		                   Medicine, George Washington                                                                                               Chair of Emergency Services,
                                        University, Washington, DC; Director   Robert L. Rogers, MD, FACEP,           Scott D. Weingart, MD, FCCM
 Professor of Clinical Medicine,                                                                                                                                  Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires,
                                        of Academic Affairs, Best Practices,    FAAEM, FACP                            Associate Professor of Emergency
 Interim Public Hospital Director                                                                                                                                 Argentina
                                        Inc, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls      Assistant Professor of Emergency       Medicine, Director, Division of
 of Emergency Medicine Services,
                                        Church, VA                              Medicine, The University of            ED Critical Care, Icahn School of         Dhanadol Rojanasarntikul, MD
 Louisiana State University Health
                                                                                Maryland School of Medicine,           Medicine at Mount Sinai, New               Attending Physician, Emergency
 Science Center, New Orleans, LA     Shkelzen Hoxhaj, MD, MPH, MBA
                                                                                Baltimore, MD                          York, NY                                   Medicine, King Chulalongkorn
Francis M. Fesmire, MD, FACEP         Chief of Emergency Medicine, Baylor                                                                                         Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross,
 Professor and Director of Clinical   College of Medicine, Houston, TX     Alfred Sacchetti, MD, FACEP                    Senior Research Editors                 Thailand; Faculty of Medicine,
 Research, Department of Emergency Eric Legome, MD                          Assistant Clinical Professor,                                                         Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
                                                                            Department of Emergency Medicine,             James Damilini, PharmD, BCPS
 Medicine, UT College of Medicine,    Chief of Emergency Medicine,
                                                                            Thomas Jefferson University,                   Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency        Suzanne Peeters, MD
 Chattanooga; Director of Chest Pain  King’s County Hospital; Professor of
                                                                            Philadelphia, PA                               Room, St. Joseph’s Hospital and        Emergency Medicine Residency
 Center, Erlanger Medical Center,     Clinical Emergency Medicine, SUNY                                                    Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ            Director, Haga Hospital, The Hague,
 Chattanooga, TN                      Downstate College of Medicine,       Robert Schiller, MD                                                                    The Netherlands
                                      Brooklyn, NY                          Chair, Department of Family                   Joseph D. Toscano, MD
Nicholas Genes, MD, PhD                                                                                                    Chairman, Department of Emergency
                                                                            Medicine, Beth Israel Medical
 Assistant Professor, Department of  Keith A. Marill, MD
                                                                            Center; Senior Faculty, Family                 Medicine, San Ramon Regional
 Emergency Medicine, Icahn School     Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical
                                                                            Medicine and Community Health,                 Medical Center, San Ramon, CA
                                      School; Emergency Department
Case Presentations                                                  positive fecal occult blood test on digital rectal examina-
                                                                    tion. The patient’s ECG is consistent with rate-controlled
A 54-year-old Hispanic male presents to the ED with the             atrial fibrillation and shows ST-segment depression in
complaints of fatigue and weakness. The weakness is de-             the lateral leads. The CBC reveals a hemoglobin of 4.9 g/
scribed as generalized, and the symptoms have been pres-            dL and a hematocrit of 15.2%, with a normal WBC and
ent and constant for the last 2 days. The patient denies            platelet count, PT, INR, and aPTT. His basic chemistry
hematemesis, hematochezia, dark-colored stools, hematu-             panel reveals an elevated BUN of 64 mg/dL and a cre-
ria, or other evidence of bleeding. He also denies chest or         atinine of 2.3 mg/dL. The troponin is within the normal
abdominal pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis, fever, or chills. The         range. A normal saline bolus of 500 cc is administered.
patient has not seen a doctor in the last 15 years and does         As you call cardiology, you wonder: what is the optimal
not think he has any medical conditions. The only medica-           treatment for this patient’s presentation… cardiac cath-
tion he has been taking is over-the-counter ibuprofen,              eterization or transfusion?
which he has been taking daily since he injured his back                 Just as you think you are getting control of the ED, a
at work 2 weeks ago. The patient works as a construction            6-month-old boy is brought in by his parents for conges-
laborer and denies past surgeries or allergies. His vital           tion, increased work of breathing, and perioral cyanosis.
signs are: blood pressure, 110/50 mm Hg; heart rate, 127            The parents state that their child is taking longer to feed
beats/min; respirations, 22 breaths/min; and SpO2, 97%              because he seems to be out of breath. This has been going
on room air. The patient is afebrile. His skin is warm and          on for several weeks, and they are unsure if their child has
dry but, despite being dark-skinned, he appears a little            had a fever; they do not have a thermometer or a pediatri-
pale. On eye examination, the sclerae appear to have a              cian. The patient was born at home with a midwife. The
yellow hue. Cardiovascular examination reveals bounding             child’s vital signs are: blood pressure, 70/50 mm Hg; heart
pulses, a hyperdynamic precordium, and a grade II over              rate, 155 beats/min; respiratory rate, 53 breaths/min;
VI soft, systolic murmur. The remainder of the examina-             SpO2, 92% on room air. He is afebrile. On your examina-
tion is unremarkable, including a rectal examination,               tion, the child is alert and responsive, but he is small for
which is negative for occult blood. An ECG shows a sinus            his age. He cries at appropriate aspects of the physical
tachycardia but is otherwise normal. A basic chemistry              examination and is easily consoled by his mother. He is
panel is within normal limits; however, the CBC reveals a           tachypneic with bilateral faint rales but does not demon-
hemoglobin of 5.4 g/dL, hematocrit of 16%, WBC of 8000,             strate retractions or nasal flaring. The patient’s face is
and platelet count of 154,000. Based on the presenting              dysmorphic. His skin has a yellow hue with scleral icterus
symptoms and signs, the patient is likely to need RBC               and perioral cyanosis and acrocyanosis. On abdominal
transfusions. An IV catheter is placed, and a normal sa-            examination, he has significant hepatosplenomegaly. The
line infusion is initiated. A 500-mL bolus of normal saline         rest of his physical exam is unremarkable. A basic chemis-
reduces the heart rate to 105 beats/min. As you write               try panel is otherwise normal; however, his CBC reveals a
the order for the transfusion, your nurse asks, “What is            hemoglobin of 7.8 g/dL, with a normal WBC and platelet
the goal for the transfusion and what is the cause of the           count. The mean corpuscular volume is 75.4 fL, mean
anemia?” You think, “Good questions!”                               corpuscular hemoglobin concentration is 29.1%, and red
     In the next room, there is a 68-year-old male who re-          cell distribution width is 16.2%. A chest radiograph is
ports 1 week of increasing weakness, dyspnea on exertion,           suggestive of pulmonary congestion. Pediatrics isn’t your
and mild chest pressure. He states the reason for coming            strength, and you wonder: why is this child anemic, and
in today is that his chest pressure was substantially worse         what are my next steps?
and was associated with diaphoresis. The patient has a
history of atrial fibrillation (rate controlled) and has been       Introduction
taking dabigatran for the past 2 years. The patient denies
hematemesis but has a history of dark stools. However, he           Anemia is defined as an absolute decrease in the
states that he was placed on iron supplementation by his            number of circulating red blood cells (RBCs). The
primary care physician over a year ago. He denies back              diagnosis of anemia is based upon laboratory mea-
pain, abdominal pain, fevers, chills, or focal neurological         surements of RBC indices that fall below accepted
complaints. The patient has no known drug allergy and               normal values. (See Table 1.) It is the most common
denies past surgeries, but he does have a history of hyper-
tension and chronic anemia in addition to atrial fibrilla-
tion. Based on his chief complaints, an ECG, CBC, BMP,              Table 1. Normal Values
PT/INR, portable chest radiograph, and 325 mg of aspirin
are ordered. His vital signs are: temperature, 37°C; blood           Age           Hemoglobin   Hematocrit   Red Blood Cell
                                                                                    (g/dL)       (%)          Count (x 106/mcL)
pressure, 105/65 mm Hg; heart rate, 105 beats/min;
respirations, 26 breaths/min; and SpO2, 94% on room air.             3 months      10.4-12.2    30-36        3.4-4.0
Overall, the patient’s examination is unremarkable except            3-7 years     11.7-13.5    34-40        4.4-5.0
for an irregularly irregular heart rate accompanied by a             Adult man     14.0-18.0    40-52        4.4-5.9
soft blowing systolic murmur, pale conjunctiva, and a                Adult woman   12.0-16.0    35-47        3.8-5.2

Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013                              2             • November 2013
hematologic disorder, and it is a global health prob-         of the major components usually results in compen-
lem. Worldwide, anemia affects 24.8% of the popula-           satory changes in the other 2 components. As an
tion and is more prevalent in children and pregnant           example, a decrease in hemoglobin is compensated
women.1 The prevalence of anemia varies depend-               by both inotropic and chronotropic cardiac changes
ing on the RBC indices used to define it. In the              that result in increased blood flow and a decreased
Americas, anemia affects 29% of preschool children            hemoglobin affinity at the tissue level, thereby al-
and 24% of pregnant women.1 Another age group                 lowing the release of more oxygen. These compensa-
associated with an increased incidence of anemia is           tory responses may fail because of disease severity
the elderly (defined as age ≥ 65 years). From a 2010          or underlying pathologic conditions. The result of
prospective population-based study of 8744 elderly            failed compensatory responses is tissue hypoxia, cel-
individuals, the prevalence of anemia was 11%.2               lular dysfunction, and eventual cell death.
     Data on the frequency of anemia in the emergen-               Anemia often stimulates the compensatory
cy department (ED) are less robust. Anemia occurs             mechanism of erythropoiesis controlled by the hor-
in 9% to 14% of pediatric ED patients and 14% of              mone erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is a glycopro-
obstetric ED patients.3-5 Data defining the frequency         tein produced primarily in the kidney. It regulates
of its occurrence in the general ED population is             the production of RBCs by controlling differentia-
lacking. In emergency medicine, anemia is divided             tion of the committed erythroid stem cell. Erythro-
into 2 broad categories: acute, with potential life-          poietin is stimulated by tissue hypoxia and byprod-
threatening complications; and chronic, with more             ucts of RBC destruction. Erythropoietin levels are
stable clinical presentations. The focus of this issue        elevated in many types of chronic anemia.6
of Emergency Medicine Practice is the ED evaluation                Bone marrow contains pluripotent stem cells
of anemia and, more importantly, its management               that differentiate into erythroid, myeloid, mega-
based on the best available evidence in the literature.       karyocytic, and lymphoid progenitors. Erythro-
                                                              poietin stimulates the growth and differentiation
Critical Appraisal Of The Literature                          of erythroid progenitors. When the normoblast ex-
                                                              trudes its nucleus, it retains its ribosomal network,
A literature search of PubMed was performed                   which identifies the reticulocyte. The reticulocyte
using the search terms anemia, transfusion, transfu-          will keep its ribosomal network for approximately
sion threshold, and emergency department. Studies             4 days, 3 of which are normally spent in the bone
within the last 12 years were analyzed and included           marrow and 1 in the peripheral circulation. The
reviews, case reports, case series, and prospective           RBC develops as the reticulocyte loses its ribosomal
randomized trials. More than 300 articles were                network, and the mature RBC circulates for 110
reviewed, and 57 were selected for inclusion in this          to 120 days. The old erythrocytes are removed by
issue. In addition, data from the National Guide-             macrophages that detect senescent signals. Under
line Clearinghouse and the Cochrane Database of               steady-state conditions, the rate of RBC production
Systematic Reviews were used. The literature, much            equals the rate of destruction. The mass of RBCs
of it observational in form, shows that hemoglobin            remains constant because an equal number of re-
levels < 6 g/dL, especially in acute anemia, are as-          ticulocytes replace the destroyed senescent erythro-
sociated with worse outcomes compared to indi-                cytes during the same period.6
viduals with hemoglobin levels above this value. On                Common sites of unrecognized blood loss from
the other hand, the literature has also shown that            trauma include the pleural, peritoneal, pelvic, and
the use of RBC transfusions is associated with poor           retroperitoneal spaces. In addition to trauma, risk
outcomes. Randomized controlled studies show                  factors for blood loss include hereditary and ac-
that using a restrictive transfusion strategy (defined        quired abnormalities to platelets and the coagulation
as a transfusion hemoglobin threshold of < 6-8 g/             system. This is especially true for the elderly, who
dL) is associated with better outcomes than using a           are more likely to be taking anticoagulants and anti-
liberal strategy (defined as a transfusion hemoglobin         platelet agents.7,8 In nontraumatic situations of blood
threshold of < 9-10 g/dL). However, the hemoglo-              loss, the gastrointestinal tract, retroperitoneal space,
bin level that should be the endpoint of transfusion          peritoneal space, and pelvis must be considered.9
therapy still has not been defined in the literature.              Causes other than blood loss may be responsible
                                                              for severe anemia of rapid onset. Rare hemolytic
                                                              conditions can cause rapid destruction of RBCs.
Etiology And Pathophysiology                                  (See Table 2, page 4.) More commonly, patients with
                                                              chronic compensated hemolytic anemia (eg, sickle
The major function of the RBCs is to transport oxy-
                                                              cell disease) have more stable anemias.
gen from the lungs to the tissues and transport car-
                                                                   Beyond red cell production and destruction, the
bon dioxide in the reverse direction. Oxygen trans-
                                                              status of hemoglobin function must be considered.
port is influenced by the amount of hemoglobin, its
                                                              Impaired hemoglobin transport of oxygen is seen in
oxygen affinity, and blood flow. An alteration in any

November 2013 •                        3                      Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013
patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Methe-                                in the ED, but replacement of iron, vitamin B12,
moglobinemia from nitrates, cyanohemoglobin from                               or folate without a definitive diagnosis should be
cyanide, and sulfhemoglobinemia resulting from                                 avoided, especially the use of supplemental iron.
hydrogen sulfide can severely decrease functional                                   RBC indices are useful in classifying anemias
hemoglobin. These patients often present with                                  caused by a production deficit. Their calculation
symptoms associated with anemia, such as fatigue,                              formulas and normal ranges are provided in Table
altered mental status, shortness of breath, and other                          3. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measure
manifestations of hypoxia, but without signs of RBC                            of RBC size. Decreases in MCV define microcytosis
loss or volume depletion.10                                                    and increases reflect macrocytosis. Mean corpus-
                                                                               cular hemoglobin (MCH) incorporates both RBC
    Differential Diagnosis                                                     size and hemoglobin concentration. The MCH
                                                                               concentration is a measure of the concentration of
The differential diagnosis of anemia is facilitated by                         hemoglobin. Low values represent hypochromia,
classifying the anemia into 1 of 3 groups: (1) blood                           whereas high values are noted in patients with
loss, (2) decreased RBC production, or (3) increased                           decreased cell membrane relative to cell volume
RBC destruction. A complementary approach based                                (such as spherocytosis). An additional index is the
on RBC morphology and indices is often used.10                                 RBC distribution width (RDW), which is a measure
(See the Clinical Pathway, page 8.) Anemia second-                             of the homogeneity of the RBCs measured.6,10
ary to acute blood loss is characterized by reduced
hemoglobin value with normal RBC indices.                                      Microcytic Anemias
                                                                               Hypochromic microcytic anemias are subdivided
Decreased Red Blood Cell Production                                            into deficiencies of the 3 components of hemoglobin:
Anemias caused by decreased RBC production                                     (1) iron (iron-deficiency anemia), (2) globin (thalas-
have an insidious onset and are associated with                                semia), and (3) porphyrin (sideroblastic anemia
a decreased reticulocyte count. The RBC indices                                and lead poisoning). Anemia of chronic disease, a
and morphology manifested in a peripheral smear                                secondary iron abnormality, is the last of the micro-
are useful in making the diagnosis. The definitive                             cytic anemias. It must be remembered that not all
diagnosis is not usually made in the ED, and it may                            microcytic anemias are the result of iron deficiency,
require bone marrow examination. In general, the                               and routine iron therapy for a patient with a low
emergency clinician does not initiate replacement                              MCV and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentra-
therapy except in circumstances that require transfu-                          tion (MCHC) should be avoided.10
sion. Appropriate diagnostic tests may be ordered
                                                                               Iron-Deficiency Anemia
                                                                               Iron deficiency is a frequent cause of chronic anemia
Table 2. Common Causes Of Hemolysis                                            seen in the ED, and it is usually occult in presenta-
                                                                               tion. The diagnosis is made by laboratory evaluation
                                                                               of the fasting levels of serum iron, serum ferritin,
Extravascular Destruction
                                                                               and the total iron-binding capacity. Occult blood
• Intrinsic Red Blood Cell Defects
                                                                               loss (especially gastrointestinal) may initially appear
         Enzyme deficiencies (eg, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
                                                                               as iron-deficiency anemia. Therefore, a concentrated

         Hemoglobinopathies (eg, sickle cell disease, thalassemia)
                                                                               search for occult blood loss is vital.
         Membrane defects (eg, elliptocytosis, hereditary spherocytosis)

                                                                               Table 3. Red Blood Cell Indices
• Extrinsic Red Blood Cell Defects
         Autoimmune hemolytic anemia                                            Index               Formula for Calculation   Normal Range
         Liver disease
                                                                                MCV                 Hematocrit x 10/RBC       81-100 fL
         Infections (eg, malaria, Bartonella)
         Toxins (eg, nitrates, dapsone, aniline dyes, snake and spider
         bites)                                                                 MCH                 Hemoglobin x 10/RBC       26-34 pg
         Hypersplenism                                                                               count

                                                                                MCHC                Hemoglobin x 100/he-      31%-36%
Intravascular Destruction
         Transfusion reactions
         Microangiopathic trauma (eg, prosthetic heart valves, aortic           RDW                 Standard deviation of     11.5%-14.5%
		       stenosis, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, disseminated                                 MCV/MCV x 100
         intravascular coagulation)
         Infection (eg, sepsis)                                                Abbreviations: MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, mean
         Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria                                    corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular
         Heat damage                                                            volume; RDW, red blood cell distribution width.

Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013                                         4             • November 2013
Thalassemia                                                   ritin levels. This anemia can be differentiated from
Thalassemia is a genetic autosomal defect associated          iron deficiency by the total iron-binding capacity
with the decreased synthesis of globin chains. The            and the serum ferritin level. Because the hematocrit
hemoglobin molecule is present as 2 paired globin             is seldom < 25% to 30%, these patients are often
chains. Each type of hemoglobin is made up of dif-            asymptomatic and therapy is not usually required.
ferent globins: normal adult hemoglobin is made up            Any of several chronic comorbid disease states is the
of 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains (alpha2 and beta2),       underlying cause of the anemia.13
and fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is alpha2 gamma2. A sepa-
rate autosomal gene controls the production of each           Macrocytic Anemia
globin chain. Decreased globin production in thalas-          The most important cause of macrocytic anemia is
semia results in a decreased hemoglobin synthesis             the megaloblastic form. Megaloblastic anemia is the
and ineffective erythropoiesis. The ineffective eryth-        hematologic manifestation of a total-body alteration
ropoiesis results in increased intramarrow hemolysis          in DNA synthesis caused by a lack of vitamin B12
with destruction of RBCs before they are released.6,10        and folic acid. The deficiency affects tissues with
      Homozygous beta-chain thalassemia (thalas-              rapid cell turnover, including hematopoietic cells
semia major) occurs predominantly in populations              and those of mucosal surfaces, particularly in the
of Mediterranean origins and represents one of the            gastrointestinal tract. Hematopoietically, this defi-
most common single-gene disorders. The disease is             ciency is characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis
characterized by severe anemia, hepatosplenomega-             and pancytopenia. The differentiation between folate
ly, jaundice, abnormal childhood development, and             and vitamin B12 deficiencies usually depends on
premature death. Patients are dependent on blood              measured serum levels.6,10
transfusions and often die from iron toxicity.11,12                A unique feature of vitamin B12 deficiency is neu-
      Heterozygous beta-chain thalassemia (thalas-            rologic involvement. The classic neurologic complex
semia minor) is manifested as a mild microcytic hy-           includes loss of proprioception, weakness and spas-
pochromic anemia with associated target cells seen on         ticity of the lower extremities with altered reflexes,
the peripheral blood smear. These patients are usually        and variable mental changes. The latter 2 complaints
asymptomatic, and no treatment is necessary.6,10              may also be seen in folic acid deficiency.6,10
                                                                   Macrocytic anemia is suggested when the MCV
Sideroblastic Anemia                                          is > 100 fL. Large oval red cells (macro-ovalocytes)
Sideroblastic anemia involves a defect in porphyrin           and hypersegmented polymorphonuclear neu-
synthesis and results in excess iron being deposited          trophils seen on the peripheral blood smear are
in the mitochondria of the RBC precursor. Defective           believed to be diagnostic for megaloblastic ane-
heme synthesis results in ineffective erythropoiesis,         mias. Other useful laboratory tests include levels
mild to moderate anemia, and a dimorphic periph-              of vitamin B12, folate, red cell folate, and lactate
eral smear with hypochromic microcytes, along with            dehydrogenase (LDH).6,10 Liver disease, often as-
normal and macrocytic cells. Sideroblastic anemia             sociated with alcoholism, is the most common cause
can be secondary to a rare sex-linked hereditary              of macrocytic anemia. Macrocytic target cells may
form, but it is more often a disease of the elderly.          be seen on the peripheral smear in conjunction with
Pallor and splenomegaly may be noted, and the                 this disorder. Hypothyroidism and hemolysis may
peripheral smear may demonstrate iron-containing              also present as a macrocytic anemia.
inclusion bodies in RBCs. Idiopathic sideroblastic
anemia is considered a preleukemic state, and acute           Normochromic And Normocytic Anemias
myelogenous leukemia develops in approximately                The origin of normochromic and normocytic anemia
5% of these patients. Secondary causes of sideroblas-         secondary to decreased production is not as obvi-
tic anemia include toxins such as chloramphenicol,            ous as that of macrocytic and microcytic anemias.
isoniazid, and cycloserine as well as diseases such           Since reticulocytes reflect RBC production in bone
as hemolytic and megaloblastic anemia, infection,             marrow, one hematologic parameter that can aid in
carcinoma, leukemia, and rheumatoid arthritis. The            the diagnosis of normocytic anemia associated with
exact mechanisms of these causative agents and dis-           hypoproduction is the corrected reticulocyte count.
eases are unknown. Lead poisoning is one reversible           Low reticulocyte counts reflect depressed bone mar-
cause of sideroblastic anemia. Elevated blood lead            row production. Normocytic anemia can be classi-
levels are diagnostic.                                        fied as being due to primary bone marrow involve-
                                                              ment or a secondary marrow response to underlying
Anemia Of Chronic Disease                                     disease. Aplastic anemia, myelophthisic anemia, and
Anemia of chronic disease is common and is usually            myelofibrosis are examples of normochromic and
normochromic and normocytic. This form of anemia              normocytic anemias.
is characterized by low serum iron levels, low total
iron-binding capacity, and normal or elevated fer-

November 2013 •                        5                     Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013
Increased Red Blood Cell Destruction                         tibodies are IgM in nature and, consequently, cause
The hemolytic anemias are defined by a shortened life        intravascular hemolysis.
span of the erythrocyte and can be acute or chronic               Another set of antigens on the RBC is the Rh
in form. In their acute form, hemolytic anemias can          system. This system is unique in that individuals
be life-threatening and require rapid diagnosis and          do not have antibodies that correspond to Rh anti-
intervention. Fortunately, they are relatively rare          gens unless they have been sensitized by previous
compared to chronic hemolytic conditions. Chronic            exposure to these antigens. The antibodies pro-
disorders may be related to primary blood disorders          duced are IgG in nature and accelerate extravascu-
(eg, sickle cell anemia) or may be a result of other         lar destruction of RBCs within the spleen and liver.
disease states (eg, chronic renal failure).                  Most autoimmune antibodies are directed toward
     The clinical signs and symptoms of hemolytic            antigens in the Rh system.
anemia are caused by either intravascular or extra-
vascular hemolysis. Intravascular hemolysis is usu-          Extrinsic Autoantibodies
ally associated with an acute and dramatic presenta-         The major feature of autoimmune hemolysis is the
tion. Large numbers of RBCs may be lysed within              production of an IgG or IgM antibody to an anti-
the circulation, and free hemoglobin initially binds         gen present on the RBC membrane. Autoimmune
to haptoglobin and hemopexin. These complexes                hemolytic anemias are acquired disorders, with 40%
are transported to the liver, converted to bilirubin,        to 50% being idiopathic. The remainder are associ-
conjugated, and excreted. When the binding and               ated with a number of diseases. (See Table 2, page
transport system is overwhelmed, free hemoglobin             4.) Classification of autoimmune hemolytic anemias
may appear in the blood.6,10                                 is based on the optimal temperature at which the
     The clinical appearance of intravascular hemo-          antibody reacts with the RBC membrane. There-
lysis may vary from mild chronic anemia to prostra-          fore, there are warm-reacting (> 37°C) and cold-
tion, fever, abdominal and back pain, and mental             reacting (< 37°C) antibodies. The direct antiglobulin
changes, as seen with transfusion reactions. Jaun-           (Coombs) test helps differentiate the warm-reacting
dice, brown to red urine, and oliguria induced by            from the cold-reacting. The Coombs test is positive
the hemoglobin complex can also occur.6,10                   with warm-reacting antibodies and characterizes an
     Extravascular hemolysis is more common and              autoimmune hemolytic anemia.10,14
clinically better tolerated than intravascular hemoly-
sis. Primary splenic overactivity, antibody-mediated         Extrinsic Mechanical Causes
changes, or RBC membrane abnormalities may                   The peripheral blood smear may demonstrate
cause normal splenic function to increase to patho-          schistocytes or fragmented RBCs, which should
logic levels. Hemolysis may also occur within the            raise the suspicion of traumatic injury. Microan-
bone marrow.14 The clinical picture of extravascu-           giopathic hemolytic anemia, cardiac trauma, and
lar hemolysis is usually mild to moderate anemia,            exercise-induced hemoglobinemia are the most
jaundice, and splenomegaly; however, the signs and           commonly encountered forms of traumatic hemoly-
symptoms vary with the severity and chronicity of            sis. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia is a form of
the hemolysis. Because extravascular hemolysis is            microcirculatory fragmentation by fibrin deposited
not associated with myoglobinuria or hemoglobin-             in the arterioles. It may be found in preeclampsia,
uria, the urine will appear normal in color or have          vasculitis, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura,
an orange hue secondary to elevated bilirubin.               disseminated intravascular coagulation, and vascu-
     Sickle cell disease is the most common hemo-            lar anomalies. The signs and symptoms are those of
lytic anemia presenting to the ED. The emergency             intravascular hemolysis, and treatment is directed at
clinician should be familiar with this disease pro-          the underlying cause.
cess. Even experienced physicians may overlook its                Increased cardiac blood turbulence can cause
major complications. Physicians with less experi-            trauma to RBCs. It is most commonly found in
ence may fail to recognize the complexity of this            patients with prosthetic valves but can also be as-
disease and the many potential complications.15 For          sociated with traumatic arteriovenous fistula, aortic
more information on managing patients with sickle            stenosis, and other left-sided heart lesions.
cell disease, see the August 2011 issue of Emergency              March hemoglobinemia is a form of trauma
Medicine Practice, “Evidence-Based Management Of             caused by breaking of intravascular RBCs by repeti-
Sickle Cell Disease In The Emergency Department.”            tive pounding. Soldiers, marathon runners, and any-
                                                             one with repetitive striking against a hard surface
Extrinsic Alloantibodies                                     may incur this problem.16
Alloantibodies are formed in response to foreign
RBC antigens, and the ABO system is one of the               Abnormal Sequestration
most important RBC wall antigens. ABO incompat-              Hypersplenism can be caused by any disease that
ibility can be a life-threatening reaction. These an-        enlarges the spleen or stimulates the reticuloen-

Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013                       6          • November 2013
dothelial system. The enlarged spleen traps blood               complaints may include irritability, headache,
components, which contributes to the splenomegaly.              postural dizziness, chest pain, decreased exercise
Splenic sequestration should be suspected in the                tolerance, and dyspnea on exertion. When the ane-
setting of splenomegaly, pancytopenia, and marrow               mia is of slow onset, the patient may adapt until the
hyperactivity (elevated reticulocyte count).6,10                hemoglobin is very low, and they may have mini-
                                                                mal complaints. The presence of easy bleeding may
Prehospital Care                                                suggest a platelet or coagulation disorder. Jaundice,
                                                                scleral icterus, or splenomegaly in the setting of
The role of emergency medical services (EMS) provid-            anemia should alert the physician to the possibility
ers in the setting of anemia is limited. EMS is likely to       of a hemolytic process. Neurologic symptoms (such
be involved if the anemia is secondary to blood loss            as paresthesias, ataxia, or altered mental status) may
(particularly acute loss) or symptoms related to an             suggest a megaloblastic anemia. A history about dis-
underlying anemia. At times, the patient may already            orders known to be associated with anemia, such as
have a diagnosed anemia (such as sickle cell disease)           renal failure, hepatic disease, hypothyroidism, and
and is presenting with an apparent complication                 collagen vascular disease, should also be obtained.18
of such. EMS providers can be particularly helpful                   If anemia is suggested by the history, a thorough
in obtaining historical information, especially if the          physical examination should be conducted. How-
patient is unable to give an accurate history. Examples         ever, many patients with mild to moderate anemia
of key information from prehospital providers may               will have a normal physical examination. The pres-
include the presence of blood, coffee-ground emesis             ence of tachycardia, bounding cardiac impulse, and
or an odor of digested blood at the scene, the presence         functional systolic murmur may suggest a signifi-
of pill bottles at the scene (particularly antiplatelet         cant anemia. Pallor in the nail beds, face, palms, and
or anticoagulant drugs), and the location or occupa-            conjunctivae is associated with significant anemia.
tion of the patient (eg, an industrial site or site where       Jaundice, splenomegaly, and scleral icterus are often
chemical exposure is possible).17                               seen in hemolytic anemias. Abnormal findings on
                                                                neurologic examination may suggest folate or vita-
                                                                min B12 deficiency. The presence of petechiae or ec-
Emergency Department Evaluation                                 chymosis suggests bleeding disorders that may have
                                                                associated anemia. Generalized lymphadenopathy
Blood loss is the most common cause of clinically
                                                                and hepatomegaly are also important physical find-
significant anemia.1-4 The clinical manifestation of
                                                                ings that may be accompanied by anemia. Although
anemia depends on how rapidly the hematocrit
                                                                physical findings are important, the ability to actu-
decreases and on the patient’s ability to compensate.
                                                                ally diagnose anemia based on physical examination
Clinical signs and symptoms of blood loss poten-
                                                                is limited.19-21
tially include tachycardia, hypotension, postural
hypotension, and tachypnea. Complaints of thirst,
light-headedness, syncope or near-syncope, weak-                Diagnostic Studies
ness, altered mental status, and decreased urine out-
put may also be present. Age, concomitant illness,              As mentioned earlier, anemia is defined as an abso-
and underlying hematologic, cerebral, and cardio-               lute decrease in the number of circulating RBCs, and
vascular status tremendously influence the clinical             it is a laboratory diagnosis based on an abnormally
findings. Children and young adults may tolerate                low value of hemoglobin, hematocrit, or RBC count.
significant blood loss with unaltered or minimally              The hemoglobin measures the concentration of the
altered vital signs until a precipitant hypotensive             major oxygen-carrying pigment in whole blood. The
episode occurs. Elderly patients commonly have un-              hematocrit is the percentage of a sample of whole
derlying disease states that compromise their ability           blood that is occupied by intact RBCs. The RBC
to compensate for blood loss.18                                 count is the number of RBCs contained in a specified
     A history of trauma or clinical evidence of bleed-         volume of whole blood. Some institutions have the
ing, such as hematochezia, hematemesis, hematuria,              ability to determine the hematocrit at the bedside (ie,
or menorrhagia, is often present. However, features             spun hematocrit). This can be useful for establish-
less obvious to the patient (such as melena, his-               ing the diagnosis of anemia but is not helpful in the
tory of peptic ulcer disease, chronic liver disease,            evaluation of anemia. The evaluation of anemia gen-
or bleeding diathesis) should also be asked about.              erally follows one of two approaches: (1) the kinetic
Antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors,                  approach, which is based on the mechanism of the
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiplatelet              anemia; or (2) the morphological approach, which is
agents, and anticoagulants are medications that may             based on RBC indices.
suggest blood loss.                                                   The more commonly used method of evalua-
     Patients presenting with chronic anemias often             tion is the morphological approach. The RBC indices
complain of fatigue and weakness. Other voiced                  that are typically used are the MCV, MCH, MCHC,

November 2013 •                          7                     Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013
Clinical Pathway For The Evaluation Of Anemia

                                                                 Hemoglobin < 12 g/dL

                   MCV < 81 fL                                       MCV 81-100 fL                                             MCV > 100 fL

 •   Iron deficiency                                 •   Acute blood loss                                       •   Vitamin B12 deficiency
 •   Thalassemia                                     •   Chronic disease                                        •   Folate deficiency
 •   Sideroblastic anemia                            •   Chronic renal insufficiency                            •   Liver disease
 •   Lead intoxication                               •   Hypothyroidism                                         •   Reticulocytosis
 •   Chronic disease (late)                          •   Bone marrow suppression                                •   Myelodysplastic syndromes
                                                     •   Hemolysis                                              •   ETOH abuse
                                                     •   G-6-PD deficiency                                      •   Drugs (hydroxyurea, AZT, chemothera-
                                                     •   Aplastic anemia                                            peutic agents)

                                                                Peripheral blood smear:                                    Peripheral blood smear:
            Peripheral blood smear:
                                                               schistocytes, helmet cells,                                large oval-shaped RBCs,
       microcytic or hypochromic RBCs?
                                                                spherocytes, bite cells?                                hypersegmented neutrophils?

                NO             YES                                 NO                YES                                     NO           YES

                              • Iron deficiency      • Acute blood                                              • Liver disease          • Vitamin B12
 Lead intoxication
                              • Thalassemia            loss                                                     • Reticulocytosis          deficiency
                              • Sideroblastic        • Chronic                                                  • Myelodysplas-          • Folate
                                anemia                 disease                                                    tic syndromes            deficiency
                              • Chronic dis-         • Chronic renal                                            • ETOH abuse
                                ease (late)            insufficiency                                            • Drugs
                                                                                 ­     LDH,       hapto-


                                                     • Hypothyroid-
                                                                                     globin                                                     Obtain
                                                                                                                                          Vitamin B12 and
                                                     • Bone marrow
                                                                                                                                             folate levels
                                     iron, ­ TIBC,
                              ➞ ➞


                                                     • Aplastic
                                                                                         Hemolysis                  Coombs test
                    NO                   YES

                                                                                                           NEGATIVE                 POSITIVE
 • Thalassemia
                                Iron deficiency
 • Sideroblastic
   anemia                                                                                                                                  Autoimmune
                                                                                     mune hemolytic
 • Chronic dis-                                                                                                                          hemolytic anemia
   ease (late)

Abbreviations: AZT, zidovudine; ETOH, ethanol; G-6-PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; Hgb, hemoglobin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MCV,
 mean corpuscular value; RBC, red blood cell; TIBC, total iron-binding capacity.

Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013                                         8                         • November 2013
and RDW. The MCV is calculated from the follow-              blood tests will not be available while the patient
ing formula: hematocrit x 10/RBC count. The MCV              is still in the ED. However, these data can be very
can be artificially elevated in the presence of cold         useful to the healthcare provider that will be assum-
agglutinins. The MCH is derived from the following           ing care of the patient after the ED visit. An anemia
formula: hemoglobin x 10/RBC count. Iron deficien-           with a normal MCV (particularly if hemolysis is
cy and thalassemias are the most common causes               considered) should prompt the ordering of a manual
for a reduced MCH, and an elevated MCH denotes               peripheral blood smear. The presence of schistocytes
a macrocytosis of any cause. The MCHC is calcu-              and helmet cells are often seen in microangiopathic
lated by the following formula: hemoglobin x 100/            (intravascular) hemolytic anemia. Spherocytes and
hematocrit. Reductions in the MCHC are caused by             elliptocytes are often seen in autoimmune hemolytic
the same conditions that will reduce the MCV and             conditions, hereditary spherocytosis, and extra-
MCH. An elevated MCHC is almost always caused                vascular hemolysis. The peripheral blood smear
by the presence of spherocytosis or congenital hemo-         associated with sickle cell disease (one of the most
lytic anemias (eg, sickle cell anemia).                      common extravascular hemolytic anemias) typically
     The RDW is the least commonly used RBC index            demonstrates sickle cells and target cells. A hapto-
and represents a measure of the degree of variation          globin, LDH, and Coombs test should also be ob-
in RBC size. The RDW is calculated from the fol-             tained if hemolysis is suggested. A positive Coombs
lowing formula: standard deviation of MCV/MCV                tests is very suggestive of an autoimmune hemolytic
x 100. Elevated values indicate the presence of cells        anemia and will alter therapy.6,10
that differ in size. Although an abnormal RDW is
not diagnostic for any particular disorder, elevated         Treatment
values indicate a need for a microscopic review of a
manual peripheral blood smear.                               As with any medical condition, assuring adequate
     With the current technology, all of the RBC             oxygenation, ventilation, and hemodynamic stabil-
indices are automated and derived at the same                ity are the primary priorities. Once the diagnosis of
time the hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC count               anemia is established, the next hurdle to overcome
are measured. The evaluation of anemia is usually            is to determine whether the anemia requires specific
based on obtaining a complete blood count (CBC).             treatment, especially RBC transfusion. The univer-
Although the anemia is based on the RBC compo-               sally accepted trigger for transfusion is based on
nent of the CBC, the presence of abnormalities in            the presence of clinical symptoms or signs that are
the white blood cell count or platelet count may             determined to be caused by the anemia.
suggest causes for the anemia (eg, aplastic anemia,               In an asymptomatic anemic patient, the need to
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, or chronic              transfuse is less clear and the literature is conflict-
lymphocytic leukemia).6,10                                   ing. In the past, the decision to transfuse RBCs was
     Additional laboratory studies may be indicated          often based on the “10/30 rule,” utilizing a thresh-
once the initial CBC and RBC indices are evaluated.          old of hemoglobin of 10 g/dL or a hematocrit of 30%
(See the Clinical Pathway, page 8.) Some machines            for transfusion.22 In favor of a specific threshold to
that measure the CBC will also report an automated           transfuse is the fact that anemia is associated with
evaluation of the peripheral blood smear. A periph-          worse outcomes in some patients.23,24 In a retrospec-
eral blood smear is most useful in the evaluation            tive cohort study of 2083 patients, individuals with
of a hemolytic anemia, an anemia associated with             postoperative hemoglobin of 7.1 to 8 g/dL had 0%
thrombocytopenia, or white blood cell disorders. In          mortality and 9.4% morbidity, while patients with
these settings, a manual peripheral blood smear is           hemoglobin of 4.1 to 5 g/dL had 34.4% mortality
indicated, which is more reliable than the automated         and 57.7% morbidity.25 However, arguing against
form. In the presence of pancytopenia, a reticulocyte        transfusions based solely on a specific threshold are
count should be considered. The reticulocyte count           data from patients who refuse transfusion (usually
reflects the activity of the bone marrow. A decreased        for religious reasons). These patients can have simi-
value in the setting of pancytopenia strongly sug-           lar or better outcomes than their transfused coun-
gests aplastic anemia. Iron studies, as well as other        terparts, despite having low hemoglobin values.26,27
blood work, may be indicated but are not part of the         A 2009 retrospective cohort study, however, demon-
initial evaluation of anemia.                                strated that 1958 Jehovah’s Witness patients had a
     Once anemia is diagnosed, the RBC indices               33.3% mortality rate when postoperative hemoglo-
should be evaluated, particularly the MCV. If the            bin was ≤ 6 g/dL, which demonstrates that very low
MCV is decreased (microcytic anemia), then serum             hemoglobin values (defined as a hemoglobin ≤ 6 g/
iron, total iron-binding capacity, and ferritin values       dL) are not well tolerated.28
should be ordered. An elevated MCV is an indica-                  Transfusion of RBCs has its own set of prob-
tion for obtaining folate and vitamin B12 levels. In         lems. Besides the potential problems of transfusion
most ED settings, the results of these specialized           reactions, infection, volume overload, iron overload

November 2013 •                       9                     Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013
and transfusion-related acute lung injury, critically           infarction showed that RBC transfusion for hematocrit
ill patients receiving RBC transfusions have worse              between 5% and 24% was associated with a reduc-
outcomes.29-31 In a recent study of 167 critically ill          tion in 30-day mortality, (adjusted OR, 0.22).45 In a
patients, transfusion was shown to be an independent            cohort study of 39,922 patients, anemia was found in
risk factor for mortality, with an odds ratio (OR) of           30.6% of patients, but hemoglobin < 10 g/dL was seen
2.67. In addition, transfused patients in this study had        in only 5.4% of patients. In this study, patients with
longer intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stays.32          ST-elevation myocardial infarction and a hemoglobin
     The optimal level of hemoglobin to trigger RBC             < 14 g/dL had higher mortality and recurrent cardio-
transfusions in asymptomatic anemic patients is                 vascular events, with an adjusted OR of 1.21 (P < .001).
unknown.32 Recent studies have attempted to better              Similarly, patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial
define indications for RBC transfusions. A Cochrane             infarction had high mortality and recurrent cardiovas-
review of 6264 patients showed that a restrictive               cular events with hemoglobin < 11 g/dL (OR, 1.31;
transfusion strategy (defined as a hemoglobin of                P = .027).46 In this same study, the rate of cardiovas-
7-8 g/dL) was associated with a reduction in risk of            cular events and death increased with hemoglobin
receiving a RBC transfusion by 39%. The use of the              levels > 16 g/dL. However, a recent meta-analysis
restrictive strategy did not impact the rate of adverse         revealed an increase in all-cause mortality associated
events compared to a liberal transfusion strategy               with RBC transfusions in patients with acute coronary
(defined as a threshold hemoglobin of 9.5-10 g/                 syndromes compared to no transfusions: 18% versus
dL), and it was associated with a significant reduc-            10.2%, respectively (P < .001). In this same study, a
tion in hospital mortality (relative risk of 0.77) but          subgroup analysis showed that RBC transfusions may
not a reduction in 30-day mortality.33 The results of           be of benefit in patients with hematocrit < 30%; howev-
this Cochrane review are consistent with published              er, the data were not strong enough to show statistical
clinical practice guidelines, which recommend using             significance.47 The practical application of this study is
lower hemoglobin values (6-8 g/dL) as the threshold             limited because the analysis was not stratified by base-
for RBC transfusion.34-36 At this time, data are insuf-         line hemoglobin values. Since low hemoglobin levels
ficient to use a threshold < 6 g/dL.37                          are associated with worse outcomes in acute coronary
     Trauma and upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage               syndromes and use of RBC transfusions may also be
are the most common indications for RBC transfu-                associated with worse outcomes, confusion remains
sion in acute anemia.38 A 2010 Cochrane review was              as to which patients benefit, based on hemoglobin
unable to demonstrate a benefit from RBC transfu-               thresholds. Neither the American Heart Association
sion in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal              nor the European Society of Cardiology specify a he-
bleeding; however, the authors noted that the evi-              moglobin trigger to use in the setting of acute coronary
dence at the time was suboptimal.39 A recent study              syndromes.48,49 Until better data are available, utilizing
randomized 921 patients presenting with acute                   a hemoglobin < 9 to 10 g/dL to trigger the replacement
upper gastrointestinal bleeding to a restrictive trans-         of RBCs in this population seems prudent.
fusion strategy (hemoglobin < 7 g/dL) and a liberal                  Autoimmune hemolytic anemia presents with
transfusion strategy (hemoglobin < 9 g/dL). The                 its own particular issues. The treatment of choice
45-day mortality was 5% in the restrictive group and            for these patients is corticosteroids: 1 to 1.5 mg/kg
9% in the liberal group (P = .02). The risk of rebleed-         of prednisone or its equivalent. However, improve-
ing was also lower in the restrictive group (10%)               ment in the anemia associated with steroid therapy
compared to the liberal group (16%) (P = .01).40 This           can take up to 1 to 3 weeks.50 The threshold for RBC
study supports additional data from patients with               transfusion in these patients is even more confusing,
acute bleeding that have shown that RBC transfu-                since the use of incompatible blood can worsen the
sions increase the risk of rebleeding.41 European               hemolytic process. Steroid therapy should be initi-
guidelines for RBC transfusion for acute anemia                 ated in the ED; however, the use of RBC transfusion
recommend even lower thresholds (eg, hemoglobin                 is best done in consultation with a hematologist. De-
< 6.4 g/dL in healthy adults aged < 60 years).42                spite these issues, a patient with acute autoimmune
     Each unit of transfused packed RBCs in patients            hemolytic anemia who has severe hemolysis should
who are not actively bleeding increases the hemoglo-            be approached the same as any patient with a life-
bin approximately 1 g/dL.43 In a prospective study              threatening anemia, including the use of unmatched
of 52 patients who were not bleeding, it was deter-             RBC transfusions, if indicated.
mined that post-transfusion hemoglobin levels can                    In the absence of a confirmed diagnosis for a
be reliably determined as little as 15 minutes after the        specific form of anemia, the empiric use of iron, fo-
transfusion is complete, and waiting a longer time to           late, and vitamin B12 supplements in the ED setting
assess the effects of RBC transfusion is not required.44        should be avoided. The use of nutritional supple-
     The need to treat anemia in the setting of acute           ments may delay the actual cause and workup of the
coronary syndromes is less clear. A retrospective               anemia by assuming that the supplementation will
study of 3324 elderly patients with acute myocardial            remedy the problem.

Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013                         10           • November 2013
Special Circumstances                                          Disposition
The evaluation and treatment of anemia are the                 Disposition of the patient with anemia is dependent
same for all age groups and patient populations.               on several factors. The patient who has symptoms
Certain forms of anemia (eg, sickle cell anemia)               related to anemia is likely to require admission to
require specific therapies and transfusion thresholds          the hospital. In most cases, acute anemia will require
that are beyond the scope of this article. Iron-defi-          admission, usually to an intensive care or acute care
ciency anemia is the most common form of anemia                unit. The exception may be a case where the blood
in pregnancy.51 A recent systematic review suggest-            loss is known and well controlled (eg, a major lac-
ed benefit from oral iron replacement,51 but there             eration that has been repaired). A patient with acute
are no data supporting RBC transfusions for chronic            anemia who is discharged needs explicit instructions
anemia in this patient group.                                  on when to return or seek medical assistance. The
    The data supporting RBC transfusions for the               vast majority of patients who require RBC transfu-
treatment of anemia are less robust in children than           sion will not be discharged from the ED unless the
in adults. However, the literature currently available         patient has been receiving chronic transfusions on an
shows similar thresholds and results as those used             outpatient basis. Patients with asymptomatic stable
in adults. The TRIPICU study was a prospective ran-            chronic anemia can usually be safely discharged.10 A
domized controlled trial of 648 critically ill children        stable, but new, anemia that is diagnosed in the ED
that compared a restrictive hemoglobin threshold for           should have follow-up arranged prior to discharge.
transfusion of 7 g/dL to a liberal threshold of 9.5 g/         Although specific laboratory tests that are indicated
dL. There was no significant difference in morbidity           in the evaluation of anemia can be ordered in the
or 28-day mortality between the 2 groups.52 Another            ED, studies with delayed turnaround times can be
prospective randomized controlled study of 137                 followed up by the patient’s physician or consultant.
children with sepsis compared outcomes of transfus-
ing for a hemoglobin < 7 g/dL to a hemoglobin < 9.5            Summary
g/dL. No clinically significant difference was noted
in morbidity or ICU mortality.53 A more recent                 Anemia is a common occurrence in all age groups.
systematic review concluded that patients with a he-           The initial focus of the emergency clinician evaluat-
moglobin > 7 g/dL do not have an outcome benefit               ing anemia should be on determining whether the
from transfusions and suggested an increased risk of           anemia is acute or chronic. Acute anemia is most
morbidity and mortality with transfusions.54                   commonly associated with blood loss, and chronic
                                                               anemia is usually clinically stable. The clinical
Controversies And Cutting Edge                                 presentation of anemia is nonspecific and more
                                                               commonly seen with acute anemia. The presence of
The universally accepted indication for emergent               jaundice or scleral icterus should alert the physician
RBC transfusion is hemorrhagic shock.36-38 The deci-           to the possibility of a hemolytic anemia.
sion to transfuse RBCs during the initial resuscita-                The diagnosis of anemia is based on laboratory
tion in hemorrhagic shock is based on the clinical             findings, and the evaluation for anemia should be
condition of the patient, the evidence of the amount           based on a systematic approach. Iron deficiency
of blood lost, and the potential for ongoing bleed-            is the most common cause of microcytic anemia,
ing. The American College of Surgeons’ Advanced                and if it is suspected, order serum iron, total iron-
Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course recommends                   binding capacity, and ferritin levels. Suspicion of
considering RBC transfusions after administering               macrocytic anemia should prompt the ordering of
2 20-mL/kg fluid boluses of crystalloid solution in            folate and vitamin B12 levels. The results of studies
patients with ongoing hemorrhagic shock.55 Despite             ordered in the workup of microcytic or macrocytic
the accepted principles of the ATLS course and                 anemias may not be available by the time disposi-
the common-sense concept of blood transfusion in               tion from the ED is being considered. A normo-
severe hemorrhage, there are little scientific data            cytic anemia or an elevated RDW should prompt
defining the goals for the use of RBC transfusions             the ordering of a peripheral blood smear, and the
in the resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock.35 The in-           results can then be used to guide the ordering of
dications for emergency-release or uncrossmatched              additional laboratory studies.
blood is even less well defined in the literature;                  The major dilemma associated with the evalu-
however, the use of this type of RBC transfusion ap-           ation of anemia is when to replace RBCs. The old
pears to be relatively safe.56,57 For more information         “10/30 rule” should be avoided, since it is not
on the management of traumatic hemorrhagic shock,              supported in the literature. Patients can tolerate
see the November 2011 issue of Emergency Medicine              very low hemoglobin levels in chronic anemia;
Practice, "Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock: Advances               however, the literature shows that hemoglobin
In Fluid Management (Trauma CME)."                             levels < 6 g/dL (especially in acute anemia) are

November 2013 •                        11                     Emergency Medicine Practice © 2013
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