Act for a sustainable future - Air Liquide
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Air Liquide has a growth trajectory. L E T ’ S AC T F O R A S U S TA I N A B L E F U T U R E ! This means performing steadily in the present and preparing well for the future thanks to a deeply resilient and diversified business model. Performance Abatement Care for Trust as and sustainability are therefore both core of CO2 patients the base to our strategy. emissions As we invent clean 2020 brought healthcare to — to engage with our It also means supporting our customers technologies for industries and the top of the world’s agenda employees and patients and addressing the clean mobility, we work on with the Covid-19 crisis. the frontline of environmental As a major world player At Air Liquide, we believe in urgency of climate change and societal progress, playing a decisive in healthcare, Air Liquide has the potential of each person transformation. role in the transition to a always been close to patients, and their talents. The Group’s low-carbon society and the medical professionals, long-term performance is development of a hydrogen hospitals and health driven by our employees and “Our ambition going forward is to make a we are convinced that the economy. authorities. The Group is meaningful difference.” well positioned to contribute power to impact the present to help transform healthcare and shape a better future is to better support patients in their hands. Air Liquide’s Inventing and shaping the future and better meet their needs commitment is to create a around the world. safe, inclusive and engaging with state-of-the-art technologies, workplace, while nurturing operational competences and services employees’ inventiveness, close to customers or patients, supporting their development and empowering them. has always been in our DNA. But it is clear today that the role — and to build a best-in-class governance of a company like ours goes beyond this. As a matter of fact we all - States, As a responsible global and local player overseen companies and citizens – share by a diversified, independent the responsibility and the mission Board of Directors, we can make a difference in the of building a sustainable future. responsible way we behave day to day, manage It is time to ACT for a sustainable future. our business, and interact with all our stakeholders: customers, patients, employees, suppliers, shareholders and the communities at large.
A batement of CO 2 OUR CONTRIBUTION AND OUR METRICS emissions for a low-carbon society REDUCING OUR CO2 EMISSIONS -33% CARBON NEUTRALITY Air Liquide has long been committed to a sustainable CARBON EMISSIONS BY 2050 BY 2035 To address climate change, it is time, growth. In 2018, the Group Air Liquide commits Air Liquide commits to reaching more than ever, to take actions. already committed to a to decreasing its CO 2 carbon neutrality by 2050, aligning the Group with As a responsible company, Air Liquide 30% reduction of its carbon emissions in absolute value by 33% by 2035. international efforts to reduce has long endeavored to protect the intensity (1) , and will fully deliver global warming, as outlined This includes direct environment. In 2018, the Group took its objective by 2025 (2) . emissions from its in the Paris Agreement. a step further with an ambitious hydrogen production and This means significantly The Group has now set more cogeneration units, as increasing the use of low- commitment to reduce the carbon ambitious goals to abate carbon electricity for operations, well as indirect emissions intensity of its activities. Air Liquide also CO 2 emissions. from the production of implementing innovative helps its industrial customers to reduce electricity and steam carbon capture technologies, optimizing supply chains their carbon emissions, developing purchased by the Group and improving the efficiency for its operations. new technologies and skills to support of our production units. their low-carbon transition. Our recent investments in low-carbon hydrogen also demonstrate this commitment. For example, the Group D E V E L O P I N G L OW - CA R B O N S O L U T I O N S is working closely with the FO R O U R C U S T O M E R S A N D FO R I N D U S T R I E S steel industry to reduce CO 2 We are not only reducing our carbon footprint but also emissions by using hydrogen helping industrial customers do the same. Drawing on on a large scale during the steel manufacturing process. our technological expertise and capacity for innovation, We are also developing we are inventing cleaner, more sustainable solutions new technologies to capture to reduce their emissions. and recycle carbon emissions from the steelmaking process. HIGHLIGHT x3 I N AU G U R AT I O N O F T H E WO R L D ’ S AC C E L E R AT I N G I N H Y D R O G E N L A R G E S T L OW - CA R B O N H Y D R O G E N Hydrogen is a cornerstone of the energy transition. It offers P R O D U C T I O N U N I T I N CA N A DA a tremendous growth potential as a competitive low-carbon Our hydrogen revenues will at solution for many applications in the industrial, energy and In early 2021, Air Liquide inaugurated the world’s largest least triple in size, increasing mobility sectors. Deeply convinced that hydrogen will play from 2 billion to more than membrane-based low-carbon hydrogen production unit i n B é c a n c o u r, C a n a d a . Powe re d by 9 9 % re n ewa b l e a major role in the energy transition, the Group intends 6 billion euros by 2035. energy, this unit can produce over 8 . 2 metric tons of to be a key enabler of the hydrogen society thanks to its ~€8 bn low-carbon hydrogen daily – enough to fuel more than assets, technologies and expertise. 2 ,000 cars , 16 ,000 forklifts , 275 buses , or 230 large t r u c ks . T h i s e n a b l e s t h e G ro u p to s u p p l y i t s N o r t h American industrial customers and mobility markets invested in the low carbon hydrogen supply chain by 2035. w i t h d e c a r b o n i ze d , h i g h - p u r i t y hyd r o g e n a n d h e l p reduce their carbon footprint. (1) In kg CO2 equivalent/euro of operating income recurring before depreciation and amortization at 2015 exchange rate and excluding IFRS16 for greenhouse gas emissions scopes 1 and 2, Location-based. (2)In the adjusted reporting framework, from a 2020 baseline of 32.5 million tonnes CO2 eq (scopes 1 and 2), with scope 2 emissions in Market-Based.
C are for OUR CONTRIBUTION AND OUR METRICS patients With 1.8 million patients and 15,000 hospitals served worldwide, Air Liquide is a major player in the healthcare sector. Working alongside patients, professionals and hospitals, I M P R OV I N G T H E Q UA L I T Y Promoting customized we aim to improve patients’ quality O F L I F E O F C H R O N I C PAT I E N T S care pathways through AT H O M E I N M AT U R E E C O N O M I E S a combination of personal of life and contribute to a more In Home Healthcare, Air Liquide takes care of patients support from our teams efficient health system. Our employees’ with chronic conditions, such as respiratory diseases (technicians, nurses) mobilization during the Covid crisis and diabetes. Working with healthcare professionals and digital tools, in order has shown we can take on increasing and caregivers, we are committed to improving to improve the adherence responsibility in this area. patients’ quality of life by raising disease awareness, to treatment and quality educating and empowering patients, identifying the of life of patients with outcomes that matter most to them, and personalizing chronic diseases. services to their conditions and lifestyles. FAC I L I TAT I N G AC C E S S Equipping with oxygen T O M E D I CA L OX YG E N FO R R U R A L primary care facilities C O M M U N I T I E S I N L OW - A N D in villages and bringing MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIES our expertise to support Medical oxygen is critical for treating notably local communities. pneumonia , which claims the lives of more than 800,000 children under five years old every year (1) Expanding partnerships in the world. Yet wide gaps in access remain with NGOs in this field. in most low- and middle-income countries. To help reduce child mortality, Air Liquide is expanding its partnerships with NGOs (2) to provide medical HIGHLIGHT oxygen across those countries and open up access to their inhabitants. AC C E S S OX YG E N : FAC I L I TAT I N G AC C E S S T O M E D I CA L OX YG E N I N S E N E G A L In Senegal, Air Liquide has equipped more than 80 rural (1) WHO Maternal Child Epidemiology Estimation (WHO-MCEE) 2018. health posts and centers to administer much-needed (2) Non-governmental organizations. m e d i c a l ox yg e n to p a t i e n t s w i t h a c u te r e s p i r a to r y diseases . Supported by the Senegalese Ministr y of H e a lt h a n d U N I C E F, A i r Li q u i d e’s Ac c e s s Ox yg e n s o l ut i o n i s n ow ava i l a b l e to a p o p u l at i o n of a ro u n d 900,000 inhabitants.
T rust as the base OUR CONTRIBUTION AND OUR METRICS to engage with our employees S A F E T Y FO R A L L O F BELIEVING IN DIVERSITY O U R E M P L OY E E S A S A S O U R C E O F P E R FO R M A N C E A N D S TA K E H O L D E R S At Air Liquide, diversity is a source of dynamism, creativity Increasing Air Liquide’s Safety is a fundamental value and performance. An inclusive workplace with talents positive impact means and an integral part of Air Liquide’s of different ages, nationalities and backgrounds is a key developing our employees’ operational excellence and culture. asset for the Group’s success. Thanks to the energy ability to engage and go The Group is committed to efficiently and inventiveness of our teams, Air Liquide continuously the extra mile for customers, reducing exposure to professional invents new practices and develops innovative solutions patients and society as a and industrial risks for its employees, for customers and patients that improve performance. whole. By creating a safer, customers, subcontractors, suppliers We can increase our positive impact on society by more collaborative and and local communities. In 2020, empowering everyone to grow and make a difference. inclusive work environment Air Liquide’s lost-time accident and providing the right frequency rate (1) dropped to 0.9 (vs. 1.2 WE COMMIT TO INCREASING TO: support, we aim to empower in 2019), the lowest rate in 20 years. 35% our employees to develop their full potential. Safety: a zero- of women among our Managers and Professionals by 2025. To promote diversity accident and a more inclusive culture, Air Liquide encourages each of its entities to develop ambition initiatives that make their workforce more representative of their local communities. C O M M O N B A S I S O F CA R E C OV E R AG E E N C O U R AG E E M P L OY E E FO R A L L E M P L OY E E S E N G AG E M E N T I N L O CA L I N I T I AT I V E S Present in 78 countries with diverse cultures, Each of our 64,500 employees has the Air Liquide historically faces very different potential to support their communities. HIGHLIGHT situations in care coverage for employees. Believing in our people means giving them As a socially responsible employer, the Group opportunities to engage in local initiatives. D I V E R S I T Y, A S O U R C E O F DY N A M I S M is committed to offering a common basis of care A N D A P E R FO R M A N C E D R I V E R coverage for all our employees. With 64,500 employees in 78 countries, 150 nationalities are currently represented within the Group. Air Liquide’s WE COMMIT TO PROVIDING We offer our employees 100% objective is to have diverse teams that represent the local culture in which they operate. The Group is also the opportunity to devote c o m m itte d to c reati n g eq u a l o p p o r tu n it y fo r a ll a n d time to a project or a mission of our employees with common basis promoting a culture of inclusion, and has set ambitious supporting the Group’s of care coverage by 2025 including g e n d e r e q u a l i t y g o a l s . I n 2 02 0, 3 0 % of m a n a g e r s life insurance, health coverage Sustainability objectives a n d e n g i n e e r s a re wo m e n , a n d fi ve of t h e c u rre nt and new maternity leave policy. in their local communities. 14 Executive Committee members are women. (1) Number of lost-time accidents with at least one lost day per million hours worked by Group employees.
T rust as the base to OUR CONTRIBUTION AND OUR METRICS build a best-in-class governance More than ever, a sustainable future means working with all our stakeholders and sharing responsibility in a spirit of openness, fairness and A D I V E R S I F I E D B OA R D A RESPONSIBLE DIALOGUE WITH accountability. Through transparency OF DIRECTORS AND O U R B U S I N E S S S TA K E H O L D E R S and continuous dialogue, Air Liquide C L O S E R E L AT I O N S H I P In a constantly evolving and increasingly competitive commits to strengthening relations WITH SHAREHOLDERS environment, integrity, transparency and dialogue with its stakeholders: customers and Being international, independent are the cornerstones of Air Liquide’s responsibility patients, shareholders, suppliers, local and gender-balanced with to customers, patients and suppliers. The Principles communities and the public sphere. a wealth of different profiles of Action defined by the Group govern the actions and skills, Air Liquide’s of all our employees in the management of business. Board of Directors is a key We also go one step further by introducing an strength for the Group’s assessment of our sustainability development long-term performance. approach in the customer satisfaction surveys. As part Performance which brings of our procurement policy, we are also monitoring the value to all our shareholders. compliance of our suppliers in terms of responsibility. The trust and loyalty of our 470,000 shareholders are key to Air Liquide’s development. A P O S I T I V E I M PAC T O N S O C I E T I E S For more than a century, W H E R E W E O P E R AT E the Group has involved them Air Liquide develops close relationships and dialogue in its growth, building long- with all its local stakeholders, whether communities, term relationships based on international institutions, NGOs, associations or transparency and proximity. authorities. In particular, the Air Liquide Foundation HIGHLIGHT We commit to maintaining acts for the advancement of science, through support I M P R OV I N G C U S T O M E R E X P E R I E N C E , ongoing dialogue with both to fundamental medical and environmental research. F R O M L I S T E N I N G T O AC T I O N individual and institutional The Foundation also contributes to the development shareholders through dedicated of communities through local initiatives and its work As part of its commitment to delivering an outstanding services, attractive remuneration on professional integration in technical fields. In doing customer experience, Air Liquide has set up in 2017 the and increased long-term so, we help make a positive impact on local communities "Voice of the Customer" digital platform to collect and investment value. where we operate. analyze customer reviews in real time worldwide and to react im m e diately in c ase of di s s ati sfaction . Th i s p l at fo rm a l l ows e a c h A i r Li q u i d e e nt it y to m e a s u re customer satisfaction and share feedback throughout the G roup in a sp irit of continuous improvement and transparency. Over 150,000 customer feedback have already been submitted through the platform, deployed in more than 60 countries.
A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in Date of publication and legal deposit: March 2021. Photo credits: in order of appearance, p. 1: Thomas Cortesi, p. 3: LedyX/, p. 4: Todd Leckie/500px/Getty 78 countries with around 64,500 employees and serves over 3.8 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the company’s activities since its creation in 1902. Images, p. 6: Sophie Loubaton/Capa Pictures, p. 8: Adrien Daste, p. 10: Mourad Mokrani. Design and production: A I R L I Q U I D E .C O M /AC T
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