TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 - Striving for excellence - The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS ...
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TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 The Trust The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Introduction Trust provides hospital services, from its three hospitals, to a population of 530,000, and also The aim of this refreshed strategy delivers a range of community is to ensure clarity of purpose, services, primarily to the 350,000 direction and priorities for the Trust’s population of Wakefield. workforce and for the Board of In addition, the Trust provides specialist burns Directors. and spinal injuries services to a large regional It describes the intended place and role of the population. Trust in the local and regional health and social The Trust has a workforce of 8,000 people, making care economies as well as the strategic objectives it one of the largest employers in the locality. It to achieve our ambition. generates an income of around half a billion For the Trust to meet its vision to ‘achieve an excellent pounds a year, primarily via contracts with two patient experience each and every time’ it is crucial, Clinical Commissioning Groups and with NHS both within the Trust, and through the partnership England. relationships the Trust establishes and strengthens, that our collective endeavours are aligned. We must The ambition of the Trust is reflected in our work together with external health and social care vision statement: organisations in ways which: contribute to the improved health and wellbeing of the population; reduce To achieve excellent patient experience each and every time avoidable admissions to hospital; and secure further efficiencies and increases in productivity. The purpose of the Trust is reflected in our mission statement: To provide high quality healthcare services at home, in the community and in our hospitals, to improve the quality of people’s lives Whilst the central purpose of the Trust is the provision of healthcare, the Trust also has duties to: help educate and train future healthcare professionals; increase knowledge and discover better ways of doing things through good quality research and development; and be an excellent employer, investing in the skills and development of its workforce. 2
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 The place of the Trust The Trust delivers secondary care to a large catchment population; it is the delivery on this scale which supports our service viability and sustainability. As the Trust makes progress in reducing waiting times for outpatient consultation, treatment and surgery, it will aim to be the provider of choice for patients, thus getting back work from other providers. The Trust plans to make a significant and effective contribution to ‘out of hospital’ services through: strengthened partnership arrangements with the six local GP Federations; its two partner Local Authorities; and voluntary/ third sector providers. In Wakefield, the main vehicle for providing strengthened integrated services, in ways which support primary care, is the establishment of a Multi-specialty Community Provider (MCP). In North Kirklees, the principle organisations will be: Curo Ltd - the local GP Federation; and Locala Community Partnerships - the provider of community services. The Trust aims to maintain its position as place of choice for medical students from Leeds Medical School. The Trust also aims to significantly improve the training experience of many junior doctors. Another key ambition is to significantly increase the number of student nurses who have their practical placements at the Trust – students from both Huddersfield and Bradford Universities. Working in partnership with local universities, commercial companies and the NHS regional research network, the Trust aims to be an active contributor to research; increasing its activity and strengthening its Research and Development arrangements. Being an excellent employer is an essential prerequisite for the Trust to be successful in meeting the needs of its patients. The Trust aims to be a popular, local, major employer; investing in the skills and development of its workforce. 3
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Background Refreshing the Trust’s strategy has been necessary as a consequence of a significant number of national policy changes over the past couple of years, the main ones being: NHS Five Year Forward View 2014. Primary Care Five Year Forward View 2016. Encouraging Trusts to work together to reduce costs, resolve issues of sustainability of some services. Development of new models of services/care, for example Multi-specialty Community Providers (MCPs) or Primary and Acute Care Services (PACS) or Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs). An extremely challenging financial settlement for the NHS and local authorities. Development of Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). NHS Five Year Forward View Delivery Plan 2017. In response to these national policies, local changes are taking place and these are reflected in this updated strategy. In particular, there is a focus on innovative and co-operative working; leading to strong, effective partnerships. This refreshed strategy also reflects a real determination to ensure the Trust consistently provides high quality, responsive, timely services, and resolves historical patchy performance. This strategy is also a very important contribution to transforming our health and social care economy, addressing the three gaps that each STP was tasked to address: care and quality; finance and efficiency; and health and wellbeing. The way the Trust developed this refreshed strategy is described in Annex 1. 4
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Where we are now Patient Experience developed using the Virginia Mason Production System The Trust receives patient experience feedback from (VMPS) principles; the healthcare version of Lean a range of sources including Friends and Family Test Manufacturing and the Toyota Production System. (FFT), surveys, NHS Choices, complaints and the Patient Advice and Liaison Service. Our feedback via FFT Virginia Mason has successfully translated lean (around 140,000 Friends and Family Test forms each philosophy and embedded it into the way they year) tells us patients would recommend the Trust as a deliver healthcare. This people-centred management place to receive care and treatment at a higher rate than philosophy and approach has been credited with the national average for our: Emergency Departments; transforming Virginia Mason and is now being inpatient and outpatient care; and for the community transferred to other healthcare organisations throughout services we provide. Yet our annual Care Quality the world. Commission (CQC) inpatient survey (a sample of 900 patients) demonstrates poor feedback in comparison Patient safety with other Trusts. Furthermore, relative to the size of the Besides the risks caused by delays in receiving care and Trust, we receive a high number of written complaints. treatment, the Trust has an above average weekend We believe the root causes of the dissatisfaction to mortality rate and a comparatively high incidence of be: delays in receiving care and treatment; and staff pressure ulcers amongst community patients. The Trust shortages. The Trust has struggled to meet a lot of the also has a low rate of treating patients with a fractured NHS Constitutional access standards. neck of femur in a timely way, in accordance with best practice standards. Feedback from GPs also indicates Improving quality the need to increase the speed of delivery of clinical According to the National Reporting and Learning letters as well as reducing waiting times to comply with System (NRLS) the Trust has succeeded in being the 18 week referral to treatment (RTT). Most other placed in the top quarter of organisations in the metrics are within the expected range. country for reporting incidents. This means we have the mechanisms in place to investigate appropriately when Care Quality Commission (CQC) things do go wrong, to ensure lessons are learned and The Trust received an overall rating of ‘requires actions to address these are implemented. improvement’ from the CQC and a rating of ‘good’ within our community services. We are striving to achieve an In June 2016, the Trust took the decision to implement ‘outstanding’ before the end of the period covered by this a new quality improvement system. It has now started strategy, ie by 2021. its journey in implementing the Mid Yorkshire Quality Improvement System (MYQIS) which has been 5
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Partnerships with other organisations The Trust is aligned with the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). The Trust has governance structures to support its involvement in and to ensure it is sighted on developments and initiatives. This supports new partnerships and co- operative ways of working with the aim of closing the ‘triple gap’ identified within the Five Year Forward View of: the health and wellbeing gap; the care and quality gap; and the finance and efficiency gap. The following key priorities for West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP have been identified: Urgent and Emergency Care Specialised Commissioning Mental Health Prevention Stroke Cancer Primary and Community Care Acute Sustainability Standardisation and Variation The Trust’s involvement in delivering key outputs from the West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP will be through our active involvement with the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT) through being a member of its Committee in Common. Similarly the Trust is also a member of the South Yorkshire Acute Trusts ‘Working Together’ Committee in Common. Of crucial importance is the ‘place based’ partnerships in Wakefield and North Kirklees. The recently established Wakefield New Models of Care Board is a very positive opportunity to improve out of hospital services, and is the first step to it becoming a Committee in Common and a Multi- specialty Community Provider. In North Kirklees, partnership discussions with Curo Health Ltd, the GP Federation, and Locala Community Partnerships; the community services provider have just started at the time of finalising this strategy (June 2017). 6
Summary Operating Plan 2017-2019 Workforce The Trust has a workforce of around 8,000, all of whom work Summary Operating Plan 2017-2019 Financial very hard to meet the needs of our patients. However, it is clear too many staff are consistently stretched too much, and for too long. performance This is mainly due to the capacity problems the Trust has and the difficulties the Trust experiences in The NHS has been facing recruiting to our Registered Nurse (including District significant financial pressure in Nurses) and medical staff vacancies. Despite these issues staff are rightly proud of what they achieve recent years. With an ageing for patients and are very committed to meeting the population and increasing needs of patients are doing great work. However, both the Staff Friends and Family Test results and the CQC demand, there is need for the Staff Survey results indicate about a quarter of staff health service to continue to would not recommend the Trust as a place to receive treatment or as a place to work. The staff sickness evolve to meet these challenges. rate is 5.4% which is higher than average compared to other acute Trusts. Vacancy rates for registered These challenges are not exclusive to the Trust but, nurses and medical staff runs at about 10%. Staff in addition, we have faced unique challenges which turnover rate averages 10.6% have impacted on our ability to keep expenditure within income levels. There is likely to be minimal financial income growth over the next five years and therefore there will be an ongoing need to deliver high quality services in a cost effective way. The Trust has had a persistent underlying deficit of about £20m, which is largely due to the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) costs for Pinderfields and Pontefract Hospitals. In the past six years the Trust has not been able to make inroads into this position. However, unlike many other Trusts, the position has not deteriorated any further. The Trust has two new hospitals, Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield and Pontefract Hospital. Both are PFI hospitals which opened in 2010. The third hospital is Dewsbury and District Hospital, which will be the subject of investment over the life of this strategy to update the infrastructure, improve the ward environments and rationalise the site. All aspects of the estate, infrastructure and equipment will be continually reviewed to ensure it is fit for purpose and safe so services can be delivered in the most effective and efficient way. The Trust investment and replacement programmes are risk-based and deliver clinical and safety priorities. 7
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Trust Strategic Objectives The values are: The refresh of the Striving for Excellence Strategy 2017/21 was driven by national Respect Showing value and respect for and local challenges as well as the everyone and treating others as emerging opportunities within the we would wish to be treated. healthcare landscape; all of which impact upon the Trust. High Standards Taking responsibility for The Trust has listened to staff, patients and partners and, as a providing the best services and result, has revised its Vision, Mission, and Strategic Objectives. patient experience. The strategy and objectives ensure that the Trust’s workforce has a clear understanding of the goals of the organisation. Improving Actions and choices made by each member of the Trust’s We always look for ways to team will be aligned with the Trust’s vision and its six strategic objectives. improve what we do. We encourage involvement, value contributions and listen to and positively act on Vision feedback. To achieve excellent patient experience each and every time. Caring Mission Ensuring quality of care is at the To provide high quality healthcare services at home, in the community and in our hospitals, to improve the quality of heart of everything we do. people’s lives. To ensure the delivery of services reflect Strategic Objectives the Trust values, each value is supported Keep our patients safe at all times. by standards of behaviour which all staff of the Trust are expected to maintain. Provide excellent patient experience that delivers expected outcomes. These have been developed through consultation with staff mainly via the ‘Big Be an excellent employer. Conversation’ process. Be a well-led and governed Trust with sound finances. Have effective partnerships that support better patient care. A list of the behaviours can be found in Annex 2. Provide excellent research, development and innovation. opportunities. 8
Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 Overview of ‘Striving for Excellence’ Vision Achieve excellent patient experience each and every time Mission To provide high quality healthcare services at home, in the community and in our hospitals to improve the quality of peoples lives S T R ATValues EGIC AIMS CARING IMPROVING RESPECT HIGH STANDARDS Strategic Aims 1 2 3 4 5 6 Provide Keep our Provide excellent Be an excellent Be a well-led Have effective excellent patients patient employer and governed partnerships Research, safe at experience and Trust with sound that support Development all times deliver expected finances better patient and Innovation outcomes care Opportunities 9
The Trust has developed six strategic objectives for delivery over the next five years. This section of the strategy describes what each strategic objective means and how the Trust will know when it is achieving. Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Strategic Objectives Objective 1- Keep Our Patients Safe at All Times Patient safety is of paramount The annual PLACE audit demonstrates the Trust provides services in a clean and safe environment importance to the Trust. The Trust is that facilitates patients being cared for with committed to keeping patients safe compassion and dignity. at all times. The Trust is continuously improving our practices to deliver harm free care. This means the Trust will: The Trust is achieving reducing rates for Sepsis, infections, falls, pressure ulcers. Eliminate avoidable harm to patients. There are zero never events as defined by NHS Ensure patients are safe in our care. England. Ensure all staff understand their roles in keeping patients safe and are competent in doing so. Ensure staff feel able to raise concerns and that they are swiftly responded to. Ensure our environment and equipment is safe, functional, suitable, secure and clean. Ensure we have effective quality governance arrangements. Have a below average Hospital Standardised Mortality Rate (HSMR). Ensure we learn from experience to help us continuously improve. The Trust will know it is achieving this objective because: The Trust is compliant with national published or national Best Practice Standards. For example Fracture Neck of Femur and Stroke, amongst others The Trust has systematic analysis of adverse events which lead to evidence lessons learned that are acted upon. 10
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Strategic Objectives Objective 2 -Achieve excellent patient experience and deliver expected outcomes Achieving the Trust vision and mission means providing excellent patient experience to the people we serve, every time they encounter care we deliver. This means the Trust will: The Trust will know it is achieving this objective Provide clinically effective treatment and care, which is because: delivered safely. The Trust’s Friends and Family Test and patient Provide services that are accessed with ease and in a experience survey results has improved. timely manner. The Trust has a consistent record of improvement in Ensure patients have a positive experience of care at the performance trends. Trust. There is a significant reduction in the number of formal Ensure patients are actively engaged and understand complaints. their care, and our communication with them is excellent. Staff attitude has been eliminated as a reason of an Listen and act upon feedback and evidence learning upheld complaint. when things have gone wrong. The Trust workforce recommends us as a place to Use national data to support our ambition for striving for receive care. excellence. More patients choose the Trust ahead of other providers . Work in accordance with national guidelines and best The Trust is delivering care within national access practice where available. standards especially within Emergency Care Standard Meet national clinical standards and best practices. and Referral to Treatment times. The Trust exceeds NHS Constitution rights and pledges. 11
Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Strategic Objectives Objective 3 - Be an excellent employer The Trust values its staff and The Trust vacancy rate is reduced, having a positive effect on reducing spending on agency aspires to be an excellent staff. employer; one which people The Trust has improved the result it receives from choose to join, want to stay and all trainee feedback surveys and that it receives from its education partners. where they can develop their People feel proud to work here and are eager to careers celebrate success. This means the Trust will: The Trust’s workforce is representative of the community we serve. Value staff and their contribution. The Trust has achieved the Investors in People Have effective clinical leadership. Gold Standard. Create the right conditions so people want to work here and, when they do, they choose to stay. Support all staff to live by our values and behaviours. Provide healthy and safe workplaces. Invest and promote appropriate education, training, development and leadership opportunities for all staff. Support staff to achieve their career ambitions. Provide high quality clinical education and professional development that is valued by our student placements. Be an equal opportunities employer. The Trust will know it is achieving this objective because: Rates of staff recommending the Trust as a place to work is greatly improved. Staff turnover and sickness is greatly reduced. The Trust has an external reputation for being a good place to work. There is a choice of appointable candidates for posts within the Trust. The number of appointments made from within the Trust increases (above entry level posts). 12
Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Strategic Objectives Objective 4 - Be a well-led and governed Trust with sound finances The Trust is an NHS organisation The Trust will know it is achieving this objective because: with responsibility for providing Patients achieve better outcomes as a result of innovation and transformation. best value for the use of the The Trust’s ranking on the Single Oversight public’s money. The Trust will Framework improves. ensure its leaders support the The Trust recurrently meets its financial control vision, share the values and totals and obligations. behaviours and pledge to spend The Trust has a robust approach to business and financial planning which is considerate of the resources to meet the objectives. changing system environment. The Trust is rated good or outstanding for being This means the Trust will: well-led. Know its business and be flexible to change. The Trust has a reputation as a place where Invest in innovation and transformation which patients want to receive their care. enables the provision of high quality care to The Trust’s reference costs and weighted Average patients. Unit Cost of Activity are less than 102%. Consistently comply with regulators’ standards. The Trust’s quality and governance arrangements Ensure there is a clear line of sight from ‘ward to support year on year improvement in patient Board’ and manage and monitor issues effectively. experience and outcomes. Consistently meet financial obligations. Support all staff to understand their role in relation to the use of public resources and act responsibly to deliver best value. Provide best value whilst improving patient care. Ensure our Performance Management Framework is patient-centric and provides foresight and actively supports us towards our Vision. 13
Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Strategic Objectives Objective 5 - Have effective partnerships that support better patient care The direction of the NHS is to work The Trust will know it is achieving this objective because: more collaboratively with other Transformation, service improvements and efficiencies are realised through partnerships. providers and commissioners Patient outcomes and feedback improves within for the benefit of patients and pathways where we are working in partnership. to safeguard the sustainability of The Trust workforce is aware of partnership services. arrangements and collaboration and how they benefit patients. This means the Trust will: Trust Board and Executive Directors regularly Work with other organisations to provide seamless consider partnerships and collaboration patient care. opportunities. Have partnerships that will deliver efficiencies and The Trust receives positive feedback from sustainability. Commissioners and Local Authorities about the way we work. Explore and adopt new models of care. Be an active member of Sustainability and Transformation Plan workstreams to support the change and collaboration required. Support and work with primary care to improve patient outcomes and experience. Work with the third sector where and when it will enhance patient experience or support better patient outcomes. Make a full contribution to West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT). Make a full contribution to the Health and Wellbeing Boards to improve the health of the people of Mid Yorkshire. 14
Strategic Plan 2017/18 to 2020/21 TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Strategic Objectives Objective 6 - Provide excellent Research, Development and Innovation Opportunities As a learning organisation, with Staff feel supported to develop their ideas and encouraged to be part of funded research three acute hospitals and vibrant opportunities. community services, the Trust is The Trust communicates its successes widely and perfectly positioned to be actively celebrate those involved. involved in research, development Income relating to Research and Development increases including NIHR. and innovation opportunities. The Trust is recognised for being a key provider Enhancing the Trust’s involvement of Research and Development in the Yorkshire in these will strengthen our offering and Humber region. to patients and staff. This means the Trust will: Make it easy for staff to present ideas and innovations. Support staff to realise ideas quickly and effectively. Work with academic and healthcare organisations to explore and support appropriate research partnerships to improve care Actively engage patients and the public in delivering effective research and development projects. Encourage a culture that promotes the development and engagement in research. Develop funded research activity and grow research income. The Trust will know it is achieving this objective because: More staff are involved in funded research, development and innovation opportunities. There is an increase in the number of staff suggestions for innovation that are received and evaluated. 15
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Enabling Strategies The Trust has five crucial enabling strategies which are in place to underpin and support the delivery of this strategy. Enabling Strategies Quality Improvement Strategy Workforce Strategy Information Management and Technology Strategy Estates and Sustainability Strategy Research and Innovation Strategy Trust Operating Plan 2017-2019 The Trust has a two year Operating Plan which describes the key objectives and work plan for the next two years. In effect, this is the tactical plan to take the Trust ever closer to realising its vision and its strategic objectives. The Operating Plan is updated every 12 months. Conclusion The Trust Striving for Excellence Strategy 2017/2021 will be formally reviewed in September 2018 but continually assessed against its progress as measured through the delivery of the Operating Plan and the Strategic Scorecard as shown in Annex 3. The Trust believesthe Striving for Excellence Strategy for 2017/2021 is built upon a clear understanding of the needs, challenges and priorities of the people it serves and is based upon sound organisational knowledge. The Trust has developed specific strategic objectives and has a clear line of sight on how it intends to achieve its vision. To achieve excellent patient experience each and every time 16
Annex 1. How We Developed the Strategy The strategy ‘Striving for Excellence’ ‘Striving for Excellence’; resulting in a strategy that better reflects the needs of the staff, patients and big changes was developed in close consultation within the wider economic environment which occurred with external stakeholders, patients since the strategy was first developed. and carers, clinical commissioning Following this a series of development sessions were held groups and local authorities and with Trust Board members, the Leadership Community Forum, Clinical Executive Group and the Executive Team reflected the changes required to the to focus upon The Trusts strategic objectives. Trust as part of the reconfiguration Key stages of our strategy development included: of services. The collection and analysis of staff opinion. In 2016 our Trust Board Members recognised a need to refresh, rather than recreate, the Striving for Excellence Trust Board strategy development sessions. Strategy to reflect changes in the national NHS direction. A strategy development support pack was formulated The strategy development process mirrors the seven based on guidance from NHS Improvement to enable stage framework for strategy development published by senior leaders to ensure the development of a strategy NHS Improvement; frame, diagnose, forecast, generate which responds to the needs, challenges and priorities of options, prioritise, deliver and evolve. the local people, that they had sound knowledge of of During the past 12 months, the Trust has successfully the Trust’s clinical and financial performance, both current delivered a programme of work incorporating a series of and how this has changed over time. events across the Trust to engage staff in refreshing the Development sessions were held with the Clinical organisations five year strategy and priorities. Executive Group and the Leaderships Community Forum As a direct result of these discussions, the Trust has to further develop the strategic objectives, to understand developed new Vision, Mission, Values and Behaviours. the necessary objectives to achieve these and how the These engagement events, known as the Big Trust will monitor progress. Conversations, included six largescale events attended The draft strategy was sent to external stakeholders as by more than 400 staff from all disciplines and locations. well as staff and staff side representatives to seek further The big conversations resulted in staff describing: comment and suggestions. 440 priorities/challenges comments The Trust believes the resulting Striving for Excellence 63 vision statements Strategy 2017-21 demonstrates a true understanding of its current position, the key priorities and objectives 1,000+ behaviours for improvement and describes how the Trust will know 259 behaviour statements when it has achieved. The findings have provided the corner stone for the refresh of the organisation’s five year strategy: 17
mY bEHaviOurS Our miSSiOn (purpOSE): To provide high quality healthcare services Annex 2. at home, in the community and in our hospitals, to improve the quality of people’s lives. MY BEHAVIOURS Our viSiOn (ambiTiOn): We strive to achieve excellent patient experience each and every time. HIGH STANDARDS CARING Taking responsibility for providing the best Ensuring quality of care is at the heart of services and patient experience. everything we do. I will strive to do things right first time, every time. I will avoid making assumptions and always treat HIGH I will speak up about and report any concerns people as individuals. I have. STANDARDS I will support and encourage others in the team. CARING I will make eye contact, smile and introduce myself with, “Hello, my name is…” Ensuring quality of I will make first impressions count by being I will listen and welcome different opinions. Taking responsibility care is at the heart of professional in my appearance, communication, I will put myself in thewe everything other do. person’s shoes and take for providing the best body language and attitude. time to understand their needs. services and patient I will recognise, praiseexperience. and celebrate a job When I make a commitment, I do what I say I am well done. going to do. Our I will commit to continuing my development, I will aim to give the standard of care or service learning new skills and sharing knowledge. I would expect for myself or my relative and ask Values I will take responsibility for my actions. myself, “would I be happy with this?” I welcome feedback. I will give time to people in distress or who need me. I will show genuine compassion to others by being kind and thoughtful. RESPECT RESPECT IMPROVING IMPROVING Showing value and respect for everyone and Showing value and respect We always look for ways to We always look for ways to improve what we do. treating others asforthey wouldand everyone wishtreating to be treated. We encourage improve what wevalue involvement, do. contributionsand others as they would wish listen to andWe positively encourage act involvement, on feedback. I will protect the privacy and dignity of patients, to be treated. value contributions and listen service users and colleagues. I will be responsive and adaptable to changing to and positively act on I value the opinions of others and show circumstances and new expectations. feedback. consideration for their feelings. I appreciate learning can come from mistakes and I will take positive steps to change. I will take the time to listen to others and consider I will continually reflect on my actions and take every their perspective, even if it is different to my own. opportunity to make improvements. I will treat people as individuals, taking into account I will work as part of a cohesive team, praise their personal circumstances. co-operation and value the views and contributions of I will listen, check my understanding and act with others. fairness, honesty and consistency. I will learn from others, be receptive to new ideas and look elsewhere to see what works. I will show appreciation by saying thank you for work well done. I will speak up when I see or hear behaviour which does not reflect the Trust values. I will respect the confidential nature of information. I will help seek opportunities to improve and take part I will strive to develop insights into how I impact on in the way it is done. others, accepting and acting on feedback. I will encourage creativity and support new ideas by suspending judgement until all the benefits and risks have been fully explored. 18
Annex 3 Strategic Scorecard (currently being drafted) 19
TRUST STRATEGY 2017/2021 Dewsbury and District Hospital 0844 811 8110 / 01924 541000 Halifax Road, Dewsbury WF13 4HS @MidYorkshireNHS Pinderfields Hospital Aberford Road, Wakefield WF1 4DG TheMidYorkshireHospitalsNHSTrust Pontefract Hospital Friarwood Lane, Pontefract WF8 1PL
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