A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure

Page created by Audrey Buchanan
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department of

Activities Brochure
Summer 2019

     A Season for Pleasin’
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department of Parks and Recreation
           Class Registrations                                                      Table of Contents
Registrations for all Town of Hempstead classes are
now computerized. To register for Town of Hempstead            Adventure Tours ...............................................................27
classes, go to hempsteadtown.com/parks and create a            ANCHOR Program ..............................................................3
TOH family account, if you have not a ready done so.           Aquatics
Please note, you may already have an account if you               Competitive Diving........................................................17
have registered online in the past several months for             Junior Lifeguarding........................................................17
a parks class or program, paid your TOH water bill or             Learn to Swim................................................................16
applied for a TOH parking permit. For step-by-step                Lifeguard Job Interviews...............................................17
instructions, please click the link provided on the site.         Summer Swim Teams...................................................17
Acceptable forms of payment are the following:                 Athletics
Debit/credit cards or electronic check. Third-party pro-          Basketball League (Adult Men)....................................19
cessing fees apply to all registrants, no exceptions. These       Cardio Tennis.................................................................20
fees, along with class fees, are non-refundable.                  High School Girls Softball.............................................19
                                                                  High School Soccer.......................................................19
          Online Registrations                                    Pickleball........................................................................20
Class sizes will be limited and registration is on a first        Tennis Tournament & Adult Tennis Lessons.....19,20
come, first served basis. Registration begins at the desig-       Youth School Lacrosse.................................................19
nated dates listed below and ends two weeks after each         Beach and Pool Information ..........................................22
class starts. Every effort will be made, if time permits, to   Beach Volleyball ...............................................................21
reschedule any classes canceled due to weather related
                                                               Children’s Events
conditions. Adult class participants must be 18 years and
                                                                  Basketball Clinic..............................................................3
older, except where noted.
                                                                  Free Children’s Shows..................................................26
Physical Fitness, Cultural Arts                                   Kids Yoga..................................................................18,19
                                                                  Lacrosse Academy..........................................................7
and Youth Programs:                                               Pickleball for Kids.....................................................18,19
Begins Wednesday, May 22 at 12:00 noon. In person
                                                                  Summer Playground Activities......................................18
assistance for online registration will be available from
                                                                  Youth Golf Lessons..................................................18,19
12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m. on May 22 at Echo Park, West
                                                                  Youth Tennis Lessons...................................................18
Hempstead. Phone assistance will be available during
the same time frame by calling (516) 292-9000.                 Cultural Arts Class Descriptions.............................12 & 13
                                                               Cultural Arts Class Schedules.................................14 & 15
Athletics:                                                     Cultural Arts Concerts
Begins Tuesday, June 4 at 12:00 noon. In person assis-            Beach Concert & Fireworks..........................................28
tance for online registration will be available from 12:00        Neighborhood Concert Series............................... 4 & 5
noon to 7:00 p.m. on May 22 at Merrick Road Golf Course.
Phone assistance will be available during the same time
                                                                  Echo Park Indoor Pool Complex .................................22
frame by calling (516) 292-9000.                                  Lido Golf Course - 18 holes..........................................23
Aquatics Online Registration: (Ages vary)                         Listing of Parks..............................................................15
Tuesday, June 18 at 6:00 p.m. In person assistance for            Merrick Road Golf Course - 9 holes.............................23
online registration will be available from 6:00 p.m. to           Newbridge Arena (Ice Rink)............................................6
9:00 p.m. on the same day at Echo Park in West Hemp-              Rock Hall Museum ..................................................24,25
stead. Phone assistance will be available during the           Physical Fitness Class Descriptions .........................8 & 9
same time frame by calling (516) 565-0508. Registration        Physical Fitness Class Schedules .........................10 & 11
ends first day of class. Lessons will not be made up.          Rules and Regulations .......................................................3
                                  Stay on the                  Sponsors ..............................................................................5
                                   “ball” with                 Triathlon ..............................................................................28
                               parks information
                             at hempsteadny.gov
 2                                  Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department of Parks and Recreation

                                                                         Free Basketball Clinics
           Rules                Regulations                              for Boys and Girls, ages 6-13
                   FOR PARTICIPATION IN ALL
                                                                         Instructors for the Long Island Nets professional basketball
                                                                         organization will be conducting FREE hoops clinics this
1) Courses will be held subject to a minimum registration of             summer at three town parks. The basketball clinics will
15 people (except swim, which is 6 people). For information on           focus on the fundamentals of basketball like passing, drib-
programs or registrations, call (516) 292-9000: AQUATICS,                bling, shooting and footwork in a fun atmosphere. Partici-
ext. 7239 -­ ATHLETICS, ext. 7257 or 7245 - CULTURAL                     pants are limited to two clinic dates, as space is limited.
ARTS, ext. 7382, PHYSICAL FITNESS, ext. 7266, and YOUTH                  Registration is limited to TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD resi-
PROGRAMS, ext. 7544.                                                     dents only. All clinics will take place outdoors and will not
2) Proof of Town residency is required for registration and              be rescheduled in case of bad weather.
participation in all events and pool memberships. A current (less        Registration will be conducted online and begin on Tues-
than three months old) telephone bill, electric bill, deed, lease or
                                                                         day, May 21 at 9 a.m. To register, go to hempsteadtown.
driver’s license with two forms of identification will serve as proof.
                                                                         com/parks and create a family TOH account, if you have
3) All registrations are online except where indicated.                  not already done so. You may already have an account
4) Reduced registration fees and pool admission discounts                if you have registered online in the past several months
extended to: current Military Service Personnel with proper mili-        for a parks class or program, paid your TOH water bill or
tary identification; Veterans with a copy of honorable discharge         applied for a parking permit.
certificate, DD form 214, VA card or membership card from a rec-
ognized veteran’s organization; the Physically Challenged with a         Limit 75 participants for each clinic date. For more in-
New York State Department of Parks and Recreation Access Pass            formation, e-mail vsparaccio@tohmail.org or call 292-
or Nassau County Recreation and Parks Leisure Pass for the               9000, ext. 7245.
physically challenged; Senior Citizens (ages 60 and up); volun-
                                                                         LONG ISLAND NETS CLINIC SCHEDULE
teer firefighters; volunteer ambulance corps members; auxiliary
police officers; and children ages 5 to 9.                               (All times are 10-11:30 a.m.)
5) Children under 10 years of age MUST be accompanied by                 Saturday, June 8
a parent or guardian during program participation.                       Baldwin Park
6) For Cultural Arts - Adventure Tours and Performing Arts               3232 S. Grand Ave, Baldwin Harbor
events (including lectures, children shows) - we encourage               Saturday, July 20
all patrons to purchase tickets in advance. NO discounts for             Newbridge Road Park
children’s shows. Personal checks or money orders, payable to            2600 Newbridge Road, Bellmore
the Town of Hempstead, must include the name, address and
telephone number of the person who is purchasing tickets. Mail           Sunday, August 4
to: Town of Hempstead Dept. of Parks and Recreation - 200 N.             Veterans Memorial Park
Franklin Street, Hempstead NY 11550. Please include a self-              1700 Prospect Ave, East Meadow
addressed stamped envelope with your check.
7) Programs will not be held on Town and certain religious
holidays. Contact your course instructor for details.
                                                                         ANCHOR Program
                                                                           ANCHOR (Answering the Needs of Citizens with Handicaps
8) The Town reserves the right to change a schedule, registra-
tion or fees, and to cancel, reschedule or modify any course or
                                                                         through Organized Recreation) is a comprehensive, year-
program. The Town is not responsible for printing errors in this         round recreation program serving over 1,200 children and
publication.                                                             adults with special needs. Town residents five years of
9) Hours of facility operation subject to change.
                                                                         age and over with developmental disabilities may apply for
                                                                         admission to the ANCHOR program.
10) No refunds for programs, performances or admissions.
                                                                           ANCHOR is best known for its summer day camp at
11) A family pool membership will consist of a married couple
and any unmarried, dependent children, up to age 21, resid-
                                                                         Lido Beach Town Park. The 725 camp participants enjoy
ing in the same household. Full-time college students may be             an array of athletic, aquatic and cultural programs, as well
included in a family pool membership. Proof that the individual          as field trips and special events. This year’s camp runs
is a full-time student must be submitted.                                from Monday, July 8 to Friday, August 16 (weekdays only).
                                                                              For information & applications for new participants:
                                                                                        the ANCHOR mailing address is:
            PLEASE READ ALL RULES                                                      ANCHOR, Lido Beach Town Park,
          & REGULATIONS CAREFULLY!                                                    630 Lido Blvd., Lido Beach, NY 11561
                                                                                             or call (516) 431-6946.

                                          Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                                       3
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department Cultural
                                           of Parks Arts
                                                    and Recreation

                                                       Tuesday, July 16
                                                       You are going to want to “Walk this Way” to hear
                                                       Last Child pay tribute to Aerosmith at Averill Blvd
                                                       Park, Elmont.
                                                       Wednesday, July 17
                                                       “Say, Say, Say” it’s going to be a great night as
                                                       Sir Paul plays the hits of Paul McCartney at Rock
June 29, 2019                                          Hall Museum, Lawrence.

     THAT 70’s BAND
The Annual Independence Salute
                                                       Thursday, July 18 (*SPECIAL TIME 7:30 p.m.*)
                                                       Plaza Theatrical Production presents…Mamma
                                                       Mia at Oceanside Park, Oceanside.
with fireworks by VOLT LIVE and a “Salute to
Veterans” at Town Park Point Lookout, 7:30 p.m.        Friday, July 19
Rain date, June 30.                                    No need to cruise the Miracle Mile because
                                                       Songs in the Attic – the music of Billy Joel featur-
                                                       ing David Clark will be performing here at the East
Wednesday, July 10                                     Village Green, Levittown.
You will “Feel the Love Tonight” as Sir Elton plays
the hits of Elton John at Newbridge Road Park,         Tuesday, July 23
Bellmore.                                              Teresa McClean performs the hits from Connie
                                                       Francis to Dusty Springfield & from Whitney
                                                       Houston to Celine Dion at Mill Brook, Valley
                                                       Wednesday, July 24
                                                       Dance the night away with Kamellot at Coes
                                                       Neck Park, Baldwin.
                                                       Thursday, July 25
                                                       There will be “A Moon Out Tonight” as The Capris
                                                       go back in time at Rath Park, Franklin Square.
                                                       Friday, July 26
Thursday, July 11                                      We will have to wait “Till Then” to see Emil
Take a “Holiday” with Material Girl featuring Am-      Stucchio & the Classics at Hewlett Pt. Park,
ber Ferrari as she pays tribute to Madonna, Lady       East Rockaway.
Gaga & others at Forest City Park, Wantagh.            Tuesday, July 30
                                                       Let’s show a little “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.” as the Aretha
Friday, July 12
                                                       Franklin Tribute Show “The Atlantic Years” pays
The Doobie Others will be “Takin’ it to the Streets”
                                                       tribute to the Queen of Soul, Ms. Aretha Franklin at
with the hits of the Doobie Brothers at Seamans
                                                       Echo Park, West Hempstead.
Neck Park, Seaford.
 4                              Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department Cultural
                                          of Parks Arts
                                                   and Recreation
Wednesday, July 31                                  Friday, August 9
You will be “Hooked on a Feeling” with 45 RPM.      You’ll be “Dancing” when the NY Bee Gees
Come see the Happiest Band on Earth at Merrick      perform the hits of the Bee Gees at East Village
Rd. Park, Merrick.
                                                    Green, Levittown.
Thursday, August 1
Enjoy the sounds of “Motown” & more with            Tuesday, August 13
Jerome “City” Smith at Harold Walker Memorial       Dance and rock the night away with Witch’s Brew
Park, Lakeview.                                     at Oceanside Park, Oceanside.

Friday, August 2                                    Wednesday, August 14
The “Ramblin’ Man” will be in town as the Allmost   A night of Klezmer music with Metropolitan
Brothers pay tribute to the Allman Brothers at      Klezmer band at Rock Hall Museum, Lawrence.
Shell Creek Park, Island Park.
                                                    Thursday, August 15
                                                    “We’re Truckin’” with a little “Sugar Magnolia” as
                                                    Half Step performs the hits of the Grateful Dead at
                                                    Echo Park, West Hempstead.

                                                    Friday, August 16
                                                    From Sinatra to Bocelli, enjoy the sounds of the
                                                    Classic Pop Tenor, Elio Scaccio at Rath Park,
                                                    Franklin Square.
                                                    Tuesday, August 20
                                                    There will be “Something in the Air” as
                                                    PsuedoSudio performs the hits of Phil Collins at
                                                    Merrick Rd. Park, Merrick.

Saturday, August 3                                  Wednesday, August 21
(*SPECIAL TIME 7:30 p.m.*)                          You will want to “Take It Easy” as Desert Highway
We welcome you with “Open Arms” as Any Way          plays the hits of the Eagles at Seamans Neck
You Want It performs the hits of Journey.           Park, Seaford.
Fireworks will end the night at Baldwin Park,
                                                    Thursday, August 22
Baldwin Harbor.
                                                    There will be a “Heat Wave” as Blue Bayou
Tuesday, August 6                                   perform the hits of Linda Ronstadt at Hewlett
There will be “Nowhere to Run” when the Ladies      Point Park, East Rockaway.
of Motown hit the stage at Uniondale Ave Park,
Uniondale.                                          Friday, August 23
                                                    Beginnings is a “Hard Habit to Break” as they
Wednesday, August 7                                 perform the hits of Chicago at Newbridge Road
Enjoy the sounds of “Motown” & more with            Park, Bellmore.
Jerome “City” Smith at Roosevelt Pool,
Roosevelt.                                                                Sponsors

Thursday, August 8
You will feel “Wonderful Tonight” as Bell Bottom                                     Agent Dara Crawford
Blues plays the hits of Eric Clapton at Speno                                        Agent David Crawford

Park, East Meadow.
                                                      Agent Fran D’Alia
                                                     Agent E.J. Cassano

                              Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                          5
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department of Parks and Recreation

                                                                               Public Skating Rates
                                                                         Friday Nights, Weekends & Holidays
                                                                  General Admission..................................................$9.00
                                                                  Town of Hempstead Resident................................$7.00
                                                                  (with proof of residency)
                                                                  Veterans, Current Military, Police, Firefighters &

Newbridge Arena
                                                                  Volunteer Ambulance............................................. $5.00
                                                                  Skate Rental.............................................................$4.00
                                                                  After School Special (Weekdays Before 6 p.m.)
           National Rink Management                               General Admission..................................................$6.00
        2600 Newbridge Road, Bellmore                             Town of Hempstead Resident................................$4.00
      783-6181 (Rink Office-Skating School)                       (with proof of residency)
                                                                  Veterans, Current Military, Police, Firefighters &                               i
              783-0215 (Pro Shop)                                 Volunteer Ambulance............................................. $3.00           i
           www.newbridgearena.com                                 Non-Resident Seniors.............................................$5.00           a
   Newbridge Arena offers year-round ice skating fun for the      Children Under 5 (with paid adult).........................FREE                  i
entire family with birthday parties, skate rentals, snack bar     Skate Rental.............................................................$4.00
and a full service pro shop as well. Youth group, Scout troop                                                                                      a
and charter discounts are available by calling (516) 783-6181.   FREE Skating at Newbridge Arena
Ice skating instruction, from beginner to freestyle and hockey     The only ice left from a long, cold winter is on the rink at
lessons are taught as well. Freestyle skating instruction from   beautiful Newbridge Arena. This summer, youngsters from 5
the premier professionals on Long Island. Private lessons are    to 16 years of age can enjoy FREE skating and FREE skate                          o
available for all programs. All program dates, times and fees    rentals from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons, July                      t
subject to change.                                               10 to August 14. Beat the heat with an “ice” day at Newbridge                     s
                                                                 Arena. Open to Town of Hempstead youngsters ONLY. Call                            c
Summer Basic Skills Group Skating Lessons                        (516) 783-6181 for more information. Residents only, no groups.                   t
A six-week, Learn to Skate program (beginner to                                                                                                    a
advanced) for recreational, hockey and figure skaters.                                                                                             a
Pre-school through adults. Lessons are held on
Wednesdays from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., beginning July 10.
Space is limited.                                                                                                                                  S
Registration: Begins at noon on June 13.                                                                                                           o
Fee:             $105 - ages 5 to adult                                                                                                            7
                 $105 - pre-school         Summer                                                                                                  l
                 $120 - Cubs                Special
                 $15 - skate rental
                                                                 Fall/Winter Recreational Ice Hockey League
                                                                   League activity consists of 22 hours of ice time,
Summer Youth Hockey House League                                 including single elimination playoffs. Each team will have
For children ages 5 to 16, Mites - 10 & under, Others -          approximately one hour of ice time per week. Distinctive
11 & up. Our youth league will consist of eight, one-hour        team jersey and socks included. Division ages are:
sessions on Sunday mornings from July 7 to August 18.            MITE - 5 & 6; SQUIRT - 7 to 9; PEE WEE - 10 to 12; and
Dates & times subject to change.                                 BANTAM - 13 to 16. All ages as of January 1, 2018.
Registration: Now in progress, space is available.               Registration for current league members and Town of
		              Call 783-6181, ext. 12 for details.              Hempstead residents (proof required) begins June 8 from
                                                                 8 a.m. to noon. Open registration begins June 17 for all others.
                                                                 IN PERSON registration by parent or legal guardian only. New
    Visit the Pro Shop at Newbridge Arena                        participants must provide original proof of birth (birth certificate
   for all of your hockey and figure skating                     with seal or U.S. passport), proof of medical insurance and full
                                                                 payment. No refunds!
    needs. Specializing in custom fittings
     and sharpening. Call (516) 809-7147                                       See Newbridge Arena website
                                                                               at www.newbridgearena.com
                 for information.
                                                                                   for registration fees.
 6                                   Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
Department of Parks and Recreation
                                                               Seamans Neck Park

                                                               June 24-June 27 • 6-9 p.m., ages 6-15, $77
                                                               Seamans Neck Park (3-days only)
                                                               July 1-July 3 • 9 a.m.-noon, ages 7-15, $58
                                                               July 1-July 3 • 9:30-11:30 a.m., ages 5-6, $50
                                                               Oceanside Park
 Town of Hempstead Lacrosse Academy                            July 8-July 11 • 6-9 p.m., ages 6-15, $77
                                                               Rath Park
      Youngsters Can Play with                                 July 15-July 18 • 6-9 p.m., ages 6-15, $77 (boys only)
 the Best Lacrosse Program in Town!
                                                               Averill Blvd Park
  The Town of Hempstead Lacrosse Academy is look-              July 15-July 18 • 6-9 p.m., ages 6-15, $77 (girls only)
ing forward to another championship season of lacrosse
instruction. In the past 14 years, TOHLA has gained            Rath Park
a deserved reputation as one of the most successful            July 22-July 25 • 9 a.m.-noon, ages 7-15, $77
instructional programs on Long Island. With a staff of         (boys only)
outstanding coaches and collegiate players, the lacrosse       July 22-July 25 • 9:30-11:30 a.m., ages 5-6, $66
academy teaches fun and fundamentals to boys and girls         (boys only)
between the ages of 5 and 15.                                  Averill Blvd Park
  This summer, the lacrosse academy will travel through-       July 22-July 25
out the township conducting weekly clinics, one-on-one         9:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., ages 7-15, $77 (girls only)
training and small group lessons. A lacrosse academy           July 22-July 25
session will help youngsters sharpen skills and bolster        9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., ages 5-6, $66 (girls only)
confidence. Regardless of format, players will raise their
                                                               Speno Park
talent level by learning to shoot, pass, catch, stick-handle
                                                               July 29-August 1 • 6-9 p.m., ages 7-15, $77
and defend. There is specialized instruction for goalies
                                                               July 29-August 1 • 6:30-8:30 p.m., ages 5-6, $66
as well.
   The Lacrosse Academy is open to TOWN OF HEMP-

STEAD RESIDENTS ONLY. For information on all Town
of Hempstead Lacrosse Academy programs call (516)
783-3208 or (516) 292-9000, ext. 7245. Registration on-
line at hempsteadtown.com/parks

                                                               Town of Hempstead
                                                               Lacrosse Academy

                                                           One-on-one and small group instruction
                                                          available. Times and locations are flexible.
                                                            Call 516-783-3208 for an appointment.

                                    Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                             7
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
                                   Department of ParksFitness
                                                        and Recreation

        PHYSICAL FITNESS                                    Body Sculpting                                               K
 Online Registration at hempsteadtown.com/parks             Body Sculpting is designed to improve posture, balance,      K
 begins Tuesday, May 22 at 12 noon. In person as-           flexibility, coordination and endurance. The class in-       b
 sistance for online registration will be available         cludes toning and stretching with weights and resistance     r
 from 12 noon - 7 p.m. on May 22 at Echo Park in            bands. Gym attire, sneakers required, water suggested.       m
 West Hempstead. Phone assistance will be avail-            Body Sculpting is offered at Echo Park, Levittown Hall       q
 able during the same time frame by calling (516)           and Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse.                             E
 The fees for all classes are $72 ($36 for seniors 60 &     Cardio Sculpting
 older, & veterans) except where indicated. All classes     Cardio Sculpting is dancing to fun choreography and
 are 12 sessions except where indicated.                    sculpting your body with weights. Gym attire and sneak-
 Class dates, times and fees appear on pages 10 & 11.       ers required. Please bring light weights, a mat, water and
                                                            towel. Cardio Sculpting is offered at Baldwin Park and
                                                            Echo Park.
Abs Exercise
ABS is a fitness program that focuses on strengthening
your core through various movements including, but
not limited to, standing and floor exercises. Gym attire,                                                                P
sneakers and exercise mat required, water suggested.                                                                     P
ABS Exercise is offered at Echo Park.                                                                                    y
Aerobics                                                                                                                 E
Aerobics is a low impact class designed to firm, tone                                                                    R
muscles and to increase cardio-vascular efficiency. Gym
attire and sneakers required. Exercise mat, water and                                                                    S
towel are suggested. Aerobics is offered at Echo Park,      Hatha Yoga                                                   S
Forest City Park, Levittown Hall and Merrick Road Golf                                                                   t
Clubhouse.                                                  Hatha is awareness of the breath, mind and body. Pay-
                                                            ing attention to asana alignment cues, we deepen our         a
                                                            awareness noticing the tendencies and thought patterns       a
                                                            that affect us on and off the mat. All levels welcome. Gym   i
                                                            attire and exercise mat required, blocks optional, water
                                                            suggested. Hatha Yoga is offered at Merrick Road Golf

                                                            Kickboxing is a fun and exciting low-high impact way to
                                                            learn various punching and kicking combinations to help
                                                            you get into shape. Gym attire and sneakers required,
                                                            water suggested (no gloves needed). Kickboxing is of-
Aqua-Exercise                                               fered at Echo Park and Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse.
Aqua exercise is a water resistive exercise program for
men and women 18 years of age and older conducted           Kripalu Yoga
in waist-high water. The sessions are designed to tone                                                                   S
                                                            Kripalu is a dynamic class that involves yoga postures
muscles and increase cardiovascular circulation. Partici-
                                                            with calm breathing techniques. You will find peace and      S
pants must hold an Echo Park pool pass for the season
                                                            tranquility as you meditate your conscious with aware-       t
or the year, or will be required to pay the daily admis-
                                                            ness of the body, mind and spirit. Gym attire, exercise      y
sion rate. Proof of age and residency is required at pool
                                                            mat, block and strap required, water suggested. Kripalu      t
admission. Aqua Exercise is offered at Echo Park Pool
                                                            Yoga is offered at Echo Park and Levittown Hall.             o

 8                                Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
                                        Department of ParksFitness
                                                             and Recreation
    Kundalini Yoga
    Kundalini is considered the first style of yoga it combines
    breathing, movement, meditation, stretching, relaxation,
    rhythm and chanting to work on every aspect of your
    mind, body and spirit. Gym attire and exercise mat re-
l   quired, water suggested. Kundalini Yoga is offered at
    Echo Park and Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse.

                                                                  Tai Chi
                                                                  Tai Chi is designed to take you on a journey of meditative
                                                                  movement, gently guiding you on a path of wellbeing and
                                                                  inner peace. The techniques of Tai Chi are hundreds of
                                                                  years old and they will help you gain a new awareness
    Pilates Mat                                                   of your body, energy and health. Gym attire, water sug-
                                                                  gested. Tai Chi is offered at Echo Park.
    Pilates you will learn how to increase core strength as
    you tone and shape your body. Gym attire and exercise
    mat required, water suggested. Pilates Mat is offered at      Total Body
    Echo Park, Forest City Park, Levittown Hall and Merrick       Total Body is a combination of abs, cardio and strength
    Road Golf Clubhouse.                                          training designed to tone and firm muscles. Gym attire,
                                                                  sneakers, exercise mat and light weights required, water
    Shape-Up Time for Men                                         suggested. Total Body is offered at Echo Park, Forest City
                                                                  Park, Levittown Hall and Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse.
    Shape Up for Men helps to maintain good physical condi-
    tion through a regimen of simple exercises performed on
    a regular basis. Gym attire, sneakers and light weights       Vinyasa Yoga
    are required, water suggested. Shape-Up Time for Men          Vinyasa focuses on breathing and seeks to move you
    is offered at Echo Park.                                      through a sequence of postures as the breath flows. The
                                                                  style is inherently diverse and sequencing will vary with
                                                                  each practice. Gym attire and exercise mat required, wa-
                                                                  ter suggested. Vinyasa Yoga is offered at Merrick Road
                                                                  Golf Clubhouse.

    Strength Training
    Strength training exercises may improve your heart func-      Zumba
    tion, balance, strengthen your bones and will help make       Zumba is a cardio fitness class dancing to Latin music
    you stronger. Gym attire, weights, exercise mat and wa-       and more. Gym attire and sneakers required, water sug-
    ter required. Bands will be provided. Strength Training is    gested. Zumba is offered at Echo Park, Levittown Hall
    offered at Echo Park.                                         and Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse.

                                        Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                            9
A Season for Pleasin' - Parks Recreation Summer 2019 Activities Brochure
                                 Department of ParksFitness
                                                      and Recreation
                                                              Classes at Echo Park (cont.)
The fees for all classes are $72 ($36 for seniors 60 &   Kripalu Yoga                                Z
older, & veterans) except where indicated. All classes   Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 19       P
are 12 sessions except where indicated. NO CLASS         		5:30-6:30 p.m.
DATES: Monday, May 27 & Thursday, July 4                 		       Wednesdays, June 5 to August 21
                                                         		5:30-6:30 p.m.

                   Classes at                            Kundalini Yoga
                                                         Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 20
        Baldwin Park, Baldwin                            		5:30-6:30 p.m. (No class 6/18)
Cardio Sculpting                                         		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 21
Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13                   		8:00-9:00 a.m. (No class 7/24)
		7:00-8:00 p.m.                                         		       Fridays, May 31 to August 16
                                                         		10:00-11:00 a.m.                          A
                                                         		       Fridays, May 31 to August 16       P
                   Classes at                            		       11:15 -12:15 noon
    Echo Park, West Hempstead                            		       Fridays, May 31 to August 16
                                                         		7:15-8:15 p.m.
ABS Exercise                                                                                         P
Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13                   Pilates Mat
		8:15-9:15 a.m.                                         Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 19
		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 21                 		6:45-7:45 p.m.
		10:45-11:45 a.m. (No class 7/24)
                                                         Shape Up Time for Men
Aerobics                                                 Program: Sundays, June 2 to August 18
Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 20                   		9:00-10:00 a.m.
		6:45-7:45 p.m. (No class 6/18)                         		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14
                                                         		6:45-7:45 p.m.
Aqua Exercise                                            		       Fridays, May 31 to August 16       A
Program: Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14                 		8:30-9:30 a.m.                            P
		8:15-9:00 p.m.
		       Sundays, June 2 to August 18                    Strength Training
		8:00-8:45 a.m.                                         Program: Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14
		       Sundays, June 2 to August 18                    		8:00-9:00 p.m.                            B
		9:00-9:45 a.m.                                                                                     P
                                                         Tai Chi
Body Sculpting                                           Program: Thursdays, May 30 to August 22
Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 19                    		       1:00 -2:00 p.m.
                                                         		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 22     K
		4:15-5:15 p.m.                                                                                     P
		       Wednesdays, June 5 to August 21                 		       2:15-3:15 p.m. (beginners class)
                                                         		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 22
		4:15-5:15 p.m.
                                                         		8:30-9:30 p.m. (No class 7/4)
Cardio Sculpting                                         Total Body                                  P
Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13                   Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 20      P
		9:30-10:30 a.m.                                        		11:00-12:00 noon (No class 6/4)
		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 22                  		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 21    T
		9:30-10:30 a.m. (No class 7/4)                         		9:30-10:30 a.m. (No class 7/24)           P
                                                         		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 29
Kickboxing                                               		11:00-12:00 noon (No class 6/6 & 7/4)

Program: Thursdays, May 30 to August 22
		7:15-8:15 p.m. (No class 7/4)

10                               Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
                               Department of ParksFitness
                                                    and Recreation
    Classes at Echo Park (cont.)                              Classes at
Zumba                                            Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse, Merrick
Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 19            Aerobics
		8:00-9:00 p.m.                                 Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 19
		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 22          		6:30-7:30 p.m.
		6:00-7:00 p.m. (No class 7/4)                  		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14
		       Saturdays, June 1 to August 31          		5:45-6:45 p.m.
		9:00-10:00 a.m. (No class 7/27 & 8/3)
                                                 Body Sculpting
             Classes at                          Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13
                                                 		5:30-6:30 p.m.
     Forest City Park, Wantagh                   		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 22
Aerobics                                         		4:30-5:30 p.m. (No class 7/4)
Program: Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14         Hatha Yoga
		9:15-10:15 a.m.                                Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13
Pilates Mat                                      		10:15-11:15 a.m.
Program: Fridays, June 7 to August 30            		       Fridays, May 31 to August 16
		10:40-11:40 a.m. (No class 6/28)               		9:30-10:30 a.m.

Total Body                                       Kickboxing
Program: Fridays, June 7 to August 30            Program: Thursdays, May 30 to August 22
		9:30-10:30 a.m. (No class 6/28)                		7:45-8:45 p.m. (No class 7/4)

                                                 Kundalini Yoga
             Classes at                          Program: Tuesdays, June 4 to August 20
      Levittown Hall, Hicksville                 		7:00-8:00 p.m.

Aerobics                                         Pilates Mat
Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 26            Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 26
		9:40-10:40 a.m. (No class 6/24)                		7:45-8:45 p.m. (No class 6/24)
                                                 		       Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13
                                                 		9:00-10:00 a.m.
Body Sculpting                                   		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14
Program:    Fridays, May 31 to August 16         		7:00-8:00 p.m.
		          9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                 Total Body
Kripalu Yoga                                     Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 19
Program: Saturdays,June 1 to August 24           		9:00-10:00 a.m.
		9:00-10:00 a.m. (No class 7/27)                		       Fridays, May 31 to August 16
                                                 		8:00-9:00 a.m.

Pilates Mat                                      Vinyasa Yoga
Program: Fridays, June 7 to August 30            Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13
		8:00-9:00 a.m. (No class 6/28)                 		8:15-9:15 p.m.
Total Body                                       Zumba
Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 26            Program: Mondays, June 3 to August 26
		8:30-9:30 a.m. (No class 6/24)                 		10:30-11:30 a.m. (No class 8/19)
		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 29          		       Wednesdays, May 29 to August 14
		9:00-10:00 a.m. (No class 7/4 & 8/22)          		8:15-9:15 p.m.
Zumba                                            		       Thursdays, May 30 to August 22
Program: Tuesdays, May 28 to August 13           		6:30-7:30 p.m. (No class 7/4)
		9:00-10:00 a.m.

                              Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                          11
Department Cultural
                                                of Parks Arts
                                                         and Recreation
                                                                Beginner Watercolor
            CULTURAL ARTS                                       This class is designed to introduce and further the abili-
 Online registration for ALL CULTURAL ARTS programs             ties of the watercolorist. Demonstrations will take you
 will start at 12 noon on May 22, 2019. If you need as-         through the painting process. Emphasis will be on the
 sistance setting up your account or with the online reg-       many techniques of the medium as well as composition,
 istration, park personnel will be available to assist you,     design rules, and the importance of color. Class is limited
 on May 22 from 12 noon to 7 p.m. at Echo Park, West            to 20 adults. This class is offered at Bernard Brown Park,
 Hempstead or call (516) 292-9000.                              Uniondale.
 Class dates, times and fees appear on pages 14 & 15.
                                                                Watercolor - Levels I & II
                                                                Prerequisite: Beginner Watercolor
                                                                This art course is for Intermediate and Advanced stu-
                                                                dents. This course will guide you through drawing and
                                                                painting of landscapes, still life, floral, lighthouses and
                                                                seascapes. Demonstrations and critiques will help you
Art of Drawing                                                  learn the different techniques of watercolor, color mixing,
Explore drawing using a variety of materials. Choose            the elements of design and the effects of wet into wet and
pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, pen and ink or pastel         dry brush, line, texture, and value to create a mood. Stu-
to render the still life, landscape and portrait/figure. This   dents must provide their own supplies. Class is limited to
creative workshop is suitable for all, from the beginner to     20 adults. This class is offered at Forest City Community
the advanced student. Line and tonal drawing as well as         Park, Wantagh.
composition, perspective and anatomy will be addressed.
Bring a pencil and 11 x 14 or larger drawing pad to the         Contract Bridge
first class. Model fees are extra. Class is limited to 25       Intermediate Bridge - Defense
adults. This class is offered at Harold Walker Memorial
                                                                You will discover a marked improvement in your card
Park, Lakeview.
                                                                game. Please bring a deck of cards to class. Seating is
                                                                limited with a minimum of 16 persons required to run each
Painting the Portrait and Still Life in                         class. The instructor may require a book to be purchased
Pastel                                                          for better comprehension. Class is limited to 48 adults.
                                                                This class is offered at Baldwin Park, Baldwin Harbor.
Learn how to render the portrait and still life in soft pas-
tels from live models. This workshop focuses on the im-
portance of understanding light and color in creating the
illusion of 3 dimensions. Demonstrations by the instructor
enable students to relate the principles that are common
to the still life and the human form. Beginner to advanced
students are welcome. Class is limited to 20 adults. A $20
model/materials fee is due at the first class. This class is
offered at Harold Walker Memorial Park, Lakeview.

Advanced Watercolor Workshop
A unique workshop that offers students of Advanced lev-
els an opportunity to explore the use of watercolors in
great detail. Through demonstrations by the instructor          Duplicate Bridge
and guided visual observations, students will develop a         A series of mini bridge lessons for the intermediate and
personal approach to landscapes, water scenes, portraits        advanced level player. Instruction is provided in the prop-
and still life. Law of design will be emphasized. Students      er bidding and playing of Hand vs Rubber Bridge. We
must provide their own supplies. Class size is limited to       require 16 students to run the class. Come by yourself
30 adults. This class is offered at Harold Walker Memorial      or with a partner. The class is limited to 100 adults. This
Park, Lakeview.                                                 class is offered at Echo Park, West Hempstead.

 12                                  Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
Department Cultural
                                                    of Parks Arts
                                                             and Recreation
    Hand Appliqué
    Students will learn the prepared edge appliqué method.
    The class will include how to trace patterns, fabric choices,
e   how to layer pieces, stitching. Students will learn how to
    do trapunto, embellishments and using silk fabrics for
    appliqué. The class will include a choice of two projects
,   or students can work on an unfinished project. This class
    is for all skill levels. No machine work required. The class
    is limited to 30 adults. This class is offered at Bernard
    Brown Park, Uniondale.

    Hand Quilting
    Learn challenging techniques of hand quilting. The
    class covers fabric choices, piecing, quilting and more
    advanced appliqué. Intermediates will learn new tech-
    niques, blocks and receive help with continuing proj-           Oil painting
    ects. This class will allow the more advanced students          Beginner
    to explore their skills through challenging projects in a
                                                                    In this class, you will obtain the excitement and curiosity,
y   fun and friendly atmosphere. No machine work required.
                                                                    of learning the many facets of painting in oils. Knowing
    The class is limited to 30 adults. This class is offered at
                                                                    the many materials needed, as well as the basic princi-
    Bernard Brown Park, Uniondale.
                                                                    ples of art, will be part of your instructions. Also, the color
                                                                    wheel, mixing of colors and the basic strokes and tech-
    Intermediate Watercolor Workshop                                niques will be our goals. Basically, the class will help you
    A unique workshop designed to inspire and further the           cultivate your talent and create an art experience that will
s   abilities of the watercolorist. Floral, still life and land-    help you express your unique creativity through your art-
    scapes will be the focus. Demonstrations will take you          work. Class is limited to 20 adults. This class is offered at
d   through the painting process and explore the many wa-           Baldwin Park, Baldwin Harbor.
    tercolor techniques to create a sense of place and mood.
    Emphasis will be on the importance of composition, de-          Oil Painting
    sign, color, and value. Students must provide their own         Intermediate/Advanced
    supplies. Class is limited to 30 adults. This class is of-
                                                                    The painting subjects will vary to benefit a broader spec-
    fered at Harold Walker Memorial Park, Lakeview.
                                                                    trum of oil painting knowledge. Landscapes, seascapes,
                                                                    and still life will be covered from photographs, as well
                                                                    as from life. Emphasis will be placed on color palette,
                                                                    composition, light value, color harmony, and balance.
                                                                    Students must provide their own supplies. Class is lim-
                                                                    ited to 20 adults. This class is offered at Baldwin Park,
                                                                    Baldwin Harbor.

    Mah Jongg I & II
                                                                    Quilting with Sewing Machine I & II
    Learn To Play Mah Jongg! You will learn the game that has
    fascinated people for so many years with its strategies,        Intermediate students should have knowledge of a Sew-
    sequences, and combinations. This class will introduce          ing machine and basic sewing skills. Students are re-
    you to the tiles, and basic moves of this ancient game.         quired to bring their own sewing machine and supplies
    Come alone, bring a friend or make new ones. Please             to class. New projects are introduced and unfinished
    bring the 2019 Mah Jongg Card (This can be purchased            projects can be finished. Individual help is given when
    through Amazon or nationalmahjonggleague.com) to the            needed and group ideas and techniques are encour-
    first class. The class is limited to 16 adults. This class is   aged. Instructions for new projects must be purchased.
    offered at Forest City Community Park, Wantagh.                 Class is limited to 20 adults. This class is offered at Ber-
                                                                    nard Brown Park, Uniondale.

                                         Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                                13
Department Cultural
                                               of Parks Arts
                                                        and Recreation
                                                                           Classes at
           CULTURAL ARTS                                         Bernard Brown Park, Uniondale
Online registration for ALL CULTURAL ARTS programs
will start at 12 noon on May 22, 2019. If you need as-                                                              M
sistance setting up your account or with the online reg-     Beginner Watercolor
                                                             Fee:		        $70 (Senior/Veteran $35)                 F
istration, park personnel will be available to assist you,                                                          P
on May 22 from 12 noon to 7 p.m. at Echo Park, West          Program:      June 6 through July 25
Hempstead or call (516) 292-9000.                            		            7 weekly sessions - No class July 4
                                                             Thursdays:    1:00 to 3:00 p.m.                        T

                Classes at                                   Hand Applique                                          M
                                                             Fee:		        $165 (Senior/Veteran $83)                F
           Baldwin Park, Baldwin                                                                                    P
                                                             Program:      June 7 through August 23
                                                             		            11 weekly sessions - No class August 2
Contract Bridge                                              Fridays:      10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.                     T
Intermediate Bridge – Defense
Fee:		        $120 (Senior/Veteran $60)                                                                             W
Program:      June 5 through August 21                       Hand Quilting                                          P
		            12 weekly sessions                             Intermediate/Advanced                                  F
Wednesdays: 9:45 to 11:45 a.m.                               Fee:		        $180 (Senior/Veteran $90)                P
                                                             Program:      June 6 through August 29
Oil Painting (Beginner)                                      		            12 weekly sessions - No class July 4     W
Fee:		        $180 (Seniors/Veterans $90)                    Thursdays:    9:00 a.m. to noon
Program:      June 3 through August 19                                                                              W
		            12 weekly sessions                             Quilting 1 with Sewing Machine                         P
Mondays:      1:00-4:00 p.m.                                 Fee:		        $120 (Seniors/Veteran $60)               F
                                                             Program:      June 5 through August 21                 P
Oil Painting (Inter/Advanced)                                		            12 weekly sessions
Fee:		        $180 (Seniors/Veterans $90)                    Wednesdays:   9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                  W
Program:      June 3 through August 19
		            12 weekly sessions                             Quilting 2 with Sewing Machine
Mondays:      9:00 a.m to noon                               Fee:		        $120 (Seniors/Veteran $60)
                                                             Program:      June 5 through August 21
                                                             		            12 weekly sessions
                                                             Wednesdays:   Noon to 2:00 p.m.

                                                                            Classes at
                                                                    Echo Park, West Hempstead

                                                             Duplicate Bridge
                                                             Fee:		        $180 (Seniors/Veterans $90)
                                                             Program:      June 4 through August 20
                                                             		            12 weekly sessions
                                                             Tuesdays:     1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

                                                                                            Stay on the
                                                                                             “ball” with
                                                                                         parks information
                                                                                       at hempsteadny.gov
 14                                Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
Department Cultural
                                                         of Parks Arts
                                                                  and Recreation
                  Classes at                                                   Classes at
          Forest City Park, Wantagh                              Harold Walker Memorial Park, Lakeview

Mah Jongg I                                                      Art of Drawing
Fee:		            $120 (Senior/Veteran $60)                      Fee:		           $158 (Seniors/Veterans $79)
Program:          June 4 through August 20                       Program:         June 6 through August 8
                  12 weekly Sessions                             		               9 weekly sessions - No class July 4
Tuesdays:         9:45 to 11:45 a.m.                             Thursdays:       9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Mah Jongg II                                                     Intermediate Watercolor Workshop
Fee:		            $120 (Senior/Veteran $60)                      Fee:		           $123 (Senior/Veteran $62)
Program:          June 6 through August 29                       Program:         June 5 through July 24
  		              12 weekly sessions - No class July 4           		               7 weekly sessions - No class July 3
Thursdays:        9:45 to 11:45 a.m.                             Wednesdays:      1:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Watercolor - Levels I                                            Advanced Watercolor Workshop
Prerequisite:     Beginner Watercolor                            Fee:		           $123 (Senior/Veteran $62)
Fee:		            $110 (Seniors/Veterans $55)                    Program:         June 5 through July 24
Program:          June 5 through August 14                       		               7 weekly sessions - No class July 3
		                11 weekly sessions                             Wednesdays:      9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Wednesdays:       11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
                                                                 Painting the Portrait
Watercolor - Levels II                                           and Still Life in Pastel
Prerequisite:     Beginner Watercolor                            Fee:		           $105 (Seniors/Veterans $53)
Fee:		            $110 (Seniors/Veterans $55)                    Program:         June 6 through July 18
Program:          June 5 through August 14                       		               6 weekly sessions - No class July 4
		                11 weekly sessions                             Thursdays:       1:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesdays:       2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

                                             Town of Hempstead Parks
 * Atlantic Beach Estates - Atlantic Beach (239-8888)                                           Lido Golf Course - Lido Beach (889-8181)
   Averill Boulevard Park - Elmont (437-5881)                                                       Merrick Road Park - Merrick (868-4373)
   Baldwin Park - Baldwin Harbor (546-4481)                                          Merrick Road Park Golf Course - Merrick (868-4650)
   Bernard Brown Park - Uniondale (483-2770)                                                  Newbridge Road Park - Bellmore (783-2500)
   Cedar Street Park - Uniondale (483-2287)                                                        Newbridge Arena - Bellmore (783-6181)
   Coes Neck Park - Baldwin (868-8190)                                                             Oceanside Park - Oceanside (763-0702)
   Dutch Broadway Park - Elmont (285-4118)                                                        * Rath Park - Franklin Square (488-1843)
 * E. Atlantic Beach Park - (432-2036)                                                              Roosevelt Pool - Roosevelt (623-7414)
   East Bay Park - Bellmore (783-2512)                                             Salisbury Park Dr. Ballfields - East Meadow (997-4534)
   Echo Park - West Hempstead (483-7400)                                                         Seamans Neck Park - Seaford (783-3200)
   Elmont Road Park - Elmont (285-8509)                                                  Speno Memorial Park - East Meadow (481-4420)
   Forest City Park - Wantagh (783-2513)                                                         Shell Creek Park - Island Park (431-6440)
 * Garden City South Park - (538-1919)                                                               Terrace Gardens - Inwood (239-8080)
   Harbor Isle Beach - Harbor Isle (432-5554)                                            Town Park at Lido West -Lido Beach (432-0940)
   Harold Walker Park - Lakeview (766-2277)                                                  Town Park at Malibu - Lido Beach (670-1052)
   Hendrickson Ave. Park - Elmont (437-1221)                                       Town Park at Point Lookout - Point Lookout (431-3900)
   Hewlett Point Park - East Rockaway (599-4064)                                              Town Park at Sands - Lido Beach (431-6910)
 * Levittown Hall - Levittown (933-6400)                                                   Uniondale Avenue Park - Uniondale (481-1158)
 * Levittown Veterans Memorial Park - (933-6400)                       * Veterans Mem. Park (Trenton Ave. Park) - Atlantic Beach (432-2036)
   Lido Beach Town Park - Lido Beach (431-6650)                                         Veterans Memorial Park - East Meadow (296-7780)
                                                                                                                     * Special Park Districts

                                              Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                                      15
Department ofAquatics
                                                   Parks and Recreation
Learn To Swim                                                  Lifeguard Training and Jr. Lifeguarding students must
                                                               successfully complete a pre-skills exam to be accepted
Summer swim lessons are available for residents who
                                                               into the class. Once the pre-skills exam is completed
will be six years of age and older as of 12/1/19. Skilled
                                                               TWO online payments must be made, one to the Town of
instruction will be offered on the following levels:
                                                               Hempstead and one to the American Red Cross (Instructors
    • Guppies - Water Orientation (age 4 by 12/1/19)           will give direction on how to process the payments).
    • Level 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills                     All registration fees are required at registration except
    • Level 3 - Stroke Development
    • Level 4 - Stroke Improvement                             for Lifeguard Training and Jr. Lifeguarding.
    • Level 5 - Stroke Refinement
    • Level 6 - Advanced Strokes & Skills                                         First Session
    • Jr. Lifeguarding (ages 11 to 14)
    • Lifeguard Training (ages 15 & up)                        Registration: Online at hempsteadtown.com/parks
                                                               		            or in person assistance at Echo Park
A parent or guardian must accompany any child under            		on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:00 p.m.
10 years of age to all classes. The minimum age for            Program:      July 1 to July 23 (Seven Classes)
Lifeguard Training is 15. The Jr. Lifeguarding Program is      		            Lifeguard Training runs through
open to youngsters 11 to 14. Classes meet twice a week.        		            August 12 (Mon/Wed) or through
Participants must hold a valid pool membership or they         		            August 13 (Tues/Thurs)
will be required to pay the daily admission fee. Proof         		            (No classes 7/4)
of age and residency are required on the first day of class.   		            (No LGT class the week of 7/29-8/1)
Classes must have at least six people.
The GUPPIES program is open to youngsters age 4 by                              Second Session
12/1/19. Parents/Guardians MUST accompany the child            Registration: Online at hempsteadtown.com/parks
in the water. Register a child for the GUPPIES program at      		on Wednesday, July 24 at 8 a.m.
a participating pool on the first day of class. GUPPIES will   Program:      July 25 to August 15 (Seven Classes)
not sign up at General Registration. Proof of age and
residency are required at registration. GUPPIES classes
begin Friday, July 5 or Saturday, July 6. Class schedules
are available at each pool.
Classes are held at the following pools:                                                                                   S
Averill Blvd. Park, Elmont; Echo Park, West Hempstead;
Forest City Park, Wantagh; Harold Walker Memorial Park,
Lakeview; Hewlett Point Park, Bay Park; Levittown pool,
Levittown/Hicksville; Newbridge Road Park, Bellmore;
Oceanside Park, Oceanside; Rath Park, Franklin Square;
Roosevelt Pool, Roosevelt; Town Park at Malibu, Lido                                                                       R
Beach; Veterans Memorial Park, East Meadow.                                                                                A
Fee:   No fee for GUPPIES and Levels 2 & 3                                                                                 R
       $55 - Children (Levels 4, 5, 6)                                                                                     B
       $60 - Adult (seniors/ veterans - $30)                                                                               M
       $67 - Jr. Lifeguarding                                                                                              R
       1. $55 Town of Hempstead online payment
       2. $12 American Red Cross online payment
       $175 - Lifeguard Training                                                                                           F
       1. $137 Town of Hempstead online payment
       2. $38 American Red Cross online payment

                                                                            IMPORTANT INFORMATION
A pre-requisite skills test is required for Jr. Lifeguarding
                                                                 Proof of age and Town of Hempstead residency are
and Lifeguard training. For information visit the website
                                                                 required for participation and admittance into pool.
or call 292-9000, ext. 7238.                                                                                               P
                                                                 Registration and class payments for all classes can
                                                                 all be found online at hempsteadtown.com/parks
                                                                 Each person may only register his or her own family.

 16                                 Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
Department ofAquatics
                                                       Parks and Recreation
t   Point Lookout Ocean Junior                                      Lifeguard Job Interviews
    Lifeguarding Program 2019                                       The Aquatic Division will offer a unique screening program
    An exciting program run by experienced Town of Hemp-            for certified and non-certified lifeguard candidates, ages
    stead lifeguards for Town of Hempstead residents ages           16 & up. The screening program includes a 200-yard swim
    12-13 and 14-15. Participants will learn how to appre-          and interviews with any candidate seeking to work for the
    ciate and respect the ocean environment; learn safety           Town of Hempstead. Employment is not guaranteed. To
    rules of ocean swimming; learn how to work as a team            determine employment qualifications, call the Echo Park
    in a lifesaving role; learn personal lifesaving and first aid   Lifeguard Office at (516) 565-0508. Lifeguard candidates
    skills; and learn the proper path to becoming a certified       can interview at Echo Park on Saturdays, May 4 to May
    lifeguard. Participants will be expected to be comfort-         18, beginning at 8 a.m. Bring all of your certification cards.
    able in the ocean environment and complete a 200 yard           Echo Park Pool, West Hempstead
    swim within 4 minutes and 15 seconds on the first day of        Fee:		          None
    class in the pool. Please note that the class is an outdoor     Program:        May 4 to May 18
    program affected by weather and ocean conditions. For           Saturdays:      8 to 10 a.m.
    further information, please call Ocean Lifeguard Head-
    quarters at 432-5034.                                           Diving - Competitive & Instructional
    Registration:   Online at hempsteadtown.com/parks on            Competitive diving teams and instructional classes are
    		              Saturday, June 22 beginning at 1 p.m.           organized for residents eight years of age and over.
    		              Enrollment is capped at 150 participants.       All participants must be able to swim in deep water.
    Fee:		          $95 (Does not include daily admission)          Classes are limited to 15 divers and include adults and
    Program:        Located at 1150 Lido Blvd, Point Lookout,       children. Diving teams compete against each other in
    		              Town Park Malibu Swimming Pool.                 dual meets and hold practice on week days.
    		              Classes will be held on Tuesdays and            Register at one of the following pools:
    		              Thursdays, June 25 to August 13,                Echo Park, West Hempstead; Newbridge Road Park,
    		              from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.                          Bellmore; Oceanside Park, Oceanside and Veterans
                                                                    Park, East Meadow.
                                                                    Diving Teams
    Summer Swim Teams                                               Registration:   Begins Saturday, June 15 from 10 a.m.
    A great opportunity for girls and boys up to 16 years of        		              to 4 p.m. and continues daily through
    age to join a town swim team. Teams will compete in             		              July 15 at each of the listed pools
    the Nassau Municipal Swim Conference. Register for              Fee:		          $48.50 - Team membership and all
    Summer Swim Teams at one of the following pools:                		              persons must pay the daily admission
    Register at one of the following pools:                         		              rate or hold a valid season membership.
    Averill Blvd. Park, Elmont; Echo Park, West Hempstead;          		              $97 - Team membership for non-season
    Forest City Park,Wantagh; Oceanside Park, Oceanside;            		              pass holders, which includes price of
    Rath Park, Franklin Square; Newbridge Road Park,                		              admission during swim team activities only.
    Bellmore; Town Park at Malibu, Lido Beach; and Veterans         Program:        Arranged at respective pools.
    Memorial Park, East Meadow.                                     Instructional Diving
    Registration: Begins Saturday, June 15                                              First Session
    		            from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and continues              Registration: Online at hempsteadtown.com/parks
    		            daily through July 15.                            		            or in person assistance at Echo Park
    Fee:		        $48.50 team membership and all persons            		on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:00 p.m.
    		            must pay the daily admission rate or 		           Fee:		        $53 (seniors/ veterans - $27)
    		            hold a valid season membership.                   Program:      July 1 to July 23 (Seven Classes)
    		$97 team membership for non-season
    		            pass holders, which includes price of                               Second Session
    		            admission during swim team activities only.       Registration: Online at hempsteadtown.com/parks
    Program:      Arranged at respective pools.                     		on Wednesday, July 24 at 8 a.m.
                                                                    Fee:		        $53 (seniors/ veterans - $27)
                                                                    Program:      July 25 to August 15 (Seven Classes)

                                         Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                               17
                                     Department     Programs
                                                of Parks and Recreation

         YOUTH PROGRAMS                                         Youth Tennis Lessons
                                                                Tennis strengthens bones and muscles, improves co-
Online registration for ALL YOUTH programs will start           ordination and fosters mental development. Instruction
at 12 Noon on May 22, 2019. If you need assistance              offered on two levels for children ages 8-14. Players
setting up your account or with the online registration,        must provide their own 21 inch 8 oz. tennis racket. Class
Park personnel will be available to assist you, on May          limited to 16 children. This class is offered at Baldwin
22nd from Noon to 7 p.m. at Echo Park in West Hemp-             Park, Oceanside Park and Seamans Neck Park.
stead. Phone assistance will be available at (516) 292-
9000. Class times and fees appear on pages 18 & 19.
                                                                Kids Yoga
                                                                Kids yoga promotes strength, flexibility and coordination.
Summer Playground Activities                                    Yoga enhances self-awareness, imagination and empa-
This summer, most town parks plan to offer children age         thy. Yoga teaches children to have fun and move their
5 and over an opportunity to participate in arts and crafts,    bodies in a non-competitive environment. Boys and girls
soccer, archery, cheerleading, kickline, wiffleball, street     ages 5-12 are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat to each
hockey, volleyball, tennis and field games. This program        class. Classes limited to 15 children. This class is offered
is free and begins July 8. Some special events include          at Merrick Road Golf Clubhouse.
the Town of Hempstead 26th annual Street Hockey
Tournament scheduled for August 5 & 6 and the annual
Cheer & Kickline Exhibition scheduled for August 9.                          Classes at
                                                                       Baldwin Park, Baldwin
                                                                Youth Tennis Lessons
                                                                Fee:		         $20 (5 weekly sessions)
                                                                Program:       Thursdays, July 11-August 8
                                                                		             6 - 7 p.m. (Beginner)
                                                                		             7 - 8 p.m. (Intermediate)
                                                                		             Fridays, July 12-August 9
                                                                		             6 - 7 p.m. (Beginner)
                                                                		             7 - 8 p.m. (Intermediate)

Youth Golf Lessons                                                           Classes at
Help your kids work on their golf game with group co-ed             Seamans Neck Park, Seaford
lessons, ages 8-17. Kids can learn the basics or improve
upon what they already know. Along with ball striking and       Youth Tennis Lessons
golf training tactics, our fantastic instructors will indulge   Fee:		         $20 (5 weekly sessions)
on etiquette, mannerism, composure, and patience.               Program:       Tuesdays, July 9-August 6
Clubs preferred, NOT required. If, owned, please bring          		             6-7 p.m. (Beginner)
7-8-9 irons at the first class. Classes limited to 20 chil-     		             7-8 p.m. (Intermediate)
dren. This class is offered at Merrick Road Golf Course.                                                                       A
                                                                             Classes at
First Dink - “Pickleball for Kids”                                   Oceanside Park, Oceanside                                 o
The First Dink program is where kids will get their first       Youth Tennis Lessons                                           a
exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. During        Fee:		         $20 (5 weekly sessions)                         D
the 90 minutes of group instruction. Children ages 8-12         Program:       Mondays, July 8-August 5                        s
will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking,      		             6 - 7 p.m. (Beginner)                           c
game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. Loaner           		             7 - 8 p.m. (Intermediate)                       V
paddles and balls will be provided for the instruction.         		             Wednesdays, July 10-August 7                    h
Court shoes and comfortable attire is required. Class is        		             6 - 7 p.m. (Beginner)                           R
limited to 12 participants. This class is offered at New-       		             7 - 8 p.m. (Intermediate)                       F
bridge Road Park.                                                                                                              P

 18                                  Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov
Youth Programs/Athletic
                                  Department                Leagues
                                              of Parks and Recreation
                         Classes at                   High School Soccer Leagues
         Merrick Clubhouse, Merrick                                 Summer soccer leagues for high school BOYS and
                                                                  GIRLS teams. Preference given to Town of Hempstead
    Kids Yoga                                                     teams. Teams ONLY! Sorry, we do not place players
    Fee:		         $24 (6 classes per session)                    on teams. Evening games begin the first week of July.
    Program:       Mondays, July 8-August 12                      Cuomo Park, Wantagh
    		             3:30-4:30 p.m. (Ages 5 - 8)                    Registration: For further information and a TEAM
    		             Wednesdays, July 10-August 14                                application, call (516) 481-4420.
    		             3:30-4:30 p.m. (Ages 9-12)                     Fee:          See application at
    Youth Golf Lessons                                            Program:      Weeknights at 6 p.m.
    Fee:		         $20 (5 weekly Saturday sessions)
r   Program:       Saturdays:
                                                                  Lacrosse League For Children
    		             Session 1: June 8-July 13 (No class 7/6)       Entering Grades 4-6
    		             9 - 10 a.m. – Beginner                           Summer lacrosse leagues are being organized for Town
d   		             10:30 - 11:30 a.m. (Beginner)                  of Hempstead residents entering grades 4-6. Games will
    		             11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (Intermediate)         be played evenings beginning the last week of June. Sorry,
    		             Session 2: July 20-August 17                   we do not place individuals on teams.
    		             9 - 10 a.m. (Beginner)                         Seamans Neck Park, Seaford
    		             10:30 - 11:30 a.m. (Beginner)                  Registration: For information and a TEAM
    		             11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (Intermediate)                       application, call (516) 868-4650
                                                                  Fee:          See application on
                   Classes at                                                   hempsteadny.gov/activities/athletics
       Newbridge Road Park, Bellmore                              Program:      Weeknights at 6 p.m.

    First Dink- Pickleball for Children                           High School Girls Softball League
    Fee: $6 (1 weekly session)                                      A summer softball league is being organized for teams
    Program:      Saturday, July 13 OR August 10                  of high school GIRLS. Preference given to Town of Hemp-
    		            10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.                            stead teams. Limit of 6 teams. Evening games begin on
    		            Please choose one of the two available          June 25. Sorry, we do not place players on teams.
    		classes.                                                    Baldwin Park, Baldwin Harbor
                                                                  Registration: For information and a TEAM application,
                                                                                call (516) 292-9000, ext. 7245 through
                                                                                June 15 (or until filled).
                                                                  Fee:          See application on
                                                                  Program:      Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m.
                                                                  Men’s Basketball League
    Adult Tennis Tournament                                         A summer basketball league for town residents, ages
      A tennis tournament for town residents, 18 years and        18 and up. Seven game regular season with playoffs
    older. Singles Competition held in two divisions, Open        (top four teams qualify). One game per week at Baldwin
    Division & 50 and Over. Events include, Men’s Singles         Park. Registration limited to the first eight TEAMS to apply.
    and Doubles, Women’s Singles and Doubles and Mixed            Sorry, we do not place individuals on teams.
    Doubles. After brackets are set, players will arrange date,   Baldwin Park, Baldwin Harbor
    site and time of each match. For tournament information,      Registration: For information or team application,
    call 292-9000, ext. 7245. To obtain an application, e-mail                  call (516) 292-9000, ext. 7245
    Victor Sparaccio at vsparaccio@tohmail.org or go to:                        or visit hempsteadny.gov/activities/
    hempsteadny.gov/activities/athletics/tennis-tournament.                     athletics/mens-basketball-league
    Registration: May 14 to June 14                               Fee:          See application
    Fee:          None                                            Program:      Mondays, 7 and 8:15 p.m. starting June 3.
    Program:      Tournament starts on June 21

                                        Visit our website at hempsteadny.gov                                             19
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