All for Prosperity - The New North

Page created by Jesus Campos
All for Prosperity - The New North
ready & resilient:


     New        North Mid-Year Report
        North, Inc. | 2740 W. Mason St. | Green Bay, WI 54303 | 920.336.3860 |
All for Prosperity - The New North

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                                                                            PART OF THE
All for Prosperity - The New North
Well on the Road to Recovery


     We are incredibly grateful to our businesses and                                         To highlight the collective work of many, this report
     communities, all working as one team for this all                                        is just a sampling of the pictures, captions and quotes of
     important goal — getting our region back on the road to                                  individuals and their actions over the past six months.
     recovery. While New North has been involved in many                                      Through their eyes, you can witness the optimism, hope,
     areas of business and talent attraction and retention, we                                tenacity and grit. We are proud to share their stories as
     wanted our mid-year report this year to have a different                                 a reflection of the collective work across our region.
     look — telling the region’s story through imagery.
                                                                                              We hope that you take the time to view this report and
                                                                                              come away with a sense of pride and accomplishment
                                                                                              for what we collectively have been able to accomplish.

                                                                                              We thank the hundreds of individuals and
                                                                                              corporations who volunteer their time and financial
                                                                                              support for our mission to be the catalyst for regional
                                                                                              prosperity for all through collaborative action.

                                                                                              Our region’s resiliency is second to none!


         Inclusive collaboration is our core value

     2021 New North Board of Directors
     Tim Schneider, Investors Community Bank (co-chair)*                                 John Kreul, Amcor*
     Michelle Schuler, Microsoft (co-chair)*                                             Erik Lampe, Oshkosh Corp.
     Michael Alexander, UW-Green Bay                                                     Andrew Leavitt, UW Oshkosh
     Becky Bartoszek, Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce                                     Maggie Lund, ThedaCare
     Bill Bohn, USI Insurance Services*                                                  Chris Matheny, Fox Valley Technical College
     Fabio Bordignon, Fincantieri Marine Group USA                                       Lori Ney, Kimberly-Clark Corp.
     Brian Bruess, St. Norbert College                                                   Doug Page, Performa, Inc.
     Corey Brumbaugh, Miron Construction Co., Inc.                                       Christopher Pahl, Ruder Ware
     Joanie Buckley, Oneida Nation                                                       Maureen Pistone, Wipfli, LLC
     Paul Carlsen, Lakeshore Technical College (secretary)*                              Greg Sabel, C.D. Smith Construction, Inc.
     Angela Creel, Jewelers Mutual Insurance                                             Patrick Schillinger, WEC Energy Group
     Bob DeKoch,** The Boldt Company*                                                    Mark Schwei, Consolidated Construction
     Coreen Dicus-Johnson, Network Health                                                Kathi Seifert,** Katapult, LLC*
     Tim Feldhausen, Davis | Keulthau, S.C.                                              Sachin Shivaram, Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry
     Mary Goggans, Encapsys, LLC                                                         David Thiel, Waupaca County EDC
     Andy Hetzel, FyterTech Nonwovens, LLC                                               Catherine Tierney, Community First Credit Union
     Bryan Hollenbach, Green Bay Packaging                                               Vicki Updike, New Sage Strategies (immediate past-chair)*
     Jason Howe, Schneider National                                                      Craig Wiedemeier, Werner Electric Supply
     Dave Kievet, The Boldt Company                                                      Ken Zacharias, CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen) LLP (treasurer)*
     Nicole Kitowski, Associated Bank                                                    *
                                                                                          Serves on executive committee
     John Krause, Baker Tilly US, LLP                                                    **
                                                                                           Ex-officio with voting privileges

     On the cover: Downtown Unites Mural, courtesy of artist Irineo Medina & Appleton Downtown Inc.

                                                                                                                               M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   3
All for Prosperity - The New North
new north—proud of the companies
    we keep. Connecting investments to
    companies that invest in the New North.
    New North, Inc. creating, connecting and convening regional
    strategic initiatives for business and talent development

    • New North’s population –
      1.25 million people
    • Total full-time employment –
    • Annual Gross Regional Product –
      $70 billion
    • 21% of Wisconsin’s population,
      employment and GDP

    highly skilled, educated and productive workforce
    • Public colleges and universities – 17 public and private colleges           the tech health of the region and build a robust pipeline
      and universities with an average annual enrollment of 113,000.              of IT talent.

    • The NEW Manufacturing Alliance – collaborative, led by                 • NEW ERA (Northeast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance)
      manufacturers, working with New North, educators, workforce              – consortium of the post-secondary institutions in the region that
      development, chambers of commerce and state organizations to             fosters regional partnerships among the public colleges
      promote manufacturing in our Northeast Wisconsin region.                 and universities.

    • NEW Digital Alliance – collaborative, led by prestigious               • Diversity and Inclusion – council that develops strategies that
      IT companies in northeast Wisconsin, working with educators,             leverage every person’s assets to foster an environment where
      employers, and partners such as Microsoft TEALS (Technology,             everyone achieves his/her full potential.
      Education and Literacy in Schools) and TechSpark to promote

    • 2 interstates and thousands of miles of state and local roadways     • 2 international airports

    • Class 1 rail line                                                    • Foreign trade zone

    • 5 commercial/cargo ports                                             • 5G high-speed internet covers the region

    quality of life
    • Home to the Green Bay Packers, the only community-owned NFL football team
    • Wineries, craft breweries, noteworthy museums and art galleries, top-rated
      hiking trails, more than 300 miles of shoreline on the Great Lakes
    • PGA Championship golf courses – Blackwolf Run and Whistling Straits –
      home to the 2021 Ryder Cup
    • The region’s cost of living index – 10.5% lower than the national average

4     N E W N O R T H , I N C.
All for Prosperity - The New North
new north investors
platinum         champion   leadership






NEW Digital Alliance

                                        M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   5
All for Prosperity - The New North
Ready & Resilient – Prosperity for All

T  he New North region has proven
   that we are resilient and ready to
help each other move from crisis to
                                             pandemic. Together, we pulled
                                             ideas, information, resources and
                                             connections to help our region be
recovery mode during the COVID-19            a leader in the road to recovery.

What resilient means to me:
“Never give up, keep your eye on the
prize. Overcoming obstacles — if you
have that will, there is always a way.”
                      —Rachelle Katchenago

                                                                                                          Creating safe options for
                                              New North Upskilling                                        our communities
                                              Program expands                                             Businesses took extra steps to keep
                                              New North brought public and                                customers safe from using social
          Rachelle Katchenago                 private sector leaders together                             distancing signs to creating outside
Rachelle was stuck in a cycle of              with gener8tor, a local startup                             dining areas and cocktails to go
dead-end jobs and sacrificed time             acceleratortor, to create an upskilling                     during the pandemic. As the number
with her kids to make ends meet.              program to help job seekers change                          of COVID-19 cases decline, patrons
When she reached out for help, she            careers through training and                                can once again enjoy gathering
was introduced to the New North               networking. Thanks to Microsoft,                            together in small groups.
gener8tor Upskilling pilot program.           the program is being expanded
Once enrolled, she began the online           across the United States, but it
course and received coaching to               started right here in the New North.
develop a resume, LinkedIn profile and
interview skills. This led to a full-time,
work-from-home customer service
position that was flexible enough for
her to manage family obligations.
Finding a program like Upskilling that
was flexible and attainable allowed
her to overcome multiple barriers that
many face due to child care, lack of
credentials or financial means. She was
                                                 385 plus
so grateful for this opportunity that she
has started volunteering to help others           78 rate
                                                     % graduation                                         Where resiliency in our
                                                                                                          region shows through
who may be facing similar struggles.
“The program provides so much                    239 certificates
                                                                                                          Visit our website for the New North
                                                                                                          Region Strength & Determination
coaching and support — you feel a
sense of community and it creates a
sense of hope,” Rachelle says.
                                                  53 placement
                                                     % job                              *
                                                                                                          video, New North Covid-19 Updates.
                                                       *at time of publication-graduation recently held

 6     N E W N O R T H , I N C.
All for Prosperity - The New North
Protecting people
                                                                                     Many area businesses developed
                                                                                     products to keep people safe during
                                                                                     the pandemic, from making PPE to
                                                                                     pop-up modular hospital rooms. The
                                                                                     Boldt Co. in Appleton partnered with
                                                                                     HGA Architects and Engineers to
                                                                                     make modular health care solutions.

                   Irineo Medina, Downtown Unites mural artist

Prosperity for All — Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
“I aim to create work that adds            murals as beautiful additions to our
brightness and love to our community.      landscape, then including BIPOC
Changing the landscape is an important     in my work can normalize our              African Heritage vaccine clinic
building block in community                beauty and in turn produce fruitful       with AHI & Prevea Health Teams
conversation and new ideas. I also         conversations and ideas that begin to     African Heritage Inc. and Prevea
feel an intrinsic responsibility to use    create positive change. The world can     Health teamed up to offer mobile
my platform to uplift marginalized         be a crazy place. I believe that art is   COVID-19 vaccination clinics and
populations and show their beauty          the vehicle that can bring us together    spread the word about why it’s
to everyone. I believe that if we see      and keep us moving forward.”              important to receive the vaccine.

   Downtowns are the heart of our communities
   WEDC Wisconsin Main Street Awards received in our area
   Best COVID Response                    Best Business Retention Effort
   Winner: Definitely De Pere and         Winner: Friends of Farmers Wife
   City of De Pere                        — Omro
   Honorable Mention: Downtown
   Fond du Lac Partnership and City       Best Volunteer Engagement
   of Fond du Lac                         Winner: Rotary Square
   Best Business Success Story            Beautification Project — Ripon
   Winner: Barber Rich’s Barbershop       Best Façade Rehab Over $20,000             Making broadband
   — Omro                                 Winner: Saks Holdings LLC,                 accessible to all
   Best Downtown Revitalization           101 S. Broadway — De Pere                  New North was awarded a $500,000 EDA
   Initiative — Connect                                                              CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant
   Communities Under 12,000               Best Historic Restoration                  to conduct a broadband gap analysis and
   Co-Winner: Elite Smiles Dental —       Winner: Historic Mapes Hotel —             identify solutions for the 18 counties of
   Little Chute                           Ripon                                      the New North region to spur private
                                                                                     investment and economic resiliency.

                                                                                              M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   7
All for Prosperity - The New North
Growth & Development in the New North

Business Development                                                                                                            NEW Launch Alliance
                                                                                 18 Opportunity Zones                           Regional Pitch Winners
2020 New North Business
                                                                                 An Opportunity Zone is an economic
Development video highlighted                                                    development tool that allows people                       Shawn Robinson,
construction projects in our region                                              to invest in distressed areas to spur                     Founder of Pure
2020 Deloitte’s Top Ranking                                                      economic growth and job creation in                       & Complete
video where privately held companies                                             communities.                                              Phonics LLC
in the New North were recognized                                                                          The Brio                         Stephanie Hoskins,

                                           Greater Oshkosh Economic Development Corp.
                                                                                                          Building in
2020 Local Partner Development                                                                                                             Co-founder of
video to highlight projects large and                                                                     will house                       Debtle with her
small — we are proud of them all                                                                          the Oshkosh                      husband, Houston
                                                                                                          Food Co-op
                                                                                                                                          Alex Tyink is CEO and
                                                            Gabriel Lofts                                                                 co-founder of Fork Farms, a
                                                          is a mixed-use                                                                  unique hydroponic growing
                                                         redevelopment                                                                    system. As a member of the
                                                           in the historic                                                                NEW Launch Alliance, Alex
  Time is money. By gathering uniform                   Gabriel Furniture                                                       was connected to TitletownTech and
  site information, we increase the                            building in                                                      WEDC for additional investments.
  quality of site documentation,                               downtown

  the number of certified sites, and
  investment into the region.
                                                                                Door County
                                                                                                                                Thank you to our local partners for
                                                                                                                                providing innovative spaces and resources

  “The Gold Shovel certification helped
  us secure a new 110,000-square-foot      The James F. Kress Maritime Lighthouse
  Amazon distribution center in            Tower in Sturgeon Bay honors the
  Greenville Business Park creating        maritime history of our region while
  160 permanent jobs, with seasonal        drawing tourism dollars to the area.
  employees as needed.”
     — Michael J.D. Brown, Community                             New North
      & Economic Development Director                            participated in
                                                                 the Select USA
                                           Summit as part of the WEDC – State                                                   Transportation, Logistics,
                                           of WI delegation to connect with                                                     and Infrastructure
                                           businesses around the world looking to
                                           expand and make investments in our                                                   Investments continued to support the
                                           New North region and Wisconsin.                                                      transportation of people, raw products
                Fond du Lac
         Aeronautical Business Park
                                                                                                                                and finished goods throughout the world
     46 acres available for development                                                                                         Amtrak Thruway Buses —
                                                                                                                                connecting residents to Chicago
                                                                                                                                Michels Kaukauna Dam Project —
                                                                                                                                rebuilt this 90-year-old structure
                                                                                                                                Port of Green Bay — Supporting 14
                                                                                                                                port businesses along the Fox River,
                                                                                                                                moving more than 2 tons of cargo
                 Sheboygan                 Green Bay Packaging is the first new
      Southpointe Enterprise Campus        paper mill in Wisconsin in over 35 years,
                                                                                                                                U.S. Navy Crane — built in the Port of
     133 acres available for development   bringing new technology and efficiency                                               Manitowoc, heading for the East Coast
                                           to the industry.                                                                     to handle 140-ton loads at a naval base

 8      N E W N O R T H , I N C.
All for Prosperity - The New North
Education & Talent Attraction

 Hiring heroes                               The New North Talent Hub
                                                              New North created
                                                                                           Fab Labs: Where early
             Darlene Sao transitioned
                                                                 a central location
                                                                                           education includes
             from the military to
                                                                   for job seekers
                                                                                           hands-on innovation
             Oshkosh Corp. through
             the Hiring our Heroes                                  and employers to
             Corporate Fellowship                                   find information
 program and Mission Wisconsin.                                    on available
                                                                  talent, training
 She couldn’t picture herself in Northeast
                                                               and upskilling,
 Wisconsin, but she took a chance and
                                             re-employment assistance, job
 she is glad she did! Originally from
                                             openings and workforce development
 Illinois, Darlene went to the Coast
                                             efforts in Northeast Wisconsin,
 Guard Academy and traveled the
                                             as well as regional data to inform
 world while serving the country. The
                                             organizations in strategy decisions.
 leadership skills, broad experiences
 and adaptability she gained in the
 military helped her transition to the
 civilian world. Darlene was pleasantly
 surprised by the personalized approach
 provided by Mission Wisconsin and                                                              New North
                                                                                                 Fab Lab
 Oshkosh Corp. “For them to take the                                                            locations
 time to figure out what I’m passionate
 about and what my interests were
 really stood out to me, so after that I     Connecting with transitioning service
 knew I had to take this opportunity         members is part of New North’s efforts
 and I’m so glad I did,” said Darlene.       to attract talent to the region.

                                               “I often hear that organizations don’t   today as to how education and commerce
                                               think about IT unless something goes     operate. The NEW Digital Alliance also
                                               wrong. COVID-19 brought IT to the        supports the efforts of companies and
                                               forefront. IT was crucial in helping     educational institutions in attracting and
 Greater Oshkosh Economic Development          employees transition to remote work      retaining IT workers in our region.”
 Corp. provided over 1,900 trips for           and continues to play a critical role        — Kim Iversen, NEW Digital Alliance
 employment in 2020, getting essential
 workers to their places of employment!      Grace Vanden Heuvel                                          and even helped
                                             makes connections at                                         mentor other interns.
                                             NEW Digital Alliance                                         At the NEW IT
                                                                                                          Connect event, Grace
                                                         Grace’s story is a
                                                                                                          led a panel discussion
                                                         perfect example of
                                                                                                          in front of her peers
                                                         the magic that happens
                                                                                                          and corporate
                                                         when the New North’s
                                                                                                          executives. This led
                                                         alliances connect. She was
                                                                                         to her current position as a youth
                                             introduced to the world of technology
                                                                                         apprentice at Secura Insurance!
                                             at her high school and the Girls Who
   Helping to address the lack of            Code and Microsoft TEALS programs.          “If it had not been for the Alliance, I
   child care facilities, Ariens Company     She was then connected to NEW               would not be where I am today. I would
   turned a portion of the old Brillion      Digital Alliance and began a long-          like to encourage other students to look
   Iron Works property into the new          term internship. For two years, Grace       into all of the opportunities our region
   Brillion Learning Center.                 worked with Kim Iversen to optimize         has to get connected — the NEW Digital
                                             the website, coordinate data analysis       Alliance is a great place to start!”

                                                                                                    M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   9
All for Prosperity - The New North
Marketing & Branding

More You in NEW
The More YOU in NEW campaign was
                                           More YOU in NEW video campaign with Sachin Shivaram
created with YOU in mind. Here in the      Sachin Shivaram grew up in
New North region, there is more time       Milwaukee, went away to college
for YOU with shorter commute times —       at Harvard, studied in England
more time for recreational activities —    and completed law school at Yale.
more opportunities for YOU. We know        While in law school, he read a novel
that a big reason our area is special is   about a group of industrialists, one
because of you, our people. Authentic,     of whom ran a steel mill. The book
kind, approachable, real, generous.        helped inspire his career path to
                                           begin working in the metals industry.
New North Proud:                           Today, Sachin is the CEO of Wisconsin
creating brand                             Aluminum Foundry in Manitowoc,
ambassadors to highlight                   and he loves to tell the story of how he
our quality of life                        discovered Northeast Wisconsin and
                                           all it has to offer. “It shocks me how
                                           little I knew about this area. It is just
                                           a wonderful place to live and work,”                               businesses, especially for a young
                                           Sachin said. “I would never have                                   person starting their career,” he
                                           imagined that the area is a diverse                                said. Sachin encourages others
                                           area, and there is also a strong job                               to envision themselves here and
                                           market … an overwhelming amount                                    experience the great quality of life
                                           of opportunities and fascinating                                   in the New North.

                                                New North, Inc. | 2740 W. Mason St., Suite BT344 | Green Bay, WI 54303 | 920.336.3860 |

                                                                                         Working together
                                                                                         The New North partnered with the Northeast
                                                                                         Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance to co-brand
                                                                                         videos made as part of the NEWMA Manufacturing
                                                                                         All Star program as a way to not only draw people
                                                                                         to careers in manufacturing, but the region as well.

10    N E W N O R T H , I N C.
Gathering Data and Business Trends

Business Intelligence
                                       Unemployment from April 2020 – April 2021

New North launched a new online
tool at the beginning of December
linked to the Talent Hub, called
the New North IntelTracker. The
tracker features economic indicators
and data on a regional, state and
national level showing trends and
insights over time.
The purpose of publishing this
data is to assist businesses and
organizations in making better-           The New North Region is at pre-pandemic unemployment
informed strategy decisions for the       levels and began recovering faster than the nation and state
future. The IntelTracker is evolving      of Wisconsin. In collaboration with UW Oshkosh, monthly
over time, adding new components          economic impact surveys were conducted and analyzed,
to drill down into the data.              leading to recovery tools and resources for our region.

                                                                                         COVID-19 WI CEO
                                                                                         Leadership Series
                                                                                         New North, in
                                                                                         collaboration with the
                                                                                         Regional Leadership
                                                                                         Council, led the weekly
                                                                                         CEO Leadership Series to
                                                                                         share best practices from
                                                                                         top executives on how
                                                                                         their companies were
                                                                                         navigating the pandemic,
                                                                                         along with health care
                                                                                         data from the Medical
                                                                                         College of Wisconsin.

                                                                                    M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   11
creating, connecting & convening regional
                                                                                     strategies for business & talent development

                                                                                          How are investors recognized?
shared vision                                        mission                              As a thank you for your support, investors are
To be nationally and                                 To be the catalyst for               highlighted through:
globally competitive for                             regional prosperity for all
personal, community and                              through collaborative action.
economic growth.

                                                                                                                        New North, Inc. | 600 N. Adams St. | Green Bay, WI 54307 | 920.336.3860 |

                                                                                          New North Website            Mid-Year &                                                                                       New North Summit
                                                                                             Annual Report                                                                           
values                                            outcome
Inclusive Collaboration:                          Measurable net increase in                New North Daily                                                                                                                 Business
Representing the collective                       higher-paying jobs, improved               E-newsletter               New North                                                                                          Connections
region for business investment                    social and economic well-being,                                      Social Media
and for individuals looking                       while maintaining our superior
                                                                                            Public Relations       Access to New North                                                                                  Event Promotions/
to make the New North                             quality of life.
                                                                                                Support            Research/databases                                                                                       Invitations
their home.

Investment pledge
Name __________________________________________________                               Phone __________________________________________________

Company _______________________________________________                               Email ___________________________________________________

Investment Level ________________________________________                             Website Address ________________________________________

Street Address __________________________________________
                                                                                      and discuss payment options. If you have any questions, please email
                                                                             Feel free to download a pledge form
City, ____________________ State ______ Zip _____________                             at the following link: and send via mail to:
                                                                                      New North, Inc., 2740 W. Mason St., Suite BT344, Green Bay, WI 54303

New North, Inc. | 2740 W. Mason St., Suite BT344 | Green Bay, WI 54303 | 920.336.3860 |
“New North” is a registered trademark of New North, Inc.
   12       N E W N O R T H , I N C.
                                                                                                                                 MIRON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.
                                                                                                                                 MIRON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.
                                                                                                                                 MIRON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.

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With boots on the ground COMMUNITIES
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With     Construction’s    deepinbench  of talented craftspeople   build
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         Construction’s    deep    innovation,
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 NWTC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or other protected classes.
 NWTC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or other protected classes.
 NWTC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or other protected classes.

                                                                                                                                        M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   13

                 About                                            2740 W. Mason St., Suite BT344 | Green Bay, WI 54303
                                                                  (920) 336-3860 |

                 New North, Inc.                                  President & CEO
                                                                  Barb LaMue
                                                                                                                     Director, Research & Technology
                                                                                                                     Matthew Christman
                                                                  Vice President, Talent Development                 Creative Design,
                                                                  Rebecca Deschane
New North, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, regional marketing and                                                       Production and Distribution
                                                                  Vice President,                                    Coalesce Marketing & Design
economic development corporation fostering collaboration          Marketing and Investor Relations
among private and public sector leaders throughout the 18                                                            Public Relations,
                                                                  Renee Torzala
                                                                                                                     Media Management
counties of Northeast Wisconsin, known as the New North           Vice President, Business Development               Blumb Communications
region. The counties include Brown, Calumet, Door, Florence,      Barbara Koldos                                     & Consulting
Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette,          Office Manager / Assistant
                                                                                                                     NEW Digital Alliance
                                                                  to the President / CEO
Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano,                 Lorri LaPratt
                                                                                                                     Kim Iversen
Sheboygan, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago.

The mission: To be the catalyst for regional prosperity for all   M I D - Y E A R R E P O R T P R O D U C E D B Y:
through collaborative action.                                     INSIGHT PUBLICATIONS
                                                                  400 N. Richmond St., Suite B | Appleton, WI 54911
Core value: Inclusive Collaboration — representing the            (920) 882-0491 |
collective region for business investment and for individuals
looking to make the New North their home.                         Publisher                                          Advertising Sales
                                                                  Brian Rasmussen                                    Stephanie Crowe
                                                                                                                     Steve Dreger
New North Pillars:                                                Editor
                                                                  MaryBeth Matzek                                    Lead Designer
• Business Intelligence                                                                                              Bryan Aschenbrenner
                                                                  Associate Editor
• Talent Development                                              Jessica Thiel                                      Graphic Designer
• Business Development                                            Sales and Office Coordinator                       Dale Robertson
• Marketing and Branding                                          Deb Toll

     One Great Place
                                          • BUSINESS
                         • FACADE           GRANTS
              MARKETING &                         #onegreatplace

 • AVAILABLE PROMOTIONS                 
   DOWNTOWN                            For more information, contact
   SPACE                      Appleton Downtown Inc.: 920-954-9112

14     N E W N O R T H , I N C.
2 0 2 1 AWA R D W I N N E R S

                                                                            LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT
                                                                            DR. SUSAN MAY
                                                                            Fox Valley Technical College

        JOIN OUR CELEBRATION LUNCHEON                                      CORPORATE LEADER
        at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in                     HEATHER SCHIMMERS
                                                                           Ascension Wisconsin
        Green Bay as we honor these women who are
        making a difference in New North businesses
        and communities.
                                                                           ANDREA HOLDORF
        TUESDAY, AUGUST 3                      1 1 A M TO 2 P M
                                                                           Oshkosh Area School District

                 PRESENTING SPONSORS
                PRESENTING  SPONSORS
                                                                            YOUNG INFLUENCER
                                                                            CLAIRE PAPROCKI
                                                                            Brown County Health
                                                                            & Human Services

                                                                            DIFFERENCE MAKER
                                                                            ROSANGELA BERBERT
                                                                            Samaritan Counseling Center
                       CORPORATE SPONSORS
                      CORPORATE SPONSORS

                                                                            DIFFERENCE MAKER
                                                                            DR. BOLA DELANO-ORIARAN
                                                                            St. Norbert College

                                                                           BUSINESS OWNER
                                                                           NATASHA TORRY
                      SUPPORTING SPONSORS                                  Legal Action of Wisconsin,
                     SUPPORTING SPONSORS                                   Rooted Law, LLC

                  DR IV E N T O D E L IV E R                               RESILIENCY
                                                                           YEE LEE VUE
                                                                           Appleton Public Library and
                                                                           co-owner of Bowl 91 and
                                                                           Little Siam

Limited seating. Register today at INSIGHTONBUSINESS.COM/EVENTS/WOMEN         M I D -Y E A R R E P O R T 2 0 21   15
SIMPLE.                                              Tip: Raise your
   SMART.                                               cooling system’s

                                                        temperature when
                                                        your building
Cut energy use and costs                                is closed.
    at your business

       Get actionable and proven tips specific to your business at
       Or scan this code with your phone.
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