All Saints Day The Fifth Sunday of Creation

Page created by Neil Pena
All Saints Day The Fifth Sunday of Creation
Welcome to

               Earth Justice — Migrant Justice — Social Justice

   All Saints Day • The Fifth Sunday of Creation

                              November 1, 2020
                        10 a.m. Live-Streamed Service
Here you will find an energized and inclusive community of people seeking God’s transforming
presence. Grace St. Paul’s is a safe place to connect your spirit and your mind. Please join with us in
experiencing Christ’s love in a diverse congregation that celebrates individual gifts. We invite you to
take part in liturgies that are rich and innovative, in spiritual formation for all ages, and in action for
social justice. We welcome you to share in this joyful journey!
All Saints Day The Fifth Sunday of Creation
Table Flowers
! From Karen McVean: In memory of my father John McVean, Love Karen
! From Gale Quackenbush: In memory of my brother Gilbert Quackenbush, Jr.
If you would like to dedicate flowers, please call the church office at (520) 327-6857.

                                                         Live-Streaming Weekly Worship &
                                                                   Sunday School
                                                             Sunday: 7:45 a.m. – Outdoor Communion
                                                                      Service—GSP Parking Lot
                                                         10 a.m. – Live Sunday Worship
                                                                            Sunday bulletins:
                                                            High-quality recorded:
                                                            9:15 a.m. – Children & Family Sunday School
                                                                12:30 p.m. – Youth Group—via Zoom

   Earth Justice – Migrant Justice – Social Justice            Zooming Weekly Worship
                                                          Monday: 4:30 p.m. – Migrant Prayer Vigil, every
           2331 East Adams Street                             other Monday
                                                            Bulletin for Prayer Vigil:
           Tucson, Arizona 85719                                  Tuesday: 6 p.m. – Evening Prayer
             Visit us on the web:             
                                  Wednesday: 7 p.m. – Guided Meditation
   Phone (520) 327-6857 • Fax (520) 327-1347                
   Emergency Pastoral Care (520) 668-5727                        Thursday: 9 a.m. – Morning Prayer
                  Office Hours:                              
                                                                     12:30 p.m. – Centering Prayer,
       Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                                    followed by a discussion
         The Rev. Steve Keplinger:            
      The Rev. Dr. Richard Mallory:                                         5 p.m. – Spirit Now
                                                               Spirit Song (Taizé) First Thursday, 5 p.m.
                 Jessica Swift:                                    Friday: 7 p.m. – Evening Prayer                     
                Pamela Spears:                               Zooming Spiritual Formation                     Monday: Noon – GSP Today with Rector Steve –
               David Wachter:                             
                    Tuesday: Every other Tuesday at noon – Creating
                                                                   Communion and Sacred Ground –
                                                         Wednesday: 9:15 a.m. – Education for Ministry
                                                          Thursday: 10–11:30 a.m. – Between the Lines:
                                                           Scholarship & Depth Psychology Meet Sunday’s
10 a.m. Live-Streamed Worship
                        The Rev. Steve Keplinger, Officiant

                               Special Message
The sacred nature of and importance of community is never more obvious than
it is in those times when it appears to be impossible to experience. Now is the
time to live in the love of one another. Now is the time to come together so that
we may care for one another and support one another. Now is the time to live into
the hallowed connection of the entire universe. Let us thank God that we live in
a world where we can virtually stay connected with one another. Let us continue
to live into the love of this community by remote connection until we can
physically embrace each other again.

                           The Liturgy of the Word
Prelude              Chorale Prelude on “St. Elizabeth”                      Aaron David Miller
Greeting and Announcements
Native Flute                                                                      Karen Hanson
The Call of Creation                                                         Rosabeth Moss Kanter
People take the long view when they feel a commitment to those who come after them.
Opening Hymn                       Dearest Christ Jesus      The people may stand in body or spirit.
                          No. 383, The Hymnal 1982, redacted by Kari Boyd McBride   (all stanzas)
Opening Acclamation                                                Phyllis Cole and Everett Tilson.
Officiant:   This is Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of faith;
People:      The beginning and the end.
Officiant:   The atom and the universe.
People:      The one and the many.
Officiant:   The birth and the death;
People:      The rise and the fall.
Officiant:   The dawn and the dusk;
People:      The spring and the winter;
Officiant:   The rain and the rainbow;
People:      The seed and the harvest.
Officiant:   The quest and the return;
People:      The dream and the remembrance.
Officiant:   The foundation and the spire;
People:      The promise and the fulfillment.

Officiant:   The baptism and the requiem;
People:      The silence and the word.
Officiant:   This is the Alpha and the Omega, who is and was and is to come:
People:      Life forevermore!
Chant of Praise                                                                                 Sung twice.

The Collect of the Day                  The Collect of the Day is adapted from The Rev. Steven Shakespeare.
Officiant:   May God be with you.
People:      And also with you.
Officiant:   Let us pray.
God of heaven’s reach, of earth reborn; you call us from starless graves to sing under infinite skies:
we praise your name for those who have walked this way unheralded and unnumbered but known
to you, their beginning, their end, their joy in life; give us the same grace to be unbound and take
the step of faith; through Jesus the Christ, the alpha and omega. Amen.

             We Proclaim and Respond to the Word of God
A Reading from Revelation [7:9-17]                                                         Please be seated.
                                                                                  Christina Jarvis, Reader

      fter this I, John, looked, and there was a         with palm branches in their hands. They cried
      great multitude that no one could                  out in a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to
      count, from every nation, from all tribes          our God who is seated on the throne, and to
and peoples and languages, standing before the           the Lamb!” And all the angels stood around the
throne and before the Lamb, robed in white,              throne and around the elders and the four

living creatures, and they fell on their faces             made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
before the throne and worshiped God, singing,
                                                           “For this reason they are before the throne of
“Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and
                                                           God, and worship him day and night within his
thanksgiving and honor and power and might
                                                           temple, and the one who is seated on the
be to our God forever and ever! Amen.”
                                                           throne will shelter them. They will hunger no
Then one of the elders addressed me, saying,               more, and thirst no more; the sun will not
“Who are these, robed in white, and where                  strike them, nor any scorching heat; for the
have they come from?” I said to him, “Sir, you             Lamb at the center of the throne will be their
are the one that knows.” Then he said to me,               shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of
“These are they who have come out of the                   the water of life, and God will wipe away every
great ordeal; they have washed their robes and             tear from their eyes.”

Reader: Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s Creation.
People: Thanks be to God.

Native Flute                                                                                  Karen Hanson

A Reading from the Continuing Revelation of God [John Muir]
                                                                                      Harlan Hokin, Reader

          ne is constantly reminded of the                 yet higher beauty; and we soon cease to lament
          infinite lavishness and fertility of             waste and death, and rather rejoice and exult in
          Nature—inexhaustible abundance                   the imperishable, unspendable wealth of the
amid what seems enormous waste. And yet                    universe, and faithfully watch and wait for the
when we look into any of her operations that               reappearance of everything that melts and fades
lie within reach of our minds, we learn that no            and dies about us, feeling sure that its next
particle of her material is wasted or worn out.            appearance will be better and more beautiful
It is eternally flowing from use to use, beauty to         than the last.

Sequence Hymn                               Blest are they               The people may stand in body or spirit.
                             No. 172, Glory to God (Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))        (stanzas 1, 2 & 4)

A Reading from the Holy Gospel [Matthew 5:1-12]                                 Read in Spanish by Christina Jarvis
Deacon: The Holy Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ according to Matthew.
People: Glory to you, O Christ.
Diácono: Santo Evangelio de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, según Mateo.
Pueblo: ¡Gloria a ti, Cristo!

            hen Jesus saw the crowds, he went                 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see
            up the mountain; and after he sat                 God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will
            down, his disciples came to him.                  be called children of God. Blessed are those
Then he began to speak, and taught them,                      who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for
saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs           theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are
is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those                   you when people revile you and persecute you
who mourn, for they will be comforted.                        and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the               my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your
earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst                reward is great in heaven, for in the same way
for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed           they persecuted the prophets who were before
are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.                you.”

Deacon: The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
People: Praise to you, O Christ.
Diácono: El Evangelio del Jesucristo.
Pueblo: Te alabamos, Cristo.
The Sermon                                                                                      Please be seated.
                                                                                Preacher: The Rev. Steve Keplinger
A period of silence follows the Sermon, marked with meditation bell.
The Baptismal Covenant                                                      The people may stand in body or spirit.
Officiant:    Do you believe in God the Father?
People:       I believe in God, the Creator of heaven and earth.
Officiant:    Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
People:       I believe in Jesus Christ.
              He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
              and born of the Virgin Mary.
              He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
              was crucified, died, and was buried.
              He descended to the dead.
              On the third day he rose again.
              He ascended into heaven,
              and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
              He is always present with us and all creation, now and forever.

Officiant:       Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?
People:          I believe in the Holy Spirit,
                 the holy catholic Church,
                 the communion of saints,
                 the forgiveness of sins,
                 the resurrection of the body,
                 and the life everlasting.
Officiant:       Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread,
                 and in the prayers?
People:          I will, with God’s help.
Officiant:       Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin,
                 repent and return to God?
People:          I will, with God’s help.
Officiant:       Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?
People:          I will, with God’s help.
Officiant:       Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
People:          I will, with God’s help.
Officiant:       Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every
                 human being?
People:          I will, with God’s help.
Officiant:       Will you cherish the wondrous works of God, and protect and restore the beauty and
                 integrity of all creation?
People:          I will, with God’s help.
Prayers of the People                                             Parish intercessions are listed on pages 15 & 16.
                             The Prayers of the People were adapted from those written by The Rev. Claudia Heath.

Each prayer is read by a different member of the congregation. Please feel free to participate by reading
a prayer. More than one voice is welcome.

Leader: Creator God, Architect of the Universe, we gather to praise your holy name and give
             thanks for all of your creation and our place in it.
             Majestic mountains point our hearts and minds upward to your splendor. You bless us with
             peace and grace that flow like your rivers. Like the flowers bursting with blooms, we too
             can glorify your Name. Like your love and kindness, the twinkling stars and blazing sun give
             us warmth and light for the journey.
Deacon: For these and all of the other blessings of creation, we thank you.
People: Give us grace to learn lessons from nature.

Leader: In speaking your word and truth, help the Church be like the determined and single-minded
        salmon, struggling upstream against the current. This week we give thanks for the National
        Cathedral’s interfaith prayer service this afternoon, GSP’s vigil service on Monday evening,
        and our local ecumenical service on Election Night.
Deacon: God, who is with us in all Creation,
People: Give us grace to swim upstream.

Leader: When we gather to form nations, cities, and governments, help those in high places and all
        of us learn from the small ants that teach us to replace greed and exploitation with
        community, teamwork, responsibility, and diligence. This week we pray for our nation on
        Election Day, and for a smooth transition of leadership.
Deacon: God who is with us in all Creation,
People: Give us grace to live in harmony with each other.

Leader: We thank you for the creatures that are irritants to us, reminding us that challenges and
        conflicts are a part of life. We affirm our call to be instruments of reconciliation as we pray
        for the 545 migrant children still separated from their families beginning in 2017.
Deacon: God who is with us in all Creation,
People: Give us grace to live life with passion and joy.

Leader: Give us the wisdom to see that our hearts can be like the fire, sending sparks out into the
        world as light and warmth for others. This week we give thanks that the early voting has
        broken all previous records.
Deacon: God who is with us in all Creation,
People: Give us grace to kindle our hearts with your Love.

Leader: Comfort us with the lessons from seeds. We are born; we grow; we bloom; we die; and
        we are born again. On this All Saints Day, we remember all GSP saints who died this past
        year: Jan Riche, Gertrude Bransfield, Elizabeth Gorrell, Nicea Wilder, Tom Ham, Ken
        Stratton, Dylan McClellan, Janet Kells, Carol McBride, Cathy Wolfson, Billie Jo Ryan,
        Mayree Braun, Mark Drew, Priscilla Walker, Lois Mervyn.
Deacon: God who is with us in all Creation,
People: Give us grace to believe in our own resurrection.

Leader: The unconditional affection of our companion animals teaches us to cherish and love each
        other. Today we give thanks that climate change and the environment remain key election
Deacon: God who is with us in all Creation,
People: Give us grace to take time for fellowship and friendships.

The Collect after the Prayers for the People is adapted from
God, our Creator, we celebrate with all life now and that has come before us. Help us to see your
presence, not only in human history but also in the stories of our kin in creation, the great
community of life. Teach us to hear the good news of God’s loving care ringing through human
beings and the creatures of the wild. Rejoice with us as we behold the mysteries of your Wisdom
implanted in all life. Amen.
Confession of Sin                                          The Confession of Sin is by The Episcopal Church’s
                                                                    Season of Creation Liturgical Committee.
Deacon:      Let us confess our sins against God, our neighbors, and God’s creation.
People:      Merciful and sustaining God:
             we confess that we have sinned against you,
             lacking humility and gratitude for the beauty and bounty
             of your creation as it sustains us and all that lives.
             We confess that we have misused your earth;
             grant us amendment of life, we pray.
             We confess that we have been intemperate in our appetites;
             strengthen us in self-control.
             We confess that we have taken the abundance of your world for granted;
             make us urgent now for its protection,
             and, through our Savior Jesus Christ, forgive and renew us
             by the power of the Holy Spirit,
             with whom you live and love one God, now and for ever. Amen.
                                   The Absolution was composed and/or adapted by The Rev. Steve Keplinger.
May the God of Creation pardon us for the sins that we heap upon God’s earth, our island home.
May the Creator refresh us and renew us with love, and guide us again to see all of the cosmos as
our kin. Give us the strength to protect all of God’s world as a Mother protects her children. And
may the blessing of Grandfather Creator, Christ Liberator, and Spirit Sister be upon us and all of
the cosmos. Amen.
The Peace
Officiant:   The peace of Christ be always with you.
People:      And also with you.
Prayer for Birthdays and Anniversaries
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they
begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen
their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior.

The Liturgy of the Table
Offertory Sentence                                                                            Please be seated.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not
overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not
consume you.                                                                    [Isaiah 43:2]
Today’s Offering
       We hope during these times that you will be able to keep your pledges and donations up to date.
       To place your offering in the “basket” today, please download the Easy Tithe app on Google Play
       or in the App store. Press “give now” in the App and make your donation by pressing “GSP
       Other options for giving:
             ! Easy Tithe website: (where you can also
               choose to make your donation recurring)
             ! Send your donation via U.S. Mail to Grace St. Paul’s, 2331 E Adams, Tucson, AZ
             ! Set up a bill payment with your bank. Many will also allow you to make that
               automatic weekly or monthly. Contact your financial institution for further details.
Offertory Anthem                               Gaudent in coelis           Richard Dering, c. 1580-1630
                                   Christina Jarvis, Harlan Hokin, soloists
                 Translation: The souls of the saints rejoice in heaven,
                              they who have followed in the footsteps of Christ;
                              and because they shed their blood for love of Him,
                              they rejoice with Christ without end.
                              All you saints of God, pray for us.

Prayer of Spiritual Communion                          Adapted from John Philip Newell, Praying with the Earth.

Officiant:       Holding in our memories both the acts that Jesus taught us, and our commemorations
                 of those communal acts, we gather in spirit around this table, praying together:
All:             Whichever way we turn, O God, there is your face
                 in the light of the moon and patterns of stars
                 in scarred mountain rifts and ancient groves
                 in mighty seas and creatures of the deep.

Whichever way we turn, O God, there is your face
             in the light of eyes we love
             in the salt of tears we have tasted
             in weathered countenances east and west
             in the soft skin glow of the child everywhere.
             Whichever way we turn, O God, there is your face
             there is your presence among us. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer (Contemporary)                                          The people may stand in body or spirit.
                      Each Sunday at Grace St. Paul’s, the Lord’s Prayer alternates between English and Spanish.
Deacon: As our Savior Christ has taught us, we now pray,
Deacon and People:                                    Diácono y Pueblo:
Our Father in heaven,                                 Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,
 hallowed be your Name,                                santificado sea tu Nombre,
 your kingdom come,                                    venga tu reino,
 your will be done,                                    hágase tu voluntad,
   on earth as in heaven.                                en la tierra como en el cielo.
Give us today our daily bread.                        Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.
Forgive us our sins                                   Perdona nuestras ofensas,
 as we forgive those                                   como también nosotros perdonamos
   who sin against us.                                   a los que nos ofenden.
Save us from the time of trial,                       No nos dejes caer en tentación
 and deliver us from evil.                             y líbranos del mal.
For the kingdom, the power,                           Porque tuyo es el reino,
 and the glory are yours,                              tuyo es el poder,
 now and for ever. Amen.                               y tuya es la gloria,
                                                       ahora y por siempre. Amén.
Prayer of Thanksgiving                                                   The people may stand in body or spirit.
                                                                                    Adapted from Janet Morley.
Officiant:   Let us pray.
All:         O God, intimate and fearful, you carried us with tenderness within our
             mother’s womb; you appointed us to speak when we were yet unborn:
             touch our mouths with your truth, and take away our fear, that we may find
             relief from our suffering and discern your love. Let the whole world see
             what we have seen, that things that were cast down have been raised up,
             and things which had grown old have been made new. Amen.

     The Blessing is adapted from “Celebrating All Saints Day: Resources for Congregational Ministry and Worship,”
                                                                         Rev. Richard J. Hull II, Contributing Author.
God’s people have celebrated all that God has done,
from creation, to the cross, to the saints who have lived among us.
Now we go from this place to the work place, the home place, the market place;
every place living as God’s own people caring for a broken Creation.
And may the love of God, Creator, Liberator,
and Sustainer be with you this day until you join with the saints in light. Amen.
Closing Hymn                                   For all the saints
                           No. 287, The Hymnal 1982, redacted by Kari Boyd McBride            (stanzas 1, 2 & 5)

Dismissal                                                                 The Dismissal is by The Rev. Steve Keplinger.
Deacon: Go now, protect and celebrate Creation, welcome Wildness, embrace Earth.
        Revel in God’s wonder present in the deserts, the oceans, and the forests.
        Then bring that love of wilderness to all of the world. Alleluia! Alleluia!
People: Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Postlude                                      Postlude on “Sine nomine”                    Paul Leddington Wright

                                              Service Participants
                                        Preacher: The Rev. Steve Keplinger
                                      Readers: Christina Jarvis, Harlan Hokin
                                      Singers: Christina Jarvis, Harlan Hokin
                                             Organist: David Wachter
               Listings of lay ministers are subject to last-minute changes after the bulletin is printed.

We hold the following in our prayers today:
We pray for Michael our Presiding Bishop; Jennifer our Bishop; Steve, our Rector; Richard, our Associate
Rector; the Church of the Province of West Africa; SS. Philip & James in Morenci; Rincon Church of God in
We pray for peace in Zimbabwe, Syria, Congo, Sudan, Gaza, and in all places. We pray for the men and
women in detention in Eloy. We pray for those in Wilmot State Prison. We pray for those in the military,
especially those serving in combat zones, including Ronald Berryhill; Christopher Gallo; Michael Hannan;
Andrew Harris; Donna Heath; Frederick Jenning; Jordan S. Marks; Eric Osche; Mark Pundt; Terrence
Robinson; Laramie Struble; Jose Carlos Tinajero; Brian.
We pray for the people of South Sudan; Clare Abel; Beth Banks; Robin Beelen; BJ Bower; Kim Braun & Steve
Manson and Ryan, Taylor, and Isaac; Toni Sue Brooks; Molly Cassidy; Anagrethe Christensen; Alysha Collins;
Rosemary DeCook; Kate Delaney; Mark Drew; Jay Elliston; Argelia El Khayat and family including Yamila and
Samyra; Deanna Fitzgerald; Mary Fitzgerald; Will Flowers; Craig Garver; James, Elizabeth, and Andrew
Gooden; Dianne Gunderson; Br. Chuck Hannan; Jeff Harvey; Sara Heitshu; Jacque Hendrix; Cathy Jarvis;
Francesca Jarvis; Molly & Kent Johnson; Cricket Kelbaugh; The Rev. Chris Ledyard; Frederick & Joan Marcoux;
Anagrace & Dan Misenhimer; Danielle Phillips; Robert Rosenberg; Ron Rude; Sandra Sankey; Lesley Shipley;
Pam Spears; Tonya Watkins; James White; Sr. Carol Willans; Heather Williams; Ed; Lee; Marilyn; Melea;
Pamela Decker & Ken Yukl; Tyler Elzey; Mildred Gregory; Norman Hammer; Carla LaFontain; Rebecca Medel;
The Rev. Michael Meyers; Maribel Ortiz; Sharon Philips; Bishop Jennifer Reddall and family, especially Nathan;
Jeffri Sanders; Sam Shivers; Judy Todd; Linda Lea Voss; Carl & Gregory; Donna; Dorothy; Elizabeth & Keith;
Garland; Joel; Mike, Monica & Danitza; Rob.
We pray for those who have died in the past year, especially Jan Riche, Gertrude Bransfield, Elizabeth Gorrell,
Nicea Wilder, Tom Ham, Ken Stratton, Dylan McClellan, Janet Kells, Carol McBride, Cathy Wolfson, Billie
Jo Ryan, Mayree Braun, Mark Drew, Priscilla Walker, Lois Mervyn.
We hold in prayer animal companions who are in need, especially Isabel; Cuillin Brundage; Poppers; and the
vaquitas of the Gulf of California.

We hold in prayer our animal companions who have died.
We pray also for those who have died in the desert on our border and all those who have died in Afghanistan.
Names of parishioners submitted this week will remain on the list during the current month. Please contact
David Wachter by 4 p.m. on Wednesday ((520) 327-6857 or e-mail to add a name
to the list printed in the bulletin. Names of non-parishioners, including relatives of parishioners, will remain on
the prayers for one week only—if the crisis continues, please call the church office each week by 4 p.m. on
Wednesday to renew, or send an email to Full names will be listed unless “first
name only” is requested.

           GSP Parish Life – November 1, 2020
                      Check out GSP’s website:
 Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church • 2331 E. Adams St., Tucson, AZ •
  There’s lots more happening—check out the GSP Parish Life announcements!
                 They’re available online at —
                click on “Sunday Bulletins” or “Announcements.”
 ONLINE BONUS: The GSP Weekly Calendar is included with the GSP Parish Life
                       announcements at

                   The Mission & Vision of Grace St. Paul’s
Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will be a spiritual home, open to all,
providing food for the journey, and calling people to change the world.
La Iglesia Episcopal Grace St. Paul’s será un hogar espiritual, abierto a
todos, manteniendo alimento para el camino, y llamandonos a cambiar
el mundo.

Imagine a gift that gives forever. That’s exactly what your planned gift
to GSP can do. Have you remembered GSP in your will?

Spirit Now and Spirit Song (Taizé) services now meet at 5 p.m. Both
services meet via Zoom: Spirit Song, in the
style of Taizé, meets at 5 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month.

Flower memorials for the live-streaming Sunday worship
                                          would be greatly appreciated. They add to the beauty of the
                                          service. More than one person or family donate flowers on
                                          a particular Sunday.
                                          Send your requests to with your
                                          dedication and date. The money for the flowers needs to be
                                          sent to the church. I will notify David Wachter (GSP’s
                                          bulletin editor) of your requests.
                                          Thank you,
                                          Jane Thrall

                                            October 28, 2020
To the Beloved Community of Grace St. Paul’s,
    As we close in on Election Day, the tension and anxiety continues to escalate around the country.
After seven months of deadly pandemic and apocalyptic fires and hurricanes, it feels like the world is
about to explode. The political polarization has reached epic proportions, splitting families and friends
apart. I know I am personally feeling as anxious as I ever have before an election. So much is at stake.
      If there was ever a time for us to be grounded in our faith, it is right now. If there was ever a time
to be centered, reflective, and connected to one another in the midst of what is swirling around us, it
is now. If there was ever a time when we need to carve out a time for contemplation and meditation,
it is now.
      For these reasons, we are going to offer multiple opportunities to bring us together in prayer. On
Sunday, November 1 at 1 p.m. our time, our National Cathedral will hold a service for the entire
country entitled Holding Onto Hope. You can access that service at
     On Monday, November 2 at 7 p.m., Deacon Chris Ledyard will lead us in a Vigil on the Eve of
the Election. This is a service specifically for the GSP community to come together in reflection. The
link to this zoom service is
     Then on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3 at 7 p.m., Grace St. Paul’s will join with our
friends from eight other Tucson churches in an Ecumenical service of togetherness, prayer, and
discernment of the Spirit. It’s going to be a long night for all of us, and the odds are strong that we will
not have results that night or even days after. That is why we want to begin the evening in connection
with one another and in prayer. I will join with the clergy from Church of the Painted Hills, Desert Dove

Christian, Eastside Covenant Church, First Christian Church, Saguaro Christian, Shalom Mennonite,
Southside Presbyterian, and St. Mark’s Presbyterian as we pray in solidarity with one another. Join us
This service will replace our regular Tuesday Evening Prayer.
    Listening and praying together for justice and peace, we will be prepared for what the future holds.
Blessings on all of us over the next memorable week.

                         Together again at last!
                        Live Communion service!
We will continue to meet on Sundays at 7:45 a.m. in the parking lot. The service will include all parts
of our regular liturgy with prayers, readings, Affirmation of Faith, Prayers of the People, Eucharistic
Prayer and COMMUNION served in one kind, using a no-touch system. There will be no music or
singing at this service.
 Attendees’ cars should be parked on the street or in the Medical Square lot across Norton Ave.from
GSP. Please arrive early enough to safely negotiate the inevitable logistical problems.
Chairs will be set up, but bring your own seating if you wish. Hand sanitizer will be available. We have
put in a new no-touch filtered water dispenser. We are asking everyone to bring their own
water bottles. This is in keeping with our Season of Creation. Water bottles are not environmentally
friendly! Thank you for helping save Mother Earth.
Restrooms at the north end of the cloister/breezeway will be open. All attendees will be required to
wear a mask and stay six feet apart (we will have masks available). Family units may remain together.
Children will gather on the labyrinth during the 7:45 a.m. service, socially distant of course. Regular
Zoom Sunday School at 9:15.
Printed service bulletins will be available, but we ask that you consider downloading an electronic
version in advance if possible.
No physical Offering plate will be passed. Offering plates will be placed in strategic locations to receive
There will be no “coffee hour” after the service. We can and should greet each other with virtual hugs
and waves as we quickly disperse after the service.
10 a.m. service
The in-person 7:45 service will NOT impact the live streaming of our 10 a.m. service. You can attend
both! GSP will continue to live stream every Sunday and will do so for the foreseeable and
not-so-foreseeable future.
                                        Happy Creation Season,

Día de los Muertos and Samhain (Celtic Festival of the Dead)
The sanctuary will be open for Prayer Hours and to visit the Ofrenda on Tuesday, November 3 and
Thursday, November 5 from 9 a.m.-12 noon. It will remain in the chancel until Sunday, November 8.
If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Nancy at (520) 906-4203.
     NOTE: Spirit Now meets by Zoom at at 5 p.m., and all are welcome to
     join us whenever! We are celebrating the Creation Season through November, including a Taizé service
     on November 5, and special services being planned on the theme of Caring for Creation on November
     12 and November 19 (though we are taking Thanksgiving Day off).

                            GSP Has a YouTube Channel!
Did you know GSP maintains a YouTube channel? There you can access recordings of our live services,
GSPeople conversations, archived events and lectures, currently a total of ten playlists representing a
wide variety of topics and activities. More playlists and posts are being added all the time. Let’s not lose
touch while we wait for the plague to subside! The address to use directly from your browser is
“GraceStPauls_Tucson”. Or you can enter “grace st paul’s episcopal church” on the YouTube search
bar [click on the GSP logo when it comes up]. There is also a link on the GSP website home page for
one-click access. If you want to add a vid, make one and send it in! For help or to facilitate, contact
Harlan Hokin.

Change the World

                          COVID-19 Crisis for Immigrants
“With migrant deaths approaching levels not seen in years, humanitarian aid volunteers in southern
Arizona say that the U.S. Border Patrol is using COVID-19 as a pretext to quietly dump large numbers
of immigrants in one of the most remote and potentially dangerous communities in the Sonoran
Desert...With a population of approximately 2,500 and a single town store, the port of entry at Sasabe
has long been described as one of the quietest official crossings in the state. There is no migrant shelter
in the (Sonoran) town, and the influence and power of organized crime in the area is well known.” For
full article, read:
GSP members are urged to donate to or send a check to Salvavision, c/o Dora
Rodriguez, 2393 W. Palo Dulce Dr., Tucson, AZ 85745. Salvavision is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization. Contributions to the Samaritans are also welcomed. Earmark your contribution to the
Sasabe Crisis. The two organizations are currently preparing 700 bags a week that include sandwiches,
fruit cups, and protein bars. Dora asks GSP “to pray for justice and more intervention with Border
Patrol, to have a dialogue with BP and advocate the end to the inhumane deportation.”

Creating Communion and Sacred Ground
          Every other Tuesday at Noon. Next meeting: November 3
                                      Facilitator: Sandi Nesbit
Stories are virtually exploding into the world: some new, some renewed, some remembered, all
honored. Communal story-sharing is alive with promise, empathy, pain, beauty, hope and wonder. The
ground on which we walk is saturated with sacred narratives through which we can connect with others
and our inner selves. Our dream is to form a group wherein each member becomes part of that
story-finding, story-sharing, story-honoring process.
The theme of the first meeting was based on the resources provided by Bishop Reddall’s Anti-Racism
committee. You can access that list at
No registration necessary. Just click on this link:
Scheduled meetings remaining:
In 2020: November 3; November 17; December 1; December 15; December 29;
In 2021: January 12

Food for the Journey: Children, Youth & Families
       Are You Interested in Being a Sunday School Teacher?
Sunday School will be online on zoom for the foreseeable future as we continue to navigate the
pandemic together. GSP kids will be doing their third and final year of the LOVE FIRST curriculum. It’s
a beautiful opportunity to show young people how to Love God, Love Self, and Love Neighbor. In
addition to your desire to nurture our youngest members, you would need to be open to learning
Zoom and taking the Episcopal Church’s Safeguarding training online. We have a great team of children’s
leaders and would love for more to join! Leading Sunday School is a great way to enhance your own
understanding of God. If you are interested, please contact Jessica at

GSP Community News & Events
Flu Shots at GSP!
We will be having Passport Health on site to administer flu shots to whoever would like one (including
pantry guests) Monday, November 2, from 9 a.m.-noon (they will be free but will take insurance from
those who have it to help cover costs). This was a referral from Linda Leatherman, and we are so

Today at 4 p.m., via Zoom
Breaking ground. Breaking convention. Breaking bread.
The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray fiercely challenged social, political, and religious powers in the quest for
equality for people of color, women, and the LGBTQ community. Pauli Murray’s legacy continues to
speak to us in healing our broken world today. How can the work of this advocate of the marginalized
guide us through the tumult of our times in order to form a more perfect union communally and
Join Emmanuel Church Boston in lifting up our own Pauli Murray as some of the foremost voices in
racial, gender, and social justice and equity today offer their insights into the enduring relevance of Pauli
This virtual conversation today at 4 p.m. should not be missed.
Register here:
About the Panel
Melissa Wood Bartholomew, Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Harvard
Divinity School and racial justice and healing practitioner
The Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Canon Theologian at the National Cathedral, Dean of Episcopal
Divinity School, and leader in womanist theology and racial reconciliation
The Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, openly transgender theologian and Rector of St. Aidan’s San
... and moderated by
The Rev. Dr. Yolanda Rolle, Episcopal-Anglican Chaplain at Howard University
Pauli Murray and Emmanuel Church
When Pauli Murray, civil rights and women’s rights leader, made Emmanuel Church her spiritual home,
she extended Emmanuel’s long tradition of social action in her trademark groundbreaking way. Murray,
who discerned her priestly vocation at Emmanuel, would become the first African American woman
priest in the Episcopal Church. Murray’s influence is “hidden in plain sight” throughout this nation, says
Pamela Werntz, Rector of Emmanuel Church, “but we at Emmanuel are in a special way heirs of her
legacy gifts of subverting dominant paradigms in the law, social justice, poetry, and the Episcopal Church.
I think the more you know Pauli Murray the more you will love her; and the more you know Emmanuel
Church, Boston, the more you’ll understand why Murray called this her spiritual home.”

The people of Grace St. Paul’s acknowledge the original caretakers of the desert in which we reside.
The indigenous habitation of the Tucson Basin dates back approximately 12,500 years, likely
representing the oldest, continuously inhabited area in what is now the United States. Contemporary
native people that constitute our ethnographic history include the Akimel O’odham, Apache, Hopi,
Maricopa, Yaqui, Tohono O’odham, Yavapai, and Zuni people.

                               Who’s Who at Grace St. Paul’s
Vestry                                                     Administrator; Jessica Swift, Director of Children, Youth
Phil Johnson, Senior Warden; Rob Rauh, Chancellor;         & Family Ministries; Social Services Leader; David
Wil Harri, Treasurer                                       Wachter, Organist & Publications Manager; James
                                                           White, Sexton
Vestry Members: Kim Braun, Karen Hanson, Dennis
Kirchoff, Rita Magdaleno, Betty Rathbone, Jim              Consultant
Steinman, Rod Warfield, Beatrice Washburn, Ric             Patti Morrison, Bookkeeper
Wood                                                       Children and Youth Spiritual Formation
Clergy                                                     Leaders
Jennifer Reddall, Bishop of Arizona; Richard Mallory,      Madeleine Caldwell, Laurie Finn, Andrew Gardner;
Associate Rector; Mary Delaney, Joe Fitzgerald, Steve      Anne Harri, Rob Hilliker, Francesca Jarvis; Jim Kane,
Kelsey, Priest Associates; Nancy Meister, Chris            Jennifer Katcher, Gwen McCaffrey, Mary Prasciunas,
Ledyard, Deacons; Lynn Marie Hunter, Interfaith            Maria Ramirez, Betty Rathbone, Mary Steffenson,
Minister; Steve Keplinger, Rector                          Sandra Thompson; Beatrice Washburn
Vergers & Acolytes                                         Nursery Worker
Martha Farnham, Verger                                     Argelia El-Khayat
Staff                                                      Nursery Volunteers
Jane Click, Pianist; Lieto Ensemble; Will Dekoevend,       Ellen Caldwell, Eileen Mundt
Facilities Assistant; Argelia El-Khayat, Nursery Worker;
Christina Jarvis, Music Director; Pamela Spears, Parish

COVER ART: “La Calavera Catrina,” Jose Guadalupe Posada. Image downloaded from
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