Altitudinal diversity of tribe Bombini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from district Shigar, Gilgit Baltistan - Pure and Applied ...

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Altitudinal diversity of tribe Bombini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from district Shigar, Gilgit Baltistan - Pure and Applied ...
Pure Appl. Biol., 10(3):651-656, September, 2021

Research Article

Altitudinal diversity of tribe Bombini
(Hymenoptera: Apidae) from district
Shigar, Gilgit Baltistan
Sakhawat Ali1*, Sajid Ali Shah1, Imran Khatri1, Asad Rajput1, Ghulam
Qadeer Junejo1 and Riaz Hussain2
1. Department of Entomology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam-Pakistan
2. Department of Entomology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi-Pakistan
*Corresponding author’s email:
Sakhawat Ali, Sajid Ali Shah, Imran Khatri, Asad Rajput, Ghulam Qadeer Junejo and Riaz Hussain. Altitudinal
diversity of tribe Bombini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from district Shigar, Gilgit Baltistan. Pure and Applied
Biology. Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp651-656.
Received: 30/11/2019         Revised: 20/10/2020          Accepted: 29/10/2020     Online First: 24/11/2020
Bumble bees plays an important role in pollination of crops and environmental indicators.
Identification of bumble bees are also important as different species plays various role in
ecosystem. Present study was conducted to know the altitudinal diversity of tribe Bombini.
Samples were collected from various localities of district Shigar of Baltistan Division.
Identification were done at Insect Systematic Laboratory of Entomology department, Sindh
Agriculture University Tandojam. During present study 7 species are recorded under single
genus Bombus, from the collection sites viz, B. asiaticus (Morawitz, 1875), B. melanurus
(Lepeletier, 1835), B. semenovianus (Skorikov, 1914), B. tunicatus (Smith, 1852), B.
ferganicus (Radoszkowski, 1893), B. lucorum (Linnaeus, 1761) and B. rufofasciatus (Smith,
1852). The list of host plants are recorded as, Euphorbia wallichia, Cirsium arvense, Carduus
edelbergii, Lavatera cashmeriana, Cirsium arvense, Melilotus officinale, Taraxacum
officinale, Ipomea tricolor, Helianthus annuus, Digitalis purpurea, Zinnia elegans and
Fagopyrum esculentum. This study will proved helpful to recognize the bumble species as
pollinator of different crops of the region for conservation.
Keywords: Bombini; Bumble bees; Bombus; Pollinators; Shigar
Introduction                                         functioning of agricultural ecosystems of
The Bombini are a tribe of large                     crops and wild flowers. Plant pollinated by
bristly apid bees which contain a single             Bees contribute 30% of food consumption
living genus, Bombus, the bumblebees, and            by human in America. [4]. Thirteen species
some extinct genera such as Calyptapis and           reported in Pakistan [13] all of them are
Oligobombus. The tribe was described                 indigenous to northern Pakistan, having the
by Latreille in 1802. The genus Bombus,              elevation ranges from 2291m to 5344m
includes around 260 species of eusocial              both from agricultural and non-agricultural
bees, mostly distributed in temperate and            land [5]. Species of tribe Bombini can feed
cold regions of the northern hemisphere [1].         in hostile weather conditions, which are not
Agricultural crops vary in their pollination         suitable to honeybees and solitary bees [6].
requirements and rely on different insect            These perform an important role in
pollinator species [2, 3]. Bumblebees play           ecological services in high altitude areas of
an important role as pollinator in                   Pakistan [7]. From Himalayan region 160

Published by Bolan Society for Pure and Applied Biology                                                651
Ali et al.

floral host plants has been recorded [8].              latitude and 75° 42′59″E longitude and
Tribe Bombini are mostly found in high                 covers an area of 4373 sq. km. Elevation
attitude regions [12]. Species of tribe                above sea level is 2, 260 to 8611 m (Fig. 1)
Bombini can found from 1000m-5500m.                    [10]. It borders with China surrounded by
Bumble bees construct nest in different                K2 between the territories [11]. Present
habitat, often in abandoned rodent burrows,            study was conducted to explore the bumble
in the ground, above ground and in tall                bee fauna as pollinator, since identification
grasses [9]. Shigar district is located in the         plays a vital role towards the knowledge of
north of Skardu. It is part of the central             pollinating species behavior and their
Karakorum ranges. It lies at 25° 25′32″ N              extent of benefits.

Figure 1. Map of study area

Pure Appl. Biol., 10(3):651-656, September, 2021

Materials and Methods                                    Host plants
For present research, bumble bees were                   Euphorbia wallichia, Cirsium arvense,
collected through sweep net from various                 Carduus      edelbergii     and    Lavatera
localities of district Shigar, Gilgit Baltistan.         cashmeriana
Specimens were killed by using potassium                 3. Bombus lucorum (Linnaeus, 1761)
cyanide and pinned by standard                           Diagnosis
entomological pins. After pining, they were              Head black, thorax proximal portion yellow
labeled with information of locality,                    and mid with black pubescens. Upper 1/3 of
collection date, collector name, and the host            abdomen yellow ochraceous, blackish in
tree. Identification were done at Insect                 the middle and with white pubescence at the
Systematic Laboratory, Department of                     posterior end of abdomen. Hind and
Entomology, Sindh Agriculture University                 forewings light brown and transparent.
Tandojam by [15] colour pattern key of                   Material examined
[16].                                                    Pakistan: 20♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov.,
Images of habitus (adult) were taken by                  Chutron, Haiderabad, Molto, Tissar,
using high pixel camera, and 350 k pixel,                24.Viii.2019, S.Ali,
USB camera fitted on microscopes                         Host plants
Labomed CSM2 (20X and 40X), used for                     Melilotus officinale, Taraxacum officinale,
genetalia images.                                        Ipomea tricolor, Helianthus annuus,
Results                                                  Digitalis purpurea. Euphorbia wallichia,
1. Bombus asiaticus Morawitz, 1875                       Cirsium arvense, Carduus edelbergii,
Diagnosis                                                Lavatera cashmeriana and Zinnia elegans
Body densely robust with pubescence, head                4. Bombus melanurus Lepeletier, 1835
with black pubescence; antennae elbow                    Diagnosis
shape, thorax with white pubescence and                  Head black, thorax completely yellowish,
black in middle; forewings light brown and               half of the abdomen yellow with blackish
transparent hindwings, abdomen with                      brown markings in center, half of the
sparse orange setae, densely black in                    abdomen posteriorly black. Forewing and
middle and proximal end of abdomen                       hindwings light brown.
yellowish orange pubescence [15].                        Material examined
Material examined                                        Pakistan: 20♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov.,
Pakistan: 23♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov.,                   Chutron, Haiderabad, Molto, Tissar 24.
Alchori,      Askoli,     Kashmal,      Kurfy,           Viii. 2019, S.Ali,
Monjong, Sildi, Sinu, Thadoro, Tissar,                   Host plants
Yono, 24.Vii.2019, S.Ali,                                Wild Flower Melilotus officinale and
Host plants                                              Taraxacum officinale.
Wild Flower, Ipomea tricolor, Lavatera                   5. Bombus rufofasciatus Smith, 1852
cashmeriana and Zinnia elegans.                          Diagnosis
2. Bombus ferganicus Radoszkowski,                       Head pubescence black, thorax with row of
1893                                                     white long setae at the anterior margin, rest
Diagnosis                                                of the thorax complete black. Half of the
Head and thorax with yellow ochraceous                   abdomen black, posterior half of the
pubescence, tarsi yellow coloured, and                   abdomen with row of white setae, yellow
abdomen black dorsally, last segments                    and some orange setae present posteriorly.
yellow ochraceous laterally. Hindwings                   Legs with long dense setae. Forewing and
brownish                                                 hindwing light brown and transparent.
Material examined                                        Material examined
Pakistan: 8♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov., Askoli,            Pakistan: 8♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov., Askoli,
Kurfy, Monjong 12.Viii.2019, S.Ali,                      Kurfy, Monjong, 12.Viii.2019, S.Ali,

Ali et al.

Host plants                                          Discussion
Fagopyrum        esculentum,     Euphorbia           The present study area was ranged at the
wallichia, Carduus edelbergii and                    altitude of 7000-10000 feet, the climate at
Taraxacum officinale.                                various height also varies, and the
6. Bombus semenovianus (Skorikov,                    vegetation is also varies at different
1914)                                                altitudes. During present study 7 species of
Diagnosis                                            tribe Bombini were recorded from different
Head black, thorax with yellow dense                 locations of district Shigar. Collection were
pubescence, 2/3 of the abdomen at the                done in different timings from 8am to 5pm.
anteriorly blackish, whereas, 1/3 of                 Most of them were active after 12pm. B.
posterior portion of abdomen orange.                 rufofasciatus forages heavily in the
Material examined                                    afternoon, with restricted activity in the
Pakistan: 16♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov.,               early morning and late in the evening at
Askoli, Kurfy, Monjong, Sinu Tissar. 11.             high altitudes [17]. All species are
Viii. 2019, S.Ali,                                   previously reported from different localities
Host plants                                          of Gilgit Baltistan. Previously the bumble
Fagopyrum esculentum, Wild Flower.                   bee fauna of present study area was not
Euphorbia wallichia, Cirsium arvense and             extensively studied. This study carried out
Digitalis purpurea                                   to explore the bumble bee fauna of district
7. Bombus tunicatus Smith, 1852                      Shigar. [18] Reported 9 species from
Diagnosis                                            Hashupi, Shigar. Bombus branickii new
Head with white pubescence, thorax with              addition in bumble bee fauna of Pakistan
black pubescence proximally, distally with           was reported from Kharmang, Gilgit
white setae. Major portion of the abdomen            Baltistan [19]. Previously 13 species of
covered with black setae, posterior part of          bumble bee was recorded by [13] from
the abdomen orange.                                  Gilgit Baltistan. [14] Reported Bombus
Material examined                                    rufofasciatus,      B.     subtypicus,      B.
Pakistan, 30♀, Gilgit Baltistan Prov.,               kashmirensis, B. trifasciatus, and B.
Alchori, Askoli, Braqchan, Churka,                   haemorrhoidalis first time from Naran
Chutron, Haiderabad, Hashupi, Kashmal,               Kaghan valley, Pakistan. Species recorded
Kurfy, Monjong, Sildi, Sinu, Tissar,. 11.            during present study were collected from
Viii.2019, S.Ali,                                    high elevations. Previously reported
Host plants                                          bumble bees of Pakistan was recorded from
Fagopyrum esculentum, Wild Flower.                   high altitude regions like Gilgit Baltistan,
Euphorbia wallichia, Cirsium arvense and             Azad Kashmir and Swat Pakistan. Three
Digitalis purpurea                                   species of bumble bees namely Bombus
Elevation wise distribution of Bumble                rufofasciatus, Bombus asciaticus and
bees in Shigar district                              Bombus haemorrhoidalis from swat. [20].
Five species were collected at the height of         The study will proved helpful to identify the
9000 to 10000 ft include; Bombus                     bumble bee as pollinator and conservation
semenovianus, Bombus rufofasciatus,                  in respective region.
Bombus asiaticus, Bombus melanurus,                  Conclusion
Bombus ferganicus; and four species from             Present study revealed the occurrence of 7
8000 to 9000; Bombus semenovianus,                   species of bumble bees in surroundings of
Bombus lucorum, Bombus asiaticus,                    district Shigar, Gilgit Baltistan. They prefer
Bombus tunicatus; lastly, three species              higher elevation and the raining seasons
were recorded at the low altitude of 7000 –          effect their active time, especially for
8000; Bombus tunicatus, Bombus asiaticus,            collections.
Bombus lucorum.

Pure Appl. Biol., 10(3):651-656, September, 2021

Authors’ contributions                                         natural     landscape.    International
Conceived and designed the experiments: S                      Conference on Biological Resources of
Ali & I Khatri, Performed the experiments:                     Pakistan: Problems, success and future
S Ali & SA Shah, Analyzed the data: S Ali                      perspectives at University of Arid
& I Khatri, Contributed materials/ analysis/                   Agriculture, Rawalpindi., Pakistan. pp
tools: A Rajput, GQ Junejo & R Hussain,                        25.
Wrote the paper:S Ali & I Khatri.                        8.    Raina RH (2011). Species diversity
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