Achieving Operational Excellence in Mobile Telecom

Page created by Brad Patton
Achieving Operational Excellence in Mobile Telecom
           A   WHITE      PAPER      SERIES


Achieving Operational Excellence
       in Mobile Telecom





         Achieving Operational Excellence
                in Mobile Telecom

      Mobile operators in mature western markets
      are facing operational challenges. Flexibility, speed-to-
      market and cost containment are more important than ever before.
      Information Technology is at the hub of the mobile product and is also central to

      providing world-class customer service. As such, the underlying IT systems,

      capabilities and architecture play a central role in enabling mobile telcos to achieve

      their operational aspirations.
“IT is at the heart of the mobile solution, particularly
        in terms of the IT-enabled functionality provided
     for customer care and billing…”

                          1.                                    partner or outsource along several dimensions
                                                                of their value chain. Some examples include:
                                                                    – Customer acquisition via branded sales
                                                                      partners is common in Germany and
Mobile operators in mature western markets are                        other parts of Europe;
facing operational challenges—flexibility, speed-to-                – Many telcos have outsourced customer
market, and cost containment are more important                       care and bill generation functions; and
than ever before. Information technology is at the
hub of the mobile product and is also central to                    – Several global mobile operators have
providing world-class customer service, and as such                   outsourced IT applications development
the underlying IT systems, capabilities and                           and maintenance to low-cost, high
architecture play a central role in enabling mobile                   quality vendors in India.
telcos to achieve their operational aspirations.              • The telecom technical landscape is undergo-
                                                                ing rapid change as operators upgrade from
RISK FACTORS                                                    2/2.5G to 3G, and talk is already underway of
There are several factors of the mobile telecom                 an IP-based 4G environment. This evolution
industry that put operators’ ability to succeed at risk.        of the technical landscape of the core mobile
   • The focus is shifting from customer acquisi-               network puts a lot of pressure on IT systems
     tion to retention in mature western markets                that have to integrate to these telecom tech-
     (e.g., Germany, UK, US). As mobile telecom                 nologies (e.g., provisioning systems, rating
     penetration approaches saturation in some                  engines, etc.) The complexity of the problem
     markets, the game changes to retaining cus-                increases because of the lack of standards and
     tomers and churning other telcos’ customers,               open architectures in the network landscape
     as opposed to acquiring “new” customers. To                (most telecom network environments are built
     succeed in this environment, mobile operators              on vendor-specific, proprietary technologies).
     have segmented their customer base and are               • Evolution and commoditization of the basic
     offering segmented offerings for each (e.g.,               voice product as customers’ mindsets shift
     no-frills vs. global roaming+value-added                   from the mentality of buying a product to that
     services such as MMS, internet, etc.)                      of buying a solution (which has lots of value-
     This shift in focus puts tremendous pressure               added services bundled into it). As a result,
     on the underlying IT systems, particularly                 the post-sale customer service gains more
     customer care, billing and provisioning. For               importance, and the underlying CRM and
     mobile operators to succeed in their retention             billing systems become quite critical to the
     strategies the underlying IT systems must be               mobile operator’s success in the marketplace.
     flexible and the IT architecture must be
     conducive to rapid product introductions
     (and changes) with minimal costs.                                             2.
   • Cost consciousness precedes turnover and
     market share objectives as many western                      WHY INFORMATION
     mobile operators strive to remain viable in an            TECHNOLOGY IS RELEVANT
     increasingly competitive environment. In this
     situation, telcos are increasingly focusing on        IT is extremely relevant to this discussion because
     their core competencies and are choosing to           it is at the hub of the mobile product and is central
to delivering world-class customer service. Hence,         c) Re-vamp core customer care and billing func-
IT-enabled solutions play a key role in alleviating           tionality by leveraging third-party packages
pressure points faced by mobile telcos today.                 and adopting a pragmatic and cost-effective
The mobile product can be segmented into                      data and integration architecture.
three parts:
                                                         Initiatives in these areas can be applied to varying
   • Functional attributes that include the core fea-    degrees (and simultaneously if required), depending
     tures of the product, e.g., MMS, SMS, online        on the degree of urgency for the mobile operator.
     services, games, ring-tones, etc.
   • Non-functional attributes that are essential for
     delivering and maintaining the mobile service,      Offshoring typically yields 65-70% cost and
     e.g., tariff plans, customer care “service pack-    productivity gains. Factor cost savings arising from
     ages”, loyalty programs, etc.                       labor arbitrage alone contribute to about 45%-55%
                                                         cost savings, and additional cost and productivity
   • Communication attributes that are linked to         benefits are derived from better quality of service,
     the core mobile network and enable the              wider and deeper talent pools, reengineering and
     voice/data to be transmitted, e.g., BSCs,           scale advantages.
     MSCs, telecommunications switches, etc.
                                                         Offshoring “favorites” along the value chain
As discussed earlier, the mobile telecom landscape       IT and IT-enabled components of the mobile
is undergoing several changes, one of which is a         operator value chain are among the offshoring
shift from a product to a solution mindset. IT is at     “favorites”, and many mobile operators have already
the heart of the mobile solution, particularly in        embarked on this journey. Specifically high on the
terms of the IT-enabled functionality provided for       list are:
customer care and billing (e.g., order management,
trouble ticketing, cross-selling/up-selling, rating,        •   Applications development
bill calculation, bill settlement, etc.) Hence, the         •   Applications maintenance
telco’s ability to deploy high-quality, cost effective      •   Help desk
IT solutions becomes a core requirement for
                                                            •   Customer care
it to succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s marketplace.
                                                            •   Bill processing
                                                            •   Payroll
                         3.                              Other areas gaining importance include customer
                                                         and market analysis, CDR consolidation and
HOW IT CAN HELP REDUCE RISK                              maintenance of customer records.
 AND IMPROVE OPERATIONS:                                 Current practices and future projections
 THREE STEPS TO LEVERAGE                                 for Offshoring
                                                         Independent analysts predict that the offshoring
       IT EFFECTIVELY                                    wave has only just begun, and that offshoring
                                                         volumes will continue to grow at a healthy pace for
Given the relevance of IT in reducing mobile             the foreseeable future. Gartner predicts offshoring
telecom pressure points, operators can choose to         (IT and BPO) to grow at 14% CAGR between
embark in three areas:                                   2001 and 2008 (see Figure 1).
  a) Outsource key IT applications (development
                                                         As a further indication to the future growth of
     and maintenance) as well as key IT-enabled
                                                         offshoring, Forrester Research indicates that
     functions such as billing, customer care,
                                                         offshoring is still in an early innings, with only
     payroll, etc.
                                                         ~5% of Fortune 1000 having fully exploited IT
  b) Increase in the flexibility of the underlying       offshoring as of 2004 (see Figure 2).
    IT architecture of core systems of the mobile
    operator. This is achieved by segmenting the         Six value drivers in mobile telecom
    architecture into logical domains, de-layering       Offshoring
    the architecture via selective encapsulation            • Cost Savings. This is the first and most obvi-
    of legacy systems, and introducing re-usable              ous value driver due to the labor cost arbitrage
    services between key applications [via an inte-           between the offshoring location and the host
    gration backbone, enabled by leading                      country. Vendors typically offer 40-60% cost
    middleware solutions].                                    savings off the onshore cost base.
Figure 1: Offshoring growth predictions

                                                                           Worldwide Offshoring                                  CAGR
Business Process                                                           Spending ($ Billions)                                 Percent
Offshoring (BPO)                                                                                                827                    14

IT Offshoring (ITO)                                                                                             367                    16

                                                                                 128                            460                    13

Source: Gartner                                                                  2001                           2008

• Quality Improvement. Offshore vendors are                                                         location. One example is dialing up individual
  typically masters of business processes and the                                                   customers who are delinquent in payments, as
  quality of IT solutions is much higher due to                                                     done by one of the leading global credit card
  their strict adherence to standards (e.g., ISO                                                    companies, via their offshore center in India.
  9001) and their strive for continuous improve-
                                                                                                • Broader and Deeper Technical Skill Pool.
  ment demonstrated by Six Sigma and SEI
                                                                                                  This enables the mobile operator to deploy
  CMMI Level 5 capabilities.
                                                                                                  new products and services without any
• Capital Cost Avoidance. The onshore com-                                                        constraints due to technical talent shortages.
  pany is able to leverage vendor infrastructure
                                                                                                • Focus. As a result of the other value drivers,
  and thereby avoid capital cost expenditures.
                                                                                                  the mobile operator is able to concentrate on
• Pursuit of new IT-enabled products and                                                          its core competencies vs. attempting to become
  services. Some of these are not viable at the                                                   a stellar systems integration company.
  onshore location, but because of the cheap
  labor costs, are possible on the offshore

Figure 2: IT Offshoring: The best is yet to come
                                   Percentage of Fortune 1,000 companies

  Percentage of full bystanders                                            80%

  Percentage of experimenters

  Percentage of committed

  Percentage of full exploiters


                                                                                  2003       2004        2005         2006      2007        2008

                                                                                 Only 5% of Fortune 1,000 are fully exploiting offshore.
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.
INCREASE IT ARCHITECTURE                                   RE-VAMP CRM AND BILLING
FLEXIBILITY                                                CAPABILITIES
The IT architecture of the mobile telco is central         For mobile operators that are under continuous
to its ability to introduce new products and services      pressure to respond to competitive moves, having a
quickly and flexibly. Since most global operators have     best-in-class and well-integrated CRM and Billing
legacy IT architectures that cannot be “scratched          capability is a must.
and burned”, an innovative way of salvaging and
building upon key parts of the architecture is needed.     Strategic drivers and target end-state
                                                           Typically, mobile operators that are “feeling the
Mobile Telco IT architecture: Best                         heat” from competition go in for re-vamping their
Practice Overview                                          CRM and Billing capabilities, with four main
Best practices indicate that the IT architecture of        strategic objectives in mind:
the mobile telco should be aligned with the intrinsic         • Provide higher flexibility for the introduction
architecture of the telecom product and service.                and configuration of new products and services.
Just as the mobile product has three broad compo-
nents, the IT architecture should have three broad            • Enable higher customer-centricity by providing
components that align with this product, and align              integrated customer care and billing function-
with the service delivery of this product.                      ality and “one view” of the customer, across all
                                                                market and customer segments.
The first part of the IT architecture therefore contains
                                                              • Providing higher quality of deployed IT
all the applications, servers, interfaces and networks
                                                                solutions, by leveraging robust capabilities
that handle functional or value-added services, such as
                                                                of third party CRM and billing packages.
MMS, SMS, games, ring tones, etc. The second part
of the IT architecture contains all the applications,         • Enabling pre-paid and post-paid convergence,
servers, interfaces and networks that handle the non-           via the integrated functionalities of third
functional services such as CRM, billing, provisioning,         party packages.
back-office transactions, etc. The third part of the
                                                           As a result of pursuing a re-vamp of CRM and
architecture contains the applications, servers, inter-
                                                           billing capabilities, mobile operators aim to achieve
faces and networks that handle communications via
                                                           an end-state where customer care and billing
the core telecommunications network such as the
                                                           changes can be made very quickly, to respond to
BSCs, MSCs, etc.
                                                           market pressures, and customer retention strategies
                                                           can be pursued more flexibly and speedily.
By separating the architecture along these three
natural “domains”, each of the three domains can           Some publicly known examples
evolve with a certain degree of independence, while        There are several global examples of mobile operators
remaining in synch with the other two domains, via         revamping their core CRM and Billing capabilities,
a set of re-usable “services” as described below.          to bolster their competitive position in the market,
                                                           and strengthen their business viability. For instance,
                                                           in 2003, Orange announced publicly that it was
The next step towards creating a flexible IT
                                                           undergoing a massive systems rationalization effort
architecture for the mobile telco is to de-layer
                                                           (at the time Orange had more than 20 CRM,
the architecture by selectively encapsulating select
                                                           billing and data warehousing platforms in Europe
legacy systems. Encapsulation is achieved via
                                                           alone) to streamline business processes, develop an
XML-tagging and other methods to develop
                                                           integrated view of its European customer base, and
common application programmable interfaces for
                                                           reduce costs by increasing back-office efficiencies.
select legacy applications.
                                                           The systems integration project cost Orange more
                                                           than 150 Million Euros and was considered central
Custom-developing a host of reusable services
                                                           to Orange’s continued success in Europe.
between applications and/or encapsulated interfaces
and implementing these services via third-party
middleware tools complete delayering. These services                               4.
can be developed at multiple levels (e.g. at the lowest
level, “Create/Read/Update/Delete/ [Customer]”                             CONCLUSION
can each be a service, and any combination of these
can be bundled to create a composite service.              As mobile telecom operators battle operational
                                                           challenges, they will benefit from the expertise and
                                                           support of a skilled IT vendor. Operators can
                                                           leverage Syntel’s extensive industry experience and
                                                           our unique perspective on the specific process
issues and technology implications affecting them,
enabling it to successfully implement technologies         Our customer-centric approach and our ability to
that meet requirements and optimize operations.            understand your mobile telecom business set us
                                                           apart from our competitors. As you get to speak
Syntel’s Solutions for Mobile Telecomm                     with some of our key clients, you will see that
Syntel has developed the IntelliSourcingTM approach        Syntel thinks first of our client’s business strategy
where we work collaboratively with you to determine        and our client’s imperatives for business success.
which components of your IT capabilities and               Around this understanding, we work together to
business processes you can outsource to us, and            become thought and implementation partners of
which ones you should continue to keep in-house,           IT-enabled components of our client’s business
to maximize your business capabilities, while              strategy—to unlock value from IT and create IT-
minimizing your costs.                                     enabled competitive advantage.

We are so committed to your success and to our             Commitment to Quality Sets Syntel Apart                    “Syntel has
delivery of value to you, that we are often ready to       Any successful corporation understands that the
structure our services as a fixed-price contract. In       quality and dedication of the people behind the            developed the
fact, more than 50 percent of our IntelliSourcingTM        processes and technology are what stands between
engagements are structured as fixed-price contracts,       success and failure. Quality focus and commitment
and are delivering high value to our customers year
after year. For these customers, we are managing the
                                                           is a key characteristic that distinguishes Syntel
                                                           from many other outsourced providers. This focus
                                                                                                                      approach where we
full life cycle of their IT applications development       extends throughout the Syntel organization, and            work collaboratively
and maintenance needs, on a fixed-price basis.             impacts its people, processes, and technology.
                                                           Syntel follows the widely recognized Six Sigma             with you to deter-
In addition to our IntelliSourcingTM services, we also     methodology to continually measure and improve
offer a full range of custom development and package       performance and processes. As an integral part of          mine which com-
implementation services. These services can be             this methodology, it adheres to the DMAIC—
brought to bear to revamp your IT architecture and         Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control—                ponents of your IT
enable your company to introduce new products
much faster and cheaper than ever before, so you can
                                                           framework to guide process improvement.
                                                                                                                      capabilities and
strengthen your competitive position in your respec-       Syntel’s Global Development Centers in India are           business processes
tive market. You can also leverage these services to       assessed at both ISO 9001 and Level 5 of the SEI
selectively replace and re-vamp your core CRM and          CMMI (Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering                 you can outsource
Billing capabilities, if your challenges in these areas    Institute Capability Maturity Model), making it
are more pressing. Like the IntelliSourcingTM approach,    one of just a handful of organizations in the world        to us, and which
these services typically have a blended delivery model     assessed at these levels. Its delivery performance is
where part of the work is done onsite at our clients’      benchmarked against the highest capability stan-           ones you should
facilities and part of the work is done in one or more     dards of this model and achieving Level 5 is the
of our global development facilities. The combination      ultimate recognition in the IT industry for the
                                                                                                                      continue to keep
of our IntelliSourcingTM, custom development and
package implementation services enable us to fully
                                                           maturity of Syntel’s software processes. This means
                                                           Syntel’s solutions have been proven to deliver:
address the IT-related pressure points for our clients          • Faster project timelines,
in the Mobile Telecom vertical.
                                                                • Greater costs savings,
                                                                • Reduced risks,
                                                                • Increased work efficiency,
     PARTNERING WITH SYNTEL                                     • Constant work process improvement, and
                                                                • Greater situational awareness.
Syntel has provided outsourced IT services for over
25 years. In fact, Syntel was the first US-based firm to   Syntel’s Project Management practices are based on
launch a Global Service Delivery model in 1992 and         the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project
leverages this model today to deliver increased time-to-   Management Body of Knowledge, which emphasizes
market, enhanced efficiencies, and quality improve-        communication, risk management, and leadership.
ments for a majority its Global 2000 customers.            Most of Syntel’s Project Managers are PMI-certified,
                                                           or are in the process of pursuing certification, and all
Syntel crafts each solution around its deep under-         project managers are leaders empowered by Syntel to
standing of the issues facing mobile telecom firms.        act in the best interest of the customer’s success.
Our combined expertise in telecom and several
other industries give us a unique set of skills and
knowledge base to help operators succeed.
about SYNTEL:
                                                  Syntel provides custom outsourcing solutions to Global 2000
                                                  corporations. Founded in 1980, Syntel's portfolio of services
                                                  includes BPO, complex application development, management,
                                                  product engineering, and enterprise application integration
                                                  services, as well as e-Business development and integration,
                                                  wireless solutions, data warehousing, CRM, and ERP.

                                                  We maximize outsourcing investments through an onsite/off-
                                                  shore Global Delivery Service, increasing the efficiency of how
                                                  complex projects are delivered. Syntel's global approach also
                                                  makes a significant and positive impact on speed-to-market,
                                                  budgets, and quality. We deploy a custom delivery model that
                                                  is a seamless extension of your organization to fit your business
                                                  goals and a proprietary knowledge transfer methodology to
                                                  guarantee knowledge continuity.

                                                 525 E. Big Beaver, Third Floor
                                                 Troy, MI 48083
                                                 phone 248.619.3503

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