Analysis of Nuanced Stances and Sentiment Towards Entities of US Politicians through the Lens of Moral Foundation Theory
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Analysis of Nuanced Stances and Sentiment Towards Entities of US Politicians through the Lens of Moral Foundation Theory Shamik Roy Dan Goldwasser Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Purdue University, USA Purdue University, USA Abstract are a small number of moral values, emerging from evolutionary, cultural and social reasons, which hu- The Moral Foundation Theory suggests five mans support. These are referred to as the moral moral foundations that can capture the view of foundations (MF) and include Care/Harm, Fair- a user on a particular issue. It is widely used to identify sentence-level sentiment. In this ness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Sub- paper, we study the nuanced stances and par- version, and Purity/Degradation. This theory was tisan sentiment towards entities of US politi- used to explain differences between political ide- cians using Moral Foundation Theory, on two ologies, as each side places more or less value on politically divisive issues - Gun Control and different moral foundations (Graham et al., 2009). Immigration. We define the nuanced stances Liberals tend to emphasize the Fairness moral foun- of the US politicians on these two topics by dation, for example, consider the following tweet the grades given by related organizations to the discussing the 2021 mass shooting event in Col- politicians. To conduct this study, we first fil- ter out 74k and 87k tweets on the topics Gun orado, focusing on how the race of the shooter Control and Immigration, respectively, from changes the coverage of the event. an existing tweet corpus authored by US parlia- Liberal Gun Control tweet. Fairness ment members. Then, we identify moral foun- @IlhanMN The shooter’s race or ethnicity seems front dations in these tweets using deep relational and center when they aren’t white. Otherwise, it’s just a learning. Finally, doing qualitative and quan- mentally ill young man having a bad day. titative evaluations on this dataset, we found out that there is a strong correlation between On the other hand, conservatives tend to place moral foundation usage and politicians’ nu- more value on Loyalty. The following tweet dis- anced stances on a particular topic. We also cusses the same event, emphasizing solidarity with found notable differences in moral foundation the families of victims and the broader community. usage by different political parties when they address different entities. Conservative Gun Control tweet. Loyalty @RepKenBuck My prayers are with the families of the 1 Introduction victims of today’s tragedy in Boulder. I join the entire community of Boulder in grieving the senseless loss of life. I am grateful for the officers who responded to the Over the last decade political discourse has shifted scene within minutes. You are true heroes. from traditional news outlet to social media. These In this paper, we study the relationship between platforms give politicians the means to interact moral foundation usage by politicians on social with their supporters and explain their political media and the stances they take on two policy is- perspectives and policy decisions. While formu- sues, Gun Control and Immigration. We use the lating policies and passing legislation are complex dataset provided by (Johnson and Goldwasser, processes which require reasoning over the pros 2018) for training a model for automatically identi- and cons of different alternatives, gathering sup- fying moral foundations in tweets. We then apply port for these policies often relies on appealing to the model to a collection of 74k and 87k congres- peoples’ “gut feeling” and invoking an emotional sional tweets discussing the two issues - Gun Con- response (Haidt, 2001). trol and Immigration, respectively. Our analysis Moral Foundation Theory (MFT) provides a the- goes beyond binary liberal-conservative ideologi- oretical framework for analyzing the use of moral cal labels (Preoţiuc-Pietro et al., 2017). We use a sentiment in text. The theory (Haidt and Joseph, scale of 5 letter grades assigned to politicians by 2004; Haidt and Graham, 2007) suggests that there 1 Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media, pages 1–13 Online Workshop, June 10, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
relevant policy watchdog groups, based on their We use a deep structured prediction ap- votes on legislation pertaining to the specific policy proach (Pacheco and Goldwasser, 2021) to identify issue. We analyze the tweets associated with the moral foundations in tweets by being motivated members of each group. Furthermore, we hypoth- from the works that combine structured prediction esize that even when different groups use similar with deep neural networks in NLP tasks (Niculae moral foundation, they aim to invoke different feel- et al., 2017; Han et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Wid- ings in the readers. To capture these differences, we moser et al., 2021). analyze the targets of the moral tweets by different groups. Our analysis captures several interesting 3 Dataset trends. First, the proportion of non-moral tweets In this section, we describe the data collection pro- on both issues decreases as grades move from A cess to analyze the US politicians’ stances and sen- (most conservative) to F (most liberal), while for timent towards entities on the topics - Immigra- the topic of Gun Control (Immigration), the propor- tion and Gun Control. First, we discuss existing tion of Harm (Loyalty) tweets increases. Second, datasets. Then, we create a topic specific lexicon even when using the same moral foundation, their from existing resource to identify topics in new targets differ. For example, when discussing Gun data. Finally, we collect a large tweet corpus on the Control, using the Loyalty moral foundation, liberal two topics using a lexicon matching approach. mostly mention march life, Gabby Gifford, while conservatives mention gun owner, Texas. 3.1 Candidate Datasets 2 Related Works To study the nuanced stances and sentiment to- wards entities of politicians using MFT on the text The Moral Foundation Theory (MFT) (Haidt and they use, ideally, we need a text dataset annotated Joseph, 2004; Haidt and Graham, 2007) has been for moral foundations from US politicians with proven to be useful in explaining social behaviour known political bias. To the best of our knowl- of humans (Mooijman et al., 2018; Hoover et al., edge there are two existing Twitter datasets that are 2018; Dehghani et al., 2016; Brady et al., 2017; annotated for moral foundations - (1) The Moral Hoover et al., 2020). Recent works have shown Foundations Twitter Corpus (MFTC) by Hoover that political discourse can also be explained using et al. (2020), and (2) The tweets by US politicians MFT (Dehghani et al., 2014; Johnson and Gold- by Johnson and Goldwasser (2018). In MFTC, the wasser, 2018, 2019). Existing works explain the moral foundation annotation is done in 35k Tweets political discourse mostly at issue and sentence on 7 distinct domains, some of which are not re- level (Fulgoni et al., 2016; Garten et al., 2016; Lin lated to politics (e.g. Hurricane Sandy) and the et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2019) and at left-right polar political affiliations of the authors of the tweets domains of politics. are not known. The dataset proposed by Johnson Several works have looked at analyzing political and Goldwasser (2018) contains 93K tweets by ideologies, beyond the left and right divide, using US politicians in the years 2016 and 2017. 2050 text (Sim et al., 2013; Preoţiuc-Pietro et al., 2017), of the tweets are annotated for moral foundations, and specifically using Twitter data (Conover et al., policy frames (Boydstun et al., 2014) and topics. 2011; Johnson and Goldwasser, 2016; Mohammad The dataset contains 6 topics including Gun Con- et al., 2016; Demszky et al., 2019). To the best of trol and Immigration. We extend this dataset for our knowledge, this is the first work that studies these two topics by collecting more tweets from whether MFT can be used to explain nuanced po- US Congress members using a lexicon matching litical standpoints of the US politicians, breaking approach, described in the next section. the left/right political spectrum to nuanced stand- points. We also study the correlation between entity 3.2 Building Topic Indicator Lexicon mentions and moral foundation usage by different To build a topic indicator lexicon, we take the groups, which helps pave the way to analyze parti- dataset proposed by Johnson and Goldwasser san sentiment towards entities using MFT. In that (2018). We build topic indicator lexicons for each sense, our work is broadly related to entity-centric of the 6 topics comprised of n-grams (n≤5) us- affective analysis (Deng and Wiebe, 2015; Field ing Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) scores and Tsvetkov, 2019; Park et al., 2020). (Church and Hanks, 1990). For an n-gram, w we 2
calculate the pointwise mutual information (PMI) a deep relational learning framework. In this sec- with topic t, I(w, t) using the following formula. tion, we first describe the model we use for the supervised classification. Then, we describe our P (w|t) I(w, t) = log training procedure and analyze the performance P (w) of our model on a held out set. Finally, we de- Where P (w|t) is computed by taking all tweets scribe the procedure to infer moral foundations in count(w) the collected dataset using our model. with topic t and computing count(allngrams) and similarly, P (w) is computed by counting n-gram 4.1 Deep Relational Learning For Moral w over the set of tweets with any topic. Now, we Foundation (MF) Identification rank n-grams for each topic based on their PMI For the identification of moral foundation (MF) scores. We assign one n-gram to its highest PMI in tweets, Johnson and Goldwasser (2018) rely topic only. Then for each topic we manually go on linguistic cues such as - political slogans, through the n-gram lexicon and omit any n-gram Policy Frames, Annotator’s Rationale; along with that is not related to the topic. In this manner, we party affiliation, topic and so on, while Johnson found an indicator lexicon for each topic. The and Goldwasser (2019) models the behavioural lexicons for the topics Gun Control and Immigra- aspects of the politicians in MF identification. tion can be found in Appendix A. Note that, as a In both of the works they use Probabilistic Soft pre-processing step, n-grams were stemmed and Logic for modeling. Some of the features used singularized. by Johnson and Goldwasser (2018) and Johnson 3.3 Tweet Collection and Goldwasser (2019) are hard to get for a large We use the large number of unlabeled tweets from corpus and some require human annotation. Note US Congress members, written between 2017 and that, in this section, our goal is not to outperform February, 20211 . We detect tweets related to the the state-of-the-art MF classification results, rather topics Gun Control and Immigration using lexicon we want to identify MFs in the large corpus where matching. If a tweet contains any n-gram from the only limited information is available. So, to topic lexicons, we label the tweet with the corre- identify MFs in our corpus we mostly rely on text sponding topic. We take only the tweets on top- and the information available with the unlabeled ics Gun Control and Immigration from the Demo- corpus such as, topics, authors’ political affiliations crat and Republican US Congress members for our and time of the tweets. We jointly model all study. Given the political affiliation of the authors of these features using DRaiL, a declarative of the tweets, this dataset is readily useful for the framework for deep structured prediction proposed analysis of political stance and partisan sentiment. by Pacheco and Goldwasser (2021) which is The details of the dataset is presented in Table 1. described below. G UN C ONTROL I MMIGRATION Modeling Features and Dependencies In DRaiL, D EM R EP T OTAL D EM R EP T OTAL we can explicitly model features such as - tweet # of politicians 350 377 727 349 364 713 # of Twitter acc. 644 641 1,285 621 606 1,227 text, authors’ political affiliations and topics using # of tweets 53,793 20,424 74,217 65,671 21,407 87,078 base rules as follows. r1 : Tweet(t) ⇒ HasMF(t, m) Table 1: Dataset summary. Here, ‘Dem’ and ‘Rep’ r2 : Tweet(t) ∧ HasIdeology(t, i) ⇒ HasMF(t, m) represent ‘Democrat’ and ‘Republican’, respectively. r2 : Tweet(t) ∧ HasTopic(t, k) ⇒ HasMF(t, m) The number of politicians and the number of Twitter accounts differs as politicians often have multiple ac- These rules correspond to base classifiers that map counts (e.g. personal account, campaign account, etc.). features in the left hand side of the ⇒ to the pre- dicted output in the right hand side. For example, the rule, r2 translates as "A tweet, t with authors’ 4 Identification of Moral Foundation in political affiliation, i has moral foundation label, Tweets m". We can also model the temporal dependency between two classification decisions using a second To identify moral foundations in the collected kind of rule, namely constraint as follows. dataset, we rely on a supervised approach using c : SameIdeology(t1 , t2 ) ∧ SameTopic(t1 , t2 )∧ 1 SameTime(t1 , t2 ) ∧ HasMF(t1 , m) ⇒ HasMF(t2 , m) 3
This constraint translates as "If two tweets have 4.2 Experimental Evaluation the same topic, are from the authors of the same We use the dataset proposed by Johnson and political affiliation and are published nearly at the Goldwasser (2018) for this experiment.2 We same time, then they have the same moral founda- perform a 5-fold cross validation on 2050 tweets tion". This constraint is inspired from the exper- annotated for moral foundations. This is a 11 class iments done by Johnson and Goldwasser (2019). classification task where there is one additional In DRaiL, rules can be weighted or unweighted. class, ‘Non-moral’ apart from the 10 moral classes. We consider weighted version of the rules, making We experiment with the global learning of DRaiL constraint c a soft-constraint as it is not guaranteed using rules r1 , r2 , r3 and soft constraint c. For to be true all of the time. In DRaiL, the global de- the BERT (base-uncased) classifiers we use a cision is made considering all rules. It transforms learning rate of 2e−5 , batch size of 32, patience 10 rules into linear inequalities and MAP inference is and AdamW as optimizer. All of the tweets were then defined as an integer linear program: truncated to a length of 100 tokens before passing X through BERT. For constraint c we consider two y∈{0,1}n P (y|x) ≡y∈{0,1}n wr ψr (xr , yr ) tweets to be at the same time if they are published ψr,t ∈Ψ (1) on the same day. All of the one-hot representations s.t. c(xc , yc ) ≤ 0; ∀c ∈ C are mapped to a 100 dimensional space and ReLU Here, rule grounding, r, generated from template, t, and Softmax activation functions are used in all with input features, xr and predicted variables, yr hidden and output neural units, respectively. The defines the potential, ψr (xr , yr ) where weights, hyper-parameters are determined empirically.3 We wr are learned using neural networks defined over compare our model with two baselines as follows. parameter set, θ. The parameters can be learned by training each rule individually (locally), or by (1) Lexicon matching with Moral Foundations using inference to ensure that the scoring functions Dictionary (MFD) This approach does not for all rules result in a globally consistent decision have a training phase. Rather we use the Moral (globally) using the structured hinge loss: Foundation Dictionary (Graham et al., 2009) and identify moral foundation in a tweet using X X unigram matching from the MFD. A tweet having max(∆(ŷ, y) + Φt (xr , ŷr ; θt )) − Φt (xr , yr ; θt ) ŷ∈Y ψr ∈Ψ ψr ∈Ψ no dictionary matching is labeled as ‘Non-moral’. Here, t is rule template, Φt is the associated neural (2) Bidirectional-LSTM We run a bidirectional network, and θt is the parameter set. y and ŷ are LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) gold assignments and predictions resulting from over the Glove (Pennington et al., 2014) word the MAP inference, respectively. embeddings of the words of the tweets. We concatenate the hidden states of the two opposite Neural Architectures Each base rule and the soft- directional LSTMs to get representation over one constraint is associated with a neural architecture timestamp and average the representations of all which serve as weighting functions for the rules time stamps to get the final representation of a and constraints. For rules, r1 , r2 and r3 , we use tweet. We map each tweet to a 128-d space using BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to encode the tweet Bi-LSTM and use this representation for moral text. In rules r2 and r3 , we encode ideology and foundation classification using a fully connected topic with a feed-forward neural network over their output layer. We use the same folds as the DRaiL one-hot encoded form and we concatenate the en- experiments. coded features with BERT representation of tweets to get a final representation for the rule. In all of The classification results are summarized in Ta- the rules we use a classifier on top of the final rep- ble 2. We can see that the DRaiL model combining resentation that maps the features to labels. For the all base rules and the soft-constraint performs best. soft-constraint c, we encode the ideologies and top- This indicates that combining other features with ics in the left hand side of the constraint similarly 2 More details on dataset can be found in the original paper. and concatenate them and pass through a classifier 3 Dataset and codes can be found at https://github. to predict if the constraint holds or not. com/ShamikRoy/MF-Prediction. 4
AVERAGE W EIGHTED 5 Analysis of Politicians’ Nuanced M ODELS M ACRO F1 F1 MFD matching 15.93 18.38 Stances Baselines Bi-LSTM 42.59 50.43 r1 (BERT only) 49.01 57.96 In this section, we analyze the nuanced stances of DRaiL r1 + r2 50.54 58.90 US politicians on the topics Gun Control and Im- r1 + r2 + r3 51.49 60.02 migration, using Moral Foundation Theory. First, r1 + r2 + r3 + c 52.14 60.24 we define nuanced political stances. Then we study Table 2: Moral Foundation classification results. the correlation between the moral foundation usage and nuanced political stances. BERT and modeling the dependencies among mul- 5.1 Nuanced Political Stance tiple decisions help in prediction. This encourages Despite of being highly polarized, US politicians us to experiment with other linguistic features (e.g. show mixed stances on different topics. For exam- policy frames) and dependencies as a future work. ple, a politician may be supportive of gun preven- tion laws to some extent despite their party affilia- M ORALS P REC . R EC . F1 S UPPORT tion of the Republican Party. So, we hypothesize C ARE 53.18 62.02 57.26 337 H ARM 52.01 56.35 54.10 252 that the political stance is more nuanced than bi- FAIRNESS 67.93 59.24 63.29 211 nary, left and right. We define the nuanced political C HEATING 27.27 16.98 20.93 53 stances of the politicians as the grades assigned to L OYALTY 52.63 56.60 54.55 212 B ETRAYAL 60.00 31.58 41.38 19 them by the National Rifle Association (NRA)4 on AUTHORITY 40.17 41.59 40.87 113 Gun Control and by NumbersUSA5 on Immigra- S UBVERSION 68.55 71.23 69.86 358 tion. The politicians are graded in range (A+, A, P URITY 67.20 64.62 65.88 130 D EGRADATION 53.85 22.58 31.82 31 . . . , F, F-) based on candidate questionnaire and N ON - MORAL 77.48 70.06 73.58 334 their voting records by both of the organizations in ACCURACY 60.39 2050 the two different topics where A+ indicates most AVG . M AC . 56.39 50.26 52.14 2050 W EIGHTED 60.72 60.39 60.24 2050 anti-immigration/pro-gun and F or F- indicates the most pro-immigration/anti-gun. In other words, A+ Table 3: Per class Moral Foundation classification re- means extreme right and F/F- means extreme left sults for the best model in Table 2 and the other grades fall in between. We convert these letter grades in 5 categories: A, B, C, D, F. We present the per class statistics of the predic- Here, A+, A and A- grades are combined in A and tion of the best model in Table 3. We can see that so on. We define these grades as nuanced stances mostly the classes with lower number of examples of the politicians on the two topics. are harder to classify for the model (e.g. Cheat- 1.0 NM 1.0 Subversion Rank Score in Republicans Rank Score in Republicans ing, Degradation). So, annotating more tweets on Loyalty Authority Authority NM the low frequency classes may improve the overall 0.8 Harm 0.8 Harm Subversion Care performance of the model. 0.6 Care 0.6 Loyalty Purity Cheating 0.4 Fairness 0.4 Fairness 4.3 Inference on the Collected Corpus Cheating Purity 0.2 Degradation 0.2 Degradation Betrayal Now, we train our best model (combining all base Betrayal 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 rules and the constraint in DRaiL) using the dataset Rank Score in Democrats Rank Score in Democrats we experiment with in Section 4.2. We, held out (a) Gun Control (b) Immigration 10% of the data as validation set selected by the random seed of 42. We train the model using the Figure 1: Polarization in Moral Foundation usage. hyper-parameters described in Section 4.2 and pre- Here, NM stands for ‘Non-moral’. dict moral foundations in the tweets of the large corpus we annotated for the topics Gun Control and 5.2 Moral Foundation Usage Immigration in Section 3. The validation macro F1 score and weighted F1 scores of the model were In this section, first, we study the political polar- 49.44% and 58.30%, respectively. We use this an- ization, similar to Roy and Goldwasser (2020), in notated dataset to study nuanced stances and parti- 4 Collected from 5 san sentiment towards entities of the US politicians. Collected from 5
1.10 MF Rank Corr. Coff. moral foundation usage by Democrats and Repub- licans on the two topics. Therefore, we rank the 1.05 Corr. With Grade F Corr. With Grade A moral foundations by the frequency of usage inside 1.00 each party. Then we plot the rank score of each 0.95 moral foundation in Democrats and Republicans in x and y axes, respectively, where the most used 0.90 moral foundation gets the highest rank score. Any 0.85 A B C D F moral foundation falling in the diagonal is not po- NRA Grades larized and as far we go away from the diagonal it (a) Gun Control becomes more polarized. We show the polarization 1.4 MF Rank Corr. Coff. graphs for the two topics in Figure 1. It can be 1.3 Corr. With Grade F 1.2 seen that the parties are polarized in moral foun- 1.1 Corr. With Grade A dation usage. The Republicans use ‘Non-moral’ 1.0 and ‘Authority’ moral foundations in both of the 0.9 topics. On the other hand, Democrats use ‘Sub- 0.8 0.7 version’ and ‘Harm’ on Gun Control and ‘Loyalty’ 0.6 and ‘Cheating’ on Immigration. A B C D F Now, we examine the moral foundation usage by NumbersUSA Grades the politicians from each of the grade categories. (b) Immigration For that, we match the politicians with grades with Figure 2: Correlation of moral foundation usage with our dataset and consider politicians tweeting at NRA and NumbersUSA grades of politicians on the least 100 times on each topic. The statistics of topics Gun Control and Immigration, respectively. politicians and corresponding tweets found for each 0.18 0.30 grade is presented in Table 4. Now, to compare Percentage Usage of Non-moral Percentage Usage of Harm Percentage Usage Percentage Usage 0.16 0.28 0.14 0.26 G RADES G UN C ONTROL I MMIGRATION 0.12 0.24 # P OLITICIANS # T WEETS # P OLITICIANS # T WEETS 0.10 0.22 0.08 A 31 6,822 25 5,592 0.20 0.06 B 5 1,236 11 2,177 0.18 0.04 A B C D F A B C D F C 7 908 3 679 D 9 1,340 14 4,691 NRA Grades NRA Grades F 128 33,792 123 38,102 (a) Usage of ‘Non-moral’ (b) Usage of ‘Harm’ on on Gun Control Gun Control Table 4: Distribution of number of Politicians and 0.20 Percentage Usage of Non-moral Percentage Usage of loyalty Percentage Usage Percentage Usage 0.18 tweets over the letter grades. 0.16 0.20 0.14 0.12 0.15 0.10 the moral foundation usage by each of the grade 0.08 0.10 0.06 classes, we rank the moral foundations based on 0.04 A B C D F A B C D F NumbersUSA Grades NumbersUSA Grades their usage inside each grade. Then we compare the rank of each grade class with the two opposite (c) Usage of ‘Non-moral’ (d) Usage of ‘Loyalty’ on on Immigration Immigration extremes (grades A and F) using Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient (Zar, 2005) where coeffi- Figure 3: Moral Foundation distribution over politi- cient 1 means perfect correlation. As the grades B, cians’ grades. C, D have fewer tweets, we sub-sample 500 tweets from each class and do the analysis on them. We re- peat this process 10 times with 10 different random between the MF usage and politicians’ nuanced seeds and plot the average correlations in Figure stances. To further analyze which moral founda- 2.6 tions most correlate with the nuanced stances, we plot the percentage of usage of the most polar moral It can be seen from the figures that the the corre- foundations from Figure 1, inside each grade class. lations follow a progressive trend with the extreme We found good correlations in case of the usage of left while moving from grade A to grade F and the ‘Non-moral’ and ‘Harm’ on Gun Control; in usage trend is opposite with the extreme right, for both of of ‘Non-moral’ and ‘Loyalty’ on Immigration. The the topics. This indicates that there is a correlation distributions are shown in Figure 3. Distribution 6 Standard Deviations can be found in Appendix B. plots for the other moral foundations can be found 6
G UN C ONTROL I MMIGRATION High PMI Entities by High PMI Entities by High PMI Entities by High PMI Entities by Morals Democrats Republicans Democrats Republicans community safe, gun vio- law enforcement, biparti- protect dreamer, immigra- build wall, immigration Care lence prevention, assault san bill, health care tion status, young people law, border patrol weapon mass shooting, innocent police officer, mexico, detention facility, deten- illegal alien, build wall, il- Harm life, school shooting texas tion center, migrant child legal immigrant gun sale, universal back- gun owner, amendment, immigration status, dream illegal immigrant, illegal Fairness ground check, gun owner nra promise, dream alien, american citizen gun owner, gun control, citizenship question, mus- illegal immigrant, illegal Cheating bump stock, nra, black amendment lim, american value alien, illegal immigration march life, gabby gifford, gun owner, texas, protect dream, defend border patrol, southern Loyalty young people charleston daca, dream promise act border, american people human right, refugee, illegal alien, illegal immi- Betrayal congress, gun gun american citizen grant, sanctuary city bipartisan background circuit judge, comprehen- circuit judge, circuit court, Authority check, american people, gun, american people sive immigration reform, senate house judiciary supreme court illegal immigrant, ille- house gop, republican, gun control, dem, medi- trump shutdown, national Subversion gal immigration, sanctu- gun lobby care emergency, border wall ary city pulse, tragic shooting, tragic shooting, police of- refugee, america, ameri- american citizen, circuit Purity honor action ficer, las vegas can value court, illegal alien muslim, human right, Degradation el paso, nra, republican orlando, texas, black muslim, usc, daca fema town hall, medicare, shan- amendment, gun, medicare, usc, house judi- government shutdown, Non-moral non r watt charleston ciary border security, homeland Table 5: Top-3 high PMI entities for each moral foundation by each party. in Appendix C. It can be seen from the figures that, manually filter out noun phrases that are irrelevant as we move from grade A to F, the usage of ‘Non- to the topics (e.g. COVID-19). In this manner, moral’ decreases for both of the topics, indicating - we found 64 and 79 unique noun phrases for Gun the more conservative a politician is, they discuss Control and Immigration, respectively. We treat the issues from a more ‘Non-moral’ perspective. these noun phrases as entities and run our analysis On the other hand, more usage of ‘Harm’ and ‘Loy- using these entities. The complete list of entities alty’ indicates more liberal stances on Gun Control can be found in Appendix D and Immigration, respectively. 6.2 MF Usage in the Context of Entities 6 Analysis of Partisan Sentiment In this section, we analyze the partisan sentiment Towards Entities towards entities by looking at the moral founda- tion usage trend of the parties when discussing the In this section, we study the partisan sentiment entities related to the topics. For each party and towards entities by examining the usage of moral each moral foundation we calculate the PMI score foundations while discussing the entities. First, we with each entity. We create 22 classes comprised extract entities from the tweets, then we analyze of the 2 party affiliations and 11 moral foundation the usage of moral foundations in the context of classes (e.g. Democrat-Care, Republican-Care and those entities by the two opposite parties. so on) and calculate the PMI scores as described 6.1 Entity Extraction from Tweets in Section 3. We list the top-3 highest PMI enti- ties for each moral foundation and each party in To study partisan sentiment towards entities we Table 5. We can see notable difference in moral first identify entities mentioned in the tweets. We foundation usage in the context of different enti- hypothesize entities to be noun phrases. So, we use ties by the two parties. For example, on the issue an off-the-shelf noun phrase extractor7 and extract Immigration, the Democrats use ‘Care’ when ad- noun phrases from the tweets. We filter out noun dressing ‘dreamers’ and ‘young people’. On the phrases occurring less than 100 times. Then we other hand, the Republicans use care in the con- 7 text of ‘border wall’ and ‘border patrol’. On the 7
Predicted ID Party Topic Entities Tweet Text MF Migrant Child; How many more migrant children must die under the Trump (1) Democrat Immigration Trump Harm administration until something changes? Administration Migrant Child; 12,800! That’s how many migrant CHILDREN are locked up (2) Democrat Immigration Harm Detention Facility in detention facilities in America. How can this be happening? (3) Republican Gun Control Police Officer Harm A Charleston police officer has been shot in the face. Police Officer; North Carolina police officers protect our communities, keep (4) Republican Gun Control Communities; Care our families safe, and have earned our support. Families Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the tragic (5) Democrat Gun Control Tragic Shooting Purity shooting in Las Vegas. Look forward to a full investigation to give us answers. Praying for the families of victims of tragic shooting in Vegas. (6) Republican Gun Control Tragic Shooting Purity Time to transcend politics and pray for God’s healing for those affected. Law-abiding gun owners deserve the full protection of the U.S. (7) Republican Gun Control Gun Owner Fairness Constitution when exercising their right to carry a concealed weapon – and that right should not end at a state line. I am a hunter who believes in protecting the rights of law (8) Democrat Gun Control Gun Owner Fairness abiding gun owners. I am also a father of two young boys who believes there need to be changes in our gun laws. Table 6: Qualitative evaluation of Moral Foundation usage in the context of entities. issue Gun Control, when talking about ‘NRA’ the the context of ‘Harm’ and ‘Care’, respectively (ex- Democrats associate ‘Cheating’ and ‘Degradation’, amples (3), (4) in Table 6). So, moral foundation while the Republicans use ‘Fairness’. These imply can explain the sentiment towards entities beyond high polarization in partisan sentiment towards en- positive and negative categories. tities. We can see some interesting cases as well. In the context of ‘Gun Owner’, both of the par- For example, on Guns, the Republicans use ‘Harm’ ties use ‘Fairness’ in support of gun owners’ rights, with the entity ‘police officer’ and on Immigration, but they frame the issue differently - Democrats, the Democrats use ‘Harm’ with ‘migrant child’. by focusing on the need for more restrictions while On Guns, democrats and republicans sometimes preserving gun rights (example (8)) and Republi- use the same moral foundation in the context of cans, by focusing on the violation of constitutional the same entity. For example, both Democrats and rights if more restrictions are applied (example (7)). Republicans use ‘Fairness’ in the context of ‘Gun So, even if the moral foundation usage is the same, Owner’ and ‘Purity’ in the context of ‘tragic shoot- there is a framing effect to establish the correspond- ing’. So, we take a closer look at the usage of MFs ing partisan stances. While using ‘Purity’ in the in the context of these entities and list a few tweets context of ‘tragic shooting’, we found that both of discussing each of these entities in Table 6. the parties express their prayers for the shooting We can see that on Immigration, for Democrats, victims (example (5), (6)). ‘migrant child’ is target of harm while ‘detention Now, we find out the entities with highest dis- facility’ and ‘Trump administration’ are the entities agreement between parties in moral foundation us- posing the harm (examples (1), (2) in Table 6). So, age in context. To calculate the disagreement we even if the high-level moral foundation is the same, rank the moral foundations based on frequency in different participating entities in the text may have usage by each party in the context of each entity. different partisan sentiments towards them. Then we calculate the Spearman’s Rank Correla- On Guns, although the entity ‘police officer’ car- tion Coefficient between these two rankings for ries a positive sentiment for the Republicans across each entity and list the top-10 entities with the different moral foundations, the fine-grained sen- highest disagreement in Table 7. Then we show the timent towards this entity is different in the case polarity graphs for one entity from each topic list in of different moral foundations. For example, ‘po- Figure 4. We can see that, on Gun, while discussing lice officer’ is the target of harm and is the entity ‘Amendment’ the Republicans use ‘Loyalty’, al- providing care for the Republicans when used in though ‘Loyalty’ is not polarized towards the Re- 8
publicans in aggregate (Figure 1). On the other in the identification of the underlying intent of the hand, the Democrats use ‘Cheating’ in the context text. So, this framework may be extended to similar of ‘Amendment’. Similarly, while discussing ‘Don- tasks, such as political framing analysis, misinfor- ald Trump’ on Immigration, the Democrats use mation analysis, propaganda detection, and so on. ‘Cheating’ more, while the Republicans use ‘Care’ In Section 5, we found out that moral foundation and ‘Authority’. These analyses indicate that moral usage can be useful in explaining the nuanced polit- foundation analysis can be a useful tool to analyze ical stances of politicians beyond the left/right dis- partisan sentiment towards entities. creet categories. We observed that usage of some moral foundations strongly correlates with the nu- E NTITIES WITH HIGHEST DISAGREE - MENT IN MF USAGE IN CONTEXT BE - anced stances of the politicians. While the stances T OPICS of the extreme left (grade F) and extreme right TWEEN D EMOCRATS AND R EPUBLI - CANS (grade A) politicians are easy to explain, what are Amendment, background check, gun, gun G UN the stances of the politicians in the middle (grades control, NRA, gun violence, violence, C ONTROL B to D), is yet to be investigated qualitatively. This Congress, gun owner, high school immigration policy, Donald Trump, Amer- line of research would help in understanding the ica, DHS Gov, Supreme Court, legal im- I MMIGRATION stance of the politicians at individual levels and migration, Mexico, immigration system, DHS, ICE has real-life implications. For example, understand- ing politicians’ individual stances would help deter- Table 7: Top-10 entities with highest disagreement in mine their future vote on legislative decisions and MF usage in context between Democrats and Republi- to identify the aisle-crossing politicians. cans (in descending order of agreement). In Section 6, we found out clear cases where sen- timent towards entities can be explained by ground- ing the Moral Foundation Theory at the entity level. 1.0 NM 1.0 Authority Rank Score in Republicans Rank Score in Republicans Fairness Subversion This is an interesting direction where we can seek Loyalty NM 0.8 Subversion 0.8 Loyalty answers to several research questions, such as, (r1) Cheating Care 0.6 Authority 0.6 Harm What are the dimensions in a moral foundation Care Cheating category along which the sentiment towards the 0.4 Purity 0.4 Fairness Harm Degradation entities can be explained?; (r2) Can sentiment to- 0.2 Degradation 0.2 Betrayal Betrayal wards entities, inspired from moral foundations, Purity 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Rank Score in Democrats Rank Score in Democrats explain political discourse?; (r3) Do the sentiment (a) Polarization while dis- (b) Polarization while dis- towards entities change over time and in response cussing ‘Amendment’ on cussing ‘Donald Trump’ to real-life events? We believe our analyses will topic Gun Control. on topic Immigration. help advance the research in this direction. Figure 4: Polarization in entity discussion. 8 Summary In this paper, we study how Moral Foundation The- 7 Future Work ory (MFT) can explain nuanced political stances of US politicians and take the first step towards parti- In this section, we discuss some potential research san sentiment analysis targeting different entities directions that our analyses may lead to and their using MFT. We collect a dataset of 161k tweets application in understanding political discourse. authored by US politicians, on two politically di- Our experiments in Section 4 show that joint visive issues, Gun Control and Immigration. We modeling of multiple aspects of the dataset (e.g. use a deep relational learning approach to predict text, issue, and political affiliation) and the depen- the moral foundations in the tweets, that models dency among multiple decisions (e.g. temporal tweet text, topic, author’s ideology, and captures dependency), helps in classification. Incorporat- temporal dependencies based on publication time. ing other information such as linguistic cues, be- Finally, we analyze the politicians’ nuanced stand- havioural aspects, and so on, has the potential to points and partisan sentiment towards entities using improve the prediction furthermore. In general, in- MFT. Our analyses show that both phenomena can corporating information from multiple sources (e.g. be explained well using MFT, which we hope will social, textual) and modeling dependencies among help motivate further research in this area. decisions is an interesting future work that can help 9
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A Topic Indicator Lexicon • Points fitting the red line in Figure 2(b): 1.0 (0), 0.849 (0.02), 0.887 (0.03), 0.746 (0.03), A.1 Topic Indicators for Gun Control 0.727 (0.04) ‘reduce gun’, ‘orlando shooting’, ‘terrorism watch’, ‘keep gun’, ‘terrorist watch’, ‘orlandounited’, ‘vio- • Points fitting the blue line in Figure 2(b): lence nobillnobreak’, ‘noflynobuy loophole’, ‘dis- 0.727 (0.04), 0.571 (0.04), 0.623 (0.03), 0.960 armhate’, ‘shooting’, ‘firearm’, ‘end gun’, ‘mas (0.01), 1.0 (0) shooting’, ‘gun violence’, ‘sanbernadino’, ‘keep- C Distribution of Most Polar Moral ing gun’, ‘watch list’, ‘gun reform’, ‘hate crime’, Foundation Usage over Grades ‘nobillnobreak’, ‘charleston9’, ‘gun safety’, ‘pre- vention legislation’, ‘gun owner’, ‘reducing gun’, The distributions for the topics Gun Control and ‘orlando terrorist’, ‘address gun’, ‘2nd amendment’, Immigration can be found in Figure 5 and Figure 6, ‘gun show’, ‘tragic shooting’, ‘gun law’, ‘no- respectively. tonemore’, ‘ending gun’, ‘nomoresilence’, ‘closing terror’, ‘buy gun’, ‘nra’, ‘massacre’, ‘amendment D Entities right’, ‘reckles gun’, ‘endgunviolence’, ‘orlando D.1 Entities related to Gun Control terror’, ‘stopgunviolence’, ‘prevent gun’, ‘buying gun’, ‘gun loophole’, ‘gun legislation’, ‘massa- ‘amendment’, ‘assault weapon ban’, ‘gun safety leg- cred’, ‘sensible gun’, ‘sense gun’, ‘gun control’, islation’, ‘mexico’, ‘innocent life’, ‘gun sale’, ‘law ‘gun’, ‘terror watch’, ‘noflynobuy’, ‘standwithor- enforcement’, ‘mass shooting’, ‘senseless gun vio- lando’, ‘2a’, ‘charleston’, ‘gunviolence’, ‘back- lence’, ‘house judiciary’, ‘march life’, ‘young peo- ground check’, ‘commonsense gun’, ‘guncontrol’ ple’, ‘common sense gun reform’, ‘gun violence prevention’, ‘house gop’, ‘honor action’, ‘bump A.2 Topic Indicators for Immigration stock’, ‘wear orange’, ‘gun violence’, ‘assault weapon’, ‘republican’, ‘parkland’, ‘address gun vi- ‘fight for family’, ‘illegal immigrant’, ‘immi- olence’, ‘gun safety’, ‘gabby gifford’, ‘gun owner’, grant’, ‘granting amnesty’, ‘migration’, ‘asylum’, ‘las vegas’, ‘gun law’, ‘senate gop’, ‘mom demand’, ‘dreamer’, ‘deportation’, ‘immigration action’, ‘black’, ‘gun reform’, ‘tragic shooting’, ‘texas’, ‘homeland security’, ‘daca’, ‘fightforfamily’, ‘de- ‘dem’, ‘gun violence epidemic’, ‘congress’, ‘nra’, tain’, ‘borderwall’, ‘immigrationaction’, ‘border ‘police officer’, ‘town hall’, ‘virginia’, ‘bipartisan protection’, ‘daca work’, ‘sanctuarycity’, ‘sanctu- bill’, ‘pulse’, ‘universal background check’, ‘bi- ary city’, ‘immigration detention’, ‘immigration partisan background check’, ‘america’, ‘orlando’, system’, ‘immigration policy’, ‘illegal immigra- ‘shannon r watt’, ‘end gun violence’, ‘school shoot- tion’, ‘immigration’, ‘dacawork’, ‘detention’, ‘im- ing’, ‘gun control’, ‘violence’, ‘american people’, migration reform’, ‘dhsgov’, ‘immigration law’, ‘gun’, ‘community safe’, ‘el paso’, ‘high school’, ‘executive amnesty’, ‘deport’, ‘dapa’, ‘immigra- ‘medicare’, ‘sandy hook’, ‘charleston’, ‘health tion executive’, ‘refugee’, ‘border security’, ‘bor- care’, ‘gun lobby’, ‘background check’, ‘house der wall’, ‘border sec’, ‘cir’, ‘comprehensive immi- democrat’ gration’, ‘detained’, ‘detainee’, ‘amnesty’, ‘border- protection’, ‘grant amnesty’, ‘deportee’, ‘immigr’ D.2 Entities related to Immigration ‘white house’, ‘hhs gov’, ‘republican’, ‘house B Numeric Data of the Figure 2 judiciary’, ‘family’, ‘mexico’, ‘wall’, ‘refugee’, The numeric values of each point in Figure 2 are as ‘supreme court’, ‘immigrant’, ‘protect dream’, ‘im- follows with standard deviations in brackets. migrant community’, ‘border patrol’, ‘dream act’, ‘protect dreamer’, ‘build wall’, ‘senate’, ‘american • Points fitting the red line in Figure 2(a): 1.0 value’, ‘fema’, ‘human right’, ‘dreamer’, ‘save tps’, (0), 0.889 (0.02), 0.880 (0.04), 0.897 (0.05), ‘asylum seeker’, ‘usc’, ‘illegal alien’, ‘hispanic cau- 0.864 (0.05) cus’, ‘immigration status’, ‘migrant child’, ‘ice’, ‘family separation’, ‘trump shutdown’, ‘detention • Points fitting the blue line in Figure 2(a): facility’, ‘american citizen’, ‘homeland’, ‘real don- 0.864 (0.05), 0.913 (0.05), 0.960 (0.02), 0.954 ald trump’, ‘ice gov’, ‘comprehensive immigration (0.03), 1.0 (0) reform’, ‘dhs’, ‘illegal immigrant’, ‘defend daca’, 12
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