Adaptation of Bandung Masagi Local Wisdom Values in Literature Learning in Elementary School

Page created by Christina Le
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
 p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 Adaptation of Bandung Masagi Local Wisdom Values in Literature
 Learning in Elementary School

 Nadila Dirgantari 1, Rahman2
 1,2 Elementary
 Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education,
 Bandung, Indonesia

 Abstract. Literature is considered to contain things that can form a noble personality and instill a
 sense of sensitivity in children and the introduction of regional culture through folklore which is
 included in cultural heritage. However, in introducing literature to elementary school students, there
 are obstacles, including the limited literature reading books that are suitable for students. In this
 regard, researchers are interested in research to determine the value of Bandung Masagi's local
 wisdom in learning literature through folklore in elementary schools. So the formulation of this
 research is (1) What is the scope of literature learning material that is relevant to Bandung Masagi's
 grades in elementary school?; (2) What is the value of Bandung Masagi's local wisdom in the book
 Collection of Folklore of West Java Province?; (3) How is the implementation of Bandung Masagi
 values in learning literature in elementary schools?. This article aims to examine what materials are
 included in the Indonesian language curriculum in elementary schools, describe the results of
 research on the value of Bandung Masagi local wisdom contained in the book of Collection of Folklore
 of West Java Province, and its implementation in learning literature in elementary schools using a
 qualitative approach and content analysis. The researcher recommends these five creative steps in
 orientation, exploration, creation, presentation, and evaluation in utilizing the values of Bandung
 Masagi's local wisdom in learning literature in elementary schools.

 Keywords: Learning Literature, Folklore, Literacy, the Value of Local Wisdom, Bandung Masagi.

 How to Cite: Dirgantari, N. & Rahman (2022). Adaptation of Bandung Masagi Local Wisdom Values in Literature
 Learning in Elementary School. Proceeding The 4th International Conference on Elementary Education, 4(1), 488-

 INTRODUCTION ~ Education at the But in practice, reading and writing are
 elementary school level, in learning, is like two sides of a coin. These two things
 directed at strengthening literacy. This is are in the context of literacy, not like in
 also supported by a government program, learning Indonesian in the form of
 namely the School Literacy Movement understanding the elements and rules of
 (GLS) which aims to increase the love of grammar and their use in learning to read
 reading for the Indonesian people, and write, but rather reading and writing
 especially students. In the guidebook, it is to learn. The lack of a sense of competition
 explained that GLWS is a comprehensive also affects Indonesian students in the
 effort to involve all school members and midst of other countries. This is one of the
 the community as part of the educational problems that should be given more
 ecosystem (Alfiati, 2019). Abidin (in attention (Kharizmi, 2015, p. 12). This
 Rahman, 2020) explains that literacy is opinion is supported by Rahman (2018)
 shown in a series of abilities to build good who argues that the reality that exists in
 meaning to obtain information. society today still considers the reading
 Indonesian language and literature are activity to be the only activity to pass
 always related to reading and writing time, not to fill time intentionally.
 literacy which is also known as “literacy”
 (Susanto in Sumarti, 2020, p. 58).

488 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
 ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 In other words, that reading activity has and place. When reading it,
 not become a habit, but rather a 'fad' interpretations are needed to be able to
 activity. Reading and writing are included conclude the message contained in the
 in basic literacy which has benefits, one of literary work. Irdawati (2014) states that
 which is getting students to read so that reading is one type of receptive written
 their interest in reading increases language ability because by reading
 (Rahman, 2017). This opinion is someone will gain information,
 supported by Harianto's opinion (2020, p. knowledge, and new experiences.
 2) that reading is a child's thought process
 which includes understanding, telling, In learning, literature greatly contributes
 interpreting the meaning of written to the development of children, for
 symbols by involving the senses of sight, example in instilling a sense of sensitivity
 eye movement, inner speech, and in children and the introduction of
 memory. Children who have good reading regional culture through folklore which is
 skills can write well. Likewise, children included in the cultural heritage. If
 who have good reading skills can become folklore is easy to understand, then it
 great writers. cannot be separated from the aspect of
 social interaction, which means that
 Literary literacy can be interpreted as folklore is related to everyday life (Borins,
 reading and writing skills in the field of 2012, p. 166). Muslimin (2011) states that
 literature. According to Kalantzis (in culture is not only a process or something
 Mulyono, 2017) states that at the that is created but is closely related to the
 beginning of its emergence literacy was creativity of society. Literature has an
 interpreted as literacy or literacy. The important role in social life and even has
 main focus of literacy is the ability to read a great influence on life (Rismawati in
 and write. For example, the ability to read Slamet, 2018, p. 27).
 with literary objects in the form of fairy
 tales or fiction stories, poetry, and drama The use of folklore as teaching material
 scripts. By observing, imitating, and for high school students is based on an
 modifying literary works that have been analysis of the value of character
 read, it will be easy to produce writings in education in Sundanese folklore in
 the form of literary works. Every literary Nagrak Village in a study conducted by
 work is created based on the imagination Habli Rohmat Hadid in 2017 with the title,
 of the author and contains an undeniable “Structure, Context, and Value of Story
 thing that the author always lives in a Character Education. Sundanese people
 certain space and time (Istiqomah, 2014, in Nagrak Village, Nagrak District,
 p. 2). Sukabumi Regency, and Its Utilization as
 Teaching Material for Folklore Texts in
 An activity to understand a textbook or High School. Likewise, research
 reading is also called reading which conducted by Tiara Rizkina (2018)
 contributes to the achievement of examines the structure of the story with
 learning outcomes and the success of the title.
 other skills (Sarimanah, 2021, p. 207).
 Reading literature is a simple activity, as Character education can be provided in an
 well as a complex one. Starting with integrated manner (including) in subjects
 choosing a literary work, providing a time that have been regulated in the

 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 489
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
 p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 curriculum, including subject matter taught. However, in introducing literature
 (Nurhafidhah, 2021, p. 180). One of the to elementary school students, there are
 media for developing character values is obstacles, including the limited literature
 through folklore. This is in line with what reading books that are suitable for
 was expressed by Sutarno (2008) that to students. In addition, it is necessary to
 instill character based on local wisdom is conduct a study on the selection of
 by learning to be cultured, learning with children's reading books that are in
 culture, learning about culture, and accordance with the character of their
 learning through culture. Each region has respective regions.
 local wisdom as a result or product of
 previous cultures that are deepened in In addition, this study is needed so that
 the basic cultural values of the there is no more news circulating about
 community through feelings as well as the stories containing pornographic content
 reason (Basri, 2021, p. 88). in Indonesian language textbooks for
 grade VI elementary schools, which are
 The presence of Bandung Masagi in the used by an elementary school in Bogor
 world of education is an innovation in City, West Java, which has disturbed the
 inculcating character values based on world of education in several ways. last
 local wisdom having a systematic year (Rahmawati, 2013). Educational
 program, consisting of four program facilities, such as the provision of books to
 components, namely religious support learning, are closely related to
 components, Sundanese culture, the the distribution of students' talents and
 environment, and defending the country. abilities that allow students to imitate
 Bandung Masagi refers to the Sundanese them outside of school without negative
 philosophy of compassion, penance, things in it (Utomo, 2018).
 penance, and penance wawangi. Seran
 (2021, p. 50) states that students with In this regard, researchers are interested
 character will have a strong foundation in conducting research to determine the
 because they have cultural and religious value of Bandung Masagi's local wisdom
 values so that later they will be able to in learning literature through folklore in
 become pillars for the progress of elementary schools. So the formulation of
 civilization in the country. These cultural this research is (1) What is the scope of
 values that can be communicated can literature learning material that is
 function as a social bond as well as foster relevant to Bandung Masagi's grades in
 a sense of national identity unity (Putra, elementary school?; (2) What is the value
 2021, p. 333). of Bandung Masagi's local wisdom in the
 West Java Province Folklore Collection
 According to Tuzzaroh (2021, p. 28), book?; (3) How is the implementation of
 literature is created through a creative Bandung Masagi's values in learning
 process so that it is called a part of art. The literature in elementary schools?
 literature contains things that can form a
 noble personality. Literature learning in This article aims to examine what
 elementary schools is included in the materials are included in the Indonesian
 basic competence of Indonesian, in other language curriculum in elementary
 words, literature learning has room to be schools, describe the results of research
 on the value of Bandung Masagi's local

490 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
 ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 wisdom contained in the West Java Wanara, and Talaga Warna. Considering
 Province Folklore Collection book, and its that the research to be carried out
 implementation in learning literature in examines character education based on
 elementary schools. This research is local wisdom "Bandung Masagi" which
 expected to be able to contribute as a contains four main principles of the
 reference for value analysis in children's Sundanese people in practicing life, it will
 literature books that are used as a be even more optimal if the data sources
 medium for learning literature in used are in accordance with the regional
 elementary schools so that learning is character of the Sundanese people.
 much more meaningful because of
 understanding the values contained in it, The author carries out the research
 especially the values of Bandung Masagi's starting with the reading stage of the
 local wisdom. stories in the West Java Province Folklore
 Collection book which further examines
 METHOD the value of Bandung Masagi in each
 The author uses a qualitative approach in story. To find out the implementation of
 this study. Satori (2010, p. 22) that Bandung Masagi's values, the authors
 qualitative research is research that conducted interviews with 3 elementary
 emphasizes the most important thing school teachers in the city of Bandung.
 from the nature of goods or services in the Therefore, the author wants to explain the
 form of phenomena or meanings behind results of the analysis of folklore on
 them, which can then be developed so Bandung Masagi in the book Collection of
 that they become benefits. the descriptive Folklore of West Java Province by
 analysis method was chosen because involving several sources through
 Descriptive research is research that interviews and literature studies. The
 seeks to describe the current problem researcher is the main instrument in the
 solving based on comparative and research assisted by data collection tools
 correlative data. This descriptive study developed by the researcher himself, such
 aims to solve a problem systematically as interview instruments and the
 and factually (Narbuko, 2004, p. 44). acquisition of Bandung Masagi values in
 Collection of Folklore of West Java
 Province a source of data in the form of a Data analysis technique
 storybook used in this study. This book is Data analysis in qualitative research is
 published by PT. Sarana Panca Karya carried out before entering the field,
 Nusa, composed by Maya Rohmayati and during the research, and after completion
 Yodi Kurniadi. In the book, there are five in the field. This data analysis activity
 folk tales from West Java that are quite consists of data collection, data reduction,
 familiar to the public, namely the Legend data presentation, and giving conclusions.
 of Lutung Kasarung, Sangkuriang. The three activities are shown in Figure 1.
 Bagendit's site. Hariang Banga and Ciung

 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 491
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
 p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 Figure 1. Miles and Huberman Data Analysis Stages (Sugiyono, 2008)

 Data collection. Data were collected from data. The initial conclusions that have
 interviews and literature studies which been made allow for changes if stronger
 were then further developed based on the and more representative data are found.
 categorization of the problem Conclusions are made by looking for
 formulation that had been determined things that are important in the research
 and further developed into data in accordance with the research
 sharpening to produce a conclusion, both objectives.
 temporary and fixed.
 Content analysis is also needed to process
 Data reduction. All data that has been the data obtained from this research. In
 reduced can provide an overview that can qualitative research, content analysis
 make it easier for researchers to carry out emphasizes the researcher's vision in
 further data collection because it is seeing the symbolic order of
 considered clearer than before. Data that communication that occurs in
 is not needed or not in accordance with communication. The results of the
 the problem and research objectives will analysis are described in the form of a
 not be used again. Data reduction can be draft research report as is generally a
 done through the stages, namely, (1) research report.
 selecting the appropriate data and
 discarding the inappropriate data; (2) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
 creating a codification or data category; Coverage of Literacy Learning
 and (3) grouping data into existing Materials Relevant to Bandung
 categories. Masagi's Values in Elementary School
 The curriculum is closely related to
 Data presentation. The data presented are efforts to realize quality education
 arranged in a concise, clear, detailed, and because the curriculum has a strategic
 comprehensive manner to facilitate and decisive role in the implementation of
 understanding of the aspects studied both education. In the curriculum, objectives,
 in whole and in part. The presentation of learning materials, methods used, and
 this data is then presented in the form of assessments have been formulated to
 a description or report in accordance with determine the extent to which the
 the research results obtained. learning objectives have been achieved. In
 Indonesian language subjects in
 Conclusion Withdrawal. Conclusions are
 elementary schools, literary learning
 usually given at the end of the study, to get
 includes two subjects, namely poetry and
 an explanation in the form of a short and
 fairy tales.
 easy-to-understand statement from the

492 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
 ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 The distribution of basic competencies Learning literature in schools, especially
 (KD) for learning literature is much elementary schools, is to motivate
 higher in the high class than in the low students to love literary works. In the end,
 class. This is because the lower grade reading and writing literary activities will
 students have just been introduced to encourage children to have the same
 literary works. Meanwhile, high school interests in various fields so that children
 students are more than able to observe will get and easily remember the new
 children's literary works in the form of information they get.
 poetry and fairy tales by describing,
 looking for relationships, and comparing The Value of Bandung Masagi's Local
 literary works. Wisdom in the West Java Province
 Folklore Collection Book
 In learning literature in elementary Bandung Masagi is a way to instill
 schools, reading and writing or basic character in children based on local
 literacy are very necessary to dig up wisdom, which is based on the Sundanese
 information in learning literary philosophy of life, namely the values of
 appreciation, for example reading fairy Silih Asih, Silih Asah, Silih Asuh, and Silih
 tales or writing poetry. Children's Wawangi. In the book Collection of
 literature is not limited by who the author Folklore of West Java Province which has
 is, but for whom the work was created. been analyzed previously, the book
 This is commensurate with what is contains the values of Bandung Masagi
 explained by Sarumpaet (2010) that that appear in each sub-story both from
 children's literature is literature that is the theme and the characters.
 read by children which in the process
 requires guidance and direction from The value of Silih Asih is value-oriented to
 adult members of society. In other words, the meaning of behavior or attitude that
 children's literature may be the work of has empathy, compassion, tolerance,
 adults, but it contains stories that reflect sympathy for the life around it or has a
 children's feelings, children's experiences high social sense, dominated by the value
 and can be understood and enjoyed by of the caring character that appears 5
 children according to their knowledge. times. While the value of Silih Asah which
 is oriented to the value of improving the
 In the 2013 curriculum (Ministry of quality of thinking, honing the ability to
 Education and Culture, 2014) it is also sharpen the mind with the forging of
 explained that language is the driver of knowledge and experience, appears to be
 knowledge, where language is a means of shown by the value of the critical,
 conveying knowledge. In other words, initiative, considerate, creative, and
 students will need reading skills as a responsible character.
 technique to master various other
 subjects and it can be said that student Silih Asuh is oriented to the value of
 learning success is strongly influenced by compassion in concrete actions, one's the
 their ability to read. This is because each pragmatic attitude in society, self-
 subject aims to impart information to existence, applying self-potential in
 students, and that information is in the society, older people must be more
 form of reading. respectful, others must take care of each
 other, younger people must be able to

 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 493
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
 p-ISSN: 2829-0976

 protect and give A good example is religious attitudes, wisdom towards one's
 dominated by the emergence of patient own culture, environmental love, love for
 characters in these stories. Silih wawangi towards the nation and country based on
 is oriented to the meaning of giving the philosophy of penance, compassion,
 positive values, has the ideals of a well- penance, and penance. This is in line with
 organized nation, where everyone knows the opinion of the informant when asked
 their respective place or position and about the purpose of the program, which
 helps each other to look after each other in essence is to create students who have
 so that they become a harmonious whole superior characters.
 such as the character of helping each
 other in every story in the story. West The vision and mission of Bandung
 Java Province Folklore Collection book. Masagi are almost similar to the vision
 and mission of the YK information school,
 Adaptation of Bandung Masagi Values where the school has a mission to create
 in Literature Learning in Elementary graduates who are religious, polite
 Schools (cultured), creative, active, and intelligent
 Bandung Masagi is a way to instill in positive ways. Indeed, broadly
 character in children based on local speaking, Bandung Masagi's mission in
 wisdom, which is based on four basic developing the Bandung Masagi program
 values, namely religion (faith or religion), is to facilitate the development of all
 character (morals), intelligence (science), Bandung City students in developing their
 and physical and mental (healthy). From potential and creating a generation that
 interviews with informants, informants has good morals, loves and has Sundanese
 have been able to explain and understand cultural skills, has conservation concern
 the nature of Bandung Masagi and protects the environment for the
 appropriately. Bandung Masagi is one of sustainability of life. and to realize the
 the Bandung city programs that is character of students who care and love
 implemented including an educational the homeland.
 unit curriculum that emphasizes
 character as by Pancasila and the 1945 The four basic values are religion (faith or
 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia religion), character (morals), intelligence
 so that there are no more problems faced (science), and physical and mental
 by students such as delinquency, physical (healthy) which are used as benchmarks
 and psychological violence, the burden of for the Bandung Masagi. Adaptation has
 learning self-concept and so on so that the the meaning of adjusting a material
 urgency is felt. according to needs. In learning literature,
 of course, creative steps are needed to be
 A program that is formed has a purpose, able to take advantage of the values of
 as well as Bandung Masagi. The Bandung Bandung Masagi as a source of learning. It
 Masagi Program aims to realize the is also necessary to pay attention and
 character of the Bandung Masagi consider so that the learning does not
 students, namely a generation that is change its function into learning regional
 honest, tough, sensitive, caring, brave, literature. The values of local wisdom,
 diligent, critical, initiative, creative, especially Bandung Masagi can be used as
 friendly, responsible, which is reflected in

494 Elementary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
e-ISSN: 2808-8263
 ICEE-4 “The Direction of Elementary Education in the Future Challenge”
p-ISSN: 2829-0976

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