Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy

Page created by Carlos Olson
Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Year 8
                            Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser

                                                Ada Lovelace
                                        The daughter of famed poet Lord Byron, Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace - better
                                        known as “Ada Lovelace” - was born in London on December 10, 1815. Ada showed her
                                        gift for mathematics at an early age. She translated an article on an invention by Charles
                                        Babbage, and added her own comments. Because she introduced many computer
                                        concepts, Ada is considered the first computer programmer. Ada died on November 27,
                                        1852. She was buried, at her request, next to her father at the church of St. Mary
                                        Magdalene, Hucknall, Nottingham.
                                        Ada Lovelace’s contributions to the field of computer science were not discovered until the
                                        1950s, Ada has received many posthumous honours for her work. In 1980 the U.S.
                                        Department of Defence named a newly developed computer language “Ada” after

House Colour: Green

    “The more I study, the more
 instable do I feel my genius for it”
           Ada Lovelace
                                                    Rebecca Adlington                Morris Samuels                Alan Sillitoe
                                                    House Colour: Blue              House Colour: Red          House Colour: Yellow
Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Timetable            4          Subject: Spanish            36
Reading Log          5          Subject: ICT                38
Creative Writing     6-19       Subject: Product Design 1   40
Subject: English     22         Subject: Product Design 2   42
Subject: Maths       24         Subject: Food Technology    44

Subject: Science     26         Subject: At and Design      46
Subject: Geography   28         Subject: Music              48

Subject: History     32         Subject: Drama              50

Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
                                                                                                                                              Believe at BBA
  Year 8              Monday                          Tuesday                             Wednesday                     Thursday                       Friday
                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 1st Nov
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Drama                                  D&T                       Spanish

                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 8th Nov
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Music                                  D&T                       Spanish

                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 15th Nov
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Drama                                  D&T                       Spanish

                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 22nd Nov
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Music                                  D&T                       Spanish

                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 29th Nov
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Drama                                  D&T                       Spanish

                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 6th Dec
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Music                                  D&T                       Spanish

                                                History or Geography
                         English                                                                Science                     Maths
                                              (whichever you have 2 lessons of)                                                                200 word challenge from
w/b 13th Dec
                                                                                                                                               this week’s library lesson
                           ICT                            Music                                  D&T                       Spanish

               20 mins reading of your own   20 mins reading of your own              20 mins reading of your own   20 mins reading of your    20 mins reading of your
 ALL WEEKS                book                          book                                     book                     own book                   own book

                 (record on Reading Log)       (record on Reading Log)                  (record on Reading Log)     (record on Reading Log)    (record on Reading Log)
Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Reading Log

                       Monday                      Tuesday                Wednesday                     Thursday                    Friday
               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 1st Nov    For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:________________   Signed:________________    Signed:__________________   Signed:________________
               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 8th Nov    For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:________________   Signed:_________________   Signed:__________________   Signed:________________

               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 15th Nov   For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:________________   Signed:_________________   Signed:__________________   Signed:________________

               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 22nd Nov   For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:________________   Signed:_________________   Signed:__________________   Signed:________________

               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 29th Nov   For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:_______________    Signed:________________    Signed:__________________   Signed:________________

               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 6th Dec    For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:________________   Signed:_________________   Signed:__________________   Signed:________________

               Read:                       Read:                     Read:                      Read:                       Read:

W/b 13th Dec   For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes    For: _________ minutes     For: _________ minutes      For: _________ minutes

               Signed:__________________   Signed:________________   Signed:_________________   Signed:__________________   Signed:________________
Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Creative writing - Summarising
The 200 word challenge:
                                                                                       Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                             _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                             _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                             _______________________________________
   My                                                                               _______________________________________

                            Annotate the Summary Slap so you have everything planned and ready to write:

Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy

Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Creative writing - Visualising
The 200 word challenge:
                                                                                  Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                       _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                       _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                       _______________________________________
    My                                                                        _______________________________________
                                                 Draw an image in the frame and annotate around it with
                                                 details, emotions and notes for your writing challenge!

Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy

Ada Lovelace Year 8 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Creative writing - Linking to the text
The 200 word challenge:
                                                                                                              Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                                                    _______________________________________
       My                                                                                                  _______________________________________

Write down three things that were talked about in today’s reading, and what you already know or can relate to these topics:

 1.     ………………………………………………………………………

 2.     ………………………………………………………………………                                                 _______________________________________________________
        ……………………………………………………………………..                                                _______________________________________________________
 3.     ……………………………………………………………………..                                                _______________________________________________________
        ……………………………………………………………………..                                                _______________________________________________________


Creative writing -
The 200 word challenge:                                                              Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                           _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                           _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                           _______________________________________
    My                                                                            _______________________________________

      Choose a character from your reading: What inferences can you make about them based on what you know about them from the text?


Creative writing - Summarising
The 200 word challenge:
                                                                                       Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                             _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                             _______________________________________
_______________________________________________________                             _______________________________________
   My                                                                               _______________________________________

                            Annotate the Summary Slap so you have everything planned and ready to write:


Creative writing - Using our decoded words!
The 200 word challenge:
                                                                                             Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                                  _______________________________________
      My                                                                                 _______________________________________
      idea:______________________________________                                        _______________________________________

  Write own a word you didn't know before, and write its definition. How can you use this in your writing challenge? Write an example sentence in the
                                                             space to use in it a sentence.



Creative writing - Visualising
The 200 word challenge:
                                                                                 Vocabulary I could use in my 200 word challenge!
_______________________________________________________                      _______________________________________
  My                                                                         _______________________________________
  idea:______________________________________                                _______________________________________
                                                Draw an image in the frame and annotate around it with
                                                details, emotions and notes for your writing challenge!


Knowledge Organiser

Subject: English                 Topic: Romeo and Juliet               Year: 8                  Term: HT2
                                                                                                                                                 Believe at BBA
              Section 1: Key Vocabulary                        Section 2: Key Fact/Methods/Processes/Questions
Tier 3 vocabulary        Definition                                                                                       Section 3: Possible exam/CAF-style questions
                                                              1) How would you describe the streets of Verona?
                         When the implications of a situa-                                                              In Act 1 Prince Escalus makes a speech to the feuding
                         tion are understood by the audi-                                                               families to get them to keep the peace in Verona.
   Dramatic irony        ence but not by the characters in
                         the play.                            2) Who are the Montagues?                                 Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace,
                                                                                                                        Profaners of this neighbour-stained steel,—
                         A speech in a play where the                                                                   Will they not hear? What, ho! you men, you beasts,
                         character speaks to themselves       3) Who are the Capulets?                                  That quench the fire of your pernicious rage
       Soliloquy         and the audience rather than an-                                                               With purple fountains issuing from your veins,
                         other character.                                                                               On pain of torture, from those bloody hands
                                                              4) What is a prologue?                                    Throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground,
                         Two things placed next to each
                                                                                                                        And hear the sentence of your moved prince.
    Juxtaposition        other that are different to high-
                                                                                                                        Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word,
                         light a contrast.
                                                              5) What is foreshadowed in the prologue?                  By thee, old Capulet, and Montague,
                         A hint that something might hap-                                                               Have thrice disturb'd the quiet of our streets,
  Foreshadowing          pen later on in the play.                                                                      And made Verona's ancient citizens
                                                              6) What is conflict?                                      Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments,
                         A strong feeling that something                                                                To wield old partisans, in hands as old,
                         terrible is going to happen.                                                                   Canker'd with peace, to part your canker'd hate:
                                                              7) Name three characters who are responsible for          If ever you disturb our streets again,
                                                              Juliet’s defiance.                                        Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
                         Something that represents or                                                                   For this time, all the rest depart away:
        Symbol           stands for something else, usually                                                             You Capulet; shall go along with me:
                         by convention or association.        8) How many people in the play are a victim of the        And, Montague, come you this afternoon,
                         This is a genre Shakespeare’s        patriarchal society?                                      To know our further pleasure in this case,
                         plays are often called when the                                                                To old Free-town, our common judgment-place.
        Tragedy          events in the play centre around                                                               Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.
                                                              9) Why might Lord Capulet be considered tyranni-
                         pain, suffering and loss.
                                                              cal?                                                      __________________________________________
Tier 2 vocabulary        Definition                                                                                     Key quotations from the play
                                                                                                                             “What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the
Unrequited               Not returned                         10) Using the icons below to help you, how is it obvi-
                                                              ous that Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy?                         word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.”
Deception                Lies                                                                                                 Tybalt Act 1 Scene 1.
                                                                                                                             “She’s the hopeful lady of my earth” Lord
Fury                     Anger
                                                                                                                              Capulet Act 1 Scene 2.
Patriarchal              Men have all the power                                                                              “Hang thee, young baggage, disobedient
Defiance                 Not following the rules
                                                                                                                              wretch!” Lord Capulet Act 3 scene 5.
                                                                                                                        Why do Juliet’s actions have such a damaging effect
Tyrannical               Severe or unfair                                                                               on her family?

Year 8 Subject English Romeo and Juliet

                    Prince Escalus makes a speech in Act 1 to persuade the Montagues and Capulets to stop fighting in the streets of Verona.
w/b 1st November
                    Look at the speech in Section 3 and write a response to explain how he creates Ethos, Logos and Pathos.

                    Section 3—How does Prince Escalus use the rhetorical techniques of repetition, emotive language and a tricolon to
w/b 8th November
                    persuade the Montagues and Capulets to stop their fighting.

                    Dual coding: create a symbol to help you remember what each of the Tier 3 vocabulary mean. For example: for ‘Dramatic
w/b 15th November
                    Irony’ you might draw an audience. The best symbols might get chosen to be used in lessons!

                    Pick 5 of the Tier 2 vocabulary and come up with 5 synonyms for each word to create an inference bank. You might need to
w/b 22nd November   use a thesaurus! Help: a synonym is a word that means a similar thing but is different to your original word, for example:
                    ‘sad’ ‘miserable’ ‘melancholy’ etc.

                    Do you believe in ‘fate’ and the idea that ‘everything happens for a reason’? There are lots of references to fate throughout
w/b 29th November
                    Romeo and Juliet, write 150 words explaining your view on whether fate and destiny are something you believe in or not.

                    Have a look at the ‘Questions’ in Section 2: How many of these can you answer with confidence? Use full sentences and
w/b 6th December
                    your knowledge of the play so far.

                    Have a look at the quotes in Section 3, can you use these to summarise: Why do Juliet’s actions have such a damaging
w/b 13th December
                    effect on her family?

Subject: Maths                       Year: 8                Term: Autumn 2
                                                                                                                                                                           Believe at BBA
                Section 1: Key Vocabulary                                  Section 2: Key Fact/Methods/Processes/Questions                                Section 3: Possible exam/CAF-style questions
Tier 3 vocabulary         Definition
                                                                       Find the prime factors of 36.                                                 Draw diagrams to show your answers.
Prime number              A number is prime if it has exactly two
                          factors: 1 and itself.                                                                                                     1.      What is the prime decomposition of 120?
Prime Decomposition       Prime numbers that multiply to make the      Using indices makes your                                                      2.      What is the product of prime factors for 400?
                          original number.                             answer as simplified as possible.
                                                                                                                                                     3.      Look at your simplified answers to questions 1 and
Term                      Either a single number or variable or
                                                                                                                                                             2. How can you tell that 400 is a square number and
                          numbers and variables multiplied
                                                                       Expand 2(a + b) = 2a + 2b                                                             120 is not?
                                                                       Factorise 2a + 2b = 2(a + b)                                                  4.      What is the value of b in 68 = 22 × b
Expand                    Multiply each term inside the bracket by
                          the expression outside the bracket.
                                                                                                                                                     5.      There are n students in a class.
Factorise                 Opposite of expanding. Find the highest      I am thinking of a number, I             X → ×5 → -12 → 23                            A) The school has 800 pupils. Write an expression
                          common factor of the terms, this goes        multiply it by 5 then I subtract                                                      for the number of students not in that class.
                                                                                                                X ← ÷5 ← +12 ← 23
                          outside of the bracket.                      12 and my answer is 23.
                                                                                                                                                             B) If 2 students were to join the class write an ex-
                                                                                                           23 + 12 = 35
Highest Common            The highest number that can be divided       What was the number I was                                                             pression for the number of students in the class.
Factor (HCF)              exactly into each of two or more numbers.    thinking of?                        35 ÷ 5 = 7

                          For example 6 is the HCF of 12 and 18.                                           Therefore X = 7                           6.      A rectangular garden has length 2x + 7 and width 3.
Expression                A mathematical statement written using       Here is x < 11 on a number line.    Open circles are used for numbers                 What is the area of the garden?
                          symbols, numbers or letters.                                                     that are strictly less or more than.
                                                                                                                                                                      2x + 7
Equation                  A statement that shows that two
                          expressions are equal.                                                           Closed circles are used for numbers                                              3
                                                                       When do you use an open or
Inequality                When two expressions are not equal.                                              that are less than or equal, or greater
                                                                       closed circle?
                                                                                                           than or equal.
Algebraic Convention      The correct form of writing with algebra.
                                                                                                                                                     7.      Stacey factorises 8x2 + 4x and gets 2x(4x + 2).
Index Notation/ Indices   The index shows how many times the           Different representations to solve 2x + 7 = x + 15                                    What mistake did Stacey make?
                          base number has to be multiplied by itself
                                                                                                                                                     8.      The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 15x + 1.
Linear                    There are no terms involving higher
                                                                                                                                                             How long are the side lengths?
                          powers of x. E.g. 2x + 3
                                                                                                                                                     9.      The area of a parallelogram is 3x2 - 6.
Quadratic                 A variable having a power of 2. E.g. x2
                                                                                                                                                             What could the length and height of the parallelo-
Tier 2 vocabulary         Definition                                                                                                                         gram be?
Solve                     To find the answer or value of something.

Inverse                   The opposite. For example the inverse of
                          addition is subtraction.

Year 8 Mathematics
w/b 1st November    A) What is 10% of £120?            B) What is 12% of £320?           C) What is 101% of £90?
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

w/b 8th November    A) Increase 210 by 10%             B) Decrease 70 by 2%
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

w/b 15th November   Draw tables to answer the CAF style questions 1—5 in section 3.
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

w/b 22rd November
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

w/b 29th November   Expand       3(n + 3) =         5(4h—9) =           8d(3d + 10) =        3c( 4 — c) =
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

w/b 6th December    Use the grid method to answer the CAF style questions 6—9 in section 3.
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

w/b 13th December   Solve :   A) 2y = 3       B) m - 3 = 8      C) 4n + 7 = 19      D) 4(3y - 2) = 100      E)
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

                    Solve:    A) 3x < 12      B) 2x + 7 < 15    C) 3(x + 2) > 15
w/b 20th December
                    Hegarty Maths: Watch video number ……….. and complete the corresponding quiz

Section 1: Key Vocabulary                          Subject: SCIENCE Topic: Inheritance             Year: 8      Section 3: Possible exam/ CAF style question
Tier 3 vocabulary         Definition
                                                                                                                             1) Which two cells listed below, pass on information from
                                                                 Section 2: Key facts/Methods/Processes/ Questions           parents to their children?
Sperm cell                Male sex cell
                                                                                                                             Tick the two correct boxes.
Egg cell                  Female sex cell                                                                                    bone cell                   cheek cell

Fertilisation             Joining of the male sex cell with                                                                  egg cell                    muscle cell
                          the female sex cell                                                                                red blood cell               sperm cell
Placenta                  Structure that joins the mothers
                          uterus to the foetus, providing
                          nutrients and removing waste                                                                              (2)      The drawings below show a stoat in
                                                                                                                                             summer and in winter.
DNA                       Deoxyribonucleic acid

menstruation              Part of the female monthly cycle                                                                              Stoat in summer                stoat in winter
                          when the lining of the uterus
                          comes away
                                                                                                                                         In winter the ground is often covered by snow
Evolution                 A theory that explains how life on
                                                                                                                                        or frost. During this part of the year a stoat’s fur
                          Earth began and gave rise to all                                                                              is white.
                          living organisms on Earth today                                                                               Suggest two ways its white coat helps a stoat
Natural selection         Nature selects the fittest individu-                                                                          to survive in the winter.
                          als to survive and pass on their
                          genetic information to their off-
Kingdom                   A kingdom contains all the varie-
                                                                                                                                    3) Use words from the list below to complete
                          ties of a certain group of living
                                                                                                                                   the sentences. (not all are used)
fossil                    The dead remains of a plant or
                                                                                                                                    Adapt        cytoplasm        gene grow        inherit
                          animal                                 Vulpes lagopus (Arctic Fox) and Vulpes zerda (Fennec fox)
Tier 2 vocabulary         Definition                             share the name genus as they had a common ancestor
                                                                                                                                    Letters       membrane        mutate     nucleus
Survival                  Managing to go on living or
                          existing in spite of great danger
                                                                                                                                    Rabbits have the same fur colour all year.
                          or difficulty.                                                                                          Young rabbits ……………… fur colour from their
                                                                                                                                  parents. Information from parents is passed on
Genetics                  Relating to genes and inheritance                                                                       from one generation to the next in the form of
                          in the body.                                                                                            ………………….in the ……………… of an egg
variation                 The differences between individu-      Fennec Fox                                Arctic Fox             and sperm cell
                          als of the same species                                               26
Year 8 Science

w/b 1st November                                       Look, cover, write and check the vocabulary in Section 1.

                                                      Learn the labels in the diagrams of the cell and sperm egg.
w/b 8th November                                                                   AND
                              Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or compare and contrast the egg and sperm cell.
                                                          Learn the labels in the flower’s reproductive system.
w/b 15th November
                    Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or outline how a farmer could use the flowers reproductive system
                                                                to artificially fertilise flowers.

                    Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or make a mnemonic to remember the order of the Linnaeus naming
w/b 22nd November

w/b 29th November                    Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or answer the questions in Section 3.

                    Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or compare and contrast the images of the Arctic Fox and Fennec
w/b 6th December
                    fox (in Section 2)

w/b 13th December   Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or write a poem to explain the variation in the people you live with.

                    Complete the Educake assignment set by your teacher or The Arctic fox has a white coat for the winter months and becomes brown
w/b 20th December   after the snow has gone. Outline how this adaptation has occurred, suggest what happens to animals that fail to adapt to seasonal
                    changes to their environment.                   27
Subject: Geography                  Topic: Development                     Year: 8           Term: Autumn 2
                                                                                                                                                     Believe at BBA
             Section 1: Key Vocabulary
                                                                        Section 2a: Key Fact Questions                      Section 3: Possible exam/CAF-style questions
Tier 3 vocabu-      Definition
                                                            1. In what continent do you find China?                       Assess the advantages and disadvantages of aid for devel-
                                                                                                                          oping countries (8)
Slum                A spontaneous settlement, often
                    built illegally on unused land along    2.What is the capital city of China?                          Use the images below to help you plan your answer:
                    roadsides or on the edge of a city.
Inequality          The differences in society for exam-    3. What is the population of China?
                    ple healthcare, housing and em-
Rural-to-urban      The movement of people from rural       4. Is China a developing, emerging or developed country?
migration           areas (the countryside) to urban
                    areas (towns/cities).                   5. What is the One Child Policy?
Migration           The movement of people.
Quality of life     The standard of health, comfort,
                                                            6. When was the One Child Policy introduced?
                    and happiness people experience.
Development         The use of resources to improve the
                    standard of living of a nation.         7. Why was the One Child Policy introduced?

Tier 2 vocabulary   Definition
                                                            8. When was the One Child Policy relaxed?
Rural               Geographical term for the country-                                                                    Sentence starters you could use when writing your answer:
                                                                                                                          One advantage of aid is . . .
Urban               Geographical term for towns/cities.     9. What are the 5 types of aid?
                                                                                                                          This means that…

Aid                 The giving of help and support in       10. What does NGOs stand for?                                 A second advantage of aid is . . .
                    order to help countries/places de-
                    velop.                                  Section 2b: Thinking Questions                                One disadvantage of aid is . . .
Population          The amount of people in one area.
Pollution           The presence of something in the        Explain how emergency aid and development aid can help        This means that…
                    environment which can be harmful        developing countries (4)                                      A second disadvantage of aid is…
                    to people or wildlife.
                                                            Emergency aid can help developing countries by . . .
Sanitation          Conditions relating to public health,
                    e.g. clean drinking water.              This means that . . .                                         In conclusion I think there are more advantages/
United Nations      A global organisation made up by        Development aid can help developing countries by . . .        disadvantages because...
(UN)                193 states.
                                                            This means that . . .

Year 8 Subject Geography
                    SECTION 1 —Select 5 words from the Tier 2/3 terminology list. Draw pictures (Dual Coding) that define these
w/b 1st November

                    SECTION 1— Copy out the Frayer Model from your Knowledge Organiser and write slum in the centre. Complete
w/b 8th November
                    this as guided in last week’s lesson.

                    Imagine you live in Ndirande slum. Write a paragraph describing your living conditions and how you would
w/b 15th November
                    benefit if Malawi was given development aid by the UK.

w/b 22nd November   SECTION 2b— Write one paragraph to answer the explain question in 2b. Use the sentence starters to help you.

                    SECTION 3—Complete your own copy of a PowerPlan in your knowledge organiser for the 8 mark question in
w/b 29th November
                    section 3. Plan 3 paragraphs around the advantages and disadvantages of aid.

                    SECTION 3— Use your PowerPlan from last week’s homework to complete the 8 mark question practice.
w/b 6th December
                    Remember to write in full sentences.

w/b 13th December   SECTION 2a— Answer the questions in this section – simple, short, one or two word answers is all you need.

                    Create a detailed mind map which summarises everything you know about China. Include information from your
w/b 20th December
                    knowledge organiser and what you have learnt in your lessons.
Subject: History Year: 8                  Term: Autumn 2
Section 1: Key Vocabulary                                                                                                                              Believe at BBA
Tier 3 vocabulary      Definition                                Section 2: Key Fact/Methods/Processes/Questions                       Section 3: Possible exam/CAF-style questions
Parliament             A place in London where Mem-         Questions:
                       bers of Parliament (politicians)     1. Which group were the main group that could vote in Britain in the   1       Source A: A drawing of a slave ship during the
                       meet to discuss how to run the       early 1800s?                                                                   Middle Passage.
                                                                                                                                   2       Source A supports the Slave trade. How do you
Suffrage               Voting for who is in government      2. What happened at St. Peter’s Field in Manchester in 1819?
                                                                                                                                           know? Use the CONTENT of the source and your
                                                            3. When did most working class men have the vote by?                           own knowledge in your answer
Member of Parliament   These represent one part of the
(MP)                   UK—people vote for who they
                       want to be their MP.                 4. Approximately how many Africans were forcibly taken to the Ameri-
Middle Passage         The forced journey from Western      cas as slaves by the British Empire?
                       Africa to the Americas during the
                       Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade           5. What is the name given to the events described in question 4?
Branding               Africans forced into slavery were
                       often branded with a red hot iron.
                                                            5. How many Africans were forced into one ship on average when tak-
Bribery                Offering money or goods to get       en from Africa to the Americas?
                       people do what you want
Tier 2 vocabulary      Definition
The British Empire      Territories of the world rules or   6. What crops were commonly grown on slave plantations?
                       administered by Great Britain. At
                       its peak in the early 1900s.
                                                            7. What punishments did rebellious slaves face?
Constituency            A specific area of the country
                       represented by a Member of Par-
                       liament                              8. What was a common form of resistance to slavery
Orator                 A good public speaker
Plantation             A large farm                         9. Who was Olaudah Equiano?

Slavery                To have no rights. To be the prop-   10. When did the UK abolish the slave trade?
                       erty of another person
Resistance             To try to stop something
                                                                   Section 2b: Chains of reasoning questions
Abolition              To end something
                                                            1.     Explain the importance of working class men gaining the vote
                                                                   in 1885. Write one paragraph
                                                            2.     Describe the Trade Triangle. Where did it start, what goods
                                                                   were transported and trade ro sold?

Year 8 History
w/b 1st November    SECTION 1— Dual code ( create images) for at least FIVE words from Tier2 and 3 Vocabulary.

                    Use the Frayer model and complete it for the word ‘Slavery’ in the tier 3 terminology. Ensure that you complete all sections and
w/b 8th November    give examples. Complete a second frayer model with a word of your choice from the tier 2/3 terminology. You will need to copy
                    the frayer model into your book.
                    SECTION 2b, answer Q1 Use T2/3 Vocabulary in your answer. Sentence starters you could use:
                    One way the working class getting the vote was important was….
w/b 15th November
                    For example…
                    This means….
                    A SECTION 2b . Answer Q2. Use T2/3 Vocabulary in your answer Sentence starters you could use:
w/b 22nd November
                    The Trade triangle started in…. They transported….. To which were exchanged for….

                    Design a poster showing why the working class/ women should get the vote during the 19th century. Ensure you include examples and
w/b 29th November
                    evidence of why the vote is important.
                    SECTION 3, Answer the question based on source A.
                    You could use the following sentence starters: Source A supports the Slave trade because…
w/b 6th December    For example the source shows…
                    I know this to be accurate because….

w/b 13th December   SECTION 2a—Answer the question in this section – simple, short, one or two word answers is all you need.

                    Using your knowledge organisers and what your have learnt, create a mind map/spidergram called The Industrial Revolution,
w/b 20th December
                    you could use headings such as: causes, changes, living conditions, working conditions, the slave trade

Subject: Spanish     Topic: Las Vacaciones          Year: 8       Term: Autumn 2            Believe at BBA
Section 1: Key Vocabulary                         Section 2: Key Ideas                                      Section 3 - CAF Style Question
El año pasado           Last year                 ¿Qué hiciste?         Bailé - I danced                     Ángel and Borja have blogged about their
                                                  What did you          Compré una camiseta - I bought a    holidays in Brazil. Read the blogs, then an-
El verano pasado        Last summer               do?
                                                                         T-shirt                              swer the questions by writing A (Ángel), B
                                                                        Descansé en la playa - I relaxed
Fui a...                I went to...                                                                              (Borja) or A + B (Ángel and Borja).
                                                                         on the beach
                                                                        Mandé SMS - I sent texts
Escocia                 Scotland                                                                            En el verano fui de vacaciones a Río de Janeiro.
                                                                        Monté en bicicleta - I rode my
                                                                                                            ¡Qué guay! Fui a un hotel en la playa, donde
Gales                   Wales
                                                                        Nadé en el mar - I swam in the
                                                                                                            descansé y escuché música. El primer día cono-
                                                                         sea                                cí a una chica muy guapa. Por la noche bailé con
Inglaterra              England
                                                                        Saqué fotos - I took photos        ella en la discoteca del hotel. El último día de
Los Estados Unidos      USA                                             Tomé el sol - I sunbathed          mis vacaciones fui a ver un partido de fútbol en
                                                                        Visité monumentos - I visited      el famoso estadio de Maracaná. Fue genial. Me
autocar                 coach                                            monuments                          gustó mucho Brasil, especialmente la visita al
                                                                        Bebí - I drank                     estadio. Ángel
avión                   plane
                                                                        Comí—I ate
                                                                                                            En las vacaciones de verano fui a Brasil. Hizo
barco                   boat/ferry                                      Fue... - it was...                 muy buen tiempo. Durante las vacaciones mi
                                                  ¿Cómo te fue?
coche                   car                       How was it?           divertido - fun/funny              hermano y yo tomamos el sol por la mañana y
                                                                        estupendo - brilliant              luego por la tarde fuimos de compras. Un día
tren                    train                                           fenomenal - fantastic              fuimos en autocar a ver monumentos. También
                                                                        flipante - awesome                 visitamos el estadio de fútbol. Fue fantástico y
luego                   then                                            genial - great                     saqué muchas fotos. La última tarde salí con mi
                                                                        guay - cool                        hermano a una discoteca, donde bailamos mu-
Más tarde               later                                           regular - ok                       cho. Borja
después                 afterwards                                      un desastre - a disaster
                                                                        horroroso - terrible               Who… Example: went dancing? A + B
El primer día           On the first day                                raro - weird                           mentions the weather?
El último día           On the last day                                 Me gustó - I liked (it)                made friends while on
                                                                        Me encantó - I loved (it)               holiday?
Otro día                Another day
                                                                        porque ...- because…
a/al/a los/a las        to (the)                                        hizo buen tiempo - the weather         went on holiday in the
                                                                         was good                                summer?
en                      by                                              llovió - it rained
                                                                                                                went on a coach trip?
Además                  Also, in addition         Exclamaciones         ¡Qué bonito! - How nice!
                                                  Exclamations          ¡Qué rico! - How tasty!                loved the football stadium?
No fui de vaciones.     I didn’t go on holiday.                         ¡Qué lástima! - What a shame!
                                                                        ¡Qué mal! - How bad!                   does not mention with whom
Normalmente...          Normally...                                     ¡Qué rollo! - How annoying!             they went on holiday?
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