African Women's Group Scotland Year ending March 2021 Accounts Scottish Charity No - SC047816

Page created by Roberta Barnes
African Women’s Group Scotland
    Year ending March 2021
      Scottish Charity No

The trustee of African Women’s Group Scotland, presents their annual financial report for the year
ending March 2021. The financial statements have been prepared to financial reporting standard
applicable to the UK.

The Objective of African women’s group Scotland

The AWSG exist to:

 Support African community; promote the development, advancement, wellbeing, and the education
of African women and their families and promoting racial equality. Also to support women projects
in Africa.

Achievement of AWSG this year

•        During the lockdown we keep in touch with families and friends, with what is going on
within the community and try to acquire resources for those struggling to get food or pay bills. We
also engaged with the Council on the counselling support for our children who were traumatized at
seeing the murder of George Floyd. We had discussion with the Local Councils officials on the
need to need review the school curriculum to reflect the diversity of people and the contribution in
Scotland and the UK. We also had several zoom discussions with MSPs over systemic and
structural racism that Africans face how to make things better for them to thrive in Scotland.

 The Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown posed several challenges to our community increasing
individuals’ isolation, loneliness, unemployment underemployment, problem of child care, food
poverty, mental health issues brought about the lockdown and lack of jobs for many people in our
community who are not entitled to public support.

We spend most the year making contact with individuals and families to reduce the isolation,
raising funds to support families and individuals that have no recourse to public funds. We provide
information on where help can be found. Liaising with other agencies for extra support for
community to provide additional support struggling families, students

We had regular monthly meetings to keep in touch share experiences and keep up to date of
situations in the individual and families.

We were able to raise substantial fund to provide food and heating over 100 families and
individuals receive help from us to during this pandemic and lockdown. We also ran health
workshops virtually through zoom.

Our African projects in Uganda got a boost from an anonymous donor for the young people’s
project the Mulfrika village booklet to be produced and distributed in Ugand. But our other project
suffer set back because we could not do any fund raising activities due to the lockdown we could
not raise any fund.

We continue to get request from women groups in Africa, recently we got request from Southern
Sudan and Sierra Leone. It is a good thing for them to approach us but this add pressure on our fund
raising challenges.

It has been a challenging year and also a rewarding one too as it open doors for our organisation to
reach out to more people in our community with more women willing to volunteer in the

These monies were got through grant applications and funding applications. Our youth project was
also suspended due to the lock down. It was decided that it should start when things improve or
easy up. We took this decision with consultation with funders of the project (Foundation Scotland)

We want to thank our funders and volunteers that virtually turn their homes into emergency call
centre and office to spend hours seeking funding to support the community.

The structure of Governance and management

AWGS is a registered Scottish Charity (SCIO) and it is run by board of Trustee comprise of a chair
person, secretary, treasurer and two other members. The trustee meets as often as when require to
make a decision on issues.

The Main Source of our income

The main source of our income is from the grants from:

•      The local government’s hardship grants

•      From the third sector

•      Scottish Government

•      Foundations

•      Donations

Our Mailing Address:

11 Devanha Gardens East



Our Bankers

Royal Bank of Scotland

St Nicholas Branch

78 Union Street Aberdeen

AB10 1HH

Account Statements
Income from April 2020 – March 2021
Items                            2020/21       2019/20
Balance brought forward          £2481.84      £2052.25

ACVO                              £750.00        00

NHS                                            £500.00

SHMU Radio                        £545.00

Aberdeenshire Council             £450.00

Fraser Foundation                              £1000.00

Aberdeen City Council            £3,962.00

Bemis Hardship fund              £3,000.00

Poverty Action (Cfine)           £5,000.00

Kilt Walk                                      £2350.52

ACVO/RR                           £900.00

Brian Souter Foundatio           £2,000.00

Aberdeen City Council            £4,000.00

Aberdeen City Council                          £451.55

Scottish Government              £15,000.00

Foundation Scotland              £4,000.00

Robertson wee fund                             £600.00

Donations                        £10,160.00     £53.58

Royal Bank of Scotland    £200.00

Interest                   £3.99

Income                   £49,970.99   £4955.65

Total Income             £52,452.83   £7007.90

Expenditure                                    March 2020/21   2019/2020
Food vouchers from Aldi and Asda               £2200.00

Food vouchers from the African and Asian       £4120.00

Total                                          £6320.00

Cash payment for food and heating              £4230.00        £200.00

Cash pay for heating bills only                £4820.00

Children New year Party                                        £451.55

Total                                          £9050.00

African projects (Mufrika project in Uganda)   £6760.00        £1660.00

Rent                                           £400.00         £120.00

ICT                                            £501.16         637.18

Health supplement                              £532.99         £1056.95

Honorarium                                     £330.00

Volunteer expenses                             £350.00         £465.00

Fine from inland revenue                       £200.00

Miscellaneous                                  £21.03

Total Expenditure                              24,465.18       4,582.68

Detail of Expenditure 2020/2021
Food vouchers from spice of Asia                          £1840.00

Food vouchers from Deglory                                £2280.00

Vouchers from Aldi                                        £1100.00

Vouchers from Asda                                        £1100.00

Total                                                     £6,320.00

Cash Payments

Cash payment of heating bills only                        £4820.00

Cash payment for food and heating                         £4230.00

Total                                                     £9,050.00

African Project expenses

Money for hand Sanitiser Mikky children in Uganda         £200.00

Printing of 200 copies of Mulfrika Village booklets       £560.00

Printing and distribution of Mulfrika Village in Uganda   £6,000.00

Total                                                     £6760.00

ICT expenses

Updating our website (fiverr)                             £119.06

Renewal Subscription of FundsforNGOS                      £40.34

Renewal of licenses SSL website                           £71.99

Toner for printer                          £154.00

Registration of Onpassive                  £77.70

Facebook advertisements                    £22.22

Software purchase                          £15.05

Total                                      500.36

Health Supplements

Prescription drugs                         £145.00

Medical consultation                       £95.00

Food supplements                           £292.99

Total                                      £532.99

Volunteers expenses                        £380.00

Rent payment                               £400.00

Honorarium for workshop facilitators       £300.00

Fine from HMRC                             £200.oo

Miscellaneous                              £21.03

Total Expenditure                          24,464.38

Balance Sheet at the end of 31st of March 2021

Total fund                      2021                          2019
                                £52,452.83                    £7,007.90

Total expenditure               £24,464.38                    £4,582.68

Total Balance                   £27,988.45                    £2,425.22

Restricted funds

Youth project                                    £4000.00

Food vouchers for hardship                       £4000.00

Funds for Covid hardship in rent and bills       £12,000.

Funds for Mulfrika village                       £4000.00

Funds for new computers                          £1200.00

Fund for mental health workshops                 £1000.00

Total Restricted fund                            £26,200.00

Unrestricted fund                                £1,788.00

Chair:                                              Date: 15/04/2021

Treasurer:                                              Date: 15/04/2021

External Examiner:                       (FCMA, CGMA)

A& Accountants

Centurion Court, North Esplanade West


AB11 5QH



                                                      Independent examiner’s report on the accounts                                                V2

                    Report to the Charity name
            trustees/members of                               African Women’s Group Scotland
               Registered charity SC047816
         On the accounts of the                        Period start date                                                 Period end date
          charity for the period                Day           Month          Year                               Day            Month              Year
                                          01             04              2020            to                31             03               2021

                 Set out on pages                                                                                         (remember to include the page
                                                                                                                          numbers of additional sheets)

                     Respective            The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance
               responsibilities of         with the terms of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) 2005 Act and the
          trustees and examiner            Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. The charity trustees consider that the
                                           audit requirement of Regulation 10(1) (d) of the Accounts Regulations does not apply. It
                                           is my responsibility to examine the accounts as required under section 44(1) (c) of the
                                           Act and to state whether particular matters have come to my attention.
           Basis of independent            My examination is carried out in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Charities
           examiner’s statement            Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. An examination includes a review of the
                                           accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with
                                           those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the
                                           accounts and seeks explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters. The
                                           procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit
                                           and, consequently, I do not express an audit opinion on the accounts.
       Independent examiner’s              In the course of my examination, no matter has come to my attention [other than that
                    statement              disclosed on the attached page*]

                                           1.    which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the
                                           •     to keep accounting records in accordance with section 44(1) (a) of the 2005 Act and
                                                 Regulation 4 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations, and
                                           •     to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with
                                                 Regulation 9 of the 2006 Accounts Regulations

                                           have not been met, or

                                           2.    to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper
                                                 understanding of the accounts to be reached.
                         Signed:                                                           Date:         12/04/2020
         Relevant professional
        qualification(s) or body           Chartered Institute Management Accountants
                         (if any):

                            Address:       A7 Accountants
                                           Centurion Court, North Esplanade West
                                           Aberdeen Scotland, AB11 5QH

    *Please delete the words in the brackets if they do not apply. If the words do apply, set out those matters which have come to your attention on the
    following page.

Disclosure section

                              Only complete if the examiner needs to highlight material problems.

 Give here brief details of
       any items that the
      examiner wishes to

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