Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour

Page created by Vernon Reynolds
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
Adam Gyorgy
The Connection Tour
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
The Connection Tour

The Connection Tour by Adam Gyorgy connects an art form with a social mission through music education,
uplifting local communities to make a sustainable learning impact. In each country, Adam takes an inspiring
and inclusive approach to classical music, connecting high-profile performances at the most prestigious
venues together with grassroots activities such as musical masterclasses and local community outreach. As an
accomplished artist, as well as an accessible role model to music teachers and students, the true gift of his tour
is not only his performances but also his empowerment of other musicians to develop their own artistry to create
an impact of their own. The tour aims to elevate musical performance to the next level of being not only an art
form but also enrichment of local communities.

                                                  Why Adam?

Adam Gyorgy is the perfect person to deliver the masterclasses and outreaches due to his passion for
education as well as performance in the arts. He has extensive personal expertise in music education for over
a decade through the work he has done with the Adam Gyorgy Foundation and its renown music education
programs - the Castle Academy and Island Academy.

Under Adam's tutelage, students of his Castle and Island Academies have grown in their musical development
to achieve notable performances in Carnegie Hall, and those who have attended hail from top musical
institutions including The Juilliard School and the Royal Academy of Music in London. He is extending his
educational reach on The Connection Tour to local communities who would otherwise not have access to
high-quality, musical education, offering them an experience of a lifetime.

                                                ction Tour
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
performances in 2011, 2012 and 2016. To finish his
       Adam Gyorgy // Pianist                           2017 US Tour, Adam Gyorgy performed at Carnegie
                                                        Hall with 3,000 of his New York fans in the audience
                                                        on October 22nd, 2017.

                                                        Through his extraordinary talent and memorable
                                                        performances, Adam Gyorgy exemplifies the
                                                        attributes and objectives of the fine arts. As a pianist,
                                                        he preserves the tradition of historic classical artists.
                                                        He is also innovative ‘’ piano performance, Adam
                                                        Gyorgy filmed his newest music video, A Day in New
                                                        York, in the monumental New York Grand Central
                                                        Terminal. His performance attracted observers in the
                                                        busy terminal and created an unexpected pause in
                                                        the hectic pace of New York City.

                                                        A prolific artist, Adam Gyorgy’s recordings include:
                                                        Adam Gyorgy Plays Liszt, Bach and Mozart; Adam
                                                        Gyorgy: Concert in Budapest; Adam Gyorgy plays
                                                        Bach and Mozart; and Adam Gyorgy Plays the
                                                        Piano. In 2015, he released a CD of his 2012 The
                                                        Carnegie Hall Concert, and a DVD of a live
                                                        recording of his Budapest Concert.

                                                        With 15 years of performance experience on the
                                                        global stage, Adam Gyorgy has sold-out
                                                        performances at large venues such as Aula Simfonia
                                                        (Jakarta), Esplanade (Singapore), The Palace of Arts
                                                        (Hungary), St. John Smith’s Square (London),
                                                        Carnegie Hall (New York) and toured extensively in
                                                        many countries: Belgium, Brunei, Canada, China,
                                                        France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran,
Adam Gyorgy, one of the finest and most                 Malaysia, Mauritius, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia,
                                                        Slovenia, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and
innovative pianists in the world.
                                                        United States.
Adam Gyorgy achieved worldwide recognition
when he performed at the opening ceremony of
EURO 2012, the UEFA European Football                       FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT:
Championship in Warsaw. His unique interpretation                Cindy Hsu, Associate Producer
of Chopin’s Winterwind was televised to 300 million              E-mail:
people across the globe.

Since becoming a Steinway Artist at the young age
of 23, Adam Gyorgy has been a proud ambassador
of the brand. The prestigious community of Steinway
Artists includes leading classical pianists and
esteemed musicians of the world.

Most well-known for the authenticity of his Liszt
interpretations, Adam Gyorgy is recognized as a Liszt
ambassador in his home country, Hungary. His
recitals have been described by the world’s press as
‘sensitive’, ‘playful’, ‘elegant’ and ‘warm’.

A returning artist, Adam Gyorgy made his Carnegie
Hall debut in 2008, with subsequent sold-out
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour

                          összesen          N. America
                                          Észak  Amerika       Asia
                                                               Ázsia          Europe
                                                                              Európa            Australia
       # of Concerts
    koncertek  száma         37                  10             15               10                 2
           közönség        70,828              20,086         22,719           19,623            8,400
     Media  Exposure
       média-elérés        276 Mil             35 Mil         204 Mil          35 Mil             2 Mil
              költség    USD1770
                        HUF   6.4 Mil
                                   Mil      USD 520
                                            HUF  1.9 Mil
                                                      Mil   USD 721
                                                            HUF 2.6 Mil
                                                                     Mil     USD 439
                                                                             HUF 1.6 Mil
                                                                                      Mil      USD
                                                                                               HUF 0.3  Mil
                                                                                                    90 Mil

                             Tour's total audience: 70,828 people *
                                  Media Access: 276,000,000 *

North America
New York Carnegie Hall
Chicago Symphony Hall                                       North East Asia
LA Walt Disney Concert Hall                                 Chongqing Grand Theatre
Washington DC Kennedy Center                                Chengdu City Music Hall
Miami New World Symphony                                    Changsha Concert Hall
Seattle Benaroya Hall                                       Shanghai Concert Hall
San Francisco Great American Music Hall                     Xiamen Gulangyu Concert Hall
Philadelphia Verizon Hall                                   Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall
Vancouver Chan Centre                                       Taiwan Eslite Performance Hall
Toronto Roy Thomson Hall                                    Tainan Cultural Center
                                                            Japan Suntory Hall
Southeast Asia                                              Korea Seoul Arts Center
Singapore Esplanade Concert Hall
Indonesia JI Expo Concert Hall                              Australia
Malaysia Petronas Towers                                    Australia Sydney Opera House
Thailand Cultural Center                                    Arts Center Melbourne Hamer Hall
Vietnam Saigon Opera House

England London Royal Albert Hall
England Manchester RNCM Concert Hall
England Oxford Jacquline De Pre Concet Hall                 * * Estimates based on actual media reach of the
Germany Berlin Philharmonie                                 Indonesian Concert Tour 2013 (see appendix)
France Paris Philharmonie Hall
Brussels Centre for Fine Arts
Ireland National Concert Hall
Austria Vienna Musikverein
Doha Katara Opera House
Moszkva Tchaikovsky Hall
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
Audience // Diverse

                          From the extraordinary                        300
                          At the Euro 2012 opening ceremony,
                          Warsaw, more than 60,000 football fans        MILLION
                          enjoyed a stunning performance that
                          was also televised live across the globe to
                          300 million viewers

                          Through the grand
                          Large-scale performances at venues
                          such as Carnegie Hall (New York),             3000
                          Esplanade (Singapore) and The Palace
                          of Arts (Budapest)

                          And intimate
                          A groundbreaking performance at               300
                          Grand Central Terminal, New York City

                          To the individual
                          One-to-one master classes all over the        1

Connecting you with Adam Gyorgy’s audience
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
inaugural Island Academy took place in Indonesia.
  The Adam Gyorgy Foundation                           Both academies attract a wealth of talented piano
                                                       students who travel to participate in master classes
Adam Gyorgy runs musical enrichment                    and workshops, as well as performing opportunities.
projects around the world, which reach                 Adam Gyorgy also regularly engages with
diverse audiences, and widen access to                 community groups and organizations to inspire the
classical music.                                       next generation with his personal story.

                                                       With your partnership, these outreach programs can
                                                       continue to enable, connect and inspire talented
                                                       pianists across the globe.


Adam Gyorgy believes in changing lives through
education. He is committed to inspiring and
specialized educational projects for pianists of all
ages, abilities and backgrounds.

Through the Adam Gyorgy Foundation, and its
scholarship program, the award-winning pianist
continues to cultivate the aspirations and creative
confidence of pianists who would otherwise be
unable to access a world-class music education.

Dedicated to philanthropy and pedagogy, he
established the Adam Gyorgy Castle Academy in
2009, a highly-regarded summer school that has
welcomed young people from over 15 countries to
the heart of Europe. In December 2013, the

Invest in talent, inspire excellence
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
Make a Difference
                                          Make a difference

       With your partnership we will be reaching 276 million people globally with the full budget. Partner
        with us and help us to make a global difference. With your help we will be reaching out to more
       local institutions, we will affect move lives, and help more children to get closer to their dreams or
           simply give them a chance to enrich their lives with an unforgettable musical experience.

500,000 USD          PLATINUM SPONSOR
                         •   Priority placement of 2 full-pages of advertisement space within the concert booklets
                             globally distributed at the post-concert client reception and at 10 selected events
                         •   20 VIP concert tickets and access to the post-concert private reception at 10 selected
                         •   Your logo placement at all publicity materials globally
                         •   Your brand logo featured on Adam Gyorgy’s Facebook page connecting you with
                             his 1.1 million followers
                         •   You may request 2 Adam Gyorgy appearances at exclusive corporate event in 2020

250,000 USD          DIAMOND SPONSOR
                         •   Priority placement of 2 full-pages of advertisement space within the concert booklets
                             distributed at the post-concert client reception on 5 selected events
                         •   15 VIP concert tickets and access to the post-concert private reception (5 selected
                             events globally)
                         •   Your logo placed at all publicity materials globally
                         •   Your brand logo featured on Adam Gyorgy’s Facebook page connecting you with
                             1.1 million followers
                         •   Non-exclusive right to use a selection of Adam Gyorgy’s images for your company’s
                             publicity in the weeks prior to the concerts
                         •   You may request 1 Adam Gyorgy appearance at a private event in 2020

                         •   Non-exclusive right to use a selection of Adam Gyorgy’s images for your company’s
                             publicity in the weeks prior to the concerts
                         •   2 full-pages of advertisement space within the concert booklets distributed at the
                             post-concert reception as well as full visibility of your brand across associated materials
                             in 2 selected events globally
                         •   16 VIP concert tickets and access to the post-concert client reception

 50,000 USD          GOLD SPONSOR
                         •   Logo placement on publicity materials globally – including banners, posters and flyers
                         •   Non-priority placement of 1 full-page ad within 2 selected concert booklet distributed
                             at the post-concert reception and being recognized as a sponsoring company in all
                             concert-related publicity
                         •   10 VIP concert ticket and access to the post-concert client reception at 2 selected
                             events globally

Tailor a corporate partnership
to suit the needs of your brand
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
// Review Global//
The New York Times
‘The line-up included the ubiquitous Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, from a set of 19 works by Liszt that reflect the
folk music of his native Hungary. Mr. Gyorgy certainly has enough technique for the piece, and he played it
with panache, as he did Liszt’s equally popular La Campanella... He also demonstrated a warm touch in Liszt’s
daunting Sonata in b minor, playing the slower parts with introspective poise and deftly navigating the
technical challenges...’

CNN World Report, Jakarta
‘Adam Gyorgy, the “Franz Liszt diplomat” from Hungary, combines music with passion.’

Alain Cochard,, Paris
‘Gyorgy never rushes and takes time to mold his sound, to tell the story. Even in the most virtuosic passages, the
note never barks, capturing the magic of Chopin. The piano of the storyteller and poet filled the gallery and the
player’s musicianship was evident as every note hits its target. The paraphrase from Rigoletto is a celebration of
bel canto, delivered with style and a crazy charm, like La Campanella where the instrument twinkles with a
thousand colours.’

The Straits Times, Singapore
‘The pianist seemed most at home with the works of fellow Hungarian Liszt, giving a sparkling and rippling
delivery of La Campanella, where images of the titular bells were conjured up by the pin-point articulation and

Ban Ki-moon - Secretary General of the United Nations
“I have a problem speaking now, as it is difficult to impress people after Adam Gyorgy performs...”
United Nations Association of New York Gala, 22nd October, 2015
Adam Gyorgy The Connection Tour
// Press and Events //

Television and Radio Broadcasts                         Print and Online
MTV Hungary                                             The New York Times
France TV 5                                             Time Out Singapore
BBC                                                     The Straits Times, Singapore
Sirius XM Radio                                         The Jakarta Globe
WQXR, New York                                          Culture Catch, New York
Channel News Asia                                       International Arts Manager cover
Okto TV, Singapore                                      Gentleman’s Choice cover, Hungary
CNN World Report                                        Steinway Owners Magazine
Al Jazeera
DigiSport TV                                            Social Media
Hungary’s National TV’s Morning Show                    Adam Gyorgy’s classical music videos have
Symphony 92.4FM                                         attracted 2 million+ views on YouTube and more
Live! Singapore                                         than 1.1 million fans on Facebook – the majority of
UEFA 2012 EURO Opening Ceremony                         followers are under the age of 35

                     Full Concert Broadcasts
                     MediaCorp TV, Singapore, Saturday night prime-time
                     Metro TV, Indonesia
                     Metro TV, prime-time documentary Portrait with Desi Anwar
Appendix 1: Connection Tour Exposure
Concert Tour Exposure                                                                                         Media Reach Summary
                                                                # of Audience          *M edia Reach   USA             31.1 M il People
                  New York Carnegie Hall                                2,804    31,145,799   People   Canada           3.5 M il People
                  Chicago Symphony Hall                                 2,522                          Singapore        0.6 M il People
                  LA Walt Disney Concert Hall                           2,265                          Indonesia       31.1 M il People
                                                                                                       M alaysia        3.0 M il People
N America

                  Washington DC Kennedy Center                          2,454
                  Miami New World Syphony                                 756                          Thailand         6.6 M il People
                  Seattle Benaroya Hall                                 2,500                          Vietnam          9.2 M il People
                  San Francisco Great American Music Hall                 470                          England          5.3 M il People
                  Philadelphia Verizon Hall                             2,500                          Germany          7.8 M il People
                  Vancouver Chan Centre                                 1,185     3,529,171   People   France           6.2 M il People
                  Toronto Roy Thomson Hall                              2,630                          Belgium          1.1 M il People
                  Singapore Esplanade Concert Hall                      3,600       555,751   People   Ireland          0.5 M il People
                  Indonesia JI Expo Concert Hall                        2,500    31,140,489   People   Austria          0.8 M il People
SE Asia

                  Malaysia Petronas Towers                                920     3,026,256   People   Qatar            0.3 M il People
                  Thailand Cultural Center                              1,757     6,554,931   People   Russia          13.6 M il People
                  Vietnam Saigon Opera House                              500     9,223,625   People   China          134.3
                                                                                                                        0.0 M il People
                  England London Royal Albert Hall                      5,544     5,259,254   People   Taiwan           2.2 M il   People
                  England Manchester RNCM Concert Hall                    730                          Japan           12.0 M il   People
                  England Oxford Jacquline De Pre Concet Hall             200                          Korea            4.9 M il   People
                  Germany Berlin Philharmonie                           2,440     7,796,978   People   Australia        2.4 M il   People

                  France Paris Philharmonie Hall                        2,400     6,194,681   People                  276.4 Mil    People
                  Brussels Centre for Fine Arts                         2,200     1,058,183   People
                  Ireland National Concert Hall                         1,200       450,272   People
                  Austria Vienna Musikverein                            2,854       847,475   People
                  Doha Katara Opera House                                 550       268,590   People
                  Moszkva Tchaikovsky Hall                              1,505    13,605,563   People
                  Chongqing Grand Theatre                               1,826   134,338,202   People
                  Chengdu City Music Hall                               1,600
China & NE Asia

                  Changsha Concert Hall                                 1,500
                  Shanghai Concert Hall                                 1,200
                  Xiamen Gulangyu Concert Hall                            580
                  Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall                        1,500
                  Taiwan Eslite Performane Hall                           361     2,230,867   People
                  Tainan Cultural Center                                1,766
                  Japan Suntory Hall                                    2,006    11,991,047   People
                  Korea Seoul Arts Center                               1,103     4,856,537   People
                  Australia Sydney Opera House                          5,738     2,375,887   People

                  Arts Center Melbourne Hamer Hall                      2,662

                  Total                                                70,828   276,449,558
                  * this estimate is based on Adam Gyorgy 2013 media campaign see Appendix 3
Appendix 2
                        Adam Gyorgy Previous Concerts

New York – Carnegie Hall                          Washington D.C. – Kennedy Center
Miami – New World Symphony                        Boston – Faneuil Hall
Vancouver – Chan Centre for the Performing Arts   Paris – College des Bernardins
London – St. John’s Smith Square                  Budapest – Franz Liszt Academy of Music
Singapore – Esplanade Concert Hall                Jakarta – Aula Simfonia Concert Hall
Tokyo – Kioi Hall                                 Tainan – Cultural Center
Harvard University
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