Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
Accelerate Your Digital
Transformation with
Reliant Platform

                                                  Reliant Platform
                                           Technical Solution Brief

450 7th Avenue, Suite 503 New York 10123        917-338-2200
Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
Creating a Web-Scale, Omnichannel Experience in
Retail, Hospitality, and Convenience

With the development of cloud-based services and constant          But for many industries, the cloud alone cannot meet the
access to the global network, customer expectations                service requirements that many businesses—and their end
in every industry have changed dramatically, forcing               customers—expect. Particularly in the retail, hospitality, and
businesses to respond or lose customers. Customers now             convenience store industries, cloud-based architectures
expect a frictionless experience with every company they           cannot provide the performance needed at the local
work with, whether in person, from their home or business,         store. But the same challenge applies to any customer-
or their mobile device. They expect their purchases to be          facing industry today. Cloud-based services also depend
delivered immediately, in whatever form they want: in-store,       on a continuous connection to the network. But in a retail
delivered, or picked up. And as the environment continues          or hospitality environment, the loss of connection to the
to evolve—as people change the way they work, play, eat,           internet, a sudden drop in bandwidth, or increased network
and buy—companies of all types need the ability to respond         latency can bring a restaurant or store to a dead stop. And
immediately, using the latest in technology to keep up with        if customer-facing services stop, customers may walk. Any
their customers’ demands as well as their competitors’             unanticipated downtime can translate directly into lost sales
offerings. Implementing process improvements such as               and revenue. Even the occasional failure to meet customer
agile operations and a DevOps methodology, along with              expectations can damage a business’s reputation, resulting
accelerating migration to cloud and edge computing, have           in hard-won customers choosing another supplier who can
become immediate requirements, forcing realignment of              better meet their needs.
IT priorities and budgets to expedite the delivery of the
                                                                   Businesses such as retail, convenience, and hospitality
infrastructure required to develop, deploy and manage the
                                                                   require continuous operations without continuous network
new services customers demand.
                                                                   connectivity. They therefore need a service delivery
The migration to cloud-based architectures has changed             architecture that meets their operational requirements—and
the way many services are delivered. From web-based                the expectations of their end customers. These heightened
security and email to online banking or entertainment,             expectations have resulted in the rapid adoption of edge
cloud service delivery has allowed organizations to provide        computing, especially in the retail and hospitality industries.
additional functionality and features to their customers           Edge computing moves the compute resources needed
faster with a lower cost.                                          to support new IoT devices and “always-on” services to
                                                                   the local restaurant or retail location. While leveraging the
From the CEO down to the end customer, expectations                cloud’s central control capabilities, edge computing allows
have been set that consumers share a common experience             companies in the retail/hospitality industries to bring the
regardless of format, channel, or location. The ability to pivot   same type of webscale services and applications to the
quickly as operating requirements and consumer behaviors           edge of the network. By placing application compute power
dictate is now a fundamental business requirement,                 at the customer location, edge computing has become
demanding all IT organizations operate with a different            the optimal way to deliver the services and applications
mindset. As new systems, applications, and features need           required by retail and restaurant consumers in the new
to be tested or deployed, IT must be able to deliver new           digital environment.
initiatives, applications, and consumer experiences reliably
across all locations much faster than ever before.

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
Reliant Platform

       Reliant Platform Manager

  Web GUI & API Orchestration for Edge Platform
  Edge Application & Configuration Management

       Management Plane
  Configuration Management Servers
  Monitoring Servers
                                                                           Control Plane
  SIEM/LOG/Big Data Analysis

  Log/Data Collection Servers

  VPN Servers

       Reliant Edge Platform                                             Event Based
  Local Applications: Container-Based Microservices
  and VM-Based, Linux or Windows
                                                                         Data Collection
  Hypervisor Services: Docker Containers, Whole OS                       and Logging
  Virtualization of Linux or Windows

  Network Services: IP Segmentation, Routing,

  Operating System: Linux

  Commercial Off-the-Shelf X86 Hardware

  CPU | GPU | RAM | STORAGE | I/O Interfaces |
  Out-of-Band Management Interface

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
Edge Computing:
The Edge Reflects the Cloud

While the term “Edge Computing” has           Edge computing does not compete
been receiving a great deal of coverage       with the cloud; rather, it complements
in IT circles lately, the concept of edge     it. Edge infrastructures are a natural
computing has been around for decades,        evolution of the cloud. Edge computing
dating back to client/server architectures.   delivers the agility, reliability, and
The fundamental requirement driving           scalability of the cloud without the
the adoption of edge computing today          limitations of unpredictable bandwidth,
is to deliver processing power where it is    lost connections to the network, or
most needed. In the retail and hospitality    delays caused by remote processing.
industries, this comes down to the            For this reason, the retail and hospitality
consumer interfacing with applications        industries have been some of the leading
and services inside the four walls of the     users of edge computing. By placing
local store or restaurant.                    compute power at the local premise,
                                              edge computing architectures can
The explosion of cloud-based services         deliver high-performance services, near-
has given consumers unprecedented             zero latency, and non-stop performance
access to information and services,           in case of lost network connectivity.
and cloud-based applications will
continue to grow as they are ideal for        Reliant Platform makes use of the best
distributing web services on a global         of both cloud and edge. The cloud-
level. But the cloud alone has limitations,   based Reliant Platform Manager gives
namely unpredictable bandwidth and            companies a central, scalable, and robust
latency and the need for a continuous         platform for managing their remote
network connection. The centralized           operations. At the same time, Reliant
implementation of the hyper-scale             Edge Platform delivers the compute
cloud, along with the growing number          power, applications, and services
of IoT devices deployed on-premise            necessary for non-stop operation at
at the edge of the network, has driven        remote locations. With edge computing,
rapid adoption of edge computing              services continue to function in a network
architectures. Edge computing places          outage, allowing continuous service.
content, data, and processing closer          When internet connectivity resumes,
to the services end-users consume.            Reliant Edge Platform syncs with the
This is critically important in the retail    central Reliant Platform Manager to
and hospitality industries, where new         upload data and receive new instructions.
services and applications require high-       By leveraging the best of both cloud
compute applications, immediate               and, Reliant gives its clients the ability
response leveraging “actionable data,”        to deliver the frictionless, omnichannel
and “always-on” availability.                 experience their end customers expect.
Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
Reliant Platform:                                                    • Configuration Management. By leveraging an open
                                                                     architecture that can interface with different APIs and
Combining the Best                                                   configuration templates, Reliant dramatically simplifies
                                                                     configuration, making it easy to manage and enforce site-
of Cloud and Edge                                                    specific parameters within mission-critical applications,

                                                                     whether for one store or ten thousand.

                                                                     • Orchestration. Whether for applications or networked
                                                                     IoT devices, Reliant Platform allows for updates or
                                                                     configuration changes at both the local and global levels.
                                                                     By automating orchestration processes, Reliant simplifies
Reliant Platform combines the best aspects of cloud
                                                                     IT operations, allowing precious IT resources to focus on
and edge computing to provide the optimal turnkey
                                                                     developing new services.
approach for competing in the fast-moving retail and
hospitality environment. Reliant Platform is an off-the-             • Monitoring. Reliant Platform monitors all services’
shelf, hardware-agnostic software solution optimized for             availability and performance at both the local and global
the retail, hospitality, and convenience store industries,           level, sending alerts locally and to the central Platform.
but applies to any industry with consumer engagement,                These alerts can be as simple as tracking configuration
including banking, healthcare, and others. It delivers               changes or third-party application utilization to providing
all of the functionality needed to create a frictionless,            notification from the built-in high availability software in
omnichannel experience for consumers, whether for ten                the event of hardware, network, or software failure.
or 10,000+ locations.
                                                                     • Data Collection. Reliant Platform can gather data from
Supporting both container-based microservices and                    every hosted application, service, or device it manages.
whole-OS virtualization (See diagram on page 3 for an                This data can be invaluable for developing operational key
overview of the Reliant Platform Architecture), Reliant has          performance indicators regarding improved workflows,
developed a next-generation, API-capable centralized                 reduced process times, and improved operational
platform that allows restaurants, retail locations, and              efficiencies. These system logs are gathered locally and
convenience stores to integrate, configure, deliver, and             can be redirected for analysis by local applications or
manage applications. Reliant Platform also contains the              forwarded to the cloud for additional in-house or third-
networking and technical security control capability                 party analysis.
needed to operate edge computing at scale. The Platform’s
management and configuration software, located in the                • Local Hosting of Machine Learning Algorithms.
cloud, lets clients manage not only the configurations of their      With the large number of services running at any
edge nodes but applications hosted on the edge platform              single location, vast amounts of data can be created,
and adjacent IoT devices, enabling a smooth migration from           amounts that can easily overwhelm any manual human
a monolithic design approach to an agile development                 analysis and become impractical for real-time ‘decision’
methodology as time, resources, and expertise allow.                 based inferences from the cloud. Retail and hospitality
                                                                     merchants can leverage this valuable data as input for
Specifically, Reliant Platform integrates and manages the            third-party machine learning applications either locally
following essential functions:                                       or globally.

  • Application Delivery. Reliant Platform’s primary               Designed to be used across different public and private
  purpose is to manage multiple diverse applications,              clouds, along with varying network architectures, Reliant
  treating each one as an individual “service” deployed at a       Platform software runs on standard, commercial off-the-
  store or restaurant. Controlled with a single, intuitive user-   shelf (COTS) hardware, allowing clients to select the optimal
  interface, Reliant can host edge applications as diverse as      hardware for their needs. Reliant software is also cloud-
  Point of Sale, order management applications, contactless        agnostic. The Platform can run in Reliant’s secure cloud,
  payment services, or immersive content delivery, as well         the client’s private cloud or data center, or a third-party
  as provide network and security functionality at the edge.       cloud of the client’s choosing.

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
Key Components of Reliant Platform
Reliant Platform consists of three major components
integrated into a single solution: Reliant Platform Manager,
Reliant Management Plane, and Reliant Edge Platform.

Reliant Platform Manager
Reliant Platform Manager serves as the client’s primary
interface to Reliant Platform. It provides an intuitive,
web-based interface that allows the user to manage all of
the services delivered by Reliant Edge Platform. Supporting
both interactive users and API access, Platform Manager
is a multi-tenant portal hosted in Reliant’s cloud for edge

At its base, Reliant Platform Manager acts as an abstraction
layer between the user and the actual applications that
run in the remote locations. It treats all applications
and functionality as “services” that IT can manage. For
each service, Reliant provides a centralized interface
for application delivery, configuration, orchestration,          Docker containers. Legacy applications can be supported
monitoring, and data collection for both new and legacy          via the built-in virtualization functionality, allowing legacy
functionality. The services delivered can be as diverse          applications to run on virtual machines alongside new
as a legacy POS system, a new “contactless” payment              applications. The flexibility provided by Reliant Platform
service, content displays, self-service ordering systems,        Manager provides for a company to make the transition
or process and inventory management systems. Reliant             from older, monolithic applications to the new digital
also coordinates the myriad of remote IoT devices along          environment seamlessly and at their own pace, helping
with the data such devices generate. Additionally, Reliant       ease and accelerate the digital transformation of IT.
treats both networking and security as separate “services,”
reducing the load on local IT resources.                         Reliant Management Plane
                                                                 Reliant’s Management Plane links edge nodes to
With built-in configuration tools and API support for third-
                                                                 Reliant Platform Manager, translating the operations
party solutions, Reliant vastly simplifies the scale of effort
                                                                 performed on Reliant Platform Manager directly into the
required to deploy, manage, and monitor services. Support
                                                                 configuration and orchestration actions each application
for manual and automated orchestration gives engineers
                                                                 requires. The Management Plane executes configuration
the flexibility they need to implement and manage services
                                                                 and orchestration tasks for edge services, allowing IT
much faster and with far fewer resources than traditional
                                                                 engineers to access any service at any single location to
methods. Whether deploying new functionality or
                                                                 make detailed changes (for example, adjusting network
modifying existing applications, Reliant gives engineering
                                                                 settings for a specific location) using simple commands.
the tools needed to orchestrate change at a single store
                                                                 The Management Plane then translates these commands
or thousands of locations.
                                                                 into precise API or CLI configuration instructions to
Reliant has partnered with best-of-breed hardware,               manage each service. Dedicated on a per-client basis, the
software, and service providers to create a complete,            Management Plane typically resides in virtual machines on
end-to-end solution for remote service management in             servers located in the client’s cloud or data center. Servers
the digital store or restaurant. For example, for building       may also be based in Reliant’s cloud or at a third-party
new container-based applications, Reliant has integrated         cloud provider.
Docker’s lightweight container architecture into Reliant
                                                                 Reliant Edge Platform
Platform, allowing clients to create microservice-based
applications. Users can quickly move existing Docker-            Reliant Edge Platform is the in-store component of the
based applications onto Reliant Platform – or work with          Reliant solution. A virtualized application delivery and
Reliant to port existing microservices applications over to      management system, Reliant Edge Platform delivers the

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Reliant Platform - Reliant Platform Technical Solution Brief
DevOps and Agile Development
Speed Time to Market

Agile development and the DevOps methodology           The advantages of this approach are many and
evolved in response to the inefficiencies of           various. Instead of being slowed down by the large
writing, deploying, and supporting monolithic          and infrequent upgrades necessary to support
applications. These applications were initially        monolithic applications, software built with a
designed to run on mainframes, and many large          DevOps process creates a fast development
applications remain in use today even as more          culture, frequent updates, and feature releases
flexible computing models have evolved. But the        measured in days or weeks instead of months or
downsides of monolithic software development           years. Because many applications can reuse a
are significant. Large applications take a long time   single microservice, their use avoids duplication
to bring to market. In a monolithic engineering        of effort. Creating new features is simplified by
environment, writing, testing, deploying, and          modifying individual containers or creating new
supporting such software are typically handled by      ones. Testing is far less complex as only the
different functional groups. Coordination among        modified container requires testing before insertion
these engineering “silos” slows delivery times. And    into the main application. Even security and
as increasingly strict regulatory requirements have    compliance checks can be built using containers
been put in place in many industries, ensuring         and integrated into a multitude of applications.
security and compliance has added even more
time to the overall engineering process. This          A DevOps methodology demands far fewer
monolithic engineering methodology makes               operations resources to manage and orchestrate
fixing bugs or adding new features tedious, time-      change. Whether implementing new features or
consuming, and expensive procedures.                   initiating bug fixes, engineers can modify a single
                                                       container and install the new code into production
In today’s cloud and virtualized computing             across thousands of servers using automation
environment, a more efficient way of developing        tools. In the case of a failure, operations can restart
and managing software has evolved that takes           individual processes instead of rebooting entire
advantage of the flexible access to compute            applications. Orchestration is a critical piece in
resources today’s environment supplies,                the CI/CD process, allowing frequent and regular
specifically processing, memory, and storage. The      changes to the main application. The result is
DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous           streamlined development, faster time to market,
Delivery (CI/CD) processes have created a much         and lower costs.
more efficient way to deliver new services and
applications to market. “Move fast, fail fast” has     For these many reasons, Reliant built its Reliant
become a driving philosophy of agile operations.       Platform using a container-based DevOps process.
                                                       Given that agile development represents the cutting
At its heart, the DevOps methodology relies on         edge in software design, Reliant also integrated
an entirely different way of writing software than     the tools to develop and support containerized
that used in building monolithic applications.         applications directly into Reliant Platform. As
Instead of creating a single application with          more companies transition from a monolithic
millions of lines of code, software processes are      development process to a DevOps model, having
broken into what are called “microservices.” Each      the flexibility to support legacy applications and
microservice is designed to perform one specific       container-based applications provides a significant
function and can call for whatever processing,         benefit. Reliant Platform allows companies to make
memory, or storage resources it needs to fulfill       the “digital transformation” at a pace their business
its purpose. These microservices are held in virtual   and expertise allow.
“containers” and stand on their own. Microservices
can be coupled or grouped into Kubernetes or
Docker Swarms to perform more complex tasks.
These “building blocks” form the basis of modern
software development.
services and manages the devices configured by Reliant            architecture provides application configuration at the store,
Platform Manager and processed by the Management                  group of stores, or chainwide level. Extensive flexibility
Plane. Reliant Edge Platform then executes and monitors           at the group level allows a client to deploy significantly
these services at the local store or restaurant. These            different hardware and software configurations for different
applications can be containerized, microservices-based,           types of stores.
or can be legacy applications running on a virtual machine.
                                                                  Reliant Edge Platform also supports a high-availability
Reliant Edge Platform provides the software, compute
                                                                  configuration option, operating in either dual-server or
power, security features, and network interfaces needed
                                                                  clustered high-availability configurations. Battle-tested
to deliver and manage the edge services with the speed,
                                                                  failover software ensures that a failure in one server won’t
agility, and security required at the remote location. By
                                                                  bring operations to a halt. In the event of either a single
bringing compute resources to the local store or restaurant,
                                                                  hardware or network interface failure, Reliant Edge Platform
Reliant allows retail and hospitality companies to implement
                                                                  transfers the primary function to a secondary server. It
services previously unavailable with cloud-only solutions.
                                                                  then sends a failure notice to local and global operations
In addition to providing the networking and security              to initiate a process restart or a hardware replacement.
functions needed at the local level, Reliant eliminates the       When the repair is complete, the function then transfers
need for a continuous connection to the network. If the           back to the primary server. This same process can be used
network connection goes down, Reliant Edge Platform               to upgrade local services or perform system upgrades
continues to operate, keeping all services up, and the            without shutting down operations. Operations engineers
business running. When the network connection resumes,            can transfer primary functions to the secondary node,
Reliant Edge Platform sends any log information or data           upgrade the primary, and switch back—with or without cloud
collected to the Management Plane and Reliant Platform            connectivity. If the update is successful, Ops can then install
Manager to update the current status at all locations,            the same updates on the backup server. If a failure occurs
syncing global applications. Reliant Edge Platform also           during an upgrade process, the secondary server maintains
provides a secure, intuitive, and easy-to-use local web           operations until the problem is resolved. The result is zero
interface that can be accessed by authorized personnel            operational downtime and zero data loss. Reliant software
locally inside the retail store, restaurant, or remote location   is also hardware agnostic: Reliant Edge Platform can run on
should cloud connectivity fail. This browser function allows
for the local operation of client-selected Reliant Edge
Platform functions while offline from the cloud and internet.
These functions can include but are not limited to alternate
failover connectivity, whole OS/VM backup and restore
functionality, application/virtual machine restarts, network
troubleshooting tools, local system failover for scheduled
maintenance, and local system status across all locally
hosted applications.

In many cases, the hardware and software that comprise
Reliant Edge Platform are identical at each location, making
it easy to scale operations as new sites open and supporting
economies of scale to increase as the business grows. For
clients with differing square footage requirements—which
could include a mixture of kiosks, trunk show locations,
mall stores, and free-standing large-format locations—
clients can run appropriately-sized hardware to deliver
the applications and services as required for the space—
all under Reliant Edge Platform. Reliant’s “plug-and-play”
design also simplifies the initial roll-out process, whether
at ten or 10,000 locations. And if a particular location has
unique needs, any specific service or site can be configured
remotely by Reliant Platform Manager. The Reliant

8    © Copyright 2021 Reliant
client-provided x86-based hardware or be delivered as a         implementation and management. Reliant Platform is also
bundled hardware/software solution, allowing maximum            available as a fully managed service.
flexibility in selecting hardware suppliers.
                                                                While some large companies consider designing an
Installing Reliant Platform                                     in-house application and service delivery platform, this
Reliant has designed the Reliant Platform for maximum           is a significant undertaking. Reliant designed its solution
flexibility and ease-of-use. The detailed installation          using a containerized, microservices-based software
process depends on the level of expertise of the client.        architecture and an agile development process. Given
Typically, however, installation starts with a lab-based        the specific technical expertise required, along with the
proof of concept, in which Reliant works with the client        time needed to develop equivalent functionality, most
to bring a collection of business-critical and customer-        prospective clients choose to hand over the heavy lifting
facing services online in a controlled, monitored, and          of platform development to Reliant. By leveraging Reliant’s
managed environment. Reliant offers comprehensive               investment in creating its service delivery platform, clients
design, integration, and support services varying from          can focus on developing new services and managing their
user- and technical engineering-level training to full system   core business

                                                                                          © Copyright 2021 Reliant         9
Reliant: Driving Digital Transformation in Retail,
Hospitality, and Customer-Facing Industries

The retail and hospitality industries—and almost any             and simple deployment of cutting-edge IoT devices.
industry engaging directly with customers—are under              Also, the data gathered at each store can be analyzed
increasing pressure to transform their businesses digitally.     locally or remotely, providing valuable insights into both
Expectations of consumers have changed. The ubiquitous           internal performance and customer satisfaction. Users
access to web-based, service-oriented architectures              reported needing 1/100th to 1/1000th of the network
created by near-constant connectivity to the cloud               and storage resources required using a cloud-based
has led customers to expect frictionless, immersive,             architecture.
and omnichannel services at their local store, branch,
                                                                 • Greater Agility: Success in the retail, hospitality,
or restaurant.
                                                                 and convenience-store industries often depends on
Studies of companies that have made the migration from           how quickly a company can respond to the changing
a cloud-based architecture to an edge-computing model            demands of their customers. Reliant Platform’s design
have shown significant and measurable benefits in terms          enhances a client’s agility by making it simple to deploy,
of lower total cost of ownership (TCO), higher reliability,      upgrade, and manage services. With edge computing,
smarter stores, and greater agility:                             users spent 75% less time managing and maintaining
                                                                 applications and reported 46x more code deployments—
  • Lower TCO: By centralizing management onto a single          both direct measures of an organization’s ability to
  web-based platform, clients have shown increased               respond in a fast-changing business environment.
  IT productivity by automating repetitive tasks and
  streamlining back-office infrastructure. Users reported      Reliant has leveraged the best of the cloud with new
  a 3.1x reduction in the time required to deploy new          developments in edge computing to help their clients
  services, a 33% reduction in time needed to make             deliver high-compute, web-scale services to their end
  configuration changes, and a 24x improvement in              customers, whether in person, for pick-up, or delivery.
  recovery from failures. All of these lead to increased IT    The explosion of IoT devices has enabled the delivery
  efficiency and lower TCO.                                    of services companies previously could only dream
                                                               of. But these new services must also work alongside
  • Reliability: Given the basic edge-computing                legacy applications. One of the most difficult challenges
  architecture, store operations can continue to operate       in implementing such an infrastructure is managing a
  if they lose their internet connection, resulting in an      wide variety of services, specifically application delivery,
  average of 2.7x fewer failures overall and far faster        configuration management, orchestration, monitoring,
  recovery from hardware, network, or software failures.       and data collection. Through virtualization, container
  The fault-tolerant capability built into Reliant Edge        orchestration, and an integrated DevOps infrastructure,
  Platform guarantees 100% uptime, maintaining customer        Reliant Platform simplifies the delivery and management of
  satisfaction and uninterrupted sales.                        new services while providing the security and network and
  • Smarter Stores: Edge Computing pushes processing           compute infrastructure required for non-stop operation.
  to the edge wherever possible, allowing for simpler          Reliant makes the complicated simple.
  deployment of new services, faster customer throughput,

10 © Copyright 2021 Reliant
About Reliant
Reliant is a leading provider of an Edge Computing platform for Retail and Hospitality. Reliant Platform centralizes,
automates, and controls the delivery and management of applications and infrastructure, bringing data and
solutions to the cloud’s edge. Experience speed in delivery, reduced latency, continuous operations, and enable
faster digital transformation.

The Reliant Platform converges new and legacy systems into an integrated, scalable system through virtualization,
centralized management, and comprehensive monitoring, providing controls, data security and compliancy delivered
to the stores and restaurants. Our clients are leading chain retailers and restaurant operators scaling from 25 to 1000’s
of locations.

With Reliant professional services and managed services, retailers and restaurants can implement and support your
next generation of mobile, IoT, agile development, and customer-engaging applications with less overhead and IT
burdens. The Reliant team brings deep industry business knowledge combined with technical expertise to deliver
winning solutions for the business and IT alike. We deliver implementation services around applications, payments,
PCI security, IoT applications, interactive technologies, POS, Mobile, and converged cloud infrastructures. Our 24/7
managed services are designed to support our customer’s applications and infrastructure.

To learn more about Reliant Platform, visit

1 “Customers at the Back of the Line Are Anxious—Can You Keep Them from Leaving?” Harvard Business School, 2/12/18.
2 “How Patient Wait Times Affect Customer Satisfaction,” Fierce Healthcare, 9/23/19,
3 Independent survey by Enterprise Strategy Group, October 2016, ITX – 2017 State of DevOps Report,

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