Page created by Erik Meyer

 Clean Sky is the largest European research programme developing
 innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions
 and noise levels produced by aircraft. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020
 programme, Clean Sky contributes to strengthening European aero-industry
 collaboration, global leadership and competitiveness.


 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

The Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) is KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER:
an International Non-Profit Organisation, with the aim to n A structure for Technical Committees

develop a framework within which the major European
Aerospace Societies can work together. HIGH-LEVEL EUROPEAN CONFERENCES:
It was established as a legal entity conferred under Bel- n Technical pan-European events dealing with specific

gium Law on 1st of January 2007. The creation of this disciplines
Council was the result of a slow evolution of the ‘Confe- n The biennial AEROSPACE EUROPE Conference

deration’ of European Aerospace Societies which was
born fifteen years earlier, in 1992, with three nations only PUBLICATIONS:
at that time: France, Germany and the UK. n CEAS Aeronautical Journal

It currently comprises: n CEAS Space Journal

n 12 Full Member Societies: 3AF (France), AIAE (Spain), n AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin

 AIDAA (Italy), AAAR (Romania), CzAeS (Czech Republic),
 lands), PSAA (Poland), RAeS (United Kingdom), SVFW n European Parliament

 ( Switzerland) and TsAGI (Russia); n European Commission


n 8 Societies having signed a Memorandum of Unders- HONOURS AND AWARDS:
 tanding (MoU) with CEAS: AAE (air and Space Acade- n Annual CEAS Gold Medal

 my), AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro- n Medals in Technical Areas

 nautics), CSA (Chinese Society of Astronautics), EASN n Distinguished Service Award

 (European Aeronautics Science Network), EREA (Euro-
 pean association of Research Establishments in Aero- YOUNG PROFESSIONAL AEROSPACE FORUM
 nautics), ICAS (International Council of Aeronautical SPONSORING
 Sciences), KSAS (Korean Society for Aeronautical and
 Space Sciences) and Society of Flight Test Engineers
 The CEAS is governed by a Board of Trustees, AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin is a quarterly publication
 with representatives of each of the Member Societies. aiming to provide the European aerospace community
 Its Head Office is located in Belgium: c/o DLR – Rue du Trône with high-standard information concerning current acti-
 98 – 1050 Brussels. vities and preparation for the future.
 Elaborated in close cooperation with the European ins-
AEROSPACE EUROPE titutions and organisations, it is structured around five
Besides, since January 2018, the CEAS has closely been headlines: Civil Aviation operations, Aeronautics Techno-
associated with six European Aerospace Science and logy, Aerospace Defence & Security, Space, Education
Technology Research Associations: EASN (European Ae- & Training and Young Professionals. All those topics are
ronautics Science Network), ECCOMAS (European Com- dealt with from a strong European perspective.
munity on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences), Readership: decision makers, scientists and engineers
EUCASS (European Conference for Aeronautics and of European industry and institutions, education and
Space Sciences), EUROMECH (European Mechanics So- research actors.
ciety), EUROTURBO (European Turbomachinery Society)
and ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on EDITORIAL COMMITTEE
Flow Turbulence Air Combustion). Editor-in Chief: Jean-Pierre Sanfourche
Together those various entities form the platform
so-called ‘AEROSPACE EUROPE’, the aim of which is to Deputy Editor-in-Chef: Pierre Bescond (CEAS VP Exter-
coordinate the calendar of the various conferences and nal relations)
workshops as well as to rationalise the information dis- Committee’s Members: Rafael Bureo-Dacal (ESA/
semination. ESTEC), Georges Bridel (CEAS Trustee), Jean-François
This new concept is the successful conclusion of a work Brouckaert (Clean Sky), Christophe Hermans (CEAS
which was conducted under the aegis of the European Head of Aeronautics Branch), Cornelia Hillenherms
Commission and under their initiative. (CEAS trustee), Peter Hotham (SESAR), Leonardo Lecce
The activities of ‘AEROSPACE EUROPE’ will not be limited (AIDAA), Uwe Moeller (EREA), Olga Trivailo (DLR).
to the partners listed above but are indeed dedicated to Design & Page Setting : Sophie Bougnon
the whole European Aerospace Community: industry,
institutions and academia.

AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 2 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

IN 2019: Secretary General: President: Dr Roland Karlsson
President: Zdobyslaw Goraj Prof. Cesare Cardani / St - Persgatan 29 5tr, SE - 602 33 Norrköping
Vice-President, Finance: CEAS Trustees: Prof. Leonardo Lecce Tel.: + 46(0)11 345 25 16
Cornelia Hillenherms and + 46 (0)705 38 58 06 Prof. Franco Bernelli Zazzera
Vice-President, Publications and CEAS Trustees:
External Relations: Pierre Bescond Secretary: Daniela Vinazza – Kaj Lundahl – Prof. Petter Krus : Linköping Univer-
Vice-President, Awards and sity SE - 58183 Linköping – petter.
Membership: Kaj Lundahl n Aeronautics and Astronautics – +46 13 282 792 – +46 708 Association of Romania (AAAR) 282 792 (mob)
Director General (including 220D Iuliu Maniu Ave - 061126 Bucha- Secretary: Björn Jonsson – FMV AL
Financial Management): rest 6 – Romania, P.O. 76, P.O.B. 174 – Flyglogistik – SE-115 88 Stockholm,
Mercedes Oliver Herrero Sweden – President: Prof. Virgil Stanciu
Chairman of the Aeronautics n Nederlandse Vereniging voor

Branch: Christophe Hermans Vice-President and CEAS Trustee: Luchtvaart­techniek (NVvL) Dr Eng. Valentin Silivestru c/o Netherlands Aerospace Centre
Chairman of the Space Branch: Anthony Fokkerweg 2
Torben Henriksen CEAS Trustee: Prof. Ion Fuiorea NL- 1059 CM Amsterdam Tel.: + 31 88 511 3055 (secretariat)
 n Czech Aerospace Society (CzAeS) – www.
FULL MEMBERS: Novotneho lavka 200/5 President: Christophe Hermans
n Association Aéronautique 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic CEAS Trustee: Christophe Hermans
et Astronautique de France (3AF) -
6,rue Galilée – F-75016 Paris President and CEAS Trustee: Secretary General and CEAS
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 56 64 12 30 – Assoc. Prof. Daniel Hanus, Trustee: Fred Abbink
President: Michel Scheller CSc, EUR ING, AFAIAA
Secretary General: Louis Le Portz
CEAS Trustees: Michel Scheller Vice-President and CEAS Trustee: n Polish Society of Aeronautics Assoc. Prof. Jan Rohac, PhD and Astronautics (PSAA)
Pierre Bescond Nowowiejska 24 – 00-665 Warsaw –
Executive Secretary : n Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- Poland – Phone : +48 22 234 5428
Anne Venables und Raumfahrt Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR) President: Tomasz Goetzendorf-
n Asociación de Ingenieros Godesberger Allee 70 – D- 53175 Grabowski:
Aeronáuticos de España (AIAE) Bonn – Tel.: + 49 228 30 80 50 Treasurer: Jacek Szumbarski
COIAE. Francisco Silvela 71, –
Entreplanta - 28250 Madrid (Spain) – President: Prof. Rolf Henke Secretary General: Andrzej Zyluk
Tel.: + 34 91 745 30 30 CEAS Trustees: Dr Cornelia Hillen- - herms – BoD Members: Tomasz Rogalski,
President: Mrs Estefanía Matesanz and Philip Nickenig - Zbigniew Koruba
Romero CEAS Trustees: Tomasz Goetzendorf-
CEAS Trustees: Secretary General: Philip Nickenig Grabowski; Zdobyslaw Goraj
Mrs Mercedes Oliver Herrero Executive and Team Assistant: Administrative Officer:
Mrs Estefanía Matesanz Romero Susanne Frank - Beata Wierzbinska-Prus
n Associazione Italiana di Aeronau- Conference Manager: Torsten Schil-
tica e Astronautica (AIDAA) ling – n Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)

Casella Postale 227 – I-00187 Roma No.4 Hamilton Place – London
V.R. – Tel / Fax : +39 366 144 21 31 n Flygtekniska Föreningen (FTF) – W1 J 7 BQ – United Kingdom – Swedish Society for Aeronautics Tel.:+ 44 (0)20 76 70 4300
President: Prof. Erasmo Carrera and Astronautics
Politecnico di Torino - DIMA Kaj Lundahl -
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 - 10129 c/o SSC Box 4207 – SE-171 04 Solna President: Rear Adm Simon Henly
Torino, Italy T: +46-8-627 6200 CEng FRAeS

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 3 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

 Chief Executive: Sir Brian Burridge TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH
 FRAeS n Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace CLOSELY LINKED WITH CEAS:
 n Schweizerische Vereinigung für (AAE)
 Flugwissenschaften/Swiss Asso- 1, avenue Camille Flammarion – n EASN: European

 ciation of Aeronautical Sciences F-31500 Toulouse Aeronautics Science
 (SVFW) Network
 ETH Zurich – Institute of Fluid Dyna- n American Institute of Aeronautics Chairman: Prof. Spiros
 mics – Ms Bianca Maspero and Astronautics (AIAA) Pantelakis (University of Patras)
 CH 8092 Zurich – 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive
 President and CEAS Trustee: Suite 200, Reston Vice Chairman: Zdobyslaw Goraj
 Dr Jürg Wildi: VA 20191 – 5807 USA (Warsaw University of Technology)
 CEAS Trustee: Dr Georges Bridel -
 c/o ALR, Gotthardstrasse 52, CH n Chinese Society of Astronautics

 8002 Zurich (CSA) n ECCOMAS: European CSA Zhang yao – WANG Yiran, Community on
 n Central Aerohydrodynamic n° 8, Fucheng Road, Haidian district Computational Methods in Applied
 Institute Russian Aerospace Society P.O. Box 838 Sciences
 (TsAGI) 100 830 Beijing, China Edificio C-1, Campus Norte UPC
 1, Zhukovsky St. – Zhukovsky, Csa_zhangyao@sina.en c/Gran Capitan s/n
 Moskow region, 140 180, 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
 Russian Federation
 Chief Scientific Officer: n European Aeronautics Science
 Sergey L. Chernyshev, D.Sc. Network (EASN) President: Michal Kleiber – President: Prof. Spiros Pantelakis
 CEAS Trustee: Evgeni Andreev – EASN Prof.Spiros Pantelakis Rue du Trône 98 – 1050 Brussels, n ERCOFTAC: European Belgium – Research Community on
 n Association of European Research Flow Turbulence
 Establishments in Aeronautics Air Combustion
 n ESA Chairman: Catalin Nae – INCAS Chairman of Executive Council:
 8-10, rue Mario Nikis - F-75015 Paris EREA Secretary: Anne-Laure Delot – Prof. Ananias Tomboulides
 CEAS Representative: Torben Hen- ONERA,
 riksen – n International Council of the

 n EASA Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) n EUCASS: European
 Konrad - Adenauer - Ufer 3 President: Susan Ying Conference for
 D-50542 Cologne (Germany) Executive Secretary: Axel Probst Aero-Space Sciences
 Tel.: +49 (221) 8999 0000 c/o DGLR – Godesberger Allee 70 – D- 53175 Bonn EUCASS President: Walter Zinner
 CEAS Representative: – (Airbus Defence and Space)
 Erick Ferrandez n Korean Society for Aeronautical

 n EUROCONTROL and Space Sciences (KSAS) n EUROMECH: European

 Rue de la Fusée 96 - Brussels 1130 Room 1001, 635-4 Mechanics Society
 CEAS Representative: Marc Bourgois Yeogdam-Dong 135-703 Gangnam President: Prof. Gertjan van Heijst
 n EUROAVIA Gu Republic of Korea
 Kluyverweg 1 - 2629 HS, Delft, NL
 President and CEAS n EUROTURBO: European

 Representative: Francesco di Lauro n Society of Flight Test Engineers Turbomachinery Society (SFTE-EC)
 CEAS Representative: Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli
 Juan Manuel Lora Alonso –

 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 4 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies


 Jean-Pierre Sanfourche
Aviation represents today between 2 and 3% of CO2 emissions at worldwide scale, but
to only maintain this level, it is mandatory to accelerate innovation in energy transition
because of the 5% per year traffic growth which is foreseen in the coming years. – Presentation:
 Members and Partners 2-4
It is to be reminded that as soon as 2000, the European Commission had been a pioneer – Editorial 5
in matters of environmental impact by setting up the Advisory Council for Aeronautics – CEAS President’s Message 6-7
Research in Europe (ACARE) whose the works resulted in the important report edited in
2001: ‘European Aeronautics: a Vision for 2020’. This was the commencement of Clean Sky.
In the continuity of the successful achievements of Clean Sky 1, Clean Sky 2 was launched Personality Interview
in 2014 as part of the European Commission’s ‘HORIZON EUROPE 2020’ programme, with – Axel Krein, Executive Director 8-10
the aim to reach the ‘Flightpath 2050’ goals, notably: 75% reduction of carbon dioxide of Clean Sky
CO2 emissions; 90% reduction in mono-nitrogen oxides NOx. And then Clean Sky 3,
whose budget is to be voted in the end of 2019, will cover the period 2021-2027, will allow
 Aeronautics Technology
to continue and amplify the remarkable works achieved so far.
 – Open Rotor Technologies 11-14
Besides in addition to research and trials of new more efficient aircraft designs and new
more efficient propulsion systems, other ways are offering promising perspectives among – Joint Paper on Aeronautics 14-15
which: alternative fuels, routing optimisation and more electrical aircraft. Research - EASN – EREA – ASD
In the near term, the use of biofuels will allow aviation improve its environmental sustai-
nability and reduce its carbon footprint.
 Civil Aviation Operations
Considerable fuel is wasted due to inefficient routing. So, by shortening flight distances
thanks to optimised ATM, using satellite navigation systems, it would be possible to re-
 – About the World ATM 16-18
duce fuel consumption by up to 10%.
The dream is the 100% electrical airliner is not realisable yet, this is the reason why the
motto of the profession is simply for the time being: “More Electrical Aircraft”. Aerospace Defence
From decades, the electrification of non propelling elements is regularly progressing: and Security
auxiliary power units, landing gears, de-icing, air conditioning, taxiing. – The European Air Transport 19-20
Other hopes are all electric small drones capable of transporting 200-300 kg payloads Command - EATC
between airport zones.
 The ‘New Mobility Vehicles’ are also offering new perspectives: the electrical small vehi-
cles E-VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) for passengers and freight transportation and Space
the flying taxis (like the Nexus developed by Bell Helicopter for which Safran provides its
 – Electra – A Flexible Full 21-23
 Electric Propulsion Platform
new electrical serie ‘Ingenius’.
 for GEO Missions
The hybrid solution consisting in mixing thermal and electric propulsions is quite a pro-
mising step. Here Airbus shows its ambitions with its E-Fan technology demonstrator the – Telerobotics Developments 24-27
 at ESA
first test flight of which is expected in 2021. In 2025 fixed wing 10-20 passenger hybrid
propulsion regional shuttles could be envisioned.
 What could happen next? In 2040 a short-medium range 40 passengers regional all Education and Training
electrical aircraft, and later ... after 2050, an all electric 100- passenger airliner? – Sixty Years at EUROAVIA 28-29
This brief enumeration gives an idea about the broad field of technology challenges our
European scientists and engineers will take up, bringing so an eminent contribution to
 Aerospace Event Calendar
energy transition in aviation and to the fight against climate change.
 – Among upcoming 30-32
 aerospace events

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 5 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Selected CEAS executives got another interesting occa-
 sion for networking and discussing of important chal-
 lenges CEAS is facing on. Patrick Daher, Commissaire
 Général du Salon du Bourget, and David Cook FRAeS,
 President of the Paris Branch of the Royal Aeronautical So-
 ciety invited us for a Breakfast Reception on Wednesday
 19 June 2019, at the SIAE chalet N 230. Among different
 topics of discussions there were issues devoted to CEAS
 Zdobyslaw Goraj PR and visibility and mutual relations between CEAS and
 CEAS President RAeS. Both sides confirmed their strong interest to keep
 good relations and to strengthen future involvement in
TOWARDS AEC2020 CONFERENCE different scientific events. RAeS is one of the biggest Euro-
(BORDEAUX, 25-28 FEB, 2020) pean Aerospace Societies and for CEAS - composed of a
Abstract submission platform was opened at beginning few smaller Societies also – our cooperation and join acti-
of April and will be closed on July 31st. In order to assess vity is absolutely crucial.
the advancement of AEC2020 preparation, a meeting During this networking Breakfast Reception a number of
was hold on 18 June in Le Bourget, bringing together students were awarded for their academic achievements,
CEAS officers, Past Presidents and Presidents of DGLR, see Photo 2.
3AF and RAeS, and members of AEC2020 Steering Com-
mittee. This meeting took place at Hotel Marriot Le Bour-
get Airport on the Panoramic Terrace (9th floor) which
offered a wonderful view on Le Bourget Air Show. Domi-
nique Nouailhas, in charge of AEC2020’s organisation wi-
thin 3AF presented the progress report, underlining the
major objective of the Conference: to bring together the
aeronautics and space communities around the com-
mon and central subject: “How to achieve a cleaner and
greener environment?” It is expected that the delegates
will be provided with presentations of most advanced
technologies and of the views about the future of avia-
tion and space vehicles and systems. She concluded
saying that so far the preparation is progressing well.

 Photo 2 - Awarding ceremony – from left to right: Sir Brian
 Burridge – RAeS Chief Executive; French student – the award
 recipient; Dr David Cook, President of the Paris Branch of the
 RAeS and; Georges Bridel – CEAS Past President


 CEAS, established 25 years ago, is an International Non-
 Profit Association, with the aim to be Europe’s foremost
 aeronautics & space community (Aerospace Europe)
 to further the advancement of aerospace sciences and
Photo 1 - From left to right: Mercedes Oliver-Herrero - engineering. Today, CEAS comprises 12 national member
CEAS Director General; Christophe Hermans – CEAS Past societies all across Europe with an outreach to roughly
President; Dominique Nouailhas – 3AF Project Manager
 35,000 professionals in aerospace. four corporate mem-
and member of the Conference Steering Committee;
Prof. Jonathan Cooper – RAeS President; Pierre Bescond bers (EASA, ESA, EUROCONTROL and EUROAVIA), and
– CEAS Past President and member of the Conference 7 partnering organizations are valuable partners in achie-
Steering Committee; Cornelia Hillenherms, CEAS Officer ving our goals.
and Managing Editors of the CEAS Aeronautical Journal;
Sir Brian Burridge – RAeS Chief Executive; Christian Mari – CEAS, as the obvious European focal point for fostering
Chair of Steering Committee and ICAS Past President;
 knowledge dissemination in aerospace, will organise its
Prof. Zdobyslaw Goraj – CEAS President; Georges Bridel –
CEAS Past President. seventh biennial large scale European Air & Space event.

AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 6 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

Countries in CEAS, represented by 3AF, AAAF, AIAE, AIDAA, CzAeS, DGLR, FTF, NVvL, PSAA, RAeS, SWFV, TsAGI

Aerospace Europe, being the new label for our event, nautical. Journal and the CEAS Space Journal – as well as
will be a unique opportunity for aerospace industries, the quarterly AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin. I am all the
academia, organizations and associations to communi- more disappointed that certain not-European Aeronau-
cate, share and debate innovative concepts and techni- tics and Astronautics Associations had got invitations for
cal solutions in the aerospace domain. The event aims keynote lectures, among others: American, Canadian and
at increasing European competitiveness in the field of Chinese.
aerospace by providing unique networking opportunities
to its delegates. I asked in due time by official letter Mrs Clara de la
 Torre, Director Responsible for Aerodays organisation in
In our dissemination activity, supporting European Insti- Bucharest, for benefitting of invitations, but I unfortunately
tutions and organizing conferences, CEAS is not the only received a negative answer.
stakeholder (EUCASS, EASN, Air and Space Academy
just to mention the biggest players). In the past we very So, may I ask the following question: “Does Europe need
often took initiatives to act together to fight against the CEAS?”
fragmentation of this important segment of European It is our deep conviction that “For sure it does”.
research supporting and dissemination. However, there is
still far away from harmonic collaboration and understan- So, this episode demonstrates that hard work CEAS has
ding. During the last Aerodays 2019 in Bucharest, CEAS still to be done to increase our visibility by improving more
had not been invited to participate. I deeply regret that: and more the quality of our achievements, but also by es-
as a matter of fact, CEAS is the Pan-European Association tablishing reliable links with new friends and supporters.
representing more than 35, 000 aerospace engineers and
technicians, which in addition to the conferences it orga- n
nises, publishes two scientific journals - the CEAS Aero-

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 7 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

By Jean-Pierre Sanfourche, Editor-in-Chief

 • The two-day event in April reflected on Clean Sky
 2’s results so far: could you summarise the key mes-
 sages which have emerged from this event?
 Answer - The two-day event in April reflected on Clean
 Sky 2’s results to date and discussed the future of our Joint
 Axel Krein, Executive
 Director Clean Sky Undertaking. We brought together Clean Sky’s stakehol-
 ders – the European aeronautics industry leaders, SMEs,
 As of February 1st, 2019, Axel Krein is Executive Director universities, research centres and European institutions –
 of Clean Sky 2, the Public-Private-Partnership Program to share their points of view about the programme to date.
 in European aeronautics. We also dived deeper into some of Clean Sky 2’s innova-
 From September 2014 to January 2019, Axel Krein tive projects, with partners giving us a first-hand account
 headed the Cyber Security Program Directorate at Air- of the expertise and collaboration that is making their
 bus Group. His responsibilities included the definition of research possible. Additionally, we also looked ahead to
 the Group’s cyber protection strategy as well as the pro- how we see a future European aeronautics partnership
 gram management of the Group’s cyber security impro- within Horizon Europe.
 vement projects.He also steered Airbus Group’s cyber I am really grateful to everyone who participated in the
 security research & innovation agenda. event – we learned a lot from each other over the two days.

 In 2007, Axel Krein was appointed Senior Vice President • We are now at mid-term evaluation of Clean Sky 2:
 Research & Technology at Airbus. He led Research & What is your general feeling about the main new
 Technology from strategy definition to programme ma- innovations achieved so far? What are your wishes
 nagement for all research activities. This also included and directives for the management of the end of this
 partnership management, business development and FP8: proposal selection, priority holder research sub-
 intellectual property. jects, new participants to be involved (among others
 academic research actors), approach to partnerships
 Prior to 2007, Axel held the position of Senior Vice Pre- (accentuation of PPP policy) ...
 sident Strategic Development at Airbus. In this role he Answer – Clean Sky received very positive feedback
 oversaw the development of strategies for Airbus’ stra- from the mid-term evaluation – you can take a look at
 tegic countries and business intelligence. Axel also led the report on our website. It included a few recommen-
 the definition of Airbus’ industrial strategy for Russia and dations that are being factored in during the next steps
 the related negotiations with the Russian industrial and of the programme.
 governmental stakeholders.
 From 2000 to 2004, Axel was Senior Vice President and Concerning the innovations achieved so far, it is very
 Chief Information Officer at Airbus. He led the organisa- gratifying to see that halfway through the Clean Sky 2
 tion responsible for application development, applica- programme, we are delivering cutting-edge results for
 tion maintenance and information systems infrastruc- greener aviation in fields like propulsion, systems, aeros-
 ture through the integration of the four national Airbus tructures, aerodynamics and overall aircraft configura-
 companies into the integrated Airbus entity. tion. These technologies are targeted for integration into
 Axel joined Airbus in Hamburg in 1992 and held various global airline and operator fleets in the two next decades.
 positions in the Engineering Division including Future In aviator terminology, we are at top-of-climb!
 Projects and Standardisation and Engineering Methods On the subject of new participants, it is a continuous ob-
 & Support, before being appointed Vice President Infor- jective of Clean Sky to be as inclusive as possible and
 mation Services at Airbus Industrie in Toulouse in 1999. bring new competent partners on board from as many
 Before joining Airbus, Axel was Managing Director of a European countries as possible. The current numbers
 transport company and worked in air traffic control in already speak for themselves: following our most recent
 the German Airforce. Call for Proposals, we have over 800 unique entities in-
 volved in Clean Sky 2, from 28 different countries, repre-
 Axel holds a Masters in Mechanical Engineering/ senting the whole European aeronautics sector: industry
 Aerospace Engineering from the Technical University of members, SMEs, research centres and universities. This
 Aachen and worked at the university in the field of strong collaborative effort is crucial if we are to achieve
 hypersonic space transportation. our ambitious environmental goals.

AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 8 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

• The next big thing is the preparation of FP9 “HORI- • Do you plan to reinforce your working links with other
ZON EUROPE” which is a fundamental enabler to rea- European institutions: SESAR JU, EUROCONTROL,
lise ACARE Flightpath 2050 objectives. What are the EASA, ... ?
main milestones of the roadmap you have in mind to Answer – We all share the same goal of a greener, more
conduct this ambitious strategic programme, with its efficient European aviation system, so not only does it
three main components: optimised energy aircraft, make sense to work together, but it is even mandatory to
enablers supporting the connected and autonomous complement each other’s work for a sustainable aviation
aircraft, aeronautics industry 4.0.? system. For example, we have engaged in an on-going
Answer – In short, in order to reach the ACARE Flightpath dialogue with SESAR, with which we have signed and im-
2050 objectives, a future European aeronautics partner- plemented a Memorandum of Cooperation. Regarding
ship must develop very focused, highly ambitious, and EASA, Clean Sky will involve them much more closely
high-impact technological innovations. These innovations in the future in our technology development process, in
need to be matured and demonstrated very quickly in order to benefit from their expertise and experience. Fi-
order to ensure their rapid implementation into products, nally, we also need to consider the wider aviation infras-
which can be successfully introduced into the world mar- tructure: air traffic control, airports and MROs will have
ket. Only by quickly penetrating the world market with to be connected to our work, as the ultimate aim is the
eco-efficient technological innovations developed via integration of Clean Sky technologies into service.
Clean Sky and other initiatives, will Europe be able to face
the environmental challenges specifically related to CO2 • What are your three priorities for the next coming
emissions. months?
 Answer – 1. Work together with all stakeholders in order to
To do this, we will certainly need to involve European ins- develop the new aviation partnership programme, Clean
titutions and all current Clean Sky stakeholders, as well Sky 3, with regard to the technical content as well as the
as other highly-skilled European partners who are not yet appropriate operating principles
part of our journey, but who have the expertise needed to 2. Deliver in line with the committed Clean Sky 2 mi-
reach our common goal! lestones and communicate the results to the wider
• Do you plan to increase the Clean Sky staff? 3. Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Joint
Answer – Clean Sky 2 is running up to 2024 with a peak Undertaking organisation
workload from 2019 to 2023. The technical work under
the new partnership within Horizon Europe will start in Discover Clean Sky 2 results here: https://www.cleans-
2021, so that we will have a few years of overlapping
between the two programmes. By the beginning of next Stay up to date with Clean Sky’s news and events on
year, we will have completed the high-level definition of
the technical work and the description of the main ope- Clean Sky 2 results event – April 2019: https://www.
rating principles for the new partnership programme,
both of which will determine the required budget and April%209-10%20event%20presentation%20-%20
the skilled team to match the ambition! Day%201.pdf

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 9 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

 Photo of Airbus’s first flight test of the BLADE demonstrator
 (BLADE: Breakthrough Laminar Aircraft Demonstrator in
 Europe). BLADE is part of Clean Sky’s Smart Fixed Wings
 Aircraft programme within the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research
 & Innovation vision. It is the first test aircraft combining
 a transonic laminar wing profile with a standard aircraft
 internal primary structure. The demonstrator aims at bringing
 about a 50% reduction of wing friction and up to 5% lower
 CO2 emissions.
 ©Airbus 2017. Photo by S. Ramadier


AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 10 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

By Mario LAMBEY, Safran Aircraft Engines, Research & Technologies and Nicolas TANTOT, Safran Aircraft Engines,
Advanced Designs

Safran Aircraft Engines is actively preparing the future Nowadays, the aviation represents about 3% of the glo-
of propulsion for next-generation short and medium bal anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Given the
range aircraft and is working at reducing the environ- air transport growth close to 5% a year [1], it is necessary
mental footprint of aviation. to further reduce fuel consumption, CO2, NOx and par-
Open Rotors are the most promising engine archi- ticles emissions.
tectures to address the ambitious objectives set by Reducing the environmental footprint of aviation is the
ACARE to reduce pollutant & CO2 emissions. Open Ro- target of the ACARE goals (Figure 1).
tors combine the ability to maximize the propulsive ef-
ficiency while keeping a high-speed cruise capability. Safran Aircraft Engines is supporting these environmen-
This high potential motivated Safran major research tal objectives through the identification and develop-
investment from advanced concepts to a full-scale ment of new technologies for future CFM® engines.
demonstrator tested for more than 6 month in 2017. For Safran Aircraft Engines, the Open Rotor configura-
The operation of the SAGE2 demonstrator confirmed tion remains one of the best candidates for a significant
the robustness of operation of such a disruptive layout, reduction in CO2 emissions.
while enabling to explore the full scope of ground
level static domain, enforcing confidence in the archi- The two spool turbofan configuration has experienced
tecture potential. multiple and significant improvements allowing to re-
 duce fuel consumption by half between 1960 and 2016
OPEN ROTOR BENEFITS for short-medium range (SMR) aircraft. About 80% of
 this benefit is achieved by enhancing the propulsion
 efficiency through an increase of engines By-Pass Ratio
 (BPR). In this way, CFM International, a 50-50 joint-own
 company of Safran Aircraft Engines and General Electric,
 has chosen for the development of its first engine family,
 CFM56® generation, a BPR of 6 compared to a BPR of 1
 for the in-service engines of that time. A BPR of 11 has
 been selected for the new Leap® generation thanks to
 progresses in lightweight materials and aerodynamics.
 The Open Rotor engines family, including the Counter-
 Rotating Open Rotor (CROR) engine, pushes the search
 Figure 1 : ACARE goals of high by-pass ratio at its maximum, getting rid of duc-

 Figure 2- 1980s CROR maturation summary

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 11 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

ted turbofan limits. The objectives are to maximize pro- can be certified according to the current noise regula-
pulsion efficiency with a low fan compression ratio, to re- tions (ICAO chapter 14) while allowing a 15% reduction
duce drag and weight penalty of the engine by removing in fuel consumption on mission compared to LEAP®
outer nacelles and to reduce losses in the secondary engines.
flow path [2][3]. After increasing confidence in the overall potential of the
 architecture, Safran Aircraft Engines took the decision to
FIRST OPEN ROTOR TESTS go into a full-scale demonstration enabling to increase
CROR investigations first turned out to reality through confidence in whole propulsor design, behaviour, control
comprehensive design studies and test campaigns held and integration in representative ground conditions.
in the 1980s, before the lack of market opportunities for This project was made possible thanks to the European
such a disruptive concept put a halt to the related inves- CleanSky program, which aims to support the develop-
tigations [4]. ment of innovative technologies for a more environmen-
Significant maturation was achieved during this time- tal-friendly aviation. With a total budget of around €200
frame, on both direct drive and geared pusher CROR million, the project involved hundreds of people in se-
configurations, from design to ground and flight testing, veral Safran entities and European partners, from 2008
as summarized on Figure 2. to the end of 2017. It ended with the success of the test
Interest towards CROR configurations was revived in the campaign.
2000s as it is still the most fuel-efficient architecture.
However, it brings new challenges in a context of ever THE OPEN ROTOR SAGE2 ENGINE
stricter noise and CO2 emission standards. The SAGE2 Engine, integrated by Safran Aircraft Engines,
 is a pusher, geared Counter-Rotating Open Rotor and
SAFRAN AIRCRAFT ENGINES’ DEMONSTRATION is made of a gas generator aerodynamically linked via
PLAN (see Figure 3) a power turbine to two counter-rotating propellers (see
After comprehensive preliminary design studies ena- Figure 4).
bling the down-selection of a preferred engine architec- The power turbine, mechanically free from the gas genera-
ture based on geared CROR, efforts focused on major tor drives the two propeller modules via a differential gear
risks mitigation. Between 2006 and 2012, the optimi- box. The gas generator is derived from a Safran Aircraft
zation of the architecture, first numerically and then by Engines M88 military engine. It was selected because it
subscale wind tunnel testing, aimed at finding the best met the needs for power and operability while being very
aero-acoustic compromise. Thus, it has been demons- robust and available as an «off-the-shelf» engine.
trated that an aircraft equipped with this kind of engine Font and aft propeller modules integrate respectively 12
 and 10 3D woven carbon fibre composite blades. They
 both integrate a pitch control mechanism,
 rotating frames and cowls.
 The engine is controlled via an advanced
 Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) control sys-
 tem acting on gas generator power and both
 propeller modules speeds. Specially deve-
 loped for this project, it tackles the high cou-
 plings between these three parameters (see
 Figure 5).

 The SAGE2 engine was installed on a new
 test bench in March 2017, at Safran Aircraft
 Engines’ flight test facilities in Istres, south of
 France (see Figure 6 ).
 Both engine and bench were highly instru-
 mented to allow the monitoring of the engine,
 its safe operation during the campaign and to
 carry out engineering tests.

 Figure 3- Sage2 project timeline

AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 12 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

Figure 4 : Sage2 engine Figure 6 – SAGE2 running at test bench in Istres Flight Test Centre

Figure 5 - CROR multivariable control system logics

GROUND TESTS • Propeller domain exploration: Propeller operating limits
The first engine start took place on May 30, 2017 and and behaviour
the test campaign ended on December 14, 2017 after • Fast transient
approximately 70 hours of operation and the completion • Cross wind: impact of the wind on engine and propeller
of the entire test program. behaviour
 • Vibe survey: Propulsor behaviour under additional un-
The campaign was divided into two main phases, in order balanced
to reduce the risks associated with testing a new engine. • Reverse: transition to reverse mode and reverse thrust
The first phase was dedicated to the nominal engine capability
operating line exploration at steady state and to the
checking of every safety and fallback manoeuvres. Main test results
The second phase was dedicated to engineering tests The SAGE2 results have proven that this architecture
and engine’s operating limits exploration. complexity is manageable with measured performance,
Figure 7 below shows the engine nominal operating line in line with theoretical analysis. The engine showed a
and nominal points (Ground Idle Feather, Ground Idle very good dynamic and thermal behaviour, therefore va-
(GI), Flight Idle (FI), Max Climb (MCL) and Take Off (T/O). lidating the integration of embedded technologies such
Figure 8 gives an example of the propeller domain as the gearbox, propellers, pitch control mechanism sys-
exploration around the nominal points. tem and engine control system.
The following tests were carried out. The main challenges related to thermal and engine
During phase 1: dynamics come from the integration of the gearbox
• Cranks: to validate communication between the bench and the two large diameter rotors. The dynamic beha-
 and the engine viour, monitored during the whole test campaign, gave
• Start and GI feather: first rotations of the engine excellent results.
• Acceleration to GI unfeather: first speed increase of the Technologies integrated on Sage2 for cooling nd lubri-
 propeller cation of the gearbox and bearings have demonstrated
• Acceleration to FI: first power increase of the gas gene- good performance. Influence tests on the gearbox, lubri-
 rator and first activation of the Multi Input Multi Output cation and ventilation have been carried out to refine the
 control system models used during design.
• Increase to MCL and T/O The Multi Input Multi Output control system allowed safe
 and stable engine operations throughout the campaign,
During phase 2: regardless of the power required by the propellers. Low
• PGB mapping: influence parameters on PGB behaviour sensitivity to external disturbances, such as crosswind,

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 13 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019

 pellers operating areas. Propeller operating
 limits and the behaviour of rotors close to
 these limits have been validated. Transition to
 reverse and correct operation of the engine in
 reverse mode have also been validated.
 Although challenges remain at the end of
 these tests, particularly regarding the inte-
 gration of this type of engine on tomorrow’s
 aircraft, this project is a real success with the
 completion test program and the demons-
 tration of the robustness of this architecture.
 Moreover, several of the embarked technolo-
 gies can be transposed to other architectures
 that Safran Aircraft Engines is considering for
 Figure 7 - Engine test phase 1 - nominal operating line exploration future engine generations.
 This project enabled Safran Aircraft Engines
 to acquire Open Rotor engineering know-how
 from design to tests. Rewarded by the “2018
 success award” attributed by 3AF and by the
 Aviation Week’s 2019 Commercial Propul-
 sion Award, this demonstrator exceeded the
 expectations of many aeronautics industry
 players. Safran Aircraft Engines is now able to
 fully confirm the potential of the Open Rotor
 for future engines.

 [1] Dautriat E. (2016) Clean Sky at a Glance,
 Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, Brussel, Belgium
 [2] Giannakakis, P. (2013). Design space explo-
Figure 8 - Engine test phase 2 - Engineering and propeller ration and performance modelling of advanced
domain exploration turbofan and open-rotor engines, Cranfield University
 School of Engineering EngD Thesis. Cranfield University,
has been demonstrated and several engineering tests UK, 8-12.
have been performed to validate the robustness of this [3] Tantot N. and al.. (2008). Aeroengine design: from state
technology. The pitch control system, necessary for pro- of the art turbofans towards innovative architectures, Von
peller control, operated as expected in stabilized and Karman Institute Lecture series, Rhodes St Genese, BE, ,VKI
transient conditions with expected pitch accuracy and LS 2013-04 ISBN-13 978-2-87516-050-8.
response time. [4] Reddy D., 70 years of Aeropropulsion Research at NASA
This overall very good engine behaviour allowed exten- Glenn Research Center (2013), NASA Glenn Research Cen-
sive test and exploration to validate the predicted pro- ter, Cleveland, Ohio, NASA/TP-2013-216524



 Over the past decades, all stakeholders in the European
 Union have managed to develop a flourishing aviation
 sector and a competitive aeronautics industry that signi- address its citizens’ mobility and security needs, while
 ficantly contribute to the European economic welfare, continuing to be at the forefront of the climate change
 societal inclusion and scientific excellence. As per Flight- challenge in line with COP21 objectives. Therefore, to
 path 20501, the European Sector’s vision for Aviation, the keep a leading position in a highly competitive world,
 European Union must maintain its global leadership and European stakeholders in aviation must be able to im-

AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 14 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

pulse and drive bath înc’remental and disruptive inno- >«
  Demonstrate»: representative context demonstration
vation, and sustain its Research and Technology (R& T) for performance assessment and social and market
excellence. acceptance.

JOINT STATEMENT lntegrating bottom up collaborative research and top
EASN (European Aeronautics Science Network), EREA down high TRL research under the same organizatio-
(Association of European Research nal umbrella would foster a seamless approach and
Establishments in Aeronautics) and ASD (AeroSpace and ensure that provided results from bottom-up research
Defence Industries Association of Europe) have decided would feed easily into the high-TRL activities.
to speak with a common voice and join their forces to:
• guarantee the full coherence of research and innova- ln that respect, ASD, EREA and EASN propose to en large
 tion ac ions across the aeronautics sector; the scope of activity of the future Aeronautics Research
• create synergies between research and innovation ini- Partnership or any other Initiative (succession of Clean
 tiatives driven by other sectors; Sky), with adapted organizations, governances and as-
• deliver the most compelling technologies, products sociated budgets to optimize the tailored use of public
 and systems. and private funding.
The three associations believe that a renewed effort for
Research and Innovation (R&I) including an ambitious In- Specific streams would be elaborated:
novation impulse will be necessary to provide affordable A bottom-up collaborative research, basic/applied
and higher mobility for citizens while facing present and research driven and research/science led involving all
future challenges, such as safety and environmental stakeholders,
challenges, despite a huge expected air traffic increase A top-down high-TRL research similar to the existing
and growing (cyber) security risks. JU (that could be based on article 187 of the TFEU and
The associations believe that a dedicated and renewed known as Joint Undertaking JU), demonstration-driven
Research and Innovation aeronautics programme is and industry led.
required to cape with the specificities of the sector. Such
a programme should corne with a dedicated and signi- CONCLUSION
ficantly increased public and private R&I budget for Reaching the desired impacts on European citizens’ life,
aeronautics, which is crucial to face the challenges lying even beyond the Flightpath 2050 ambitious objectives
ahead and to foster competitiveness of the sector at the and goals, will require an increased R&I effort at all levels
European and international level. Public funding should to enable breakthfough innovation including the emer-
be delivered through grants to cape with the long terms gence and de-risking of disruptive technologies.
cycles and the huge investments needed in the sector. A continuous funding support is mandatory from both
 the European Commission and the industrial sector, cha-
JOINT RESEARCH APPROACH racterized by long lead cycles and high up-front invest-
ln the context of the preparation of the next Framework ments associated with high levels of safety, reliability
Programme and willing to bring a common contribu- and demanding certification processes.
tion and reinforce European Research, Technology and
Innovation capability, EASN, EREA and ASD would like to EREA, EASN and ASD are fully committed to achieving
propose a joint approach to foster coherence and coor- these ambitio s goals, which require a dedicated and in-
dination of Research and Innovation actions across the creased R&I budget, via grants. This joint engagement is
aeronautics sector. crucial to make European aviation safer, greener and to
This R&I European aeronautics programme should ad- keep its competitiveness over the next decades.
dress the entire R&I scope (all Technology Readiness
levels (TRLs)) in a strong and coordinated manner, foste-
ring collaborative research among the whole EU com-
munity, with an adequate balance between top-down
and bottom-up research.
The intent is to approach the aeronautics research in Ho-
rizon Europe (FP9) by three investigation streams:
> «Explore» : lnnovative and disruptive technology ex-
> «Mature»: Technology maturation, partial integration
 or technology benchmark and potential benefit eva-


 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 15 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019


« Europe for Aviation » was the theme around which Eu-
ropean aviation organisations working to implement the
 The Status of SESAR R&D in 2019
Single European Sky (SES) gathered at the World ATM
Congress which took place in Madeid o 12’14 March 2019. The SESAR Joint Undertaking has published the third
The “Europe for Aviation” stand and thetre hosted a wide edition of the SESAR Solution Catalogue just in time
range of debates, presentations and guided walking for the recent World ATM Congress (Madrid, 12-14
tours, Single European Sky Awards, illustrating the colla- March 2019).
boration in action between European organisations wor-
king to implement SES, namely the European Commis-
Manager (SDM), the European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA), the European defence Agency (EDA), Innovation
and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), and EUROCAE.
Highlights included:
✓8  ,000 visitors from around the world, including 253
 “xhibitors and more than 200 speakers; Clic to the picture
✓ 1 6 walking tours, as well as one dedicated to press and to download
 one to representatives from DG MOVE and FAA, with the catalogue
 some 100 presentations, promoting SESAR members
 activities across the SESAR 2020 and SESAR deploy-
 ment programme;
✓ 15 sessions in which SESAR JU presented its work in
 areas of U-space, civil-military collaboration, global in-
 teroperability, CNS, exploratory research, among others;
✓ 1 virtual reality tool on seamless data exchange in the
 ATM; This catalogue is the result of strong collaboration
✓ 1 SESAR winner in the Jane’s awards, the exploratory between the public-private-partners that make up the
 research project COCTA (COordinating Capacity orde- SESAR JU. Together the SESAR JU partners have created
 ring and Trajectory pricing for better performing ATM). a SESAR innovation pipeline through which concepts
✓N  umerous announcements by SESAR JU members are transformed into tangible solutions. The pipeline is
 and partners on important milestones including: composed of 85 research projects and demonstrators,
 • First FAN-C equipped A320 aircraft to Easyjet – an more than 50 test sites and is staffed by 2,500 resear-
 important piece of kit to demonstrate SESARi4D for chers, controllers, pilots and engineers from across
 more predictable flights and ATM; Europe. All that R&D is carried out in a cooperative and
 • Update on preparation of live U-space/SESAR trials integrated manner following the vision of the ATM Mas-
 in the Gulf of Finland; ter Plan, which is the fundamental planning tool for ATL
✓3  00 distributed SESAR Solution Catalogues 2019, modernisation, and in support of the Single European
 Airspace Architecture Study, as well as many more Sky (SES) and the EU Aviation Strategy.

AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019 16 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies

The SESAR Solution Catalogue 3rd edition (2019) pro- In order to enable more airports, or high traffic volume,
vides a holistic view of the status of SESAR R&D in to be controlled simultaneously from a multiple remote
2019 and offers solutions to a number of pressing chal- tower module, the work aims to validate advanced fea-
lenges presently facing European aviation. It covers tures of the visual information displayed to controllers
the results of SESAR 1, the first R&D programme: more and to integrate additional voice services in the module.
than 60 solutions, many of which are in the process of
deployment at local and European levels. Then it pre- The candidate solution
sents details of the ongoing R&D (candidate solutions) The candidate solution assumes that a controller can
as we reach midway in the current programme SESAR hold endorsements for up to 3 different airports, and
2020. Finally the catalogue gives a flavour of some of addresses all types of airspace users including general
the promising results coming out of the SESAR’s dedi- aviation, rotorcraft, and remotely piloted aircraft sys-
cated exploratory research programme. tems. In addition to limiting the number of airports that
 can be operated in parallel, the controller can split one
 airport between different tower modules in case of traf-
SESAR Solutions Explained
 fic overload, or degraded modes. Furthermore, to meet
SESAR solutions refer to new or improved operational the increased traffic, a planning tool for the controller is
procedures or technologies taht aim at contributing to envisaged to help manage the increased complexity, tai-
the modernisation of the European and global ATM sys- lored to suit different applications.
tem. Each solution includes a range of documentation, Two benefits: (i) Maintain levels of safety; (ii) Operational
including: and cost efficiency
✓ Operational services and environment descriptions;
✓ Safety, performance and interoperability requirements; • ENHANCED AIRBORNE COLLISION AVOIDANCE FOR
✓ Regulatory recommendations; TIONS-ACAS Xa
✓ Safety and Security assessments; Airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS) currently
✓ Human and environmental performance reports. receive information only from Mode C/S interrogations,
 yet there are other surveillance sources available, such
A RELEASE PROCESS as the more accurate ADS-B, which could enhance this
To deliver solutions for deployment, the SESAR JU and safety layer. In addition, the performance of collision
its members have built a ‘Release Process’ whereby so- avoidance can be improved by updating the mathemati-
lutions are tested or validated in real operational envi- cal processes and modelling used in today’s traffic alert
ronments including direct airport interfaces. With valida- and collision avoidance systems (TCAS).
tion sites across Europe, R&D is taken out of the lab and Both these improvements form part of the ACAS XA
connected with the real world. Validations take place in being designed for commercial with the aim of delive-
simulation platforms, on board commercial flights, de- ring the next generation TCAS beginning in the 2020-
dicated airport test beds and air traffic control centres. 2023 timeframe. By introducing additional surveillance
Exercises are not limited to a specific location but can data and optimised resolution advisories, ACAS Xa is
be used to test multiple environments irrespective of the expected to improve on today’s system without chan-
location where the physical validation is held. ging the cockpit interface, i.e. using the same alerts and
 presentation. It forms part of ACAS X, a series of systems
 being developed for different users.
Three Latest Solutions
 ACAS Xa implements the surveillance improvement
• REMOTELY-PROVIDED AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES FOR through the surveillance and tracking module (STM)
MULTIPLE AERODROMES which processes the raw surveillance data coming from
The cost of providing air traffic services are high and the surveillance sensors. Meanwhile the resolution advi-
need to be reduced, especially at low and medium den- sory improvement is dealt with by the threat resolution
sity airports. Control towers are relatively expensive to module (TRM), which uses the estimated intruder para-
build and maintain, but the services they provide can be meters provided by the STM to choose an appropriate
vital to rural and regional communities. Since the first re- avoidance manoeuvre, if necessary.
mote tower services gained certification in 2015 in Swe- Benefit: Enhanced safety
den, several projects have been launched – including
some which envisage a controller maintaining situational • FLIGHT OBJECT OPERABILITY
awareness for more than one airport at a time. SESAR Today each ASNP relies on data contained in their res-
has already delivered a solution enabling remote tower pective systems to predict aircraft trajectory for their
service provision to two low-density airports and basing portion of airspace, with no synchronised view of the tra-
on this, the latest SESAR research aims to test the fea- jectory nor the factors that may constrain it. This is where
sibility of multi remote tower operations in airports with SESAR’s IOP or initial ground-ground interoperability
high traffic volumes. comes in.

 Bulletin of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 17 AEROSPACE EUROPE Bulletin • July 2019
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