Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Dumfries and Galloway Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Dumfries and ...

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Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Dumfries and Galloway Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Dumfries and ...

Local Police Plan 2020 - 23

             Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the
             people and communities of Dumfries and Galloway

             Dumfries and Galloway

Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Dumfries and Galloway Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Dumfries and ...
Planning Framework                           OFFICIAL

        The Chief Constable of Police Scotland has responsibility for the policing of Scotland


Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Dumfries and Galloway Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Dumfries and ...

Foreword                                            4

About Dumfries and Galloway                         5

Public interaction and engagement                   8

National priorities and objectives                  10

Our priorities                                      12

Our plan on a page                                  15

Priorities – what we will do

Violent Crime, Disorder and Anti-social Behaviour   16

Acquisitive Crime                                   18

Road Safety and Road Crime                          20

Protecting Vulnerable People                        21

Substance Misuse                                    23

How we will contribute to the Local Outcome         25
Improvement Plan

Scrutiny and performance                            32

Equalities, ethics and values                       33

Local contact details                               34


Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Dumfries and Galloway Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Dumfries and ...

As Divisional Commander for               It considers national strategic
Dumfries and Galloway Division, I         outcomes and as member of the
am delighted to introduce the             local Community Planning
Dumfries and Galloway Local               Partnership, our priorities are linked
Policing Plan for 2020-2023.              closely to the Dumfries and
                                          Galloway Local Outcome
I am proud to have been
                                          Improvement Plan with a key focus
appointed Divisional Commander
                                          on the delivery of our shared
of Dumfries and Galloway Division
                                          outcomes. Local Policing is the key
and I would like thank my
                                          to the effectiveness of Police
predecessor Chief Superintendent
                                          Scotland and Dumfries and
Linda Jones for her commitment
                                          Galloway division is committed to
and dedication to policing the
                                          being in touch with our
area over the preceding three
                                          communities and understanding
years. It is clear that Dumfries and
                                          their needs and concerns.
Galloway Division holds a key focus
on local communities and I look           Our plan outlines how we intend to
forward to working closely with the       deliver policing services over the
people of Dumfries and Galloway           next three years and is truly
and our partners to deliver a             reflective of the issues that are most
services that generates confidence        important to our communities.
in policing and a safer Dumfries
and Galloway.

The Chief Constable sets national
priorities for policing across the
whole of Scotland. This local plan is
a statutory requirement under the
Police and Fire Reform (Scotland)
Act 2012 and the local priorities
outlined reflect local community
concerns and our commitment to
ensuring the safety and wellbeing
of all citizens.

                                        T/Chief Superintendent Carol McGuire
                                        Divisional Commander,
                                        Dumfries and Galloway



About Dumfries and
Dumfries and Galloway covers
2,380 square miles with an
estimated population of 148,000. It
is served by a unity local
government, Dumfries and
Galloway Council. As a border
county with England, Dumfries and
Galloway encompasses a
significant arterial road link             landscape. Significant tourist
between England and Scotland               attractions include, Kirkcudbright –
(M74/A74 (M)). Equally the A75,            known as the artist town, Robert
Gretna – Stranraer road provides a         Burns Mausoleum within Dumfries
vital link to the sea ports in the west    and Gretna Gateway Shopping
of the region and access to                Village.
Northern Ireland via ferry. Our
enhanced strategic location                Dumfries and Galloway Divisional
denotes our region must deliver a          Structure
high quality of service not only to its
residents but the wider Scottish           The Divisional Commander leads
population.                                the Division and is supported by
                                           three Superintendents, covering
The population of Dumfries and             Operations, Support and Service
Galloway is different from the             Delivery and Serious Crime and
overall population profile of              Public Protection.
Scotland with those in the 60-74
and 75+ bracket markedly above             There are two subdivisions. VA
the Scottish average. Looking              subdivision covers, Dumfries, the
forward our population in the 75+          wider Nithsdale area and
bracket is predicted to increase by        Annandale and Eskdale. VG
2026 with a predicted fall in the          subdivision covers the Stewartry
population of 16-64 year olds. As a        and Wigtownshire areas. Each
service, Police Scotland need to be        subdivision has a Local Area
acutely aware of these changes             Commander of Chief Inspector
and plan for the future to ensure a        rank who has responsibility for local
sustainable service is provided.           management operations and local
                                           Policing engagement.
Dumfries and Galloway is a popular
tourist area in Scotland with a            Two Detective Chief Inspectors
number of holiday complexes                support the Detective
scattered across our coastal


Superintendent for all serious crime
and public protection matters.

A further Chief Inspector sits within
Divisional Headquarters, Dumfries
and holds responsibility for
corporate functions including
Partnerships, Licensing and Event

The division is also supported by
number of national resources,             Contact Assessment Model (CAM)
including Armed Response, Road
Policing, Safer Communities and           The launch of CAM in May 2019 has
Specialist Crime.                         revolutionised our approach to
                                          public needs and developed our
In a wider setting, Dumfries and          ability to deploy appropriate
Galloway Division pride ourselves         resources to incidents.
on having strong relationships with
our partner agencies and we will          From the first point of contact with
continue to work with others to           Police Scotland via our Service
create an area where people feel          Centre or when attending at a
safe and want to live.                    Police Station, the way in which we
                                          triage the individuals needs or
Policing in Dumfries and Galloway         report is based upon an enhanced
has continually developed since           assessment. To complete this
the inception of Police Scotland in       assessment we review the threat,
2013. In 2016 we carried out a            risk and harm presented and take
Divisional restructure of our             account of the environmental
response and community policing           setting and investigative
units. This allowed us to enhance         opportunities available. This
our deployment model and                  creates an individually tailored
engagement opportunities with our         approach to protect the
communities.                              vulnerable and ensures every
                                          individual gets the right response
Building on this restructure, 2019        when they contact Police
saw some significant changes to           Scotland.
Policing in Dumfries and Galloway
that have enabled us to provide a         Additional training and resources
more efficient service across the         within our service centres has
region.                                   allowed for the resolution of some
                                          calls at the first point of contact
These include the introduction of         with Police. This has enabled our
the Contact Assessment Model              officers to be afforded more time
(CAM) and the launch of mobile            to be visible in the communities
devices for our workforce.                they serve.



Dumfries and Galloway Division            support to our communities and
were proud to be the first division to    partners. Locally, we commenced
transfer to CAM, which has now            the use of Microsoft Teams to
been rolled out nationally.               improve efficiency and ensure a
                                          virtual capability with our
Throughout this change Police             partnership meetings.
Scotland’s focus has been to
protect the public and the most
vulnerable people in our

New Technology

In early 2020 mobile devices
replaced paper notebooks for front
line officers in Dumfries and
Galloway. The Samsung Note 9
devices have been specifically
programmed for Police Scotland
and provides officers’ access to a
variety of every day policing
applications whilst out on patrol
which were previously only
available in an office environment.
                                          Moving Forward
The modernisation of the paper
notebook has reduced paperwork            Scotland will host the United
time and increased officer visibility     National Framework Convention on
and accessibility in communities.         Climate Change 26th Conference
This investment in technology is vital    of the Parties (COP26) in November
to ensure that Police Scotland            2021. Although located in
adapt to modern society and our           Glasgow, the conference will
officers are best equipped to deal        impact communities and Police
with incidents.                           Officers across the country. The
                                          planning processes employed by
Police Scotland’s response to the         Police Scotland to deliver this large
Coronavirus pandemic at the start         scale event are well underway and
of 2020 significantly changed the         throughout the conference period
way in which we interact with our         we will ensure a continued quality
communities and partners. As an           of service is provided to our local
organisation, we were able to             communities.
rapidly adapt to new legislation
and a changing social
environment across the country. By
reviewing working practises and
adapting our approach we were
able to maintain a high level of


Public interaction and
Social media                                 Awareness Week and Shut Out

                                             During the Coronavirus pandemic our
                                             Social media footprint has allowed us
                                             to support our partners in circulating
                                             crucial public health information.

                                             Our social media accounts are:


As the online world develops, Policing
and how we engage with the public
has moved into the virtual world. One
of the most successful developments
of Dumfries and Galloway Division has
                                             Dumfries and Galloway Virtual
been our use of social media to
                                             Operations Support Team
engage with communities.
We use social media to circulate
                                             DGVOST was developed through
witness appeals, missing people
                                             our partnerships within the local
appeals, provide crime prevention
                                             resilience partnership. The DGVOST
advice and distribute information
                                             team is deployed during major
about ongoing incidents or road
                                             incidents and uses social media to
                                             gather real time information from
                                             the public and to distribute key
Social media also allows the public to
                                             messages. The success of DGVOST
have a greater insight into the
                                             has brought us close to our
everyday role of a police officer. We
                                             communities and boosted public
aim to use the sites not only for
appeals, but also as a means of
circulating good news stories and
                                             DGVOST posts have featured on
officer achievements. Additionally
                                             national news headlines and in
we use our social media platforms to
                                             national newspapers during
raise awareness of national
                                             incidents of inclement weather.
campaigns such as Hate Crime
                                             This highlights the partnerships



ability to provide accurate and            visible and accessible police
timely updates to our communities.         service. Working alongside our
                                           partners, we develop sessions
Serving Rural and Diverse                  based on emerging crime trends
Communities                                to keep our communities informed
                                           and offer access to crime
As a rural region we need to               prevention information.
ensure maximum reach and
accessibility across all our               We ensure our officers are visible
communities.                               by car, bicycle and on foot across
                                           the region. Individual officers are
Mobile connectivity cannot always          deployed in numerous specific
be relied upon and with this in            remits, including to Dumfries and
mind we have a vigorous                    Galloway Royal Infirmary, all
approach to community policing             secondary schools across the
and engagement in the wider                region and joint working with the
community.                                 Local Authority in relation to anti-
                                           social behaviour. Our community
We hold drop in sessions at our            officers attend community council
stations and police surgeries at           meetings and our management
community hubs and                         team have key roles in a number
supermarkets. These allow                  of strategic focus groups including
members of the public the                  Community Justice, Road Safety,
opportunity to meet with officers          Community Safety Partnership’s
and seek advice or information             and a number of Public Protection
and are vital in maintaining a             committees.



 National priorities and
The Police and Fire Reform                  and the Scottish Police Authority’s
(Scotland) Act 2012 sets out the            Joint Strategy for Scotland (2020), is
overarching Policing principles for         the strategic plan for policing in
Scotland.                                   Scotland in response to the Scottish
                                            Government’s Strategic Policing
In December 2019 The Scottish
Government refreshed its Strategic
Policing Priorities for Police Scotland.    It recognises the need to tackle
                                            traditional and visible crimes, as well
These are:
                                            as ways of preventing and disrupting
      Crime and Security                   more complex and inventive use of
      Confidence                           digital and online crimes that often
      Sustainability                       originate out with Scotland.
      Partnerships
                                            The Strategy is framed around five
      People
                                            strategic outcomes and supporting
      Evidence
                                            objectives. The outcomes are:
Policing for a safe, protected and
resilient Scotland, Police Scotland



National priorities are informed by      Along with the strategic policing
the findings of Police Scotland’s        priorities they influence our local
National Strategic Assessment and        approach to policing to ensure our
the knowledge and experience of          local plan supports policing
police leaders across the service.       throughout Scotland.
They are set out each year in Police
Scotland’s Annual Police Plan.



Our priorities
How we identify our local priorities           and it is clear from the result of our
                                               consultation that the public retain
This plan details local responses to           an expectation that our priorities
local issues. It has been derived              are focused around supporting
from what the people of the region             vulnerable people and reducing
want and works on the principle of             crime in all settings. Our public
having local officers in the heart of          consultation process is available
our communities to address the                 throughout the year and is regularly
problems within them.                          reviewed.
To ensure we make the plan
                                               Our people and our partners
meaningful for local people and
partners we use a number of
                                               We held a ‘focus’ day event for our
methods to identify our local
                                               internal and external partners to
policing priorities. This allows us to
                                               contribute to the new plan. This
structure our resources to meet
                                               presented the opportunity for
current and projected demand
                                               constructive discussion amongst
across our region.
                                               front line responders, management
Identifying our local priorities in turn       and partners on local issue.
allow us to formulate more focused
                                               Strategic assessment
objectives against Police
Scotland’s national strategic
                                               To assist further in establishing our
outcomes (see our plan on a
                                               policing priorities, we reviewed our
page). The four main strands of
                                               strategic assessment which details
engagement used to formulate our
                                               an overview of crimes and
local policing plan were:
                                               emerging issues and trends in
Public opinion                                 Scotland.

                                               Dumfries and Galloway Local
To establish what the public
                                               Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP)
considered to be policing priorities
for the region we carried out a
                                               Whilst setting our priorities we
public consultation survey. This has
                                               reviewed the Dumfries and
been an important way for us to
                                               Galloway Local Outcome
determine our response to issues of
                                               Improvement Plan 2017-2027
concern and allowed the public to
                                               (LOIP). This plan has the
influence our analysis of what
                                               overarching vision of ‘working
matters both locally and on a
                                               together to create an ambitious,
national scale. Our priorities are
                                               prosperous and confident Dumfries
strongly influence by public opinion


and Galloway where people
achieve their potential’.

Alignment to the LOIP allows the
division to contribute to local
improvement objectives and
national outcomes set by the
Scottish Government.

The Dumfries and Galloway Local
Outcome Improvement Plan
Outcomes are:

Additional work that we do to support the Local Outcome Improvement Plan
is detailed in pages 25 - 31



Dumfries and Galloway
Local Policing Priorities



Plan on a page – Dumfries and Galloway
     Our vision    | Policing for a safe, protected and resilient Scotland
     Our purpose   | Improve the safety and wellbeing of people, places and communities in Scotland
     Our Values    | Fairness | Integrity | Respect | Human Rights



Priorities - what we will do

                                        Engage with the public and communities to
                                              reduce and prevent crime

The prevention, investigation,          *Target those intent on carrying out acts of
and detection of all of violent         violence by analysing intelligence and
crime remains a primary focus for       deploying our officers to the right locations
Police Scotland. Violent crime,         at the right time
disorder and anti-social
                                        *Ensure a robust approach to offending,
behaviour is often linked to            including the use of intelligence led stop
alcohol and drug misuse and             searches
can affect the quality of life in
our communities, leaving                *Collaborate with our social work and
                                        criminal justice partners to effectively
individuals feeling isolated and
                                        manage offenders through the use of anti-
                                        social behaviour legislation, curfew and bail
                                        restrictions should offending continue
Violent crime is targeted across
the division by means of our            *Ensure our community teams remain
night time economy strategies,          accessible and approachable to allow for
                                        early intervention and quick problem
including regular visits to licensed
                                        solving   in   relation   to   developing
premises, community
                                        problematic hotspot ASB locations
engagement and the review of
information and intelligence.           *Work with our partners to educate our
The effective deployment of             young people to become good citizens
resources ensures the best use of       *Enhance partnership working, signposting
local knowledge to identify             to diversionary activities and deploy our
hotspot areas of problematic            officers to initiate early intervention work
Our criminal investigation
department maintains an                 *Review of violent crime figures – both
oversight of all violent crime and      recorded and detected
we employ a robust enquiry              *Referrals to the multi-agency tasking group
process. Intelligence led
                                        *Participation in the Youth Justice and Police
activities are utilised to identify
                                        Scotland 3 R’s project
offenders and reduce violent
crime and disorder.                     *Restorative Justice warnings and impact

                                        *Number of visits to care homes by link


Our offender management unit has                  communities safe and making our
responsibility for the management                 public feel safe. We all recognise
of violent and sexual offenders who               that tackling the scourge of
are living within our communities.                antisocial behaviour is not the
Each offender is managed                          responsibility of one single agency,
according to specific risk                        and collectively this strategy
                                                  provides a commitment to ensuring
assessment and we contribute to
                                                  that effective information sharing
Multi Agency Public Protection
                                                  and joint working approaches will
Arrangements (MAPPA).                             continue to prevent and confront
Anti-social behaviour                             problems at an early stage.
                                                  We recognise the need to listen
To meet our statutory responsibilities            and respond to the issues which
under Anti-Social Behaviour etc                   matter most to our local
(Scotland) Act 2004. Dumfries and                 communities; to involve, empower
Galloway Division along with the                  and inform them to promote
Local Authority have developed an                 community wellbeing and a sense
Antisocial Behaviour Strategy 2020-               of safety. We will recognise
2024.                                             vulnerability and will prioritise our
                                                  resources to support those in
This Antisocial Behaviour Strategy                greatest need of protection.
provides the framework by which
                                                  Additionally to tackle youth anti-
public services, voluntary agencies,
private sector and registered social              social behaviour through
landlords in Dumfries and Galloway                education and diversion we
will work together to tackle                      participate in Operation Safety, Big
antisocial behaviour across the                   World and Do the Right Thing.
region. It builds upon the strong                 These are multi-agency initiatives
partnership arrangements with the                 designed to educate children and
region which have been proven to                  young people in the different
deliver a valuable service in our                 aspects of modern life with a focus
area.                                             on personal safety, risk taking
All partners involved in the                      behaviour and responsible
development of this strategy                      citizenship. The sessions focus on
understand the need to work                       the impact of decisions on both the
collaboratively to achieve a                      individual and the wider
common goal of keeping local                      community.





                                          Reduce crime through preventing
                                         offending and reducing reoffending

              BJECTI                                   ACTIVITY:
Crime rates in Dumfries and          **Identify and arrest perpetrators to reduce
Galloway are among the lowest        the impact of acquisitive crime on
in Scotland. To maintain this and    communities
effectively realise a long term
reduction in acquisitive crimes      *Employ a robust investigation process for
we need to, promote crime            reported crime including utilising forensic
prevention opportunities, work       opportunities, local action plans and high
with our partners to increase        visibility patrols
awareness of the issue and           *Sustain low levels of acquisitive crime by
identify and report offenders.       working with communities and focussing on
                                     prevention and intervention methods
Our criminal investigation
department maintain oversight        *Work with partners, including trading
of all acquisitive crimes and        standards, social work and Scottish Fire and
have forged close links with         Rescue Service to collaboratively promote
bordering divisions and Police       crime prevention opportunities
Forces.                              *Contribute to national campaigns such as
                                     ‘Shut out Scammers’ and share best
As a rural region, the extensive     practice across divisional boundaries and
road network presents                with specialist departments ensuring
opportunities for criminals to       management of oversight of emerging
travel into our region and target    trends
isolated communities. The
development of intelligence          * Work with our community justice partners
assists with the deployment of       to tackle problematic offending behaviours
our resources providing a visible    and support diversionary initiatives
policing presence.
Our Community Police Unit are
skilled in crime prevention          *Review of acquisitive crime rates
techniques and provide both          *Review of the commission of both
domestic and commercial              domestic and commercial housebreakings,
security surveys.                    and detection rates

We work in collaboration with        *Participation with community justice
the National Retailers Against       projects
Crime Organisation to combat         *Community crime prevention inputs
travelling criminals who target
our region. This established         *Satisfaction survey results
relationship also provides


education and information to               people to contribute to their
shopkeepers in relation to current         community through positive
trends and developing techniques           neighbour relationships.
utilised by high tariff offenders.
                                           The methods used in the
                                           commission of financial crime are
Financial harm                             varied and can often be extremely
Financial harm crime by fraud or
online means continues to grow             The financial harm strategy
and is becoming increasing                 identified 5 strands to tackle the
problematic in terms of volume,            issues: Education, Engagement,
demand and investigative                   Engineering, Early Intervention &
opportunities.                             Prevention, and Enforcement. This
                                           collaborative approach allows for
Financial harm stretches across a          consistent messaging with an aim
number of methods from door step
                                           to reducing the opportunities for
crime to ever developing                   our communities to be targeted by
telephone and online scams.                criminals.
The Dumfries and Galloway
Divisional Financial Harm Strategy
focuses on the commission of
financial crime and encourages




                                       Collaborate to reduce casualties and crime
                                                       on our roads

In Dumfries and Galloway our
road network is vital to local         *Intelligence led patrols and the use of road
business and community                 collision data to ensure that appropriate
accessibility. Any injury or death     resources are deployed in the right location
on a road can have a                   at the appropriate time
catastrophic effect on those
                                       *Hold local campaigns and contribute to
involved and the community. It
                                       national initiatives to promote road safety
may also impact those affected
                                       including – drink/drug driving (summer and
by road closure and diversions.
                                       festive), get ready for winter campaign,
                                       summer safety
The roads policing unit within
Dumfries and Galloway have             *Provide      education    and     interactive
primary responsibility for             initiatives for young drivers including multi
enforcing road traffic legislation,    agency for initiatives such as Safe Drive,
the investigation, reporting and       Stay Alive
analysis or road crashes. Local
                                       *Work with and support Dumfries and
Policing supplements and
                                       Galloway Road Safety Partnership
supports local and national
initiatives including prevention       *Empower our community police officers to
activities with local communities.     target areas of community concern with
                                       both    educational  and   enforcement
We have invested in training           opportunities in relation to speeding
within our community policing          offences
department to equip officers
with the skills and physical tools                     INDICATORS:
to take enforcement action in
relation to speeding offences on       *Review of fatal and serious injury collisions
our rural road network. This           levels
initiative works in conjunction        *Detected road traffic offences
with established diversionary
schemes and educational                *Community and educations inputs
activities and is a direct result of
                                             Police Scotland is a member of
increased community concern
                                             Dumfries and Galloway Road
regards speeding. Educational
                                             Safety Partnership which aims to
events are aimed at young drivers.
“Safe Drive, Stay Alive” provides an         reduce the number of road deaths
appropriate insight into the harsh           and serious injury collisions in the
reality and long term                        region. The partnership focuses on –
consequences of avoidable road               Education, Engineering,
traffic collisions.                          Enforcement, Encouragement and



                                          Support people considered vulnerable
                                        through working with partners to reduced

We utilise a victim centred
approach to all crimes. This           *Victim centre approach to all crimes and
                                       provide support and signposting for repeat
approach allows us to do our
                                       victims of crime
best for every individual. Having
a safe community for vulnerable        *Referrals to our MASH ensuring multi-
groups or individuals to live in       agency discussion where necessary to
reduces the opportunity for            protect the most vulnerable within our
victimisation and encourages           communities
individuals to report crime.
                                       *Promote the Disclosure Scheme for
To maintain a co-ordinated             Domestic Abuse Scotland and third party
approach to protecting                 reporting opportunities
vulnerable people our Multi
                                       *Effective partnership working to support
Agency Safeguarding Hub
                                       health triaging alongside the NHS
(MASH) based at Divisional
Headquarters is the centre for         *Best use of special bail conditions for
enhanced information sharing           perpetrators of domestic abuse alongside
and effective decision making to       the multi-agency tasking and coordination
safeguard vulnerable people.           meetings to target domestic abuse
Additionally, our specialist Public    offenders
Protection Unit have strong
partnership working across the         *Education inputs regarding online safety
public protection arena.               and prevention to schools and community
                                       groups working with young people
Some crime types heighten
vulnerability significantly and we                     INDICATORS:
work towards reducing the
                                       * The commission and detection of sexual
impact these crimes can have
                                       crime including sexual cyber crime
on communities and individuals.
                                       * Domestic abuse incidents and detections
A significant number of violent
crime incidents involve domestic       * Third party reporting and hate crime
abuse. Domestic abuse can
erode the quality of life for          * Referrals to partner agencies via the MASH
individuals and seriously harm
children and young people who          *Victim support referrals
grow up in households where
abuse occurs.



The Disclosure Scheme for                partners to identify children at risk.
Domestic Abuse ensures victims           Officers have training in respect of
and those potentially at risk of         childhood trauma and Adverse
becoming victims are empowered           Childhood Experiences to equip
to make decisions regards their          them to recognised trauma when
safety.                                  dealing with any incident.

There is also an ever increasing risk    The mental health of individuals
of exploitation in the online world      within our communities is an
and we are committed to tackling         increasing concern for Police
online child sexual exploitation and     Scotland. The volume of calls
identifying offenders. Crimes            where an individual requires
committed against children,              immediate mental health
including child sexual exploitation      assistance has shown upward
can have devastating effects that        trend. We work closely with the
extend into adulthood.                   NHS Mental Health teams to
                                         signpost individuals to additional
We tackle child sexual exploitation      support or immediate mental
by focusing on awareness, training,      health triaging during a time of
intelligence and working with            crisis.




                                         Reduce the harm caused by substance
                                         misuse and tackle the sale and supply of
                                                     controlled drugs

The supply of, and harm caused
                                        *Develop intervention plans to target drug
by, controlled drugs has been
                                        dealers within our region
identified as one of Police
Scotland’s six operational              *Utilise stop search legislation to remove
priorities in the Police Scotland       illegal substances from our communities
Strategic Assessment 2020-23.
                                        *Develop our knowledge of and monitor
                                        Serious and Organised Crime Groups
Substance misuse is closely linked
                                        activity linked to substance misuse and
to other types of criminality           availability, arresting and reporting those
including acquisitive crime,            involved ensuring a robust approach to
violent crime, disorder and anti-       identifying criminal assets
social behaviour.
                                        *Work to divert and deter individuals from
This misuse of controlled drugs or      becoming involved in Serious and
the problematic use of alcohol          Organised Crime or using its products
can affect all communities and
                                        *Increase the awareness of the effects of
influence the quality of life across
                                        illegal drug and alcohol misuse across all
our region. Drug related deaths
                                        age groups including early intervention and
are an increasing social,
                                        education with young persons
economic and health concern
throughout Scotland and                 *Work with the local licensing forums to
Dumfries and Galloway. We co-           promote the five alcohol licensing
ordinate enforcement in relation        objectives – preventing crime and disorder,
to drug dealing through our             securing public safety, preventing public
criminal investigation                  nuisance, protecting and improving public
department overview.                    health and protecting children and young
                                        people from harm
To assist with prevention of drug
and alcohol misuse we have a                           INDICATORS:
strong working relationship with
                                        *Drug death data
the local Alcohol and Drugs
Partnership (ADP). We have an           *Drug possession offences
officer imbedded within ADP
                                        *Drug supply offences
who specifically focuses on
reducing health inequalities,           *Collaborative inputs with partners      in
premature death due to                  respect of prevention opportunities
substance misuse, and
substance misuse, prevention



opportunities and alcohol related         Serious Organised Crime Groups
associated crime.                         often profit from the distribution of
                                          controlled drugs. We are
Our Youth Engagement Officers             committed to removing crime
provide early education and               groups from our region and
interventions across the schools          encourage communities to report
network ensuring risk taking              drug related activity either direct to
behaviour is identified. They ensure      police or via Crimestoppers.
a collaborative approach to
mitigating the risk of substance          Community intelligence is key to
misuse within our schools.                our enforcement and assists us in
                                          tackling problematic offenders.



How we will contribute to the
Local Outcome Improvement
In addition to the details of our actions within our local priorities we also carry
out a number of activities in support of the eight Local Outcome
Improvement Plan (LOIP) (2017-2027).

Everyone who needs help to work receives the right support

Details of our activities within our local priorities – acquisitive crime, substance
misuse, and protecting vulnerable people also support this outcome.

Recruitment                                  Preventing re-offending and
In 2020 Police Scotland improved its         signposting to diversionary
Stonewall workplace equality index           activities
rating by more than 40 places. We            The divisional Multi-Agency
continue to build on improving               Safeguarding Hub (MASH) have a
recruitment, employment practices            focus on early intervention and
and service delivery.                        partnership working to identify and
                                             support vulnerable people in our
As a large employer in the region,           community.
we hold specific recruitment events
                                             Alongside this, the Dumfries and
for Constables and Special
                                             Galloway Community Justice
Constables. We also have a
                                             Partnership ensures a joined up
number of opportunities for Police
                                             approach to preventing offending
Staff roles and volunteer roles as a
                                             and reducing re-offending with
Police Scotland Youth or Adult
                                             support and signposting to a range
                                             of interventions depending on
We are an increasingly diverse               identified needs. Utilising
region and Police Scotland strive            diversionary options where
for a workforce representative of            appropriate including warnings via
society. Police Scotland is                  Restorative Justice, Youth Justice
committed to ensuring there are              Referrals and Recorded Police
opportunities for national roles             Warnings contribute to the
within the organisation to be based          Community Justice Scotland
in Dumfries and Galloway.                    outcomes.



Learning opportunities are available to those who need them the most.

The success of young people in our region is key to the sustainability of our
communities. To assist this we work with our partners to ensure our young
people have the right information to make the right choices.

Details of our activities within our local priorities –substance misuse, road
safety, violent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour and protecting
vulnerable people also support this outcome.

Youth Engagement Officers                     engagement within schools and
Dumfries and Galloway Division                communities
works closely with Education                • Work with partners to provide
partners and have Officers                    services which promote a
deployed across the regions                   supportive and constructive
Secondary Schools as Youth                    environment for young people to
Engagement Officers.                          flourish.

The primary role of the Youth                Police Scotland Youth Volunteers -
Engagements Officers:                        PSYV
                                             Dumfries and Galloway division has
• Support positive engagement
                                             two Police Scotland Youth
  with younger communities to
                                             Volunteer (PSYV) groups.
  influence behaviours
• Ensure that young people feel              PSYV is a national Police Scotland
  safe and protected                         project that looks to strengthen the
• Promote preventative measures              relationship between the police
  and early intervention to divert           and young people, breaking down
  young people from crime in the             barriers and promoting positive role
  first instance, and build positive         models.
  engagement to prevent future
                                             The main aims of the project are to:
• Recognise the impact of                    • Promote a practical
  Adverse Childhood Experiences                understanding of policing
  and provide early identification             amongst all young people;
  and support to children and                 Encourage the spirit of
  young people to minimise the                adventure and good citizenship;
  longer term impact of traumatic           • Support local policing priorities
  experience                                  through volunteering;
• Provide a more consistent and             • Give young people a chance to
  sustainable approach to youth               be heard; and



• Inspire young people to                   PSYV is an excellent demonstration
  participate positively in their           of our continued growth and
  communities.                              educational and social inclusion of
                                            young people in our region. We will
The youth and adult volunteers of
                                            encourage initiatives via PSYV to
the PSYV groups commit hundreds
                                            allow the development of positive
of volunteering hours to supporting
                                            relationship between young
local communities.
                                            people, the police and the

Health and wellbeing inequalities are reduced

Details of our activities within our local priorities –substance misuse, violent
crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour and protecting vulnerable people
also support this outcome.

Children in care                            deal with alleged criminal conduct
Research carried out by the Centre          within a care home setting.
of Youth and Criminal Justice
                                            We provided training to care home
identified the opportunity for Police
                                            staff and Police around alternatives
and care establishments to work
                                            to prosecution including partner
better together to support children
                                            agencies referral and restorative
in care. It was evident that minor
                                            justice opportunities when resolving
acts of disorder, that would go
                                            challenging behaviour within care
unpunished had they occurred
within a regular home environment,
were entering the youth criminal
justice system.                             Herbert Protocol
                                            The Herbert protocol was
As such, in 2019 Dumfries and
                                            developed by Dumfries and
Galloway Division piloted a ‘test of
                                            Galloway Interventions in
change’ to reduce the
                                            Dementia, Education, Assessment
criminalisation of children residing
                                            and Support (IDEAS) and Police
in care homes.
This required a collaborative and
                                            It is an information gathering tool
consistent approach between
                                            that assists the Police to find a
Police and staff within care homes
                                            person living with dementia, or
to ensure effective intervention and
                                            similar, who had been reported
a potential reduction in
                                            missing. The process can save
criminalisation. The key was to
                                            Police critical time in establishing
change the thinking of how we
                                            the history of the missing persons


and their potential location. The            within divisional Headquarters. The
protocol has received significant            MASH allows for a collective
support and has been adopted                 approach to sharing information
nationally across Police Scotland            relative to achieve a suitable plan
and health care providers.                   to safeguard those who may be as
                                             risk within our communities. This
Multi- Agency Safeguarding Hub
                                             assists to reduce inequalities in
                                             health and wellbeing across our
Our MASH sees the co-location of             region.
Police, NHS and Social Work staff

There is affordable and warm housing for all

Details of our activities within our local priorities – acquisitive crime, substance
misuse, and protecting vulnerable people also support this outcome.

We will signpost those in need to the relevant partner agencies for support
and advice.

The money available to people on benefits and low wages is maximised.

Details of our activities within our local priorities – acquisitive crime, substance
misuse, and protecting vulnerable people also support this outcome.

Serious and Organised Crime                  activities including money
Serious and Organised Crime (SOC)            laundering, drug dealing and
groups divert millions of pounds             cyber related crime.
from our economy by means of
illegal activity.                            Poverty
                                             Through engagement with young
They can also target some of the
                                             peoples it has been recognised
most vulnerable people in our
                                             that there is an increased area of
                                             concern and vulnerability around
To tackle serious and organised              the availability of employment and
crime we work together with our              poverty across the region.
local communities, businesses and
                                             We have pro-actively sought to
partners to tackle the effect on our
                                             strengthen partnerships with local
local economy.
                                             housing providers and the local
We focus on identifying and                  authority to provide information
prosecuting those involved in SOC            and signposting to those in need.


Within the school environment                occasions to increase opportunities
close relations with pupil equity            for individuals.
funding officers has identified

People are safe and feel safe

Details of our activities within our local priorities – acquisitive crime, substance
misuse, road safety, violent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour and
protecting vulnerable people also support this outcome.

Counter Terrorism and Domestic               response accordingly to keep our
Extremism                                    communities safe.
Counter terrorism is a national
                                             Human Trafficking
priority which can affect any
                                             Human trafficking can happen
community. The UK Government’s
                                             anywhere in the country including
Counter Terrorism Strategy has four
                                             Dumfries and Galloway. We work
strands – pursue, prevent, protect
                                             with partner agencies to raise
and prepare.
                                             awareness and remain vigilant to
We contribute to this strategy at a          human trafficking and illegal
local level by ensuring our officers         immigration.
and partners submit intelligence
and identify areas of concerns.              We carry out joint operations with
Our local counter terrorism liaison          United Kingdom Visas and
officer works with partners across a         Immigration with an emphasis on
number of local organisations. We            businesses where human trafficking
raise public awareness and provide           and illegal immigrants have been
advice and assistance on protect             reported in other areas of Scotland.
and prepare planning in the wider
community through awareness                  Human Trafficking is often linked to
campaigns such as Run, Hide, Tell.           serious and organised crime groups
                                             and victims are supported via the
We seek the support of our
                                             processes within our Multi-Agency
communities to develop the
                                             Safeguard Hub.
intelligence around terrorism and
domestic extremism and look to
                                             Designing out crime
identify and support individuals
                                             Secured by design is the official
who may be vulnerable to
                                             Police security initiative for
                                             Scotland. It focuses combining the
The threat from terrorism will               principles designing out crime with
continue and the tactics we                  effective security standards for
employ must be adaptable to


refurbished homes, commercial               community, property, businesses,
premises and car parks.                     environment and/or the quality of
                                            life in rural areas and the rural
We work with local housing
partnerships, commercial premises
and businesses across the region at
                                            To tackle rural crime we implement
an early planning and developing
                                            prevention plans in response to
stage, to ensure developments are
                                            emerging local rural crime issues
afforded the opportunity to reduce
                                            and work with our partners to
to likelihood of crime being
                                            provide information and support for
                                            rural communities. DGPARC is
Rural crime                                 committed to improving the
Dumfries and Galloway Partnership           response across all agencies to
against Rural Crime (DGPARC)                these challenges.
focuses on crime in the rural
environment including wildlife,
heritage, marine and other crimes
including anti-social behaviour
which impact on individuals, a

People are well connected

Details of our activities within our local priorities – road safety and protecting
vulnerable people also support this outcome. Details are also discussed within
the public engagement section.

We have reviewed our estate                 put our local community officers in
footprint across both Dumfries and          the heart of their community,
Galloway and Scotland as a whole.           increasing accessibility and visibility
Following public consultation, we           in the towns.
published our updated Estates
Strategy.                                   Between 2020 and 2023 we will
                                            continue to progress the Police
We have co-located Policing                 Scotland Estates Strategy to ensure
services based at a number of               our estate is fit for purpose and
locations across Dumfries and               able to provide the policing service
Galloway. These co-located sites            expected by the community.
within community hubs allows us to



Individuals and communities are empowered

Details of our activities within our Local Priorities – Acquisitive Crime,
Substance Misuse, Road Safety, Violent Crime, Disorder and Anti-Social
Behaviour and Protecting Vulnerable People also support this outcome.

Hate Crime
Within Dumfries and Galloway the           and DG LGBTi groups. They
levels of hate crime are low               regularly work with these groups
however any crime of this nature is        and organisation to support events
unacceptable and can have long             and promote positive messaging
lasting effects on the victim, their       around inclusion.
family and communities.
                                           Recently ‘I Am Me’ and ‘Keep
Hate Crime champions offer                 Safe’ initiatives have grown
support to individuals, groups and         immensely within the region. These
organisations across all the region.       schemes create safe havens for
Community officers are liaison             people within the community
officers for the Islamic Centre,           should they be a victim of a hate
Dumfries and Galloway                      crime or need to seek support in
Multicultural association, DG Youth        their day to day activities.



Scrutiny and performance
The Scottish Police Authority (SPA)       Performance reporting is provided
has overall responsibility for scrutiny   at the Police, Fire and Rescue sub-
and holds Police Scotland to              committee of the Local Authority.
account for delivery of the priorities    Senior Officers from the division
set out in the National Policing Plan.    attend these meetings, report on
                                          performance and respond to any
Performance in Dumfries and               questions that Elected Member
Galloway is founded upon the              may have.
local policing commitments in this
local policing plan and reflect the       Our reports are published on the
police role in the community.             Dumfries and Galloway Council
                                          Website - www.dumgal.gov.uk



Equalities, ethics and values
Our work is underpinned by our             human rights in all of our strategies,
commitment to equality and                 plans and performance framework.
diversity in our dealings with the
public as well as our own staff.           Equality and Human Rights Impact
                                           Assessment (EqHRIA) is used to help
Across Police Scotland we are              us ensure that policy and practices
committed to developing and                proactively consider the potential
promoting best practice in the             impact on equality and human
advancement of our Equality                rights.
Outcomes. Our aim is to ensure our
services are fair and consistent           We will ensure that all strategic
across the region and ensuring             plans and activities relating to
Dumfries and Galloway is a safe            delivery are assessed to a high
place to live.                             standard using relevant evidence
                                           in a systematic and structured way.
Within Dumfries and Galloway
Division we attend external equality       Police Scotland’s values are:
and diversity meetings. We hold
internal meetings with                             Integrity
representatives and speakers from                  Fairness
a range of minority groups. This                   Respect
ensures minority groups are able to                Human Rights
influence decision making at a
local level.
                                           Across Dumfries and Galloway we
                                           are continually working to ensure
Police Scotland promotes equality
                                           that these values are understood
and diversity, both externally and
                                           by all our officers and staff and
internally, striving to exceed the
                                           persevered in all of our decisions
requirements of the Scottish Public
                                           and actions.
Sector Equality Duty.

In order to support this requirement,
we embed equality, diversity and



Local contact details
Police Scotland                           To follow us on social media:
Dumfries and Galloway Divisional
Headquarters                                   DumfriesGallowayPoliceDivision
Cornwall Mount
Dumfries                                          @DumfriesGPolice
DG1 1PZ                                           @GallowayPolice
For more detailed information on                  @AnnanEskdPolice
how to contact your Local Policing
Team please refer to our website at       For further information about
www.scotland.police.uk or through         Dumfries and Galloway Division or
our social media platforms.               your local Community Policing
                                          Team please visit the Dumfries and
We will continue to keep in touch         Galloway section of the force
with you to keep you updated on           website at:
the ongoing work being done to            https://www.scotland.police.uk/yo
tackle the issues that are affecting      ur-community/dumfries-and-
life for you and your community:          galloway

Dial 999 for an emergency that
requires urgent police attention.

For non-emergency contact, call
101, the single non-emergency

If you have information about
crime in your area and wish to
provide it anonymously, call
CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.

Service users who are deaf or have
a hearing impairment can contact
Police Scotland via TextRelay on
18001 101 for non-emergency, or
18000 in an emergency.


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