Page created by Ashley Sparks
ISSUE NO. 06 OF 2021 (JUNE)
                                 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS
                                     CAPE AREA ECHO
                                                 ISSUE NO. 06 OF 2021 (June)
                             Due to Covid-19, many of our Al-Anon groups are meeting electronically instead of face-to-face.
                                            ***LATEST NEWS: NEWCOMERS ZOOM MEETINGS***
                       NEW GROUPS – for newcomers, newer Al-Anon members or those struggling with active alcoholism
        (Welcome to Newcomers -
  Cape Town: Wednesdays 5pm                               Gauteng: Sundays 5pm                               KwaZulu Natal: Thursdays 7pm
  WhatsApp message: 082 895 6815               WhatsApp message: 082 316 3673/082 626 0262                 WhatsApp message: 083 411 6683
 For information regarding online meetings please contact one of the numbers below or refer to the 'List of Meetings' at
 CAPE AREA OFFICE: WhatsApp 082 212 1878/072 258 0986 / Telephone 021 595 4517 / Email:
 The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. Take what you liked and leave the rest.

                                                      intimate relationship with someone.                        What is the importance of
                                                      Without         communication         and              Communication – It brings people closer
                                                      compromise, my experience has been                     together and closer to each other.
                                                      that relationships tend to fall apart. It                  We need to constantly remind
                                                      takes willing participants, and we need                ourselves: What do my words
                                                      to know that it’s safe to express                      communicate? Do they express what I
                                                      ourselves and vice versa. I’ve also                    am trying to say? Today I will listen more
                                                      learned that open communication can’t                  closely to what my words have to say.
                                                      always be received by everyone, in                     By being aware of the words that I use,
                                                      which case, I have to accept that person               I am learning to communicate more
COMMUNICATION – VITAL TO                              and situation as it is.                                responsibly. There are much better
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS                                      With the help of the program and                  ways to express myself than to say,
     Communication is not something                   the safety net of welcoming people, I                  “You did such and such to me.” I can talk
that I was taught as a child. The message             was able to find my voice. One of the                  about myself and my feelings. I can
I received was to be seen and not heard,              scariest and most shameful feelings at                 explain the way I experienced
which caused me to shove my feelings                  first, but eventually it taught me how to              something rather than telling the other
down and not have a voice.                            be open and vulnerable and trust those                 person how he or she made me feel. I
     My concept of communication prior                around me.                                             can talk about what I want. I am no
to recovery, was to say what I thought                     Today I choose to be in relationships             longer a victim. – Courage to Change.
people wanted to hear and respond in a                that make it safe for me to be myself                      Good       communicators          listen
way I thought would be acceptable to                  and to communicate my needs in a                       carefully, speak, or write clearly and
them. I tiptoed around their feelings in              healthy way. By speaking up when                       respect different opinions.
fear of being rejected and abandoned.                 things do or don’t feel right for me, it               By Pearl N., Rondebosch & Public
This never allowed me to be who I really              has given me the biggest gift of all, and              Outreach Coordinator
was because I was too concerned with                  that is learning to trust myself.
figuring out their wants and needs                    By Debbie C., USA
instead of my own.
     When I came into the program, I saw
the people around me communicating
their feelings so openly and I couldn’t
understand how they were doing it.
                                                           It’s been four years since I joined the
Understanding my needs and feelings
                                                      fellowship in May 2017, and I am forever
was so foreign to me that I needed a
                                                      grateful because I have been able to                   AL-ANON     70TH     BIRTHDAY
feelings chart to start identifying what
                                                      communicate in a trusted circle of like                CELEBRATION ~ MY PERSONAL
they were. I had to walk through
                                                      minds who understand. The programme                    EXPERIENCE OF THE EVENT
feelings of fear and shame that
                                                      has helped me to find Serenity and to
emerged when expressing myself.                                                                                  Google tells me: “The number 70
                                                      accept it just one day at a time.
     Going to meetings eventually                                                                            signifies contemplation, spirituality, rest,
                                                           “We learn in time that it is not
started to teach me how to share openly                                                                      sensitivity, mysticism, *mastery and
                                                      subjects which are controversial, but
with others. Initially it felt scary and                                                                     sympathy. That the number 70 is a
                                                      the manner in which we communicate
intimidating, but over time it felt very                                                                     spiritual number. It indicates gaining
                                                      about them and the elements of
liberating. I looked forward to going to                                                                     knowledge from personal experience.”
                                                      personal blame we add to them in
meetings because there were things I                                                                             On Saturday, 22nd May, 153 people
                                                      anger.” – The Dilemma of the Alcoholic
wanted to share with the group. This                                                                         gathered,      because     of     Covid-19
                                                      Marriage (B-04).
was a huge deal for me and one of the                                                                        restrictions through the Zoom internet
                                                           The definition of Communication –
many gifts of the program.                                                                                   platform, to celebrate Al-Anon’s 70th
                                                      The act of giving, receiving, and sharing
     I learned that communication is a                                                                       birthday in South Africa. From the start
vital part of having a healthy and                                                                           when we were saying the Serenity

                                      Help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics.
ISSUE NO. 06 of 2021 (June)

                                              CAPE AREA ECHO
Prayer, I felt a spirituality – I came to a    son had a big problem with alcohol and          just the ones I prefer to experience. I
contemplative rest in the calmness and         drugs, I was no longer able to feel okay,       can sit with my fear and sadness, and
in the company of Al-Anon, AAC and AA          because he wasn’t okay. I had it                experience it for what it is, and
friends.                                       backwards.                                      recognise how my thoughts contribute
     As always, I could recognise myself           In Al-Anon, I am learning how to be         to my suffering. I am able to slow down
in so many of the honest, powerful, and        okay without first checking in with my          enough to be able to make a choice
sincere shares, and in so many of the          loved ones to see if they are okay. If they     about my behaviour most of the time,
shares I could also recognise my               aren’t, maybe I can say or do something         rather than rushing to act to get rid of
shortcomings and my triumphs over              helpful; maybe not. I will still be okay.       an uncomfortable feeling.
myself over the last six years in the          The action I take is much more likely to            I had been in Al-Anon only a few
Fellowship. It filled me with joy that Al-     be effective if I am acting or speaking         months when my son relapsed after six
Anon members, Alateen members and              from a place of serenity. And with              months of sobriety and one semester of
AA members can find healing in their           serenity I can begin to let go of the           college. I was able to say to him “I love
respective programmes and find a               outcome, knowing I have done all I can          you; I am concerned about you, I don’t
lifestyle of joy and happiness,                and that I am powerless over the rest.          judge you, and I am here for you when
forgiveness and forgiving. In more than            I keep coming back to meetings to           you need help.”
one share I heard the phrase that “God         be surrounded by others who remind                  Two weeks later, I received a
works through people” and how often            me that I am okay – no matter what              message from him asking for help, and
have I had the same experience, not            happens to my loved ones or what                he went to rehab willingly shortly after
always people you know, not even               mistakes I make. I also know that,              that. In fact, it was his idea to go to
people close to you but often in a             although my son has been sober for              rehab. I still had not quite wrapped my
strange confluence of events.                  over two years, there is no such thing as       head around the idea that my kid could
     I loved hearing the history of Al-        being out of the water with addiction,          need to go to rehab. I give him all the
Anon in South Africa – how I wish I could      and I can’t return to relying on his well-      credit for his sobriety, but I played a
have met Lois W when she visited South         being to determine my own well-being.           role, having put my focus on having a
Africa in 1972. I get so inspired by my        Hearing others’ stories in meetings             positive relationship with my son and
new acquired book Lois Remembers               helps me remember the severity of the           being someone he felt he could trust
(B- 07) when reading about this                disease of addiction. My job is not to          when he needed help. I am grateful to
amazing woman who never gave up. For           keep checking on my loved ones to               Al-Anon for giving me the strength to
the first time I heard the Serenity Prayer     make sure that they are okay, but to            step back and let him have his own
in Xhosa and Zulu and how wonderful            focus on my own spirituality. I can enjoy       experience and make his own decisions.
was that to bow our heads in unison            my son’s presence as a sober member of          By Anonymous, The Forum, October
with our fellow countrymen.                    our family, but I cannot count on it.           2014
     I think the word *mastery would               Everything is manageable “One Day           Reprinted with permission of The Forum,
best describe the work of the                  at a Time.” I don’t have to decide now          Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.,
Committee who was responsible for              what to do if my son relapses, or how I         Virginia Beach, VA.
organising and putting together the            might react if he goes to jail or dies.                                 TAKE THE STEP
programme.                                     Living in the moment simplifies my life.                                AND TAKE UP A
     I would like to close with the the Al-    The only things I am responsible for are                                SERVICE
Anon Declaration which bonds us                paying attention to my thoughts and                                     POSITION AS
together in a loving and helping               feelings right at this very moment and                                  PART OF YOUR
fellowship:                                    making the best choices I can today.                                    RECOVERY.
     “Let It Begin with Me – When anyone,          Before I came to Al-Anon, I was                 This year is speeding along, and we
anywhere, reaches out for help, let the        afraid that my feelings might kill me, and      are already nearly at the midpoint of the
hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be          that I might not survive the worst-case         second year of the pandemic. On the 21st
there, and – Let It Begin with Me”.            scenario of my son’s addiction – death.         of August we will be holding our Annual
By Vida S., Bellville                          Now, I know that it is likely that I would      General Meeting as well as our Annual
                                               have strong feelings, but I know I will         Elections.
                                               survive it. I can feel all my feelings, and I       At the moment while we are still
                                               am no longer alone. I can live with             mostly meeting online, so we cannot
                                               reality, which includes the knowledge           even put out the chairs or clean up the
                                               that addiction is a disease that includes       teacups. Please consider service at the
                                               a strong possibility of relapse, and that       next level, i.e., serving in more
                                               relapse can lead to institutionalisation        administrative     and     organizational
I’M LEARNING HOW TO BE OKAY,                   or death. I am not exempt from any of           positions that will provide the
EVEN WHEN MY LOVED ONES                        the worst things that can happen to a           opportunity for growth and learning.
                                               person, I don’t have to live in constant        These positions are all about ensuring
                                               fear.                                           the survival of this organization, as well
    Before I came to Al-Anon, when I
                                                   The Eleventh Step has been very             as finding creative ways for it to
was figuring out if I was okay, I had a
                                               important to me from the very                   continue to flourish under exceptional
mental checklist: is my daughter okay, is
                                               beginning. Through my meditation                and ever-changing circumstances. We
my son okay, and is my husband okay? If
                                               practice, I am becoming comfortable             need you to give of your time and heart
I could no longer deny that my teenage
                                               with all my thoughts and feelings, not          and mind. “The Al-Anon program was
                                                                 Page 2
ISSUE NO. 06 of 2021 (June)

                                               CAPE AREA ECHO
there for me when I needed it, I will do by the end of July
what I can to ensure that it continues to       at the latest. Please contact me if you
thrive. I know that any service I offer will    have any questions regarding these
strengthen my own recovery”, p.276,             positions.
Courage to Change. This organization            By Natalie B., Policy & Planning                                      OF AL-ANON
needs members to come forward and               Coordinator, Area Service Board
                                                                                                        forgive.
do voluntary service in these positions         Member and Acting Alateen Coordinator
                                                                                                        be honest with yourself.
in order to ensure the survival and
                                                                                                        be humble.
health of the organization going
                                                                                                        take it easy – Tension is harmful.
forward. The groups are directly
                                                                                                        play – Find recreation and hobbies.
affected by the health and strength of          IT DOESN’T MAKE IT SO                                   keep on trying whenever you fail.
the organisation, since events and
                                                    Before Alateen, I could never                       learn all the facts about alcoholism.
support have to be a co-ordinated effort
                                                forgive the people who hurt me. I                       attend Al-Anon meetings often.
and cannot be managed by the groups
                                                could hold grudges like I could hold a                  pray.
or their own.
                                                feather – easily. Resentment is a bad                  DON’T…
                                                habit I couldn’t seem to break. If you                  be self-righteous.
                                                hurt me, I was going to hurt you back                   try to dominate, nag, scold or
                                                – ten times worse. No one knew that                        complain.
                                                one the inside I was hurting. I played                  loose your temper.
                                                it off like everything was okay. If you                 try to push anyone but yourself.
    Please discuss in your groups the           even said the slightest thing wrong or                  keep bring up the past.
nomination of members for the                   even looked at me wrong, I was                          keep checking up on your alcoholic.
following positions:                                                                                    wallow in self-pity.
                                                coming for you.
    Policy and Planning Coordinator                                                                     make threats you don’t intend to
                                                    But when I started working my
and Member Services Coordinator. The                                                                       carry out.
                                                program in Alateen, I learned that it’s
latter position is currently vacant. We                                                                 be over-protective.
                                                okay to forgive someone if they hurt
also have several Alternate positions                                                                   be a doormat.
                                                me. I have learned to forgive my dad for
that are vacant: Alternate Finance and                                                                 Source: Al-Anon Family Groups
                                                his drinking. I always used to beat
Alternate Fundraising. At present we
                                                myself up about the stupid stuff I did to
have Glenda assisting Andrea with the
                                                myself, but I have forgiven myself for
roles and responsibilities of Acting
                                                the pain I caused to myself and the harm
Chairperson, but we are still looking for
                                                to my body. I feel so much better
a willing member to take up the position
                                                knowing that it’s okay to forgive. I’ve                JUNE – DOCTORS, HOSPITALS &
of Chairperson.
                                                learned that if people hurt me, they hurt              REHABILITATION CENTRES
    I am currently acting Alateen
                                                me. They only affect my mood if I let                  “Never doubt that a small group of
Coordinator, so we need someone to
                                                them. Before, their opinions would                     thoughtful, committed citizens can
step into that position as well. It
                                                convince me that’s how I was. But                      change the world; indeed, its only thing
essentially forms part of the Member
                                                today, I know that it’s their opinion, and             that ever does.” Margaret Mead
Services Portfolio, which is why I am still
                                                it doesn’t make it true.                               *June is National Drug & Alcohol
managing that as there is no Member
                                                By Paige M., The Forum, June 2018                      awareness month.
Services Coordinator. Fortunately, we           Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon
do have three more functioning                  Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.   *The target this month is all health-
AMIAS’s, but we need more, as our                                                                      related facilities, doctors’ rooms,
Alateen Safety Regulations require the                                                                 pharmacies,         hospitals,    rehabs,
presence of three AMIAS at a meeting,                                                                  psychiatric hospitals, clinics, company
in case one loses internet connection,                                                                 clinics, private hospitals, depression
thereby ensuring that we have the                                                                      clinics and physiotherapy units.
required two AMIAS’.                                                                                   *Also approach retirement homes, frail
    The following positions are needing                                                                care units, Nursing and Medical Training
to be filled:                                                                                          Colleges.
    *Policy and Planning Coordinator                                                                   *Make full use of this opportunity to
    *Member Services Coordinator                                                                       have information tables at community
    *Alternate Finance                                                                                 events, rehab centres and health open
    *Alternate Fundraising                                                                             days, e.g., Clicks, Universities.
    *Area Chairperson                                                                                  *Be willing to join in organised
    *Alateen Co-ordinator                                                                              community health days at private
    *Delegate and Alt Delegates                                                                        clinics, hospitals, rehabs.
    Please fill out nomination forms for                                                               *Challenge members to visit their
these positions and have them signed.                                                                  doctor’s office, pharmacy, private
These forms are available from our                                                                     clinics, hospitals, rehabs, and drop off
office. Forward your nomination forms                                                                  free literature, posters, magazines, and
to our office administrator at                                                                         the letter to professionals.

                                                                     Page 3
ISSUE NO. 06 of 2021 (June)

                                            CAPE AREA ECHO
*Provide Psychiatric Hospitals, Anxiety      Al-Anon contact details:                    lockdown? As Covid keeps its hold on us,
and Depression Clinics with ‘Al-Anon is       Helpline no.: 0861 425 2666                we have a wonderful opportunity to
for Adult Children’ free pamphlet.            GSO email:           keep safe and stay busy at home.
*Drop off Al-Anon business cards,             Area email:               Fundraising is kicking-off with a
bookmarks, posters, old Unitas/ Forum         Website:                 delicious breakfast on 12 June at
copies, meeting venue list, at Rehab          Members’ website:                          Avontuur, a beautiful estate outside
Clinics and Provincial Hospitals.                    Stellenbosch. Don’t miss out on this
*Contact Teachers Training, Nursing,                                                     opportunity for some wonderful food
FET Colleges and arrange a visit to share                                                and fellowship.
with new student intakes.                                                                    Gratitude in Action is Service. Let
*Call industrial nurse or Employee                                                       me      introduce    the     Convention
                                             CAPE    AREA     FACE-TO-FACE
Assistance Officer in a least one large                                                  Committee so far,
                                             MEETINGS & E-MEETINGS
company in your Area and offer                                                              Chair            Madelein
                                                 A few groups are meeting face-to-
volunteer to share with staff. Offer to                                                     Alt Chair        Janice
                                             face or having hybrid meetings.
drop off free literature, posters,                                                          Finance          Fatima
                                             Members are urged to take all
meeting details.                                                                            Secretary        Glenda
                                             precautions and observe all protocols
*Offer literature and put-up posters in                                                     Literature       Crystal
                                             when resuming meetings. The COVID-19
the canteen, reception, and registration                                                 Members are needed to stand on the
                                             dossier     has     the      required
area.                                                                                    following committees:
*All literature is readily available from                                                      Facilities & Décor
                                                 Zoom meetings continue, and
the Area or GSO office.                                                                        Souvenirs & Craft
                                             details   can     be     found      at
*Area Public Outreach Coordinator to                                                           Programme Coordinator
send a monthly report to the National                                                          Fundraising
Public Outreach Coordinator.                                                                   Public Outreach
                                                                                               Alateen AMIAS
                                                                                             No-one does this alone. Working as,
“If you don’t like the way the world is,     *Service Committee Sat 19 June 2021         and with a team, is always the aim. So
you change it. You have an obligation to                                                 please volunteer to be on any one of the
                                             *Area Assembly Sat 17 July 2021
change it. You just do it one step at a                                                  above committees. Gratitude and
                                             *Area Annual General Meeting/
time.” Marion Edelman                                                                    service are fundamental parts of our
ILD     Information letter to doctors.       Elections Sat 21 August 2021
                                                                                         programme and our recovery.
OLD Open letter to a doctor.                                                             By Glenda W., Constantia, Secretary
J-1E    Tell me about Al-Anon.                                                           Convention 2022
OD-2 Have you tried Al-Anon, Doctor?
OPDS Open letter to program director
or staff.
P-3     Alcoholism, a merry go round
named denial.
P-4     Alcoholism, the family disease.
P-14 So you love an alcoholic.
P-19 What do you do about the
alcoholic’s drinking?
P-33 Why anonymity in Al-Anon?
P-36 Al-Anon Fact File.
P-41 Facts about Alateen.
P-48 Understanding ourselves and
P-89 Doubting your sanity.
S-17    Al-Anon is for you! 20 Questions.
S-19 Detachment.                                                                            Book your place now, only 80 seats!!
S-20 Alateen is for you! 20 Questions.                                                   Follow these 3 simple steps below:
                                                      CONVENTION 2022
S-25 Did you grow up with a problem                                                      Step 1 Contact Glenda W to book.
drinker?                                                                                 WhatsApp or SMS 0723756122.
S-37 Fact Sheet for Professionals.                                                       State your name, group, how many
S-69 Al-Anon welcome adult children            Al-
                                                  Anon~70 Years of Hope                  tickets, and the breakfast option of your
of alcoholics (free).                                  317 DAYS TO GO!                   choice.
S-70 Al-Anon Family Groups welcome                It seems a huge amount, doesn’t it?    Step 2 Deposit     money      into    the
gays and lesbians.                           But the time will fly by, and Easter 2022   following bank account, clearly
WSO Al-Anon faces alcoholism PO              will be here before we know it.             reference your payment (see below):
magazine.                                         One thing we can all do now is to          Banking Details:
Hope Professional referral notepads.         start making some crafty items for the          Account Name: C M O’Brien
AV-31 Show DVD.                              stall. Come now! How many of us made            Bank: Capitec
Own AFG ‘tear off’ venue strips.             all sorts of wonderful things during hard       Account No.: 1229932427

                                                             Page 4
ISSUE NO. 06 of 2021 (June)

                                              CAPE AREA ECHO
    Branch Code: 470011                        you once payment reflects in the              WHERE DO I BUY CAL?
    Reference: BF, Name, Group                 account.                                          Order your literature by visiting the
Step 3 As soon as confirmation of              Step 5 The draw will be held at the           office, email or
payment is received your booking will          Avontuur Breakfast. Remember - If you         telephonically 021 595 4517. Payment
be confirmed and the ticket/s will be          haven’t got a ticket, you can’t win one       options are direct deposit, EFT,
forwarded to you via WhatsApp.                 of these fabulous prizes.                     Snapscan or cash. Pricelists are available
             Breakfast Options:                     Participation is Key. We need all our    on request.
Option 1 – The A.V: Free-range Eggs,           members to participate for our
bacon and beef sausages with Cajun             Convention to be a success. Many hands        THE SEVENTH TRADITION & SELF-
fries, grilled tomato, basil pesto and         will make light work.                         SUPPORT ~ Every group ought to be
mushrooms. Toast (select from                                                                fully   self-supporting, declining
white//home baked seed)                                                                      outside contributions.
Option 2 – The Healthy Greek: Yoghurt                                                            Please continue paying your group
with muesli, fruit salad, a date muffin                                                      contributions electronically by direct
                                                   The topic/theme for the next issue is
and cheddar cheese (V).                                                                      deposit, EFT or SnapScan.
                                               Boundaries. Please share how you
Option 3 – The Salmon: Griddle cake and                                                          Banking details:
                                               communicated before recovery, how
local Salmon Trout with marinated                                                            Bank: ABSA
                                               this has changed, and what tools have
onion rings, capers, cream cheese and                                                        Account Name: Al-Anon Family Group
                                               been     useful   to    aid   healthier
caviar.                                                                                      Cape Area
                                               communication. Send your shares to
                                                                                             Account No: 407 321 5579
                                      or WhatsApp to
                                                                                             Branch No: 632005
                                                                                             Type: Cheque
                                                                                             Ref: GC, Group Name, Member’s Name

    Plans for the National Convention
2022 are underway. A breakfast at
Avontuur Estate in Somerset West has
been arranged to start the fundraising
campaign. There will be a Lucky Draw at
the event with fabulous prizes to be
won – Men’s Hi-Tec Fleece Jumper &
Sleeve of Golf Balls; Sorbet Voucher
(Mani & Pedi), Breakfast for 2 @                  A new segment – “CAL of the
Avontuur. The cost of a ticket is ‘R10. All    Month” is coming soon. To this end, our
proceeds will go towards the                   members’ input is needed. Share how
Convention 2022.                               CAL has helped in your recovery? Send
    Follow these easy steps to get your        your shares to or
tickets:                                       WhatsApp to 0823422102.
Step 1 Select your numbers. One
number costs R10.

Step 2 Pay for the tickets. Cape Area
bank account. Details below
    Bank: ABSA
    Account Name: Al-Anon Family
Group Cape Area
    Account No: 407 321 5579                       “Growing up in an alcoholic family, I
    Branch No: 632005                          was a very angry person. I had no
    Type: Cheque                               friends, no self-esteem, and no ability to
    Ref: LD, Name & Group                      trust anyone. I had no idea how to love
Step 3 Make sure the reference details         myself. I didn’t know how to take
are very clearly stated.                       responsibility for my thoughts, words,
Step 4 Once the payment has been               or actions. I didn’t know the difference
made, send a message to Fatima on              between honesty and dishonesty. I was
WhatsApp to 082 342 2102 or email              just like my alcoholic dad. [In Alateen,] I with proof of                 learned that the only difference
payment and selected Lucky Draw                between us was that I do not have a
numbers. These will then be allocated to       compulsion to drink.” From Discovering
                                               Choices (B-30) p.12
                                                                Page 5
You can also read