A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021

Page created by Tracy Young
A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
A testing service for personal
assistants in England

Guidance document

February 2021
A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021

  Summary: Testing for personal assistants   2
  How am I involved?                         5
  How does the service work?                 6
  End to end process: personal assistants    9
      •   Ordering test kits
      •   Delivery and Preparation
      •   Using the test kits
      •   Registering test kits
      •   Returning test kits
      •   Results
      •   Weekly retesting

  Where to go for help                       38
  Appendix                                   40

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
Summary: Testing for personal assistants

     What is the service?                                             Why is testing important?
• Weekly PCR testing for personal assistants working in Adult
  Social Care.                                                        •   Identifies personal assistants who currently
                                                                          have Covid-19 so they are able to self-isolate if
• Personal assistants should order 4 PCR tests every 28 days              their result is positive
  for themselves or an employer can order them for their
                                                                      •   Protects those receiving care from infection
  personal assistant.
                                                                          passed to them by personal assistants who are
                                                                          confirmed positive
• 4 tests are delivered for each personal assistant to their
  selected delivery address for a 28 day testing cycle.               •   Prevents and controls the spread of the virus
                                                                          by identifying asymptomatic cases
• Every 7 days a personal assistant should take a test, register it
  online, and return it by post.

• Personal assistants will receive their results in 48 hours by
  email and text message (SMS).

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
How am I involved?

A “Personal assistant”
For testing purposes, a ‘Personal Assistant’ is someone who is directly employed by an individual (or self-employed) to provide care and support to enable them to live as
independently as possible. This care could include support in the home, or to go out into the community. All personal assistants who provide care that requires them to
come within 2 metres of the person they support and who support adults over the age of 18 are eligible for testing.

Your key responsibilities are to:

1.   Attend a webinar to understand the process

2.   Order PCR test kits every 28 days

3.   Conduct one PCR test weekly on the same day each week

4.   Register your tests as soon as you have completed them each week

5.   Return your test kits at a Royal Mail priority post box on the same day that you take the test one hour before the collection time

6.   If you test positive: isolate, notify your employer and provide contacts to NHS Track and Trace. After testing positive, you do not need to test again for 90
     days unless you become symptomatic

7.   Regardless of your result, continue following all IPC measures such as wearing PPE, washing your hands and socially distancing where possible, even if
     you or the people you care for have had the vaccine

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
This service is for personal
assistants (the employee)
only and not for the people
receiving care

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
How the service works

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
Summary: Testing for personal assistants

                                                                                       Personal assistant
 Personal assistant or                                    Personal assistant or        undertakes their own
Employer orders four PCR                                 Employer takes delivery      swabs using test kit on
 test kits every 28 days                                       of test kits          the same day each week

  Personal assistant                                      Personal assistant            Personal assistant
 registers test kit online                             returns the test kit on the   receives results via email
                                                        same day of testing via      and text message (SMS)
                                                       their nearest priority post
                                                                                      Repeats testing every
                                                         box one hour before
                                                                                     week and ordering tests
                                                             collection time
                                                                                         every 28 days
If you have any queries with any of the steps please
call the national coronavirus contact centre on 119

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
Order   Delivery   Test   Register   Return   Results & repeat

  End to end Process:
  Personal assistant
A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
Ordering test kits

A testing service for personal assistants in England - Guidance document February 2021
Ordering test kits

•   Personal assistants or the individual employer are
    responsible for ordering test kits using the link

•   Personal assistants or the individual employer must
    decide the address their test kits are delivered to. You may
    want to use a different address if you’re unlikely to be home
    when the delivery arrives (within 48 hours)

•   Personal assistants must complete the process 4 times to
    get 4 PCR test kits. This is vital as you cannot place another
    order of test kits for 14 days following an order

•   Once you have placed and order, you will receive 4
    confirmatory emails from the following address:

•   If you have any queries with any of the steps please call the
    national coronavirus contact centre on 119

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

Please refer to slide 24 for initial registration instructions / links

STEP 1: Go to https://www.gov.uk/get-                      STEP 2: Select ‘Yes’   STEP 3: Select ‘No, none of these symptoms’ if
coronavirus-test and select start now                                             asymptomatic

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

Please refer to slide 24 for initial registration instructions / links

STEP 4: Select ‘No’                                        STEP 5: Select ‘No’   STEP 6: Select ‘I’m a personal assistant in
                                                                                 England employed by an individual to provide
                                                                                 home based adult care and support’

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 7: Enter the PA’s name        STEP 8: Enter the PA’s mobile   STEP 9: Enter the PA’s email address

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 10: Enter the PA’s postcode   STEP 11: Select ‘No’         STEP 12: Select ‘Home testing’

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 13: Enter the PA’s personal details   STEP 14: Select ‘Yes – they travel to   STEP 15: Select ‘Social care’
including your date of birth and gender    a workplace’

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 16: Enter the occupation as ‘Care      STEP 17: Enter the name as ‘PA’   STEP 18: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending if the PA
worker or home carer’. You must select an                                     travelled outside of the UK and Ireland within the
option from the drop down menu                                                last 14 days

                          assistant will
                          also come up
                          with ‘Care
                          worker or
                          home carer’
                          as an option


Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 19: Select either ‘No’, ‘Yes, they’ve      STEP 20: Enter the PA’s address and   STEP 21: Enter the PA’s NHS number if known
had 1 dose’ or ‘Yes, they’ve had 2 dose’.       postcode
This is only for statistical purposes and not
to restrict who tests are given to.

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 22: Click ‘Add person you live with’   STEP 23: Enter the PA’s own name   STEP 24: Repeat step 16 and step 17 until you
                                            again. Do not enter the name of    have entered the PA’s details 4 times for your 4
                                            someone you live with.             test kits

Personal assistant test kit ordering – process walkthrough

STEP 25: You may want to use a different     STEP 26: You’ll see this when you
address if you’re unlikely to be home when   finish the order process. You’ll receive
the delivery arrives (within 48 hours)       an email to confirm each test you

Delivery and Preparation

Delivery and Preparation

Delivery of tests kits
Please ensure someone is available to accept the delivery of test kits at
your chosen delivery address. Test kits are typically delivered within 48

Prepare for testing by looking at guidance
Before testing be sure to:
• Read guidance for personal assistants
• Read guidance included with your test kit
• Watch the instructional video for self swabbing
                                                                            Instructional video for self swabbing

If a personal assistant becomes symptomatic and has a kit available at
home, they should test themselves in addition to the normal weekly cycle
Using the test kits

Taking the test

The test kits personal assistants will receive will be standard home PCR test kits; they will contain:

  1                 2                 3


  4                 5                 6

  7                 8                 9                                                  8

                                           Royal Mail
                                           return label
                                                                   An example test kit

Taking the test

Personal assistants will conduct a combined
throat and nose self-swab for the test

Follow the instructional video on how to do a
throat and nasal swab
vid-19-guidance-for-taking-swab-samples/how-       Instructional video for self swabbing

throat-and-nose-swab-video                    Always leave 7 days between tests where possible

                                              If possible please continue testing whilst on holiday (in the UK) or
                                              off work due to illness which is not related to Coronavirus

                                              After testing positive, you do not need to test again for 90 days
                                              unless you become symptomatic

Registering test kits

Registering test kits
Steps to register a test kit:
These are the key steps, for full step-by-step instructions please see the appendix
Each week you should register your test after you have completed your test

1.    Please go to https://gov.uk/register-home-test

2.    Enter your order ID number – you will find this 10-digit order ID at the top of the confirmation email you received
      when your test kid was ordered

3.    Enter personal details
        •      Name
        •      Date of birth
4.    Enter or scan your royal mail barcode. You will find the barcode on the right hand side of the label. Do not scan
      the QR code that appears on the left.

5.    Enter or scan test kit barcode, please enter carefully and do not copy and paste. You will find the barcodes inside
      the home test kit, either attached to the plastic vial, biohazard bag and return box, Please note these are different
      from your pre-paid Royal Mail return package barcode on your box.
6.    Select the date and time you’ll take your coronavirus test. If you’ve already taken the coronavirus test, tell us the
      date and time you took it.
7.    Check your answers
8.    You will receive confirmation of registration via email
If there are any problems with registering a test kit, please call 119.

Correct registration of test kits is VITAL If you do not register your test kit correctly, you may not receive your

                                                                                                                              Screenshot of the registration portal

Individual registration upload – Process Walkthrough

Please refer to slide 24 for initial registration instructions / links

STEP 1: Go to https://gov.uk/register-                     STEP 2: Enter your order ID found at   STEP 3: Enter the PA’s name
home-test                                                  the top of your confirmation email

Individual registration upload – Process Walkthrough

STEP 4: Enter the PA’s date of birth   STEP 5: Enter the Royal Mail barcode   STEP 6: Scan or enter one of your unique test kit
                                       found within your test kit             barcodes found on either the plastic tube, plastic
                                                                              bag or return box

Individual registration upload – Process Walkthrough

STEP 7: Select the date and time the PA   STEP 8: Check your answers   STEP 9: Complete the security check and look
has taken or plans to take the test                                    out for a confirmatory email confirming registration

Returning test kits

Returning test kits

Each test kit contains a pink pre-paid return label. Please attach this to the outside of the
delivery packaging next to the security seal. If there is no label in the kit please check in the
box that the kits were delivered in. If additional support is needed please call 119

The test kit should be returned via a Royal Mail priority box on the day you do your test and
one hour before the collection time.

You will find your nearest priority post box and its collection times at

Only use a Royal Mail priority post box. It will be labelled with the below Priority Box sign       Example of Royal Mail priority post box
and one of the regional NHS logos. Please do not enter any Post Office with the kit

Returning test kits

Please be aware of the following key points to ensure samples reach the laboratories in time:

1. Please post the kits in the priority mail box at least one hour before the last collection time to ensure
   that it is not missed

2. Locate your nearest priority post box and collection times in before taking the test. Tests should be
   posted on the same day as they are taken

3. Some post boxes do not collect post on Sundays, and so please check if there is a collection available
   before testing on Sunday

Receiving results

Receiving results
The personal assistant tested will receive:

1. An email
2. A text message (if a mobile phone number was provided at registration)

The results will also include guidance on next steps for the person tested. We have included example
guidance in the next few slides for your information.

If employers are receiving personal assistants test kit results they will need written consent.

Personal assistants should inform their individual employer of a positive result immediately so that they
can protect themselves and others that they may have come into contact with at work.

Find out more about what to do when you get your results https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-

Statutory Sick Pay may be available for personal assistants who have to self-isolate. Further details are on
the website noted below:

payments/coronavirus-covid-19-qa-for-people-receiving-a-personal-budget-or-personal-health-budget#ssp          33
Examples of email containing results

There are 3 possible results – Negative, Positive and Unclear

Negative                                       Positive                             Unclear

Email template for negative result             Email template for positive result    Email template for unclear result

Examples of text message containing results

There are 3 possible results – Negative, Positive and Unclear
Negative                                           Positive                                           Unclear
 Your coronavirus test result is negative. You      Your coronavirus test result is positive. It       We could not read your coronavirus test
 did not have the virus when the test was done.     means you had the virus when the test was          sample. This means its not possible to say if
                                                    done.                                              you had the virus when the test was done.
 You only need to self isolate if:                                                                     We’re sorry, but you’ll need to get another test
 -   You get symptoms of coronavirus (you’ll        Try not to worry. You can often ease               as soon as possible.
     need a new test)                               symptoms at home until you recover.
 -   You’re going into hospital (self-isolating     You may be contacted for contact tracing.          Keep self-isolating (and off work if relevant) if:
     until the date you go in)
 -   Someone you live with tests positive           You must, by law, self-isolate for 10 days from    -   You have or develop symptoms of
 -   You’ve been traced as a contact of             your symptoms starting. If you’ve not had              coronavirus.
     someone who tested positive                    symptoms, self-isolate for 10 days from your       -   Someone you live with has symptoms or
                                                    test.                                                  tests positive.
 For advice on how long to self isolate, go to                                                         -   You’ve been traced as a contact of
 www.nhs.uk/coronavirus and read ‘Self-             You may return to work on day 11 if you’ve not         someone who tested positive.
 isolation and treating symptoms’                   had a high temperature for 48 hours and are
                                                    well. Talk to your employer first. People you      For advice on how long to self-isolate in these
 Otherwise, you may return to work if you’ve not    live with should self-isolate for 14 days from     situations go to www.nhs.uk/coronavirus and
 had a high temperature for 48 hours and feel       your symptoms stating or 10 days from their        read ‘Self-isolation and treating symptoms’.
 well. Talk to your employer first.                 symptoms starting.                                 You can end your self-isolation period early if
                                                                                                       your new test results says to stop self-isolating.
 Contact 111 if you need medical help.              For medical help, Contact 111.
                                                                                                       Contact 111 if you need medical help.
 In an emergency, dial 999.                         In an emergency, dial 999.
                                                                                                       In an emergency, dial 999.

Text template for negative result                  Text template for positive result                   Text template for unclear result
Weekly retesting

Weekly retesting

   After you have completed your first round of testing, personal assistants should continue to test on the
   same day each week. If you have tested positive, you do need to retest for 90 days unless you become
                                      Repeat testing process every 7 days

      Day one                      Day one                             Day one                                  Day two to
Conduct test on day of        Register test online             Post completed test kit in
   planned testing                                                 priority post box                          Receive result

                                                                                  If you receive a positive test result please stay/ return
                                                                                        home and inform your individual employer
Support available for
personal assistants

Operational support available for personal assistants
If a personal assistant tests positive or is instructed to isolate, their individual employer or
somebody on their behalf should try to organise different arrangements. This is why contingency
plans for the individual employers are so important (see the developing a contingency
plan section for further details). For example, it may be that another personal assistant is willing
and able to take on further work to provide the individual with the care and support they need.

In cases where arrangements cannot be put in place to provide the individual employers with the
care and support they need, the personal assistant or somebody on their behalf should contact
the local authority or CCG immediately. They will support the individual employer in developing a
temporary plan to ensure individuals’ needs are met, while you are self-isolating.

PAs are entitled to claim free PPE from their local authority or local resilience forum. Guidance is
available here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/personal-protective-equipment-ppe-local-contacts-

Financial support available for personal assistants
If a personal assistant needs to self-isolate, they may be entitled to a £500 payment via their local
authority whether they are employed or self-employed. The eligibility criteria and guidance is
available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/test-and-trace-support-payment-

Directly employed personal assistants may also be entitled to SSP if they are self-isolating or are
unwell. SSP is paid from the date they sell-isolate. You will need to speak to your individual
employer. Guidance is available here: https://www.gov.uk/statutory-sick-pay

The ICF is also available to meet the costs of self-isolation. The ICF is not systematically paid to
personal assistants and funding provided to personal assistants by local authorities from the ICF
is at local authority discretion and must be used according to the terms under which local
authorities provide it to personal assistants. However, from a Departmental perspective this
would be an acceptable use of the funding. It should be noted that if an individual is receiving
their full wage from their employer through the Infection Control Fund though, they will not be
eligible for the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme.

Where to go for help

Where to go for more support?

      Online: Visiting the personal assistant testing gov.uk guidance at: once uploaded
      planned for 16/02/21

      Instructional videos: Watch instructional videos for how to conduct a test at:


      Coronavirus Testing Contact Centre: please call 119
      Lines are open from 7am –11pm daily

Questions and Answers
You can also read