Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch

Page created by Roberto Mills
Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
Amazon In Focus     SUMMER 2020
Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
OUR MISSION & VISION                                           CONTENTS
Our Mission                                                    Message from our Executive Director............................ 1
Amazon Watch is a nonprofit organization founded in            Responding to the Amazon in Crisis.............................. 2
1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of       Amazon Defenders Fund.............................................................. 3
Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with
                                                               A Light Against the Rising Darkness in Brazil......................... 6
Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns
for human rights, corporate accountability and the             Guardians of Life............................................................................ 8
preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems.               There is Still Time to Protect
                                                               the Sacred Headwaters of the Amazon..................................10
Our Vision                                                     Follow the Money to Stop Rainforest Destruction...............12
We envision a world where the collective rights of             The Achuar’s Last Stand in Peru..............................................14
Indigenous peoples and the rights of nature are respected
and where healthy forests, biodiversity, and the global        Artists for Amazonia....................................................................16
climate are fully protected by governments, corporations       Amazon Watch Team..................................................................17
and civil society.
We strive for a movement of global solidarity rooted in
interconnectedness and practices of decolonization
to respect the rights of Indigenous peoples and to
permanently protect the Amazon rainforest which is             OUR WORK
perilously close to a tipping point of ecological collapse.
We believe that Indigenous self-determination is a critical    Stop Amazon Destruction
component of any successful conservation strategy for          Amazon Watch resists the destruction of the Amazon by
the Amazon, and see that Indigenous knowledge, cultures        challenging disastrous development projects and resource
and traditional practices contribute greatly to sustainable    extraction and by promoting Indigenous rights.
and equitable stewardship of Mother Earth.
We seek solutions that will lead to the transformation of      Advance Indigenous Solutions
our economic, financial and political governance systems       Amazon Watch supports and promotes Indigenous-led
to ones that are life-affirming and regenerative.              alternative solutions to climate change, natural resource
                                                               extraction, and industrial development.
We commit, in the spirit of partnership and mutual
respect, to support Indigenous, forest, and traditional
peoples in their efforts to protect life, land, and culture    Support Climate Justice
in accordance with their aspirations and needs, by             Amazon Watch joins with the climate justice movement
advocating for true solutions that respect the principles of   to address the fact that the most vulnerable—especially
climate justice.                                               Indigenous peoples and people of color—bear the brunt of
                                                               environmental destruction, corporate greed, and climate
                                                               change, and are often excluded from top-down solutions.

                                                                                                                         Photos (front cover): Getty Images (Top)
                                                                                                                            Amazon Watch/Lucas Silva (Bottom)
Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
                          Dear Friends of Amazon Watch,

                          Thank you for your support of our critical work to protect and restore the Amazon rainforest, advance
                          Indigenous-led solutions and demand climate justice! Our work has always been important, but considering
                          the current crises facing the Amazon, its forest guardians and all of humanity, it’s more critical than ever to
                          unite to stop the destruction and defend the defenders.

                          The Amazon and our global climate are in crisis. Following rampant deforestation and fires that ravaged the
                          Amazon rainforest last year, the Amazon is now facing a tipping point of ecological collapse. The Amazon
                          is also facing a humanitarian crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic that is spreading exponentially across the
                          region, with the potential of ethnocide of Indigenous peoples if immediate and ongoing action is not taken.

                          While the challenges may seem daunting, we still have time to shift from “tipping point to turning point”
                          for the Amazon, the global climate and all of humanity.
         Photo: Rucha Chitnis At Amazon Watch, we have and are taking immediate action by responding to the calls and demands of
Indigenous peoples across the Amazon to respect rights, lives and territories that are increasingly threatened by land-grabbers, extractive
activities, agribusiness expansion, governments, corporations, international financiers, and now the COVID-19 pandemic.

With increased capacity and resources over the last year, we have expanded direct support and coordination with partners on the
ground across the Amazon—including legal and communications capacity—and distribution of over $1 million in rapid response grants
to support women defenders, stop fires and prevent COVID-19. We have also expanded our global advocacy and communication
campaigns in coordination with Indigenous and international allies, including over 250 organizations who signed a global call for an
immediate moratorium on all extractive activities in the Amazon. And, we are building a Pan-Amazon Alliance and launching global
initiatives in solidarity with Indigenous peoples including the Amazon Emergency Fund and Artists for Amazonia.

In unity, we are building a global movement to act for the Amazon, Indigenous rights and climate justice. Our movement is intersectional
and is rooted in principles and practices of solidarity, equity, justice, anti-racism and decolonization. Our movement recognizes that the
systems that violate human rights also violate Mother Earth and need to be transformed. This is a turning point for humanity to come
together to resist systems of oppression and exploitation and uplift visionary solutions to protect and restore the balance of nature and
human rights.

Thank you for standing with us during these challenging, but transformative times. Your support means solidarity with Indigenous peoples
at a time when the world desperately needs their wisdom, guidance and solutions to restore the balance of nature and respect for
humanity and all life.

With deep gratitude for your support,

Leila Salazar-López
Executive Director

Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
Photo: Victor Moriyama / Greenpeace

    The Amazon is in crisis. It has been for          through the Amazon Defenders                  all extractive activities like mining, oil,
    some time. For nearly a quarter century,          Fund. These grants responded to the           and logging, industrial agriculture,
    Amazon Watch has sounded the alarm                fires, supported Indigenous women’s           and all religious proselytization.
    that the forest and its Indigenous                leadership, provided life-saving
    inhabitants are at extreme risk, and thus         resources for the COVID-19 outbreak      •    Expanded our field staff teams
    the future of our fragile planet. This has        and funded vital community support            on the ground in Brazil, Ecuador
    been our purpose as an organization since         projects including food sovereignty           and Peru all while drastically reducing
    1996. For years, the plight of the Amazon         and protection for Earth Defenders.           our own operating costs.
    was not known or talked about on a global
                                                  •   Co-launched and seed funded the          And this is just the beginning.
    scale. But in August of 2019, all of this
    changed. Last summer, the world reacted           first-ever Amazon Emergency
                                                                                               This is how movements gain and maintain
    to the news of the fires that swept across        Fund (AEF), a pan-Amazon
                                                                                               momentum. This is how you capture the
    the Amazon in a way it never had before.          initiative providing swift and
                                                                                               moment of a movement and invite the world
    The world became aware and took action.           immediate funding to Indigenous
                                                                                               to design a new and better future together.
    Now, there is no looking back.                    organizations. This fund works to
                                                      stave off the spread of COVID-19         This is not short-term work. This is
    What began as a movement led by                   and provide emergency assistance to      long-term work with short-term wins. To
    Indigenous peoples of the Amazon has              communities in dire need.                truly address the ongoing destruction of
    become a movement global in force, reach                                                   the Amazon rainforest and the potential
    and scope.                                    •   Co-launched Artists for Amazonia
                                                                                               ethnocide of Indigenous peoples, we must
                                                      featuring artists and activists
                                                                                               continue to respond rapidly and also co-
    As a result of your support, Amazon               throughout the world. This online
                                                                                               create systemic change.
    Watch stepped up even more boldly,                experience captured millions of
    powerfully, and unapologetically to advance       viewers throughout the world and         Creating system change means
    Indigenous rights and solutions and protect       raised critical funds for the Amazon.    understanding that the fires that claimed
    the rainforest.                                                                            over 11 million hectares of forest in Brazil
                                                  •   Formed an international network
                                                                                               and Bolivia were not seasonal wildfires,
    Among our achievements:                           of solidarity with Indigenous peoples
                                                                                               but the result of arson set by those
                                                      across the Amazon of more than 250
                                                                                               spurred by Bolsonaro to plunder the
    •   Regranted more than $1 million                organizations to amplify the demands
                                                                                               Amazon for commodities. Stoking racism
        to more than 100 Indigenous-led and           of Indigenous groups, including a call
                                                                                               towards Indigenous peoples led to over
        traditional groups across the Amazon          for an immediate moratorium on
                                                                                               9,000 fires being deliberately set on their

Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
lands. Preventing the next fires means           Added to the challenges of fire and               expansion of deforestation and resource
stopping the attacks, advancing the rights       destructive climate change practices              extraction has never been greater. Our
of Indigenous communities in resistance,         is the COVID-19 pandemic. This could              work in solidarity and partnership has
and ending the deforestation that leads to       mean ethnocide for the Amazon's                   always been the most effective and just
the increase in fires.                           Indigenous peoples. The global pandemic           approach to these issues, and—thanks
                                                 puts their lives in even more danger as           to you—that call has now risen above the
Behind Bolsonaro and the ruralistas of           governments fail to appropriately address         din. Your support today and in the future
Brazil are international financiers, banks,      the crisis. Amazon Watch together with            days and months is critical to ensuring
and corporations. That’s why we also             our allies takes daily action to help prevent     the survival of Indigenous peoples and
co-lead global campaigns targeting               the spread of COVID-19 and to support             the preservation of the Amazon rainforest.
these companies and demanding                    those communities where the virus has             This work cannot be done without you.
change. Those who profit from rainforest         taken hold.
destruction - the real forces behind the                                                           Together we are the hope for this
deforestation - like BlackRock will no           Support for Indigenous peoples and                movement and the answer to the crisis
longer escape the spotlight.                     communities confronting the pandemic,             that confronts all of us.
                                                 horrific fires, genocidal attacks and

The Amazon Defenders Fund (ADF) is
the solidarity grantmaking fund at Amazon
Watch dedicated to supporting Indigenous-
led organizations in their quest to defend
and protect the Amazon rainforest, advance
solutions to deforestation, fires, floods,
land grabbing, repression, violence and
all threats to Indigenous sovereignty and
autonomy. ADF supports initiatives which
dismantle existing patriarchal systems of
power and privilege to advance the voices                                                                            Photo: Conselho Terena Archives
and leadership of Indigenous women, girls
and gender non-confirming individuals.           partners across the Amazon. More than two         community-led territorial and ecosystem
                                                 hundred distinctive grants were distributed       mapping; land titling projects; critical
The need for ADF has never been                  swiftly and quickly in response to the fires in   communications initiatives; non-violent
more urgent. In the past year alone,             Bolivia and Brazil, the devastating outbreak      direct actions; and field monitoring of
Indigenous communities in the Amazon             of COVID-19, and in support of urgent             industrial activities and their impacts.
have confronted unprecedented levels             humanitarian and political mobilizations led
of deforestation, violent attacks, fires that    by Indigenous communities.                        ADF exists to support Indigenous peoples’
have devastated the living forest, oil spills,                                                     rights to pursue and exercise their collective
flooding and political uprising.                 ADF remains resolute in rapidly responding        rights, culture, and livelihoods. Your support
                                                 to immediate, life-threatening needs, as          of ADF is a profound act of solidarity,
In response to these staggering events, in       well as to projects that support legal            turning turmoil into transformation.
the last year alone ADF granted more than        defense; pan-Amazon advocacy collectives;
$1 million to Indigenous and community           Indigenous-led workshops and assemblies;

Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
                                                   TYPES OF GRANTS:
                                                                                                               Kichwa      Wampis

                                                   FIRE RESPONSE                   COVID-19 RELIEF             Sapara      Asháninka
                                                                                                               Cofan       Cacataibo
                             AMAZ O N              Aid in Response to Fires        Emergency Health Supplies
                                                                                                               U’wa        Awajún
                             B A S I N             Protective Equipment            Oxygen Concentrators
                                          BRAZIL   Indigenous Firefighting         Food Distribution           Achuar      Guajajara
                                                   Indigenous Forest Guardians     Advocacy for Healthcare     Munduruku   Suruí
                 PERU                                                              Improvements
                                                   Food Distribution                                           Kayapó      Guarani
                                                                                                               Konibo      Tikuna
                                                                                                               Ka’apor     Maró
    $1 MILLION                                     COMMUNITY                       INDIGENOUS
                                                   SUPPORT                         WOMEN
                                                   Protection and Well-being Aid   Development & Training
    1 YEAR                                         for Earth Defenders at Risk
                                                   Solar & Communications
    OVER                                           Travel for National and
                                                   International Meetings          Assemblies
    200 GRANTS
                                                   Food Sovereignty
                                                   Community Mobilization
    100 GROUPS                                     Communications: Internet,
    ACROSS THE REGION                              Radio, Computers, Video
                                                   Human Rights Monitoring
    AVG. GRANT $5000

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Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
Photo: Culture Hack Labs

    A LIGHT AGAINST        To observe Brazil today is to watch a       from grassroots to global levels.
                           country that once offered the promise       In doing so they offer us hope and
    THE RISING             of social and environmental progress,       inspiration and remind us that their
                           enter a dystopian free fall. Even before    fight for the future of Brazil’s forests
    DARKNESS IN            the pandemic, we were witnessing            and forest peoples is also our own.
    BRAZIL                 many hard-fought gains for the
                                                                       Many of us became aware of the
                           Amazon and Indigenous peoples under
    By Christian Poirier                                               crisis in the Brazilian Amazon with
                           threat. Bolsonaro's Brazil, with its
                           persistent erosion of human rights and      the advent of last year’s fires, as the
                           democratic norms, spikes in violence,       world awoke to dramatic images of
                           and environmental destruction,              the rainforest burning out of control.
                           exposes one of our planet's most            The fires were not an isolated
                           distressing crises: the rise of fascism.    phenomenon. This tragedy is better
                           The situation urges us to act decisively,   understood as a manifestation of the
                           to support those resisting this             criminality, impunity, and violence
                           abominable regime and to take action        that has exploded since Bolsonaro
                           from wherever we are from.                  took power. Indigenous peoples and
                                                                       traditional communities of the Amazon
                           In contrast to the darkness spreading       have been sounding the alarm about
                           in Brazil, the country’s Indigenous         risks to the rainforest for years and
                           movement is channeling its centuries-       resisting its destruction – sometimes
                           long struggle for survival and self-        at the cost of their own lives. As our
                           determination into an effective             partner Alessandra Munduruku puts
                           counterweight against the Bolsonaro         it: “All this attention on the Amazon
                           regime by waging effective activism,        was awakened by the images of fires

Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
in the trees. But we, the Indigenous
peoples, have been shouting about it
since much earlier.”

The fires raging in the Brazilian
Amazon are as much political as they
are physical. Bolsonaro relentlessly
attacks Brazil’s Indigenous minority
precisely because their ancestral
lands offer boundless opportunities
to the powerful economic interests
that brought him to power. His regime
continues to churn out reckless plans
to legislate the stripping of Indigenous
peoples’ constitutional rights to
land and self-determination to make
way for mining, agribusiness, and          that the Indigenous movement’s              financiers of Amazon destruction
devastating infrastructure like dams.      efforts pit them against dominant and       including major private banks like
                                           ruthless forces. And it could ultimately    France’s BNP Paribas and asset
What our partner Sônia Guajajara of        fail without local and global solidarity,   managers like BlackRock. These
the Association of Brazil’s Indigenous     with dire consequences for us all.          findings have helped raise awareness
Peoples (APIB) terms “institutional                                                    of the forces that underpin Brazil’s
genocide” Bolsonaro calls his              Amazon Watch is standing with               crisis while channeling public action
“dream.” To this, she responds: “Your      MNI and APIB’s efforts to resist            toward institutions that could make
'dream', Bolsonaro, is our nightmare       Bolsonaro, uphold and restore vital         or break Bolsonaro’s agenda. Our
and our extermination because mining       human rights and environmental              strategy has not only proven timely
brings death, illness, and misery and it   protections, and target the economic        but also adaptable to countering
destroys the future of our children….      and political forces that enable the        emerging threats, such as the
The blood that runs in our bodies          actors behind the crisis. To reverse        expansion of industrial mining on
is formed through struggle and             today’s disastrous trends, we need          Indigenous lands.
resistance, and we will not let our        to look beyond the criminals in
nightmare come true.”                      the Brazilian government and their          In 2020, we are redoubling our
                                           henchmen on the ground. This is why         solidarity efforts with our Brazilian
Sônia helps to lead the National           Amazon Watch leverages the global           partners while convening and catalyzing
Indigenous Mobilization (MNI),             markets that sustain their behavior         a global movement towards corporate
a leading force among Brazil’s             and provides a bridge between               and political accountability. Indigenous
resistance movements. MNI’s ability        their influential actors and Brazil’s       peoples are the first and last line of
to swiftly and effectively respond to      grassroots movements.                       defense between the future of the
Bolsonaro’s attacks by organizing                                                      forest and its irreversible destruction.
direct actions, legal challenges,          Our Complicity in Destruction               Together, with global upswell of
political pressure campaigns, and          II report, released last year in            support, we will not let the forces of
high-profile media have deterred the       partnership with APIB, exposed              disorder unleashed by Bolsonaro's
worst rollbacks. However, it is clear      dozens of international corporate           fascist regime go unchallenged.
Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
GUARDIANS OF LIFE                                                                        The film engaged millions of people around the world to take action for the Amazon:

    The film is calling on the world shocked by last summer’s fires to stand in solidarity   •   News stories garnered over 8 million views
    with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon who are the best protectors and                •   Shared online over 200,000 times
    defenders of the Amazon rainforest. Only when Indigenous peoples and territories         •   872,000 likes on Instagram
    are protected can the Amazon rainforest thrive.
                                                                                             Also starring Adria Arjona from Good Omens and Game of Thrones star Oona
    “Guardians of Life” is a short film in collaboration with Amazon Watch, Extinction       Chaplin. The film was produced by Nation Earth, Amazon Watch, Extinction
    Rebellion, and writer and director Shaun Monson, which centers on the near-critical      Rebellion and Mobilize Earth with support from Artists for Amazonia, the Climate
    stage of the climate crisis the planet is facing.                                        Save Movement and the Environmental Media Association.

    The video features Academy Award winner Joaquin Phoenix and also stars                   Watch the film at
    Q’orianka Kilcher, Rosario Dawson, Matthew Modine, and Albert Hammond Jr.

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Amazon In Focus SUMMER 2020 - Amazon Watch
THERE IS STILL    At a time when the world needs to be
                       racing to protect the Amazon, new
                                                                 others. Their efforts have stopped
                                                                 extraction and bolstered Indigenous
     TIME TO PROTECT   threats in the headwaters of the mighty   rights throughout the region and
                       Amazon River in Ecuador and Peru          beyond. From their communities in
     THE SACRED        puts this area, known as the Amazon       the rainforest to the streets of the
     HEADWATERS OF     Sacred Headwaters, in great peril.        urban cities of Quito and Lima, and
                                                                 in dialogue with state governments,
     THE AMAZON        The Sacred Headwaters in the              Indigenous peoples in the Sacred
                       Upper Amazon is the birthplace            Headwaters region continue to
     By Kevin Koenig   of the Amazon river. Spanning 30          adamantly express their opposition to
                       million hectares in Ecuador and           any new oil drilling.
                       Peru, this area is home to nearly
                       500,000 Indigenous peoples from           But a renewed push by Ecuador
                       20 nationalities, including peoples       and Peru to expand extraction and
                       in voluntary isolation. It is the most    auction new oil blocks in this area
                       biodiverse terrestrial ecosystem on       threatens Indigenous peoples and their
                       the planet, and it represents both the    Amazonian territories. In response,
                       hope and the despair of our times.        Indigenous nations are joining together
                                                                 in a new initiative, led by the regional
                       This rainforest region remains largely    Amazonian Indigenous confederations
                       free of industrial extraction due to      of both countries, CONFENIAE and
                       the successful efforts of Indigenous      AIDESEP respectively, calling for
                       peoples to protect and defend             an immediate moratorium on new
                       their territories. Here, Indigenous       extraction and exploration, while
                       peoples have stopped industrial           pursuing a just transition away from
                       waterways, dams, roads, and drilling      fossil fuel dependency, to post-
                       plans by companies including              petroleum economies that elevate
                       Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ARCO,            Indigenous solutions and respect
                       Andes Petroleum, ENI, Petrobras,          their rights and autonomy. Amazon
                       CGC, and Talisman Energy, among           Watch is proud to be working

alongside Indigenous nationalities to         A Huge Climate Opportunity                   China, California, Chile,
realize this big vision, and is joined                                                     Major Businesses and
by Pachamama Alliance, Fundación              Ecuador and Peru’s plan to greatly
Pachamama, and                   expand oil production comes at a time        Finance Institutions All
                                              of climate crisis. The science is clear:     Connected to the Problem
                                              the world must begin a rapid phase
Oil Expansion in the Last                     out of fossil fuel production, and keep      A massive portion of the existing and
Place on Earth it Should                      oil in the ground.                           expanded crude oil production is
                                                                                           being used to pay off billions in loans
Happen                                        The oil industry is a major driver of        to China — a country with a stated
Ecuador has announced plans                   deforestation in the western Amazon,         ambition to advance an ecological
to leave the Organization of the              both directly and through the carving        society. Over 50% of the crude oil
Petroleum Exporting Countries                 out of new roads that facilitate access      from the Western Amazon goes to
(OPEC) by 2020 to boost production            to other extractive industries like          California refineries — much of it
and has reformed its hydrocarbon              agribusiness and mining. Expanding           used to fill up the gas tanks of one
contract structure to attract new             oil production and looking for new           of the most progressive regions on
investment. Peru hopes to pass                crude reserves underneath standing           the planet. Chinese and international
hydrocarbon reform in 2020 to                 forests that help mitigate climate           banks and finance institutions are
expedite drilling.                            change by sequestering carbon,               funding the build-out of oil drilling
                                              will greatly exacerbate climate              in the region and major brands are
But the Amazon biome is on the                disruption. A new report by the UN           fueling their fleets with the spoils.
brink. Scientists warn that we are at         Environmental Program and leading
the tipping point of no return, where         researchers revealed a gap between
the lush, tropical Amazon rainforest          new oil production and country               Still Time: An Indigenous-
could go through a process of                 climate commitments. It found                Led Bi-National
‘savannahfication.’ Drilling for new fossil   governments are planning to produce          Conservation Vision
fuels in the most biodiverse rainforest       50% more oil, gas, and coal by 2030
on the planet – that regulates essential      than is consistent with the Paris            Fortunately, there is still time to
hydrologic and carbon cycles – is a           Agreement, a dangerous discrepancy           protect this critical area and there is
recipe for disaster.                          that threatens climate stability. Drilling   an Indigenous-led conservation effort
                                              in the Amazon Sacred Headwaters              underway that is a true model for our
New and ongoing oil extraction also           will only generate less than two             time. Similar to a Green New Deal,
threatens the very livelihood and             months of the world’s oil supply, but        the Amazon Sacred Headwaters
cultures of Indigenous peoples, some          will cause irreparable damage locally        Initiative seeks to usher in a new era
of whom live in voluntary isolation. For      and globally.                                of clean, renewable energy, reduce
them, oil production and deforestation                                                     fossil fuel dependence, and create
are existential threats to their survival     Keeping 5 billion barrels in the             a just transition for the economies
as a people.                                  region underground is equivalent to          of their countries that supports the
                                              avoiding over 2 billion metric tons          Indigenous solutions that have helped
The threats that oil extraction poses         of CO2 emissions, and maintaining            protect this area for millennia.
to Indigenous peoples, biodiversity,          the integrity of the living forest is
and standing forests in the Sacred            equivalent to 4 billion metric tons of
Headwaters region should make                 carbon. This collectively represents
leaving fossil fuels in the ground here       the equivalent energy use of 200
a planetary priority.                         million U.S. homes for 10 years.
FOLLOW THE                 When the Amazon fires brought
                                worldwide attention to the climate
                                                                         Environmental activists across the
                                                                         country and around the world are
     MONEY TO STOP              crisis last summer, Amazon Watch         utilizing Amazon Watch’s reports to
                                was able to shine a spotlight on the     further their fight against the financial
     RAINFOREST                 critical role that big finance plays     institutions that are backing the
     DESTRUCTION                in supporting such destruction. In
                                several key reports, titled Complicity
                                                                         climate emergency. Amazon Watch
                                                                         also played a strategic role in two of
     By Moira Birss and         in Destruction, Investing in Amazon      the most significant initiatives in the
     Pendle Marshall-Hallmark   Destruction, and most recently,          movement to end the financing of
                                Investing in Amazon Crude, Amazon        climate destruction: the BlackRock’s
                                Watch research unveiled the ways         Big Problem campaign and the Stop
                                that major international financiers      the Money Pipeline coalition.
                                are directly funding the companies
                                most responsible for deforestation       BlackRock’s Big Problem is a
                                and oil extraction in both the western   campaign specifically calling on
                                Amazon (in Ecuador, Peru, and            BlackRock—the world’s largest asset
                                Colombia) and the eastern Amazon         manager with over $7.4 trillion USD
                                (Brazil). The latest report, published   in assets under management and
                                in March, not only lays out in detail    the world’s largest investor in fossil
                                the links between major finance          fuels—to divest its assets from all
                                and crude oil extraction but also        fossil fuel and deforestation-risk
                                highlights the organized resistance      commodity companies. Amazon
                                that such projects currently face from   Watch collaborated with allies from
                                Indigenous peoples in the region.        the Sunrise Project, the Sierra Club,
                                                                         Friends of the Earth, and others to

publicly launch the campaign in the
Fall of 2018. Since then, the initiative
has gained traction and important
attention. In early 2020, BlackRock’s
CEO Larry Fink announced that
the asset manager would be taking
companies that make more than
25% of their revenue from coal out
of its active funds; that it would
offer ESG (environmental, social
and governance) funds as part of its
flagship investment fund offerings;
that it would use its position as a        financial sector: asset management,            also demanding that the government
majority shareholder in several of the     banking, and insurance. Just as                step in to regulate the risk fossil fuel
companies it invests in to call for more   activists are targeting BlackRock for          investments are posing to our climate
environmentally sustainable business       its role in investing in the climate crisis,   and communities. On January 10th,
practices; and that it would keep a        Stop the Money Pipeline participants           activists in DC launched the Stop
closer eye on how the agribusiness         are also targeting J.P. Morgan Chase—          the Money Pipeline during a “Fire
companies it’s invested in may be          the largest bank in the United States          Drill Fridays” action, accompanied
causing deforestation. Though these        and the largest private funder of fossil       by environmentalist leaders and
commitments are by no means                fuels in the world. Since the Paris            celebrities like Bill McKibben, Annie
sufficient to end the BlackRock’s Big      Agreement, Chase has dumped more               Leonard, Jane Fonda, and Joaquin
Problem campaign, Amazon Watch             than $269 billion into new fossil fuel         Phoenix. On February 13, activists
and our allies will continue to keep       projects. Bowing to pressure from              all over the country participated in an
public attention and pressure on           the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition          intergenerational day of divestment
the Wall Street giant for its role in      and groups like the Rainforest Action          action, with students on college
financing the climate crisis. In taking    Network, the Sierra Club, and the              campuses targeting universities to
these initial steps, BlackRock is          Gwich'in Steering Committee, Chase             divest their endowments from fossil
showing signs it may become a leader       announced plans in February 2020 to            fuels, and retired people targeting
in the U.S. finance industry and could     stop advising and lending to the coal          state pension funds to do the same.
set an important standard for other        mining industry, and to stop funding           Actions continue to escalate into the
asset management companies to              new oil and gas drilling projects in           spring, with a major mobilization called
follow going forward.                      the Arctic. Stop the Money Pipeline            Fossil Fuel Divestment Day that took
                                           activists are also targeting Liberty           place online on April 23rd, 2020 and
Amazon Watch is also a leader in the       Mutual, a top global insurer of coal, oil      a “People’s Assembly On BlackRock”
Stop the Money Pipeline coalition.         and gas. This mobilization builds off of       organized for the week of its annual
Formed in November of 2019, Stop           ongoing fossil fuel divestment efforts         shareholder’s meeting in May.
the Money Pipeline is a diverse            that are focused on pension funds,
collection of groups calling for an        university endowments, and other               Eliminating the support of these major
end to the financing of environmental      private funds.                                 financiers will stop the fossil fuel and
destruction and brings together                                                           deforestation commodity companies
existing campaigns (among them             Over the past few months, Stop the             that are driving climate destruction.
BlackRock’s Big Problem) targeting         Money Pipeline has been turning up             Together with our allies, Amazon
the worst offenders in each part of the    the heat on all of these targets, while        Watch is committed to doing just that.
THE ACHUAR’S       Last year, eight Achuar and Wampis
                        Indigenous leaders faced the CEO
                                                                   in Calgary, and now to GeoPark’s
                                                                   Santiago, Chile. Amazon Watch,
     LAST STAND IN      of the oil company GeoPark and told        alongside Peruvian and international
                        him repeatedly to leave their territory.   allies, was there to accompany them
     PERU               Nothing swayed their resolve - not         on their journeys for justice.
     By Andrew Miller   the charm offensive, or the claims of
                        non-negotiable legal responsibilities,     The latest struggle began in 2014,
                        or the pleas to hear more about            when GeoPark first signed contracts
                        their concerns. The Indigenous             with the Peruvian government. Since
                        communities have spoken -                  then the unrelenting resistance of
                        innumerable times - and the collective     the Achuar has frustrated GeoPark’s
                        decision to keep their territories free    efforts to start pumping oil. After
                        of fossil fuel development is final.       a year of withering criticisms, the
                                                                   company was forced to withdraw its
                        GeoPark’s 2019 annual general              environmental impact study, which
                        meeting was not the first corporate        otherwise would have required
                        shareholder meeting crashed by             approval by government regulators
                        Achuar leaders. Over the years,            to initiate construction of the
                        successive oil companies have signed       mega-project. A nascent alliance
                        contracts to drill in the oil concession   with the powerful Wampis Nation
                        known as Block 64. The Achuar              has strengthened the influence of
                        brought their message of protecting        Indigenous communities opposing
                        the Amazon to Oxy’s meeting in Los         the destruction of their forests and
                        Angeles, then Talisman’s meetings          waterways.

In the face of these effective
grassroots strategies, GeoPark
attempted to bolster its international
image by collaborating with a
project called "Amazon Best Social
and Environmental Management
Practices" (Amazon BMP). This
$23.5 million initiative - financed
by the US Agency for International
Development - was seen by oil
companies as a way to demonstrate
they were doing the right thing and
garner public legitimacy, even when
they lacked the consent of local
communities. Upon learning that
GeoPark had arranged a “social            Amerisur Resources, a UK-based              Of course, Indigenous communities
baseline study” to be carried out         oil company, that had embroiled             themselves run the greatest risks.
specifically in Block 64, we informed     itself in a conflict with Indigenous        Divide-and-conquer strategies
the Achuar and Wampis who in turn         communities of Putumayo. The Siona          continue to weaken their social
sent a notification to USAID that such    community of Buenavista, that has           cohesion and cultural identity. Oil
a study would not be permitted.           long-fought against Amerisur, has           contamination violates their rights
                                          warned GeoPark that, “the business          to food security, health, and a clean
GeoPark’s gambit unraveled quickly,       acquisition includes the obligations        environment. And in the ongoing
bringing down the whole initiative.       and liabilities for serious violations of   Colombian armed conflict, community
Communities in Colombia and Brazil        human rights, socio-environmental           leaders who speak up for their rights
similarly denounced plans that the        damages and other impacts pending           put their own lives at risk.
Amazon BMP initiative had to support      restitution for the Siona people that
controversial projects. Simultaneously,   were caused by Amerisur.”                   Amazon Watch has supported the
a coalition of organizations generated                                                Achuar of the Pastaza for more than
pressure on USAID from crucial            The risks for GeoPark - and their           15 years. They continue to be crucial
Congressional offices in both the         investors - are multiplying. Not            partners, as we strengthen our work
U.S. House and Senate. Given the          only are they facing multiple social        in the Sacred Headwaters region
grassroots outcry from Indigenous         conflicts in several countries, but they    alongside other organizations and
communities and top-down scrutiny         also face the prospect of a united          Indigenous federations. The growing
from Congress, USAID terminated           front of Indigenous communities             alliances between the Achuar and
Amazon BMP at the end of 2019,            internationally denouncing the              their Wampis neighbors in Peru, their
four years earlier than planned.          company’s intentions to operate             sister Achuar communities across
                                          where they have no social license           the border in Ecuador, and into other
Despite the failure of their              to do so. Amazon Watch presents             countries like Colombia are a source
greenwashing attempts, GeoPark            GeoPark as a case study in the kinds        of inspiration and hope. It is crucial
has worked to secure further oil          of investments that large institutions      that together we support them until
concessions in the Colombian              should not be making, as part of            the threat of oil activities and other
Amazon. In December they                  the broader complex of extractive           unwanted incursions in their territory
announced their intention to purchase     corporations driving the climate crisis.    is long gone.

     Since Amazon Watch began its
     campaigns in 1996, we have allied
     with many artists to help draw
     greater attention to the situation
     in the Amazon and our work to
     advance Indigenous rights. People
     such as Cary Elwes, Ed Begley,
     Jr., Daryl Hannah, Martin Sheen,
     James Cameron, and Honorary
     Board member Peter Coyote have
     lent their talents and energy to our
     work many times over the years. In
     the fall of 2019, due to the global
     attention brought on from the crisis
     of the fires in Brazil and Bolivia,
     Amazon Watch was contacted by
     many influencers and allies seeking
     to lend their support. In response
     we greatly expanded this program
     and formally introduced the Artists
     for Amazonia campaign. This effort is
     harnessing the power of creative and
     entertainment influencers to mobilize
     global action in response to the
                                              In direct response to COVID-19        The livestream event was titled,
     crisis in the Amazon and threats to
                                              threats to Indigenous peoples in      Artists United for Amazonia:
     Indigenous earth defenders.
                                              the Amazon, Artists for Amazonia      Protecting the Protectors, and
     Artists for Amazonia supports            stepped up to produce live online     featured musical performances,
     movement-building and collaboration      events in May and June to benefit     entertainment influencers, Indigenous
     from high-profile celebrities like       the Amazon Emergency Fund. The        leaders, activists, scientists, and
     Barbra Streisand, Sting, and Peter       Amazon Emergency Fund is an           conservation advocates. The event
                                              Indigenous-led fundraising campaign   engaged hundreds of thousands
     Gabriel, to scientist leaders like Dr.
                                              providing rapid response grants to    of people world-wide and raised
     Jane Goodall. This campaign allows
                                              Indigenous communities threatened     hundreds of thousands of dollars for
     us to band together to generate
                                              by the pandemic. It's designed to     the Amazon Emergency Fund.
     quick and effective action to protect
                                              mobilize funds quickly and directly
     the rainforest and Indigenous rights     into the hands of communities
     in this time of extreme climate crisis   across the Amazon to address a full
     and pandemic.                            spectrum of needs.

Since 1996, Amazon Watch has
                                                                             protected the rainforest and
                                                                             advanced the rights of Indigenous
                                                                             peoples in the Amazon Basin.
                                                                             We partner with Indigenous and
                                                                             environmental organizations in
                                                                             campaigns for human rights,
                                                                             corporate accountability, and the
                                                                             preservation of the Amazon's
                                                                             ecological systems.
                                           Photo: Amazon Watch/Lucas Silva

Board of Directors
Atossa Soltani (Founder and Board President)                      Peter Coyote (Honorary Board Member)
Michelle Chan (Chair)                                             Kenneth Greenstein
Andrew Beath                                                      Antonia Juhasz
Jade Begay                                                        Ahmed Rahim
Adeline Cassin (Secretary)                                        Richard Wegman (Treasurer and Vice-Chair)

U.S. Staff & International Team
Leila Salazar-López, Executive Director                           Pendle Marshall-Hallmark, Climate Campaigner
Paul Paz y Miño, Associate Director                               Angela Martínez, Amazon Defenders Fund Manager
Christian Poirier, Program Director                               Carlos Mazabanda, Ecuador Field Coordinator
Joseph Kolb, Controller                                           Andrew Miller, Advocacy Director
Kathy LeMay, Director of Philanthropy                             Vladimir Pinto, Peru Field Coordinator
Moira Birss, Climate and Finance Director                         Ada Recinos, Communications Manager
João Coimbra Sousa, Brazil Legal Advisor                          Camila Rossi, Brazil Communications Advisor
Mariola Fernandez, Executive Assistant/Board Liaison              Katherine Rothschild, Development Associate
Airton Gasparini, Brazil Field Coordinator                        Elena Maria Teare, Communications Associate
Sofía Jarrín Hidalgo, Ecuador Advocacy Advisor                    Ana Paula Vargas, Brazil Program Manager
Kevin Koenig, Climate and Energy Director                         Michael Zap, Web Manager
Sarah Koplowicz, Admin/Database Associate

"In times of pandemic, giving is an                      "Support provided served to                         "It is only through support like this
act of humanity and love. In this                        reinforce our community territorial                 from Amazon Watch that we can
sense, we Indigenous people of Rio                       monitors who are controlling the                    mitigate the impacts caused by the
Grande do Norte, thank Amazon                            border with Ecuador in order to                     absence of the State to fight the
Watch for providing us with one                          avoid transmission of COVID19                       coronavirus, deforestation, fires
of the essential elements of life:                       among our Wampis communities                        and to strengthen our bases with
food. The donation destined for us                       within our ancestral territories of                 protection."
has given us dignity and hope that,                      Kankaim and Kanus."                                 Dinaman Tuxá, Bahia, Brazil - Executive Coordinator
together, we will overcome this                          Wrays Perez, Pamuk (President) of the Wampis
                                                                                                             APIB, legal advisor of APOINME

chaos that plagues our country."                         Nation, northern Peruvian Amazon

Dioclécio Potyguara, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

MAIN OFFICE                                    WASHINGTON, DC
520 3rd Street, Suite 108                      1101 15th Street, NW, 11th Floor                         Protecting the rainforest and our climate
Oakland, CA 94607                              Washington, DC 20005                                           by supporting Indigenous peoples
T: 510.281.9020                                T: 202.423.4828
F: 510.281.9021                                                                                         
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