ALROSA Capital Markets Day 2021 - March 2, 2021

Page created by Pauline Richardson
ALROSA Capital Markets Day 2021 - March 2, 2021
Capital Markets Day 2021

                  March 2, 2021
ALROSA Capital Markets Day 2021 - March 2, 2021
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ALROSA Capital Markets Day 2021 - March 2, 2021
Today’s Speakers

       Maria Gordon            Sergey Ivanov           Alexey Philippovskiy
         Non-executive       Chief Executive Officer    Chief Financial Officer
      Independent Director
ALROSA Capital Markets Day 2021 - March 2, 2021
Table of Content

 01. Message from Independent Director     p.6

 02. Message from CEO (Market update)      p.14

 03. ALROSA Results (Strategy Execution)   p.25

 04. 2020 Performance and Outlook          p.45

 05. Appendix                              p.53
ALROSA at a Glance
Global market leader with best-in-class assets and returns

                                                                                                                                        Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
 ❶        Leader in diamond production
                                                                                                              Arkhangelsk   Russia
                                                                                                                                                  Republic of Sakha
                                                                                                                                         91% of 2020 production
          2020 diamond production: 30 m ct (28% market share)                                                    region

 ❷        High-quality asset base with the largest reserves2 base
          Resources of 1,064 m ct, incl. 628 m ct of reserves

 ❸        Best-in-class margins and strong cash flow generation
          2020 EBITDA margin: 40%
                                                                                                                                     2020 ALROSA production by types of mining
                                                                                                                                       o 51% open-pit mining from 9 mines
 ❹        Prudent financial policy and strong credit ratings                                 Angola1
                                                                                                                                       o 25% underground mining from 3 mines
          2020 Net debt / EBITDA: 0.4x                                                                                                 o 24% alluvial mining
          Investment grade ratings from all key agencies
                                                                                        Reserves2 base                                      Shareholder Structure
 ❺        Focus on total return to shareholders                                                                                                                       34% Free float
          Dividend policy linked to free cash flow                                ALROSA                628
          (for more details see p. 40-42)
                                                                             Peers (TOP-3)     212     105                            Republic                        33% Russian
                                                                                                                                      of Yakutia                      Federation
Source: Company data.
Notes: 1. ALROSA owns 41% of Catoca Ltd in Angola; 2. JORC reserves, 2018.

Sustainability & Corporate Governance
ALROSA ESG Landscape
Setting a goal for the best sector performance

                 Environment                                                         Social                                             Governance
      •     Development of new comprehensive                         •   Adopted new H&S Strategy till 2025                 •    Ranked top-3 Best Environment, Social,
            ESG strategy till 2024 with targets set                                                                              Governance1
            (to be approved in March, 2021 by                        •   ALROSA reiterated its status of one of
                                                                         the leaders in the industry for social             •    New Board members with M&M experience
            the Board)
                                                                         investments with RUB 10 bn invested                •    ESG-dedicated Committee under the Board
      •     Updated Environmental policy                                 in 2020 (5% of revenue)                            •    Management KPIs for H&S
      •     Environmental programs financed                          •   COVID-19 relief measures with total                •    Confirmation of RJC Certified Member
            according to the budget, no cuts                             spending of over RUB 1+ bn, incl.                       Status for responsible business practices
            despite the turbulence                                       support of Yakutian public healthcare                   (successful re-certification in Dec 2020
                                                                                                                                 through third party audit)
                                                                                                                            •    Joining UN Global Compact (planned for
Source: Company data.
Note: 1. By Institutional Investors ranking / MOEX, 2020

     Message from INED                            Message from CEO                 ALROSA results                2020 Performance & Outlook                Appendix          7
Creating a clearer and sustainable future
             Funds for green initiatives                                               Unique business model                                                      ALROSA vs its peers
RUB bn                                                                  Share of total consumption, 2020                                        Per revenue
                                        share in total revenue                                                                                                                        ALROSA
                                                                                                                                                                                      Diamond producers
   3%        3%       2%        2%       2%
                                                   3%       3%                        >90%                                                       Energy                 1.6
                                                                              Water reused &                                                  consumption                     2.9
                                                   36                           recycled2
                                          29                                                                                                    Water                    2.0
                                23                 7.7
                       18                5.2                                                                          92%                    consumption                                              18.4
             12                 5.1
    6                 6.3                                                                                          Green1
             6.0                                                                                                  electricity                       GHG
                                                                                                                                                  emissions      0.20
  2014      2015     2016      2017     2018      2019     2020

  • RUB 42 bn spent over 7 years on ongoing                                • 90%+ of water consumed is reused &                                   • Low CO2 footprint business with 79% edge
     projects spanning from land recovery to                                  recycled                                                               over M&M median
     water protection to biodiversity initiatives                          • Hydropower and renewables energy                                     • 97% of water recycling rate – highest in the
  • Environmental Management System of                                        sources represent 92% of total electricity in                          industry
     ALROSA is certified to ISO 14001 global                                  use                                                                 • Energy use per one dollar of revenue
     standard                                                                                                                                        generated by the company is half of the
                                                                                                                                                     M&M peer-group median
Source: Company data and analysis.
Notes: 1. Clean (incl. renewable) electricity and heat consumption; 2. PWC 2016-2018 ESG Benchmarking report (Sept. 2019), Metals & Mining peer group is presented in the PWC report (incl. diamond producers).

    Message from INED                           Message from CEO                              ALROSA results                       2020 Performance & Outlook                            Appendix                 8
Our Communities
Responsible approach and support to local communities
    Highest social investments in M&M 1                                        Breakdown of social expenditures2                                       Contribution to local communities
RUB bn                                  share in total revenue          2020                                                                   RUB bn, 2020
     5%                                    5%        5%       5%                                                                                          Taxes                                     32
               4%       4%       4%                                             Local                               5% Healthcare
                                                               84                                                      2% Education
                                                     74                                                                                                 Wages                                      29
                                           62                  10                                  RUB                  7% Other
                                            16                                                    4.3 bn
                        33                                                                                                                           Dividends              6
               21                 12
     11                 12
                                                                                     56%                                                         Procurements           4
    2014      2015     2016      2017     2018      2019     2020

 • RUB 84 bn spent over 7 years on corporate                                                                                                      • ALROSA is the largest tax payer in Yakutia
    programs of:
                                                                         • We support sport facilities and events, as
          o   Wellness and recreation                                       well as healthcare and recreation                                     • Company is seeking to help local
                                                                                                                                                     communities through multiple activities
          o   Health                                                     • We support future generations of Yakutia                                  apart from investing, i.e. procurement of
          o   Culture & sports events                                       with contribution of RUB 0.9 bn
                                                                                                                                                     variety of services from small & medium-
          o   Housing                                                    • RUB 1.3 bn – maintenance of local                                         sized enterprises
          o   Charity and Sponsorship Social Program                        infrastructure in areas where we operate
          o   Parity Pension Plan

 Source: Company data.
 Notes: 1. Data for ALROSA includes pension plan, sponsorship and other social spending. PwC Sustainability Benchmark Report, 2016–2018, link; 2. Excl. pension plan and sponsorship.

    Message from INED                            Message from CEO                             ALROSA results                       2020 Performance & Outlook                           Appendix         9
Our People
                                                                                           ALROSA payroll:
     80%+ of employees work in Yakutia                                             2.5x higher than Russian average                Highest share of women as employees
 Av. headcount                         Located in other regions          Thousand RUB per month, 2019 average                     2019 av. indicator
                                       Located in Yakutia
    38,104                                                                          124                                                   31%
                 36,897                    34,532
                              34,579                    32,475
                                                         18%                                                                                             23%
                                                                                                     72                                                                     19%

     2016         2017         2018          2019         2020                 ALROSA             Yakutia       Russia                  ALROSA         Diamond         Russian gold
                                                                                                                                                       producers 1      producers

 • The decrease in the number of personnel is                             • ALROSA aims at ensuring competitiveness                • 31% of employees are women – one of the
     due to structural changes and the                                        in the labor market, retaining and                      best industry indicators in the world
     reorganization of several business units                                 developing qualified personnel, supporting           • 20% of women at management level
 • Trade Union is working on behalf of                                        career and professional growth of
                                                                              employees                                            • ALROSA is against any form of
     employees and guarantee strict                                                                                                   discrimination either by sex, or by race, or
     compliance with the Russian labor                                    • ALROSA respects the principle of equal                    any other form
     legislation                                                              remuneration for men and women for
                                                                              work of equal value
Source: Company data, Federal State Statistics Service, Companies filings.
Notes: 1. AngloAmerican, RioTinto, Petra Diamonds, Lucara; 2. Polyus, Polymetal.

     Message from INED                           Message from CEO                           ALROSA results            2020 Performance & Outlook                 Appendix             10
Health & Safety
Zero tolerance to any injuries & trauma for employees and contractors
                                                                                                      LTIFR is on par with global good practice
 • Prevention program launched in 2017 to enhance transparency and disclosure
                                                                                        Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate per 200,000 hours
   of accidents resulted in a significant drop in “potential” accidents
 • Success in the program and awareness delivered impressive results – drop in
   fatalities and “serious” accidents

                        H&S Strategy 2025 approved by the Board                                                 0.23        0.24            0.23
 • Management approach: H&S committees at all management levels, KPIs
   integrated into the management incentive system
                                                                                                 17             18          19        ALROSA '20   M&M Sector Diversified
 • H&S culture: update policies and handbooks, proactive communication to the                                                                                  miners
   personnel, motivation to identify and document the incidents                                                   Prevention program success
 • Safety at the assets: employee “refuse to work” option if any danger is              Number of accidents
                                                                                                                       74                                 Potential
 • Digitalisation: tracking facilities for employees & transport to exclude accidents                      65
                                                                                            53                                         56          13%
   and increase safety, online monitoring of working & equipment conditions
   with sensors and video, E-control of working order issues to exclude
   intersection with works of additional risk, i.e. maintenance, repair, etc.                                                                      87%
                                                                                             9              3           2               1
                                 Target: zero fatalities                                                                                                        21%
                                                                                           2017           2018         2019          2020          2017         2020
Source: Company data.

    Message from INED                 Message from CEO                 ALROSA results                 2020 Performance & Outlook                     Appendix                11
Acting in best interests of shareholders and focusing on the long-term value creation
                                                                                                                   Board of Directors strengthened with industry experts
•   Board members meet regularly to discuss strategic issues and                                       15 members
    maintain direct dialogue with all stakeholders
•   Due to COVID-19 meetings shifted to online                                                                               V.Rashevsy                                 A.Noskov
        o 20 (out of 21) Board meetings were held online in 2020                                              • Board member at SUEK           • Managing director at Polyus Aldan
                                                                                                         (coal miner & energy producer)                   (gold mining company)
        o 77% of shareholders voted online on AGM in Jun’20                                                        • CEO of EuroChem
                                                                                                             (mineral fertilizer producer)
•   ESG agenda on the Board overseen by INEDs

•   Sub-committee for ESG: the Strategic Planning Committee
    reformatted to Strategy and Sustainability Committee
                                                                                                                        Nominated by                             Nominated by              Nominated by
•   “Best corporate governance practices” – 2nd highest score in
                                                                                                                    7 – Russian Federation                        6 – Yakutia2              2 - Minority
    Russia according to Russian Directors Institute
•   Award winning IR & management team for IR practices
                                                                                                                    Full commitment to dividend policy despite turbulence
•   Top-management availability for investor community

                                                                                                           $272 m                  of dividends paid in 2020 for H2’19 in line with the
                                                                                                                                   Policy. No delays or cancellations

Source: Company data.
Notes: 1. INED – independent director; 2. Incl. 1 representative from local communities of Yakutia.

    Message from INED                             Message from CEO                                ALROSA results                    2020 Performance & Outlook                       Appendix              12
What’s Next?
 … never stop improving ourselves

                1                                         2                                         3                                         4                                        5
             Board                                   Strategy                                                                       Governance                                   Initiatives
                                                                                             and KPIs

 Dedicated sub-committee                  New ESG strategy for 2021-                     The ESG Strategy will                 Further sustainability                  •    Implementation of OECD
     for ESG matters                     2024 to be approved in H1’21                  define KPIs in all key ESG              management system                            Due Diligence Guidance
    at the Board level                     Strategy will be linked to                      areas of ALROSA.                    development:                                 for Responsible Supply
  (established in Feb’21)                Group’s 2024 Strategy and will                       For strategy                     • ESG risk management,                       Chains of Minerals from
                                         consider UN SDGs, industrial                   implementation a road                  • sustainability disclosure                  Conflict-Affected and
                                         and general global standards,                  map will be developed                      and communication,                       High-Risk Areas
                                           ESG ratings requirements                        and implemented                     • regulating documents                  •    Joining the UN Global
                                                                                                                                                                            Compact in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                       •    Implementation of TCFD
                                                                                                                                                                            starting 2020
Source: Company data.
Notes: UN – United Nations; SDGs – Sustainability Development Goals; TCFD – Task Force on Climate related Disclosures; OECD – The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

      Message from INED                         Message from CEO                            ALROSA results                      2020 Performance & Outlook                          Appendix          13
       Market Update
End Demand
Resilient rebound after COVID-19 shock in the first half of the year
                2020 jewelry                                                        …showing superior resilience
         demonstrated strong recovery                                                   in personal luxury                                      End-demand to further expand in 2021
yoy change                                                                  yoy change, 2020E/2019
                                                 15% 17% 17%                                Leather     Personal luxury    Apparel                    Europe                 7%
                                            8%                        12%
 7%                                                                            Jewelry      & Beauty        market        & Watches
       2%                            4%
                              (4%)               14% 13% 16% 14%      12%
                                                                                                                                                        India      3%
      (21%)           (12%)
                                                                                -15%                                                                   APAC                          10%
              (30%)                                                                          -19%
      (41%)                                          China      USA                                         -23%
                      (51%)                                                                                                                       N. America
                                                                                                                           -30%                                    3%
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun                     Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

  USA (~45% of global demand): pandemic                                     In 2020, global jewelry market decreased by                         Jewellery demand is set to recover across
   led to stores temporary closures, retailers                                15% YoY, which is lower vs personal luxury                           all key markets on improved consumer
   were utilizing their existing inventories                                  market (-23%) on the back of growth in                               confidence / bridal segment recovery
  China (~30% of global demand): pent-up                                     China and expansion of online sales                                 Global demand is expected to grow by
   recovery in demand (bridal), lack of                                                                                                            high single-digit numbers against 2020
   international travel increases budgets for
   luxury items
 Source: Bain-Altagamma 2020 Worldwide Luxury Market monitor, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Bureau of Statistics of China.

      Message from INED                                 Message from CEO                       ALROSA results                    2020 Performance & Outlook               Appendix             15
Ticking all the boxes
                     Margins expanded                                                     Deleveraged                                             Destocked
Profitability                                                        $ bn, level of outstanding debt                         Indexed value, level of inventories

                        +2.5x                                                                           -2x                                         -$2.5-3 bn

                                           over 5%
                                                                                                 14                                  100
                                                                               10                                                                       76
                                                                                                              7-8                                                         63
                2010s                         2020                           2000s              2010s         2020                Av. 2010-18           2019              2020

  Polished diamond prices were recovered in                            Problems related to financial tightening               Sharp decrease in trading and
   H2’20 on the back of increased demand,                                were largely resolved by 2020                           manufacturing on the back of lockdowns
   which led to profitability margin growth of                                                                                   and travel restrictions in H1’20 brought
   diamond cutters and polishers                                        In 2020, level of outstanding debt at                   stocks to the lowest levels in a decade
                                                                         midstream reached historical lowest levels              (following significant destocking in 2019)
                                                                         following reduced activity in the sector

Source: Company analysis, AWDC Bain report “The Global Diamond Industry 2020-21”.

    Message from INED                        Message from CEO                          ALROSA results           2020 Performance & Outlook                     Appendix          16
Rational Supply Response in 2020
   Q2’20: ~35% of output cut (annualized)                                    Majors cut diamond sales…             …prompting faster market recovery in H2’20
 m ct                                                             $ m, 12M                                          $ m, ALROSA monthly sales
                                                                                                    De Beers                                                   3Y Average            2020
                                                                       9,905                        ALROSA                                                                               522
                                    BIG-2                                                                                  430
                                    (ALROSA + De Beers)                                                              405
                                                                                       7,382                                            347 342                    336             390
                           ~20%                                                                                                                 326                      310
                2019:                                                  5,398                      5,595              386
                                                                                                                                 346                   268
                                                                                                                                                             245                         310
              138 m ct                                                                 4,044                                                                       302
                                                                                                   2,793                                                                 282 299
                           ~16%                                                                                                                                217
                                   Other producers                     4,507
                                                                                       3,338                                                 40   31   36
                                                                                                   2,802                                16

                                                                       2018            2019        2020              Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun           Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

   •   >45 m ct of annualized production were                       Miners responded with cutting supply to         Apr-Jul’20 sales: “price over volume” in
       closed in Mar-May’20 on lockdown                              speed-up restocking, and arrest price            action, both ALROSA and De Beers allowed
       restrictions and new market conditions                        pressure                                         clients to defer up to 100% of their
   •   Junior miners closed ~22 m ct of                             ALROSA and De Beers cumulative sales             purchases to later periods of the year
       annualized production, or ~16% of global                      (~55% of global supply historically)            From mid-August polishers started to
                                                                     decreased by 1/4 YoY                             restock following a heavy destocking in
   •   Closed capacity produced lower quality /                                                                       Q2’20
       cheaper diamonds vs. average mix
Source: Company data and analysis, De Beers.

    Message from INED                          Message from CEO                  ALROSA results            2020 Performance & Outlook                          Appendix                        17
Supply / Demand at Inflection Point
                          Global Supply / Demand balance outlook                                                      Personal luxury is set for 3 years of growth
                                                                                                                   € bn
m ct                                                                                                                                                                            320
                       Supply                                                                                                      281                             290
                       Demand (conservative scenario)
                                                                                                                     2011-18       2019     2020E          2021F   2022F        2023F
                             130                                      138
    120                                                                                                                        Net supply decrease in 2019-25E
                                               126                                                                 m cts
                                    “COVID-19” 2020                     109
                                    response: supply
                                       reduction                                                                                                                           21

                                                                                                                           Additions              Closures           Net closures

Source: Company data and analysis, AWDC Bain report “The Global Diamond Industry 2020-21”.
Note: 1. Conservative scenario for rough diamond demand is based on 10% YoY change in 2021-23 and 1% in 2024-25.

     Message from INED                         Message from CEO                            ALROSA results          2020 Performance & Outlook                      Appendix             18
State of the Diamond Market – Implications for Prices
                                                                       Rough prices started to recover on improved S/D balance
        2020 highlights:                                        Indexed prices, 2020

         ~25% decrease in rough diamonds supply

         ~20% decrease in mid-stream stock                       100%

          -15% decrease in jewelry demand

        and what we see for 2021-23
         +1-2% CAGR growth in rough diamonds supply
                                                                  Dec         Feb           Apr          Jun        Aug   Oct          Dec
         Up to 10% CAGR increase in personal luxury
         demand incl. diamond jewelry
                                                                 Spread between RapNet price index and Big-2 diamond sales
                                                                  price increased in 2-3Q’20 and reached its peak in Sep’20
                                                                  (12p.p.), but started to narrow down since Dec’20 and now
                                                                  stands at c. 10p.p.
Source: Company analysis.

   Message from INED          Message from CEO        ALROSA results                   2020 Performance & Outlook           Appendix               19
Market Trends
 Short / Mid-term                                                                                     Long-term

               Retail: rise of              Share of online diamond jewelry sales                                       ESG becoming a top priority for all players of
               online jewelry                                                22-25%
                                                                                                                        the diamond industry
               sales                                           ~10%
                                               1-3%                                                                     Sustainability agenda is set by all stakeholders
                                                2010           2019          2020

                                            Discount of LGD price
               segmentation                 to natural diamond
                                                                                                                        Jewelry remains TOP-3 desirable presents (excl.
               between natural                                                                                          cash) in both developed and emerging markets
               and artificial                2016       2017          2018    Now

                                             -15%       -20%

               Localization                “Know-your-customer” /                                                       Digitalization - from mine to end-customer
               of consumption              customer centric approach with
                                           targeted marketing

Source: Bain-Altagamma 2020 Worldwide Luxury Market monitor, AWDC Bain report “The Global Diamond Industry 2020-21” .

    Message from INED                         Message from CEO                           ALROSA results                  2020 Performance & Outlook         Appendix       20
ALROSA: COVID-19 Response in 2020

Team                                              Communities                               Customers                                    Operations
 Preventive measures: temperature                 Support to the healthcare system:        Commitment to support clients               Crisis management committee
  checks 2x a day, provision of PPE,                  RUB 1+ bn allocated to safety          Contracts with flexibility added:           2020 output cut by 22%
  sanitization, etc.                                  measures and medical                        o Option to defer 100% of               Capex revised downwards
 Shift approach for unique                           equipment, incl. PPE, testing                 purchases from April
  specialists, ensuring physical                      systems and ventilators                                                             Cost cutting measures
  distancing                                                                                      o Volumes to be purchased by
                                                   Screening: 110K+ COVID-19 tests                 year end cut by ½ from Aug.           Active supply management
 WFH mode from March where                         were made in the regions of
  applicable                                        operations                               Communication with clients on a             Balance sheet strengthening and
                                                                                              daily basis (incl. with Head of              building up liquidity position
 Internal communication program                   Development of telemedicine               sales)
  to raise awareness, trainings                     networks for the remote areas
                                                                                             Sales channels flexibility (digital,
 Testing for COVID-19: up to 100%                                                            auctions)
  of the personnel screened at the
  sites where virus was identified

Source: Company data.
Notes: PPE – Personal Protective Equipment; WFH – Working From Home.

    Message from INED                        Message from CEO                    ALROSA results                 2020 Performance & Outlook                Appendix           21
ALROSA: Managing Through the Downturn
Focus on long-term sustainability of the value chain and financial health
      Increased flexibility for customers                                        Output reduced                                                      Capex downscaled
Min. allowed contract allocation level                              m ct                                                           RUB bn
                                                                                                                                                                  Initial (Mar'19)       New
                                        Starting Apr’20                                       -4 m ct
                                  up to 100% of min allowed
80% 80%                           volumes could be deferred
                                            55%        50%
         70%                                                          38.5                                                              29                                      28
                                                                                  34.2                                                                    26                         25
                        55%                   50%                                                         30         31.5                      20              17
Jan '18 Sep '18         Jul '19              Mar '20     Jul'20        2019        2020                  2020        2021                  2019            2020                  2021E
                                                                     (actual)     (initial)             (actual)   (outlook)

  Mining majors helped industry destock by                          Output cuts at the assets with higher                          A number of small projects were
   the end of 2019 and continued to support                           variable costs, and with lower vs average                       rescheduled or put on hold
   in 2020                                                            profitability                                                  2020 capex was down from initial outlook
  E.g. ALROSA: from Mar’20 - minimum                                …thus helping reduce cash outlays and                           of RUB 26 bn to RUB 17 bn
   contracted volumes cut to 50% with further                         W/C build-up, and speed up W/C release                         No impact on operational performance
   reduction to zero in July                                          once demand recovered
  …starting April up to 100% of purchases
   could be deferred to buy later in 2020
Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                            Message from CEO                  ALROSA results                       2020 Performance & Outlook                   Appendix                  22
2020 Dashboard
  Global output leader with flexible sales                            Resilient superior profitability                                 Sustaining cost leadership
 m ct                             Production      Sales      EBITDA, RUB bn                    EBITDA margin              Per unit nominal cost, RUB '000/m3
                                                                                                                              Production costs (excl. movements), RUB bn
     37.9 39.8          38.5                                       51%                                                                                                         1.42
                               33.4                                                 45%
                                          30.0 32.1                                                   40%                       1.12           1.14         1.14

                                                                                                                                81             81           89                  78
                                                                                       107               88

     Av. 2016-18          2019                 2020             Av. 2016-18          2019             2020                      2017           2018        2019               2020

  Keeping leverage in the targeted zone                      Strong FCF generation through the cycle                        Commitment to maximizing dividends
 Net debt / EBITDA                                           RUB bn                               Capex        FCF         $m                                             as % of FCF
                                                                                                                                         New div. policy adopted
                           0.7x                                         92                                                                      100%    100%        100%
                                                                                                              80                       70%
         0.5x                                                                                                               49%
                                                                                         48                                                                          To be recommended by the
                                                                                                                                                                      BoD in April and approved
                                                                29                                                                                                      by AGM in June 2021
                                                                                  20                17                       658        662
                                                                                                                                                 480     439
        2016-18           2019                 2020            Av. 2016-18           2019             2020                 2015-17     H1'18    H2'18    H1'19       H2'19       2020

Source: Company data.

    Message from INED                     Message from CEO                    ALROSA results                   2020 Performance & Outlook                        Appendix                         23
Management action plan
Aimed to implement Company strategy in a proper and sustainable way

   Sustainability                                                                    Efficiency
      o   Sustainability Strategy and KPIs                                              o Organizational Ecosystem development
      o   Environment                                                                   o Operational Efficiency Program (including
      o   Climate and Energy                                                              optimization of business processes and
      o   Employees                                                                       functions)
      o   Human Rights                                                                  o People and Culture (Production System)
      o   Health & Safety
      o   Local communities
      o   Corporate Governance
      o   Business ethics
          Risk management

             Growth opportunities                                                       o Innovations is regarded as a supporting tool
                                                                                          in ALROSA development
                o   Resource base maintenance / expansion                               o Digitalization of operations
                o   Customer-centric approach                                           o B2B and B2C digital interfaces
                o   Marketing initiatives
                o   25%+ share of global diamond supply
Source: Company data.

    Message from INED                  Message from CEO     ALROSA results   2020 Performance & Outlook              Appendix            24
Strategy Execution Framework
 Pursuing sustainable cost leadership and maximum
 productivity                                                                                      Client-centricity remains at the core of
 Scaling-up of in-house best practices                                                             ALROSA’s business
 Building systems to ensure employees; buy-in at all levels      Operational                       Unfolding the potential of online channels
 Focus on building the culture of continuous improvement         Efficiency &                      Retaining sales flexibility, while maintaining
 to make changes stick                                             Culture                         turnover efficiency
                                                                                                   Developing marketing initiatives

 Established transformation governance
 covering project management, data              Ecosystem /                        Sales &
 architecture, maturity assessment              Digitalization                    Marketing
 Demonstrated progress at
 organizational redesign to ease
 implementation of digital initiatives
 Equal focus on integrating efficiency                                             Focus on the core diamond business
 and efficiency of integration
                                                                   Allocation      Strict adherence to projects with over 20% IRRs
                                                                                   Conservative financial policy to offset market volatility
                                                                                   FCF is distributed to shareholders through semi-annual dividends

 Message from INED                Message from CEO               ALROSA results         2020 Performance & Outlook                 Appendix           26
1         Focus on Operational Efficiency
            Expansion of the program translates into lower costs and higher productivity
       Group-wide initiatives up by 70%                                      Production costs decreased on savings                                   Unit costs up as run-of-mine dropped 33%
 Number of ongoing initiatives                                               % yoy                                  Savings, RUB bn, 2020              Nominal 2, 000 RUB/m3
 as of the end of the period
                                           641                                                                                                                                              %, in real terms
                                                      Other                                 -11%      Labor                          5.1                                                         1.42
                                                      Business-                                                                                                                                          1.26
                              379                     processes                                     Services 1                                            1.16         1.12   1.14   1.14
                                                                                         -13%                            1.0                                                                    26%
                                           45%        Operational
     187                                              improvements                     -14%        Materials                2.0

                                           23%        Energy                                                                                                                  -5%    -6%
                                                                             -22%           Fuel & Energy                         3.9                                  -8%                              -5-10%
    2017         2018         2019        2020                                                                                                            2016         2017   2018   2019       2020    2021E

 Optimization program continued to gain                                   Production costs decreased by RUB 11 bn driven                             Nominal costs in RUB were up by 26% on
  traction across the Group                                                 by:                                                                         lower run-of-mine ore volumes as ~70% of
 Leading to a 3x+ increase in initiatives from                                o 22% drop in output, or RUB 7 bn impact                                 costs are fixed
  the program start                                                            o Efficiency gains, or RUB 2 bn impact                                  2021 costs are expected to decrease on
 Which translates into structural savings and                                 o Lower costs at non-core assets,                                        higher volumes and continued efficiency
  critical mass of initiatives leading to qualitative                            or RUB 2 bn impact                                                     improvements
  changes in how our business is run
Source: Company data and analysis.
Notes: 1. incl. transport; 2. Include payroll and other employee payments, fuel and energy, materials, external services and transportation, other production costs.

     Message from INED                             Message from CEO                                ALROSA results                        2020 Performance & Outlook                         Appendix             27
1        Case Study: Operational Improvement at Aikhal
   ALROSA demonstrated material improvement                     …on the back of expanding load capacity…                …resulting in lower number of trucks required
          in intensity of trucks usage…

  Trucks Utilisation, %                                         Trucks Capacity, %                                      Number of trucks in use

                           +8 p.p.                                                   +8 p.p.                                                -2 trucks              …and -3 trucks off
                                                                                                                                                                   the purchase plan

                                      81%                                                      93%                                   55
                 73%                                                        85%                                                                           53

                 2019                 2020                                  2019               2020                                  2019                2020

  Key streams and initiatives at Aikhal in 2020
                           Project “Perfect Shift”                                              Load Capacity Enhancement
                            “Pit-stop” maintenance system                                       Widening of trucks beds to expand capacity
                            Unified dispatch function                                           Decreased number of trucks in operation
                            Flexible shifts

    17 operational efficiency initiatives delivering RUB 0.7 bn savings were introduced in 2020, and from 2021 will be scaled on the Group level

Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                        Message from CEO                 ALROSA results            2020 Performance & Outlook                      Appendix                        28
1         Large-scale Reform of Maintenance System
             … with centralization of all functions into single SAP-integrated service
                                     Project overview                                                              Key ongoing initiatives

   The group-wide program aims to strengthen preventive planning,                      Reduction of downtime driven by optimal maintenance processes
    reduce downtime and unscheduled repairs, and improve safety of                      Maximization of technical readiness coefficient
    operations                                                                          Advanced planning and procurement management
   New Integrated Service Centres are to be introduced at each
    production unit
                                                                                                    Expected structural savings from the initiative1
   Additional productivity boost to be achieved through the use of
                                                                                        RUB bn
    integrated IT systems and application of big-data analysis

                                                                                              Effect of top-7 initiatives: c. RUB 2 bn
  2020 track-record:
   Improved data granularity for better planning                                                                                                               3.2
   Scheduling and planning through SAP RM to reduce waste / increase
    efficiencies                                                                              1.3
   New KPI and internal ratings system
                                                                                            Mines         Beneficiation     Transport &     Other              Project
                                                                                                             plant          Equipment     Group-wide            total

Source: Company data and analysis.
Note: 1. Based on 2021 prices.

    Message from INED                       Message from CEO          ALROSA results                   2020 Performance & Outlook                   Appendix             29
             Improving Efficiency of Support Functions
             Optimization of sourcing/logistics and centralization of support functions

                         Sourcing and Logistics                                                                                  Shared Service Centre
             Program launch                                       Scale                                                  Program launch                        Scale
                 2018/19                                       RUB 124 bn1                                                   2017/18                         RUB 1.4 bn2

 Key initiatives in 2020-21:                                                                                    Key goals:
  Implementation of Warehouse Management System                                                                 Efficiency and quality improvements / Standardization and
                                                                                                                  unification / Accelerate transformation initiatives
  Launch of the on-line product ordering platform for divisions
                                                                                                                  implementation, scope, and projects execution
  Development of MRP system in supply chain
                                                                                                                                       Cost savings from the initiative
 Deliverables in 2020:                                                                                           RUB bn, cumulative
                                                                                                                                                            Realized RUB 1.1 bn
  Release of RUB 2.2 bn of capital through automation and                                                                                                  cost savings from:
   development of IT system for supply chain planning                                                                                                       • Productivity on scale-up
                                                                                                                                                  2.0       • Processes optimization
                                                                                                                                      1.1                   • Relocation to more cost
                                                                                                                       0.4                                    efficient region
                                                                                                                       2019           2020       2021E
Source: Company data and analysis.
Notes: 1. 2020 procurement of supplies (incl. materials) volume; 2. Personnel expense total.

     Message from INED                            Message from CEO                             ALROSA results                  2020 Performance & Outlook              Appendix          30
1       Production System: from One-offs to Systemic Change
    Elements of PS                                   Successful cases                          Systemic approach leading to cultural changes
                                              E.g. Nyurba Division project – elements          Education /
                                                                                               giving standard
             goals cascaded                   of PS were introduced in 2018-20                 toolbox (6S, etc.)
             to employees                           o Visualization
                                                                                               Ideas Factory
                                                    o 6S system                                introduction to motivate
              Model and
              governance system                     o Standard Operating Practices             bottom-up initiatives
              (KPI’s, motivation,
              leaders’ role model)                                                              Mini-                       Mirny (pilot)
                                                •    Improved operational                       transformations
                                                     performance                                key instrument for           Udachny
             Tool-box: standardized                                                             Production System
                                                •    Documented changes /
             tools to improve efficiency,                                                       rollout / systemic
                                                     knowledge sharing                                                       Aikhal
             benchmarking                                                                       changes stick
                                                •    “Educational” playground / talent
             Infrastructure:                         development                                10,000 team-
             Education system,                                                                  members will be
                                                                                                involved                  2021                      2022                   2023
             reskilling, IT platform,
             continuous excellence,                                                                                                   Ideas Factory
                                                 •   Members of the transformation
             communication, talent
             management/agents                       team cascading knowledge
             of change)                              within the Group / internal tutors
                                                                                                  Author            Collection           Experts’          Reward         Execution
                                                                                                                      Pool               Council
Source: Company data.

    Message from INED                       Message from CEO                  ALROSA results                    2020 Performance & Outlook                     Appendix               31
2        Continuing Digitalization: IT Platform Development
           All-encompassing digitalization program at all levels of ALROSA’s operations
            Program description                       Key initiatives                                          Plans for 2021

   Digitalization program was launched            Advancement of project                    Consolidation of IT specialists under the
    in Dec’19                                      planning and design processes              designated legal entity “ALROSA IT”
   Key priorities:                                                                          Further development of in-house IT
    o Productivity enhancement                                                                expertise
                                                     Optimization of maintenance
      (implementation of more
                                                     process                                 Completion of IT function centralization
      advanced equipment and
      improvement of business                                                                 at the Group level
      processes)                                     Digitalization of Health &              Continued scaling-up of obtained
    o Cost reduction                                 Safety functions                         knowledge and experience across all
    o Safety improvement                                                                      assets of the Group

    o Establishment of digital culture at          Further integration of
      all levels                                   unmanned technologies and
                                                   digital systems

Source: Company data.

    Message from INED           Message from CEO        ALROSA results            2020 Performance & Outlook              Appendix        32
2         Case Study: MES Project at Nyurba
            Already implemented at Aikhal and Nyurba – to be rolled out across other divisions
                  Project overview                                     Operating improvements                                                   Plans for 2021+
     Project timeline                         CAPEX1                 Downtime2, ths hours
                                                                                                                              Roll-out on MGOK (2021), Unified Dispatch
         2019-20                             RUB 59 m                                            -28%
                                                                                                                               Center (2021), UGOK (2022)
  Advantages:                                                                            105               76                 Remaining capex : ~RUB 155 m (
3        Sales Enhancement
           Balancing the evolving needs of customer base and sales efficiency
                 Client centricity                               Sales Channels and Infrastructure                                  Turnover efficiency

   Client-centric model crystalized in the “new                 Online auctions and digital twins                       Despite the challenges of 2020, ALROSA
    normal” environment                                           Project envisages creation of digital twins            managed to retain efficiency of the sales
                                                                   for diamonds of 2CT+ unifying various                  function
   Introducing “Key account managers”
                                                                   diamond parameters collected facilitating            Work-In-Progress turnover
    service available 24/7
                                                                   online sales                                             WIP cycle is 14 days below vs 2018 levels
   Accommodating flexible trading conditions                     No capex requirements (per carat fee)                    $200+ m released from the WIP cycle
    for ALROSA’s long-term clients                                Number of online biddings organised in                    decrease vs. 20181
                                                                   2020: 18 (vs. 5 in 2019)
   Enhanced client feedback collection                                                                                 Automation processes
                                                                 ALROSA Video-Viewer                                        Sorting automation reached 35% in Feb‘21
   Continued promotion of ALROSA Alliance
                                                                  ALROSA introduced new Video-Viewer                        (vs. 16% in 2018)
    brand underpinning the strong supplier-
                                                                   Service to let customers review the stones               Box assembly automation reached 50% in
    consumer confidence (c. 80% of total sales
                                                                   remotely with the help of ALROSA’s experts                Feb’21 (vs. nil in 2018)
    in 2020 performed with members of
                                                                  The new service is in high demand, bears
    ALROSA Alliance)
                                                                   no Capex
   New Sales Policy concept was adopted                         Group-wide CRM system
                                                                  CRM system rolled over across the Group

Source: Company data.
Note: 1. ALROSA, Severalmaz, ALROSA-Nyurba.

    Message from INED                         Message from CEO                  ALROSA results             2020 Performance & Outlook               Appendix             34
3        Adding New Facets in Customer Service
           Key sales features introduced by ALROSA in 2020
                 ALROSA Tracing                                        ALROSA Provenance                                              Digital Stocks
   Diamond tracing assures authenticity and                    Diamond passports to be issued                        The service provides for digitalization of
    ethical sourcing of the stones                               automatically for all diamonds polished by             ALROSA’s stock of polished diamonds on
   Stones with embedded tracing data are                        ALROSA ensuring internal tracing                       external online platforms
    highly valued by customers                                  Advantages:                                           Project target: 100% of polished diamonds
   ALROSA participates in various pilot                           o Facilitation of sales based on the                 digitalised and available on online
    diamond tracing initiatives                                      availability of passports with tracing data        platforms (both internal and external)
   Project timeline: Apr-Nov’20                                                                                       Project launched: 2020
                                                                   o ALROSA Diamond Passport becomes a
                                                                     new starting point for external                            ALROSA’s Diamond Inventories
            Diamonds are traced through                              communication and new industry
             the entire production chain                             initiatives
                                                                                                                                          ALROSA API
Rough diamonds                   Polished                          o The service can be easily adapted for
  sold online1                  produced                             3rd-party technology providers (Sarine,
                                                                     Tracr, GIA, etc.) while keeping the same
      2,800+           200           150        75
                                                                     appearance of ALROSA Diamond                                       External parties
                  Polished                  Passports                Passport
                  planned                    issued             Project timeline: Q2’21
Source: Company data and analysis.
Note: 1. Data as of Jan’20.

    Message from INED                       Message from CEO                   ALROSA results            2020 Performance & Outlook                 Appendix         35
3        Marketing Strategic Initiatives

           Generic marketing                                          Digital                         Polished diamonds marketing

  • Participation in Natural Diamond                  • Branding initiatives: piloting in                • Promotion of Fancy coloured
      Council (NDC) to maintain and                     collaboration with major US & China                 diamonds (True Colours program)
      enhance consumer demand for                       retailers                                        • Promotion of large and exceptional
      natural diamonds                                • Trade initiatives to support fluorescent            quality diamonds
  • Image programs aimed to promote                     diamonds category                                • B2B marketing on key markets (NY
      ESG efforts of the industry, incl.              • Diamonds with provenance program                    and HK offices support)
                                                                                                         • New sales channels and markets
  • Promotion of regulatory separation                                                                      (online, new geographies, etc.)
      between natural and lab-grown
      diamond markets

Source: Company data.

    Message from INED              Message from CEO                ALROSA results           2020 Performance & Outlook             Appendix     36
4        Capital Allocation – Maximising Shareholder Returns

       Focus on Core Business                                                         Focused on                       Conservative Financial Policy
                                                                                Value-accretive Projects
                    Organic Growth                                                     Investment Program                                   Commitment to
                                                                                          with 20%+ IRR1                                 Balanced Debt Profile

                Operational Efficiency

                     Divestiture of                                                                                                             Strong
                    Non-core Assets                                                                                                        Liquidity Position

                                                  Operating cash flow after capex is returned to shareholders
Source: Company data.
Note: 1. For investments in new mining capacity and operational efficiency projects.

    Message from INED                             Message from CEO                       ALROSA results     2020 Performance & Outlook                   Appendix   37
4          Investments
                         2021-24E capex was revised                                                                                     Key projects
 RUB bn                                                                                           Infrastructure: total 2021-24 capex – RUB 32 bn
                                                              Mining capacity                      Reconstruction of Mirny Airport (RUB 9 bn)
                                                                                                   Gasification of Udachny Division (RUB 4 bn)
                Initial outlook                               Equipment maintenance
                                                                                                   Gas processing plant (RUB 4 bn)
               was RUB 26 bn,
                some projects
               were postponed
                                      25                                                          Mining capacity: total 2021-24 capex – RUB 26 bn
       20                                                                              21          Completion of Udachny underground mine construction (RUB 8 bn)
                                                                                                   Completion of V. Munskoye diamond deposit development (RUB 1.5 bn)
                       17              9              13
                                                                      7                3
        4                                                                                          Development of Maiskaya pipe (RUB 3 bn)
                       5                                                               8          Equipment maintenance: total 2021-24 capex – RUB 35 bn
        8                                                             6
                                       8              5                                                                                Other projects
                                                                                                  Mir: construction of the new mine                         Africa
                                                      9               9                10          Status: deep geo-exploration stage; decision could       Catoca (Angola): 41% owned by
        8               7              8
                                                                                                    be taken in the end of 2021                               ALROSA; self-financed – no co-
                                                                                                   Capex: in case of positive decision ~$1.2 bn for 6-7      financing of investments
      2019           2020           2021E           2022E          2023E          2024E
                                                                                                    years starting 2025 at earliest; incremental capex by    Zimbabwe: exploration works
                                                                                                    2025 (feasibility studies)                                with capex of ~$5 m pa; no
       Investment program with a targeted IRR1 of 20%+                                             Conditions for positive investment decision:              commitment for any projects yet
                                                                                                    confirmation grade of the reserves, market
                                                                                                    conditions, economic efficiency, H&S
Source: Company data.
Note: 1. For investments in new mining capacity and operational efficiency projects.

    Message from INED                            Message from CEO                           ALROSA results                  2020 Performance & Outlook                  Appendix                38
4            Strong Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                                                  Sound financial profile
  •   Total debt is $2.3 bn with an average cost of 3.7% pa                                                   $m
  •   Net debt/EBITDA decreased from 1.25x in Q3’20 to 0.4x                                                                                         Total Debt          Net Debt            Net Debt / EBITDA, x
  •   Liquidity position: $1.8 bn
  •   Proactive steps to decrease leverage in Q4’20:                                                                                   0.5x             0.7x
           o    $275 m bank loans fully prepaid from own funds
           o    $494 m 10Y Eurobond @7.75% pa fully repaid in Nov’20                                             3,062 2,781
                                                                                                                                  2,347                                                                     2,272
  •   Investment grade status confirmed                                                                                                   1,374     1,622 1,494      1,535

  •   Maturity extended to 3.2 yrs (from 2.1 yrs in 2019)
                                                                                                                     2015              2016             2017             2018              2019               2020

        Maturity extended                               Cost of debt decreased                                 Liquidity position                                 Debt2 repayment schedule
Years                                                                                                       $m                 5,27                 $ m, as of 31 Dec’20
                                                                                                                                2                                                                                         3
                                                                                                                                                                     Eurobonds          Bank loans       RUB bonds

                                                                                                        Credit Lines                                  563
                                                                                                                               3,422                                               504                              500
                                                            6.5%                                                                                      300      295
                                                                                                        Cash and
          1.8                                                                                           Equivalents
                                                                                                                               1,849                                               500                              500
                                                                                   3.7%                 (incl. deposits)                              200                 10                             0

        2017-18                2020                        2017-18                 2020                                     31.12.2020               2021E     2022E    2023E      2024E    2025E       2026E       2027E

Source: Company data and analysis.
Notes: 1. Including lease obligation (the equivalent of USD 67 m); 2. Excluding lease obligation (the equivalent of USD 67 m) and amortization of discount; 3. Based on FX rate as of 31 Dec 2020.

      Message from INED                            Message from CEO                               ALROSA results                        2020 Performance & Outlook                               Appendix                     39
4       Proposals to Financial and Dividend Policies
             2020 case: net cash change during the crisis                                                           Proposed changes
      Cash inflow minus outflow
                                                                              1      Financial policy
40                                                                                   • Minimum cash position should be increased from RUB 25 bn to RUB 50 bn
                            Market downturn                                            to enhance sustainability of operations
                                                                                     • New expanded liquidity buffer will allow the Company during crises:
                                                                                           o To maintain operational resilience and optimal utilization rates
                                                                                           o To ensure stability of funding of business development initiatives incl. marketing
                                                                                             focusing on the long term goals
 10                                                                                        o To have sufficient cash fire-power to restore market balance without resorting to
                                                                                             external emergency help
 0                                                                                   • Targeted net leverage remains unchanged at 0.5-1.0x range

                                                                              2      Dividend policy
-20                                                                                  • Key parameters remain unchanged: FCF based, semi-annual, based on
                                                                                       net leverage
-30                                                                                  • Simplified range of net leverage, when defining dividend payout will
       Jan    Feb Mar Apr May Jun          Jul     Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec                allow the Company:
                                                                                           o To improve targeting of net leverage
                                                                                           o To ensure stability of cash returns to shareholders
                                                                                           o To improve flexibility in managing debt portfolio
      Source: Company data and analysis.

          Message from INED                      Message from CEO         ALROSA results                 2020 Performance & Outlook                    Appendix                   40
4         Simplified Dividend Policy
                               Current Dividend Policy                                                                         Proposed Dividend Policy

Dividend Base: FCF (Operating CF-CapEx)                           Frequency: Semi-annual                Dividend Base: FCF (Operating CF-CapEx)                  Frequency: Semi-annual

     if                                                                                                         if
 Net Debt/              < 0.0x           0.0-0.5x            0.5-1.0x           1.0-1.5x                    Net Debt/     < 0.0x                      0.0-1.0x                 1.0-1.5x
  EBITDA1                                                                                                    EBITDA1

 FCF Payout                                                                                                 FCF Payout
   Ratio              > 100%               100%              70-100%           50–70%                         Ratio       > 100%                      70-100%                  50–70%

  Minimum                                50% of IFRS Annual Net Income                                       Minimum                      50% of IFRS Annual Net Income
  Payment                            if Net Debt/EBITDA not exceeding 1.5x                                   Payment                  if Net Debt/EBITDA not exceeding 1.5x

Source: Company data.
Note: 1. Based on first and second half year ND/EBITDA and FCF.

    Message from INED                          Message from CEO                            ALROSA results                2020 Performance & Outlook                       Appendix        41
4        Dividends’ Payment
                                Dividend payout ratio                                                                        Excessive cash is distributed as dividends 1
Based on accrued dividends for the period                                                                  $m

             % of IFRS net income                       % of FCF

                                                                    100%       100%       100%                                                                                         919
                                                                                                                                                                       H1 ’18
                                                         76%        95%                                                                                                               439
                                   59%                                                                                                                                               H1 ’19
                         50%                                                    76%        78%
                                              52%                                                                                                        12M ’16
                                                                                                                311                                                                                 272
             26%                   50%        50%                                                                                           244                          619
                                                                                                                              190                                      12M ’17         480
  35%                   37%                                                                                                                                                           H2 ’18
                                                                                                              12M ’13                                                                               H2 ’19
                                                                                                                            12M ’14       12M ’15

  2013       2014       2015       2016       2017       H1 '18     H2 '18     H1 '19     H2 '19               2014           2015          2016          2017          2018          2019          2020

Source: Company data and analysis.
Notes: 1. Dividends paid. Amounts are based on FX rates as of the dividend record dates. Dividends are paid in Rubles meaning the USD amount is subject to change due to FX changes. For information purposes

    Message from INED                          Message from CEO                             ALROSA results                       2020 Performance & Outlook                           Appendix                  42
Delivering Superior Shareholder Returns
                                                                Cumulative total USD TSR since ALROSA IPO (October 2013)

                                                                                                                                                                                        96.8% ALROSA

                                                                                                                                                                                        73.7% Luxury Goods

                                                                                                                                                                                        62.5% MSCI Emerging Markets

                                                                                                                                                                                        1.0% Diversified Miners, incl.
           100                                                                                                                                                                          other Diamond Producers 2

                                                                                                                                                                                        (2.0)% MOEX Russia Index

                                                                                                                                                                                        (15.7)% MSCI Russia

             Oct-13                    Jan-15                    Apr-16                     Jun-17                    Sep-18                   Nov-19                     Feb-21

Source: Bloomberg, Company analysis.
Notes: 1. Luxury goods include average performance of the following companies: LVMH Moet Hennessy; Hermes; Cie Financiere Richemont; Kering; Swatch; Prada; Tiffany & Co; Tapestry; Burberry; Ralph Lauren; Capri; Moncler; Tod's;
ALROSA; 2. Diversified miners include average performance of the following companies: Anglo American; Rio Tinto; BHP; Glencore; Vale; Gem Diamonds; Petra Diamonds; Lucara Diamond; Firestone Diamonds; Mountain Province
Diamonds; Stornoway Diamond.

     Message from INED                               Message from CEO                                  ALROSA results                           2020 Performance & Outlook                                 Appendix                  43
Strategic Priorities Remain Unchanged

Developing efficient organisation...                              …taking advantage of strong market fundamentals

                                                                             Growing demand
                                                   Balanced                    and Disciplined
                                             Financial policy                          supply
                                  Prudent                                                                              Maximisation of
                        Capital allocation                                                                             Free Cash Flow
                  Focus on                                                                                             Shareholder returns
              core business
              and Efficiency

Source: Company data.

    Message from INED              Message from CEO             ALROSA results            2020 Performance & Outlook       Appendix          44
Rough Diamond Sales
•    Q4’20 diamond sales increased by 3.4x qoq                                              Q4’20 diamond sales grew by 3.4x qoq
     reaching 17 m ct, incl. 12.2 m ct of gem-quality    m ct                                                               Gem-quality diamonds               Industrial quality diamonds
     diamonds, due to continued recovery of end-                                                                            2.1x                                   38.1
                                                                                                                                                                            33.4     32.1
     demand in key markets (US and China) from mid-                                                                                              17.0
     ’20, translated into a strong diamonds demand for     10.6                                                                                   4.8                         9.3      8.3
                                                                        8.3                        8.2         9.4
     rough by year-end                                     2.7                       6.4                        2.4                  5.0
                                                                         2.3                       2.2                                           12.2               26.4     24.1     23.8
                                                           7.9                                                  7.1          0.6
•    Proceeds from rough diamond sales in Q4 were
                                                                         6.0          4.3          5.9                                4.1
                                                          Q1'19         Q2'19        Q3'19        Q4'19        Q1'20        Q2'20    Q3'20       Q4'20              2018     2019     2020
     $1,144 m (+2.1x QoQ and +29% YoY)
                                                                               Q4’20 rough diamond sales in USD grew by 2.1x qoq
                                                         $ mn
                                                                                                                        Gem-quality diamonds                   Industrial quality diamonds
                                                                                                                            +29%                                   4,412
                                                                                                                                                 1,144                      3,273
                                                           988                                    888                                                                                2,652
                                                                        796                                     881                                       31
                                                                                16    601                 11           13             553                          4,325
                                                                                             16                                              5    1,113                      3,211
                                                           969                                     877          868                                                                  2,601
                                                                         780                                                  74
                                                                                      585                                             548

                                                           Q1'19        Q2'19        Q3'19        Q4'19        Q1'20         Q2'20   Q3'20       Q4'20              2018     2019     2020
Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                Message from CEO      ALROSA results                                 2020 Performance & Outlook                                   Appendix              46
Key Financials
                                                                                   Improved financials on the back of sales recovery
•    Q4‘20:                                                          RUB bn
                                                                                                      Revenue      EBITDA     Net profit         EBITDA margin
     o Revenue: RUB 98.6 bn, up by 2x QoQ on the back
       of strong demand recovery toward year-end                                              52%
                                                                           46%                                                       45%
     o EBITDA: RUB 31.8 bn (+24% QoQ, +8% YoY)                                                                         32%
     o Profitability amounted to 32% (-20 p.p.)
                                                                                                                               238                     221
     o Net income RUB 21.3 bn (+2.8x QoQ, +83% YoY)                                                         99
                                                                      65                                                 21                                        32
     o FCF grew to RUB 65.2 bn (+2.9x QoQ, +3.9x YoY)                               12   50           8                              107                     88
                                                                            30                 26                 32                        63
     o Net debt / 12M EBITDA was at 0.4x (Q3’20: 1.25x)                    Q4'19              Q3'20              Q4'20             12M'19                12M'20

•    12M‘20:                                                                         Free Cash Flow grew 3x QoQ on W/C release
                                                                     RUB bn
     o Revenue: RUB 221.5 bn (-7%)                                                        H2’20 FCF: RUB 87.8 bn
     o EBITDA: RUB 87.6 bn (-18%)
     o Profitability: 40% (-5 p.p.)
     o Net income: RUB 32.2 bn (-49%)                                                                                                                        79
     o FCF: RUB 79.5 bn (+67%)
                                                                              17               23
                                                                            Q4'19             Q3'20              Q4'20             12M'19                12M'20
Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                Message from CEO     ALROSA results                  2020 Performance & Outlook                        Appendix                    47
Profitability Analysis
                                                                                                      Q3’20 to Q4’20 EBITDA bridge
•    Q4‘20 EBITDA: RUB 32 bn, up by 24% QoQ driven by:                             RUB bn
       (+) increase of revenue: +RUB 49 bn due to rebounded sales
                                                                                                    49           (41)
       (-) increase of cost of goods sold: -RUB 41 bn due to increase
       of sales volumes
       (-) increase of SG&A expenses: -RUB 3 bn due to change of                                                                 (3)
                                                                                          26                                                                 32
       re-valuation of management option program
                                                                                          Q3'20   Revenue        COGS            SG&A   Other operating      Q4'20
                                                                                         EBITDA                                           profit (loss)     EBITDA
•    12M’20 EBITDA: RUB 88 bn, down by 18% mainly due to:
       (-) revenue decline: -RUB 17 bn due to lower LFL prices (-10%)                                     2019 to 2020 EBITDA bridge
       and changes in sales mix                                                    RUB bn
       (+) decrease of cost of goods sold: +RUB 1 bn due to lower
       sales volumes                                                                               (17)            1
       (-) increase of SG&A expenses: -RUB 3 bn due to change of                                                                 (3)
       re-valuation of management option program                                                                                            (0.5)

                                                                                         12M'19   Revenue        COGS            SG&A   Other operating     12M'20
                                                                                         EBITDA                                           profit (loss)     EBITDA
Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                Message from CEO                   ALROSA results              2020 Performance & Outlook                   Appendix            48
Free Cash Flow
Q4‘20 FCF increased to RUB 65.2 bn from RUB 22.6 bn in Q3‘20 due to:                                                 EBITDA to Free Cash Flow bridge
        (+) Profitability growth by RUB 6.1 bn QoQ on recovered sales
                                                                                              RUB bn
        (+) W/C release of RUB 41.2 bn with the key drivers:                                                                       Q4’20               12M’20
            +RUB 29.2 bn – decrease of diamond inventories                                           EBITDA
                                                                                                                           25.7                          107.1
            +RUB 3.2 bn – seasonal decrease of materials                                     for the previous period

            +RUB 6.5 bn – AP up due to increase of advances from customers as part           Changes in profitability                 6.1                        (19.4)
            of 2020 contracted volumes to be dispatched in 2021
        (-) Income tax payment (-RUB 2.3 bn)                                                                    EBITDA      31.8                       87.6
        (-) Other (-RUB 1.1 bn)
                                                                                                      Changes in NWC                      41.2                          2 20.0
        (-) Capex (-RUB 4.4 bn)

12M’20 FCF increased by 67% to RUB 79 bn (RUB 48 bn in 12M’19) due to:                                      Income tax                       (2.3)                  (11.2)
        (+) W/C release of RUB 20.0 bn with key drivers:
                                                                                                                 Other                        (1.1)                          0.03
            +RUB 7.2 bn – decrease of diamond inventories
            +RUB 14.3 bn – AP up due to increase of advances from customers as part                 Operating cash flow            69.6                 96.5
            of 2020 contracted volumes will be shipped in 2021
        (-) Capex (-RUB 17.0 bn)                                                                                 Capex                      (4.4)              (17.0)
        (-) Profitability decrease by RUB 19.4 bn on mix changes and price index
                                                                                                         Free cash flow            65.2               79.5
        (-) Income tax payment (-RUB 11.2 bn)

Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                     Message from CEO                         ALROSA results                    2020 Performance & Outlook         Appendix                    49
Rough Diamond Inventories
                                                                               Q4 ALROSA's diamond inventories decreased by 32% QoQ
•    Q4‘20 diamond inventories were down by 32% QoQ                      m ct, end of the period
     (-9.9 m ct) to 20.7 m ct as sales volumes (17.0 m ct)                                                                                           -8%
     exceeded production (7.1 m ct) due to stronger demand
     and lower output
•    8% yoy decline in inventories (-1.9 m ct) due to production
     cuts in order to reduce costs in response to the                                                                                                26.3
     deteriorating market environment caused by COVID-19                                                                     21.7    22.6    21.1                    20.7
                                                                                          15.5      17.0    14.3    15.9
                                                                          12.3    11.7
•    Q4’20 ores & sands stocks were up 4% qoq to 26.9 m t as
     mining activities exceeded processing                                Q1'18   Q2'18   Q3'18    Q4'18   Q1'19    Q2'19    Q3'19   Q4'19   Q1'20   Q2'20   Q3'20   Q4'20

                                                                                          ALROSA's diamond inventories structure
                                                                         m ct, end of the period
                                                                                                            13.2                      20.7

                                                                                  14.3                                                12.7             Finished goods

                                                                                                                                                       Work in progress
                                                                                   8.3                                                8.0

                                                                                  Q4'19                     Q3'20                    Q4'20
Source: Company data and analysis.

    Message from INED                Message from CEO         ALROSA results                      2020 Performance & Outlook                         Appendix                50
Production Outlook
                                     Production in 2021 revised upwards                                                                2020 to 2021 output change by deposits
m ct                                                                                                                        m ct                                                  Av. price1, $/ct

                                                                                                                                   V.Munskoye deposit                                         2.0   107

                                                                                                       Mid-term target of
                                       38.5                                +1.5 m ct                                                   Aikhal UG mine                                   1.5         45
                                                                                                          37-38 m cts
 Almazy Anabara                         5.2                                                                                        Botuobinskaya pipe                             1.0               94
 Severalmaz                                                      30.0                                                                                                                               42
                                        4.2                                             1.3                                                Severalmaz                             0.8
 Nyurba Division                                                  3.5                   3.6
                                                                                                                                    Udachny UG mine                           0.8                   71
                                                                                                                              International UG mine                         0.2                     172
 Udachny Division                                                                                                                                                                                   116
                                        5.7                                                                                               Jubilee pipe            (0.9)
                                                                  5.0                                                          Nyurbinskaya pipe +
 Mirny Division                         3.0                                                                                                                      (1.2)                              82
                                                                  2.4                   2.4                                  alluvials of Nyurba GOK
 Aikhal Division
                                                                                                                                      Almazy Anabara     (2.2)                                      64
                                       10.1                       8.1                   8.6
                                                                                                                                    Other (net change)              (0.5)
                                       2019                      2020                  2021E             Mid-term target

 Source: Company data and analysis.
 Note: 1. Av. production price in 2020, based on market adjusted price list.

       Message from INED                           Message from CEO                            ALROSA results               2020 Performance & Outlook                       Appendix                     51
                          Market outlook                                                          ALROSA performance

  Resilient consumer demand – diamond jewelry remains the product       2021 outlook:
   of choice for “special moments in life”, and is being culturally
                                                                               o   Production is expected to recover up to ~31.5 m ct
   accepted in new geographies.
                                                                               o   Sales volumes will depend on real market demand, and
  Consumer profile is getting younger with Millennials and GenZ                   availability of the diamonds inventory
   driving incremental demand
                                                                               o   Pricing environment looks positive on resilient demand and
  Recovery growth in end-demand for diamonds as key economies                     limited inventory in the diamond pipeline
   are back to “normal” life                                                   o   Capex is estimated at RUB 25 bn, a catch up from downscaled
                                                                                   RUB 17 bn in 2020
  Mid-stream inventories are set to remain range-bound as in 2019-
   2020 cutters and polishers de-stocked and de-levered                  Active cost cutting program being consistently pursued:
                                                                               o   Active production management
  Structural decrease in diamonds supply with depletions outpacing
   new capacity launches                                                       o   Ongoing savings from operational efficiency programs and
                                                                                   optimization initiatives

Source: Company data.

   Message from INED           Message from CEO               ALROSA results               2020 Performance & Outlook            Appendix        52
New Initiative: Transformation Office
Systematic approach to changes across the vertical
                                                                                                                                                           Key decision making
                                                             Project Management Board                                                                      Control of interim and final project’s results

                                       ALROSA senior management (incl. CEO & CFO)                                 External consultant                      Risk control
                                                                                                                                                           Budgeting

                                                                  Operating Committee                                                                      Operational decision markers
                                         ALROSA top / medium level management                                    External consultants                      Close oversight of projects
                                                                                                                                                           Coordination with adjacent functions within
  Transformation office

                                                              Head of Transformation Office
                                                                                                                                                           Operating planning and control of project
                                                                                                                                                           Quality control of deliverables for each
                           Mining      Enrichment      Planning         HR   …   Purchases      H&S            Security     Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                            working group
                          Function      Function                                                                                                           Risk management on working group level,
                            head          head
                                                            Designated working group for each function                                                     responsibility of efficient escalations
                          ALROSA        ALROSA
                           team          team               Efficient coordination between the teams and functions                                        Internal coordination
                                                            Involvement of external consultants to ensure “outside-in” view across all stages
                           External      External
                          consultant    consultant

Source: Company data.

           Message from INED                         Message from CEO                         ALROSA results                            2020 Performance & Outlook                      Appendix             54
Targeted Production System – Vision for 2023
               Centre                                                                             Remote control centre and
                                                                                                  dispatch function
  •   Medium-term planning for all
      production assets, including
      geotechnical and geological                                                   •   Centralised dispatch function to become all-
      support of mining operations                                                      encompassing and cover all types of
                                                                                        production processes

                                     Engineering              Control                                                                        Shared Services /
                                       Centre                 Centre                                                                             Planning
                                                                                                      planning groups
                                                                                                                                                   Shared Services
                                                                                             Detailed planning for each asset on a
                                                                                             consistent basis with varying intervals
                                                                                                                                                   Centre and Planning
                                                                                             (monthly, each 10 days, daily)                        Function
                                                                                                                                        •   Long-term planning and
                                                                                                      Integrated digital                    project development
                                                                                                      platform                          •   Routine processes
                                                                                                                                            centralised at SSC
                                                                                         •   End-to-end data management system
                                                                                         •   Digital management of production process
         Production asset                               Enrichment plant
                                                                                                      Repair planning and
                                                                                                      management system
                                                                                         •   Oversight and continuous improvement of
                                                                                             production process
Source: Company data.

      Message from INED              Message from CEO              ALROSA results                      2020 Performance & Outlook                      Appendix          55
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