ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support

Page created by Rhonda Conner
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
Outdoor Recreation Center Events & Activities

                                      February 2022

                                         Backcountry Hut Trip
                                        Ouray and Ice Climbing
                                      AIARE Avalanche Courses


ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
                                              a day on Monarch Pass for some low             tour planning techniques and snow cave
                                              ratio instruction. If you are new to           construction so you can go out and crush
                                              backcountry skiing/riding, this is a great     the big days! Cost: $500/person, includes
                                              course to learn the basics, and if you         lodging, transportation, equipment,

    Lift to
                                              have some experience and are looking           meals and guides.
                                              to push a bigger day and learn some            R4R RecON discount pricing $300
                                              terrain in our area, our guides can get
                                              you there! $109 per person, includes           AIARE LEVEL 1 AND RESCUE
                                                                                             AVALANCHE SAFETY COURSES
             the LIFTS                        equipment, guides and transportation
                                              ($200 commercially). Custom dates just         Dates Level 1: Feb. 19-21
                                              for you and your crew also available!          Dates Rescue: Feb. 6; Mar. 5.
                                              BACKCOUNTRY SKI/SNOWBOARD                      This course is designed for winter
                                              HUT TRIPS AND CAMPS                            backcountry users including skiers,
        Breckenridge - Feb 12                 Feb 11–13. Hut trips are back! If you         snowboarders, snowmobilers,
                                                                                             snowshoers, and mountaineers. Level
          Monarch - Feb 26                    are just getting into backcountry skiing/
                                                                                             1 and 2 courses are comprised of two
                                              snowboarding or wanting to start upping
MONARCH RIDE & PASS, SKI TRIPS                                                               evenings and two field days plus some
                                              your game and have experience in the
Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of                                                    self paced online learning. Any user
                                              backcountry already, check out our
the bigger resorts? Then this resort is                                                      of the Colorado winter backcountry
                                              intensive BC Ski/Splitboard Hut Trips
for you! Small enough to give you that                                                       should have the knowledge taught in this
                                              and our Ski Mountaineering Camp.
friendly small-town, local feel, but large                                                   course in order to have fun, stay safe,
                                              Learn from the only AMGA Certified
enough to offer the terrain and services                                                     and help others if needed in the wintry
                                              Ski Guides in the DoD for multiple
you want! They have runs for all abilities,                                                  wonderland we love to play in. Refer
                                              days of intentional and measured skill
as well as a terrain park and cat skiing.                                                    to our Backcountry Brochure or our
                                              development that will have you moving
Cost: ONLY $90 transportation and lift                                                       website for more information and course
                                              through the mountains on your skis/
pass; $35 for transportation only.                                                           inclusions. Cost: $475 Level 1; $525 Level
                                              snowboard efficiently, safely and with
                                                                                             2; $150 Rescue. Commercial value for all
INTRO TO BACKCOUNTRY SKIING/                  good style. Our Hut trips will go to far out
                                                                                             inclusions $600-800.
SNOWBOARDING                                  mountain cabins surrounded by slopes
Feb. 5, 20, March 6.The resorts are          ripe for the carving. Enjoy home cooked        R4R RecON cost: $275 Level 1; $75 Rescue
opening back up which means long lift         meals each evening in a relaxing setting,      EXPRESS SNOWMOBILE TOURS
lines and chewed up snow. For folks           and secluded powder skiing all day long!       Feb 6, 12*, 20, 26*. Meet at 8am at
seeking powder and fun lines away from        For those who have experience and are          Outdoor Rec and return around 7pm.
the masses in the backcountry, we are         ready to add some rope skills, snow            Half-day three hour ride is great for
excited to continue to offer our popular      climbing and steep riding their resume,         those who want to sleep in a little bit.
guided backcountry skiing and riding.         check out our Ski Mountaineering Camp           You will see everything you see on the
Our experienced and professionally            where we will get in to real alpine terrain     Monarch Park Scenic Tour PLUS the
certified guides will take you out for        on big lines, mitigating avalanche and          upper meadows and overlook. This
                                              terrain hazards and diving into complex         trip also has more “free-ride” time and
                                                                                              departs from the lodge (snow conditions
                                                                                              permitting) approx. 3 hours of riding.
                                                                                              Passenger must be at least 5 years of
                                                                                              age. Drivers must be at least 15 years
                                                                                              old (with adult supervision). You need
                                                                                              to be at least 18 years old to rent a
                                                                                              snowmobile for yourself or another.
                                                                                              Cost: $195 for single sled, $245 total for
                                                                                              a tandem sled that seats two. Includes
                                                                                              transportation, guides, gas, forest fees,
                                                                                              half-day snowmobile trip, snowmobile
                                                                                              clothing (helmet, warm outer layer
                                                                                              and common size boots) provided.
                                                                                              Snowmobile insurance (you still have
                                                                                              a $250 deductible in case of incident).
                                                                                              Group size is limited so sign up early!
                                                                                              *R4R SAPI/RecON discount pricing. $75
                                                                                              for single sled, $125 total for a tandem sled
                                                                                              that seats two.
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
                                    INTRO TO ICE CLIMBING                  you to our intermediate/advanced
                                    Feb. 12, 26, Mar. 5; meet at           site and go over vertical ice, ice
                                    Outdoor Rec at 7am, return by          anchors and anything else you
                                    3–5pm (depending on location).        are interested in. Refer to our Ice
                                    Custom dates also available! Come      Climbing Brochure or our website
                                    with us to learn about this fun,       for more information. $120/person
                                    exciting and surprisingly easy         with a two person min./6 person
                                    activity. We will teach you how        max. Includes transportation,
                                    to climb these frozen flows and        equipment and guide. Price does
                                    how to safely use ice climbing         not include guide gratuity. Meeting
                                    equipment, as well as how to belay     time is 7am and return by 7pm.
                                    your partners. Don’t miss out on
                                    this unique and extremely fun part
                                    of the Colorado outdoor scene!
                                    Cost: Only $90! Half the price on
                                    average of any other outfitter.
                                    Minimum three people, maximum
                                    six people. Must be 9+.
                                    Refer to our Ice Climbing
                                    Brochure or our website for more
                                    INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED ICE
                                    If you have climbed before or have
                                    taken one of our beginner classes
                                    and are ready for something a
                                    little more advanced, call us to set
                                    up a private course. We will take

Ouray Hot Springs | Ice Climbing
                                    FEB 4 – 6
Come for a once in a lifetime experience to the town of Ouray, Colorado. A fun filled
  weekend of relaxing in hot springs, learning to ice climb and dining out in this
                        quaint and beautiful mountain town.
                        Cost: $500/person, $1000+ commercially.
Includes all climbing equipment, transportation, guides, lodging, if needed (active duty
military is free). Meals and guide gratuity are not included in price. Must be at least 16+.
       Refer to our Ice Climbing Brochure or our website for more information.
                         R4R RecOn discount available, cost $300
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
WINTER BIKE RIDES IN PUEBLO                                           LEARN TO KAYAK
Feb 13; meet 9am and return around 6pm. For those of us that         Feb 8; 8 – 10pm at the Fitness Center pool. Learn basic skills
just have to ride their bikes, we offer a “no snow we’ll go” bike     including basic paddle strokes, boat control, balance, and
ride on the bike paths in Pueblo. Pueblo is usually 10–15+ degrees    T-rescues. Cost is $30. For ages 9+ and 75+ lbs, includes kayak
warmer than the Springs. Ride is an out and back from the river       and ACA Certified Instructor.
walk to the marina on Pueblo Res. Ride is up to 30 miles long
and all bike path. Road bikes will be best. Cost $35, includes
transportation and guides.
Feb 27; noon – 2:30pm. Meet at FamCamp. Yes it’s winter and it
might be freezing out, but sometimes it’s not so bad and you are
just dying to get outside. Outdoor Laser Tag units use a harmless
invisible infrared beam that shots 1000+ foot at the speed of light
with zero drop. You are not going to dodge this like you can a
paintball. Our field is huge! Lots of trees, rocks, bushes barrels
and palettes to use as cover. We will set up a variety of games
that will test your individual skills as well as how well you work    POP UP ACTIVITIES
together as a team. Activity includes: Refs, and needed gear. Cost:   Due to all the changes in the world right now it is harder than
$13.50 each for a 150 minute session. You can also set up a Special   ever to program activities very far in advance. We will offer
Group Arrangement (SGA’s) are available for friends and groups        activities with only a week or two notice of the date. To find out
10 person min, 24 person max. Contact us early for availability       how to get info on these activities contact us at 719-333-2940 and
and booking. Call to check on current restrictions as date gets       find out where to get the info or how to get on our email list.
closer. Ages 9+                                                       CUSTOM/PRIVATE TRIPS
                                                                      As always, we are happy to offer custom trips to better fit your
OUT THERE BIKE REPAIR                                                 schedule and goals. From intro level skills to advanced ski
Feb 16-17; 5:30 – 9pm. Ever have a problem with your bike out
                                                                      mountaineering techniques, we can build your dream trip!
on the trail, and not know how to fix it? Learn chain repair,
                                                                      Call 719 333 2940 or email
derailleur and brake adjustments, wheel truing, tire repair and
much more. Bring your own bike or we’ll provide one. Cost $39
                                                                      to check availability and pricing for your custom experience.

RecOn: ONLY for AF Active Duty and their                             DAP: ONLY for AF Active Duty deployed
ID card dependents.                                                   within the current fiscal year and their ID
                                                                      card dependents.
$75, reg $175. See Skiing and More page                               MONARCH SKI LESSONS. Feb 26. $50,
(2) for description.                                                  r egular $195. Getting into skiing and snowboarding can be
                                                                       intimidating and challenging, join Outdoor Rec for a Private Ski
OURAY ICE WEEKEND. Feb 4–6. $300, reg $500. See Ice                    lesson with Monarch Mountain! A great way to get ready for the
Climbing page (3) for description.
                                                                       season. Rentals half priced through Outdoor Rec, be sure to get
BACKCOUNTRY HUT TRIP. Feb 11–13. $300, reg $500. See                   fitted and make a reservation for your equipment. Bring your
Skiing and More page (2) for description.                              deployment orders in person to Outdoor Recreation to register.
AIARE LEVEL 1. Feb 19. $275, reg $475. See Skiing and More             Minimum age 6 years.
page (2) for description.                                             Discounts good on scheduled trips only. Please let us know when
                                                                      you sign up that your Air Force Active Duty, status must be verifiable
EXPRESS SNOWMOBILING. Feb 26. $75, reg $195. Can
                                                                      to receive discount. Call 333-4475 to sign up!
add on another rider for $50. See Skiing and More page (2) for
description.                                                           R4R ELIGIBILITY: The Recharge for Resiliency initiative is directed specifically
              Single Airman Program: ONLY for Unmarried AF            toward the Active Duty and Reserve members to include their families at each
              Active Duty Personnel of all ranks.                      base. This means that retirees, civilians and foreign military are not eligible for
                                                                       these R4R discounted rates. Other branches of the US military are eligible if they
              EXPRESS SNOWMOBILING. Feb 12. $75,                       are a part of an Air Force led joint-based scenario, or are permanently assigned
              Regular $195. Can add on another rider for $50.          to an Air Force base.
              See Skiing and More page (2) for description.
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
                                             Rental                 Boarding
                                             Riding                 719-333-2294. Board your own horse(s) at the Equestrian
                                             719-333-4607           Center! Call for pricing and details.
                                             Fridays–Sundays;       Trailer-Ins
                                             10am–4pm. Last        719-333-4607. Did you know you can trailer your own horse in
                                             horse leaves the       to ride on our Trails?
                                             barn at 2:30pm. By     Day Fee $10, Yearly Pass $120
                                             reservation only
                                             for ages eight years   Lead Line
                                             and up.                Reservation only,
                                             Cost: One hour         719-333-4607. Rent a
rental, $45. Additional hours, $20. For DoD cardholders, add        horse to lead your child
$10 per guest for non-DOD cardholders in party.                     around for them to
                                                                    gain experience!
Horsemanship Lessons                                                Cost: 30 minutes $15.
719-333-4607. Sign up for horsemanship lessons. Lessons             For ages 6+, parent
are for ages 8+ and                                                 leads horse.
ages 6-7 is on a
case-by-case basis                                                  Group/Special
for private only.                                                   Events
Lessons include                                                     719-333-4607.
instruction on                                                      Schedule your group/
riding, grooming,                                                   family outdoor event at
saddling and proper                                                 the stables: hayrides,
etiquette.                                                          guided/unguided group
Cost: One-hour Private, $55; Semi-Private, $50; Group, $45          rides, lead line rides, pony petting, picnic area.
Guided Group Trail Rides
Reservation only, 719-333-4607                                                       Unite Program
Saturdays – Sundays at noon for one hour. This is an excellent                      719-333-4037. Have Unite Funds? Spend
way to gain riding experience for beginners or learn the                             them at the Equestrian Center and enjoy a
trails for seasoned riders. Contact us for Group/Special Event                       relaxing team trail ride outing.
scheduling during the week.
Cost: $50 per person, space limited. For DoD cardholders, add
$10 per guest for non-DOD cardholders in party.

                   5 -              7
      AU      GUS

     Join us for a weekend of summer activities in Winter Park, CO
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
RENTAL                                          Once current fittings are in the system,           Duty personnel and 60 Days in advance
Season Ski/Snowboard Rentals. Check            call a WEEK prior to desired pick-up day.          for all other eligible users. Customers are
for availability by calling 719-333-4753 or     Great for busy holiday weekends.                   authorized to make reservations a year
719-333-4356. Appointments may still be         Rental reservation policy                          in advance for large events that require
available for season equipment, due back        For most equipment other than skis.                at least 50% of the lodging. These groups
NLT April 19.                                                                                      will ONLY be scheduled Sundays to
                                                Active duty can reserve high-demand
Daily Ski Rentals                                                                                  Thursdays (no weekends). Call 719-333-
                                                equipment a maximum of 90 days
                                                                                                   4475 for more information.
Daily-use customers are encouraged to           from date of pick up. All other eligible
be fitted early by appointment only and         customers can reserve 60 days from date                          FAMCAMP
use the advanced reservation policy.            of pick up. All reservable items require                        Office is closed for the winter.
                                                a full payment upon reservation. Any                            The office will re-open on
                                                reservation canceled will be charged                            April 1. Famcamp winter
                                                10% cancellation fee. Any reservation                           rates are effective through
                                                canceled within 72 hours will lose their                        March 31.
                                                full deposit, unless it is a documented            $25 — nightly rate for ID card holders
                                                military commitment or medical                     $650 — monthly rate
                                                emergency.                                         $25 — each additional day after 30-day
                                                CADET OUTDOOR RECREATION                           commitment
                                                IN VANDENBERG HALL                                 $30 per night — guests (COVID
                                                Hours Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri; 8am – 5pm.              permitting), up to 14 nights max per year.
                                                Closed Wed, Sat, Sun and Federal
                                                                                                   Tent sites are closed for the winter.
                                                                                                   Temporary storage available through
                                                Cadet bus info                                     March 31.
                                                Advance Airport Bus Ticket sales for
                                                                                                   $5 per day
                                                Spring Break.
                                                                                                   $90 per month without electricity
                                                » DIA buses are $55 Round Trip; $35 one
                                                  way and standby are $40.                         $6 per day
                                                » Colorado Springs buses are $30; $20              $110 per month with electricity.
                                                  one way, and standby are $25.                    Peak Season — April 1 – Nov 1
                                                                FARISH                             Reminder: IAW AFI 34-101, FamCamp
                                                                Closed for the winter,             guests may stay a total of 180 days per
                                                                now – May 6.                       calendar year.
                                                                Reservations policy: 90 days
                                                                in advance only for Active

                                              OAP CANCELLATION POLICY
 • Full payment for all trips is due at time of registration.             • All trips are subject to cancellation due to unsafe weather or
 • Cancellations within 72 hours of the activity date will NOT be           conditions outside of our control. In this event, the trip will be
   refunded or rescheduled unless otherwise stated.                         rescheduled or you may opt for a refund minus irretrievable
                                                                            deposits. In the case of cancellation due to insufficient
 • Cancellations 30 days or more before a multi-day activity
                                                                            participation, a full refund will be issued.
   start date are refundable in full unless otherwise stated.
   Cancellations within 30 days of a multi-day activity will not          • Refunds may be given at any time when a medical emergency
   be refunded unless someone takes your place on the activity.             or military TDY/PCS orders prohibit participation. A signed
   Any refunds issued in this case will result in a service fee of          doctor’s note or signed orders must be presented in order
   10% of the total price for the activity.                                 to receive a refund in these cases. If a refund is given for a
                                                                            multi-day trip in this instance, OAP will retain a service fee of
 • No Shows are non-refundable and will not be rescheduled.
                                                                            10% of the total price for the activity.

 COVID – 19 NOTE: As a military entity, we are                    High Risk Activities Worksheet (AF 4391) is required to
 committed to keeping you and our staff healthy                   participate in ANY high risk activity, for ALL Active Duty
 and following all local and AF guidelines for our
                                                                  Personnel. It is required to be completed by Active Duty
 operations to include distancing when possible, and
                                                                  Personnel before they participate in most of our Outdoor
 the use of masks when not. If you have questions
                                                                  Adventure Programs and submitted to their Commander. This
 about other ways we are adhering to all guidelines,
                                                                  responsibility lies solely on the Active Duty participant.
 please reach out!
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
Vacation Packages                                                            Sports Tickets
Planning a getaway to the Colorado mountains or traveling                                    AVALANCHE MILITARY TICKETS
out of state? Sit back and relax and let ITT plan your perfect                               For tickets scan the QR code or go to
getaway. With great discounts on lodging around Colorado                           
and coast to coast ITT can find a place just right for you. Book                             6b4266f?fevoUri=itt-office-military-offer-
early for Spring Break.                                                                      6b4266f%2F
In State Attraction Tickets                                                                                  DENVER NUGGETS
                                                                                           For tickets scan the QR code or go to
THE EDGE ZIPLINES & ADVENTURES                                               
Epic Sky Trek starting at $38, four different treks
Zipline Tours starting at $73, 10 different tours
                                                                             Season Passes & Daily Lift Tickets
CAVE OF THE WINDS                                                            Tickets subject to change without notice.
Discovery Tour $23 adult; $15 child
Lantern Tour$33 adult; $22 child                                            DAILY LIFT TICKETS
                                                                             Monarch — adult $64; teen $57; child $44
Adult $19.95; Child $14.95                                                   SEASON SKI PASSES
                                                                             Monarch — active duty/retired $209; veteran $399
OVERDRIVE RACEWAY                                                            Loveland — active duty adult $259; child $149; retired $329
Three-Race ticket $43
Adult $10; Child $6
Any age $28 for three hours
Adult $17; Child $10.50

Out Of State Attraction Tickets
Disney World and Universal Orlando resort packages Up to
40% off through ITT! Book NOW for your Spring Vacation!                      Winter Festivals
Additional discounted tickets for Out of State Attractions                   Feb 6—Breckenridge Banff Mountain Film Festival
Call ITT at 719-333-7367 for pricing.                                        Feb 7—Beaver Creek Rocky Mountain Ski Fest
Lodging                                                                      Feb 25-27—Steamboat Winter Wonder Grass Festival
Enjoy Colorado in the winter! Great lodging deals at most
                                                                             All ticket pricing subject to change without notice. Eligibility
festival destinations! Traveling out of state? Hotel Discounts
                                                                             Restrictions apply. Blackout dates may apply.
available anywhere you go. Book now for the best deal!

                                                        Need a rental car?
                                                       You can choose from Enterprise or Hertz through ITT, which offer great benefits.
                                                       Check it out at and click on the ITT page.

                                                                                 4-Day Disney Military
                                                                                     Salute Ticket

                                                                                 with Park Hopper® Option*
        W E S A LU T E YO U                                                       Total ticket price $329    2022
                                                                                  5-Day Disney Military
                                                                                      Salute Ticket          SALUTE
                                                                                 with Park Hopper® Option*
      Available for use every day including 12/31/2022. No blockout dates.
                                                                                   Total ticket price $349
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
Plan your ultimate winter and spring adventure in Keystone!
   Winter activities include ice skating at Lakeside Village, scenic sleigh rides, mountaintop snow tubing and scenic gondola rides
   The Rocky Mountain Blue Air Force partnership with
   Keystone Resorts in Colorado offers all DoD military the
   best in lodging, recreation, conferences and reunions.

         BOOK YOUR NOW!                            United States Air Force Academy
      Toll free 866.RMT.BLUE
                                                                                                                                                             No federal indorsment intended

SUN MON TUE                                                                               WED                        THU                          FRI                       SAT
			1                                                                                                         2                           3                     4                              5
                                                                                                                                              OURAY HOT SPRINGS/ICE CLIMBING + R4R RECON
                                                                                                                                                                   INTRO BACKCOUNTRY SKI/SB

                                                                                       ORC & ITT Closed
                                                                                          at 1:30 pm                                                                       ITT Closed

                          6                        7                            8                            9                      10                        11                             12
OURAY/ICE CLIMBING + R4R                                   LEARN TO KAYAK                                                                         BACKCOUNTRY HUT TRIP + R4R RECON
AIARE RESCUE + R4R RECON                                                                                                                                           LIFT2LIFT SKI BRECKENRIDGE
 EXPRESS SNOWMOBILING                                                                                                                                                 INTRO ICE CLIMBING
                                                                                                                                                                    EXPRESS SNOWMOBILING
                                                                                                                                                                          +R4R SAPI
                                                                                         ORC & ITT Closed
    ORC & ITT Closed                                                                        at 1:30 pm                                                                     ITT Closed

                       13                         14                           15                           16                      17                        18                             19
BC HUT TRIP + R4R RECON                                                              OUT THERE BIKE REPAIR       OUT THERE BIKE REPAIR                             AIARE LEVEL 1 + R4R RECON
                                                                                            PART 1                      PART 2

                                                                                         ORC & ITT Closed
    ORC & ITT Closed                                                                        at 1:30 pm                                                                    ITT Closed
                       20                         21                          22                            23                      24                        25                            26
            AIARE LEVEL 1 + R4R RECON                                                                                                                                LIFT2LIFT SKI MONARCH
INTRO BACKCOUNTRY SKI/SB                                                                                                                                               INTRO ICE CLIMBING
 EXPRESS SNOWMOBILING                                                                                                                                               EXPRESS SNOWMOBILING
                                                                                                                                                                         +R4R RECON
                                                                                                                                                                   DAP MONARCH SKI LESSONS
                                                                                       ORC & ITT Closed
    ORC & ITT Closed           ORC & ITT Closed                                           at 1:30 pm                                                                      ITT Closed
                       27                         28
   OUTDOOR LASER TAG                                     Febrary Monthly Specials
                                                         RETAIL 20% off Ski/Snowboard Socks
                                                         RENTAL $15 off Weekend Performance (Neversummer) Snowboard Rentals
    ORC & ITT Closed                                     SERVICE $10 off Preformance Tune (regular price starts at $50)

 OUTDOOR RECREATION CENTER                                                                                                                   ITT
 COMMUNITY CENTER | 719-333-4475                                                                                                             COMMUNITY CENTER
 Mon, Tue, Thu; 8:30 am-5:30 pm | Wed; 8:30 am-1:30 pm | Fri; 8:30 am-6 pm | Sat: 7 am-3 pm. Closed Sun                                      719-333- 7367
 and Federal Holidays                                                                                                                        Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri; 9 am-5 pm
 VANDENBERG | 719-333-4602                                                                                                                   Wed; 9 am-1:30 pm
 Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri; 8 am-5 pm Closed Wed, Sat, Sun & Federal Holidays                                                                       Closed Sat-Sun & Federal Holidays
ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support ADVENTURE - ing! Snowmobi l - USAFA Support
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