And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...

Page created by Francis Swanson
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
                                         PREPARATION GUIDE

                                                         " ...and the two shall
                                                               become one"                    MATTHEW 19:5

Congratulations !
Congratulations on your engagement!

Welcome to the San Fernando Cathedral family, we hope you will find our parish and staff

to be of encouragement and assistance in your faith formation throughout your preparation

for the celebration of Holy Matrimony.

These wedding guidelines are intended to ensure a joyful, prayerful and of celebration

of marriage within the Sacred Liturgy. It is our conviction that the time and patience necessary

to   incorporate   these   guidelines   will   benefit   all   who   come   to   celebrate   God’s   love   at   your

wedding liturgy.
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Catholic Wedding Ceremony Requirements
    Minimum age of 19 years old in the state of Texas

    If there have been any previous marriages, your are required to speak to the Rector of

    San Fernando Cathedral before setting the final date of your wedding.

Documents Needed
    San Fernando Cathedral requires proof of Baptism and First Communion; a copy of

    these sacraments must be provided at time of booking.

    A new   updated   Baptismal Certificate must be provided 6 months prior to the wedding

    date from the Catholic Church of your baptism with sacramental notations.

    Marriage Preparation with a Priest or Deacon should take place at home Parish. In

    addition to attending The Engaged Encounter Retreat or The Pre-Cana Sessions in

    person or online. Any program must be approved by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

    Proof of completion must be submitted to San Fernando Cathedral 30 days prior to the

    wedding date. Failure to do so could postpone the wedding

*Other documents may be required on a case by case basis.

Dates and Times
Monday - Friday weddings are celebrated at 3:00 pm.

Saturday weddings are celebrated at 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. There are no Sunday

weddings. Weekday wedding dates are permitted if the parish schedule allows.

Wedding Ceremony languages: English, Spanish and Bilingual
Rehearsals are conducted by San Fernando Cathedral staff the                    day prior to the wedding

date and last about 1 hour. A rehearsal time will be confirmed at time of booking.

Cathedral Usage Fee            $2, 400.00
Reservation Fee                50% non-refundable deposit
We are honored you chose to celebrate your wedding ceremony with us! As there are costs

associated   with   keeping   our   historic   and   beautiful   structures   operational,   the   Cathedral

usage fee:

    Cathedral Presiding Priest

    Cathedral Cantor/Organist

    Use of Cathedral's majestic 1861 Pipe Organ and Steinway Piano

    Bridal Suite (available one hour before ceremony start time)

    Cathedral Coordinator for Rehearsal and day of Wedding Ceremony.

    A kneeler and Two (2) gold chivari chairs for the bride and groom
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Requirements and Guidelines
As one of the oldest in the city of San Antonio, our majestic 1861 Pipe Organ and our 1991

Steinway Piano are included as part of the Cathedral usage fee.    Our Cathedral Director

of Music, Juan Carlos Paz, must be contacted within 90 days of booking the wedding

date. Contact :, 210-227-1297 ext. 154.

We respectfully ask that you honor the following:
   All music must be sacred, appropriate, and complete (all liturgical music is sung).

   All plans for music, including musicians, must be made through and approved by the

   Director of Music.   DO NOT   hire your own musicians, nor through a wedding planner.

   Do not place a deposit with "outside" musicians as you may lose your deposit.

   If you plan to have a worship aid for your guests, this must also be arranged through

   the Cathedral Director of Music.

Our Cathedral Director of Music will help you arrange for musicians whose art adds

beauty to this very special day, and who are skilled and familiar with the Catholic

Wedding Liturgy. We will strive to work with you and honor your musical tastes.


Capture your most precious moments by bringing your love story

to life, allowing you to relive moments that went by in a flash,

laughter, tears of joy surrounded by your loved ones.

   Coverage of Wedding Mass in its entirety

   State of the Art audio and video equipment

   Multiple high definition cameras throughout the Cathedral

   Audio recording included

   Digital delivery on a USB

Videography Package        $1, 500.00

Live Streaming Package      $   500.00

Private link to share with family

and guests
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Visiting Priests and Deacons
The parish priest normally performs all weddings at San Fernando Cathedral. If you wish to

invite a Catholic priest or deacon from another parish to celebrate your marriage, please

make this known to us as soon as possible in the planning process. Particularly if the Priest

is not clergy from the Dioceses of San Antonio, you will then be asked to obtain specific

documentation required by the San Fernando and/or Diocese.

Flowers, Candles and More...
A kneeler will be placed near altar for the bride and groom along with

two gold chiavari chairs.

Offertory Gifts:
You must select two individuals to bring up the offertory gifts of bread

and wine during the offertory procession. (   Due to COVID19 does not apply )

Ring Bearer and Flower Girl:
We strongly recommend that children selected be 5 years of age or older.        (Due to COVID19
does not apply)

Floral set-up time will be allowed 1 hour before ceremony start time. All floral must be

removed right after ceremony has concluded.

Flowers for Pews:    Greenery and/or bows may be placed only on the pews (cannot touch

the floor) on either side of the center. The use of adhesive tape, staples, etc is not allowed.

No aisle runners, stanchions, lanterns or candles of any sort are permitted due to safety


Flowers on Altar:   Only two (2) floral arrangement are allowed on each side near

the altar, must be less than 3ft tall.

Flowers to the Virgin Mary:
A floral arrangement in a vase with water may

be presented by the couple.

This will take place following the communion

prayer.   (Due to COVID19 does not apply)

                                                                                            pg. 5
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Hispanic Traditions: Lazo, Arras (coins) and the Catholic bible/rosary.
This tradition occurs after the exchange of rings or after flowers for Mary. Those who present the arras,

bible/rosary and lazo are seated in the assembly prior to the wedding (they do not process in) and are called

forward to present them after the exchange of rings.

Wedding Party
Brides are to be mindful of the virtue of modesty of dress appropriate for God’s sacred place

& worship. When selecting the wedding and the bridal attendants' gowns, strapless, spaghetti

straps, low cut or bare back, shoulder-less (one or both) gowns are not prohibited, but MUST

be worn with a jacket or shawl.

This policy applies to anyone with a visible role in the liturgy (cross bearer, lectors, those

participating in the lazo tradition or Offertory gifts at Mass, those family members in the

procession, etc.).

Bridal Suite
Our Bridal Suite will be available for the bride and bridesmaids one (1) hour before the start

time of the ceremony. It is located on the second floor above the Cathedral Centre Venue. An

elevator and stairwell are available for the bride, any family members and bridal party.

Wedding Coordinator
San Fernando Cathedral adheres to all the rubrics of the Sacred Liturgy as approved by the San

Antonio Archdiocese. Only a priest, deacon can be of assistance to the San Fernando Cathedral

designated wedding coordinator for your wedding, and have the sole responsibility of conducting the

entire wedding rehearsal and wedding liturgy.

Any outside wedding coordinators / consultants / event planners must honor all aspects of the

Cathedral's marriage preparation, rehearsal and liturgy.

                                                                                                   pg. 6
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Guidelines & Recommendations
Photography & Videography
San Fernando Cathedral welcomes all third party videographer and photographers. We ask that all

are respectful of the sacredness of the San Fernando Cathedral. A 30 minute photography session

would be provided after the conclusion of the ceremony inside the Cathedral.

We ask that only one photographer and one videographer are allowed in the Cathedral during the

wedding ceremony to avoid any distraction and movement throughout the liturgy mass.

Videographers and Photographers are not allowed on the Altar and Choir Loft unless

permission has been previously given.

Preferred/ Recommended Photographers/ Videographers

Ashley Medrano Photography 


Raul's Photography         


Bend the Light Photography 


JC Film Group              


Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to the wedding can be done at your home

Parish. If you wish to receive the sacrament of reconciliation at San Fernando

Cathedral, please visit our website for times that the

Sacrament is administered. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is not available on the night of rehearsal.

Becoming a part of San Fernando Cathedral
                                                        Time, Talent & Treasure
San Fernando Cathedral welcomes you to be party of family and pray with us. We extend an

invitation to engaged couples to become part of our parish family. While it is not required to be

a member of San Fernando Cathedral to marry here, we do invite you to join our parish if you do

not have a parish home. As you are celebrating the beginning of your new life together, we

invite you to allow us to be part of your faith life and for you to be a part of ours.

*A parishioner is defined by stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure.

• Time and Talent: Offering your time and talent to the parish (participation at Sunday Mass,

parish events, ministries, etc.)

•Treasure: Online Giving or your church envelopes for the previous year,

a minimum of $10 per week.

        Visit our website to become a parishioner!

                                                                                                pg. 7
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
T H E Planning
Reception VENU   E S AT HTE
               Guide                                                                      VENUES AT

                                 WEDDING CEREMONY CHECK LIST
 Reserved Rehearsal and Wedding Date/Time with a signed San Fernando Cathedral agreement.

 Paid 50% Non-refundable deposit. Online payments at

                                                           click on "Wedding - Ceremony Only"

 Read and understood all San Fernando Cathedral Marriage Guidelines and planning packet

 Contacted Director of Music 90 days right after booking San Fernando Cathedral

 Paid Balance 3 months prior to wedding date.

DOCUMENTS:    To be turned into San Fernando Cathedral / Parish Office.

 Provided Sacrament Certificates for each Catholic groom and/or Catholic bride.

 Provided 6 months prior to wedding date, official baptismal records, updated Baptismal Certificates, issued

 from your church of baptism with any sacramental notations listed

 Secured proof of baptism (Baptismal certificate, letter from minister or witness) for a

  baptized non-Catholic if applicable.

 Purchase marriage book to choose ceremony readings "Together for Life" / " Juntos para toda la vida".

  available for purchase at our Cathedral Gift Shop

MARRIAGE PREPARATION 6 months prior to wedding date
  Notified Cathedral Marriage Preparation Parish and point of contact of Priest/Deacon prepping.

 Marriage Sessions with Priest / Deacon at Home Parish

 Pre-Cana Class/Sessions - Prepare/ Enrich Assessment (online session) OR Retreat

     Session A: Finance                 Session B: Communication

     Session C: Prayer & Spirituality   Session D: Sexuality & Natural Family Planning (NFP)

90-30 days prior to wedding date
  Secured marriage license, but no less than 72 hours prior to the wedding. Must bring at Rehearsal.

   (Texas law states a marriage license will expire 90 days from the date it is issued)

   Notified Cathedral using Priest of choosing to preside wedding. Priest must submit permission letter.

   Completed Marriage Prep packet must have been received from Parish of preparation.

   Paid Cathedral Balance 3 months prior to wedding date.

30 days prior to wedding date
   Completed and Submitted Rehearsal and Wedding Day Guide, Wedding Liturgy with Mass

   Submitted the Rehearsal and Wedding Day Guide (last two sheets of

   Old Testament B        Responsorial Psalm C      New Testament D          Gospel F

   Submitted *Optional to add to the Prayers of the faithful, honoring deceased family members.

   Finalized music details and payment with Juan Carlos, Director of Music

   Confirmed, if any, videography and/or livestream through San Fernando Cathedral

Wedding Week: Rehearsal and Wedding Day
   Catholic bride and/or groom are recommended to receive the Sacrament of Penance prior to the wedding.

   Your wedding coordinator will be confirmed, providing you with a point of contact

   If Cathedral providing livestream service, a link will be provided via e-mail

   Bring Marriage License on rehearsal day

   Suggested stipend for Priest $150.00 - $200.00, can be provided to Priest directly after the ceremony

   Share Cathedral guidelines with all Contacted vendors, Florist, Photographer / Videographer*
                                                                                                           pg. 8
   Contacted any Wedding Coordinator / Consultant / Event Planner*
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Liturgical Procession
                                  I N T R O D U C T O R Y    R I T E S

                                          Seating of Guests

                                     Seating of Grandparents

                  Seating of Parents (unless escorting the groom and/or bride)

                              LITURGICAL            PROCESSION

                                             Cross Bearer

                                             Altar Servers

                    (Couple may provide servers, but they are not required.)


                                      PRIEST and/or DEACON

                                 (Due to COVID19 does not apply)
               Option One                                                Option Two

Groom                                                      Groom

    (Ushered by father and/or mother)                              (Alone, waiting at Altar)

                                                           Parents of the Groom

Mother of the bride and Escort

                                                           Mother of Bride and Escort

Best Man | Groomsmen (Single file)

                                                           Best Man |Groomsmen & Maid/Matron of

Maid/Matron of Honor |Bridesmaids (Single file)            Honor | Bridesmaids (As Couples)

Ring Bearer and/or Flower Girl(s)                          Ring Bearer and/or Flower Girl(s)

BRIDE                                                      BRIDE

    (Alone, with father and/or mother)                     (Alone, with father and/or mother)

                            L I T U R G I C A L      R E C E S S I O N A L


                                         Altar Servers (if any)

                                          Bride and Groom

                                 Ring Bearer and/or Flower Girl(s)

                                 Groomsmen and Bridal Attendants


                                       Priest and/or Deacon


                                                                                                pg. 9
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Rehearsal & Wedding Day Guide
Wedding Liturgy with Mass
Bride and Groom:

Wedding Date:                                    Time:            Language:

Rehearsal Date :                                  Time:               Language:

Music by:                                         Bridal suite access Time:


Witnesses :

SFC Livestream       YES | NO                    SFC Videography           YES | NO

Videographer POC:

Photographer POC:

Wedding Planner, if any POC :

                                        INTRODUCTORY RITES
                                           Seating of Guests

                                        Seating of Grandparents

                     Seating of Parents (unless escorting the groom and/or bride)

                                 LITURGICAL PROCESSION
                                        PRIEST and/or DEACON

 Groom :                            Ushered by father and/or mother) :

 Parents of the Groom :

 Parents of the Bride :

 Groomsmen (Single file) please list in the order they will enter










 Bridesmaids (Single file) please list in the order they will enter










 Ring Bearer     :

 Flower Girl(s) :

 Bride's song:

 Bride :                      Ushered by father and/or mother/other:
And the two shall become one" - Congratulations ! - San Fernando ...
Rehearsal & Wedding Day Guide

Gathering Hymn:

                                      LITURGY of the WORD

B      First Reading (Old Testament)              English | Spanish

       Reader's Name:

C      Responsorial Psalm                         Sung or Read        English | Spanish

       Singer or Reader's Name:

D     Second Reading (New Testament)              English | Spanish

       Reader's Name:

F      Gospel             PRIEST                  English | Spanish


                                     CELEBRATION of MARRIAGE

       Consent and Exchange of Vows

       Blessing and Exchange of Rings

      *Optional Symbols to be blessed

                  Arras   YES | NO Brought by:

                  Bible   YES | NO Brought by:

                  Rosary YES | NO Brought by:

       The Universal Prayer / Prayers of the Faithful            Priest

       Family members to be honored:

                                    LITURGY of the EUCHARIST

       Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts

       The Eucharistic Prayer

                                          COMMUNION RITE

       The Lord’s Prayer

       Optional Lasso      YES | NO Brought by:

       Nuptial Blessing

       Sign of Peace

       Distribution of Holy Communion

       If lasso was used, removal will take place at this time (after communion)

       Prayer after Communion

       Presentation of Flowers to the Blessed Mother

       Flowers brought to Bride and Groom:

       Virgen de Guadalupe         N/A               Immaculate Heart of Mary

                                          CONCLUDING RITE

       Final Blessing

       Presentation of Bride and Groom as:

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