AGM REPORTING - 2021 The Australian Photographic Society

Page created by Randall Mclaughlin
AGM REPORTING - 2021 The Australian Photographic Society
                                                        PO BOX 79 ERMINGTON NSW 1700
                                                                  Telephone: [02] 9890 9795
                                                                       ABN: 22 688 698 261

The Australian Photographic Society

      Table of Contents

      01   AGM Notice & Agenda                                       2

      02   Minutes to the 58th AGM                                   3

      03   Annual Management Report                                  6

      04   Financial Report                                         24

      05   Auditors Report                                          29

                                                                                Page 1
AGM REPORTING - 2021 The Australian Photographic Society
                                                                                           PO BOX 79, ERMINGTON NSW 1700
                                                                                                      Telephone: [02] 9890 9795
                                                                                                           ABN: 22 688 698 261

The 59th Annual General Meeting will be held at Sunday 12th September 2021 - 2.00pm AEST via Zoom.
APS members are required to register.         REGISTER in advance if you wish to attend the AGM via zoom.

1.   Apologies
     Apologies received in advance will be read and further apologies will be taken from the floor.

2.   General Business Motions
     a. That the Minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting, held on 13th September 2020, be taken as read
        and signed as a correct record.
     b. That the 59th Annual Report of the Management Committee be taken as read and received.
     c. That the 59th Annual Report of the Management Committee be adopted.
     d. That the audited Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet of the Society, for the year ended 30 June 2021 be
        taken as read and received.
     e. That the audited Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet of the Society for the year ended 30 June 2021 be
     f. That Andrew Swinfield, who was nominated by Greg McMillan and Seconded by Margaret O’Grady, be
        accepted onto Management Committee as a General Member.

3.   Notice of Motions
     None were received.

4.   Special Resolution

     To add the following sub clauses to the Rules of Association

     11.b The Mullins Conceptual Photography Prize will be maintained under the auspices of the Society
     whilst there are funds in the Mullins Bequest Reserve, taking into account the Bequest, cash sponsorship
     injections, plus/minus profits/losses made.

     11.b1 The society shall maintain a sub-committee with the sole purpose of management of the Mullins
     Conceptual Photography Prize whilst there are funds in the Mullins Bequest Reserve taking into account
     the Bequest, cash sponsorship injections, plus/minus profits/losses made.

     11.b2 Chair of this group will manage the subcommittee so assigned and will report to the Management
     Committee. They have the same authority as Group Chairpersons in forming a subcommittee which will
     consult and advise the Management Committee on matters pertaining to its activities.

5.   General Business

Members present may discuss any matters they wish and may move, second and vote on recommendations to
the Management Committee. Such recommendations, in writing, must have been handed to the Secretary
prior to the meeting. Any recommendations made by the meeting are not binding but will be considered by
the Management Committee.

By order of the Management Committee
Stella Fava | Secretary
                                                                                                       PO BOX 79 ERMINGTON NSW 1700
                                                                                                                 Telephone: [02] 9890 9795
                                                                                                                      ABN: 22 688 698 261

Minutes to the AGM 58th Annual General Meeting
Place: Online via Zoom.
Date: 13th September 2020 1:30pm EST
Chairman/President: Peter Kewley
Secretary: Stella Fava
Meeting opened: 1.30pm Closed: Closed at 2.10pm

Members Present:
Paul Bennie, John Carden, Bronwen Casey, Simon Cox, Tina Dial, Margaret Edwards,
Greg Grant, Tony Harding, David Harries, Yvonne Hill, Ron Jackson, Pia Jessen, Martin
Leitch, Sharron Leppien, Joseph Maher, Greg McMillan, Mario Mirabile, Maree Morris,
Dale Murphy, Anne O'Connor, Margaret O’Grady, Brian Rope, Roger Severn, Kevin
Sinclair, John Staib, Jeffrey Venning, Graeme Watson, Alfred Zommers, Margaret

Apologies: Kay Mack, Fred Sacroug.
Proxy Votes Received: Fred Sacroug, Margaret Zommers.

1.    Apologies
      Apologies received in advance read and further apologies taken from the floor.

2.    General Business Motions

a.    That the Minutes of the 57 th Annual General Meeting be taken as read and signed as a
      correct record.
      Moved by: Simon Cox
      Seconded by: David Harries

b.    That the 58 th Annual report of the Management Committee be taken as read and received.
      Moved by: Alfred Zommers
      Seconded by: Graeme Watson

c.    That the 58 th Annual Report of the Management Committee be adopted.
      Moved by: Brian Rope
      Seconded by: Bronwen Casey

d.    That the audited accounts and balance sheet of the Society for the year ended 30 th June,
      2020 be taken as read and received.
      Moved by: Ron Jackson
      Seconded by: Maree Morris

Australian Photographic Society – Minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting 2020                                           Page 3
e.    That the audited accounts and balance sheet of the Society for the year ended 30 th June,
      2020 be adopted.
      Moved by: Alfred Zommers
      Seconded by: John Staib

f.    That the auditors, Janice Pavey FIPA, Adv Dip FS (FP), JP, Reg Tax Agent from Sydney
      Taxations Services (NSW) Pty Ltd, having offered her services for the following financial year,
      be appointed for the year 2019-2020 at a fee agreed by the Management Committee.
      Moved by: John Staib
      Seconded by: Jeffrey Venning

g.    That four scrutineers approved by Management Committee, be appointed to count proxy votes
      at the next Annual General Meeting or at any intervening general meetings.
      Moved by: Alfred Zommers
      Seconded by: Mario Mirabile

h.    That four scrutineers approved by Management Committee, be appointed to count proxy votes
      at the next election of officers.
      Moved by: John Staib
      Seconded by: Alfred Zommers

i.    That the 2021 Annual General Meeting be held at a date and place to be fixed by
      Management Committee.
      Moved by: Graeme Watson
      Seconded by: Simon Cox

j.    Nomination for the position of Chair of the Audio-Visual Group. Nominee – John Hodgson.
      Moved by: John Staib
      Seconded by: Alfred Zommers

3.    Notice of Motions

a.    Motion to Confer Honorary Life Membership on Paul Bennie, FAPS CAPS/b SAPS HonFAPS:
      Moved by: Graeme Watson
      Seconded by: Ron Jackson

4.    Special Resolution

a.    Motion to Approve the New Rules of Association
      Moved by: Greg McMillan
      Seconded by: Alfred Zommers

Australian Photographic Society – Minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting 2020             Page 4
5.    Elected Management Committee 2020-2022

      President                                      Margaret O’Grady
      Snr Vice President                             Greg McMillan
      Jnr Vice President                             Yvonne Hill
      Immediate Past President                       Peter Kewley
      Secretary                                      Stella Fava
      Treasurer                                      Joseph Maher
      General Member                                 Pia Jessen
      General Member                                 Jeffrey Venning

6.    General Business

      No submissions were received by The Secretary prior to the meeting.

By order of the Management Committee
Stella Fava | Secretary

Australian Photographic Society – Minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting 2020   Page 5
                                                                           PO BOX 79 ERMINGTON NSW 1700
                                                                                     Telephone: [02] 9890 9795
                                                                                          ABN: 22 688 698 261


This report seeks to outline the activities of the Australian Photographic Society during
twelve months to 30 June 2021.

APS MC Meeting Register

 Date            Meeting            Attendees                                          Apologies

                                    Margaret O’Grady, Peter Kewley, Greg
 02.10.2020      MC Meeting         McMillan, Yvonne Hill, Jeffrey Venning, Pia
                                    Jessen, Joseph Maher

                                    Margaret O’Grady, Peter Kewley, Greg
                 Quarterly MC
 19.11.2020                         McMillan, Yvonne Hill, Jeffrey Venning,            Pia Jessen
                                    Joseph Maher, Stella Fava

                                    Margaret O’Grady, Peter Kewley, Greg
                 Quarterly MC                                                          Pia Jessen
 18.02.2021                         McMillan, Jeffrey Venning, Joseph Maher,
                 Meeting                                                               Yvonne Hill
                                    Stella Fava

                                    Margaret O’Grady, Peter Kewley, Greg
                 Quarterly MC
 20.05.2021                         McMillan, Yvonne Hill, Jeffrey Venning, Pia
                                    Jessen, Joseph Maher, Stella Fava

                 Quarterly MC       Margaret O’Grady, Peter Kewley, Yvonne Hill,       Pia Jessen
                 Meeting            Jeffrey Venning, Joseph Maher, Stella Fava         Greg McMillan

Presidents Report

By: Margaret O’Grady EFIAP/s SAPS PSQA – President

This has been a year of immense change within APS and I’d like to thank members for their willingness
to embrace the changes and participate in the new and restructured activities. Some of these changes
have been accelerated by the effects of the pandemic but all are to the benefit of APS and its members.
The transition to virtual events has had a tremendous positive impact on the organisation and this was
clearly seen with the successful running of the two APSLive events. Many Zoom meetings and chat
sessions have been run over the year and there is now an official booking system set up on the website

                                                                                                   Page 6
for all members to use if they need to set up a session. I would especially like to thank Senior Vice
President Greg McMillan for his sharing of knowledge and consistent vigilance as we have all learned
to work within the virtual environment.
Heartfelt thanks go to Stella and Rene who have worked tirelessly to implement the changes and shown
great patience and dedication throughout the year. I would also like to thank Management Committee
and other committee members who have all worked consistently and with diligence and agility at times
to steer APS successfully through a busy year.

The organization has now settled into to operation under the new Rules of Association which were
approved at the 2020 AGM and Management Committee has held Quarterly meetings as required.
These have proven to be very useful as a number of matters have been resolved through discussion
and voting at these meetings. The group chairs have also been able to submit reports and request
various matters be discussed and this has worked well to aid communication and collaboration across
the organisation.

The new look e-News has been invaluable in keeping all members informed of changes and new events
over the year. It has also held many wonderful stories and much photographic information and I
congratulate the editor David Norris on a wonderful publication.

After the abandonment of face-to-face events due to the pandemic Management Committee has begun
to reintroduce them in a smaller much less formal way and Immediate Past President Peter Kewley
has organised a cost neutral Meet up to coincide with the Ballarat International Foto event.

A survey of members was run in June to help with future planning of larger events. The survey showed
a clear preference for the reintroduction of face-to-face events about three days in length in a regional
city and these facts will be taken into account as future planning is undertaken.

In July the Mullins Conceptual Photography Prize was exhibited in the Muswellbrook Arts Centre which
was the first time that this event was held in a regional gallery. This proved to be successful though
the actual opening was severely restricted by the pandemic. Congratulations go to Ian Skinner who
won the competition, Ian Terry who won a $500 voucher from Emergent Designs and Anne Pappadarlo
who took the $250 MomentoPro voucher.
This year CameraHouse has come on board as a sponsor and members can take advantage of
discounts on the ProMaster range of products. MomentoPro have increased their sponsorship this year
to support the Australian Cup. Other sponsors Print-to-Metal, Professional Photographers Insurance
Broker and Photo Review have continued to support APS across the year.

APS is in a strong position and the future looks positive as the constantly changing environment creates
new opportunities. We must embrace and enjoy these changes to increase our presence in the
photographic world both nationally and internationally.

Treasurers Report

By: Joseph Maher CPA – Honorary Treasurer

I am pleased to present the Annual Financial Report for 2021 and in doing so wish to draw your
attention to several matter which may assist in your understanding of it.

Magazine – Net Income
The amount this year is significantly higher than last due to the calculation of the income in advance
for the Australian Photography magazine being done at an increased cost rate which was charged in
June 2020 with almost no notice. They subsequently restored the rate to that previous for some
months. A recalculation based on what we now know would mean the net income for 2020 would have
been $2,589 and for 2021 $2,904
Accounts Receivable $7,500

                                                                                               Page 7
This amount related to the “Mullins” sponsorship and was paid in July.

Income in Advance - Membership $36,666
This represents that part of members’ subscriptions that relates to post 30 June 2021.

Events after 30 June
There are events which occur after 30 June and for which income has been received and costs incurred
prior to 30 June. These amounts are in the Balance sheet against Income in Advance and Prepaid
Expenses. The events are APS Live, Australian Cup and Ballarat Meetup and will be fully reported in
the 2022 report.

Trade Creditors & Accruals $9,449
This represents the magazine subscription liability for future issues of the magazines, mainly Australian
Photography and accrual of some minor expenses.

Mullins Bequest Reserve $109,822
During the year the follow transactions were processed through this account: -
For 2020 Prize - Prize money $10,000 and expenses $4,089.
For 2021 Prize - Entry Fees received $4,775, Sponsorship $9,091 and expenses $391. The Prize money
of $10,000 was paid in July.
Interest received $1,408.

I would like the thank Margaret O’Grady, Stella Fava, Rene Lolesio and members of the Management
Committee for their assistance throughout the year.

Complaints Report

By: Greg McMillan AAPS – Snr Vice President

There have been no complaints recorded this year.

Events Co-ordinator Report

By: Margaret O’Grady EFIAP/s GMAPS SAPS PSQA – President

The Events Coordinator Committee was formed in 2020 and the members are Greg McMillan, Pia,
Jessen, Maree Morris, Joseph Maher, Yvonne Hill and Margaret O’Grady (Chair) with the intent of
organising events and activities for members which were cost neutral or slightly in profit for the society.

This committee has successfully organized and run two APSLive events, set up the APS Photo Walk
Day for Australian Clubs to be run 25 September 2021, run a survey of all APS members to gain a
picture of what events members expect in the future, set up a Meet up event to run in conjunction with
the Ballarat International Foto Biennial 1-3 September 2021. All of these events except the Meet up
event attracted sponsorship from MomentoPro. The Meet up event attracted support from the
organisers of the Ballarat International Foto Biennial.

                                                                                                 Page 8
APSLive2020 (25 October 2020)
A success with 213 registrations and an income of $5068. There were approximately 20 emails from
attendees with congratulatory messages and a couple of suggestions for improvements. There were
two people who couldn’t gain entry to the event on the day, and both have been refunded.

A review document was sent to all committee members just before the day so that it could filled out
while things were fresh in people’s minds. This worked well and a meeting has been held to discuss
the results. A number of things will be changed and improved as a result of this process. There was a
strong feeling from the attendees and the team that the event was too long on the day.

A positive and unexpected result was that there was networking between presenters,

       §   Kris Anderson was invited by Peter Eastway to feature in upcoming ‘Better Photography
       §   Two speakers (Heather Prince and Lisa Langell) were invited to speak at Photoworld Asia
           in 2021.

APSLive2021 (4 July 2021)
A successful event with 140 attendees and income of over $3000(the final figure is still being
determined). The event was one and a half hours shorter than the 2020 event and while this was easier
to manage there was still a feeling that it was a long day. There were a number of congratulatory emails
and messages.

A review document was sent to all team members immediately after the event to be filled out while
things were fresh in people’s minds. This worked well and a meeting has been held to discuss the
results and a number of changes will be made before the next event is run including that the APSLive
2022 event will be half day in length.

Meet up 2021(1-3 September 2021)
A small face to face event has been organized by Peter Kewley to run in conjunction with the Ballarat
International Foto Biennale. This consist of a guided walk of the BIFB, en excursion to the Ararat jail
and asylum and a social dinner. This event in yet to be run and there are 17 registrations, but it may
be cancelled due to the further lockdowns.

APS Photo Walk Day
This event is yet to be run but already has a number of registrations and 3 judges have agreed to judge
the images and Lisa Kurtz has agreed to give an introductory presentation on the evening before the
Walk Day. The cost of entry has been set at $20 per club and $5 per individual walker. MyPhotoClub
has agreed to set up an upload page for the images and assist with the judging process at the cost of
$5 per club and $2 per individual walker.

The following points summarize the responses from the survey on APS Conventions/Meet-up which
was run in June 2021.
   • 152 response which is very good)
   • 90% of Respondent Strongly Agreed or Agreed are in favour of APS continuing some type of
        in-person event from 2022
   • The strongest preference was for a 3-day Event (4-5 days was the second highest first
   • Major Regional cities was significantly the most preferred location followed by Regional
        Townships, Major Cites and Remote and Rural locations.
   • 62% considered having an APS Event alongside another major art even was considered
        beneficial but not overly important to a decision to attend.
   • 78% preferred an Event price and the decisions on accommodation meals left o to individual
   • The top 4 activities supported by members during an APS Event received over 100 votes from
        members. There was a considerable gap then to Activities 5-7.
            o Local Photography Tours
            o Australian Keynote Speakers
            o Hands-on Practical Workshops
            o A Digital and/or Print Exhibition run in parallel with the Event

                                                                                              Page 9
o   Organised breakfasts or dinners for social networking
           o   APS Awards dinner (sponsor or industry booths a close 7th)

The overall result showed that the preference of members is for a 3 day in-person Event held in a
Major Regional City with Member Price for the event only. The event would be structured to include
local photography tours, Australian keynote speakers, practical workshops and a digital or print
exhibition to be held at the same time.

Audio Visual Group Report

Visual Group

1. The following were appointed to the AV Group Council following the 2020 APS AGM:

   §   John Hodgson EFIAP/b AV-EFIAP FAPS AV-MAPS ESFIAP Hon. FAPS (Chair)
   §   Sally Hinton EFIAP MAPS AV-FAPS PPSA
   §   Dale Murphy AAPS AV-AAPS
   §   Ruth Benson AFIAP FAPS
   §   Trish McAuslan EFIAP AV-AAPS FAPS APSNZ
   §   Barbara Rogalla

2. The APS Spring National was reinstated in late 2020, after not occurring in 2019. 54 entries from
29 authors were received, and it was pleasing to see a significant number of first-time entrants.

3. The APS Autumn AV National was run in May 2021 and received 33 entries from 16 authors.

4. The Adelaide International AV Festival was held again in April, with live judging but no overseas
judge, as normally required by FIAP. Pleasingly, the number of entries was only slightly lower than in
2019, 144 compared with 149 in 2019.

5. The AV Group Council met via Zoom in February to ratify a number of recommendations which
arose from a discussion paper authored by Dale Murphy which has been under consideration by
Council members. The recommendations adopted include:

   a) the establishment of a YouTube channel, accessed via the APS website, to display, with the
      permission of authors, award winning AVs from our Nationals and the Adelaide International,
      as well as outstanding AVs by members of the AV Group. We have also set up a channel to
      which authors can upload AVs under construction for feedback from AV Group members,
   b) the standardisation of AV terminology,
   c) the updating of the AV Group part of the APS website,
   d) requiring AVs submitted to Nationals and the Adelaide International in the future to be in MP4
      format, to facilitate their display on the YouTube channel,
   e) consideration being given to the reintroduction of a Photo Harmony category in APS Nationals
      to encourage entries by new AV workers,
   f) limitation on the percentage of video footage allowable in AVs entered in APS Nationals,
   g) a recommendation to HSC that the rules for AV honours Panel submissions be varied to allow
      submission of shorter AVs provided a larger number is submitted and
   h) one year's free membership of the AV Group being offered to all new APS members.

6. Over the last two months Council members have been considering amendments to the requirements
for APS AV Honours, and recommended changes have now been sent to the Honours Subcommittee.
It has been proposed that AV-MAPS be offered by both the Exhibition and Panel systems, but AV-
GMAPS by Exhibition only. A number of other changes have been proposed, to reflect recent changes
to the honours system for still images.

                                                                                            Page 10
7. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the AV Group Council for their
contributions over the last year. I would like to offer particular thanks to Dale Murphy, who has devoted
a great deal of time and energy to the redesign of the AV Group part of the APS website and to the
rewording of honours documentation.

Contemporary Group Report

By: Brian Rope OAM AFIAP FAPS CAPS/b ESFIAP HonFAPS – Chair Contemporary Group

Membership in the Contemporary Group (CG) grew a little, from 110 on 30 June 2020 to 121 on 13
July 2021.

I have continued to contact new members of CG and those leaving it each month, welcoming the
newcomers and asking those who have left what their reasons were for doing so. Whilst not many
provide reasons, those who have done so indicated that there were no issues with CG that caused them
to quit.

CG’s online magazine, “Free Expressions” has continued to be produced every month. It is available
for downloading or reading by all APS members, not only CG members. The numbers of downloads
each issue continue to be quite high.

The “Friends of APS Contemporary Group” closed Facebook group has grown in membership; from
236 on 30 June 2020 to 258 on 28 July 2021. A monthly challenge on different themes is conducted
and well supported: submitted images are later published in Free Expressions.

The magazine and the Facebook group continue to be appreciated activities conducted by CG. In 2020-
21, other new initiatives have also attracted excellent support. Anne O’Connor conducted a highly
successful online learning project with fifteen enthusiastic CG members, which continues to be active
despite officially having well and truly completed its purpose. Anne is arranging to get another such
learning project under way. Various relevant videos created by Roger Skinner and posted on YouTube
have been promoted to CG members. A couple of Zoom gatherings have been held and another is
being planned. And half a dozen Tasmanian members of CG are gathering together in person on
August 4-5 around East Devonport and Port Sorell.

We continue to run 1 postal folio but have abandoned our 1 on-line folio group.

Another annual virtual exhibition was conducted in the latter part of 2020 on the theme of Boundaries.
A new gallery showing that virtual exhibition was created on the APS website. Another virtual exhibition
is being organised right now on the theme “Lifestyle”. Emergent Designs sponsored both of these
exhibitions providing vouchers to two entrants each time. There are a total of five galleries on the
website now. They feature the work of the postal folio, some current and past Council members, the
2019 and 2020 virtual exhibitions, and images from one of the FB group’s monthly challenges.

During 2017/18 MC agreed that an annual CG Award may be given to persons in recognition of a
significant service/contribution to contemporary photography. All members of CG are invited to
nominate any other member of CG whom they considered worthy of consideration for such an award.
No Award was made in 2020. Nominations for a 2021 Award closed on 16 July 2021 and the awardee
(chosen by past winners) will be announced soon.

Once again, a significant number of CG members entered the Mullins Conceptual Photography Prize
in 2021 - and 23 entries from 18 of them were selected amongst the finalists. The major $10,000
prize winner Ian Skinner, the Emergent Designs Award winner Ian Terry, and the Momento Pro Award
winner Anne Pappalardo, are all members of CG. That means CG members have won all three MCPPs

                                                                                              Page 11
Council business is conducted sporadically via the on-line Forum. The Council now comprises
Chairman: Brian Rope and Councillors Anne O’Connor, Timothy Moon, Ian Terry, and Ian Skinner. My
thanks go to all those members who have contributed to various aspects of the Group in 2020-21.

Digital Group Report

By: Anne O’Connor MFIAP FAPS SSAPS PPSA – Chair Digital Group

After the last AGM, I took over the role of Chairperson when Greg Grant had to retire for personal
reasons. At the time I was willing to maintain this until this coming AGM in September. Around the
time of the AGM, Greg had initiated a mini survey of all Digital Group members of which 54 responded.
Quite a few queried the name "Digital" as it no longer provides a special interest service within APS.
Two suggestions were to call it the "Digital Innovation Group", or just "Innovation Group" based on APS
having charged the group with "looking at the innovations continuing to develop in relation to photography
and look at ways the technology can be of benefit to the members". To date, I'm not sure this group has
ever done that. The person who suggested it also queried how it could happen. To me as acting
chairperson, I find this quite unwieldy and almost impossible to do. So much change is happening
and new ideas coming out, a small committee could not keep up with it all. To me the people, who
would know the most, would be the different members within the society who are tracking this
information online within their own photographic practice. Plus, there is so much available online, tis
doubtful we could reciprocate.

Other suggestions were to look at drones and phone photography. Both of these are not so new
anymore, especially the phone and, to me, they are what people use to take images. Not necessarily
something that would belong to a group of 280 odd people. So we are still considering a group which
lives under the name "Digital", which is no longer a special interest group but is comprised of a large
percentage of the general membership of APS. Definitely there is a need for a name change, alternately
re-look at whether or not we need to maintain the group as a separate entity.

Other members who responded to the survey have suggested more contact from the council and to
introduce smaller competitions that are not Nationals and/or Internationals. Another suggestion was
to publish a monthly magazine. As chair, I have looked at some of these and opted to create a monthly
news email to all members, instead of another magazine. Monitor is technically the Digital Group
magazine, which comes out bi-monthly. However, this is now a magazine for all members, but we do
have access to this. E-News has also changed, and I now provide information re Digital each month.
Another suggestion was highlighting our members, which I've started to do in Monitor. To get around
everyone, with 6 editions a year, could be beyond my lifetime. Emails sent out monthly, have welcomed
new members and provided information as appropriate based on other feedback from the survey.

I have also considered re-inventing the seasonal competitions but am unable to do this without
incurring a fee. The recent winter competition I put together is on hold at present as a result of
circumstances. I also need to re-survey the members as to interest in me bringing this forward again
at a later date. Or re-present it in a format akin to the other small competitions we have run such as
the Burstow Social Documentary one and the current Ballarat Biennale Moments competition, which is
for all members, not just our Digital Group. I also perhaps do need to ask our members if they actually
want independent activities, which in many ways become difficult to manage as there is no way to
isolate who enters, other than keeping them hidden and within our own pages.

Yes, we do need to look at the group, consider its purpose and work out ways of providing a service
that is unique to the group itself. I have considered Zoom, but with so many members it becomes
quite wieldy. APS provides LIVE each year for all members, which is very popular. Re Digital, a specific
zoom session could be arranged, but I prefer to work in smaller numbers to create some kind of group
process. My preference is to run it in conjunction with a private FB group. I also would need to find
volunteers to do the zooms, which may well be possible. Preferably I would need people who are
knowledgeable in this and could manage one offs, or alternately, more than one session to a set group
of people.

                                                                                               Page 12
Aside from the above, at the time of writing this, I am still debating me remaining as chair beyond the

Nature Group Report

By: Brian Russell EFIAP FAPS – Chair Nature Group

Nature Group has been relatively quiet in this COVID filled year; however, we have achieved the

1. A successful Nature National in late 2020 with 3 sections to provide members the opportunity to
display their passion in areas such as Open Nature, Wildlife and Macro.

2. Nature Notes, our targeted newsletter continues on a quarterly basis as a conduit to continue to
promote Nature Group Folios and provide articles that are hopefully of interest to those with a passion
for natural history.

Nature Council is still awaiting the outcome of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) led initiative
to amend the Nature Definition in concert with FIAP. PSA nature division indicated that those changes
would be announced in July 2021. That time frame has past, and we are none the wiser.

While I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of what PSA is attempting to do in relation to “the
welfare of the subject is more important than the photograph” and wholeheartedly agree with their
statement that the baiting of subjects with live subjects be disallowed. My personal concern is where,
in my view, the PSA Nature Division Guide for Nature Division Judges contradicts the spirit of those
statements with exceptions of what is allowed. My concern is where this might transcend into
international judging.

We await the outcome of the FIAP and PSA deliberations on this important matter for ethical nature

Print Group Report

Chair Vacant. No Report Submitted.

Exhibition Services Report

By: David Rowlands EFIAP FAPS PPSA – Chair Exhibition Services

Exhibition Services Committee.
   • David Rowlands AFIAP FAPS PPSA
   • Graeme Watson EFIAP/d2 APSEM ESAPS MPSA

Exhibition Calendar
For the calendar year 2021, we had 18 approved exhibitions and one approved for 2022.

                                                                                              Page 13
2022 2022/01        Maitland International Salon of Photography

2021    2021/01     Maitland International Salon of Print Photography

        2021/02     VIGEX International Digital Photographic Salon

        2021/03     Newcastle National

        2021/04     Maitland International Salon of Digital Photography

        2021/05     Warragul National Photographic Competition and Exhibition

        2021/06     Queensland International Digital Circuit - Gold Coast

        2021/07     Queensland International Digital Circuit - Maryborough

        2021/08     Queensland International Digital Circuit - Mt Gravatt

        2021/09     Queensland International Digital Circuit - Townsville

        2021/10     Adelaide International AV Fest 2021

        2021/11     Tricontinental Circuit - Australia

        2021/12     Tricontinental Circuit - USA

        2021/13     Tricontinental Circuit - China

        2021/14     Sutherland Shire National Exhibition of Photography

        2021/15     Australian Cup for Australian Photographic Clubs

        2021/16     Silver Lining Awards

        2021/17     Lake Macquarie International Circuit - Newcastle

        2021/18     Lake Macquarie International Circuit - Wangi

A number of salons did not run in the last year. One noticeable loss is that of the Royal Adelaide
Show Print Exhibition, who were unable to find anyone to take over the co-ordination of the
exhibition. However, it is pleasing to see new exhibitions starting, with some coming back for their
second year.

We briefly offered international approvals at the request of the management committee. One circuit
was granted international approval by the APS. Upon further review, it was decided that this was not
offering any direct benefit to APS members and the issuing of international approvals has been

Honours Subcommittee Report

By: Dr Alfred Zommers EFIAP/b GMAPS PPSA SSAPS SSVAPS – Chair Honours

Appointment of new HSC (after AGM 2020)

Chairman (appointed 2020 AGM)                  Dr Alfred Zommers GMAPS EFIAP/b SSAPS SSVAPS
Coordinator Exhibition System                  Vi Wilson APSEM EFIAP/p PPSA

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                                               Ann Smallegange GMAPS EFIAP/s EPSA
Coordinator Panel System                       Stella Fava (Secretary, Not HSC Member)

Panel System Review
Commenced soon after the 2020 AGM and nearing completion in July 2021. Expect to submit to MC
in August 2021.

2021 Panel applications
Judging completed in July 2021
45 applicants and 32 passed. 7 judges were used.

2020-2021 Honours applications

59 Successful Exhibition applications
LAPS – 10                          MAPS – 6                           APSEM – 1
AAPS – 19                          GMAPS – 5                          APSEM/b – 1
FAPS – 17

25 Successful Panel applications
LAPS – 12
AAPS – 12

Review of AV honours
As HSC does not have the expertise to review the AV honours this task has been passed on to the AV
group, chaired by John Hodgson, for the initial review.

MACPP (Mullins Australian Conceptual Photography Prize) Report


The 2021 MCPP was again judged by a team of three, all of whom were women – Julie Williams, Judith
Nangala Crispin and Jacqui Dean. They selected the finalists during video conversation hook-ups
looking at the digital images submitted, with no involvement or input from any APS people. They
planned to choose the final winners whilst in the gallery looking at the prints on exhibition. However,
COVID prevented that and only Judith was able to make it to the gallery at the Muswellbrook Regional
Arts Centre (MRAC), which has replaced Magnet Galleries Melbourne as APS’s partner. Judith then
again consulted with the other judges via video hook-up, and they made their decisions, again with no
input from any MCPP organisers of anyone else.

All authors of the selected 43 finalists (39 single image entries and 4 series entries) were required to
confirm that their selected images complied with all the Terms and Conditions of entering. One was
unable to do so and was ruled ineligible for any prizes as a result.

Four prizes were offered - $8,000 for the best entry, $2,000 for the best entry by an APS member, a
$500 voucher from Emergent Designs to an entry of the judges’ choice, and another $250 voucher
from Momento Pro to another entry selected by the judges. The first two cash amounts could go to the
one entry if the one judged best overall was by an APS member. Indeed, as in both 2019 and 2020,
that was what happened.

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The winners were:

   •   2021 MCPP Prize - $10,000 cash; Ashscapes 01-04 by Ian Skinner of Canberra
   •   2021 Emergent Designs Award - $500 voucher; Night on the Tier by Ian Terry of Hobart
   •   2021 Momento Pro Award - $250 voucher; A New Place to Stay by Anne Pappalardo

Ten finalists who were not APS members have been granted free membership of APS and its
Contemporary Group for twelve months from 3 July 2021.

Every finalist also will receive a photobook containing all the winning and finalist images, sponsored by
Momento Pro and MCPP.

The winners were to have been announced during the opening of the exhibition of the finalists at MRAC
on Saturday 3 July, but it was postponed to 17 July because of COVID-19 and then, the opening event
was turned into an invitation only event for just 7 people (on the orders of the MD of the Muswellbrook
Shire Council). So, 2 people from MRAC, 2 from MPCC, 1 judge, and two companions of those folk
gathered for about 30 minutes all wearing masks (even when making speeches) and without any
refreshments. The event was livestreamed on Facebook by MRAC and shared on Zoom to registered
participants by APS. The MRAC CEO MC’d the event. Roger Skinner and I each spoke briefly. Judith
Crispin announced the winners. Sadly, no sponsors’ representatives and no finalists were able to

We engaged Magnet to put together a virtual exhibition, which is available to view on both Magnet’s
and the APS’s websites. It has been very well received and such a virtual gallery is likely to become an
annual fixture.

The financial result for APS was a good one with a modest profit being made – so there has been no
charge against the Mullins Bequest reserve rather than the $10,000 budgeted. This was primarily
because cash sponsorship amounts received totalled $10,000. In addition, entry fees were around 7%
higher than budgeted to receive and costs were lower than expected because two judges and the APS
President were unable to travel to the opening.

APS Pages in AP Magazine Report

By: Brian Rope OAM AFIAP FAPS CAPS/b ESFIAP HonFAPS – Chair AP Magazine

The Society is given four complimentary pages in every issue of the commercial magazine, Australian
Photography + Digital, which assists in promotion of the Society. We have two pages called APS One
Frame which feature one image by one APS member, one page for APS Focus and one page which
advertises the APS. All these pages are intended to attract new members to the Society and promote
Society activities.

I provide the AP Editor with lists of APS members who might be featured each month on the APS One
Frame pages. Those people are mostly drawn from the ranks of members who have recently gained
new photographic honours, because that means they have some particularly worthwhile images to be

A team of volunteers writes the illustrated articles for each APS Focus page, seeking to draw attention
to something about the Society that might attract new members. Roz Zito, Helen Carpenter, Barbara
Rogalla and I are the members of the team and each of us contributes up to three articles per year.
Some months we make way for articles about the Photobook Competition and the Mullins Conceptual
Photography Prize, which are prepared by other people.

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AIPC Report

By: Peter Kewley AFIAP FAPS SSAPS SSVAPS – Chair AIPC Subcommittee

The 2021 AIPC competition is in progress with 6 states indicating their intention to compete this year.

Again, it will be a digital image competition only.

A catalogue will be produced and placed on the APS Downloads page for all members to download.

Advice of the winning state and awarded images will be circulated in ENews when the competition
concludes in September.

Australia Cup for Australian Clubs Subcommittee Report

By: John Doody AFIAP AAPS CAPS/b PSQA – Chair Australian Cup Subcommittee

Lead up

The Australian Cup for Australian Photographic Clubs competition was run for the fourth time in 2021.
John Doody Chaired the sub-committee to run the competition. Pia Jessen, Margaret O’Grady and
John North made up the sub-committee. The competition opened on 1st March 2021 and closed 23rd
May 2021. The MyPhotoClub system was used for both upload and the remote judging of the
competition. This year the judging was done remotely by 3 overseas judges. This was very ably
coordinated by Colin Woods from MyPhotoClub.


Two emails were sent to all Australian Clubs (at 6-week intervals) by the APS office. There was also
advertising on the APS social media pages.


Final entries were 73 clubs with images which was an increase of 6 clubs. This year the number of
images per person from each club was determined by the size of the club. A good number of the
smaller clubs gained higher places.


The judging was conducted remotely via the MyPhotoClub system and a Zoom session where the
judges met to choose the awards. This method of judging was very successful.

Momento Pro Photobook Prizes

Additional to previous years we were fortunate to obtain photobook prizes from Momento Pro. These
book prizes were given to winning clubs and to winning individuals.

   § Arne Bergo EPSA EFIAP/G ESFIAP (Norway)
   § Ann Bastion EPSA EFIAP/G ESFIAP (New Zealand)

This event was extremely well organised, and Colin Woods did an excellent job of coordinating the

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judging. The results were announced via a Zoom Awards Session which was well attended (190) and
received positive feedback.

Upload System

The MyPhotoClub worked well for upload and the judging. No clubs reported having difficulties
uploading their entry.

Financial Outcome

 Total Income           Costs                                               Costs             Profit
                        (Item)                                           (Amount)

 $2,920                 MyPhotoClub Fees                                  $730.00

                        PayPal Fees                                         $97.98

                        Trophies (approximately)                          $671.75

                        Total                                           $1,499.73


PSA Liaison Subcommittee Report

By: Dr Roy Killen APSA EFIAP GMPSA/B APSEM – Chair PSA Liaison Subcommittee

Co-operation with PSA

I continue to maintain regular contact with members of the PSA Executive Committee. The PSA website
has a page on which international organisations that co-operate with PSA are listed. APS appears on
that page with a link back to the APS

PSA Exhibitions

PSA is currently making modifications to its Exhibition Standards that set the rules for international
exhibitions that are recognized by PSA. The new rules will apply to exhibitions with closing dates after
1st January 2021. Full details will be available on the PSA website from 1st August and will be relevant to
the Australian exhibitions that are seeking PSA Recognition.

PSA has introduced a comprehensive programme of monitoring exhibitions to ensure that exhibition
chairs and judges follow the PSA Exhibition Standards. This is particularly relevant to the Nature,
Photojournalism and Photo Travel sections of exhibitions. In conjunction with this monitoring
programme, there is a formal on-line mechanism for exhibition entrants to lodge complaints against
any exhibition that does not appear to follow PSA rules.

PSA Acceptances Database

There were some issues with updating the PSA Exhibition Acceptances Management System (EAMS)
data in late 2020. This created a backlog which has now largely been cleared. APS Verifying Officers
are able to access the database when verifying APS honours applications.

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Guides for Judges and Exhibition Entrants

PSA has produced illustrated guides to assist entrants and judges to interpret and apply the
definitions/rules for Nature
Photo Travel and

PSA/FIAP Nature Definition

PSA and FIAP have agreed on a revised version of the Nature definition and it will apply to international
exhibitions from 1st January 2022. The changes make the definition easier to interpret and place extra
emphasis on the ethical aspects of nature photography. This complements the PSA Statement on
Subject matter that applies to all sections of exhibitions and emphasises that the welfare of the subject
is more important than the photograph.

PSA Membership

There are currently 154 individuals and 14 club members in Australia, the fifth largest PSA
membership in any country outside the USA. I do not know how many of those people are also APS
members. PSA distinctions (ranging from QPSA to GMPSA/G) are held by 63 Australians. There are
eight Australians with PSA portfolio distinctions. The two most significant reasons for Australians
joining PSA are to obtain PSA distinctions and to participate in the free online courses, mentoring
services and other membership benefits offered by PSA.

State Representatives MC Liaison Report

By: Margaret O’Grady EFIAP/s GMAPS SAPS PSQA – State Representatives MC Liaison

The position of State Representative has been removed as these roles have been largely redundant for
some years and Motion 4793 was passed in May 2021 by Management Committee to confirm the
removal of the role and the roles do not appear in the Rules of Association.

Management Committee acknowledges the past work of State Representatives and thanks them for
their service to the Society. The opportunity still exists for any member to put forward for consideration
any project or activity that would benefit the Society.

FIAP Liaison Report

By: Bronwen Casey EFIAP/g MAPS SAPS – FIAP Liaison Officer

This last year has been one during which the opportunities to travel, meet and to have a variety of
photographic opportunities have been limited. FIAP, like many organisations around the world have
worked on ways to ease the impact on photographers worldwide and develop new things to inspire
and provide opportunities for photographers. The move into a more digitally geared world, forced to
operate in a “work from home” scenario, has evolved at a pace that would not have been seen but for
the pandemic, and amidst the negatives there has been positive elements that will likely continue into
the future.

During the last 12 months FIAP themselves ran two major photography competitions, the “We Stay
Home” competition and “The World in 2020” competition. The first was to specifically encourage and
inspire people to find photographic opportunities at home and the second was aimed at recording the

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year 2020 around the world, a year in which FIAP also marked its 70th Anniversary. Only a few
Australians entered these competitions.

Urgent allowances were implemented in 2020 to enable salons to judge their images online, adjust the
salon dates and delay exhibitions of the accepted prints. These measures were essential to enable
salons to continue if possible. Print salons were obviously impacted far more than digital salons and,
with the lengthy lockdown situation in Melbourne in 2020, the Vigex Print Salon, like some other salons
around the world, had to cancel its 2020 salon. The Maitland Salon opted to provide separate print
and digital salons for 2021 to help support people seeking print acceptances. The print salon entries
were well underway before FIAP decisions were announced allowing Distinctions applications to
proceed without print acceptances. The salon opened early for entries to provide for the massive delays
in international postage and received a large entry.

As indicated above, FIAP made an allowance to enable FIAP Distinctions applicants to apply for AFIAP
and EFIAP without needing to have achieved the required number of images accepted in print salons.
Likewise, the MFIAP applicants submitted their images in digital format only. This became essential as
a number of print salons (print salons were already not high in numbers) simply could not proceed.
Postage in and out of some countries was not possible and delays of up to 3 or more months were
being experienced even between Australia and countries like France and Belgium. These allowances
have been extended to cover all of 2022.

In addition to the above mentioned allowances, FIAP have since announced the easing of several of
their fees. These reduced costs for salons seeking FIAP Patronage and photographers seeking FIAP
Distinctions commenced on 1st July 2021. The reduction will apply until 30th June 2023. Deemed
“exceptional measures” by FIAP, they are aimed at helping photographers around the world. The long
planned change to the requirements for FIAP Distinctions were released in January 2021. These were
to have been implemented as of January 2022 but have subsequently been put on hold until after the
next FIAP Congress.

The FIAP Photo Meeting, originally to have taken place in Oman in 2021 was cancelled as it became
clear there was no possibility of such an event being able to proceed. It is hoped that a FIAP Congress
can take place in 2022 but it is too early for any definite plans re date or location at this stage. The
General Assembly of FIAP (AGM) was held online and just essential legal requirements were dealt with
in this meeting. I attended this meeting as part of my role as Australia’s FIAP Liaison Officer.

The FIAP Nature Biennial in late 2020 and the Colour Biennial in 2021 were able to be run, albeit with
some delays and with the Nature Biennial print section having to be judged digitally due to the inability
of judges to meet in person. The Monochrome Print Biennial from 2020 was unable to proceed. This
Biennial was to have been hosted by India in conjunction with them hosting the FIAP Congress that
also had to be cancelled. Australia’s entry for the Monochrome Biennial had been fully selected and
prepared by the APS Coordinator for that entry, David Norris, and this entry will now be held ready for
the 2022 event which will hopefully be able to proceed. Australia only entered the digital section of the
FIAP Nature Biennial which was hosted in Chelyabinsk, Russia. They gained a FIAP Honourable Mention
as a country for achieving 6th place among the 30 participating countries. This is a great result for the
Australian Photographic Society. Well done to the APS Coordinator of the Nature Biennial, Brian Russell
and his team and the APS members who participated. It is hoped that APS will put forward an entry
in both the print and digital sections in 2022 which will give us an overall ranking towards the Odette
Bretscher Trophy, a trophy for the winner of both sections combined. It will soon be time to prepare
Australia’s entry, so I encourage APS members to watch for the call for images and put forward images
to enable Australia’s selectors to put in a great entry.

In late 2020, APS MC approved the funding of printing costs for Australia’s entry into the print section
of the Biennials. This enables APS members to participate in the print section, with no printing or
postage cost. This results in an overall reduction in time and cost involved in participating in the print
section and only the selected images are printed. The images are submitted for selection digitally for
both the digital and print sections. The printing of the images for the print section is then organised
by the specific APS Biennial coordinator which results in a consistent quality and presentation of the
set of prints. The cohesive aspect of the set of images in the Biennial competitions is part of the points
allocation in the competition so the centralised printing contributes to our results. The APS entry to
the Colour Biennial was the first to benefit from this new funding availability however in this instance,
the APS Coordinator for this entry, Leanne Alessi, was able to obtain sponsorship from Epson who did

                                                                                               Page 20
the printing of the prints at an excellent quality at no cost. The Biennials are tough competitions, and
it was no small achievement to gain 235 points for an 11th placing in the Digital section of the Colour
Biennial in a field of 42 countries. This was just one placing and one point off a top 10 award winning
place. Congratulations to all involved.

My other role as Director of FIAP News, FIAP’s digital magazine has kept me exceptionally busy. This
magazine is produced in English, but the majority of articles come from authors for whom English is
a second language and well over half the time is consumed clarifying the intended text and resolving
the English. Taken on just prior to the start of the pandemic, and converted to a quarterly rather than
twice yearly magazine, the magazine has also had to adapt to a world where many photographic events
had to be cancelled. Sections were added to broaden its scope and particularly to carry informative
notices from the FIAP Directors. All past editions are on the FIAP website and the most recent edition
is also available in a lower resolution version on the APS website. Some APS members have contributed
articles for the magazine, something that is welcomed and encouraged. The magazine is interesting
and informative, and I would love all APS members to read the magazine when the edition comes out.
This role, whilst a massive workload, has certainly been complimentary to my role as FIAP Liaison
Officer, as I stay well informed and in turn play a role in helping photographers around the world stay
well informed.

APS had 44 people achieve a new FIAP Distinction in 2021. Amongst these was the 5th Australian to
gain a Diamond 1 Level, a level for which only awards in international salons run with FIAP Patronage
can be counted. Congratulations to Vicki Moritz on gaining this EFIAP/d1.

Most exciting of all was the two successful recipients of the “Master Photographer of the International
Federation of Photographic Art” (MFIAP). This is an exceptionally challenging distinction to achieve and
until the start of this year, only 3 Australians had achieved this. The applicants had to produce a
cohesive portfolio of 20 photographs, and these were assessed by a panel of master photographers
from around the world. Of this year’s 39 MFIAP applicants worldwide only 5 were successful and two
of these were Australian. A huge congratulations to Jacqueline Hammer and Mieke Boynton on
achieving their MFIAP.

The following summary shows the number of successful Australians for each Distinction level in 2021:

   •   AFIAP (Artiste FIAP) x 20
   •   EFIAP (Excellence FIAP) x 11
   •   EFIAP/b (Excellence FIAP – Bronze) x 2
   •   EFIAP/s (Excellence FIAP – Silver) x 4
   •   EFIAP/g (Excellence FIAP – Gold) x 4
   •   EFIAP/d1 (Excellence FIAP – Diamond 1) x 1
   •   MFIAP (Master Photographer of FIAP) x 2

There were no applicants for EFIAP Platinum, EFIAP Diamond 2 or 3 or AV Distinctions in 2021.

With the cancellation of APSCON in 2020, due to the pandemic, a new way was sought to formally
present the FIAP Distinctions. For the first time, this event was held as an online event in September
2020. Whilst one could feel sad that we could not meet in person, the ability to attend without travel
time or expense resulted in 21 of the 35 Distinctions recipients attending; a huge increase over the 8-
9 that had attended the in-person event at APSCON in 2018 and 2019. Being online, it became viable
to have a person from FIAP present the Distinctions and it was with great excitement that the FIAP
President, Riccardo Busi, joined us from Italy. By arrangement, we also had him talk and answer
questions about applying for the MFIAP Distinction which I believe was invaluable to our subsequently
successful applicants in 2021. In 2021, with this online Presentations format having been so successful
in 2020, we again held the presentations event online using the Zoom platform. This took place on the
1st August. Again, we were delighted to have Riccardo Busi join us to announce each Distinction, which
was particularly special in a year when we had two Masters being presented. We were able to improve
on last year with the use of a new “spotlight” feature in Zoom enabling Riccardo and each recipient in
turn to be side by side on screen together. It was absolutely awesome to have 34 of the Distinctions
recipients attend this event!!

Both the 2020 and 2021 Distinctions presentation were limited to just the Distinctions recipients, the
members of the APS management committee and the guest presenter. This enabled the event to be

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intimate enough for interaction and most importantly to take a group screen photo with everyone on
the one page. Both events were recorded, and these videos can be viewed in the FIAP area of the APS
website. At present, they can only be viewed if logged in. In the FIAP President’s speech this year, it
was interesting to note his mention that Australia was the first country to attempt the presentation of
FIAP Distinctions using an online format and that this had inspired other nations to also do this.

I would like to finish this report by acknowledging some key people. Firstly, I would thank the Verifying
Officers who assist myself and applicants in the FIAP Distinctions applications process. This year had
higher numbers and the arrival of the new Distinctions rules that were to apply to 2022 (subsequently
postponed) meant there was a major overhaul to the applications already lodged so as not to render
certain salon results ineligible for applications next year. I would also like to thank the APS office staff,
Stella and Rene, for their ongoing support. Thanks also to Alfred Zommers and Peter Calder for seeking
and handling the inbound FIAP database. Peter in particular adds a search function and the country
names to the list that makes the verification of APS honours and FIAP Distinctions applications much
easier. Final thanks go to the APS MC for their ongoing support and trust in me to speak on Australia’s
behalf in discussions with FIAP and to promote Australian photography worldwide.

CAPA (Conceptual Art Portfolio Awards) Report

By: Phillipa Frederiksen EFIAP MAPS CAPS/p SSAPS – Chair CAPA

We have had a fairly quiet year due to (a) me being too busy to advertise and promote CAPA and (b)
COVID restrictions over the last 18 month.

It would be good to have some Zoom meetings with the committee, but I haven’t investigated it. I have
just seen that I can request a zoom meeting on the APS site!

February: Jane Howie has achieved Gold CAPA. CAPS/g
May: Alan Bennett achieved Bronze CAPA. CAPS/b
August: Kym Houston achieved Bronze CAPA. CAPS/b

August: Lyndall Lazar achieved Gold CAPA. CAPA/g
November: John Doody achieved Bronze CAPA. CAPA/b

We have about 4-5 members sporadically working on various levels!

The Mentors and Assessors are very thorough with their comments and with their help along the way.

Four Nations Report

By: Pia Jessen EFIAP/g GMAPS SAPS – 4 Nations Competition Co-ordinator

The 4 Nations inter-Society Competition involves the photographic societies of Australia, New Zealand,
Canada and South Africa. Each year the competition is hosted by the Societies on a rotational basis.

In 2021 the Photographic Society of New Zealand was responsible for hosting the competition. Colin
Woods sponsored the event by providing MyPhotoclub online judging software and conducted the
awards allocations online via zoom. The jury panel consisted of three UK judges, these being; John
Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP, Mike Martin AWPF AFIAP and Barry Mead EFIAP/d3 MPAGB FRPS APAGB.

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