AMA Journal of Ethics - AMA Journal of Ethics

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AMA Journal of Ethics - AMA Journal of Ethics
AMA Journal of Ethics®
February 2021, Volume 23, Number 2: E86-90

Equity in Breath
Audiey C. Kao, MD, PhD

672 768 000 is the number of breaths a person at rest might take in a lifetime if she
lived to 80.

According to life tables published in National Vital Statistics Reports in 2019, the US life
expectancy of a non-Hispanic White person born in 2017 is 78.5 years.1 For a non-
Hispanic Black person, that number drops to 74.9.1 Would it surprise you to know that
it’s 81.8 years for a Hispanic person?1 At first glance, it’s also puzzling why the Medicare
race and ethnicity classification system on which the US life tables are based “makes it
impossible to correctly identify” Asians or Pacific Islanders and American Indians/Alaska

With questions about what’s counted, how it’s counted, and who counts being asked
more frequently and by more of us than ever before, how credibly these questions are
answered has considerable quantity- and quality-of-life implications for individuals and
communities. Through early November, almost 1.25 million people worldwide have died
due to COVID-19, and nearly 235 000 of those perished in the United States, with
disproportionate deaths among people of color.3,4 Based on excess mortality data,
America’s death toll due to COVID-19 is likely being undercounted,5 but some have
misconstrued death certificate data to claim that it’s being overcounted.6

In a year of the decennial census, concerns abound that the pandemic has undermined
community outreach efforts and will result in an inaccurate count of the US population,
especially among individuals who largely live in neighborhoods of color.7 Given worries
about the accuracy of the population count and its impact on federal representation and
resources, in August 2020, the US government was taken to court on its plan to cut
short census data collection.8 In a 2020 presidential election year like no other, the
integrity of the voting system has been undermined and the accuracy of the vote count
has been questioned by a major party presidential candidate.9 As we work to confront
an unprecedented mix of natural- and human-made threats, the importance of being
guided by evidence and truth—and not being swayed by peddlers of miscounts and lies—
cannot be overstated.

I live in a city where there is a 30-year life expectancy gap between a predominantly
Black neighborhood south of the Chicago River (Englewood) and a largely White
neighborhood north of it (Streeterville).10 Although life expectancy differences between
non-Hispanic Black and White Americans as reported in US government statistics

reaffirm my appreciation of racial and ethnic inequity, I would never have guessed that
Hispanic Americans live longer on average than both racial groups. This “Hispanic
mortality paradox” has yet to be definitively understood and to be explained with
scientific transparency and humility.11 That said, I think a few points are worth keeping
in mind. First, care should always be taken not to treat any socially identified group as
monolithic. Second, differences that exist in life expectancy between racial and ethnic
groups are socially and culturally situated, not biologically derived. Finally, group
differences don’t mean that genotypes are irrelevant to individuals’ health. Our
phenotypes and health are determined not only by our genetic makeup but also by our

An individual’s phenotype or lived existence is “how social influences become literally
embodied into physio-anatomic characteristics that influence health and become
expressed in societal disparities in health.”12 These social influences or determinants of
health are largely shaped over generations by those in power. Take, for example, the
historical housing and urban planning policy practice of redlining.13 In the 1930s, the US
government created maps of hundreds of cities, rating the real estate investment risk of
different neighborhoods. Black and immigrant neighborhoods were usually rated the
riskiest and outlined in red on city maps. For decades, people in redlined areas were
denied access to federally backed mortgages and other credit, fueling vicious cycles of
disinvestment that reinforced racial segregation.14

Even though it’s been legally banned for half a century, redlining has health
consequences that persist today. Redlined areas are typically the hottest neighborhoods
in cities because they are concrete “jungles” that hold heat (warming the environment)
and have few trees or green spaces that dissipate heat (cooling the environment).15
During a heat wave, every one degree rise in temperature can increase the risk of dying
by 2.5% due to higher incidences of heart and asthma attacks.16,17,18 Because heat
leads to ozone creation, air in these racially marginalized neighborhoods is dirtier than
air in mostly White areas. Marred by decades of economic disinvestment, redlined
communities are often situated near heavy-polluting industries and diesel-choked
highways.19 Air pollution, especially fine particulates such as PM2.5, poses a serious
threat to human health,20 and, in California, Black and Brown people are exposed to
concentrations of PM2.5 at least 39% higher on average than those to which White
people are exposed.21

Compared to racist policies that contribute to poor air quality, state-sanctioned
execution is likely not a policy that would be at the forefront of our minds when most of
us think about health inequity. Since 1973, 172 people—with slightly less than two-
thirds being people of color—have been exonerated and released from death row, which
means that one person has been exonerated for every 9 people executed during this
time.22 A recent study found that Black lives matter less, as the execution rate in
Georgia for persons sentenced to death during the 1970s was 17 times greater for
defendants convicted of killing White victims than for defendants convicted of killing
Black victims.23 While lamenting the 1987 US Supreme Court decision that statistical
data revealing racial bias in death penalty cases was insufficient to demonstrate
unconstitutional discrimination,24 retired Justice John Paul Stevens wrote: “that the
murder of black victims is treated as less culpable than the murder of white victims
provides a haunting reminder of once-prevalent Southern lynchings.”25

AMA Journal of Ethics, February 2021                                                    87
Given such deadly evidence of racial bias and error, why is there not at least a
moratorium on capital punishment until equal justice under law can be delivered in
death penalty cases? Even if capital punishment seemingly affecting relatively few
individuals can somehow be a justification for not acting, it’s part of an expansive and
expensive US criminal justice system that incarcerates more people than any country
and disproportionately more Black and Brown people.26 While no civilized society can
function without public safety and order, how can it come as a surprise that any
community can be at peace when its neighborhoods are chronically deprived of
opportunities and generations of residents are living without hope? Until we reckon with
and tear down the intersecting web of racist policies, past and present, a future defined
by greater racial justice and health equity will forever be unrealized.

The February and March 2021 issues of the AMA Journal of Ethics are dedicated to the
topic of racial and ethnic health equity in the United States. This 2-part series is the
latest expression of the journal’s commitment to breathe continuing life into a humanity-
defining movement that demands our sustained attention, critical analyses, and just
response. I hope our readers find value and inspiration in the case analyses, policy
commentaries, audio and video content, and artwork within these newest health equity
issues of the AMA Journal of Ethics.

   1. Arias E, Xu J. United States life tables, 2017. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2019; 68(7):1-
       65. Accessed October 13, 2020.
   2. Health United States, 2018—data finder. Centers for Disease Control and
       Prevention. Reviewed October 30, 2019. Accessed October 16, 2020.
   3. COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE)
       at Johns Hopkins University. John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
       Accessed November 5, 2020.
   4. The Covid Racial Data Tracker. Covid Tracking Project. Accessed October 16,
   5. Lu D. The true coronavirus toll in the US has already surpassed 200,000. New
       York Times. August 12, 2020. Accessed October 16, 2020.
   6. Arnold A. No, the CDC is not overcounting COVID-19 deaths. Cut. September 1,
       2002. Accessed October 16, 2020.
   7. Wines M. After virus delays, census must scramble to avoid undercount. New
       York Times. April 18, 2020. Updated July 28, 2020. Accessed October 16, 2020.
   8. Wines M. Ruling against shortening count adds to questions raised about the
       census. New York Times. September 25, 2020. Updated October 14, 2020.
       Accessed October 16, 2020.
   9. Parks M. Ignoring FBI and fellow Republicans, Trump continues assault on mail-
       in voting. NPR. August 28, 2020. Accessed October 16, 2020.
   10. Schencker L. Chicago’s lifespan gap: Streeterville residents live to 90.
       Englewood residents die at 60. Study finds it’s the largest divide in the US.

Chicago Tribune. June 6, 2019. Accessed October 26, 2020.
    11. Ruiz JM, Steffen P, Smith TB. Hispanic mortality paradox: a systematic review
        and meta-analysis of the longitudinal literature. Am J Public Health. 103(3):e52-
    12. Krieger N, Davey Smith G. “Bodies count,” and body counts: social epidemiology
        and embodying inequality. Epidemiol Rev. 2004;26:92-103.
    13. Badger E. How redlining’s racist effects lasted for decades. New York Times.
        August 24, 2017. Accessed October 19, 2020.
    14. Gross T. A “forgotten history” of how the US government segregated America.
        NPR. May 3, 2017. Accessed October 19, 2020.
    15. Wilson B. Urban heat management and the legacy of redlining. J Am Plann
        Assoc. 2020;86(4):443-457.
    16. Anderson GB, Bell ML. Heat waves in the United States: mortality risk during
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        communities. Environ Health Perspect. 2011;119(2):201-218.
    17. Kang S, Oh I, Heo J, et al. Heat, heat waves, and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
        Int J Cardiol. 2016; 15;221:232-237.
    18. Soneja S, Jiang C, Fisher J, Upperman CR, Clifford M, Sapoka A. Exposure to
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        hospitalization for asthma in Maryland, USA. Environ Health. 2016;15:57.
    19. Katz C. People in poor neighborhoods breathe more hazardous particles.
        Scientific American. November 1, 2012. Accessed October 19, 2020.
    20. Kloog I, Ridgway B, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Schwartz JD. Long- and short-term
        exposure to PM2.5 and mortality using novel exposure models. Epidemiology.
    21. Reichmuth D. Inequitable exposure to air pollution from vehicles in California
        (2019). Union of Concerned Scientists. January 28, 2019. Accessed October 19,
    22. Death Penalty Information Center. Innocence Database. Accessed October 19,
    23. Phillips S, Marceau J. Whom the state kills. Published online October 7, 2020.
        Harv Civ Rights-Civil Lib Law Rev. Accessed October 19, 2020.
    24. Warren McCleskey, Petitioner v Ralph Kemp, Superintendent, Georgia
        Diagnostic and Classification Center, 481 US 279 (1987).
    25. Stevens JP. On the death sentence. New York Reviewer. December 23, 2010.
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    26. Gramlich J. Black imprisonment rate in the US has fallen by a third since 2006.
        Fact Tank. May 6, 2020. Accessed October 19, 2020.

AMA Journal of Ethics, February 2021                                                   89

Audiey C. Kao, MD, PhD is editor in chief of the AMA Journal of Ethics.

     AMA J Ethics. 2021;23(2):E86-90.


     Conflict of Interest Disclosure
     The author(s) had no conflicts of interest to disclose.

     The viewpoints expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not
     necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.

Copyright 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
ISSN 2376-6980

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