Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate. Genuine Oyster Shell - HEALTH & NUTRITION

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Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate. Genuine Oyster Shell - HEALTH & NUTRITION
Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate.
                                   Genuine Oyster Shell.

Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate. Genuine Oyster Shell - HEALTH & NUTRITION
Purity and Versatility                                                                                                                             Benefits
                        HuberCal® pure and natural calcium carbonate offers a combination of outstanding performance,
                        high purity (calcium assay greater than 99%) and exceptional value vs. precipitated calcium
                        carbonate all backed by unsurpassed Huber customer care and technical service.

Market Leadership                              The HuberCal®                                       Independently                               Texture That Makes                           Compendial Compliance                                    Demonstrated Low-Lead
                                               Natural Calcium Carbonate                           Verified Quality                            Great Chewables. Purity                                                                               and Low-Arsenic Impurities
A passion for serving our customers            Advantage                                                                                       That Makes You Confident.                    HuberCal® FG grades comply with the
with the highest quality products and                                                              Historically, formulators have had                                                       Food Chemicals Codex requirements.                       Consumers and regulators alike are
superior technical and customer service        To be confident in your calcium carbonate,          to choose between ground calcium            When it comes to choosing a calcium          HuberCal® USP grades comply with the                     increasingly concerned with lead and
has driven us to create a market-leading       you must be satisfied with its quality.             carbonate (GCC) for its cost advantage      carbonate source for antacids, two           U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) requirements,                    heavy metals ingestion. The HuberCal
health & nutrition business. As a              Whether you’re fortifying food products,            and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC)    factors matter most – texture and purity.    and HuberCal Elite grades comply with                    product family helps formulators to address
producer of both calcium carbonate             producing other calcium salts or manu-              for its purity. Now with HuberCal calcium   HuberCal® Elite gives you both.              the U.S. Pharmacopeia and European                       this concern. Independent analysis has
powders and granulations, we have              facturing pharmaceutical or dietary                 carbonate, formulators can choose a                                                      and Japanese† Pharmacopoeia                              shown HuberCal to offer lower lead and
control over the quality and reliability       supplement dosage forms, your formu-                cost-effective product without com-         HuberCal Elite calcium carbonate             requirements.                                            arsenic versus leading competitive natural
of our supply chain.                           lation begins with a calcium carbonate              promising quality. Independent analysis     powders and granulations have been           †HuberCal Elite meeting Japanese Pharmacopoeia           calcium carbonates. The data below
                                                                                                                                                                                            available upon special request
                                               product that offers extremely high purity.          has validated the HuberCal quality          shown to outperform other leading                                                                     confirms typical lead in HuberCal to be
With the addition of our Quincy,               Every time. That’s HuberCal natural                 advantage.                                  calcium carbonates in sensory                                                                         below 100 parts per billion – significantly
Illinois, granulation facility, Huber          calcium carbonate from Huber Health                                                             perception (mouthfeel). Superior texture     High Purity (Higher is better)                           lower than competitive products. Typical
became the only calcium carbonate              & Nutrition.                                        For the granulator, HuberCal provides       and high purity are two great reasons        Calcium Carbonate Sample - % Calcium Carbonate           results for arsenic are below 0.1 ppm.
granulation producer with two                                                                      an overall better value as a source of      why formulators of antacids have come                                                                 All HuberCal grades meet California
manufacturing locations in North               HuberCal gives you a higher calcium                 calcium for supplements and pharm-          to rely on HuberCal Elite as their trusted                                                            Proposition 65 requirements.
America (the other is in Modesto,              carbonate assay – typically greater than            aceuticals. For manufacturers of calcium    source of natural calcium carbonate.
California), enabling us to serve our          99%. This degree of purity is why food              salts other than calcium carbonate,         Makers of antacids have also come to                                                                  Low Lead Impurities (Lower is better)
markets with unequaled service and             companies, calcium salts producers and              HuberCal products offer a high purity,      praise HuberCal for its low abrasivity,                                                               Calcium Carbonate Sample - ppb Lead (ICP-MS)
dependability.                                 pharmaceutical and dietary supplement               high performance raw material.              which means less wear on processing
                                               manufacturers have come to rely on                                                              equipment and tablet tooling,
Natural, pure HuberCal® calcium                HuberCal natural calcium carbonate.                                                             translating into lower production costs
carbonate is available in powder or                                                                                                            and higher throughput.
granule form – in food and USP grades.                                                                                                                                                      Source: West Coast Analytical Laboratory
HuberCal® genuine oyster shell products
are available as food grade granules.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: West Coast Analytical Laboratory

                                                          At Huber’s state-of-the-art Quincy, Illinois, operation, HuberCal® calcium
                                                          carbonate is granulated to exact specifications (photo above left).
                                                          HuberCal products are bagged and prepared for shipment (photo above right).

                               The addition of Huber’s Quincy, Illinois, calcium carbonate granulation facility is
                               the perfect compliment to the Modesto, California, operation since it’s strategically
                               located for customers in the Midwest and Eastern U.S. This means:
                               • Enhanced Customer Service
                               • Significant Freight Savings
                               • Food Grade and USP Granulations
                               • Dual-Site Production for Security of Supply

2 • HuberCal® Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate                                                                                                                                                                                             HuberCal® Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate • 3
Quality Verified                                                                              Analysis of                                                                           Products
                                       HuberCal® pure and natural calcium carbonate products meet the most challenging
                                       applications and requirements of food, pharmaceutical and nutritional supplement formulators
                                       by providing key benefits and proving themselves in study-after-study.

Low Acid Insolubles                                            Superior Sensory Perception                          Lower Abrasivity                                     The HuberCal® Advantage:
Another measure of the purity of calcium                       Nine out of 10 new food products fail for            Abrasion of equipment is an important                • Calcium assay > 99%
carbonate is the amount of acid insoluble                      one reason – failure to integrate sensory            concern for those who process calcium                • Low lead (HuberCal® Elite < 0.12 ppm)
material contained in the product. When                        data in product testing.1 Huber Health &             carbonate. A comparative test of samples             • Complies with California Proposition
pure calcium carbonate reacts with acid,                       Nutrition is aware of the importance of              of precipitated calcium carbonate products              65 with regard to lead
there should be no residue. Depending on                       texture. That’s why we commissioned an               from the leading supplier shows that the             • Chewable tablets made with HuberCal®
the grade, HuberCal® natural calcium                           independent lab to perform a comparative             HuberCal calcium carbonate family of                   natural calcium carbonate are significantly
carbonate complies with the Food                               sensory analysis of the texture of                   products is much less abrasive. Moreover,              less gritty
Chemicals Codex and U.S. Pharmacopeia                          competing calcium carbonate products                 our customers have confirmed that the                • Prolonged tooling life in tablet equipment
and European and Japanese†                                     in a generic chewable tablet formulation.            lower abrasivity of HuberCal calcium                 • Increased productivity
Pharmacopoeia requirements for                                 The results demonstrate our superior                 carbonate leads to longer tooling life
acid insolubles.                                               sensory performance.                                 in their tablet equipment.
†HuberCal Elite meeting Japanese Pharmacopoeia
available upon special request
                                                               Source: Nutrition Business Journal, Volume VII,

                                                               May/June 2002
                                                                                                                                                                                      Typical Analysis – Ground Calcium Carbonate Products
                                                                                                                                                                                                      HuberCal® FG*             HuberCal® USP**         HuberCal® Elite***†
Low Acid Insolubles (Lower is better)                          Superior Texture (Lower is better)                   Low Abrasivity (Lower is better)
Calcium Carbonate Sample - % Acid Insolubles (USP method)      Sensory Texture Test                                 Einleher Abrasion (mg loss/100,000 revolutions)
                                                                                                                                                                          Calcium Carbonate           > 99%                     > 99%                   > 99%
                                                                                                                                                                          Magnesium and               < 1.0%                    < 1.0%                  < 1.0%
                                                                                                                                                                          Alkali Salts
                                                                                                                                                                          Acid Insolubles             < 0.2%                    0.04%                   0.04%
                                                                                                                                                                          Loss on Drying              < 2.0%                    < 2.0%                  < 1.0%
                                                                                                                                                                          Lead                        < 0.50 ppm                < 0.30 ppm              < 0.12 ppm
                                                                                                                                                                          Arsenic                     0.1 ppm                   0.1 ppm                 0.1 ppm
                                                                                                                                                                          Fluoride                    0.002%                    0.002%                  0.002%
                                                                                                                                                                          Barium                      –                         Pass                    Pass
                                                                                                                                                                          Iron                        –                         0.02%                   ≤ 0.02%
Source: West Coast Analytical Laboratory                                  Gritty Mouthfeel       Gritty Residual                  4.5 microns               15 microns
                                                               Source: 21st Sensory, Inc.                           Median Particle Size                                  Mercury                     –                         ≤ 0.5 ppm               ≤ 0.5 ppm
                                                                                                                                                                          Heavy Metals                ≤ 0.002%                  ≤ 0.002%                ≤ 0.002%
                                                                                                                                                                          (as Lead)
                     HuberCal® Ground Calcium Carbonate – Typical Properties
                                                                                                                                                                          Chlorides                   –                         –                       41 ppm
   HuberCal®              Median        Surface             Bulk Density              Bulk Density    Screen      Physical                                                Sulfates                    –                         –                       < 0.25%
   Product                Particle Size Area BET            Loose                     Tamped          Residue 325 Form
   Grade                  (microns)          (m /g)
                                                            (g/cc)                (g/cc)              Mesh (%)                                                            Crystalline Quartz          –                         –                       0.02%

   950                    3.6*               1.7            0.75                      1.1             0.005        Powder                                                 *Meets Food Chemicals Codex **Meets U.S. Pharmacopeia ***Meets U.S. Pharmacopeia and
                                                                                                                                                                           European Pharmacopoeia
   850                    4*                 1.7            0.72                      1.2             0.005        Powder                                                 †Meets Japanese Pharmacopoeia available upon special request

   500                    6*                 1.2            0.85                      1.3             0.10         Powder
   250                    12**               1.1            1.07                      1.5             30           Powder
   150                    20**               0.9            1.15                      1.6             35           Powder
 *SediGraph Particle Size Analyzer
**CILAS® Laser Light Scattering

  Note: The comparative data in this brochure was generated in side-by-side testing of one sample of each product.

4 • HuberCal® Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HuberCal® Pure and Natural Calcium Carbonate • 5
Properties                                                                                                                                                    Supplement Versatility
                              HuberCal® pure and natural calcium carbonate grades are engineered to
                              exact specifications and great care is taken to ensure you get a product you
                              can count on for superior performance.

                                                                                                                                                              The HuberCal®                 Do You Know Your Source?                                                      Typical Analysis –
                         HuberCal Calcium Carbonate Granulation Products – Typical Properties
                                                                                                                                                              Oyster Shell Difference.                                                                                   Oyster Shell Powder
HuberCal®           Screen Analysis     Surface Area BET      Bulk Density  Physical Form          Calcium             Elemental              Binder System
                                                                                                                                                              Genuine.                      While calcium carbonate suppliers claim                                                           HuberCal® OSP
                                                                                                                                                                                            to offer oyster shell ingredients, some                                                             1000 FG*
Product Grade       (U.S. mesh sizes)   (m2/g)                Loose (g/cc)		                       Carbonate           Calcium (%)                            Insist on Huber Authenticity. have been known to simply offer naturally                            Calcium Carbonate              ≥ 95%
CCG 4000            100% thru 16   37% 50/50                                                                                                                      mined limestone powder or other types of                 Magnesium & Alkali Salts       < 3.5%
USP                 ≤ 75% on 60				Carbonate USP		 Maltodextrin/                                                                                              Huber Health & Nutrition offers the       shells. Huber sources high purity, genuine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Acid Insolubles                < 2.5%
                    ≤ 15% thru 200						 Acacia                                                                                                               nutritional supplement formulator a       oyster shells directly from a domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Loss on Drying                 ≤ 1.0%
                                                                                                                                                              directly compressible version of          supplier. Break open a calcium
CCG 4100            100% thru 16   37% Maltodextrin                                                                                                                                                                        Lead                           < 0.4 ppm
                                                                                                                                                              HuberCal® oyster shell calcium carbonate, supplement that claims to use oyster shell
USP                 ≤ 75% on 60				 Carbonate USP                                                                                                                                                                                                                Arsenic                        ≤ 3 ppm
                                                                                                                                                              which is harvested directly from undersea calcium carbonate. If the interior of the
                    ≤ 15% thru 200
                                                                                                                                                              beds in the San Francisco Bay. The        tablet is grey, you are most likely looking              Fluoride                       ≤ 0.005%
CCG 4300            100% thru 16   37% Acacia                                                                           oysters are believed to be tens           at genuine oyster shell supplied from                    Heavy Metals (as Lead)         ≤ 0.002%
USP                 ≤ 75% on 60			                       Carbonate USP				                                                                                    of thousands of years old.                Huber Health & Nutrition.
                    ≤15% thru 200                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *Meets Food Chemicals Codex

CCG 4500 90S        2% on 20       35% Corn Starch
USP                 ≤ 75% on 60				 Carbonate USP
                    ≤ 30% thru 200				                                                                                                                                                             HuberCal® Oyster Shell Granulations – Typical Properties
CCG 4000            100% thru 16
Genuine Oyster Shell
                                        HuberCal® genuine oyster shell is produced from the finest-quality shells
                                        naturally-harvested from undersea beds in the San Francisco Bay and are believed
                                        to be thousands of years old.

Huber’s Higher Standards                                                 Your HuberCal®                                                       • Gravity Separation Means…
of Purity and Quality                                                    Oyster Shell Benefits:                                                  • Assures Clean and Pure
                                                                                                                                                           Oyster Shell Granulation
HuberCal oyster shell granulations go
              ®                                                          • Double Wash Means…                                                       • Low Lead
through a rigorous and thorough                                             • Clean, Pure Shells                                             • Guaranteed Lead Content of
screening and testing process to ensure                                     • Low Lead Content
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