Page created by Sam Castro


TABLE OF CONTENTS                              OVERVIEW   3

                     4   EDITORIAL

                    10   STARTING POINT

                    12   TIMELINE

                    14   ASSET MANAGEMENT

                    22   SPECIAL FEATURE: HISTORY

                    24   PROJECT DEVELOPMENT

                    34   SPECIAL FEATURE: LOCATION

                    36   TRANSACTIONS

                    40   PANDION AG

                    42   SPECIAL FEATURE: PRESS

                    44   METRO PROPERTIES/METRO AG
EDITORIAL                                                                                                     FOREWORD   5

  » WE STAND FOR RELEVANCE                                          » UNCON­VENTIONAL
     IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT.                                         ­A PPROACHES OFTEN
    WE HAVE A CLEAR VIEW OF                                         LEAD TO INTERESTING
               THE FUTURE. «                                        OPPOR­TUNITIES. «
                 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BRETXA, Chief Executive Officer   JÜRGEN SCHWARZE, Chief Financial Officer
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                           FOREWORD   7

WHY HAS METRO PUBLISHED A BROCHURE ON THE PROPERTY AT                       of life. In particular, the expansion of the city has
ALBERTUSSEE?                                                                meant a change in living conditions in an urban
JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BRETXA: The project shows in impressive fashion             context. The “Living Concept at Albertussee”
how our team has created a pioneering success story starting with the       is based on the trend towards further urban
takeover of a disused property. In the true sense of driving real estate    expansion with a clear focus on the living space
value, we have deployed precisely the type of professional expertise        of tomorrow. We recognised, developed and
which characterises our company: future-orientated asset management         implemented the potential offered by the
and sustainable project development followed by a successful transaction.   property and have played a significant role in
In this case, we have been able to demonstrate our expertise in an          the densification and urbanisation of the city
exemplary manner throughout the entire life cycle of the property.          of Düsseldorf.

JÜRGEN SCHWARZE: The success story of the property at ­Albertussee          HOW DID THE “LIVING CONCEPT AT
shows clearly that we made the right decision to focus the continuing       ­ALBERTUSSEE” WORK OUT?
development of the property on what is relevant for its location in the
city of Düsseldorf, and to promote the transformation of former offices     JÜRGEN SCHWARZE: The decision to pursue
into residential property. From a company perspective, this is a fine       the vision of the “Living Concept at Albertussee”
example of creating virtual values by making the right decisions at the     was our anticipation of the overall trend in
right time.                                                                 urban development. In our view, it is good to
                                                                            see how the interests of urban developers and
SO HOW DID THE VARIOUS STAGES OF THE DEVELOPMENT TURN                       the residents of Düsseldorf converge in this
OUT?                                                                        project. At the same time, our successful
                                                                            portfolio management strategy has resulted in
JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BRETXA: In the first instance, our company took             significant added value for METRO AG.
over the property for our own use. The idea at that time was to move
our staff from the various office locations into a whole new working
environment under one roof. One of the first external tenants was
Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf. Other occupiers followed including METRO
House of Learning and our joint venture partner MEC METRO-ECE
Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG. In this context, we made every
attempt to create an even more attractive environment for all our staff,
right up to the point when we developed a trendsetting new vision for
the future of the property. The principal focus was on the sustainability
of the concept, combined with the idea of a residential development
next to a lake, in close proximity to nature and offering a high quality
STARTING POINT                                                                                                                                      KEY FACTS   11

The building complex at Albertussee bears all the hallmarks of its            The building is not of a high specification and
creator. Helmut Horten, the founder of the eponymous department               offers no services such as a restaurant, canteen
store chain, has been immortalised in the building itself with its double     or a business-like reception. The infrastructure
HH layout. The company Kaufhof, already part of METRO AG, gradually           and amenity value are far from optimal.
acquires the majority shareholding in its competitor Horten. As part of       However, there is an approximately 4 hectare
the takeover, the property at Am Albertussee 1 becomes part of the            lake with green open space and adjoining
METRO property portfolio.                                                     woodland. The publicly access­ible area is
                                                                              rather hidden, in poorly maintained condition      AM ALBERTUSSEE 1
The recently completed building was intended to be the new company
headquarters of Horten, the department store operator. The building           and is rarely used by the public.
layout was designed for use by a single occupier. It is not possible to       At this time, the location has no relevance
subdivide the space and the building entrance situation is unfavour­able.     from an urban perspective and little positive
The creation of self-contained areas as part of the change of use is also     amenity value. In this context, there is little
problematic.                                                                  prospect of achieving a sustainable letting
The letting of the property requires a significant number of comprom­ises.    ­situation.
However, it is possible to let some areas of the property. Tenants include
companies such as Siemens, Hochtief and the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
bank. However, these tenants are not wholly satisfied with the property.


Year of                                     Use type                                          Gross
construction                                                                                  floor area
                                            Office building
1989 – 1990                                                                                   33,000 sqm

                 Lettable area                             Site area
                 28,000 sqm                                41,000 sqm

     No. of car                                                        No. of floors
     parking spaces
                                                                       4 full floors
     500                                                               1 pitched roof storey
KEY FACTS                     13

                                                                                                                                                               19   REFRESHMENT               19   OCCUPANCY
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RATE: 100 %
                                                                                                                                                                    Change of canteen
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Switch from classic
                                                                                                                                                                    operator in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   conservative office

                                                                                                                                26   MILESTONE
                                                                                                                                     There follows an in-
                                                                                                                                                                    ­existing building.
                                                                                                                                                                    Modernisation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   building to a vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                                                   digital campus suc-
                                                                                                                                     ternal workshop with           entrance area and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   cessfully completed.
                                                                                                                                     senior management.             canteen, and the
                                                                                                                                     Milestone in internal          opening of the coffee
                                                                                                                                     decision-making: the
                                                                                                                                     go-ahead is given for
                                                                                                                                                                                              37   LET’S GO
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Positioning of the

           15   STARTING POINT          16   PROJECT
                                                                    18   PROGRESS
                                                                         Start of a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                   product on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   market. Start of the
                Poor amenity value,
                                                                         new process.                                                                                                              two-stage bidding
                                             Creation of smart
                some building
                                                                         ­Discussion of visions                                                                                                    process.
                                             office space and
                sections are in shell
                                                                         for the future of the

                and core condition.


                Part let with vacancy

                                                                     2014                          2015
                of around 13,000 sqm.

PROJECT     2011                         2013                                                     25                            26   HANDS-ON                  29   PEOPLE@WORK               38   DYNAMIC

                                                                                                       VISIONARY                                                    Compilation of

                                        16   METRO                  25   TARGETED AT
                                                                         THE FUTURE                    CONCEPT                       Initial representations
                                                                                                                                                                    wide-ranging docu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   A total of 13 offers are

                                                                                                                                                                                                   verified and analysed.
                MEC MOVES IN                 ­PROPERTIES                                               Residential develop-
                                                                                                                                     are made to the City
                                                                                                                                                                    mentation for the
                                                                         Initial feasibility                                                                                                       In the second phase of
                First positive signal                                                                                                of Düsseldorf plan-
                                              MOVES IN                   studies for the
                                                                                                       ment? Yes, residential                                       urban development
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the bidding process,
                heralding new                                                                                                        ning department.
                                             350 staff occupy                                          development! Initial                                         design competition.
                                                                         change of use of                                                                                                          five participants are
                impetus in the                                                                                                       METRO PROPERTIES
                                             workspace, bringing                                       calculations appear
                                                                         the property.                                                                                                             granted access to the
                ­location.                                                                                                           becomes the official
                                             life to the site and                                      positive. Set of
                                                                         Phase of ­intensive                                                                                                       digital data room.
                                                                                                                                     sponsor of a residen-
                                             lending the property                                      sketches drawn up.

                                                                         highest and best use
                                             renewed relevance.
                                                                                                                                     tial development               ARCHITECTURAL
                                                                         analyses commences.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SIMPLY THE
                                                                                                                                                                    Initiation and process-
                                                                                                                                                                    ing. Objective:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pandion AG is
                                                                                                                                                                    creation of a planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ­selected as the ideal
                                                                                                                                                                    framework for a resi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   partner based on
                                                                                                                                                                    dential development.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   both quantitative and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   qualitative ­criteria.

                                        17   OPENING
                                             OF THE
                                                                                                                                26   HITTING THE
                                              CHILDREN’S DAY
                                                                                                                                     Mayor Thomas Geisel
                                                                                                                                                                                              39   FINALE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The sale becomes
                                              NURSERY                                                                                is enthusiastic about                                         legally effective with
                                             Next important step                                                                     the residential project                                       the signature of the
                                             to making the loca-                                                                     at EXPO Real in                                               purchase contract.
                                             tion more attractive                                                                    Munich and offers his                                         Final step: the con-
                                             for employees.                                                                          official support.                                             cluding processing
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the property’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                   transfer of ownership
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to the new owner.
ASSET MANAGEMENT                                                                         FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                               15

                                                                   » THE STARTING POINT WAS FRAUGHT
                                                                   WITH POTENTIAL DIFFICULTIES. TODAY
                                                                   ONE CAN REALLY SAY: THE PLACE IS
                                                                   ­B USTLING WITH LIFE. THE REASONS FOR
                                                                    THIS ARE PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE AND
                                                                    ­S ENSITIVITY. THAT DEFINES US! «

                                                  2011                                               10/2011
                                                  STARTING POINT                                     MEC MOVES IN
                                                  The property at Am Albertussee 1 appears           First positive signal: MEC moves into the
                                                  abandoned at first glance. The external green      property. The subsidiary of METRO and
                                                  open space appears neglected. The existing         ECE occupies 826 sqm office space at
                                                  building is partly in shell and core condition     Am ­Albertussee 1 and leases 25 car parking
                                                  and there is no functioning infrastructure. The    spaces. This new letting boosts activity and
                                                  anchor tenant since 2001 is Stadtsparkasse         lends new impetus to the location.
                                                  Düsseldorf. Other temporary leases have not
                                                  been extended by the tenants because of the
                                                  lack of vitality and poor amenity value. Status
                                                  Q3 2011: the property is part-let but there is a
                                                  vacancy level of around 13,000 sqm, equating
                                                  to around 43 % of the total lettable area.

WAS LIKE DIVING INTO                                                                                 MEC. WHO IS WHO?

                                                                                                     MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH &
                                                                                                     Co. KG is a subsidiary of METRO and ECE. MEC
                                                                                                     is responsible for the integrated management
                                                                                                     including the commercial and technical property
KAY BUSSE, Head of Wholesale – Asset Management                                                      management, local centre management, letting
                                                                                                     and marketing of over 55 retail parks in Germany.
ASSET MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                17

                   VALUE AT EVERY STAGE. «

2011/2013                                                03/2013                                                                                                                “FIVE2ONE”. THE STORY BEHIND.
PROJECT “FIVE2ONE”                                       METRO PROPERTIES MOVES IN
                                                                                                                                                                                Good workflow is critical. The new space
Project “Five2one” involves the refurbishment of the     Time to change: The relocation of METRO                                                                                provides just the right type of environment.
office space in the existing building. A friendly and    ­PROPERTIES from METRO Campus to Albertussee                                                                           METRO PROPERTIES staff from five different
contemporary working environment is achieved              is completed over a very short period; 350 staff                                                                      office locations at the METRO Campus are
through manageable and intelligent investment             are relocated to their new offices. This results in                                                                   relocated to one office building.
and up-to-date planning. At the same time, the            a further significant increase in activity at the
METRO PROPERTIES staff are caringly introduced            location and lends the property renewed relevance.
to their future office location. The interdisciplinary
project team produces a requirements profile in
cooperation with the staff members and organises
visits to their new offices.
                                                                                                                            OPENING OF THE “WASSERSTERN” CHILDREN’S DAY NURSERY
                                                                                                                            The “Wasserstern” children’s day nursery opens its doors. The nursery comprises six classes,
                                                                                                                            one entrance and a large external play area and is located on the ground floor of the building.
                                                                                                                            It is ­intended not only for the use of METRO PROPERTIES staff and employees of MEC and
                                                                                                                            ­Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, but is also available to local residents and staff of other companies
                                                                                                                             located in Heerdt, and is a clear commitment to a harmonious neighbourhood environment.
                                                                                                                             Guests at the opening include Mayor Dirk Elbers, and the presence of invited members of the
                                                                                                                             press brings f­ avourable publicity.

                                                                                                                » SUSTAINABLE VALUE CREATION IS A PROCESS
                                                                                                                OF BRINGING A WIDE VARIETY OF FACTORS
                                                                                                                ­U NDER A COMMON DENOMINATOR, AND AS SUCH
                                                                                                                 MUST BE CLEARLY DEFINED. «
ASSET MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19

                        2014/2015                                                                   2017                                                2018
                        PROGRESS                                                                    REFRESHMENT                                         FINALE
                        The occupancy rate increases, as expected. This prompts further com-        Further projects for the upgrade of the             The sale process begins in the first quarter
                        mitment to the letting process. The range of projects includes targeted     ­b uilding and an improvement in tenant             of 2018. The Asset Management department
                        investments in the energy efficiency of the building. At the same time,      ­satisfaction are developed and implemented.       ­supports the transaction with the creation
                        the process gains momentum with the development of visions for the            These include the change of canteen operator       of the virtual data room and operation of the
                        future of the property.                                                       together with the construction of a contem-        Q&A process. The owner-operated property
                                                                                                      porary cafeteria area and the opening of a         company Pandion AG wins the competitive
                                                                                                      coffee lounge. This is followed by the refresh-    bidding process. The deal is closed in Septem-     » WE ACHIEVED THE FINAL
                                                                                                      ment and modernisation of the entrance area        ber 2018 at a sale price of EUR 56 million. The
                                                                                                      as a more effective central welcoming point       new owner’s cash flow is secure until vacant        STEPS OF OPTIMIZING THE
                                                                                                      within the complex.                               possession of the property is obtained in 2020      EXISTING COMPLEX WITHIN
           » HOTEL? DATA CENTRE? SUDDENLY IT ALL SEEMED                                                                                                 thanks to the superb letting situation which is     A TIGHT BUDGET. THE
                                                                                                                                                        a major aspect reflected in the price negoti­
           ­POSSIBLE. ANYTHING JUDGED TO BE SUB-OPTIMAL WAS                                                                                                                                                 ­A BILITY TO RELY ON
                                                                                                                                                        ations. The Asset Management department
            RESET AND RETHOUGHT. A REALLY EXCITING PHASE! «                                                                                                                                                ­I N­TERNAL EXPERTISE AND
                                                                                                                                                        accompanies the transfer of ownership of the
                                                                                                                                                        property to the new owner. All processes are         THE INVOLVEMENT OF OUR
                                                                                                                                                        completed smoothly: The good relationships
                                                                                                                                                        with the tenants mean that the vacation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             OWN PLANNING SERVICES
                                                                                                    OCCUPANCY RATE: 100 %                                                                                    FACILITATED A HIGH LEVEL
                                                                                                                                                        complex by the individual occupiers is already

                        2016                                                                        The building is fully let. In addition to the
                                                                                                    anchor tenants METRO PROPERTIES and
                                                                                                    Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, the building is now
                                                                                                                                                        agreed and tailored to the planned vacant
                                                                                                                                                        possession of the complex in 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             OF COST ­CONTROL. «

                        MILESTONE                                                                   occupied by many small but highly active
                                                                                                    companies including, METRO
                        This phase is an intensive collaboration between the Asset Management       Markets and METRO House of Learning.
                        and Project Development departments. A wide range of potential use          There is also an electric car charging station
                        scenarios are investigated and analysed as part of a detailed feasibility   and a Car2Go station on-site. The switch from
                        and profitability study. Any idea judged to be unsustainable over the       classical conservative office complex to vibrant
                        longterm is discarded. There is a special focus on the immediate vicinity   digital campus is successfully completed.
                        and its relevance within an urban development context. This results in
                        the concept of a residential development being clearly established
                        by 2016. There is a successful presentation of the “Living Concept at
                        ­Albertussee” to senior management. This results in the go-ahead for
                        the application to amend the planning framework.                                                      » OUR STATED OBJECTIVE WAS TO PREPARE THE
                                                                                                                              PROPERTY BEFORE THE START OF MARKETING.
                                                                                                                              WE ACHIEVED THIS AT EVERY STAGE. «
SPECIAL FEATURE: HISTORY                                                                                                             RETROSPECTIVE                    23

The history of the Albertussee lake goes back to 1884. The site at      At the suggestion of the civic association,
Heerdter Lohweg is occupied by H. Reinartz Zementwarenfabrik which      the remaining landscape is renamed Heerdter
produces cement panels and pipes in the area currently occupied by      Hofgarten after the takeover of the site by
the Am Albertussee road. One of their principal clients is Düsseldorf   METRO AG.
City Council. This means that the construction materials from the       The water-based nature protection area with
­Albertussee area are also used for the regeneration, maintenance       the approximately 3.50 metre deep lake is        AM ALBERTUSSEE 1
 and reconstruction of parts of the city itself.                        now maintained by the ASV-Albertussee e.V.
The company’s own dredging lake covers an area of 8 hectares and        Düsseldorf Heerdt angling club. The objective
stretches from Heerdter Lohweg to the Am Heerdter Hof road. The         of the ASV club is to nurture and maintain the
construction of Brüsseler Straße and subsequent landfill gradually      lake and protect its flora and fauna, together
reduces the area of the lake by around 50 %. Large areas of the works   with the conservation of the banks as green
site are sold in 1979. One of the investors is the former Horten AG.    open space.
Major efforts are required to retain the lake.

Source: City of Düsseldorf archive (1967)                                                                                        Source: City of Düsseldorf archive (1972)
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT                                                                                          FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                           25

                                                                                             » WHAT INSPIRED US? COURAGE, VISION
                                                                                             AND A CRITICAL VIEW OF THE STATUS QUO. «

                                                                      2014                                              2015/2016
                                                                      TARGETED AT THE FUTURE                            VISIONARY CONCEPT
                                                                      The letting situation in the existing building    The initial concept of a residential develop-
                                                                      develops well and projects for the further        ment at the Albertussee appears to be an
                                                                      ­optimisation of the occupancy situation are      audacious idea. But the idea remains persis-
                                                                       underway. Time to take a breather? Quite the     tent and the concept is discussed time and
                                                                       opposite. Step by step, the internal process     again. Conservative calculations provide
                                                                       begins to focus on the future potential of the   encouraging results. Against the background
                                                                       property. The various options are reviewed       of the market situation, the urban develop-
                                                                       and deliberated in detail.                       ment context and the favourable micro
                                                                                                                        location, the concept becomes increasingly
                                                                                                                        attractive. A workshop is planned with senior
                                                                                                                        management and initial sketches are drawn up.

                                                                                                                        STUDIO. WHYEVER, WHEREFORE, WHY?
                                                                                                                        The Studio & Design team is the self-contained
                                                                                                                        think tank operating at the interface of con-

                                                                                                                        temporary architecture, current planning and
                                                                                                                        innovative retail formats. The team develops
                                                                                                                        innovative, flexible and value-enhancing
                                                                                                                        ­solutions supporting its colleagues from

                                                                                                                         METRO AG’s Project Development and Sales
                                                                                                                         departments worldwide.

STEFAN HERBERT, Head of Studio – Corporate Project Development
MAIKE WREDE, Senior Project Manager – Corporate Project Development
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                  FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                       27

                   » SOMETIMES ONE
                   MUST WIPE AWAY THE
                   DUST TO DISCOVER
                   THE REAL PEARLS. «

06/2016                                                                         10/2016
MILESTONE                                                                       HITTING THE SPOT
Stop or go? The initial cooperative workshop between the Asset                  Mayor Thomas Geisel uses the EXPO REAL
­Management and Project Development departments and senior                      trade fair in Munich for the first public
 ­management clears the way. Now the hard work begins on convincing             ­introduction of the concept as a potential
  participants that this is indeed the right way, as the concept of a            ­residential project for the area of Düsseldorf
  ­residential development is outside the typical remit of the portfolio.         to the west of the River Rhine, and offers his
   The preparation work is equally painstaking. In addition to analytical         ­official support. This is immediately followed
   ­material, the team produces its own plastic model of the project.              by countless enquiries from investors, external
    A drone is used to provide aerial photographs of the site. In addition         project developers and construction compa-               EXPO REAL. GOOD TO KNOW.
    to the calculations, the potential for the location next to the Albertus-      nies. The project is on everyone’s lips.                 EXPO REAL takes place in Munich every year in
    see becomes obvious. An overall agreement is reached by the end                                                                         early October and is Europe’s largest trade fair
    of the workshop. The go-ahead is given for pre-development activity.                                                                    for real estate and property investors, with just
                                                                                                                                            under 21,000 visitors and over 2,000 exhibitors
                                                                                                                                            in 2018.

As part of the initiation of the process of amending the local develop-
ment plan with the City of Düsseldorf planning department, METRO
                                                                                                              » WE EXPECTED THERE
PROPERTIES becomes the official project sponsor of a residential                                              TO BE SOME INTEREST.
­development and agrees to meet the costs for all reports prepared                                     ­H OWEVER THE REACTION TO
 by ­independent experts. The process of transforming the property
                                                                                                        THE PRESENTATION AT EXPO
 into a residential development can now be actively commenced.
                                                                                                            REAL WAS S­ UBSTANTIAL
                                                                                                           AND ­BECAME A FURTHER
                                                                                                             ‘PROOF OF CONCEPT’. «
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                        FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                            29

12/2016                                                                                             05/2017                                           09/2017
MAKE OR BREAK                                                                                       PEOPLE@WORK                                       ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION
The hot phase comes to an end: the intensive analysis of locational factors is completed. The air   It has taken around six months to compile         The competition is in full swing. All competition
samples, water samples, test borings, noise reports and expert reports on wildlife conservation     the wide-ranging documents for the urban          entries are submitted to the process manager
are on the desk. And the results are encouraging and in compliance with the requirements of the     ­development design competition. Now it’s         anonymously. The submitted designs are re-
city council and environmental protection agencies.                                                  ready to go: The results of all expert reports   viewed formally and professionally and only
                                                                                                     and p ­ lanning guidelines are provided to a     made available to the awarding committee on
                                                                                                     ­selection of German and international           the day of the jury meeting.
                                                                                                      ­architectural ­practices.

                                     » TRUST IS, AND REMAINS, A PEOPLE
                                     BUSINESS. THIS DEFINES US! «

                                                                                                                          » THE ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION WAS A
04/2017                                                                                                                   REQUIREMENT LAID DOWN BY THE CITY OF
                                                                                                                          DÜSSELDORF. WE ACTIVELY SUPPORTED THIS
THE ART OF COMMUNICATION                                                                                                  PROCESS. «
Before the “Living Project at Albertussee” can be approved by the City of Düsseldorf’s Planning
and Building Control department, the majority of local councillors must be in support of the
project. Now comes the time to convince the voters of the advantages of the project. This in-
volves many personal meetings with the various factions. Dialogue is constructive and engaged,
and ends with a clear go-ahead from the local committee.
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                                               FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                             31

                       » AS EXPECTED, THE
                      ­A RCHITECTURAL COMPETI-
                       TION PROCESS INVOLVED
                                                                        12/2017                                          04/2018                                               05/2018
                                                                        PLEASE CORRECT!                                  DATA ROOM                                             BIDDER POOL
                       SIGNIFICANT RESOURCES.
                                                                        The winner’s entry is unable to be further       The decision has been made: the property at           As with many such decisions, the selection of
                       THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE                          ­developed as it stands. The jury decides that   Albertussee will be sold. There is a further          the investors to make up the bidder group is
                       DESIGNS SUBMITTED WAS                             a number of definitive amendments required      ­intensive work phase compiling the documen-          based on both the senior management and
                       EQUALLY HIGH: THE COM-                            by the City Council will need to be reworked     tation for the data room – a critical stage in       participating teams: which investors appear
                                                                         by blauraum Architekten GmbH.                    the preparation of the sale process. This            to have a connection with the region? Which
                       PETITION WAS INTENDED                                                                              ­includes existing data regarding the existing       are able to nurture the good relationship with
                       TO BE A SOURCE OF INSPI-                                                                            building – lease contracts, servicing contracts,    the City Council? The subject of social respon-
                       RATION AND THE DRIVING                                                                              expert reports, existing documentation,             sibility also plays a role. Here, the combined
                                                                                                                           ­construction documents, building permits, etc.     know-how of the Asset Management, Project
                       FORCE OF INNOVATION. «                                                                               – plus all information on the project develop-     Development and Transactions departments
                                                                                                                            ment. The resulting data room is then made         is critical.
                                                                                                                            available to selected investors which have in-
                                                                                                                            dicated their concrete interest through a letter
                                                                                                                            of intent. Staff from the Asset Management,
                                                                                                                            Project Development, Transactions and Legal
                                                                                                                            departments are made available to answer

                                                                                                                            investors’ ­questions. The process is managed
                                                                                                                            by the Transactions department.

                      ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION                                                                          » WE HAVE BEEN INTENSIVELY INVOLVED WITH THE
                      The 18-person jury includes participants from                                                      ­D EVELOPMENT FROM THE OUTSET. THE OPENING OF
                      the various factions and political groups and
                                                                                                                         THE DATA ROOM MARKS THE RELEASE OF INFORMATION
                      professionals from the city council and
                      METRO PROPERTIES. The rotating groups                                                              ABOUT THE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT AND BACKGROUND
                      review the drawings and models provided by                                                         DATA INTO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME.
                      the various architects. The analytical process                                                     AN ­A LMOST EMOTIONAL MOMENT FOR US. «
                      takes the entire day. This is followed by many
                      rounds of committee meetings until the winner
                      is decided upon: the design entered by
                      ­Hamburg-based blauraum Architekten GmbH.
                       All parties – both winners and losers – are
                       ­informed of the decision on the same evening.
SPECIAL FEATURE: LOCATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LOCATION        35

DÜSSELDORF                                                                      Population
                                                                                almost 640,000
                                                                                                                      Population growth since 2012
                                                                                                                                                                                                          10 km
The state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia is an important trade fair
destination, a centre for communications, advertising and fashion, the            #1      international                   #1       Asian hub                                                                       Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr region)
No. 1 consultancy location and one of Germany’s most dynamic eco-                         trade fair                               in Germany                                                                        [40 km]
nomic regions. Düsseldorf is the headquarters location of many stock                     ­destination
exchange-listed companies such as METRO, E.ON and Henkel. Located
at the centre of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, Düsseldorf enjoys                                                                                                                      44
optimal accessibility from all directions. There is no lack of transport        GfK purchasing                          GDP 2005 – 2015
connections via motorway, railway and the city’s international airport.         power index
                                                                                                                        + 22.5 %                                                                                                            44
There are a number of universities including HSD, Heinrich-­Heine-                                                                                                     Krefeld
Universität and the internationally renowned art academy comprising
                                                                                117.7                                                                                  [20 km]                         5 km
a broad spectrum of educational institutions. Düsseldorf is also known
super-regionally for its Königsallee retail boulevard, its old town and the
popular Rheinuferpromenade, as well as its many artistic and cultural                         6 th                                                                                                                                                    3
events.                                                                                       best place to live worldwide*
                                                                                                                      *Mercer Quality of Living survey 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                       ALBERTUSSEE          Ober-
TRANSACTIONS                                                                                 FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                               37

                                                                      » THE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD IS A FULLY LET
                                                                      BUILDING COMPLEX AND, AT THE SAME TIME,
                                                                      A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT WHICH
                                                                      CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO AN OPTIMAL
                                                                      REAL ESTATE FINANCE PRODUCT: NOT ONLY
                                                                      FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE SALE, BUT FOR
                                                                      THE FUTURE, AS WELL. «

                                                       01/2018                                            03/2018
                                                       LET’S GO                                           POINT OF INTEREST
                                                       The time is right: the concept “Living at          The two-stage bidding process begins.
                                                       ­Albertussee” has matured into a marketable        A total of 13 potential investors have been
                                                        product and will be offered on the market         ­selected in close internal agreement with the
                                                        in the short term. The objective is to achieve     Asset­Management and Project Development
                                                        an optimal selling price for the company and,      departments. The prerequisite for continued
                                                        at the same time, identify an investor who will    participation is a local track record of compa-
                                                        continue the project development in the sense      rable, completed development projects in the
                                                        of the concept and overall idea. This will         region. The indicative offer phase is expected
                                                        happen with the highest degree of openness         to be completed within four weeks. There are
                                                        and transparency. The project currently enjoys     numerous submissions – it appears that all
                                                        a high level of media attention.                   13 investors remain interested.

­THEORETICAL VALUES WITH THE                                                                              STATUS QUO.

                                                                                                          The building complex has been fully refurbished
                                                                                                          and is 100 % let. The investor will benefit from a
                                                                                                          minimum risk profile thanks to the stable cash
                                                                                                          flow and has the opportunity to a  ­ ccelerate and
JULIAN SOMMER, Senior Project Manager – Transactions                                                      optimise the project development concept in
                                                                                                          the period up to 2020.
TRANSACTIONS                                                                                                                                                          FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROJECT                                39

                                                                                        » WE HAVE NOT FALLEN VICTIM TO BUILDING
                                                                                        ­CASTLES IN THE AIR, RATHER WE HAVE KEPT OUR
                                                                                         FEET FIRMLY ON THE GROUND AT ALL TIMES. «

                                                                             05/2018                                                                      07/2018
                                                                             SCORING                                                                      FINALE
                                                                             The second phase of the bidding process starts with the prospective          The purchase contract is signed in mid-July. Thanks to the excellent
               » THE EFFORT INVOLVED IN DATA ROOM                            investors being granted access to the data room. An important issue          preparations and professionalism on both sides, the deal can be
               MANAGEMENT IS TYPICALLY EXTENSIVE.                            at this point is the correctness and completeness of the documents,          ­notarised without further negotiation. The transfer of ownership to
               IN O
                  ­ RDER TO INCREASE COMPETITIVE TEN-                        information, analyses and concepts contained in the data room. These          Pandion AG takes place in September 2018 upon satisfactory
                                                                             form the basis for the investors’ painstaking review – the due diligence      ­compliance with deadlines, including payment of the purchase price.
               SION, WE HAVE GRANTED FIVE BIDDERS                            process. The subsequent digital Q&A process during which the bidders           The final process is managed by the Asset Management and Project
               ACCESS TO THE DATA ROOM INSTEAD OF                            are invited to ask questions may require significant effort from the staff     ­Development departments
               THE ORIGINAL PLAN FOR THREE. «                                in the Asset Management and Project Development departments.
                                                                             This phase of the process is managed by the Transactions department.
                                                                             There are local property inspections and further discussions with all bid-
                                                                             ders which form the basis of the collective decision by the various teams.

                            04/2018                                          06/2018
                                                                                                                                                          » ON THE ONE HAND, THE CONCLUSION OF
                                                                                                                                                          THE TRANSACTION MARKS THE CLOSURE
                                                                                                                                                          OF A HIGHLY SUCCESS REPOSITIONING OF
                            DYNAMIC PROCESS                                  SIMPLY THE BEST
                                                                                                                                                          THE PROPERTY, AND ON THE OTHER, IT HAS
                            The indicative offers received are being care-   The winner of the bidding process is decided: after a review of all          RESULTED IN A HIGHLY PROMISING PRO-
                            fully analysed and evaluated. This involves      ­quantitative and qualitative criteria, it is decided that Pandion AG
                            further cooperation between staff from the        is the ideal partner. Whilst the active purchase contract negotiations
                                                                                                                                                          JECT DEVELOPMENT. «
                            Asset Management, Project Development and         begin, the Cologne-based property company will be granted an
                            Transactions departments. Based on personal       exclusivity period of four weeks, during which there are many telephone
                            discussions with all participants, it will be     conferences and personal meetings. The negotiations achieve a sale
                            decided which investors have submitted the        price of EUR 56 million. Legal advisors rework the commercial terms
                            most impressive entries within a period of two    and ­conditions into a legal contract.
                            weeks. These investors will then be invited to
                            participate in the next phase of the bidding
PANDION AG                                                                                                      NEW OWNER              41

Pandion AG is headquartered in Cologne and has been involved in the development,
realisation and sale of high-class residential projects since 2002.
The owner-operated real estate company develops properties in its home city as well
as in Berlin, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Mainz, Munich and Stuttgart. The company’s portfolio
includes residential high-rise buildings – a trend actively pursued by the Cologne-­
based real estate experts since 2008. In addition, Pandion is constantly expanding its
involvement in the commercial sector.
This real estate professional’s trend-setting residential projects are primarily related to
neighbourhood concepts and urban developments, and the company’s steady growth
is attributable to, among other things, its focus on central locations in Germanys’ top
tier cities. Pandion employs around 140 people in Cologne, Munich, Berlin and Stuttgart.

                       THE FINAL ­T RANSACTION. «

                                                                                              REINHOLD KNODEL, Owner and CEO of PANDION AG
SPECIAL FEATURE: PRESS                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PUBLICATIONS                          43

COMPETITION FOR THE SITE                                                METRO PROPERTIES TO
AT THE ALBERTUSSEE                                                      BUILD RESIDENTIAL
                                                                       ­C OMPLEX                                                                   DÜSSELDORF PRESENTING                                                  DÜSSELDORF:
» Anyone going for a stroll     ning department is
                                                                                                                                                   ART, CULTURE AND RESIDEN-                                              PANDION AG DEVELOPS
at the Albertussee lake will    currently reviewing plans              » Together with the City of          ium apartments, rental apartments
                                                                                                                                                   TIAL DEVELOPMENT                                                       COMPLEX AT THE ALBERTUSSEE
feel as if they’re on holiday   for an urban ­development              ­Düsseldorf, METRO PROPERTIES        and social housing. It is still pro-
along the Strandprome-          design competition, which               is developing a residential         posed to carry out an urban            AT MIPIM IN CANNES
nade (...). It is planned to    is expected to be intro-                complex in the district of Heerdt   development design competition                                                                                » Cologne-based Pandion           of Düsseldorf. METRO
construct 500 to 700            duced on 21st June (...). «             to comprise a mix of condomin-      during spring this year. «                                                                                    AG will develop a residen-        ­PROPERTIES sold the site
                                                                                                                                                   » ‘Düsseldorf is a dynamic English language pres-
apartments. The City Plan-                                                                                                                                                                                                tial complex on the site of        to the company for around
                                                                       RHEINISCHE POST (01/03/2018)                                                destination, not just for entation at MIPIM. «
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the former Horten                  EUR 56 million. «
WESTDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (21/04/2017)                                                                                                                  investors’ is the title of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ­headquarters in the west
                                                                                                                                                   NEUE DÜSSELDORFER ­O NLINE ZEITUNG (15/03/2018)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG (27/09/2018)

                                                                                                                                                   RESIDENTIAL CONCEPT AT                                    RESIDENTIAL PARADISE IN
                                                                                                                                                   THE ALBERTUSSEE                                           HEERDTER HOFGARTEN

                                                                                                                                                   » The winner’s design for     Cornelia Zuschke, Head of   » A new residential complex           park. It is proposed to con-
                                                                                                                                                   a new residential complex     Planning and Building       will be developed on the site         st r u c t s i x u n d e rg ro u n d
                                                                                                                                                   directly next to Albertus-    Control. “The jury has      of former offices (...). There is     garages with parking for 560
COMPETITION COMPLETE                                                                                                                               see on the site of the        made a good decision”,      even talk of a lakeside beach.        cars and a large number
HAMBURG-BASED ARCHITECT WILL DEVELOP THE                                       DÜSSELDORF PRESENCE AT                                              former Horten headquar-       she said. «                 There will be a footpath              (1,430) of bicycle stands.
SITE                                                                           THE MIPIM REAL ESTATE FAIR                                          ters was highly praised by                                around the lake (...). The area       There will be noise protection
                                                                               IN CANNES                                                           RP ONLINE (14/03/2018)                                    will be further upgraded with         to the north of the planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                             new footpaths, play areas and         zone on the northern side of
» Cornelia Zuschke, Head of         in keeping with this special                                                                                                                                             sports facilities, a playing field,   Albertussee. «
Planning (after the announce-       location and the superb way                » And the METRO Group’s residential project at                                                                                a football pitch and a skate
ment of the decision): “the         it will provide all future resi-           ­Albertussee heads into the next phase. «
                                                                                                                                                                                                             WESTDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (15/12/2018)
jury has reached an excellent       dents with access to the                   ANTENNE DÜSSELDORF, ONLINE (14/03/2018)
decision. This design was se-       water. «
lected for its planning concept
METRO PROPERTIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COMPANY                  45

DRIVING REAL ESTATE VALUE                                                                                                                             SENSIBLY INTEGRATED SERVICES:
                                                                                                                                                      OUR CORE COMPETENCES

METRO PROPERTIES is the real estate company of METRO AG – and               and the development and support of modern wholesale, retail and
thus part of a company focusing entirely on the customer. This is           mixed-use concepts.                                                                                                                               Our Asset and Portfolio Management department functions as the
ensured by the support we offer to our holding company, comprising
                                                                            Our core centres of competence, Asset Management, Project Development                                                                             owner of METRO’s international real estate portfolio. The assets are
all-round expertise in the area of real estate marketing. Our real estate   and Transactions, provide a proactive and value-enhancing property         ¤ ¤                                                                    profitably managed and further developed at every stage in the property
experts know and understand METRO’s business processes. We are              management service at both national and international level. Investors,                                                                           life cycle. The objective is the early identification and implementation
able to provide the group with optimal support and manage, operate                                                                                    The Transactions department structures and
                                                                            lessees and clients receive competent support worldwide.                  markets attractive investment products. It is                           of market and location-related development potential. This enables us
and further develop the company’s own property portfolio – for example,                                                                                                                                                       to guarantee systematic and sustainable value enhancement.
to bring it even closer to the customer.                                    In addition to the headquarters in Germany, the company also operates     able to draw on the expertise gained from a
                                                                            through offices in Poland and Turkey. In other countries, METRO           multitude of transactions. Our staff offer inves-
Our duties involve our combination of comprehensive wholesale and           ­PROPERTIES is represented by regional management and the METRO           tors optimal solutions for investment products
retail competence, highly developed real estate expertise and subse-         team.                                                                    from a wide range of transaction types.
quent implementation capability. We act as a partner for investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ASSET &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Project Development team designs creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and future-orientated real estate concepts for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  METRO which are fully aligned to the local market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  situation and the requirements of our clients. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                             PROJECT DEVELOPMENT                  experts offer innovative and sustainable concepts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  which are in high demand in the market.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DOING BUSINESS RESPONSIBLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    METRO AG is a leading international specialist in the food wholesale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sector. The company delivers tailored solutions to the local and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    international requirements of its wholesale and service sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    customers. There are good signs for the future: with its ­METRO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and MAKRO Cash & Carry sales channels, together with delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    services and digitalisation initiatives, METRO is clearly f­ ocused on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the wholesale business, digital solutions and reliable business models.
Am Albertussee 1
40549 Düsseldorf

                                 Design, text and creative production
Concept and editorial office     Prime Objects GmbH, Düsseldorf
PR & Internal Communications
                                 Photo credits
                                 METRO AG
M       Kai Weissenfeld, Düsseldorf
T +49 211 6886-4250              Page 11: City of Düsseldorf archive
                                 Pages 13, 30, 31 and 33: blauraum Architekten GmbH,
F +49 211 6886-2001              Hamburg          As at: June 2019
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