American Spaniel Club 1881 to 2023
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Entries close at NOON, Central Time, on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at Foy Trent Dog Shows in Sturgeon, MO or when numerical limits have been reached, if reached before this date, after which time, entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, altered or substituted except as provided in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Revised Premium List 104th Flushing Spaniel Specialty Show, Annual Obedience Trials, and Rally Trials (Unbenched) - THIS SHOW WILL BE HELD INDOORS—Show Hours 6:00 AM—11:00PM American Spaniel Club, Inc. (Member of the American Kennel Club) World’s Fair Exhibi on Hall, 935 World’s Fair Park Drive, Knoxville, TN 37914 Friday, January 13, 2023 Sweepstakes Clumber Spaniel Sweepstakes Clumber Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes English Cocker Spaniel Sweepstakes English Cocker Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes English Springer Spaniel Sweepstakes English Springer Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes Field Spaniel Sweepstakes Field Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes Irish Water Spaniel Sweepstakes Irish Water Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes Sussex Spaniel Sweepstakes Sussex Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes Welsh Springer Spaniel Sweepstakes Welsh Springer Spaniel Veteran Sweepstakes Special es American Spaniel Club, Inc - Cocker Spaniels #2023110703 Clumber Spaniel Club of America, Inc #2023131101 English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Assoc, Inc with Jr Showmanship & NOHS #2023166401 Saturday, January 14, 2023 Special es American Spaniel Club, Inc - Flushing Spaniel Show with Jr Showmanship, Futurity & NOHS #2023110702 Clumber Spaniel Club of America, Inc #2023131102 English Cocker Spaniel Club of America Inc #2023133202• BPUP #2023133201 English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Assoc, Inc with Jr Showmanship & NOHS #2023166402 Field Spaniel Society of America with NOHS #2023390005 S20paniel Irish Water Spaniel Club of America #2023166913 Sussex Spaniel Club of America with Sweepstakes #2023297801 Saturday, January 14, 2023 Obedience Trial #2023110701 & Rally Trial #2023110705 Sunday, January 15, 2023 Regular Classes in All Remaining Breeds • Junior Showmanship Best of Breed/Variety Judging in All Spaniel Breeds Obedience Trial #2023110704 & Rally Trial #2023110706 Show Includes AKC Na onal Owner-Handled Series ● Best Puppy in Show Best Veteran in Show ● Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show Best in Field Trial Classes in Show ● Best Brace in Show Please Note: Each Obedience and Rally Trial are All-Breed Op on 2. Entry Limit 55 for Each Rally Trial
When a dog is entered in more than one class under an event number, the highest priced class is considered the first entry. • Please put Breed and Name of Show on Check or Money Order • MAIL ENTRIES WITH FEES MADE OUT TO: Foy Trent Dog Shows, PO Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284 Entries are also accepted online at Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm Central Entry Fees For AKC Fees, Please see Page 36 First Entry of a Dog (Conformation) ........................................................ $35.00 Each Additional Entry of the Same Dog (Conformation) ................................ $25.00 Puppy Classes (6-9 mos & 9-12 mos) (except ESSFTA Specialties) .................... $25.00 Puppy Classes (6-9 mos & 9-12 mos)(ESSFTA Specialties) .............................. $20.00 Junior Showmanship Only ............................................................................. $20.00 Junior Showmanship as an Additional Entry (except ESSFTA Specialties) ............... Free Junior Showmanship as an Additional Entry (ESSFTA Specialties) ..................... $10.00 Parade of Veteran Title Holders ........................................................... $20.00 Brace Class (per unit) as a first entry (Flushing Spaniel Show) ........................ $35.00 Brace Class (per unit) as an additional entry (Flushing Spaniel Show) ............... $25.00 Brace Class (per unit) as a first entry (ESSFTA Specialties) ............................ $30.00 Brace Class (per unit) as an additional entry (ESSFTA Specialties) ................... $15.00 Cocker Spaniel Futurity ................................................................................ $15.00 Spaniel Sweepstakes.......................................................................... $15.00 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy (ECSCA) ........................................................ $15.00 First Entry of a Dog (*Obedience) Each Trial ............................................. $35.00 Each Additional Entry of the Same Dog (*Obedience) Each Trial ...................... $25.00 First Entry of a Dog (*Rally) Each Trial .................................................... $35.00 Each Additional Entry of the Same Dog (*Rally) Each Trial ............................. $25.00 RAE (entries in Adv B and Exc B, combined fee)** ...................................... $60.00 **When rally entries are limited, AKC requires that RAE classes are listed in the premium. Once the trial’s limit has been reached in both Advanced B & Excellent B the RAE class will be considered closed and no addi onal entries for this class will be accepted. RACH (entries in Adv B, Exc B, & Master, combined fee)** ............................ $85.00 **When rally entries are limited, AKC requires that RACH classes are listed in the premium. Once the trial’s limit has been reached in Rally Advanced B, Excellent B, & Master Classes the RACH class will be considered closed and no addi onal entries for this class will be accepted. ~ NO UNENTERED DOGS ALLOWED AT THIS SHOW ~ *Dogs entered in Obedience or Rally classes requiring jumps MUST include jump height on entry form. The American Spaniel Club, Inc. WILL NOT BE accepting Rally or Obedience entries for Dogs listed in the AKC Canine Partners Program, which includes All American/ Mixed Breed dogs. JUNIORS WITH A DOG ALSO ENTERED IN ANOTHER CLASS OFFERED AT THIS SHOW WHO SUBSTITUTE A DOG NOT ENTERED IN THIS SHOW MUST REMIT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUNIOR ONLY AND JUNIOR AS AN ADDI- TIONAL CLASS ENTRY FEE. JUNIORS WHO HAVE ENTERED JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY WHO THEN SUBSTI- TUTE ANOTHER DOG WILL NOT BE CHARGED A FURTHER FEE. 4 American Spaniel Club
Show Hours 6:00 AM—11:00PM (Each Day) Dogs need not be at show un l scheduled me of judging and will be excused immediately therea er, unless required for further judging. The Show site will be available to exhibitors Thursday, January 12, 2023. Exact me to be published in the Judging Schedule; the World’s Fair Exhibi on Hall will be open from 6:00 AM ll 11:00 PM each day of the show. Bathing facili es close at 9:00 PM each day. No one will be allowed in the building between 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM Time your arrival accordingly. All dogs and equipment must be re- moved from the building by Monday, January 16th, 2023 by 10:00am. From the Board of Directors of the American Spaniel Club American Spaniel Club welcomes all exhibitors. We want you to know that ASC is taking a proac ve step to protect the health and well-being of the dogs entered in our show. ASC recommends that all exhibitors carry a proof of vaccina on or ters and a proof of ownership for dogs a ending this event. Exhibitors should follow their veterinarian’s recommenda on to assure their dogs are few of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccina ons. Please refresh your knowledge of AKC Rule and Regula ons Chapter 11, Sec on 9 regarding sick dogs on the show grounds. What Can You Do? We ask that if you have a sick dog or suspect a dog being contagious, please come forward immediately and let the Show Chairperson know so we can try keeping the illness confined. Remember we should be worried about the health of each of the dogs at the show site and the future of our sport. Please clean up a er your dogs and use a parvocide. ALL EXHIBITORS ARE TO USE PLASTIC AND SHAVINGS IN THEIR GROOMING AREA AND TO MAINTAIN CLEANLINESS IN THEIR AREA. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR ALCOHOL ALLOWED IN THE EXHIBIT HALLS AKC NATIONAL OWNER-HANDLED SERIES PLEASE SEE WWW.AKC.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING ELIGIBILTY AND JUDGING *WHEN YOU SIGN THE ENTRY FORM, YOU AUTOMATICALLY AGREE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND AND WILL ABIDE BY ALL AKC AND ASC RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THIS SHOW Annual Mee ng The Annual Mee ng of the American Spaniel Club will be held TBD, following the comple on of judging on Saturday, January 14, 2023, me TBD. The mee ng will be followed immediately by the Annual ASC Recep on. NOTICE This is a condensed form of Premium List as provided for in Chapter 9, Section 2A of the AKC "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows". A list of breed and obedience prizes and trophies offered can be obtained by writing to: Kim Vavolo, 1088 Union Mill Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. All rights to ADVERTISE, PROMOTE, PUBLICIZE, VIDEOTAPE, PHOTOGRAPH, or otherwise exploit this show or any part thereof are vested in the American Spaniel Club, Inc. (“ASC”), or in the person(s) to whom assignments of such rights have been made in wri ng by ASC. All persons and animals on the show grounds at any me while the show is in progress do, by a ending the show or par cipa ng therein, grant to ASC or its assignee(s) the right to photograph, televise, videotape, audiotape or otherwise use their likeness and voice in any manner without further release or consent. ASC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OR PRODUCTS OF THE COMMERCIAL VENDORS AT THIS SHOW. See Page 8 for Candid Photographer Policy. January 13-15, 2023 5
Host Hotel Marrio Knoxville Downtown 525 Henley Street, Knoxville, TN 37902 (865) 522-2899 ASC Group Rate - $174.00/night + tax Parking - Event only guests pay prevailing day rate Self parking for hotel guests: $15 (50% off the prevailing rate) Valet parking: $30/day (available for in-house guests only) Pet Fee - $75/reserva on (max of 2/room) The Marrio Knoxville Downtown is the only host hotel this year. There is not an ASC block at the Tennessean Hotel or any other hotel in Knoxville, Please men on the American Spaniel Club when making reserva ons to receive $174.00 per night rate. Hotel is dog friendly and makes the rules and collects the fee for pet in room. Hotel, parking garage and adjoining park is considered part of the show site and damage to rooms or common areas will be dealt with by a show com- mi ee hearing. Pet Policies: ♦ The non-refundable pet deposit per pet varies among the hotels. ♦ Although the hotel policy is to accept dogs under 25 lbs, the hotel has waived this restric on for any spaniels entered in the show. ♦ Maximum of two (2) dogs is allowed per room. Rooms found with more than two dogs are subject to addi onal fees and/or evic on of sleeping room, to be determined by hotel management. ♦ All animals must be registered with front desk at check-in. If a room is discovered as hos ng unregistered dogs, hotel will grant one “warning” call to the guest re-advising them of the policy, and provide them an opportunity to pay the fee. If no ac on is taken from this courtesy call, hotel reserves the right to charge guest a non-refundable $250 fine per dog, per day, billed to the individual’s card on file. ♦ Hotel will provide guests with a door-hanger for each room with registered dogs. Guests will be advised to leave door-hanger on the exterior side of door through the dura on of their stay. ♦ Hotel will begin animal “audit” of rooms on Thursday, January 12, 2023, and con nue every day therea er through the guest’s departure. Audit results will be given to GSM daily and can be provided to ASC upon request. ♦ Hotel will provide a list of these terms and condi ons to each guest via ASC registra on packet prior to arrival at World’s Fair Park, as well as at check-in. Acknowledgment of Terms and Condi ons will require guest’s signature at arrival as part of the room registra on card. General Pet Terms and Condi ons: ♦ Pets must be crated or leashed at all mes when not in rooms or approved show areas. ♦ Pet must be fully trained and appropriately restrained by guest. ♦ Pets must not be le una ended at any me without being crated, including in sleeping rooms. ♦ Pets are not allowed in any food and beverage outlets, health club, and pool areas of the hotel. Policy excludes service dogs. ♦ Guests are responsible for cleaning up a er their dogs on hotel property and in the neighborhood. Any guest caught in viola on of this policy, or with dogs that are caught relieving themselves on property, will be automa cally assessed a $100 fine, to be billed directly to guest’s room. ♦ Any disturbances, such as barking, must be curtailed immediately to ensure other guests are not inconven- ienced. ♦ Guests are responsible for all property damages and/or personal injuries resul ng from their dog. The hotel reserves the right to charge guest’s account commensurate to the cost of such damages. ♦ Guests agree to indemnify and hold harmless the hotel, its owners and its operator from all liability, and damages suffered as a result of the guest’s dog. 6 American Spaniel Club
Direc ons to Marrio Hotel For the World’s Fair Exhibi on Hall Interstate 40E & 40W: Exit 388/Henley Street; WFEH & Holiday Inn will be on the right at the intersec on of Henley and Clinch. WFEH Marriott World’s Fair Park Hotel Henley St January 13-15, 2023 7
Veterinarian (On Call and Emergency) Central Veterinary Hospital (on call) Knoxville Pet Emergency Clinic Two blocks west of World’s Fair Park (a er hours—7 PM to 7 AM) 1212 W. Clinch Ave 1819 Ailor Ave Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN 865-525-1167 865-637-0114 Show Photographer Jeffrey Hanlin, Jr. 17 Concord Dr., Irwin, PA 15642 724-244-3764 Candid Photographer Policy The American Spaniel Club prohibits the use of video recording and or digital streaming devices for commercial purposes at any me, at all ASC events. ASC also prohibits photography at ASC events for commercial purposes without prior wri en consent of the Show Chairperson and the payment of a $100 in US funds candid photography licensing fee. Commercial purposes are defined as the intent to offer photos for sale or barter, in whole or in part, for use now or in the future, or for use in any other commercial applica ons. Any en ty or individual interested in taking candid photographs at ASC, please send a wri en request to Assit. Show Chairman Linda Donaldson 49 Bushnell Rd. Sturnbridge, MA 215-630-0886 along with a check for the candid photographer license fee of $100 in US funds, made payable to the American Spaniel Club. Wri en request must be sent by January 4, 2023 8 American Spaniel Club
SHOW DOG VIDEO PROS TNG Digital Media Services, Inc c/o Irvin B Krukenkamp, MD 2639 PocoLomas Court Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011 Show Dog Video Pros will be LIVE streaming your show(s), as well as providing RECORDED streaming video class-by-class each day a er the judging. In view of the large economic toll of the pandemic on dog show folks, we have cut our streaming video pricing in half (just $40 for FSS 2022). All the info for signing up and buying a cket is at our Flushing Spaniel Show 2023 page here: h ps:// Show Dog Video Pros will be offering a full suite of video products for purchase both now (before the show), at the show, and a erwards. We have gone totally electronic star ng in 2021 and onward. All videos are delivered on USB Flash Drives. There are many op ons for connector types available (USB-A, USB-C, etc) OPTIONS AVAILABLE 1) ALL VIDEOS ON USB Flash Drives. By going "All Electronic" and not being locked into a 2-hr DVD format, we are now able to offer videos that (a) include complete unedited footage of every dog in every class, i.e., full exams, all movements, and judging, (b) that are based on a single class, and (c) that are offered in Bundles and Packages at significant discounts! (2) VIDEO PACKAGES - significant 'chunks' of the show at Discounted rates, e.g. Na- onal Show, Whole Show, etc. (3) VIDEO BUNDLES - logical show segments at Discounted rates, e.g. Na onal DOGS, BITCHES, BREED, SWEEPS, etc. (4) JUST MY CLASS - Folks can now order just the classes in which they competed - 1, 2, 3, or more classes at a me. (5) JUST MY DOG - Folks can order a custom edited video featuring just their dog in compe - on in 1 or more classes. Note to ASC Membership: There will be live streaming along with a recorded replay of all conformation judging, including all independent specialties, sweepstakes, Cocker Spaniel Futurity, and all regular breed classes through the Best in Show competitions. Because this is an exclusive arrangement, no personal live streaming to social media (such as Facebook live) of conformation judging is permitted. In addition, no one who has paid for access to the live-streaming service is permitted to reproduce this copyrighted video in any manner whatsoever, including posting the live-stream on Facebook or any other social media platform, as it is a viola- tion of SDVP’s terms and conditions. This exclusivity statement will be included in the Judging Program and Catalog, and there will also be signs posted at the show site. Your cooperation is greatly appreciat- ed. Anyone who wants access to the video products can now sign up on the SDVP website for a Show Ticket for live streaming and replays. Show Dog Video Pros will receive all proceeds from the video sales. The American Spaniel Club is providing this service as a benefit to all clubs participating in the Flushing Spaniel Show weekend. January 13-15, 2023 9
RESERVED SEATING FORM 104th Annual Flushing Spaniel Show Friday – Sunday, January 13 - 15, 2023 Postage meter is not valid for a postmark date. No Express, Overnight, or Priority Mail Accepted. Sea ng will be assigned by postmark date. Only envelopes postmarked on or a er December 10, 2022 will be accepted. There is a limit of four (4) seats per form. All seats are $30 for the en re weekend and are assigned to the ring in which your primary breed is to be shown. Breeds will be judged in the same ring each day except for Best In Show. There will be no FREE Chairs at the show. Primary Breed # of Seats Amount Total $30 Seat # Occupant Name Seat # Occupant Name 1 3 2 4 Payment is to be made payable to “American Spaniel Club” in US funds and MUST accompany sea ng reserva on. Name___________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Phone # ________________________ Send this form with payment to: Linda Wright 5711 W County Road 400 N Muncie, IN 47304 Too_Many_Dogs@a .net Ques ons: 765-729-2968 10 American Spaniel Club
American Spaniel Club Grooming Reservation Reservations must be postmarked on or before 12/28/2022 All reservations postmarked after the closing date will be subject to a $50 late fee. Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________ State_______________Zip______________ Phone____________________________email__________________________________________ Number of dogs and breeds___________________________________________________ The tack room will be available to the exhibitors on Thursday, January 13. 10x10 grooming space w/electric $100. # of spaces________________________ Additional electric, if available, will cost an additional $30. Total amount enclosed: $ ___________________________________________ All ex-pens must have plastic under them with pans or shavings; electric cords must be taped down. Exhibitors must supply tape and plastic/shavings. Anyone wanting to set up with another exhibitor please indicate that on this form. Designated day crating will be available w/out electric and everything must be removed every day after judging. There will be no refunds after the closing date. ******************************************************************** Complete this form and mail with check payable in U. S. funds to ASC to: Marlene Ness, 19 Cherry Lane, Bethel CT 06801-2821 Phone: 203-240-8622 Email any ques ons to: nesmar& January 13-15, 2023 11
The American Spaniel Club Will Present Three Breed Seminars Reserva on Type Quan ty Price Total Cocker Spaniels/Nancy Gallant $25.00 Field Spaniels/Nancy Clendenen $25.00 Boykin Spaniels/Paisley Larlew $25.00 No charge for Breeders who wish to Audit the Seminars Payments may be made online at the ASC Store at: h ps.// Total $ ____________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________________ Phone: _________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Pay online or complete above form and send a check made payable to ASC to: Nancy Gallant, 7702 Division Drive, Ba le Creek Ml 49014-9562 12 American Spaniel Club
JUDGES Hal Biermann(3643) 314 River Road Chatham, NJ. 07928-1246 Marleen C Burford (0342) 234 Gold Valley Xing, Canton, GA 30114-4367 Ms. Catherine Carey 409 Ridge Rd., Spring City, PA 19475 Patricia A Darke (39766) 8415 Townsend Dr, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-4405 Brandon Edge (101383) 18180 Old Lumberton Rd. Laurinburg, NC 28352 CJ Favre 5595 Hendrix Rd Cumming, GA 30040 Mrs. Sioux Forsyth-Green(10078) 700 Linden Rd. Pinehurst, NC 28374 Colle e Jaynes(95369) 244 Sutallee Pl, White, GA 30184-3498 Mr. Frank Kane (26854) 71 Coast Road, Cleveland, UKG TS10 3RD Tara Darling-Lyon (*) (111003) 4161 Center Rd, Georgetown, SC 29440-6705 Mr. Sam Houston McDonald 130 Oakwood Creek Ln, Weatherford, TX 76088 Brenda Mills 3710 Areobee Road Box 8131 Huntsville Alabama 35808 Ms. Kathleen L Pa erson (6184) 508 Poa Dr, Frankfort, KY 40601-4426 Sally Rosenthal 13610 W. Pales Road Agua Dulce CS 91390 Mrs. Marilyn C Spacht (4528) 6033 Terrace Hills Dr, Birmingham, AL 35242-7361 Mrs. Dale R Ward (6127) PO Box 9, Benoit, MS 38725-0009 Margaret S. "Margie" Wilson (*) (67005) 4301 Lighthouse Dr, Racine, WI 53402-2865 Please Note: (*) appearing after a judge’s name/assignment denotes Provisional/Permit status for that assignment on the date the judging panel was finalized and approved by the AKC. The American Spaniel Club will again present to its Members and Exhibitors THE PARADE OF VETERAN TITLE HOLDERS, FEE $20.00 All dogs, 7 years or older, who are AKC Champions, or have earned Obedience, Agility, Tracking, or Hun ng, WD, WDX or other AKC Titles are eligible for this noncompe ve tle parade. A dog entered in this Parade of Titleholders may NOT enter regular breed classes at this show. Each entrant will receive a rose e. Everyone is encouraged to come to the Parade prepared to "showcase" their dog's area of excellence (for instance, bring an obedience dumbbell, tracking harness, bumper or bird wing). A (50 word or less) descrip on of the dogs career is to be provided no less than 48 hours in advance of the scheduled class. ASC reserves the right to edit the provided copy. A ROSETTE WILL BE PRESENTED TO EACH ENTRANT WITH NAME IMPRINTED ON IT. Please send informa on to Diane Kepley For informa on about Ringside Mentoring contact: Nancy J Gallant at or 269-979-2074 USE OF RAMPS A judge requesting the use of a ramp must give notice to the show superintendent/show secretary prior to judging. AKC approval is not required. The entire entry in a breed is to be examined in the same manner (ground, table, or ramp). At the discretion of the judge, the following breeds may be judged on the ground or on a ramp through all levels of competition including Group and Best in Show judging: American Water Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels. At the discretion of the judge through all levels of competition including Group and Best in Show judging, the following breed may be judged on a ramp, or on a table: Boykin Spaniels. The following breed must be judged on a ramp through all levels of conformation competition: Clumber Spaniels and Sussex Spaniels. This extends to all conformation competition at AKC conformation dog shows and any AKC event where a conformation title may be earned. This policy includes Group, BIS, Junior Showmanship, the 4–6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition, the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS), and all other special attractions that offer Group and BIS competitions. Ramps can be used in emergency situation to judge any breed. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the premium list, an exhibitor has the option of withdrawing their entry and receiving a refund. For the judging of juniors the ramp may be used at the discretion of the judge for the ramp optional breeds. January 13-15, 2023 13
American Spaniel Club, Inc President & Chairman of the Board ............................................................................. Diane Kepley First Vice President ..................................................................................... Dee Torgerson-Rismyhr Second Vice President ...................................................................................... Douglas McFarlane Treasurer .................................................................................................................... Beth Williams Recording Secretary …………………...…………………………………………………………………………….Jane Williams Corresponding Secretary ........................................................................................... David Roberts 103 Lyndenbury Dr Apex, NC 27502 919-637-1003 Email: Class of 2025 Class of 2023 Julie Virosteck Lisa Arne Vivian Hudson Linda Benne Linda Pi s Laurie Foley Zone I Director: Per Rismyhr; Alternate: Heidi Armour Zone II Director: Dale Ward; Alternate: Genea Jones Zone III Director: Stephanie Kaul, Alternate: Mariecel Torres-Young Zone IV Director: Laura Heidrich, Alternate: Lisa Arne Zone V Director: Deann Jepson, Alternate: Beth Moore DELEGATE TO THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Bruce van Deman Show Committee Jane T Williams ................................................................................................................ Show Chair Linda Donaldson ............................................................................................... Assistant Show Chair 215-630-0886 Richard Rohrbacher ..................................................................................... Obedience & Rally Chair AMERICAN WATER SPANIEL COMMITTEE ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL COMMITTEE Lois McCracken Suzanne Dwelly CLUMBER SPANIEL COMMITTEE FIELD SPANIEL COMMITTEE Beth Hendrick Sheila Miller ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL COMMITTEE IRISH WATER SPANIEL COMMITTEE Peggy Presnall Dana Lou t SUSSEX SPANIEL COMMITTEE WELSH SPRINGER SPANIEL COMMITTEE Patricia Petraglia Sandra Rohrbacher Futurity Joan Stallard Trophies Kim Vavolo, Deann Jepson Adver sing Kelly Ladouceur Fundraising Laurie Foley, Bonnie Buell Chief Steward David Roberts Judges Hospitality Beth Williams, Dale Ward Catalog Sales Ellen Toomey Announcer Diane Kepley, Tony Stallard Seat Reserva ons Linda Wright Tack Room/Crate Space Marlene Ness Vendors Bonnie Buell Bathing Facility Mike Pi s, Per Rismyhr 14 American Spaniel Club
Ribbon / Rosette Prizes ROSETTE FOR BEST IN SHOW ROSETTE FOR BREEDER OF BEST IN SHOW Regular Classes Non-Regular Classes First Prize Blue First Prize Rose Second Prize Red Second Prize Brown Third Prize Yellow Third Prize Light Green Fourth Prize White Fourth Prize Gray Winners Purple Rose e Best Junior Handler Rose & Green Rose e Reserve Winners Purple & White Rose e Reserve BJH Rose & Gray Rose e Best of Winners Blue & White Rose e Best in Puppy/Veteran Sweeps Best of Breed/Variety Purple & Gold Rose e Best of Opposite Sex to Pink & Green Rose e Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy/Vet Sweeps Best of Breed/Variety Red & White Rose e Best Bred By Exhibitor Lavender Rose e Select Dog/Bitch Light Blue & White Rose e Best Veteran in Show Dark Green Rose e Award of Merit Dark Green & White Rose e Best Puppy in Show Dark Green Rose e BOB/BOV NOHS Maroon Rose e Best in Field Classes Dark Green Rose e Best NOHS Turquoise Rose e Best Brace Dark Green Rose e Dark Green Rose e Obedience & Rally Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Obedience Classes Blue & Gold Rose e Highest Combined Score in Open B & U lity Classes Blue & Green Rose e Highest Scoring Dog in Preferred Obedience Classes Blue & Gold Rose e Highest Combined Score in Preferred Open & Preferred U lity Classes Blue & Green Rose e Highest Combined Score in Advanced B & Excellent B Classes Blue & Green Rose e Highest Scoring Triple Qualifying Score in Adv B, Exc B, & Master Blue & Red Rose e Qualifying Score in Obedience or Rally Dark Green Double Ribbon Awards of Merit will be given at the judge’s discre on figured at 10% (rounded up) of the Best of Breed/Variety entry including winners of the non-regular single entry classes and move-ups. Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch are not eligible. Awards of Merit (ECSCA) A Rosette to be awarded at the judge’s discretion to dogs or bitches in the Best of Breed class (excluding Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex) which best exemplify the breed’s characteristics, based on a ratio of 1 award per 50 dogs entered in the Conformation Classes. Awards of Merit (CSCA, IWSCA) will be given at the judge’s discretion figured at 10% (rounded up) of the Best of Breed/Variety entry including winners of the non-regular single entry classes and move-ups. Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch are not eligible. Awards of Merit (SSCA) will be given at the judge’s discretion figured at 10% (rounded up) of the Best of Breed/Variety entry including winners of the non-regular single entry classes and move-ups. Best of Breed/ Variety, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch are not eligible. Awards of Merit (FSSA) At the judge’s discre on , Awards of Merit may be given up to 10% of the Best of Breed entry rounded up Classifications The following classes will be provided for both dogs and bitches Puppy, 6 months & under 9 months Bred by Exhibitor Puppy (e) Puppy, 9 months & under 12 months Bred by Exhibitor Adult (e) 12 months and under 15 months (a) American Bred 15 months and under 18 months (a) Open 12 months and under 18 months (b) WINNERS Amateur Owner Handler (c) Best of Breed/Variety Compe on Bred by Exhibitor (d) (a) English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa on #2023166401/2023166402 only (b) Not offered for English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa on #2023166401/2023166402 (c) For Flushing Spaniel show & ESSFTA special es (d) For Special es except ESSFTA & FSSA (e) For Flushing Spaniel Show, ESSFTA, FSSA & IWSCA January 13-15, 2023 15
Open Class Divisions Spaniels (English Cocker): Par -Color; Solid Color to include all solid colors, except white, with tan points. Non-Regular Classes Involving Single Dog Entries The following classes will be provided for both dogs and bitches in all breeds & varie es Winners from these classes are eligible, if undefeated in another class, for Best of Breed (Variety) Compe on At all these events, veterans may be altered. Veterans - Class for Dogs and Class for Bitches for all Breeds or Varie es of Breed, eligible to all Dogs 7 years old or older. (For Flushing Spaniel Show #2023110702; ASC #2023110703; ECSCA #2023133202; IWSCA #2023166913) The following veteran class divisions apply to SSCA (Sussex) special es only Veteran 7-10yrs - 7 years and under 10 years on the day of the show Veteran 10+ yrs - 10 years and older on the day of the show See page 32 for Veteran requirements & classes for the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa on, Inc. events. The following veteran class divisions apply to IWSCA Veteran 7-9yrs - 7 years and under 10 years on the day of the show Veteran 9-11yrs - 9 years and under 11 years on the day of the show Veteran 11-13yrs - 11 years and under 13 years on the day of the show Veteran 13+ yrs - 13 years and older on the day of the show Field Classes. Class for Dogs and Class for Bitches for All Breeds or Varie es of Breed, that have earned working dog (WD) or working dog excellent (WDX) tles from their Parent breed clubs or have received a quali- fying score at any AKC Hun ng Test for Flushing Spaniels or received a placement at an AKC Field Trial. Classes to be judged a er Winners but before Best of Variety of Breed. Winners to compete for Best of Variety if undefeated. (For Flushing Spaniel Show #2023110702) Field Class - Open to any English Cocker Spaniel eligible to regularly compete at a dog show that has earned the ECSCA Working Dog (WD) or Working Dog Excellent (WDX) title, or an AKC Field Championship (FC), Hunting Title (JH, SH, MH) or has placed in a stake at an AKC Cocker/English Cocker Spaniel Field Trial. Judging will be on conformation only. (For ECSCA specialty #2023133202) Field Trial Classes: See page 32 for field trial classes for the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa on, Inc. events. Hun ng Classes: (FSSA) ASC specialty class requirements. Hun ng Dog Class - Class for dogs and class for bitches shall be open to any Field Spaniel which has earned a WD, WDX or AKC Hunt Test Title or who have earned a qualifying score in an AKC licensed or member hunt test. The name of the test and date must accompany the entry form for verifica on. Shoo ng Classes: See page 32 for shoo ng classes for the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa on, Inc. events. Non-Regular Classes Involving Multiple Dog Entries Brace Class (Flushing Spaniel Show)- The entry fee for a Brace as a UNIT is $35. The dogs comprising a Brace MUST be named at me of entry. If a dog which is to be part of a Brace is not entered in any of the Regular Classes or for Best of Breed (Variety) Compe on, it must be entered for "Brace Class Only", full par c- ulars must be given for each dog on individual regular entry forms. An entry form for a dog entered in another class and entered as part of a Brace MUST be marked accordingly in the space provided for Addi onal Classes - "Brace Class". A Brace is defined as two dogs of the same breed or variety that are similar in appearance, per- forming in unison, and presented by a maximum of two handlers. Both dogs compe ng in brace compe on must have at least one common owner. If more than one Brace is entered by the iden cal owner the dogs comprising EACH Brace must be so designated, "Brace No 1", "Brace No 2", etc. Brace as an addi onal entry - $25.00 for the unit. See page 32 for Brace class for the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa on, Inc. events. 16 American Spaniel Club
Judge Assignments ASC Flushing Spaniel Show Best in Show Mr. Sam Houston McDonald American Water Spaniel Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Boykin Spaniel Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Clumber Spaniel Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Ms. Sally Rosenthal Cocker Spaniel Black Ms. Patricia Darke Cocker Spaniel ASCOB Mr. Frank Kane Cocker Spaniel Par Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Cocker Spaniel Futurity Ms. Catherine Carey English Cocker Spaniel Mr. Frank Kane Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Ms. Sally Rosenthal English Springer Spaniels Ms. Patricia Darke Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Ms. Brenda Mills Field Spaniel Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Mr. Hal Bierman Irish Water Spaniels Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Mr. Hal Bierman Sussex Spaniels Ms. Kathleen Pa erson Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Mr. Hal Bierman Welsh Springer Spaniels Mr. Frank Kane Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Mr. C.J. Favre Juniors Mr. Brandon Edge Obedience and Rally Mrs. Marleen Burford Please Note: (*) appearing after a judge’s name/assignment denotes Provisional/Permit status for that assign- ment on the date the judging panel was finalized and approved by the AKC. January 13-15, 2023 17
JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Novice Junior 9 & under 12 yrs • Novice Intermediate 12 & under 15 yrs • Novice Senior 15 & under 18 yrs Open Junior 9 & under 12 yrs • Open Intermediate 12 & under 15 yrs • Open Senior 15 & under 18 yrs Master Class Novice Class - shall be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who at the time entries close have not won three (3) first place awards, with competi- tion present, in a Novice Class. A first place in Novice without competition leading to a Best Junior award with competition would count as one win towards moving to Open at a licensed or member show. Junior Handlers who win a third Novice Class with competition, if a win in Novice leads to a Best Junior with competition present it will count as one win towards moving to Open, after the closing of entries for a show are required to transfer their entry from the Novice Class to the Open Class by notify- ing the Superintendent or Show Secretary prior to the judging of the class at the show. Open Class - shall be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who have won three (3) first place awards in a Novice Class or if a win in Novice leads to a Best Junior with competition present it will count as one win towards moving to Open in a licensed or member show. Master Class - will be for boys & girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the show, and who have won 10 Best Junior wins with competition. The calendar for this class will be con- sistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC National Championship. All Juniors meeting the criteria for this class are required to enter the Master Class and must change their entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the eligibility time frame for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to complete for the following year. No entry may be changed or cancelled unless notice of the change or cancellation is received in writing by the Superintendent or Show Secretary named in the premium list to receive entries, prior to the closing date and hour for entries, except that a correction may be made from one age division to anoth- er, as well as, move from Master to Open or Open to Novice if a win has been disallowed or the Junior miscalculated number of placements, provided this transfer is made by the Superintendent or Show Secretary prior to the judging of the class at the show. NOTICE: Junior Handlers must include their AKC JUNIOR HANDLER NUMBER on each entry. You may obtain your junior identification number by calling the AKC, Judges Education Department (919) 233-9767. Obedience Trials & Rally Trials Please Note: ASC will refund entry fees (less $10 administra ve fee) for bitches entered in Obedi- ence or Rally that come in season a er entries close and no fica on is presented in wri ng no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the Obedience judging or at the Superintendent’s desk. Qualifying Score Required for All Prizes in the Regular or Op onal Titling Classes. “Dog” means either sex. All Obedience & Rally entries must include Class Division (A or B). Obedience entries in classes with jumps & Rally entries in Advanced and Excellent classes MUST INCLUDE DOG’S JUMP HEIGHT. Classes with jumps will be judged in ascending height order beginning at 4”. Obedience Trial Regular Classes Novice A ● Novice B ● Open A ● Open B ● U lity A ● U lity B Preferred Titling Classes Preferred Novice ● Preferred Open ● Preferred U lity Op onal Titling Classes Beginner Novice A ● Beginner Novice B ● Graduate Novice ● Graduate Open ● Versa lity Rally Trial >> Rally Limit of 55 total entries for each trial
ANNUAL JANUARY SPECIALTY SHOW RULES FOR COCKER SPANIEL FUTURITY STAKE JUDGE: Ms. Catherine Carey Breeders of entries for the futurity MUST BE American Spaniel Club, Inc. ("ASC") members through all steps of the futurity (have current annual dues paid). Owners (if other than the breeder) of entries are not required to be ASC members. Nomina ons and enrollments shall be sent to the Futurity Chairman only on the forms issued by ASC. You may photocopy the forms. The forms state the required payment and informa on. Incomplete forms will be re- turned. Fees must be paid in U.S. funds. (Checks drawn on U.S. banks and U.S. Money Orders only). There will be no refunds. Checks on Foreign Banks for U.S. funds are not acceptable, and if sent will be returned along with the Futurity Form. The steps which must be taken to Futurity nominate are as follows: 1. Bitch Nomina on. The dam of the li er must be owned or leased by an ASC member(s). The dam must be properly nominated prior to whelping (between January 1 and June 30 inclusive). Only puppies from nominated bitches, whelped a er date of nomina on, are eligible. The nomina on envelope must bear a post office cancella on stamp with a date prior to the whelping date. Postage Meter is not valid. A fee of $10.00 for each bitch nominated must accompany the form, in accordance with the instruc ons stated on the form. If the bitch's due date is such that she may whelp in either the January or July Futurity, you should nominate her for both. NOTE: Both nominated bitch and sire of the li er MUST be at least two years of age at me of breeding. When nomina ng a bitch, photocopies of the individual AKC Registra- on Cer ficates for both nominated bitch and sire of the li er must be included with the Nomina on Form. If the bitch is leased, send photocopies of the AKC Registra on and Lease Form filed with the AKC. 2. Puppy Enrollment. Enrollments of any puppies that the breeder(s) or owner(s) wishes to enroll must be made on or before November 1. Enrollments must be made on the form issued by ASC and a payment of $10.00 per puppy is required. The form will state the complete requirements, but generally, the name of the puppy, the name of sire and dam, date of birth, sex, variety and individual AKC Registra on Number must be given. Canadian-bred or Mexican-bred puppies may provide a Canadian or Mexican Registra on Number, if an AKC Number is not yet obtained. Late Enrollment: You may make a late puppy enrollment for a fee of $25.00 per puppy, provided all other requirements are met. LATE ENROLLMENTS DO NOT GO BY POSTMARK. THEY MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CHAIRMAN BY DECEMBER 1. 3. Entry. Entries shall be made in the name of the OWNER(S) who need not be a member of ASC. A final payment of $15.00 for each puppy to be shown shall be made to the Superintendent of the show before the closing of entries for the January Annual Flushing Spaniel Show, at which me the Name, AKC Num- ber, Date of birth, Breeding, Sex and Variety of each puppy must be given on the regular, AKC approved entry blank, together with the payment of the regular entry fee. Each puppy shall be entered in one of the regular classes and, in addi on, the entry blank must also be designated "Futurity Stake". The BREED- ER(S) of the puppy MUST STILL BE A CURRENT MEMBER OF ASC. The ASC is not responsible for any errors made on the blank and no refunds will be made by ASC. The money received by ASC from the nomina on of bitches shall be divided as follows: 40% for the expenses of the Futurity Stake, 10% for the Best Puppy in Futurity (50% of this will be awarded to the puppy's owner, 50% to the breeder), 5% for Best Opposite Sex to Best in Futurity Puppy (50% of this will be awarded to the puppy's owner, 50% to the breeder), 10% for Best Puppy in Each Variety, 5% for Best Opposite Sex to Best in Each Variety. The money received by ASC from the puppy enrollments and the final payment in each sex, each age group, AND each variety shall be divided as follows: 40% of the total for expenses for the Futurity Stake, and the re- maining shall be divided among each sex, each age group, and among each Variety as follows: 25% to first, 20% to second, 10% to third, and 5% to fourth. The judging in each sex and Variety shall be as follows: 6 to 9 months; 9 months and over but not exceeding the age limita ons of the Futurity. Each sex, each age group in each variety shall be judged separately. Following the judging of each age and sex group of each variety for best in each group above, the six shall be judged, first for best of each respec ve Variety, and best opposite sex to each Variety, and from the final three shall be selected the best puppy in the Futurity. Any dog of opposite sex to Best in Futurity, if undefeated within their Variety shall compete for Best Opposite Sex to Best in Futurity. January 13-15, 2023 19
ASC PERPETUTAL MEMORIAL AWARDS COCKER SPANIEL PERPETUAL AND MEMORIAL FUTURITY TROPHIES OFFERED EACH YEAR AT THE ANNUAL FLUSHING SPANIEL SHOW THE RED BRUCIE PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Owner of the Sire of the Winner of the Cocker Spaniel Futurity Stake. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE STONEWALK PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the winner of Best Cocker Spaniel in Futurity. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to com- memorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE MURIEL BARBER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the winner of Best of Opposite Sex to Best Cocker Spaniel in Futurity. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE DR. MURIEL KELLERHOUSE PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Breeder of the Best ASCOB Cocker Spaniel in Futurity. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. ASC PERPETUAL AND MEMORIAL TROPHIES OFFERED EACH YEAR AT THE ANNUAL FLUSHING SPANIEL SHOW OFFERED TO ALL FLUSHNG SPANIELS THE GEORGE GREER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Winner of Best in Show. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE FREIDA AND HARRY SIART PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY Through a bequest by Freida and Harry Siart's daughter, Phyllis M. Anger, to be awarded to the Winner of Best in Show. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE DEE DEE WOOD PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY In honor of Dee Dee Wood's dedica on to the breeding of Cocker Spaniels and her love of all Flushing Spaniels, to be awarded to the Best Bred-by-Exhibitor in Show. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. OFFERED TO COCKER SPANIELS ONLY THE RUTH BAUMGARTNER MEMORIAL TROPHY The Ruth Baumgartner perpetual trophy fund was established by Ruth to be awarded for Best Cocker Spaniel at the American Spaniel Club Flushing Show. A prize will be awarded each year to commemorate the win. THE HILDRETH K. BLOODGOOD PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY For the Best Cocker Spaniel. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE BARBARA FRENCH PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Best Bred-by-Exhibitor Cocker Spaniel. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commem- orate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE FEINLYNE TOAST OF HIGH POINT PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY Through a bequest by Phyllis M. Anger, former owner of Ch. Feinlyne Toast of High Point, to be awarded to the Best of Variety ASCOB Cocker Spaniel. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE SANSTAR PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the winner of the ASCOB Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE TOWNSEND SCUDDER MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Best Bred-By-Exhibitor Cocker Spaniel. Offered in honor of Judge Townsend Scudder by members of the American Spaniel Club. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. 20 American Spaniel Club
OFFERED TO CLUMBER SPANIELS ONLY THE CH RAYCROFT SHERIFF WD PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to Best of Breed, Clumber Spaniel. A sterling silver engraved bowl, never to be re red, in memory of the first Clumber Spaniel to win Best in Show at the Flushing Spaniel Show, offered by Charlo e P. Newton. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize will be awarded to commemorate the win. OFFERED TO FIELD SPANIELS ONLY THE RICHARD H. SQUIER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Best Field Spaniel in Show. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. OFFERED TO COCKER SPANIELS ONLY – OBEDIENCE THE STELLA AND CHARLES VICKERMAN PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the Highest Scoring Cocker Spaniel in Obedience. This memorial, being perpetual, a prize to commemorate the win will be presented each year at the annual American Spaniel Club Flushing Spaniel Show. THE ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. CHALLENGE AND “REPEATING” TROPHIES AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC – JANUARY FLUSHING SPANIEL SHOW THE ON TIME CHALLENGE TROPHY, BEST OF BREED Engraved sterling silver bowl on wood base, offered by the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America, Inc., in memory of Seymour and Maurie Prager, On Time English Cocker Spaniels. For compe on at the American Spaniel Club’s Flushing Spaniel Show only. To be won three (3) mes by the iden cal owner(s), not necessary with the same dog or at consecu ve shows. Possession to retained by the ECSCA un l terms for possession have been met. A prize will be awarded each year to commemorate the win. THE MAJESTIC/SWEET APPLE CHALLENGE TROPHY, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Polished silver-plated tray, offered by Kay and Doug Belter and Nancy Sweet. For compe - on at the American Spaniel Club's Flushing Spaniel Show only. For permanent possession, to be won three(3) mes by the iden cal owner(s), not necessarily with the same dog or at consecu ve shows. Possession to be retained by the ECSCA un l terms of possession have been met. THE GREENO CHALLENGE TROPHY, BEST OF WINNERS Breed figure on wood base, offered by the late Mr. David W. Flanagan and Mrs. Karen P. Miller in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Greeno. For compe on at the American Spaniel Club’s Flushing Spaniel Show only. For permanent possession, to be won three (3) mes by the iden cal owner(s), not necessarily with the same dog or at consecu ve shows. Possession to be retained by the ECSCA, Inc. un l terms of possession have been met. A prize will be awarded each year to commemorate the win. January 13-15, 2023 21
Division of Sweepstakes Prize Money for All Regular & Veteran Sweepstakes Except English Cocker Spaniels (see their division below their breed) 35% of total entry fees will be retained by the Club for expenses. The remaining monies will be divided as follows: (Cash Prizes not awarded will revert back to the Club). Best in Sweepstakes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes …………………………………………………………………………… 5% Classes with 4 or more entries …………………………………………….. 1st 40%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%, 4th 10% Classes with 3 entries ………………………………………………………………………….. 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20% Classes with 2 entries ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1st 60%, 2nd 40% Classes with 1 entry …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1st 100% Clumber Spaniel Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Sally Rosenthal The Sweepstakes is open to all Clumber Spaniels which are 6 months of age and under 18 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes MUST also be entered in a regular breed class under the ASC Event Number. Indicate "Sweepstakes" and age division on the regular entry form under Addi onal Classes. Classifica ons (for dogs and bitches) Puppy, 6 months and under 9 months ● Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Junior, 12 months & under 15 months ● Senior, 15 months & under 18 months Veteran Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Sally Rosenthal The Sweepstakes is open to all Clumber Spaniels which are 7 years and over on the day of the show. Spayed bitches and neutered males may enter the Veteran Sweepstakes. Dogs do NOT have to be entered in another class at this show; however, entry forms must state "Veteran Sweepstakes" in space for "Addi onal Classes" if dog is entered in another class. Classifica ons (for dogs and bitches) 7 years and under 9 years ● 9 years and over English Cocker Spaniel Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Sally Rosenthal The Sweepstakes is open to all English Cocker Spaniels which are 6 months of age and under 18 months of age on the day of the show. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes MUST also be entered in a regular breed class under the ASC Event Number. Indicate "Sweepstakes" and age division on the regular entry form under Addi onal Classes. Classifica ons (for dogs and bitches) Puppy, 6 months and under 9 months ● Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Junior, 12 months & under 15 months ● Senior, 15 months & under 18 months Veteran Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Sally Rosenthal The Sweepstakes is open to all English Cocker Spaniels which are 7 years and over on the day of the show. Spayed bitches and neutered males may enter the Veteran Sweepstakes. Dogs do NOT have to be entered in another class at this show; however, entry forms must state "Veteran Sweepstakes" in space for "Addi onal Classes" if dog is entered in another class. Classifica ons (for dogs and bitches) 7 years and under 9 years ● 9 years and under 11 years ● 11 years and over Division of Sweepstakes Prize Money for Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes 35% of total entry fees will be retained by the Club for expenses. The remaining monies will be divided as follows: (Cash Prizes not awarded will revert back to the Club). Best in Sweepstakes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30% Reserve Best in Sweepstakes …………………………………………………………………………………………………...10% Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes ……………………………………………………………………………10% Classes with 4 or more entries …………………………………………….. 1st 40%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%, 4th 10% Classes with 3 entries ………………………………………………………………………….. 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20% Classes with 2 entries ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1st 60%, 2nd 40% Classes with 1 entry …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1st 100% 22 American Spaniel Club
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