ACOs: What the Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach - Insight Driven Health

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ACOs: What the Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach - Insight Driven Health
Insight Driven Health

ACOs: What the Henry Ford
Physician Network Can Teach
ACOs: What the Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach - Insight Driven Health
Copyright 2011 Henry Ford Health System

Accountable care organizations           Dr. John Popovich recalls many
                                         meetings in which physicians would
                                                                                      However, half a year after the launch
                                                                                      of the Henry Ford Physician Network
                                                                                                                                  Recruitment of independent care
                                                                                                                                  providers is by no means HFPN’s only
                                                                                                                                                                                Although still in its early days, the
                                                                                                                                                                                HFPN offers valuable insights into the

(ACOs) are one of the most promising     sit with arms crossed, telling him
                                         and his team why the accountable
                                                                                      (HFPN), today’s discussions are very
                                                                                      different. “Now they’re about how we
                                                                                                                                  success to date. The network presented to
                                                                                                                                  the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
                                                                                                                                                                                practicalities of developing and operating
                                                                                                                                                                                an ACO. This paper takes a look inside

responses to healthcare reform. One of
                                         care organization (ACO) model they           do this together,” says Popovich, the       which has indicated that the program          the network, explores the rationale for
                                         were planning would never work.              organization’s chief executive. That goes   is very innovative. The FTC has made          forming it, and shares some of its best
                                                                                      for doctors from independent practices      it clear that it does not stand in the        lessons to date.
the best examples to date is the Henry   Although the skeptics weren’t averse to
                                         the principle of a coordinated system of     in the network’s region of southeast        way of innovation. Also, the HFPN has
                                                                                      Michigan as well as physicians in the       cataloged and selected key performance
Ford Physician Network in Michigan.      care delivery that would align physicians,
                                         hospitals and ancillary services around      Henry Ford Medical Group, part of the       metrics for each clinical specialty. It has
                                                                                      ACO’s parent organization. Already,         done a superb job of communicating
Here’s how much the new group has        initiatives for clinical integration and
                                         quality improvement, they were not           the new ACO has signed up over 200          its objectives, plans and advantages. Its
                                                                                      independent practitioners—including         nuanced governance systems ensure
achieved already—and a sense of how      convinced that it could function without
                                         hurting their interests.                     some who once sat with arms folded.         balanced representation among employed
                                                                                      One recent big win: Infinity Primary        and independent physicians, and among
far it has to go.                                                                     Care, a group of 52 family and internal
                                                                                      medicine physicians, which signed on in
                                                                                                                                  primary care physicians and specialists.
                                                                                                                                  Physicians inside and outside the Henry
                                                                                      January 2011.                               Ford system are excited and engaged. And
                                                                                                                                  the organization is starting to create a
                                                                                                                                  shared culture centered on quality of care
                                                                                                                                  and cost-effective care.
ACOs: What the Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach - Insight Driven Health
“Development of an ACO provides the
                                                opportunity to transform care delivery.”

The promise of ACOs

ACOs are shaping up to be one of                quality and costs and for coordination of    lower costs and better patient outcomes.
the best ways to realize the promise            care. It must have a discrete management     It can help augment accountability
of healthcare reform. They align                and leadership structure for decision-       and transparency on quality and cost
physicians and hospitals to collaborate         making. There should be a formal legal       issues. An ACO can be a good vehicle for
in coordinating care to improve quality         structure that allows the organization       coordinating care across the continuum
and reduce costs. In a recent survey,           to receive and distribute bonuses to         of healthcare. And it can provide an
70 percent of hospital leaders thought          participating providers.                     effective channel for measuring quality
their institution would be part of                                                           of care, managing payments, and more.
                                                The U.S. Department of Health and
an ACO inside five years.1 Whether                                                           And, by virtue of joint contracting and
                                                Human Services’ Centers for Medicare
formally initiating an ACO or not,                                                           sharing of cost savings, an ACO can help
                                                and Medicaid Services (CMS) will require
health systems increasingly see that                                                         to strengthen a hospital’s alignment with
                                                that an ACO includes primary care
continued pressure on reimbursement,                                                         independent physicians without having to
                                                physician (PCP) capacity for at least
coupled with rising labor, supply and                                                        employ them.
                                                5,000 Medicare beneficiaries. The ACO
pharmaceutical expenses make it
                                                must be able to provide CMS with a list      Although several different organizations
imperative to push for greater cost-
                                                of participating PCPs and specialists,       can form an ACO, to date most activity
effectiveness while improving the
                                                have valid contracts with a core group       has been among hospital systems seeking
quality of care. Put simply, ACOs are
                                                of specialists, and be able to participate   to form ACOs and payers seeking to
a good way for providers to deliver
                                                for a minimum of three years. Most           redefine their roles in providing ACO
more value to patients and payers.2             healthcare systems have some but not all     support services. Health systems have
To be properly recognized as an ACO (it’s       of the necessary capabilities to function    been able to make decisions quickly and
easy to claim to be one, and difficult          as an ACO.                                   have the funds and resources to build the
to disprove clever marketing to that            Development of an ACO provides the           infrastructure needed for development of                                              1
                                                                                                                                                                                       Shortell SM. Accountable Care Organizations. In: The Society for Healthcare
effect), an organization must be able           opportunity to transform care delivery       physician-led ACOs.                                                                       Strategy and Market Development (editor). Futurescan 2010: health care trends and
                                                                                                                                                                                       implications 2010-2015. Chicago, IL
to demonstrate a range of well-defined          in several ways. It can provide greater
characteristics. To begin with, it must have    support for evidence-based medicine
                                                                                                                                                                                       MedPAC has defined Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) as a set of providers
                                                                                                                                                                                       associated with a defined population of patients, accountable for the quality and
defined processes for reporting on care         that helps reduce variability, leading to                                                Copyright 2011 Henry Ford Health System       cost of care delivered to that population.
ACOs: What the Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach - Insight Driven Health
“Clinically integrated physician networks                                                                                                                                           “The HFPN is truly “physician-led”;
 create strong interdependence and                                                                                                                                                   physicians will comprise more than
 cooperation between private practice                                                                                                                                                80 percent of the voting members
 and health-system employed groups.”                                                                                                                                                 of the board.”

 A foundation in clinical integration                                                       A look inside the HFPN

 HFPN exemplifies the clinical integration     centered tools and approaches that           Set up in June 2010, HFPN it is a           “Henry Ford Medical Group was looking        (HIE). “The quality-of care metrics are      independent and owned physician groups
 model, where physicians collaborate in        include the use of advanced information      separate legal entity and wholly owned      for ways to partner with the System’s        being developed by subsets of the            who admit to those facilities. That
 a defined network to improve quality          technology to support communication          subsidiary of Henry Ford Health System.     voluntary staff,” says Mark Kelley, M.D.,    community physicians as well as our          geographic dispersion made it all the
 and efficiency. Says Dr. Jerome Finkel,       between the doctor, his or her colleagues    The Henry Ford Health System includes       CEO of Henry Ford Medical Group and          Henry Ford Medical Group physicians,”        more important to standardize care based
 president of Internal Medicine Associates     and patients. It also allows physicians to   the 1,100-physician Henry Ford Medical      chief medical officer of the Henry Ford      says Henry Ford Medical Group CEO            on leading practice, use technology to
 of Mount Clemens and one of the first         demonstrate their quality and efficiency     Group—which played a major role in          Health System. “That way, we’d be able       Kelley. “They’re mostly physician-specific   share clinical data, improve coordination
 independent physicians to sign up with        to current and future patients, payers
                                                                                            planning and supporting the HFPN’s          to amplify the quality of the system and     metrics, not hospital-specific metrics.”     and continuity of care delivery, and
 HFPN: “We recognize that patients,            and employers, and to enter into “pay-
                                                                                            development—along with the academic         also attract more patients who could         So HFPN’s core tenets include enhanced       establish uniform expectations, metrics,
 insurers and employers in our region are      for-performance” and other contractual
 looking for physicians to lead the way in     arrangements with health plans in ways       Henry Ford Hospital, four community         see that all the doctors were aligned        accountability, dissemination of best        targets and thresholds—in short, to
 improving healthcare. Clinical integration    that financially recognize the physicians’   hospitals, a health plan (HAP, the Health   and coordinated, whether in the group        practices, provision of practice support     have agreed-upon ways to measure
 is a proven model for doing that.”            efforts to improve quality and efficiency.   Alliance Plan), and behavior health and     practice or in Independent practice.”        and tools, improved care coordination, and   performance that would work across the
                                                                                            community care services. The physicians                                                  provision of tools for patient engagement.   Henry Ford Health System.
 Clinically integrated physician networks      Clinical integration can benefit hospital                                                HFPN includes significant representation
                                                                                            of the Henry Ford Medical Group initially
 create strong interdependence and             systems too. In addition to providing                                                    and participation by private practice and    Four factors were especially relevant        At the same time, large Michigan auto
 cooperation between private practice          a framework for joint contracting and        accounted for 80 percent of all those
                                                                                                                                        hospital-employed physicians. Crucially,     to HFPN’s formation. To begin with,          industry employers were anxious to see
 and health-system employed groups;            sharing of cost savings, it can help         in HFPN; that figure is expected to
                                                                                                                                        HFPN physicians are able to retain their     healthcare reform meant that payment         higher quality of care for their workers
 they are well-placed to control costs         them to develop more collaborative           decline over time as more independent
                                                                                                                                        current practice structures and business     systems would change. And complex new        at lower cost. Specifically, there were
 and ensure quality, and to demonstrate        relationships with their medical staff,      physicians join the clinically integrated
                                                                                                                                        models. The central idea for the network     regulations, coming from the American        requests for a major e-prescribing
 value to payers and employers through         enlist physician support for quality         model of care.
                                                                                                                                        is to leverage the Henry Ford Medical        Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)         initiative to cut prescription costs and
 physician-driven quality initiatives.         initiatives, and position themselves
                                                                                            HFPN is designed to implement its           Group experience and infrastructure in       and Meaningful Use requirements in           improve quality, and a subsequent
 Clinical integration can remove barriers      well on the basis of quality and cost-
                                                                                            clinical integration strategy through       quality improvement to create a vehicle      particular, required appropriate and         request for access to a high-performance
 to the coordination of patient care across    effectiveness. And for employers,
 providers and settings to help achieve        integration can give them the means to       four regional care collaboratives (RCCs)    for tracking performance with metrics        insightful responses.                        physician network to improve the
 care that is safe, timely and effective.      better manage the healthcare costs of        loosely aligned to four geographic          selected by the physicians themselves,                                                    health of employees and reduce overall
                                                                                                                                                                                     Furthermore, the fact that the Henry
                                               employees and their dependents through       regions in southeast Michigan. The          to extend the use of technology into                                                      healthcare costs.
 Specifically, clinical integration seeks to                                                                                                                                         Ford Health System is comprised of
                                               the purchase of better, more efficient       HFPN is truly “physician-led”; physicians   independent practices, and to share
 provide patients with consistent high-                                                                                                                                              geographically dispersed community
                                               health services.                             will comprise more than 80 percent          clinical information across the network
 quality care from trusted sources—their                                                                                                                                             hospitals required the development
 own physicians—through patient-                                                            of the voting members of the board.         through a Health Information Exchange        of a deliberate strategy to engage
ACOs: What the Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach - Insight Driven Health
“In signing the HFPN participation
 agreement, physicians commit to
 the goals of clinical integration,
 adoption and adherence to
 physician-developed standards to
 improve quality and efficiency.”

 Benefits for and requirements of physicians                                                                                                                                                                                     Copyright 2011 Henry Ford Health System

 Participation in the HFPN is open to all     There are many attractions for physicians    In signing the HFPN participation            With help from Accenture’s consulting        And if doctors don’t perform to HFPN
 medical staff with current privileges        in southeast Michigan. They get the          agreement, physicians commit to the          services throughout the assessment,          standards? There are plans for that. The
 at Henry Ford Health System (HFHS)           chance to be part of an innovative           goals of clinical integration, adoption      design and implementation phases             performance of individual members will
 hospitals. Those heading up physician        physician-led organization committed to      and adherence to physician-developed         of the ACO effort, the network has           be reviewed at the physician level and
 enrollment have been careful to recruit      demonstrating measurable improvements        standards to improve quality and             developed detailed procedures for            in aggregate across the HFPN by the
 strategically—for example, appealing to      in the quality of health care and in         efficiency. They agree to be measured        onboarding, orientation and training to      regional care collaborative (RCC) medical
 the early adopters and targeting naysayers   expanding that impact in the state.          and to share clinical data and other         help doctors transition to the network.      directors. Physicians who don’t meet
 whom they believe will become some           While maintaining their practices’ current   information that facilitates measurement.    As they join, the physicians are contacted   the mark will be flagged with an action
 of the strongest advocates if they join.     business models, they gain enhanced          They also commit to collaborate—probably     individually to schedule orientation         plan developed in collaboration with the
 Notes Dr. Charles Kelly, the chief medical   access to the Henry Ford Medical             at levels of intensity beyond what many      sessions to help them prepare to             physician’s designated group leadership,
 officer of HFPN: “One of the continual       Group’s clinical research and to HFHS’s      of them have experienced—with HFPN           meet the requirements of the clinical        using a consistent network-wide timeline.
 hurdles [in recruiting physicians] is        resources and services. Participation        participants to improve performance          program, technology requirements             The RCC medical directors are responsible
 that the network is not trustworthy.”        in the network includes access to            and to adopt technology offered or           and implementation schedule.                 for reviewing individual performance,
                                              affordable technology solutions that         recommended by the HFPN (including                                                        collaborating with designated group
                                              can help physicians make their practices     high speed Internet access, e-prescribing,                                                leadership to review performance,
                                              more efficient and help them work            a disease registry, and data exchange                                                     discuss action plans, confirm target
                                              toward Meaningful Use requirements.          tools). Participants also concur that                                                     resolution periods, define potential
                                                                                           they are willing and ready to maintain                                                    consequences, and notify the provider
                                                                                           their medical staff membership in                                                         network committee of issues or concerns.
                                                                                           good standing at an HFHS hospital or
                                                                                           maintain their credentials according to
                                                                                           HFHS-affiliated hospital standards.
Cornerstones for ACO success
So in the months since HFPN started up, what do its
experiences tell us about the factors that favor success
for ACOs?
These lessons stand out:

Collaboration is king.                    Top management is wholly committed—and engaged.                                         Relevant metrics are key.                      Good governance goes deep.

Although the Henry Ford Health            Since ACOs and clinical integration         Commitment must, of course, be              Physician performance will be measured         The HFPN is governed by a 16-member          On the ground, each regional care
System provides firm foundations, the     are nothing short of a mission change       matched by action; although physician       initially using a defined set of 104           board of trustees with equal                 collaborative is led by a regional medical
Network’s design, development and         for many organizations, and many            leadership is key, aggressive program       measures, developed by a cross-section of      representation between independent           director who organizes activities within
operation are absolutely dependent        stakeholders won’t easily share the         and project management is what makes        physician members and ensuring at least        and owned physician groups. Physician        the program to enable compliance
on the enthusiastic involvement of        vision (especially those expecting          things happen at HFPN from day to day.      five meaningful specialty-specific metrics     members of the board represent primary       with the intent and requirements
physicians—those employed by the Henry    to be adversely impacted by volume          The network now has a chief medical         for the first year. Quality measures will be   care and specialty fields, as well as each   for clinical integration. For instance,
Ford system as well as by independent     drops or aggressive pricing moves),         officer—Dr. Charles Kelly, formerly         applied to every physician in the network.     of the four geographic regions that          the director will track and evaluate
physicians across southeast Michigan.     a strong management team must be            Chief Medical Officer of Henry Ford         (All quality improvement efforts will be       comprise the network. Oversight and          physician performance in the region,
CEO Dr. John Popovich notes that          at the helm—backed by a detailed            Macomb Hospital—whose job it is to          managed by the network’s physician             guidance in development of programs          recommend inclusion or exclusion of
collaboration produces its own virtuous   business case and plan for managing         lead development and implementation of      participants.) Quality measures and            is the job of three board committees—        physicians in the network, represent
circle. “As physicians [from different    the interests of all stakeholders.          ACO’s clinical performance improvement      benchmarking targets will be used to set       the clinical integration committee and       RCC physicians on the HFPN board of
fields and practices] work together,                                                  efforts and administration of regional      performance expectations for clinicians.       informatics work group, the provider         trustees, and work to build alliances
                                          HFPN benefits from the wholehearted,
they find more shared values,” he says.                                               care collaboratives. And in Matthew         Individual and group physician scorecards      network committee, and the finance           with regional hospitals to align efforts
                                          unwavering commitment of a large team
He sees it in the way in which HFPN                                                   Walsh there is a dedicated vice-president   will be published quarterly using Crimson      committee and payer relations work           toward achievement of HFPN goals.
                                          of the most senior Henry Ford executives,
doctors are starting to refer patients                                                of operations who is in charge of           technology, with metric performance            group. Again, each committee comprises
                                          from Popovich—also the CEO of Henry                                                                                                                                                 HFPN physicians meet in clinical
to each other—and in the inclusive                                                    developing the network of physicians.       and applicability reviewed (and revised        balanced representation of independent
                                          Ford Hospital—to Bob Riney, COO of                                                                                                                                                  management forums to discuss care
language that they now use. “There’s                                                                                              if needed) at least annually by the            and system physicians, as well as among
                                          the Henry Ford Health System. “The                                                                                                                                                  quality, efficiency and costs. The
a real change in culture,” he says.                                                                                               membership. Performance expectations           primary care physicians and specialists.
                                          first major success is that we made a                                                                                                                                               collaborations involve dialogues
                                          commitment to do this,” says Riney. “We                                                 will be linked to reward structures that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with other HFPN physicians in a
                                          have been yearning for the right vehicle                                                are consistent with negotiated contracts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              particular region, specialty, or other
                                          to give us the opportunity to drive                                                                                                                                                 natural alignment, with the goals
                                          something like this.”                                                                                                                                                               of promoting and disseminating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              best practices to HFPN members,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              providing appropriate case reviews
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of clinical outliers, and implementing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              utilization management programs.
IT really matters.                                                                                                                                                                       Copyright 2011 Henry Ford Health System

One of the foundational elements of           The connectivity solutions feature four       Other foundation components include          The HFPN recognizes that physicians
the ACO is that all participants have         categories of base components and help        secure messaging to provide online           are at various stages of adopting the
access to, and make use of, leading           participants to work toward Meaningful        communications between patients, the         technologies that will give them access to
information technology tools for the job.     Use. There is a disease registry—a solution   Henry Ford Physician Network, and Henry      the clinical information they need to deliver
(The availability of better IT offerings      for helping providers treat chronic           Ford Health System-affiliated physician      the highest quality care at the lowest
contributes to the perception of why          diseases and conditions using tools that      community and their office staff, together   cost. So the network will offer a number
things are different now than they were       manage observational, epidemiologic, and      with reporting that meets HFPN’s             of technology solutions to both HFPN
in the managed care days.) All technology     other data at the point of care. There is     regulatory requirements.                     members and other physician members of
solutions for Network participants            also a health information exchange (HIE)                                                   the community, with a differential discount
include interconnectivity, as well as         —a secure platform that accommodates                                                       offered to members of the HFPN. Base
connectivity to all Henry Ford Health         the sharing of results and clinical data                                                   components of these clinical solutions
System hospitals in order to facilitate       between the Henry Ford Health System                                                       include an electronic medical record,
sharing of important clinical patient data.   hospitals, Henry Ford Physician Network,                                                   electronic health record, patient registry,
                                              and Henry Ford Health System-affiliated                                                    HIE, secure messaging, e-prescribing,
                                              providers and patients.                                                                    practice management, and more.
“The ACO has attained impressive
                                          momentum in a very short time. It has
                                          the strong support of regional employer
                                          groups, and it has built the kind of
                                          collaborative framework whose full
                                          potential can only be glimpsed.”

The Willingness of Payers to Reward the Value

For all of its successes to date,        But its biggest hurdle will be the            Kelly and his fellow executives are in
HFPN faces plenty more challenges.       willingness of payers to reward the value     talks about contracts with a variety of
To begin with, it must continue          created by HFPN’s clinical integration.       payers—including the Henry Ford Health
the not inconsiderable effort of         With real money on the table, HFPN’s          System’s own insurance company, Health
identifying, wooing and enrolling        collaborative bonds will be tested, as will   Alliance Plan, which covers the system’s
independent physicians. According        the model of aligned financial incentives.    40,000-plus employees—and they expect
to HFPN, it must extend the dialog       The metrics it has so meticulously            to have a signed contract in hand soon.
with payers and employers. It            developed will be proved to be the            Until then, one proposed response may be
has to be able to demonstrate its        right metrics—or not. And it remains          to use technology to simulate operations,
credentials to distinguish itself from   to be seen whether the governance             incentives, and perhaps even behaviors
all those that claim to be ACOs.         systems that the teams have so carefully      for different sizes and types of contracts.
                                         constructed can really be effective when
                                                                                       So far, so good for the Henry Ford
                                         participants see the financial prize in
                                                                                       Physician Network. The ACO has
                                         front of them. Already the lack of a
                                                                                       attained impressive momentum in
                                         contract is something of an impediment
                                                                                       a very short time. It has the strong
                                         to attracting physicians. “A contract is
                                                                                       support of regional employer groups,
                                         definitely a reason to join the ACO,” says    and it has built the kind of collaborative
                                         HFPN medical chief Kelly. “It’s a barrier
                                                                                       framework whose full potential can only
                                         not being able to articulate [our story] to
                                                                                       be glimpsed. With the striking successes
                                         a broader group that are interested in the
                                                                                       it has achieved to date, there is every
                                         financial detail.”
                                                                                       likelihood that HFPN will continue to
                                                                                       blaze trails that make a difference for
                                                                                       patients and payers alike.
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