Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

Page created by Keith Warner
Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation
Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation
                                                                                                Fall 2007

                       One trip - Two Sister Cities:                                  ASCF Visits
                       Helmstedt and Ashgabat                                         Chihuahua

                     In October, a delegation        Ratsaal (Council Cham-          By: Dave Bagley
                     representing Albuquerque        ber.)     In his welcome
                     Sister Cities flew to Frank-    speech, Mayor Eisermann         Alma Solis, ASCF Chihuahua
                     furt, Germany. From there,      outlined the history of         Chair, put together a wonder-
                     they traveled to their Sister   Helmstedt. He mentioned         ful trip introducing us to the
                     City, Helmstedt, Germany.       that the former University      culture of the city and state of
                     Here they were warmly           of Helmstedt was founded        Chihuahua. We began our
                     greeted by their hosts and      in 1576. Its buildings still    journey with Los Limousines.
                     members of the Helmstedt        stand today as well as the      Their coach carried us south
                     Sister Cities Organization.     professors’       residential   from Albuquerque through the
                     Mr. and Mrs. Hagedorn           houses where students           miles of New Mexico desert to
                     greeted the delegation with     came for lessons. The           El Paso. We changed buses in
                     an American flag, and for-      chapel in St. Ludgeri’s         El Paso, passed smoothly
                     mer longtime Mayor, Hans        Benedictine       Monastery     across the border, and contin-
                     Otto Kieschke, gave a           (founded about 1000) is the     ued through similar Mexican
                     speech of welcome. Time         oldest building in Helmst-      landscape into the bustling city
                     was spent getting ac-           edt.       The settlement       of Chihuahua, population of
                     quainted with their hosts       “Helmonstede” can be            750,000. The city provided us
                     and their surroundings.         traced back to the year 952,    with a nice, new van, which
                     Then on Monday, October         when it was first mentioned     was waiting for us at the bus
                     22, 2007, all gathered at the   in an official document, and    station. Here we stayed at the
                     Rathaus (town hall), built      was awarded its town char-      Palacio del Sol (Palace of the
                     1904-1906, for an official      ter in 1247. After World        Sun), conveniently located in
                     welcome by Mayor Heinz-         War II, Helmstedt was the       the city center and nicely
                     Dieter Eisermann in the         biggest transition point to     equipped with everything we
                                                     West Berlin. It housed the      needed. Chihuahua’s climate
                                                     military garrisons from         is similar to Albuquerque, and
                                                     USA, England and France         at 4,600 feet, it’s dry and has
                                                     who were responsible for        similar temperature. During
                                                     keeping the land corridor       the next few days, we had an
                                                     (the Autobahn) to West          evening recption with Mayor
                                                     Berlin open at all times. It    Juan Blanco, lots of sightsee-
                                                     is now a symbol of German       ing, and a visit to the nearby
                                                     reunification, which took       Mennonite community which
                                                     place in 1989. Helmstedt’s      manufactures much of the
                                                     open pit mining operation       cheese that Chihuahua is fa-
                                                     has been closed and the         mous for. We also visited
                                                     company is now recycling        Luis Urias Elementary School,
                                                     materials for the nearby        where we donated a nice sel-
                                                     power plant of Buschhaus.       cetion of books for their bilin-
Mr. & Mrs. Hagedorn welcome ASCF President           The pits are to be filled       gual library. (*)
Dave Bagley to Helmstedt.                            with water and the new lake     Cont’d page 3
                                                     formed will be used for
                                                     recreation. Cont’d page 3

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

                                                                        for the next time we
         From the President’s Desk                                               can kindle your appetite for adventure. You
                                                                                 can also enjoy culture right here by home-
We’ve had several wonderful              to welcome us in their homes.           hosting guests from our Sister Cities when they
cultural visits to our sister cities     Wolfram’s counterpart, Karin            visit Albuquerque. All you need is a spare
during the past few months.              Cyrol put together a wonder-            bedroom and the desire to show our guests a
You can read articles about              ful itinerary for us, with many         sample of our life and cultures. It’s as easy as
each of the following trips in           different views of German cul-          a quick phone call to the Chair of that city.
this newsletter.                         tures. Helmstedt is also one of         Want more copies of this newsletter?
In July, the City sponsored a            our Sister School locations,  
trade mission to Lanzhou,                and is planning to host a group         ter.htm
China. David Hsi and Jian                from Albuquerque Academy
Zhu were asked to assist the             in June 2008; then send stu-
city in making arrangements for          dents to Albuquerque in Octo-
the trip and providing cultural          ber 2008.
assistance during the various            Oguljan Young led six of our
stops in China. In Lanzhou, the          members to Ashgabat, Turk-
city signed a memorandum of              menistan during October.
understanding for student,               Their trip began in conjunc-
tourism and commercial ex-               tion with Helmstedt; and they
changes.                                 were treated to several days in
Alma Solis led a visit to Chi-           Germany before continuing to
huahua, Mexico in August, with           Turkmenistan. Oguljan and
six Sister Cities members ac-            her counterpart, Maya Mere-
companying her. During their             dova, arranged a superb
visit, all were treated to several       itinerary that included a visit
unique cultural opportunities,           with Ashgabat’s mayor, home-                      Dave and Chemen Young
including a reception with               hosting and a trip to Central                    and a Berlin “Buddy Bear.”
Mayor Juan Blanco and a meal             Asia’s largest bazaar.
with residents in their homes.           All these trips might make you
Wolfram Krank led a delega-              ask if you’re really experienc-
tion of ten to Helmstedt, Ger-           ing the cultural opportunities             WANTED: YOUR EMAIL
many in October. Our contin-             of our Sister Cities. If not,                  ADDRESS
ued close relationship with              then watch our newsletters and                      Send to Nathan Young at
Helmstedt was warm and                   web site calendar - http://              
friendly, with several new hosts         www.alb uq uer q ue-sister -

     Meet Your Board: Bob Montoya
The Chair for the Guadalajara,             students, parents, teachers and community
Mexico committee is Bob Montoya.           leaders in Latin America and in Asia. It
His interest in the Sister Cities pro-     became apparent to him that our needs,
gram began many years ago when             beliefs, interests, aspirations and all that
the Albuquerque Public Schools             we value in life are more alike than differ-
Administration and the mayor be-           ent. Becoming sisters and brothers of the
gan to explore the idea of sister          people of other cultures is essential not
cities. Although the interest has          only to peace but to survival. Sister Cities
remained, it wasn’t until recently         can be a catalyst for achieving that end.
that he had the time to become ac-         On a personal level, Bob is most involved
tively involved. He feels that sister      with his family. His wife, Delores shares
cities has the potential to bring          his vision They have two daughters who
about positive relationships with          are also educators and three grandchildren.
people from other parts of the             Enjoying the pleasures of retirement, Bob
world. In his career as an educator/       likes to observe nature, read, do photogra-                 Bob Montoya
administrator, he has worked with          phy, and collect “stuff.”.

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

                                                      with an engraved piece of Nam-        only remaining site where the ex-
                  Helmstedt Cont.                     beware, which read, “In recogni-      tensive barrier systems intended to
                                                      tion of our continued mutual          prevent citizens of the GDR from
                                                      friendship, October 22, 2007.”        crossing into the Federal Republic
                  This project is due for comple-
                                                      After lunch, all gathered at the      of Germany (West Germany) can
                  tion in 2015. A large energy
                                                      Zonengrenzmuseum (Zonal Bor-          be seen in their original condition.
                  company is now located in
                                                      der Museum) - a museum in com-        A 350-meter long section of the
                  Helmstedt. Mr. Eisermann has
                                                      memoration of the history of the      border control system has been
                  been to Albuquerque twice and
                                                      former Inner-German border            preserved. It includes a 3.2 meter
                  hopes to return soon. He noted
                                                      from its beginnings until reunifi-    high reinforced-concrete wall,
                  that next year , 2008, is the
                                                      cation in 1989. In 1952, the Ger-     metal alarm fence, a concrete ob-
                  25th anniversary of Helmstedt
                                                      man Democratic Republic (GDR)         servation tower and observation
                  and Albuquerque becoming
                                                      officially closed the border and      shelter for vehicles, the patrol path
                  sister cities. He then explained
                                                      started to build fences. While        of perforated concrete plates and
                  the symbols in the beautiful
                                                      West Germany had stone markers        the vehicle obstacles known as
                  stained glass windows in the
                                                      identifying the border, East Ger-     dragons’ teeth.” We then went to
                  room - they represent various
                                                      many had fences and watch tow-        the former GDR checkpoint on the
                  guilds - blacksmith, salt miner,
                                                      ers. About 1,000 people died          Autobahn to Berlin. Located at
                  tanner, fur trader, plumber,
                                                      trying to escape the GDR. The         Marienborn, it was in operation
                  carpenter, locksmith, tailor,
                                                      museum has an impressive model        from 1974 to June 1990. Pass-
                  glass maker, doctor, com-
                                                      of the barrier installation, show-    ports were inserted in holders and
                  merce, butcher, baker and bar-
                                                      ing original warning signs, land-     traveled via conveyor belt to the
                  ber. ASCF President Dave
                                                      mines, uniforms, metal fencing        processing building. Large in
                  Bagley thanked him for his
                                                      and a handmade ladder used for a      size, the building was actually
                  hospitality and presented him
                                                      successful escape. An exhibition      fairly empty. The lengthy pro-
                                                      of photographs portray the dra-       cessing time and size of building
                                                      matic opening of the border in        were there for intimidation pur-
                                                      1989. We then rode to the village     poses. There was also an auto
                                                      of Hotensleben which was inside       inspection area where car parts
                                                      the ‘forbidden zone.”(5 km inside     were removed and even gas tank
                                                      the border). Here is located the      size was measured.
                                                                                            Cont. page 4
                                                      ASCF President Dave Bagley,           NOTE: Readers may be inter-
                                                      Burgermeister Heinz-Dieter Eis-       ested in the article “Free At Last”
                                                      ermann and Wolfram Krank,             in the ASCF newsletter of Decem-
                                                      Chair of Helmstedt Committee          ber 2005 on page 9.

                                     community where it is cool and dry at      from Plaza Mexicana Margarita met us at the
  Chihuahua Cont.                    7,800 feet. There we boarded “El           train & shuttled us to their hotel. Spending 2
This school is the only public       Chepe,” the state-operated train that      nights here, we visited the Cusarare Mission
school in Chihuahua state that of-   runs from Chihuahua to Los Mochis,         and Loyola Museum. We met several Tarahu-
fers classes in English. The par-    on the Gulf of California. It’s a re-      mara children (indigenous people) at the mis-
ents donate funds needed for the     laxed way to travel - you can walk         sion and gave them Tee shirts, pens and tennis
English teacher. There is no         around, enjoy the scenery, read a book     balls, which they bounced against the church
shortage of good food in the city,   or eat a meal. We rode some 165            side like a team of pro jai-alai players. On our
and we found that Mexican cui-       miles during our 5 hour trip, in and out   way back to Chihuahua, we stopped in Cu-
sine is not as “hot” as New Mex-     of rainstorms, through seemingly end-      atomec for food, fuel and visit with Alma’s
ico’s. Alma also arranged for a      less green forest to El Fuerte (The        family, who own a restaurant there. We ar-
delightful cultural visit in the     Fort), a quiet old city of 45,000, al-     rived back in Chihuahua late afternoon. Our
homes of several Chihuahua city      most at sea level. Here we spent the       last dinner in the city was at a marisco, a
employees, where we shared an        night at Hotel La Choza (The Hut).         seafood restaurant, where we enjoyed a tasty
afternoon meal.                      With very comfortable accomoda-            meal and some margaritas.
After a few days in Chihuahu, we     tions, including a lovely new swim-
packed up the van and headed         ming pool, we relaxed until bedtime.       * Want to donate some books to the school?
west to Creel, a mountain resort     The following morning we headed            call Alma Solis at 804-5471.
                                     back to Creel on “El Chepe.” The bus

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

 Helmstedt Cont.                     ing an individual experience. A
                                     stop at the Brandenberg Gate -
                                                                          maining in Germany had another free day to enjoy
                                                                          Berlin. Several visited Ka De We, a famous
 After a pleasant evening with       the royal entrance into the city.    department store. Returning to Helmstedt that
 our hosts, all assebled at 8 am     We too, like Napoleon, had a         night, the group departed for the Harz National
 for the trip to Berlin. Fond        chance to proudly march              Park the next day. Riding to the top of the
 farewells were exchanged be-        through it. The Column of            mountain on a steamtrain was most pleasant.
 tween those traveling onto Ash-     Victory marks the wars of the        However the fog limited the scenic viewing. So
 gabat, Turkmenistan and their       2nd German Empire. The bear          they went inside and enjoyed a hearty bowl of
 new-found friends.                  is the symbol of Berlin. It was      split pea soup and some wurst. Back to Helmstedt
 Berlin with its population of 3.5   once thought that Berlin meant       for some more quality time with their hosts and
 million has 1/3 of its area set     small bear. However, it really       then a wonderful farewell party attended by the
 aside for forests and water         means dry spot in a muddy            former Mayor of Helmstedt. A boat trip down the
 parks. Here a tour guide joined     area. There are “buddy bears”        Moselle with a stop at Boppard was their final
 the group and pointed out the       throughout the city. The 1,200       activity. On Thursday, November 1, 2007, they
 various city sites. The separa-     foot high TV tower has a             reconnoitered in Frankfurt with those returning
 tion between East and West          restaurant at the top that takes     from Turkmenistan and home they all flew. Fond
 Berlin was in the middle of the     28 minutes to completely ro-         memories include warm and gracious hosts and
 river. At 6 feet deep, many         tate. The Culture House has a        German beer and bakeries. An appreciation for
 drowned trying to swim to free-     unique shape. Once it was            freedom and true democracy came through.
 dom. A cobblestone line in the      nicknamed the pregnant oyster        Walls to keep people in or out are not necessarily
 sidewalk marks where the wall       but now it is called the Jimmy       a good idea. We all look forward to a return visit
 once stood. A collection of         Carter smile. The linden trees       from our friends in Helmstedt.
 white crosses is a memorial to      that line the main street in East
 the victims who died trying to      Berlin are numbered and regis-
 cross the wall. We paused in        tered. We stopped at our hotel
 front of the Reichstag. Burned      - Movenpick and settled into
 when Hitler was in power, it        our rooms. With the afternoon
 was reopened in 1999. Since         free, the group split up to ex-
 then it has had more than 12        plore the city - Checkpoinbt
 million visitors. The Holocost      Charlie was within convenient
 monument of 2,711 concrete          walking distance and a must
 blocks stands on top of where       stop for many.
 the WW II bunkers once were..       The next morning those bound
 One can walk the narrow path-       for Turkmenistan departed for
                                                                                   Hotensleben Border Zone
 way among the blocks, provid-       the Berlin airport. Those re-

    ASHGABAT                         energy, they traveled “home.”       (several young ladies and a gentleman) proudly
                                     Ah, a warm cup of tea to cheer      walked among us. To add to the festivities, Leili
                                     their hearts. But not just tea -    had an accordionist and a famous artist who drew
Eight members of ASCF headed         a wonderful spread of bread,        several caricatures. Back to our hosts’ abodes
for Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.          cheese, meats, and exotic           for supper and friendly conversation.
Ashgabat, the capital, has borne     fruits! (Note: Pomegranites         Cont. page 5
this name since 1881. The city       are great!) A sample of the
distinguishes itself with its own    wonderful Turkmen hospital-
style, harmoniously combining        ity! A long rest and now re-
the best traditions of its own       freshed, the group met at the                             Sally Alice Thompson
national architecture and the        home of Ensi Gallery owner,                               sporting the jacket she
achievements of a modern town.       Leili Khaidova. Leili has ex-                             purchased from Leili’s
Arriving at the Ashgabat airport     hibited her fashions at the                               fashion show.
at 2 am, the weary travelers         Santa Fe International Folk Art
faced passport control and cu-       Festival. As we sat under the
toms - but then, in the waiting      lattice work in her backyard, at
area, were their hosts!! What a      little tables with gaily covered
warm and excited greeting wel-       chairs and savored refresh-
comed the group. With renewed        ments; the lovely models

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

                                    with the size of 14 x 21 1/2       After the Carpet Museum, the group headed
 Ashgabat Cont.                     meters is also on display. It      for the Hippodrome. Akhalteke horses are
                                    weighs over 1 ton. Taking 40       bred here. Akhalteke or Turkmen species is
 The next day started with a        people (39 women and 1 man) 8      the most ancient among all other horse
 tour of the Carpet Museum.         months to make, it celebrated      species. They were bred by Turkmen more
 Turkmen place the highest im-      the 10th anniversary of Turk-      than 5,000 years ago. Preserving the purity of
 portance on carpet making. It      menistan’s freedom. If a carpet    the Akhalteke breed was a matter of honor
 is said water is the life of the   is purchased in Turkmenistan, it   among the Turkmen people that was passed
 Turkmen; horses are the wings      must be certified by the Carpet    down from generation to generation. These
 of the Turkmen and carpets are     Museum before it is allowed to     horses have a rare type of thin, short irides-
 the soul of the Turkmen. One       leave the country. Carpets pro-    cent hair. They have a majestic swan neck,
 of the oldest arts in Turk-        duced before 1975 may not be       small and pretty head and perfectly-formed
 menistan and the region, arche-    exported at all. The Turkmen       legs. Yanardag, an Akhalteke horse, famous
 ological data places carpet        are very protective of their na-   as the first world champion in the Moscow
 making as early as the 6th Cen-    tional treasures.                  bench show in 1999 is a symbol on the Turk-
 tury BC. Taking centuries for                                         menistan national emblem. The group got to
 the carpet designs to develop,                                        first mingle with the mares and their foals and
 the decoration of the carpet is                                       then were treated to viewing some magnifi-
 extremely original. The love                                          cent and stately stallions. A picnic lunch in
 of deep, rich red is an artistic                                      the foothills of Ashgabat followed, hosted by
 tradition of the carpets. The                                         Chary Shirliyev, Turkmen Heritage Chair-
 five traditional designs form                                         man. He presented each group member with
 part of the country’s state em-       The flag of Turkmenistan        photos of award-winning Akhalteke stallions;
 blem and flag. Turkmen use                                            photos of award-winning Alabey dogs, bred
 natural dye and Saryia sheep                                          by Turkmen more than 4,000 years ago; and 2
 wool and sometimes silk in                                            DVD’s - one of the Museums of Turk-
 making the carpets. At the                                            menistan and the other of scenic places in
 Carpet Museum, we saw a rich                                          Turkmenistan.
 collection. There were two                                            The Independence Day Festival Show was
 sided carpets where the sides                                         held at the Olympic Stadium. Promptly start-
 differed by color and pattern.                                        ing at 6 pm, we viewed the extravaganza from
 There were special carpets for                                        our special seats. The highly choreographed
 when a wedding occurs. Sev-                                           traditional dancing terminated in a spectacular
 eral carpet makers were pre-                                          fireworks and laser light display. We were all
 sent, working on one. We had                                          in awe! To end the day, we dined at a private
 our photo taken in front of the                                       apartment, eating Turkmen style (sitting on
 5th largest carpet in the world;                                      the floor) - another lavish feast!
 and the biggest carpet in the      Guide at Carpet Museum point-
 world (certified by Guinness)      ing out carpet with the State      Cont. page 6
                                    Emblem of Turkmenistan.

      Chinese-American Group Honors
                David Hsi
On August 4, 2007 at the 49th       Olympian, and volunteer. As
biennial National Convention        Chair of the ASCF Lanzhou
of the Chinese American Citi-       committee, he recently accom-
zens Alliance, its highest          panied Mayor Martin Chavez on
honor was presented to David        an economic exchange tip to
Ching Heng Hsi, PhD. He was         China.
honored for a lifetime of dedi-                                              Independence Day Festival Show
cated service and leadership -      NOTE:        See Spring 2006
as a pioner agricultural scien-     newsletter, page 4, for an in
tist,    educator,       senior     depth interview with David Hsi.

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

                                       hosted a wonderful dinner party.        time. The floor of the mosque is covered by an
  Ashgabat Cont.                       Here we met with those who had          enormous eight-sided carpet. Having four
                                       come to Albuquerque last sum-           minarets and a golden dome, the mosque is
Up early the next morning to           mer - Svetlana Naubatova and            surrounded with fountains and gardens. There
meet the mayor’s aide, Mo-             Avez Rizaev. It was a great             is a mausoleum of the first President of Turk-
hammed Yusupov. He escorted            night of comaraderie - friend-          menistan and his family located next to the
us to our seats on the parade          ships, toasting, feasting, and          mosque.        Cont. page 7
viewing stand. But first a little      dancing!!!
breakfast al fresco - coffee from      Another early-rising day. We set
a street vendor and goodies            off for the Tolkuchka bazaar.           Enjoying Lunch at “Turkmenistan Restaurant”
brought with us compliments of         This is the largest bazaar in Cen-      are Kim Buckler & Raisa Amirdjanyant
our hosts. The Independence            tral Asia. Tarlan met us and we
Day parade was held at the State       first went to his shops that sell
Square in front of the Presiden-       silk scarves. Then we went off
tial Palace. Of particular inter-      exploring - there were vendors
est was that each group (i.e.          of Turkmen carpets, Turkmen
university students, power work-       jewelry, national clothes, craft-
ers) had its own backdrop float        works. Everything was unique
and group of dancers who               and original. We heard that even
paused to perform for the Presi-       camels were sold there but didn’t
dent. A handsome Akhalteke             get to that section. So much
was presented to the President.        shopping to be done and so little
We then walked to the elegant          time! Back to the bus and off to
“Turkmenistan        Restaurant”       Chuli. Here we spent a delight-           Sally Alice Thompson (center) and friends
where the Mayor of Ashgabat            ful afternoon on the grounds of a         in front of Turkmen State University
hosted a luncheon for us. Al-          lovely resort facility. A wonder-
though the Mayor could not join        ful lunch was prepared. After-
us, his aide, Mohammed and a           wards, we were free to wander
city minister were present. Off        the beautiful grounds and just
to the Ruhiyet Palace where we         relax! In the summer the resort
saw a concert in honor of Inde-        becomes a camp for honor stu-
pendence Day. In a magnificent         dents. On our way home, we
setting, there were traditional        stopped at Ruhy Mosque, the
and modern songs as well as            biggest mosque in central Asia.
dancing and comedy routines.           Twenty thousand men and
That evening, Tarlan Mirzaliyev        women can pray at the same

                                                                              Urique where the Tarahumara indigenous people
           Computers for Chihuahua                                            live; and a horsebasck ride to the beautiful water-
                                                                              fall outside Cerocahui. They fell in love with
Vic and Carol Dawley jour-             his school, many supplies -            Chihuahua - the people, the food, the scenery.
neyed to the state of Chihuahua,       crayons pens, pencils, protractors,    Return they will!!!
Mexico at the end of September.        flash cards, glue. They then trav-
Traveling with another couple,         eled on to the City of Chihuahua
they first visited the rural village   where they enjoyed the Quinta
of San Lorenzo. Here two com-          Gameros and the Plaza de Armas
puters were given to the high          with its Chihuahua dog statues.
school. These computers were           From here they rode the train
donated by Armando Mayor, an           through Copper Canyon; disem-
ASCF member and Jason Wertz.           barking at Bahuichivo. Two de-
A hard drive was donated by            lightfully peaceful nights were
Sandia Labs Credit Union. The          spent at the Mission Hotel in Ce-
preschool children each received       rocahui. The day trips included
a baggie containing 8 new              an outing to the highest lookout in
crayons. The elementary school         Copper Canyon and then down to        Standing next to donated computer is Vic Dawley.
principal received,on behalf of        the bottom to visit the village of    Principal David Arroyos Moreno sitting.

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

                                    and parks. When asked what he        school for hearing impaired children. The head-
 Ashgabat Cont.                     liked best about his job, he im-     mistress/director, appointed by the Minister of
                                    mediately responded, “the work.”     education, met with our group. The children were
                                    He finds his job interesting but     on holiday but we were able to tour the facility.
October 29th, the group for-
                                    difficult.    Although his staff     The government assisted boarding school has 164
mally met with the mayor of
                                    works long hours, there is joy and   students and 100 adults working there, including
Ashgabat, Deryageldy Orazov
                                    satisfaction in what is being ac-    36 teachers. The students are artistically talented,
and his 2 deputy mayors. A
                                    complished. Richard Buckler and      their work being displayed throughout. In fact,
lawyer and an economist, the
                                    the mayor discussed ideas for fu-    the Ministry of Education made a calendar using
mayor was appointed by the
                                    ture exchanges - particularly in     the pictures the children had done. Each Satur-
President of Turkmenistan last
                                    the area of sports, a healthy gen-   day, they go to the Hippodrome where they are
May.      He said that he was
                                    eration is a healthy future. Some    becoming good horseriders. The school teaches
most happy to host our delega-
                                    sports the Turkmen excel in are      sign language (different from our American sign
tion and that we were able to
                                    wrestling, kickboxing, judo, soc-    language) as well as lip reading. The head-
participate in the Independence
                                    cer, volleyball, field and track,    mistress said that she dreamed of being a teacher
Celebration. Richard Buckler,
                                    basketball and gymnastics. Ogul-     since childhood. She wants the children in her
ASCF 1st Vice President, gave
                                    jan Young, ASCF Chair for Ash-       school to receive what others have - not just a
a letter to Ashgabat’s mayor
                                    gabat, presented the mayor with      diploma, but the knowledge and education that
from Mayor Chavez of Albu-
                                    an engraved Nambeware piece.         they need. We gave them some school art sup-
querque. We all introduced
                                    The mayor gave each delegation       plies - crayons, markers, glue.
ourselves and shared our posi-
                                    member a piece of Turkmen car-       That night the USA Ambassador Richard E.
tive impressions of Ashgabat -
                                    pet, an embroidered hat (similar     Hoagland hosted a reception in our honor. What
the hospitality, the beautiful
                                    to what all Turkmen school chil-     a special treat! Afterwards, Aygozel Bekmiyeva
new buildings, the many lovely
                                    dren wear); an embroidered doi-      hosted a dessert gathering. Aygozel works for
fountains, the pride the citizens
                                    ley and a huge book, “Nature of      Turkish Airlines and was with the group that came
take in their city. The mayor
                                    Turkmenistan.”                       to Albuquerque last summer. It was good to visit
spoke of the new buildings be-
                                    Off to meet with the students of     with her again. And so all good things must come
ing erected. Priority is being
                                    Turkmen       State    University,   to an end. Early the next morning the plane
given to assisting the residents
                                    founded in 1931. The Director of     departed, leaving good friends behind!
of Ashgabat. The apartment
                                    the University welcomed us and
buildings are not just a building
                                    we shared some thoughts with
but a complex which has                                                                                       ASCF
                                    students of the English Language
schools as well as other facili-                                                                              group and
                                    and International Relations de-
ties. Other new buildings con-                                                                                Ashgabat’s
sist of workplaces for minister-                                                                              mayor (3rd
                                    After a wonderful lunch hosted
ies, new sports and cultural cen-                                                                             from left)
                                    by Tarlan, we went to visit a
ters as well as more fountains

                                                                         ico, David Cargo, gave his greetings. Yu-Lin
   Taiwan’s National Day of Celebration                                  Shen introduced honored guests and the delega-
                                                                         tion from the Taipei Economic and Cultural
 October 10 is the National Day      those present. Mrs. Hui-Chun        Office in Los Angeles. The cake cutting cere-
 Celebration for the Republic of     Lin sang the national anthems of    mony followed with Mr. Morgan Chao and Mr.
 China (Taiwan). Here in Albu-       the United States of America and    David Cargo doing the honors. All enjoyed the
 querque the 96th National Day       of the Republic of China. Mr.       delicious fruit and hot appetizers and the social-
 Celebration was held on Octo-       Morgan Chao, Deputy Director        izing.
 ber 11, 2007. The event,            General of Taipei Economic and                                      Sidney Yen,
 hosted by the Taipei Economic       Cultural Office in Los Angeles                                      Chair of ASCF
 and Cultural Office in Los An-      greeted everyone and then gave                                      Hualin Commit-
 geles, was attended by ASCF         two toasts - to Taipei and to the                                   tee and Morgan
 board members. Yu-Lin Shen,         USA. Alberto Solis read a                                           Chao, Deputy
 President of the New Mexico         proclamation from Mayor                                             Director general
 Chinese Association was the         Chavez; and Sidney Yen read a                                       of Taipei Eco-
 master of ceremonies. After         congratulatory letter from Rep-                                     nomic & Cultural
 his welcome, the Lion Dance         resentative Heather Wilson.                                         Office in LA.
 was performed to the delight of     Former Governor of New Mex-

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation
A Meeting with State Senator Payne
About Turkmenistan        by Richard Buckler

 ASCF 1st Vice President Richard Buckler recently had the
 chance to meet with State Senator William Payne (District
 20) in order to discuss Payne’s recent trip to Turkmenistan.
 Senator Payne had been invited to attend the August opening
 of a new border crossing (Imannazar) between Turkmenistan
 and Afghanistan for which the U.S. government had funded
 the construction. Acting in his role as a rear admiral, Payne
 was the senior military officer present. Overall, Payne ex-
 pressed how warmly he was received in the country.
 Senator Payne also confirmed the strategic importantce of
 ongoing visits by Americans to Turkmenistan. Sister Cities
 visits thus can help expose Turkmen to another way of think-                   Senator Payne and Richard Buckler
 ing, different from the restrictive policies of the former Presi-
 dent Niyazov, who died December 2006.
 According to the U.S. State Department, the Turkmen people could experience increased prosperity and freedom, if re-
 forms in economics and agriculture, democracy and human rights, education, security and energy are pursued. And Sena-
 tor Payne agrees that organizations such as the Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation can perform a valuable service in
 helping the Turkmen people consider needed change. Even State Department spokesman, Evan Feigenbaum, sees the im-
 portance of sister cities. Feigenbaum (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of South and Central Asian Affairs) in a recent
 speech given to the Carnegie Endowment singled out the importance of improving local city relationships in Turk-
 menistan. Feigrenbaum expressed his hope that Ashgabat “explore cooperation on local government and reinvigorate
 sister-city relations with Albuquerque, New Mexico.” The State Department has issued a formal invitation to Ashgabat’s
 mayor to visit the United States and Albuquerque in the near future.

                                              Ashgabat’s mayor -
                                              Richard Buckler and
                                              Oguljan Young

                                                Richard Buckler - Oguljan
                                                Young - USA Ambassador -
                                                Sally Alice Thompson

                                           In front of School for Hard of
                                           Hearing - Richard Buckler -
                                           Director - Oguljan Young

                                                    Friends: Aygozel Bekmiyebva -
                                                    Carol Dawley -
                                                    Enesh Tureshova (Carol’s host) -
                                                    Oguljan Young

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation
Alma Solis
                                  L- books to
                                  Luis Urias
                                  R - gifts to

                      Carol Dawley distributing crayons at
                      a preschool in San Lorenzo, Mexico
Chihuahua Dog

                                                                      Cerocahui Waterfall

                            Vineyards of the Rhine
                            looking at Ludwigshohe
 Checkpoint Charlie
 Berlin, Germany                                             Sign at entrance to Helmstedt

Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation
In This Issue...     Three wonderful cultural trips - Chihuahua, Mexico; Helmstedt, Germany and Ashgabat, Tukmenistan

                   Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation

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