A systematic literature review on teaching teachers pedagogy through YouTube video technology

Page created by Esther Harrington
Journal of Digital Educational Technology
2023, 3(1), ep2301
e-ISSN: 2752-5503
https://www.jdet.net/                                                    Review Article                                                          OPEN ACCESS

       A systematic literature review on teaching teachers pedagogy
                    through YouTube video technology
                                             Haruna Abubakar 1*               , Hasnah Binti Muhammed 2

 Federal College of Education, Zaria, NIGERIA
 University of Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, MALAYSIA
*Corresponding Author: harunshika@gmail.com

Citation: Abubakar, H., & Muhammed, H. B. (2023). A systematic literature review on teaching teachers pedagogy through YouTube video
technology. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(1), ep2301. https://doi.org/10.30935/jdet/12839

ARTICLE INFO                         ABSTRACT
Received: 10 Nov. 2022               Education teachers’ pedagogy (ELP) is a fundamental portion and backbone of all classroom teachers, and
Accepted: 11 Jan. 2023               instructional intervention through YouTube video technology in our contemporary era. This paper articulates a
                                     rational literature investigation and analysis of the ELP and YouTube video technology. The findings expose the
                                     interference influence of ELP with YouTube video technology, such as YouTube channels for educational
                                     purposes. YVCE is an ICT dispersion for determining students’ academic performance in the educational course
                                     and other subjects in general. The systematic literature review (SLR) discovered findings from a recent study
                                     between December 2012 and October 2022. Excellence assessment screening of articles has been done, together
                                     with additional removal of repeated papers from the study. 30 articles met the modification and
                                     inclusion/elimination measures out of 123 papers. The adapted preferred reporting items for systematic reviews
                                     and meta-analyses demonstrate the review of literature accordingly. The researchers observed, completed, and
                                     deliberated the implication of the SLR. This has been directed by the upcoming ELP with YouTube video

                                     Keywords: technology, systematic literature review, YouTube video, ICT, education teachers pedagogy

                                                                                      and manageability and comfortability of teaching substances.
INTRODUCTION                                                                          Numerous countries have embraced new technologies to
                                                                                      enhance the overall learning process (Portz et al., 2019).
     Technology has already entered all steps and moves of                                Technology is an essential component of everyday life
human lives. The new educational thoughts have arrived                                expectancy. From the older generation to the date generation,
because of the advancement in ICT to brighten the direction of                        technology is utilized extremely. Among the excellent
teaching and learning processes in the three educational                              technology that has been developed is the technology of the
domains. The gateway to surfing and accessing all social media                        Internet which has supplied us with different skills. From the
is the Internet. The 24-hours teacher now is the Internet, and                        net, social interaction has been established. YouTube video is
it is the top source of vital information for both lecturers and                      part of social networking websites. YouTube users can upload
students. Academics nowadays must keep in step with the                               videos or subscribe to their viewers. The technology of
desires of the modern generation.                                                     YouTube video has given wonderful adjustments and changes
    Certainly, there is a very significant and rapid inspiration                      to the educational sector. It offers teachers several golden
for internet usage and transmission of technology in the                              opportunities to improve the quality of learning and teaching
industry of education. The lecture classrooms and theaters in                         processes in the classroom (Michael & Shah, 2020)
higher institutions nowadays are no longer the only sources of                            The arrival of YouTube in 2005 has modified the potential
gaining, receiving, and obtaining knowledge and materials,                            of using video as a part of educational resources in teaching
rather, world wide web takes abundant place for accessing and                         and learning processes (Pattier, 2021). YouTube video channel
gaining information anywhere you are, and whereby, so many                            is a free web-based service, which gives chance to share, rate,
documents and many web-based educational resources are                                upload, add, view, comment on videos, report, playlists, and
kept and easier to access (Jena & Barman, 2018).                                      subscribe to other educational arenas that can apply Video
    There is much evidence that pushes the system to include                          YouTube technology, to progress the teaching and learning
technology inside the classrooms for tutors and teachers, such                        system. Scholars are of the view that, technology usage
as easier storing of educational resources, effective messages,                       enhances academic performance (Bae & Baxter, 2018).

© 2023 by the authors; licensee JDET by Bastas, UK. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
2 / 11                      Abubakar & Muhammed / Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(1), ep2301

    The use of YouTube videos as instructional material in the         Based on the above research questions, the following are
academic cycle nowadays has become widespread, especially           the objectives of the study:
over the past two decades and it is one of the applications that        1. To give a preliminary summary of the procedure, to
have supported geographies and features for teaching and                   pinpoint key ethics that can be applied to prepare,
learning (Fidan & Debbag, 2018). YouTube technology is very                document, and describe report on SLR, current
significant in education and teaching-learning process;                    resources, complement standards, and discourse the
essentially, it aids the learners’ concentration to learn, and it          data gap.
helps and increases students’ understanding and mastering
                                                                        2. To review articles on the impact of ETP on YouTube
many subjects in school (Almurashi, 2016). YouTube resources
                                                                           video technology.
aid to keep and sustain the concentration and interest of
learners in all subjects taught in the school (Ibe & Abamuche,         The above phrase was made based on preferred reporting
2019).                                                              items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA)
                                                                    model and all questions that were raised in the research.
    Educators are progressively comprehending and accepting
                                                                    Therefore, the review sequence and the writing pattern are
new methodologies of teaching, fastened with digitalization.
                                                                    elucidated, as follows.
Video YouTube is an important offshoot of digitalization,
which is leading the charge as the most versatile avenue for
content communications in the classroom and outside the             METHODOLOGY
classroom. It does not only provide numerical entertainment
but also offers a great setting for learning (Srinivasacharlu,
                                                                        SLR is a category of literature review that gathers and
                                                                    critically examines several studies, research, or articles
    YouTube video is one of the strongest apparatuses for           through a systematic procedure and technique. The main
individual learning, enjoyable and amusing globally. YouTube        reason for SLR is to offer a thorough summary of the recent
uploading and sharing of videos on its sites improve                and obtainable literature on the recent relevant research
understanding of infirmities and disabled people (Abdul Aziz        question (De La Cruz et al., 2016). However, SLR is a technique
et al., 2017).                                                      of arrangement and unification of result findings that are
    It is undisputable, the advantages of YouTube videos in         suitable and accurate standards to resolve a definite problem
supporting knowledge. YouTube usage in education is                 (Piper, 2013). It is a procedure of developing an obvious
important in order to adapt to the Internet generation.             question that utilizes rational and logical particular
YouTube use in the educational systems has to come to a trend       approaches to classifying, picking, and crucially measuring or
between lecturers and teachers, even in rural vicinity. The         calculating important investigations, and assembling and
technology of YouTube videos would make the learner more            examining the data gotten from the findings for the current
active and interactive because it will be simpler to discover a     review. SLR attempts to categorize, evaluate, classify, and
topic and new vocabulary (Nasution, 2019).                          generate realistic support that assembles pre-stipulated
   The advancements in ICT have modernized and                      suitability measures to remedy and resolve a provided research
revolutionized the perception of learning-teaching in forms of      matter.
methodology, context, and strategies of delivery of teaching.            A meta-evaluation is an arithmetical review of the data
The most significant and remarkable instrument used in              obtainable from numerous sources which seek to investigate
education in the 21st century is the technology of YouTube,         or give an answer to the identified problem (Piper, 2013). Li et
specifically in language learning (Balbay & Kilis, 2017).           al. (2020) argue that the use of performance SLR to study the
    Certainly, insufficient literature reveals the demand for an    consequences of and progresses in a specific subject is
explanation of the usage of YouTube videos in the college of        common research as on learning.
education. This study was conducted to observe how college              Consequently, in the current research, a modified PRISMA
students, especially FCE Zaria students are engaged in the use      statement model is applied for the technical procedure to
of YouTube videos in their various courses.                         examine, gather, and produce complete related info in the
                                                                    previous research to offer the state of the research.
Purpose of the Review
                                                                        Accordingly, the PRISMA data facilitates the researcher to
    The main objective of the review is to graph out the current    equip and enhance the coverage of the paper assessment
comprehension of the problem. This systematic review is             (Khan & Qureshi, 2020) and shape on designated aims of the
consolidative and reviewing of the scientific search, which         finding of the research. The example underneath shows the
aims to answer the research questions that were formulated by       inclusive and inclusion literature at each phase.
following a systematic and clear process. The research
                                                                        Figure 1 shows the methodology of our study.
questions were raised through the following procedures of
systematic literature review (SLR):                                 Searching Strategies
    1. What are the previous studies in education teachers’             A search strategy was created to find relevant articles for
       pedagogy (ELP) on YouTube video technology usage for         this systematic search: teacher pedagogy or YVCE and
       teaching learning process?                                   YouTube video channel in teaching, ICT innovation, and
    2. What are the main findings of the research in ELP on         Technology in education. The engine searching area:
       YouTube video technology?                                    ScienceDirect or Elsevier, Scopus, Springer Link, and Taylor &
                                                                    Francis online were the five https://www.sciencedirect.com/,
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                                                                      the inquiry pieces were thoroughly evaluated. The next
                                                                      rejection action was to control documents that were solely
                                                                      published in English. 12 of them were in foreign languages,
                                                                      and those have been taken out of the study.
                                                                         Additionally, 55 papers were refined and eliminated. 21
                                                                      more articles were also taken out of the study, when duplicate
                                                                      records were filtered. In total, there are 27 papers.
                                                                      Extraction of Data

                                                                          The findings are strictly only available in English and have
                                                                      only been presented at conferences, in journal articles, and
                                                                      review papers between 2012 and 2022. During the review, a
                                                                      total of 110 papers were discovered. These publications were
                                                                      investigated to determine the study’s goals. The following,
                                                                      among other things, are some of the terms associated with
                                                                      YouTube in teaching/pedagogy, Video in teaching and
                                                                      learning, and other technology interventions, as utilized in the
                                                                      earlier findings:
                                                                         1. The usage of YouTube video is improving and
                                                                            progressing students’ educational and academic
                                                                            competency, through the use of the YouTube
                                                                            application in the subject areas (Agusdianita et al.,
                                                                         2. Using YouTube videos increases students’ awareness.
                                                                            Most of the time, the relationships between students
Figure 1. Systematic review of the related literature (Source:              and their peers in online learning, help students
Authors’ own elaboration)                                                   become more conscious of how they are doing
                                                                            academically (Burgess & Green, 2018; Keryova, 2020).
https://eric.ed.gov/, https://scielo.org/, https://www.scopus.           3. YouTube video technology            improves    students’
com/sources/, and https://doaj.org/ databases employed in                   competency and fluency.
these search techniques.                                                 4. Using YouTube video technology increases students’
    Additionally, resources like Google Scholar and Web of                  proficiency and knowledge in their fields (Diliyanti et
Science were employed since we believe they are the best                    al., 2020).
databases for educational multidisciplinary research, because            5. The scientific analysis proves that the learners now
they contain bibliographic papers with full-text publishing                 have a better comprehension of their courses by
patterns across a range of fields.                                          watching their courses on YouTube video technology.
   All searches included journals, reviews, and conferences,              The text was then condensed by the writers into a table to
exclusively available in English and covered the period from          guide the review. The writers then rejected the papers that met
databases opened on 1 January 2012, through 18 October 2022.          the requirements; 28 papers were discovered and had an in-
Selection Standards                                                   depth review. Below is a review of the findings and discussion
                                                                      of the results. A summary of the studies that were reviewed is
    The main objective of the research was to map out the             shown in Table 1.
current educational pedagogy and strategies of YVCE and
technological innovation literature. The exam was thus,
limited to the subject areas, which included around 34,500            DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS
papers in education and social sciences, humanities, and arts.
The exploration was placed from 2012 through 2022. The                   Out of the 27 studies examined, seven studied university
analysis did not include any papers written before 2012. The          students, four studied kids in elementary or primary schools,
investigation focused on all countries in the world. As a result,     and 17 studied secondary, high, or college students. This
a total of 34,390 research articles were cut at this point. At this   evidence demonstrates that there is little study being done at
point, 110 records have been extracted.                               the colleges of education and faculties of education in
                                                                      universities, and educational areas, especially on
Assessment Quality
                                                                      undergraduate and NCE. In addition, only four out of the 27
    The focus of the study is recent research papers and              researchers, who conducted the research, employed YouTube
conference papers. All duplicates were thoroughly confirmed           technology in the real educational domain. To teach and study
to maintain the review’s integrity. To ensure the quality and         the usefulness of YouTube technology at all levels of
importance of the educational content included in the analytic        education, the researchers mentioned additional pertinent
technique, the abstracts of the publications were rigorously          ICT-related pedagogies, as well as information and
verified for evaluation and purification. At a later stage, all of    communication technology (Habes et al., 2019).
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Table 1. A summary of the studies that were reviewed
Author                   Title             Country Research objectives       M    P           Findings                    Limitation
                                                                                                                  It was limited to selected
                                                     To see relationship               YouTube videos help individual & restricted to TAM
              Investigating Arab DHH                  between deaf to                  deaf with caption &      variable, which was criticized
              usage of YouTube videos                  YouTube & by                  translation on screen &      by many researchers, this
Abdul Aziz                                  Saudi
              using latent variables in              applying theory of QN       90 there is a need to take a research lose focus in terms of
et al. (2017)                               Arabia
                   an acceptance                     TAM to determine               careful step in using it as methodology & analysis since
                 technology model                    merit of YouTube to               a media for teaching      it applied TAM theory then
                                                       deaf students                       deaf people.         there is need to use PLS-SEM
                                                                                                                      for data analysis.
                 Utilization of YouTube
                application in lectures to               To improve
                                                                                                                  It was too mushroom; it was
                   improve pedagogic                       student’s                      YouTube improves
Agusdianita                                                                                                      conducted in isolated schools
                  competency of PGSD       Indonesia    competency in     QL      1     student’s pedagogical
et al. (2021)                                                                                                     & in areas that do not know
                  UNIB students in the                  environmental                        competency
                  period of a COVID-19                      courses
                    Role of the visual
                                                                                           Using YouTube         Limited to one school & third
                   element in spoken
Albahiri and                                         Enhancing speaking                  enhances students’      students’ classes & study did
                    English discourse:       Saudi
Alhaj                                                 ability of students QN     48    fluency & awareness of     not talk about methodology
                     Implications for        Arabia
(2020)                                                through YouTube                     spoken English &        that should be applied when
                 YouTube technology in
                                                                                            pronunciation          using YouTube to students.
                     EFL classrooms
Albantani          Musyahadat al fidyu:                                                                         It is too narrow, its scope is in
                                                      Usage of YouTube                    Using YouTube in
and Madkur      YouTube-based teaching                                                                                 secondary school, &
                                                      videos in teaching   C      0      classroom develops
(2017)          and learning of Arabic as Indonesia                                                            correction between outcome &
                                                       Arabic language                    students’ fluency
                a foreign language (AFL)                                                                           it’s not scientific research.
                                                                                                               The sample size was too small
                 Utilization of YouTube                  Attitude of                     Using YouTube in
                                                                                                                compared to nature of school
                   as an information                   undergraduates                   teaching & learning
Almobarraz                                  Saudi                                                                  & it was conducted during
                  resource to support                towards YouTube as QN       103   process & its influence
(2018)                                      Arabia                                                               students’ holidays. Nature of
                   university courses                  an educational                       on students’
                                                                                                                  topic needs to be applied to
                                                          resource                          engagement
                                                                                                                       experimental design.
                   The effective use of
                                                                                                                 It limited itself to one angle &
                   YouTube videos for                 Using modern                        Using YouTube in
Almurashi                                                                                                            a single department & a
                  teaching the English   S/Araibia technology to learn M         53    classroom can improve
(2016)                                                                                                            limited school. Population of
                language in classroom as                 English                       students’ performance.
                                                                                                                        studies is too small.
                supplementary materials
                Students’ perceptions of
                                                   Students’ perception
                  the use of a YouTube                                                  Students are benefiting
                                                      toward using
Balbay and         channel specifically                                                  from use of YouTube It is limited to a single subject
                                          Turkey       YouTube &        QN       70
Kilis (2017)         designed for an                                                   videos as supplementary & new students in first year.
                                                      experience on
                academic speaking skills                                                       materials
                                                                                                                  It was limited to object, not
                    Interdiscursive                  Investigating inter-
                                                                                       Need for reconstructing       individual, it looks on
Bhatia           performance in digital              discursive structure
                                            Japan                            C   46    nature of YouTube for       uploaded YouTube on site
(2018)          professions: The case of                of tutorials on
                                                                                        Japanese institution       without applying a single
                   YouTube tutorials                       YouTube
                                                                                                                    statistical data analysis.
                      Assessing the                                                  Performance of students
                 effectiveness of using                                                doubles as a result of    It is limited to one school, &
                  YouTube videos in                    Investigation of                   using YouTube.          one subject & population is
Bohloko et      teaching the chemistry     Lesotho       open source                   YouTube can replace too scanty. It was applied with
                                                                             E   109
al. (2019)         of group I and VII                YouTube video loch               traditional methods of       any technique of teaching
                   elements in a high                on chemistry subject               teaching. Teachers     chemistry as a sample. It limits
                   school in Lesotho                                                 should train to integrate          scope of research.
                   Connecting music                                                                             It is not scientific in nature &
                                                     To see workability of              YouTube improves
Cayari           education and virtual                                                                            researcher does not have a
                                             USA      YouTube on music       C    0   students’ performance
(2018)           performance practices                                                                         good direction for research, he
                                                         performance                      in music classes
                     from YouTube                                                                              could not explain issue clearly.
Abubakar & Muhammed / Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(1), ep2301                                 5 / 11

Table 1 (Continued). A summary of the studies that were reviewed
Author                  Title          Country Research objectives M                P           Findings                     Limitation
              Are instructor generated
                                                                                        Evidence reveals using
                   YouTube videos                                                                                Limited to a particular level &
                                                  Whether YouTube                      YouTube video improves
               effective in accounting                                                                             subject, it did not consider
                                                instructors improve                     students’ performance.
D’Aquila et      classes? A study of                                                                                students’ performance &
                                                      students’       QL           246 However, students like
al. (2019)    students’ performance,                                                                               analysis of data is not quite
                                                   performance in                      YouTube videos but they
                    engagement,                                                                                  clear. It needs to be conducted
                                                 accounting classes                    do not want it to replace
                   motivation, and                                                                                       on a larger scale.
                                                                                         traditional teaching.
                                                Objective of study is
                                                 to explore merit of                                               It was limited to lectures
                   The potential of
                                                YouTube as teaching                      YouTube can be used in without involving students.
DeWitt et al. YouTube for teaching
                                       Malaysia   material on art &   QN           20       teaching art &      Need for large research should
(2013)           and learning in the
                                                performing art & to                         performing art      be done & respondents should
                   performing arts
                                                 stimulate students’                                                     be a student.
                                                                             YouTube video can serve
                                                                                                                     It is talking about informal
                                                                                    as a forum for
                                                                                                                       interaction of students’
                                                 Examine YouTube                   collaboration &
             An empirical analysis of                                                                              comments on YouTube, which
                                                      embedded                 interaction of students
Dubovi and        knowledge co-                                                                                     did not talk about measuring
                                       Israel       comments &       QN 1530 through their comments
Tabak (2020) construction in YouTube                                                                                   actual learning, which is
                                                mitigated limitation            & it can be used as a
                    comments                                                                                          paramount & is needed in
                                                    of comments                 suggestion & relaxed
                                                                                                                    teaching cycle. However, it is
                                                                                  space for science
                                                                                                                        limited to one subject.
                                                                                 Lack of compressive
                                                                                                                   It is conceptual, not empirical
               Use of YouTube as a                                              materials on YouTube
                                                  Examine quality                                                        & there is a need for
Farag et al.   resource for surgical                                             that can be used for
                                      Australia video on YouTube      C  0                                          conducting same research in
(2020)         education–clarity or                                          surgery & there is a need
                                                     for surgical                                                  teaching & learning process in
                    confusion                                                 for experience surgeons
                                                                                  to upload videos.
              The usage of video blog
                                                   Using Vlog in             Pre-service teachers felt
Fidan and      (vlog) in the “school                                                                               Limited to pre-service teacher
                                                 university courses             shy to upload a short
Debbag       experience” course: The Turkey                          QL 14                                           & it did not talk on side of
                                                    for effecting            video on YouTube video
(2018)         pre-service teachers’                                                                                          students.
                                                 learning-teaching                   technology.
                                                                                                                     Limited to one subject & it
                      YouTube in the                    Students’ perception             Students’ perceptions of
Fleck et al.                                                                                                      applied SPSS for data analysis,
                  classroom: Helpful tips     USA       of use of YouTube in QL    85       YouTube video are
(2014)                                                                                                            it needs to use PLS-SEM owing
                  and student perceptions                    classroom                           positive.
                                                                                                                     to research applied theory.
                                                                                            Using YouTube in       No data has been analyzed &
                   Using YouTube video:
Gunada and                                              Using YouTube IT-                    teaching process      it is limited to an area that is
                   An IT-based media to
Wayan                                       Australia    based to improve     C     0      enhance & improve       not scientific, nature of topic
                    improve students’
(2017)                                                  students’ speaking               students speaking skills    needs to apply experiment
                      speaking skills
                                                                                              using YouTube.                   research.
                   The relation between                    Perception of
                                                                                          Students can manage       Limitation of it is limited to a
                     social media and                    students on social
Habes et al.                                                                             YouTube & importance       single feature of YouTube &
                    student’s academic       Jordan        media & their      QN   360
(2019)                                                                                       of bookmark on          neglects other features that
                  performance in Jordan:                     academic
                                                                                                 YouTube                    are important.
                   YouTube perspective                      performance
                                                                                                                  It took respondents that have
                  Teaching vocabulary to                 Focusing on how                 Pupils become happy
                                                                                                                   no experience & focused on
                   young learners using                 pupils are engaged             when usage of YouTube
Hariyono                                                                                                         one subject, population was so
                   video on YouTube at      Indonesia      in learning        QL    7   videos motivated them
(2020)                                                                                                            mega, & variables are too big
                      English course                      vocabulary on                 & classroom is lively &
                                                                                                                       for respondent & no
                                                            YouTube                            amusing.
                                                                                                                  correction to topic & finding.
                                                                                                                     Limited to one feature of
                                                           Learning skill                                            YouTube & it did not talk
                     Impact of YouTube
                                                           development                                              about process of classroom
                      tutorials in skill                                                Tutorials on YouTube
Iftikhar et al.                                         through tutorials on                                       tutorials & methodology of
                    development among       Pakistan                         QN    400 helps students with their
(2019)                                                   YouTube & impact                                              applying YouTube as
                   university students of                                               academic performance
                                                           of tutorials on                                        instructional material. It does
                                                           YouTube site                                            not have a theory & it needs
                                                                                                                 theory, way topic is structured.
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Table 1 (Continued). A summary of the studies that were reviewed
Author                 Title          Country Research objectives         M     P           Findings                       Limitation
              YouTube usage in the                                                                                Finding of it is not clear, but
                                                 YouTube as a                              YouTube for
Jackman      university classroom: An                                                                             they also know how YouTube
                                       Spain  summarizing course          E    75    clarification of difficult
(2019)           argument for its                                                                                    can be used to facilitate
                                                 in psychology                                concept
               pedagogical benefits                                                                                          learning.
                                                                                        Finding of it showed
                                                   Investigate students’             students use online data
                                                       perceptions of                    for their academic   It is limited to a single subject
              YouTube: An emerging                      YouTube for                  purpose & that YouTube & population of it is too mega,
                 tool in anatomy          UAE       learning anatomy & QN      91      videos are considered      it needs to apply a mixed
                    education                      identify resources on                 effective tools for     method using interview &
                                                        YouTube for                    teaching anatomy &        experimental techniques.
                                                     teaching anatomy                  YouTube supporting
                                                                                      independent learning.
                                                        Comparing &
             YouTube acceptance by                                                 YouTube makes students Personal gender, personality,
                                                      predicting factors
Jung and Lee university educators and                                               happy, & it can be used & age were not considered in
                                         Japan     influencing YouTube QN      569
(2015)          students: A cross-                                                   as a teaching tool in   it. Limited in one cultural
                                                        acceptance to
               cultural perspective                                                         school.                length of people.
                                                    university students
                                                         To improve
             The effects of YouTube                                                  Findings displayed that
                                                        vocabulary &                                                 It was limited to an only
                 in multimedia                                                        YouTube plays a vital
                                                     comprehension &                                                 foreign language that is,
Kabooha and      instruction for         Saudi                                          role in student’s
                                                    retention of English E     100                                   English & limited to one
Elyas (2018)  vocabulary learning:       Arabia                                          acquisition of
                                                        in a particular                                             single-sex (female) & also
               Perceptions of EFL                                                         vocabulary &
                                                     university by using                                          limited to intermediate class.
             students and teachers                                                        achievement.
                                                       YouTube video
               Exploring the use of
                                                                                                                    It is not on education & it
                                                     Availability of                    Need for uploading            focuses on hygiene, no
Lim et al.      education YouTube
                                                   YouTube videos on      C    40     videos on YouTube on         scientific research has been
(2018)           videos focused on        USA
                                                        health                            health hygiene          applied & it was conducted in
             infection prevention and
                                                                                   Result creates awareness
                                                                                        among lecturers &
                                                                                    academic institutions to
                                                      Effect of social                                            Limited to two races, Chines &
                                                                                         use YouTube as a
              Facebook and YouTube                   media addiction                                               Malays, without considering
                                                                                        supplementary & a
Moghavvemi addiction: The usage                         YouTube &                                                  other students & it is limited
                                        Malaysia                          QN   239 complementary tool for
et al. (2017)  pattern of Malaysian                   Facebook, their                                             to addition without looking at
                                                                                   instruction. Students use
                     students                       effect on student’s                                               impact of YouTube on
                                                                                     it for entertainment &
                                                      academic lives                                                  academic performance.
                                                                                           to maintain a
                                                                                       relationship in their
                  Social media as a
                                                  Analyzing students’              Entertainment YouTube    It is limited to students
              complementary learning
Moghavvemi                                            perceptions of                 video give student  without involving teachers &
                tool for teaching and    Malaysia                       MI     351
et al. (2018)                                     YouTube videos for                improvement in their  it is in one variable & not
                learning: The case of
                                                   learning materials              academic performance.         education cycle.
               The use of YouTube to                                                     YouTube improves         Limited to one aspect & it was
Monkhouse improve students’ acuity                Evaluating students’                 students’ performance      not collected data by nature of
and Forbes and analytic skills in the Australia music performances C            0      in music & there are a      topic it needs to be empirical
(2015)         discussion of issues in                 on YouTube                    lot of materials on music      paper using mixed method,
                 music performance                                                          on YouTube.             population should be wider.
                  An evaluation of                Assessing impact of                 Potentiality of YouTube
                                                                                                                  Narrowed in one angle & skill,
Olasina         educational values of     South        YouTube on                        to improve skill of
                                                                        QN     40                                 process of study is insufficient
(2017)           YouTube videos for       Africa    academic writing                  writing & be applied in
                                                                                                                      for current situation.
                  academic writing                     performance                           instruction.
                                                   Using YouTube to                      Findings of it show
                                                                                                                  It was limited to injection, not
                                                    learn injection in                 negative results owing
                YouTube videos as an                                                                               in teaching cycle & research
                                                  medical school & to                  to 76% of respondents
              educational resource for                                                                            was not in Africa & population
Ozsaban et                                         evaluate reliability                   failed, & finally,
               ventrolateral injection:  Turkey                         QN     26                                   of it is too small. However,
al. (2021)                                        & content quality of                  statements of result
              A content, reliability and                                                                             danger of rise shows it is a
                                                   using YouTube on                   showed danger of using
                   quality analysis                                                                                great threat to use YouTube
                                                       ventrolateral                      YouTube to learn
                                                                                                                             for learning.
                                                         injection                            injection.
Abubakar & Muhammed / Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(1), ep2301                                 7 / 11

Table 1 (Continued). A summary of the studies that were reviewed
Author                    Title           Country Research objectives      M     P           Findings                         Limitation
                                                                                                                  Limited to one department, it
                                                                                                                 was conducted during COVID-
                                                                                          YouTube gives
                     YouTube usage                                                                               19 with no movement & scope
                                                     Examine YouTube                  opportunity to express
Pasha et al.       motivation among                                                                                 was too small compared to
                                         Pakistan    video motivation      QN   105    their views & it gives
(2021)             students: Uses and                                                                                    nature of country &
                                                    among teenagers IG                 motivation means to
                  gratification analysis                                                                          university. It needs to expand
                                                                                           build carrier.
                                                                                                                   in a large community & on a
                                                                                                                         different continent.
                                                       Possibility of                 YouTube videos have a        Limited to selected YouTube
                  Science on YouTube:
Pattier (2021)                             Spain    applying YouTube in     E    41      significant role on        channels, one university, &
                  Successful edutubers
                                                     teaching sciences                students’ performance.                  one subject.
                                                                                                                 It was limited to students & it
                                                    Can YouTube video
                 The effectiveness of                                                 YouTube can be used by     was conducted during COVID-
                                                    serve as a medium
Rahmatika et al.   YouTube as an                                                      teacher. YouTube can be       19 and it did not talk about
                                      Indonesia       for teaching &       QL    10
(2021)             online learning                                                    used as a learning media       way that it can be used in
                                                     learning process
                        media                                                                 at home.            learning process. Respondent
                                                    during COVID-19?
                                                                                                                             is too scanty.
                                                                                                                  It does not have a focus & no
                    Use of YouTube-                                                      Using YouTube in          scientific approach has been
                    based videos to                  Merits of YouTube                classroom can bring an       applied to research. There is
Riswandi (2020)                            India                            C    0
                   improve students’                       video                         effective learning      need to have research on same
                     speaking skills                                                          process.               title as applying scientific
                                                                                       YouTube can play an            From all angles, it is not
Srinivasacharlu    Using YouTube in                  Exploring merit of
                                           India                            C    0       important role in       scientific, it lacked direction &
(2020)            colleges of education             YouTube in colleges
                                                                                       students’ academics.            no correction to topic.
                      Social media
                                                 Critical & systematic                                        Limited to a single subject that
                      analytics for                                                It’s possible to get music
Thelwall                                          investigation to get                                           is popular & scope is too
                 YouTube comments:        UK                            QN 31        sub-topic on YouTube
 (2018)                                           insights on topics in                                       narrow, method of it should be
                     Potentials and                                                        channels.
                                                        YouTube                                                  mixed by nature of topic.
Note. M: Method; P: Population; C: Conceptual; QN: Quantitative; QL: Qualitative; MI: Mixed; & E: Experimental

    Other authors from the review employed YouTube                        learning with YouTube video features and designs and
technology in English language. The students have been                    investigate digital awareness and students’ interaction (Habes
greatly helped by YouTube and other internet resources, to                et al., 2019). As a result, the development and usage of the
increase their language proficiency, particularly in English              YouTube technology platform to ease students’ understanding
language (Diliyanti et al., 2020).                                        (Ibe & Abamuche, 2019), and feedback from the usage of
    The results show that there are many different ways to use            YouTube technology to boost students’ and instructors’
YouTube technology nowadays, including interactive                        confidence, offer encouragement, and motivation and give
whiteboards (Ayub et al., 2012). Majority of the publications             chance for presenting opportunities for reviewing, planning
discussing the use of YouTube technology and pedagogy                     and implementation of the current curriculum subjects (Asif et
technology, have not fully talked about the usage of YouTube              al., 2017).
in education or micro-teaching subjects in education. The                    For students, receiving instructions via YouTube video
functions of YouTube technology in the teaching-learning                  technology would undoubtedly increase their best
process, instruction, and comprehension, modify how                       performance and motivation (Pasha et al., 2021).
students learn, and promote an increase in student discoveries                On YouTube, Kabooha and Elyas (2018) suggested on
and understanding (Yong et al., 2019).                                    YouTube platforms, summative evaluation of pre-service
    Additionally, it gives students access to a wide range of             instructors might improve the culture of students’
uncommon solution sets, even in Mathematics education, and                understanding. Moreover, with YouTube video technology,
allows them to experiment and build their awareness and                   teachers can get tangible materials that can be applied in their
understanding without the teacher’s intervention. YouTube                 teaching for the students to get a good understanding, which
technology resolutions, graphics, or pictures help students               is beneficial and gorgeous for teachers, as the platform for
acquire knowledge and change their mindsets about                         facilitating learning (Nofrika, 2019).
challenges in a subject that is typically viewed as difficult.                The key major determinants of the educational benefits of
   Table 2 shows the research on the use of YouTube                       integrating technology include instructors’ roles and
technology in the teaching-learning process It is crucial to              motivational beliefs, and the ability of the teacher for
reevaluate how teachers affect students’ academics through                manipulating YouTube technology would enhance students’
the use of YouTube technological competence and fluency                   interest in learning (Abdul Aziz et al., 2021).
(Albahiri & Alhaj, 2020). Incorporate pedagogical theories into
8 / 11                      Abubakar & Muhammed / Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(1), ep2301

Table 2. Research on the use of YouTube technology in the teaching-learning process
Instrument of YouTube Technology                                                                             Results
                                                                             YouTube Video technology project is developed & carried out in
Alhamami (2013)         Observation of YouTube language learning videos      languages it aims to boost instructors’ self-confidence & making
                                                                                                    a reasonable evaluation.
                        Students’ perspectives towards using YouTube in          Methodology & students’ perspective toward YouTube as a
Alkathiri (2019)
                        improving EFL learners’ motivation to speak                    component of learning skills have to be improved.
                                                                                  It conducted in Saudi Arabia shows how students can use
                        Utilization of YouTube as an information resource     YouTube to ease some concepts that are difficult to understand,
Almobarraz (2018)
                        to support university courses                            & there is a necessity to analyze Saudi Arabian instructors’
                                                                                results on students’ understanding through YouTube usage.
                        Exploring high school students’ educational use of     There is a need to incorporate real pedagogical rudiments into
Bardakci (2019)
                        YouTube                                                              new innovational design in teaching.
                        The potential of YouTube for teaching and                Students should independently make research on YouTube
DeWitt et al. (2013)
                        learning in the performing arts                                based learning on what they have learned in class.
                        YouTube in the classroom: Helpful tips and                  It focuses on YouTube usage in classroom, & students’
Fleck et al. (2014)
                        student perceptions                                                       perception. It is nice indeed.
                                                                              Use of YouTube videos to train students is currently attempting
Gaudin and Chaliès      Video viewing in teacher education and
                                                                                   to become standard practice in educational institutions,
(2015)                  professional development: A literature review
                                                                                              especially in education of teachers.
Gormley and McDermott How social bookmarking can help the 21st century            It was strictly on YouTube bookmarking & did not look at
(2010)                teacher                                                      student’s roles & other features of YouTube technology.
Jaffar (2012)         YouTube: An emerging tool in anatomy education                          Anatomy education encouragement.
                      Compulsive YouTube usage: A comparison of use                 YouTube plays a vital role in students’ personalities &
Klobas et al. (2018)
                      motivation and personality effects                                 motivational ego to achieve academic purpose.
                      Use of YouTube-based videos to improve students’       An excellent presentation on YouTube video technology used to
Riswandi (2016)
                      speaking skills                                            improve students’ speaking skills has been done on paper.

    Additionally, teachers must acquire and utilize various             using technological intervention and manipulatives. As a
current digital tools at their institution to guide students in         result, it is crucial to pay close attention to other study areas,
learning. As a result, the development of YouTube technology            such as using YouTube as an instrument for teaching
has a moderating effect on the teaching-learning process                Mathematics, fluency/competency in languages and more
across all courses. Enhancing interactive learning, surveys,            specifically using YouTube to teach Arabic language and the
inquiries, cooperation, and independent student learning are            Holy Qur’an in Tsangaya Islamic School and even Modern
all examples of effective YouTube technology utilization                Islamic School.
(Gaudin & Chaliès, 2015).
Limitations                                                             CONCLUSION
   Numerous countries are represented in the nominated
investigations. As a result, there are fewer research studies in            The TYTVC was evaluated in this review. The complete
the field of education and the majority are in the health sector        scenario in the literature review was demonstrated using a
and universities, few were conducted in a particular subject            modified PRISMA framework (data extraction, quality
not in education in general, than there are in language                 assessment, selection criteria, and search strategies), and 39
subjects. The gap is in the field of education, region,                 out of 320 papers met the requirements. Only English-
geographical location, country, and colleges (Federal Colleges          language publications, reviews, and conference papers from
of Education in Nigeria). No single research has been                   previous studies were allowed for data extraction. Results of
conducted in Federal Colleges of Education in Nigeria on the            the conversation regarding the subject matter and the
usage of YouTube as means of teaching and learning cycles               YouTube video technology in an educational setting revealed
(Abubakar & Balarabe, 2021).                                            a successful conclusion. The reviewed articles’ summaries
    Nevertheless, it is only one study conducted in the college         provided evidence to support the conclusions of the
of education in India, and the research is conceptual, not              methodological assessment. Thus, the review’s goals, certain
empirical. Several experiments were conducted using one or              restrictions, and potential next steps were explored.
more frameworks, while other studies used the same                      Additionally, majority of writers concentrate on institutions
circumstances, but different learning philosophies (Lim et al.,         and health centers.
2018).                                                                       Author contributions: All co-authors have involved in all stages
                                                                             of this study while preparing the final version. They all agree with
                                                                             the results and conclusions.
    According to the present systematic review, YouTube in                   Funding: No external funding is received for this article.
the teaching and learning process, usage of YouTube for                      Ethics declaration: Authors declared that the ethics committee
instructional materials, and YouTube video technology in                     approval was not applicable to this study since it is a review of
pedagogy are the main focus of research studies in the fields of             existing literature.
education, with an emphasis on colleges, and universities                    Declaration of interest: The authors declare that they have no
                                                                             competing interests.
Abubakar & Muhammed / Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 3(1), ep2301                        9 / 11

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