A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise

A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
A Salute
   to Service

Honoring the BEST of our community
            Friday, Nov. 12, 2021
                   5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
          American Legion Post 716
             3252 Florista Street, Los Alamitos
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
lives to keep the rest of us fed, housed and

Welcome Back
                                                                                                  safe (among other things). The pandemic
                                                                                                  exposed elements of our system that, while
                                                                                                  it is perhaps too strong a statement to say
                                                                                                  that we took for granted, maybe at the very
                                                                                                  least, we can admit we had not attached
   After a two-year absence, tonight we pay       time soon.                                      the full measure of value that was due to
homage to our readers, our leaders and               Two years later, we thankfully are finally   some contributions to society being made.
those that we know we have endured one            able to reconvene as a community to cel-            Our local governments continued to
of the hardest periods in modern American         ebrate the people, at all levels of society,    function, even as employees worked from
history.                                          that have rendered services across the          home, and new processes had to be
   To begin with, it is undoubtedly a difficult   spectrum to our communities.                    improvised. Everyday functions of local
endeavor to describe the “best of” any-              Despite the crisis, we are proud to say      government, heretofore considered rou-
thing. Let’s be clear.                            that the Event News Enterprise did not          tine, could suddenly be performed virtually.
   Yet, each year, we ask our readers             miss a single week of publication. In fact,         Businesses struggled, and still do, yet
to help us out. Thankfully, our readers           our staff jumped into action, creating a free   they hung on in their efforts to survive
respond each year, and we appreciate it           page for all businesses to let our readers      thanks to hard work, government assis-
very much.                                        know how they could be reached, and per-        tance and loyal customers. Some busi-
   Since our last “Best of ENE” gathering         haps, if they were still open for business.     nesses flourished and some did not, which
in 2019, much has happened. For better               As the pandemic endured, we were all         is expected as a result of a crisis so mas-
or for worse, our world is much different         given lessons that offered new insights         sive as the one created by the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                 the ways and means to create the bonds to
in 2021.                                          on the value of everyone in society, as             This message is not to debate any of
                                                                                                                                                 only make ourselves stronger.
   In many ways, our country, our world,          the high earners were suddenly subject to       the medical issues of the pandemic, but
                                                                                                                                                    For the people celebrated here tonight,
and our communities have been tempered            the previously mundane service providers,       celebrates the incredible feats performed
                                                                                                                                                 and for all who were mentioned by the
by the pandemic and likely will never be          delivery drivers, grocery workers and those     by thousands of people as we collectively
                                                                                                                                                 public in our survey, we say thanks to each
the same.                                         with similarly unglamorous professions.         found a way to break through to the other
                                                                                                                                                 and every one of you here tonight for your
   I will always remember our headline on            Those were hard lessons that, I believe,     side
                                                                                                                                                 service to our communities. Without people
March 18, 2020, when everything came to           are at the core of the disruption that still        The “Best of Event News Enterprise”
                                                                                                                                                 serving each other, what indeed would life
a “Standstill.” Suddenly, and without warn-       percolates throughout our economy. In           celebrates survival of a massive public
                                                                                                                                                 really be?
ing, all of us were all locked into our houses    fact, the waves of change still nip away at     emergency, and we are proud to recognize
                                                                                                                                                    Hopefully, we can all remember that
and warned that the COVID menace was              the very fabric of who we are as a people.      those selected as best among us in 2021.
                                                                                                                                                 moment, during that brief fragment in time,
deadly.                                              What has become painfully obvious is             Things have changed again as our
                                                                                                                                                 we were united as one big family, col-
   And unless we were sufficiently cautious,      that we, as a people, must somehow              communities continue to reopen, and so
                                                                                                                                                 lectively working for the survival of public
we were told the airborne COVID virus             relearn how to be Americans first, listen       it should. The value here is not in the
                                                                                                                                                 interest, and that, when necessary, we can
could perhaps somehow find its way into           to each other and find common ground.           engaged debate but in the lessons learned
                                                                                                                                                 still act as one.
our lives, our lungs and then who knew.           In small ways, that has happened in our         as a community. We have differences.
   Perhaps it is easy now to say it wasn’t        communities, and we celebrate that here         That’s healthy. We don’t always agree.           Thank you for coming tonight.
such a trying time but if we’re honest, we        tonight.                                        Even healthier.                                                         David N. Young
will admit those were dark and uncertain             We all witnessed extraordinary courage           Though the emergency had the power                                           Editor
times that none of us hope to revisit any-        by average Americans who risked their           to devastate us, we as a community found                         Event News Enterprise

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2                                                                               BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
   to all those
being recognized in the
Event News Enterprise
  “Best Of Awards”.

          Thank You for your
         continued confidence
     the opportunity to serve you!

                                      20211   3
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
Los Al Chamber names ‘Heroes’ of 2021
Here are the “best of public service” officials
   In addition to the “Best of ENE”             Highway Patrol, the Los Alamitos Police
named at this event, we also want to            Department, the Orange County Sheriff’s
recognize the “best of public service”          Department and Joint Forces Training
officials named by the The Los Alamitos         Bases each nominated a recipient to be
Chamber of Commerce packed the Rush             awarded for their heroic actions.
Park Community Center in Rossmoor                  For the first time, the event also
Thursday to salute area heroes who have         included medical frontline workers, as
distinguished themselves by serving the         two representatives of the Los Alamitos
public.                                         Medical Center were recognized for their
   “Today is about acknowledging                bravery and skill performed under duress
heroes,” said Chamber Chairwoman                during the pandemic.
Nesi Stewart, who thanked everyone                 The Heroes Appreciation Luncheon
involved who help get the Chamber               honorees for 2021 include the following:
“Heroes Appreciation Luncheon” back on             Los Alamitos Medical Center Facilities
track after skipping 2020 because of the        Director Greg Watt.
pandemic.                                          Los Alamitos Medical Center Nursing
   “We surpassed expectations,” she             Director Jon Blomberg.
said, thanking event Chairwoman Judy               California Highway Patrol Officer
Klobach, the Chamber Board of Directors,        Matthew Musselmann.
the major sponsors, RCSD General                   Lieutenant Colonel Leroy Cisneros of
Manager Joe Mendoza and Chamber                 the 40th Infantry Division at Joint Forces
employee Toni Hauger.                           Training Base Los Alamitos.
   Stewart took a personal moment                  Sergeant First Class Peter Nuoffer of
to thank those whom she said had been           the 79th Theater Sustainment Command
heroes to her and her family. “As many of       at Joint Forces Training Base Los
you know, I recently lost my husband Carl       Alamitos.
and I want to say thank you to all of you          Los Alamitos Police Chief Eric Nuñez.
who have been heroes to me over the past           Orange County Fire Authority
couple of weeks,” said Stewart.                 Firefighter-Paramedic Justin Myers.
    The event brought political firepower          Orange County Sheriff’s Department
to Rossmoor for the luncheon, as                Deputy Gabriel Barreras.
State Sen. Tom Umberg, 2nd District                The renown Los Alamitos Show Choir,
Supervisor Katrina Foley both attended,         under the direction of Director David
representatives of Congressman Alan             Mollencamp, serenaded the group with a
Lowenthal along with several area mayors        medly of patriotic and show tunes as SPC
and elected officials attended to honor the     Raivyn Hearne from Joint Forces Training
public service heroes.                          Base Sang the national anthem.
   Chamber Board Member Manny
Gouveia served as Master of Ceremonies
for the luncheon, saying “we greatly
appreciate these heroes who serve our
                                                                                               Los Alamitos Animal
community so unselfishly on a daily
   Representatives of several public
service agencies, including the Orange
County Fire Authority, the California                                                                Trusted Veterinary Care ~ Compassionate Staff
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    All rights reserved

4                                                                           BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
DINING                      Restaurant For Kids		             7    Florist				                 15   Chiropractor			              17
Ambiance			             6   Romantic Restaurant		             7    Hardware Store			           15   Dentist				                  17
American			             6   Sandwich Shop			                  7    Healthcare Service		        15   Dog park			                  17
Bakery				              6   Seafood			                        7    Home Furnishings Store		    15   Elected Official			          17
BBQ				                 6   Steakhouse			                    14    Interior Designer		         15   Financial Advisor		          17
Beer Selection			       6   Smoothie/Juice Bar		             14    Jewelry Store			            15   General Contractor           17
Breakfast			            6   Sports Bar			                    14    Kids Store			               15   Hair Stylist			              17
Brunch				              6   Sushi				                        14    Large Company			            15   Insurance Agent		            17
Burger				              6   Taco				                         14    Liquor Store			             15   Jeweler				                  17
Chinese			              6   Thai				                         14    Martial Arts Training		     15   Local Band			                17
Coffee House			         6   Wine Selection			                14    Nail Salon			               16   Manicurist/Pedicurist		      17
Deli				                6                                          Non-Profit Organization		   16   Massage Therapist		          17
Dessert				             6   SHOPPING/SERVICES                      Nursery/Garden			           16   Medical Doctor			            17
Fast Food			            6   Animal Hospital			               14    Permanent Make-up		         16   Optometrist			               17
Donut Shop			           6   Antique Shop			                  14    Pet Groomer			              16   Police Officer			            17
Greek/Mediterranean		   6   Auto Repair			                   14    Plumber			                  16   Real Estate Agent		          18
Happy Hour			           7   Bank				                         14    Real Estate Agency		        16   Veterinarian			              18
Ice Cream			            7   Barber Shop			                   14    Shipping/Packing		          16
Italian				             7   Beauty Salon			                  14    Small Company			            16   COMMUNITY
Japanese			             7   Boutique Clothing		              14    Specialty Store			          16   Community/Festival		         18
Lunch				               7   Boutique Gift Shop		             14    Technology/Computers		      16
Meal under $10			       7   Boutique Hotel			                15    Tutoring Services		         16   LIFESTYLE
Mexican			              7   Day Spa			                       15    Yoga-Studio			              16   Park				                     18
Neighborhood Bar		      7   Dry Cleaner			                   15                                     Place to People Watch		      18
New Restaurant			       7                                          PEOPLE
                            Eco-Friendly			                  15                                     Place for a First Date		     18
Outdoor Dining			       7                                          Accountant			               16
                            Fitness Center			                15                                     Place to Walk Your Dog		     18
Pizza				               7                                          Bartender			                16

                                                                                         THANK YOU
                                                                                Los Alamitos For Your Votes!


                                                                      Check out my                     Google Business Rating!

                                              BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                            20211                                                 5
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
DINING                                                      DINING                                                            DINING

    AMBIANCE                                                          AMERICAN                                                         BAKERY
    Shenandoah At the Arbor                               2021
                                                                      Polly’s Pies Restaurant & Bakery                   2021
                                                                                                                                       Katella Bakery,         Deli & Restaurant
    (562) 431-1990                                                    (714) 459-0041                                                   (562) 594-8611
                                                           D                                                              D                                                             D
    10631 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos               GOL           3464 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                   GOL             4470 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                GOL
           2017                                                             2017                                                              2017

              R               Original Fish Company                            R         Hof’s Hut Restaurant and Bakery                         R         Butter+Cream Bakery
         SILVE                (310) 710-9786                              SILVE          (562) 799-9552                                     SILVE          (562) 493-6899
                              11061 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                      12489 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach                                 11196 Los Alamitos Blvd

                                  DINING                                                      DINING                                                            DINING

    BBQ                                                               BEER SELECTION                                                   BREAKFAST
    Maderas Steakhouse                                    2021
                                                                      Tubby’s Liquor                                     2021
                                                                                                                                       Nick’s Deli II                                  2021
    (562) 598-0401                                                    (562) 943-9150                                                   (562) 795-7766
                                                           D                                                              D                                                             D
    3642 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                      GOL           10601 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos            GOL             10900 Los Alamitos Blvd. #109, Los Alamitos   GOL
           2017                                                             2017                                                              2017
                              The Brew Kitchen Alehouse                                  The Brew Kitchen Alehouse                                         Hof’s Hut Restaurant and Bakery
              R                                                                R                                                                 R
         SILVE                (562) 431-3900                              SILVE          (562) 431-3900                                     SILVE          (562) 799-9552
                              10708 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                      10708 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                             12489 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach

                                  DINING                                                      DINING                                                            DINING

    BRUNCH                                                            BURGER                                                           CHINESE
    Katella Bakery,              Deli & Restaurant
                                                                      In-N-Out                                           2021
                                                                                                                                       Fortune Cookies Restaurant                      2021
    (562) 594-8611                                                    (800) 786-1000                                                   (562) 493-0058
                                                           D                                                              D                                                             D
    4470 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                      GOL           12365 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach                GOL             12235 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach             GOL
           2017                                                             2017                                                              2017

              R               Gourmet Pie and Café                             R         The Brew Kitchen Alehouse                               R         Red Wok Chinese Restaurant
         SILVE                (562) 546-0555                              SILVE          (562) 431-3900                                     SILVE          (562) 493-2685
                              5350 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                             10708 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                             10883 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos
               ABLE           (562) 596-2199
                              3005 Old Ranch Pkwy, Seal Beach

                                  DINING                                                      DINING                                                            DINING

    COFFEE HOUSE                                                      DELI                                                             DESSERT
    Starbucks                                             2021
                                                                      Katella Bakery,       Deli & Restaurant
                                                                                                                                       À La Waffle                                     2021
    (562) 431-7973                                                    (562) 594-8611                                                   (562) 430-8639
                                                           D                                                              D                                                             D
    1980-C, Tice Valley Blvd, Walnut Creek              GOL           4470 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                   GOL             10893 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos         GOL
           2017                                                             2017                                                              2017

              R               Peet’s Coffee                                    R         Nick’s Deli II                                          R         Yogurtland
         SILVE                (562) 546-0007                              SILVE          (562) 795-7766                                     SILVE          (562) 596-8400
                              12203 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach                          10900 Los Alamitos Blvd # 109, Los Alamitos                       12357 Seal Beach Blvd #2, Seal Beach

                                  DINING                                                     DINING                                                             DINING

    FAST FOOD                                                         DONUT SHOP                                                       GREEK/MEDITERRANEAN
    Volcano Burger                                        2021
                                                                      Los Alamitos Donuts                                2021
                                                                                                                                       Paul’s Place
                                                          2021                                                           2021                                                          2021
    (562) 430-6004                                                    (562) 430-1335                                                   (562) 799-2374
                                                           D                                                              D            10821 Los Alamitos Blvd #2332, Los Alamitos      D
    3652 W Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos                   GOL           10531 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos            GOL                                                           GOL
           2017                                                             2017                                                              2017

              R               Chick-fil-A                                      R        Nevin’s Donut Shop                                       R         George’s Greek Café
         SILVE                (562) 430-3060                              SILVE         (562) 431-0191                                      SILVE          (562) 433-1755
                              12101 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach                         11192 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                              5316 2nd St, Long Beach

6                                                                                  BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
DINING                                                      DINING                                               DINING

HAPPY HOUR                                                       ICE CREAM                                              ITALIAN
Griffins Grill                                        2021
                                                                 Yogurtland                                      2021
                                                                                                                        Dominic’s Ristorante Italiano
                                                      2021                                                       2021                                                  2021
(562) 430-8639                                                   ((562) 596-8400                                        (714) 821-8080
                                                       D                                                          D     9921 Walker St, Cypress                         D
10893 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos               GOL          12357 Seal Beach Blvd #2, Seal Beach          GOL                                                   GOL
      2017                                                              2017                                                  2017

         R               Boon Docks Cocktails                              R         Bruster’s Real Ice Cream                    R        A’Roma Ristorante
    SILVE                (562) 431-3427                               SILVE          (714) 527-5200                         SILVE         (714) 523-3729
                         11142 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                       9963 Walker St, Cypress                              30 Centerpointe Dr STE 1, La Palma

                             DINING                                                      DINING                                               DINING

JAPANESE                                                         LUNCH                                                  MEAL UNDER $10
Bamboo Grill & Sushi                                  2021
                                                                 Wahoo’s Fish Taco                               2021
                                                                                                                        Taco Surf
                                                      2021                                                       2021                                                  2021
(562) 795-6781                                                   (562) 598-0080                                         (562) 598-3088
                                                       D                                                          D     10542 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos           D
12430 Seal Beach Blvd E, Seal Beach                 GOL          10931 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos         GOL                                                   GOL
      2017                                                              2017                                                  2017

         R               Sango Sushi Restaurant                            R         Pasty Kitchen                               R        Pasty Kitchen
    SILVE                (562) 594-4456                               SILVE          (562) 431-9747                         SILVE         (562) 431-9747
                         10692 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                       3641 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                       3641 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos

                             DINING                                                      DINING                                               DINING

MEXICAN                                                          NEIGHBORHOOD BAR                                       NEW RESTAURANT
Wahoo’s Fish Taco                                     2021
                                                                 Boon Docks Cocktails                            2021
                                                                                                                        Mama’s Comfort Food & Cocktails
(562) 598-0080                                                   (562) 431-3427                                         (562) 357-6970
                                                       D                                                          D     11122 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos           D
10931 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos               GOL          11142 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos         GOL                                                   GOL
      2017                                                                                                                    2017

         R               Alberto’s Mexican Food                                                                                  R        The Brew Kitchen Alehouse
    SILVE                (562) 430-7702                                                                                     SILVE         (562) 431-3900
                         4240 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                                                                                   10708 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos

                             DINING                                                      DINING                                               DINING

OUTDOOR DINING                                                   PIZZA                                                  RESTAURANT FOR KIDS
Shenandoah At the Arbor                               2021
                                                                 Ameci Pizza & Pasta                             2021
                                                                                                                        Mama’s Comfort Food & Cocktails
(562) 431-1990                                                   (562) 594-7277                                         (562) 357-6970
                                                       D                                                          D     11122 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos           D
10631 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos               GOL          10847 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos         GOL                                                   GOL
      2017                                                              2017                                                  2017

         R               Wahoo’s Fish Taco                                 R         Pietrini Pizza Napoletana                   R        Ameci Pizza & Pasta
    SILVE                (562) 598-0080                               SILVE          (562) 318-3050                         SILVE         (562) 598-0080
                         10931 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                       5252 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                       10847 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos

                             DINING                                                      DINING                                               DINING

ROMANTIC RESTAURANT                                              SANDWICH SHOP                                          SEAFOOD
Shenandoah At the Arbor                                          Nick’s Deli II                                  2021
                                                                                                                        Original Fish Company                          2021
                                                      2021                                                       2021                                                  2021
(562) 431-1990                                                   (562) 795-7766                                         (310) 710-9786
10631 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                  D                                                          D                                                     D
                                                    GOL          10900 Los Alamitos Blvd #109, Los Alamitos    GOL      11061 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos        GOL
      2017                                                              2017                                                  2017

         R               Maderas Steakhouse                                R         Polly’s Pies Restaurant & Bakery            R        Off The Hook at The Original Fish Co.
    SILVE                (562) 598-0401                               SILVE          (562) 430-4541                         SILVE         (562) 330-1310
                         3642 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                              3464 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                       11061 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos

          ABLE           (562) 596-2199
                         3005 Old Ranch Pkwy, Seal Beach

                                                                        BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                                                      20211                                                                       7
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
Best of
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8                                                                                BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
ENE Major Coverage in 2020 – 21
1.   The Covid Pandemic – ENE provided           5.   Cypress School District – ENE provided           as subsequently his election by the           Orchestra and Jazz program, to Los Al
     coverage of every major development              in depth coverage as the Cypress                 directors to the position of President,       Dance and theater performances in
     throughout the pandemic from all of              school district ultimately sold the prop-        has sparked controversy but also a            an amazing array of venues all within
     our communities.                                 erty on which its main administrative            movement of reform, all covered by            a 30-minute drive, the pages of ENE
                                                      office had been located for 50 years             the ENE. The enclave remains a special        showcase our homegrown talent.
2.   The Reopen – As the crisis continues to          and purchased a vacant office building           place as the RCSD struggles to find a
     subside, ENE has provided comprehen-             that will serve as a foundation for the          way to navigate the growing needs of      10. The people of West Orange County
     sive coverage of various aspects of the          elementary school district’s administra-         an unincorporated area.                       – Our papers have featured some of
     assisted, carefully calculated reopening         tive future.                                9.   The talent of our community – The ENE         the most amazing people in the all the
     that is still going on today.                                                                     circulation area is blessed by some of        world, including veterans, teachers,
                                                 6.   Los Alamitos Unified School District             the best entertainers in all of SoCal         seniors, students, inventors, chefs and
3.   Measure Y - Los Alamitos 1.5 percent             – ENE has covered the rapid transfor-            and we have provided our readers with         so many more who do important work
     sales tax approval – With the City of            mation of the district that began after          coverage of their sweet songs. From           or have accomplished laudable feats
     Los Alamitos reeling from years of               students protested years of silence              the Los Al Show Choir to Mr. Padilla’s        worthy of coverage in the ENE.
     dwindling revenues prompted by the               over bullying, often along racial lines,
     a variety of factors, ENE provided               that only escalated after the death of

                                                                                                                            Shop Local
     extensive coverage of the process,               George Floyd. The ENE continues to
     and subsequent approval of Measure               cover the evolving issues as the pro-
     Y that has now paved the way to fis-             tests have now escalated to a potential
     cal sustainability for this innovative           school board recall.
                                                 7.   The success of our communities – The
4.   Measure P – The ENE opposed a                    past two years have seen some chal-
     proposal placed on the ballot by the
     Cypress City Council entitled Mea-
                                                      lenges but also many amazing feats
                                                      which have been covered by ENE.
                                                                                                                  The holidays are upon us!
     sure P in 2020 which ultimately made             While the list is perhaps too long to be
     major changes to the city’s charter              totally inclusive, the Los Al Recreation

     of government. In the opinion of our             Department, Casa Youth Shelter and
     editorial staff, ENE opposed the mea-            many Los Al High School groups have
     sure, believing that any measure that            all brought honor to our communities.
     decreases government transparency is
     ultimately not in the interest of taxpay-   8.   The evolution of Rossmoor – The
     ers.                                             election of Dr. Jeffrey Barke to the                   Thank you for shopping local this season!!
                                                      Rossmoor Community Services District,

                                                                                                                 Thank You
                                                                                                                    Los Alamitos

                                Free Checking • Auto Loans • Home Loans • Visa Credit Cards

        Southland is proud to be your
          community credit union!
                                                                                                                    10701 Los Alamitos Blvd.
                                                                           BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                                                         20211                                                                               9
A Salute to Service - Honoring the BEST of our community Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 American Legion Post 716 - The Event News Enterprise
223 Main Street, Seal Beach, CA

                                                                                                                                                     Best Sandwich Shop        Best Breakfast            Best Deli

                                                                                                                                                        We would like to express our heart felt thanks to
                                                                                                                                                        all who have supported us these past 42 years.
                                                                                                                                                                       THANK YOU!

                                                                                                                                                     Drs. Horvath, Licciardo and Oliver would like to thank our clients
                                                                                               > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC                             for voting us the best animal hospital in Los Alamitos
                                                                                            > edwardjones.com  | Member
                                                                                                 > edwardjones.com  | Member
                                                                                                                        SIPC SIPC

                                                         Edward Jones ranks highest in investor satisfaction with full service
                                                         brokerage firms, according to the J.D. Power 2021 U.S. Full Service
                                                           Jones ranks
                                                         Edward   Jones highest  in SM
                                                                  Satisfaction      investor
                                                                               highest         satisfaction
                                                                                         in investor         with full
                                                                                                     satisfaction  withservice
                                                                                                                          full service
                                                   brokerage firms, according
                                                         brokerage                     J.D.
                                                                                to the to
                                                                    firms, according      thePower  2021 U.S.
                                                                                              J.D. Power 2021Full
                                                                                                                   Full Service
                                                   Investor         Because
                                                         Investor        StudySM
                                                                   Satisfaction     weSM work to provide you
                                                                        > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC
                                                            with the individualized answers and
                                                       Why?Why?     Because
                                                           attention   youwe     we work
                                                                             need.             to provide
                                                                                          to provide       youyou                                      Committed to providing the best care for
                                                            the the    individualized
                                                                  individualized             answers
                                                                                        answers         andand
                   The 2021 U.S. Full-service Investor attention
                                                           Contact me at  you
                                                                    you need.
                                                                         (562)  need.
                                                                               596-3722 to get started.                                                          you and your pet
                   Satisfaction Study is based on
                             Edward Jones ranks highest in investor satisfaction with full service
    The 2021The
                  responses from 4,392 investors who
                  make somebrokerage
                  with  aU.S.
                                 or all investment
                         financial   Investor
                                      advisor. The  study was
                                                        Contact     at (562)
                                                                            the J.D.
                                                            me atme
                                                                                  - It’sPower
                                                                                         Time for
                                                                                  to gettostarted.
                                                                                                      U.S. Full
                                                                                           get started.       to Service
                                                                                                                 Feel Individual.                     canine and feline medicine • surgery •
                                Investor        Satisfaction     Study   SM    Sean Payne,     CFP®,
                                                                                                >      ChFC®,   CLU®| Member
                                                                                                                                                      dentistry • well pet care • vaccine clinic
                  fielded      2021
                           from       is
    Satisfaction Study is based on       U.
                                         basedS.  Full-Service
                                               2020   through   Investor  Satisfaction   Study is based  on responses   from SIPC
             responses Investors
                  Februaryfrom       Forwho
                              2021.             make
                                          more         who
                                                information,                   Financial
                                                          some or all investment          Advisor
                                                                                   decisions   with a financial advisor. The study
    responses  from   4,392    investors     who
             makevisit jdpower.com/awards.
                    some    or all  investment
                                             fromdecisions       Edward
                                                                     JonesJones    It’s -Time
                                                                                           It’s Time    for  Investing     to Feel     Individual.
                             Why? Because we work to provide you
                                                           Edward              -13001            for Investing       to Feel    Individual.
                       was      fielded
    make some or all investment decisions             December 2020 through February 2021. For more information, visit
                                                                                           Seal Beach    Boulevard
              with Rating
    with a financiala financial
                       advisor.  advisor.
                           may not         The
                                     bestudy  wasstudy
                         jdpower.com/awards.             was
                                                    of future
              fielded  from December       2020
                                            not bethrough
                                                                           Sean Payne,    200 Payne,
                                                                                                  CFP®,  CFP®,     ChFC®,
                                                                                                            ChFC®, CLU®       CLU®
                             with the individualized answers and
    fielded from    performance
                   December       and may
                                2020     through                 Edward Jones Sealranks  Beach,   CA
                                                                                         highest in
                                                                                    Financial         90740
                                                                                                  Advisor    satisfaction with full service
               2021.      2021.
                       ForRating    ofmore  information,
                                       any one
                                  information,  client’s                   Financial       Advisor
                                                                                 562-596-3722          J.D. Power  2021 U.S. Full Service
              visit                may itnot
                    experience  because          be an
                                            reflects     average brokerage
                                                      indicative  of futurefirms,    according to
                                                                              performance          themay
                                                                                                 and        not be   representative     of any
                             attention you need.
    visit jdpower.com/awards.                                    Investor           13001
                                                                           Satisfaction      Seal
                                                                                           StudySM Beach Boulevard
                         one client’s
                    of experiences         experience
                                    of responding   clients. because  it reflects
                                                                           13001    an  average
                                                                                     Seal    Beachof experience
                                                                                                      Boulevardof responding clients.
              Rating   may  not  be  indicative   of future
    Rating may not be indicative of future
              performance and may not be                                   Suite Suite
                                                                                     200 200
    performance MKT-11677A-A-AD-JDP
                    and may not be           Why? Because we work to provide you
              representative of any one client’s
    representative of any one client’s
                                                © 2021 EDWARD D. JONES &   Seal     Seal
                                                                             CO., L.P.      Beach,
                                                                                       ALL RIGHTS
                                                                                   Beach,             CA 90740

rvice  Investor
                             Contact me at (562)
    experience because it reflects an average     the individualized
              experience because it reflects an average
              of experiences of responding clients.
                                                                      answers and
                                                            to get started.
    of experiences of responding clients.
based on                                     attention you need.
2 investors MKT-11677A-A-AD-JDP
            who                         © 2021 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                           we also offer bathing and                      D
                           Edward           Jones - It’s   Timemefor      Investing      to to
                                                                                            Feel   Individual.                                                                                        GOL
 stment  decisions            © 2021 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                         Contact     at (562)    596-3722      get started.
                                                                                                                                                           boarding for your pets
                The 2021 U.S.  Full-service Investor
or. The study was
                Satisfaction Study is based on
er 2020 through responses from 4,392 investors who Sean Payne, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®
                make some or all investment decisions   Edward  Jones - It’s Time for Investing to Feel Individual.
ore information,with a financial advisor. The studyFinancial
                                                                   Sean Payne, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®                                                     For more information or to make an appointment call us
 ards.          fielded from December     2020  through

                 February 2021. For more information,       Seal Beach  Boulevard
                                                                    Financial Advisor
dicative of future
                 visit jdpower.com/awards.
                                                      Suite 200     13001 Seal Beach Boulevard
y not be                                              Seal Beach, CASuite
                   Rating may not be indicative of future            90740200
 one client’s      performance and may not be                       Seal Beach, CA 90740
                   representative of any one client’s 562-596-3722  562-596-3722
 reflects an average
                experience because it reflects an average
ponding clients.of experiences of responding clients.

                   MKT-11677A-A-AD-JDP © 2021 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
DP © 2021 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                                                  4102 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos
              10                                                                                                            BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                            O U R PA S S I O N I S O U R C U S TO M E R S
                                                                            OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR STRENGTH
                                                                            Thank you readers of the Event-News Enterprise for
                                                                                       your support and recognition!
                                                                             WE’RE HERE TO PRINT...WE’RE HERE FOR YOU!
                                                                             10666 Los Alamitos Boulevard, Los Alamitos, California

We thank all of you who are serving. We respect all who have served
 and forever remember those who gave all in service of our nation.

       The ENE salutes your service and we say THANK YOU.

                                                     BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                                   20211                                          11
CARTRIDGE                                                       Thank you to Wahoo’s, Growing Roots and
                                                                                     The American Legion

            WAREHOUSE                                                    The Event News Enterprise is grateful to the many people and
                                                                         companies who have worked with us to put together this event,
                    Los Alamitos                                         including;

                                                                         Wahoo’s Fish Taco’s
     Premier Ink & Toner Experts                                         ENE thanks Tom Orbe and the team at Wahoo’s Fish Taco’s for their
         Under Same Ownership • Same Great Products                      assistance and for providing the delicious food for this event.

     Same Great Service • Same Low Prices • Printer Service!
                                                                         American Legion Post 716
  The more you spend and the more you save on your
 Cartridge Warehouse Branded Ink and Toner purchase.                     ENE thanks Commander Woody Collins, First Vice Commander Ernie
                                                                         Rodriguez, Food and Beverage manager Mary Hernandez and Rick
                                                                         Molina from the American Legion Post 716 in Los Alamitos. Without
        $5.00 off                    $10.00 off                          their generous assistance, this event would not have been possible.

         $30.00                       $60.00
            or more                       or more                        Growing Roots
       Excludes OEM products         Excludes OEM products
       One coupon per customer.      One coupon per customer.
       Cannot be combined with       Cannot be combined with
           any other offer.              any other offer.                ENE thanks Growing Roots Interior Plant specialists for providing
          Expires 11/30/21              Expires 11/30/21
                                                                         us with the beautiful red, white and blue floral arrangements for the
                                                                         tables and their overall support to our company.
         Open a new
       Business Account
       and receive $25
                                     Free Ream
      off your first order
       of $120 or more                of Paper
      Excludes OEM products
      One coupon per customer.
      Cannot be combined with
          any other offer.
         Expires 11/30/21
                                    With a $25 or more
                                    Cartridge Purchase                                    Marina        Skin Care
        562-594-7140                                                          Enjoy $30 off any                     Enjoy $10 off any
      3327 Cerritos Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA 90720                         service of your choice               product of your choice
     Los Alamitos Business Park last drive-way off Cerritos

                                                                                           Thank you for voting for us!

                                                                                          We carry:
                                                                                          • Obagi medical           • Guinot
             our                                                                          • SkinMedica              • Yonka
                 ENT                                                                      • SkinCeuticals           • Latisse
          FREQU B
          FILLER re
            for Mo
             Saving                                                                                            Center Plaza
                                                                                                 10698 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos CA
                                                                                                           phone: (562)512-7324
12                                                    BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
Since 1923, we have been committed to bringing you the
           best coverage of your community.

   Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives.

       News delivered by people you know and trust
                     BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                   20211   13
DINING                                                            DINING                                                       DINING

     STEAKHOUSE                                                           SMOOTHIE/JUICE BAR                                           SPORTS BAR
     Maderas Steakhouse                                      2021
                                                                          Simply O Organic Juice Bar                       2021
                                                                                                                                       Griffins Grill
                                                             2021                                                          2021                                                           2021
     (562) 598-0401                                                       (562) 370-9222                                               (562) 794-9337
                                                              D                                                             D          11272 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos             D
     3642 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                        GOL            11110 Los Alamitos Blvd #102, Los Alamitos     GOL                                                          GOL
             2017                                                                2017                                                         2017

               R             Original Fish Company                                  R         Starbucks                                          R          Boon Docks Cocktails
          SILVE              (310) 710-9786                                    SILVE          (562) 431-7973                                SILVE           (562) 431-3427
                             11061 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                            1980-C, Tice Valley Blvd, Walnut Creek                        11142 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos

                                 DINING                                                            DINING                                                       DINING

     SUSHI                                                                TACO                                                         THAI
     Sango Sushi Restaurant                                  2021
                                                                          Taco Surf                                        2021
                                                             2021                                                          2021                                                           2021
     (562) 594-4456                                                       (562) 598-3088                                               (562) 431-4198
                                                              D                                                             D          10900 Los Alamitos Blvd # 131, Los Alamitos       D
     10692 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                 GOL            10542 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos          GOL                                                          GOL
             2017                                                                2017                                                         2017

               R             Kampai Sushi House                                     R         Wahoo’s Fish Taco                                  R          Coconut Rabbit
          SILVE              (562) 795-9299                                    SILVE          (562) 598-0080                                SILVE           ((562) 342-9999
                             10900 Los Alamitos Blvd #115, Los Alamitos                       10931 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                         4280 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos

                                 DINING                                                   SHOPPING/SERVICES                                            SHOPPING/SERVICES

     WINE SELECTION                                                       ANIMAL HOSPITAL                                              ANTIQUE SHOP
     Tubby’s Liquor                                          2021
                                                                          Little Cottonwood Animal Hospital                2021
                                                                                                                                       Coliseum Antiques
                                                             2021                                                          2021                                                           2021
     (562) 943-9150                                                       (562) 533-1374                                               (562) 598-0811
                                                              D                                                             D          10909 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos             D
     10601 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                 GOL            4102 Katella Ave, Los Alamito                  GOL                                                          GOL
             2017                                                                2017

               R             Original Fish Company                                  R         Los Alamitos Animal Hospital
          SILVE              (310) 710-9786                                    SILVE          (562) 431-6925
                             11061 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                            2365 Seal Beach Blvd #105, Seal Beach
              ABLE           (562) 596-2199
                             3005 Old Ranch Pkwy, Seal Beach

                         SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                SHOPPING/SERVICES                                            SHOPPING/SERVICES

     AUTO REPAIR                                                          BANK                                                         BARBER SHOP
     Coastline Auto Care                                     2021
                                                                          Southland Credit Union                           2021
                                                                                                                                       The Barber Pole                                    2021
     (714) 826-1970                                                       (800) 426-1917                                               (714) 252-1162
                                                              D                                                             D                                                            D
     3400 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos                       GOL            10701 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos          GOL           4155 Ball Rd Cypress                           GOL
             2017                                                                2017                                                         2017

               R             Norms Auto Collision Center                            R         Financial Partners Credit Union                    R          Old Traditions Gentlemen’s Parlor
          SILVE              (562) 598-8200                                    SILVE          (800) 950-7328                                SILVE           (281) 856-0665
                             11042 Winners Cir, Los Alamitos                                  12410 Seal Beach Blvd Suite E, SB                             10900 Los Alamitos Blvd #111, LA

                         SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                SHOPPING/SERVICES                                            SHOPPING/SERVICES

     BEAUTY SALON                                                         BOUTIQUE                    CLOTHING                         BOUTIQUE                     GIFT SHOP
     Gloss Salon & Studio                                                 The Denim Bar                                    2021
                                                                                                                                       Flags With A Flair                                 2021
                                                             2021                                                          2021                                                           2021
     (562) 430-1717                                                       (562) 493-3364                                               (562) 430-3524
     10700 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                    D                                                             D                                                            D
                                                           GOL            10661 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos          GOL           10651 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos          GOL
             2017                                                                2017                                                         2017

               R             The Hair Lounge                                        R         Soft Surroundings                                  R          Cinnamon Stik
          SILVE              (909) 527-0466                                    SILVE          (562) 370-9222                                SILVE           (562) 596-6939
                             4682 Lincoln Ave, Cypress                                        12181 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach                             10641 Los Alamitos Blvd, LA

14                                                                                      BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES                                         SHOPPING/SERVICES

BOUTIQUE HOTEL                                                  DAY SPA                                                    DRY CLEANER
Courtyard by Marriott                                2021
                                                                Marina Skin Care                                           Green World Cleaners                           2021
                                                     2021                                                         2021
                                                                                                                  2021                                                    2021
(714) 827-1010                                                  (562) 357-6970                                             (562) 596-1375
                                                      D         11122 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos               D                                                       D
5865 Katella Ave, Cypress                          GOL                                                           GOL       3651 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                GOL
        2017                                                           2017

          R             Best Western Inn & Suites                         R          Melt Massage & Spa
     SILVE              (562) 598-2299 Clarissa Graves               SILVE           (562) 832-7500
                        10591 Los Alamitos Blvd, LA                                  10775 Los Alamitos Blvd 2nd Flr, LA

                    SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES                                         SHOPPING/SERVICES

ECO-FRIENDLY                                                    FITNESS CENTER                                             FLORIST
CleanWave Express Car Wash                           2021
                                                                Kidnastics Gymnastics & Cheer                              Enchanted Florist                              2021
                                                     2021                                                         2021
                                                                                                                  2021                                                    2021
(562) 430-0045                                                  (562) 431-1102 ext. 0                                      (562) 596-7733
                                                      D         10712 Reagan St, Los Alamitos                       D                                                       D
11031 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos              GOL                                                           GOL       11102 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos         GOL
        2017                                                           2017                                                      2017

          R             Cartridge Warehouse                               R          Kickhouse                                      R        Cypress Florist
     SILVE              (562) 596-1375                               SILVE           (562) 584-0937                            SILVE         (714) 527-2941
                        3327 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos                              4226 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                          4136 Lincoln Ave, Cypress

                    SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES                                         SHOPPING/SERVICES

HARDWARE STORE                                                  HEALTHCARE SERVICE                                         HOME FURNISHINGS STORE
Ganahl Lumber                                        2021
                                                                Los Alamitos Medical Center                                Chartreuse Home Furnishings                    2021
                                                     2021                                                         2021
                                                                                                                  2021                                                    2021
(714) 772-5444                                                  3751 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                             (562) 493-5899
                                                      D                                                             D                                                       D
1220 E Ball Rd, Anaheim                            GOL                                                           GOL       3938 W Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos             GOL
                                                                       2017                                                      2017

                                                                          R          Cardiovascular Care Inc.                       R        Home Goods
                                                                     SILVE           (562) 598-3200                            SILVE         (562) 493-9489
                                                                                     3801 Katella Ave #401, Los Alamitos                     12343 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach

                    SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES                                         SHOPPING/SERVICES

INTERIOR DESIGNER                                               JEWELRY STORE                                              KIDS STORE
Alicia Friedmann Interior                                       Imperial Jewelry Manufacturing Co.                2021
                                                                                                                           Los Alamitos Kids Resale                       2021
Design, LLC                                          2021
                                                                (562) 598-9523
                                                                                                                           (562) 342-7753

                                                      D                                                             D                                                       D
(562) 455-0049                                     GOL          11072 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos            GOL       8169 E Wardlow Rd, Long Beach                 GOL
 4431 Corporate Center Dr #111, LA
        2017                                                           2017                                                      2017

          R             Interior Style Designs                            R          Alterman Jewelers                              R        Children’s Orchard
     SILVE              (562) 799 - 3900                             SILVE           (714) 894-4546                            SILVE         (714) 827-2550
                        10319 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                        6844 Katella Ave, Cypress                               9965 Walker St, Cypress

                    SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES                                         SHOPPING/SERVICES

LARGE COMPANY                                                   LIQUOR STORE                                               MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING
Courtyard by Marriott                                           Tubby’s Liquor                                    2021
                                                                                                                           NHC Martial Arts & Fitness                     2021
                                                     2021                                                         2021                                                    2021
(714) 484-2502                                                  (562) 943-9150                                             (562) 430-5263
5865 Katella Ave, Cypress                             D                                                             D                                                       D
                                                   GOL          10601 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos            GOL       10885 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos         GOL
        2017                                                           2017

          R             Arrowhead Products                                R          Cypress Liquor                                          Yong-In Martial Arts
     SILVE              (714) 828-7770                               SILVE           (714) 723-0595                             SILVE
                                                                                                                                     R       (714) 828-8764
                        4411 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                               4490 Lincoln Ave, Cypress                               4187 Ball Rd, Cypress

                        Honorable Mention Old
         ABLE           Ranch Country Club
                        3901 Lampson Ave, Seal Beach

                                                                       BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                                                     20211                                                                       15
SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                  SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES

     NAIL SALON                                                    NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION                                             NURSERY/GARDEN
     Lovely Nails & Spa                                2021
                                                                   The Youth Center                                        2021
                                                                                                                                       South Coast Supply
                                                       2021                                                                2021                                                            2021
     (714) 484-1099                                                (562) 493-4043                                                      (562) 596-6666
                                                        D                                                                  D           3626 W Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos                   D
     4435 W Cerritos Ave, Cypress                    GOL           10909 Oak St, Los Alamitos                           GOL                                                             GOL
             2017                                                          2017                                                              2017

               R           Complete Nails                                    R               Los Alamitos Education Foundation
                                                                                                                                                R        Classics Flowers and Confections
          SILVE            (562) 598-4340                               SILVE                (650) 559-0445                                SILVE         (714) 828-5611
                           10702 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                             10293 Bloomfield St. Los Alamitos                           10069 Valley View St, Cypress
                                                                                             Transitions In Motherhood
                                                                              ABLE           (562) 650-0474
                                                                                             4301 Atlantic Ave #6, Long Beach

                      SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                  SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES

     PERMANENT MAKE-UP                                             PET GROOMER                                                         PLUMBER
     Label Me Lindsay                                              For Pet’s Sake                                                      The Family Plumber
                                                       2021                                                                2021                                                            2021
     (562) 493-5691                                                (562) 493-5852                                          2021
                                                                                                                                       (562) 431-1960
     11138 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos           GOL
                                                        D          10826 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                   D                                                            GOL
                                                                                                                        GOL            3613 Briggeman Dr, Los Alamitos
                                                                           2017                                                              2017

                                                                             R               Business is Grooming                               R        All Services Plumbing Drain
                                                                        SILVE                (562) 430-1153                                SILVE         and Hydro-Jet
                                                                                             4167 Ball Rd, Cypress                                       (562) 281-4520 10621 Bloomfield St .unit 20

                      SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                  SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES

     REAL ESTATE AGENCY                                            SHIPPING/PACKING                                                    SMALL COMPANY
     Team Chamberlain Realty Executives
                                                                   The UPS Store #7113                                                 Print Masters                                       2021
                                                       2021                                                                2021
                                                                                                                           2021                                                            2021
     (800) 750-0021                                                (714) 316-0653                                                      (562) 493-4547
                                                        D          4276 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                          D                                                               D
     11292 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos           GOL                                                                GOL            10666 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos            GOL
             2017                                                          2017                                                              2017

               R           IRG Properties                                    R               AIM Mail Center                                    R        The Finishing Touch Flooring, Inc.
          SILVE            (562) 810-6785                               SILVE                (562) 799-1414                                SILVE         3273 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos
                           3562 Howard Ave Suite C, LA                                       11278 Los Alamitos Blvd, LA

                      SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                  SHOPPING/SERVICES                                           SHOPPING/SERVICES

     SPECIALTY STORE                                               TECHNOLOGY / COMPUTERS                                              TUTORING SERVICES
     Precious Life Thrift & Gift                       2021
                                                                   Cartridge Warehouse
                                                                                                                                       The Youth Center                                    2021
     (562) 430-7309                                                (562) 594-7140                                                      (562) 493-4043
                                                        D          3327 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos                         D                                                               D
     3622 Florista St, Los Alamitos                  GOL                                                                GOL            10909 Oak St, Los Alamitos                       GOL
             2017                                                          2017                                                              2017

               R           The Denim Bar                                     R               Print Masters                                      R        Tutoring Club of Los Alamitos
          SILVE            (562) 493-3364                               SILVE                (562) 493-4547                                SILVE         (562) 449-0100
                           10661 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos                             10666 Los Alamitos Blvd, LA                                 10899 Los Alamitos Blvd, LA

                      SHOPPING/SERVICES                                                          PEOPLE                                                      PEOPLE

     YOGA-STUDIO                                                   ACCOUNTANT                                                          BARTENDER
     Stella Luna Yoga                                  2021
                                                                   Gordon H. Pullin, CPA                                               Dino Derani                                         2021
                                                       2021                                                                2021
                                                                                                                           2021                                                            2021
     (714) 906-3083                                                (714) 226-9780                                                      (562) 794-9337
                                                        D          10564 Progress Way, Cypress                             D                                                               D
     Valley View St, Buena Park                      GOL                                                                GOL            11272 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos            GOL

                                                                             R               John F. Martin, CPA & Associates., Inc.
                                                                        SILVE                (562) 799-8855
                                                                                             5122 Katella Ave #205, Los Alamitos
                                                                                             Jennifer N. Sawday, Esq.
                                                                            ABLE             (562) 923-0971
                                                                                             3900 Kilroy Airport Way #240, LB

16                                                                                   BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
PEOPLE                                                                 PEOPLE                                              LIFESTYLE

CHIROPRACTOR                                                        DENTIST                                                 DOG PARK
Braithwaite Chiropractic                             2021
                                                                    Chang Orthodontics - Dr. Russell Chang, DDS
                                                                                                                            Rush Park                                       2021
                                                                                                                     2021                                                   2021
(562) 596-6000                                                      (562) 430-0541                                          3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor
                                                      D             4608 Katella Ave STE 201, Los Alamito              D                                                     D
12501 Seal Beach Blvd #160, Seal Beach             GOL                                                              GOL                                                   GOL
      2017                                                                 2017                                                   2017

         R        Dr. Cynthia Burkhardt - A Alamitos Chiropractic
                                                                              R          Dr. Corey Deeble, DDS                       R         Laurel Park
    SILVE         (562) 598-2923                                         SILVE           (562) 596-1661                         SILVE          10862 Bloomfield St, Los Alamitos
                  11274 Los Alamitos Blvd Los Alamitos                                   3551 Florista St, Los Alamitos

                      PEOPLE                                                                 PEOPLE                                                PEOPLE

ELECTED OFFICIAL                                                    FINANCIAL ADVISOR                                       GENERAL CONTRACTOR
The Honorable Mark Chirco,                                          Edward Jones, Financial                                 Cal Custom Interiors, Inc.
Mayor, City of Los Alamitos
                                                     2021           Advisor, Sean Payne                              2021
                                                                                                                            (562) 430-9200

                                                      D             (562) 596-3722                                     D                                                     D
3191 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos                  GOL                                                              GOL     3385 W Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos             GOL
                                                                    13001 Seal Beach Blvd Suite 200, SB
                  The Honorable Ron Bates,                                 2017
                                                                                         Ivanoff Advisors, Paul Ivanoff
     SILVE        Council Member, City of Los
                                                                                         (714) 821-1533
                                                                                         5252 Orange Ave, Cypress
                  3191 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos

                      PEOPLE                                                                 PEOPLE                                                PEOPLE

HAIR STYLIST                                                        INSURANCE AGENT                                         JEWELER
Leigh Pierson, The Hair Lounge                                      Farmers Insurance, Monica Salmon                        Mark Alterman, Alterman Jewelers
                                                     2021                                                            2021
                                                                                                                     2021                                                   2021
(714) 821-1533                                                      (562) 598-0997                                          (714) 894-4546
4682 Lincoln Ave Cypress                              D                                                                D    6844 Katella Ave, Cypress                        D
                                                   GOL              4380 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                  GOL                                                   GOL

                                                                              R          Suzanne Moriarty
                                                                         SILVE           (714) 348-8135
                                                                                         5252 Orange Ave, Cypress

                      PEOPLE                                                                 PEOPLE                                                PEOPLE

LOCAL BAND                                                          MANICURIST/PEDICURIST                                   MASSAGE THERAPIST
Bierman Brothers                                                    Persimmon Nail Salon, Lynn                              Melt Massage & Spa
                                                     2021                                                            2021
                                                                                                                     2021                                                   2021
Instagram – thebiermanbrothers                                      (714) 821-1533                                          (562) 832-7500
                                                      D                                                                D    10775 Los Alamitos Blvd 2nd Flr, LA              D
                                                   GOL              4959 Katella Ave Ste G, Los Alamitos            GOL                                                   GOL

                      PEOPLE                                                                 PEOPLE                                                PEOPLE

MEDICAL DOCTOR                                                      OPTOMETRIST                                             POLICE OFFICER
Dr. Roberta M. Smith, PA                                            Alamitos EyeCare                                        Wayne Byerley                                   2021
                                                     2021                                                            2021
                                                                                                                     2021                                                   2021
(562) 594-9546                                                      (562) 430-6161                                          (562) 431-2255 EXT 420
3801 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                        D             10951 Cherry St, Los Alamitos                      D                                                     D
                                                   GOL                                                              GOL     3201 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                GOL
      2017                                                                 2017                                                   2017

         R        Dr. Ryan Tran, MD                                           R          Dr. Avani J. Patel, OD                      R         Delana Lopez
    SILVE         (562) 594-6599                                         SILVE           (714) 742-8168                         SILVE          (562) 431-2255 x407
                  3460 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                                         10951 Cherry St, Los Alamitos                         3201 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos

                                                                           BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                                                         20211                                                                     17
PEOPLE                                                           PEOPLE                                                         COMMUNITY

     REAL ESTATE AGENT                                             VETERINARIAN                                                      COMMUNITY FESTIVAL
     Realtor, Sarah Ireland                        2021
                                                                   Dr. Claudia Horvath, DVM                                          Rossmoor Family Foodie Festival                   2021
                                                   2021                                                             2021
                                                                                                                    2021                                                               2021
     (562) 810-6785                                                (562) 533-1374                                                    (310) 560-9122
                                                    D              4102 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos                    D                                                                  D
     3562 Howard Ave Suite C, Los Alamitos       GOL                                                              GOL                3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor                         GOL
           2017                                                                                                                             2017

              R       Philip DeMatteo                                                                                                         R          Race Los Alamitos
         SILVE        (562) 254-6883                                                                                                     SILVE           3191 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos
                      12501 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach

                         LIFESTYLE                                                        LIFESTYLE                                                        LIFESTYLE

     PARK                                                          PLACE TO PEOPLE WATCH                                             PLACE FOR A FIRST DATE
     Rush Park                                     2021
                                                                   Rush Park                                        2021
                                                                                                                                     Shenandoah At the Arbor                           2021
     3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor                                       3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor                                           (562) 431-1990
                                                    D                                                                D                                                                  D
                                                 GOL                                                              GOL                10631 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos           GOL
           2017                                                           2017                                                               2017

              R       Rossmoor Park                                          R         Laurel Park                                                       Laurel Park
         SILVE        3232 Hedwig Rd, Rossmoor                          SILVE          10862 Bloomfield St, Los Alamitos                  SILVE
                                                                                                                                               R         10862 Bloomfield St, Los Alamitos


     PLACE TO WALK YOUR DOG                                     Gold ribbon winners
     Rush Park
     3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor                       2021

                                                                Bierman Brothers
                                                                to perform on ENE

              R       Laurel Park
                      10862 Bloomfield St, Los Alamitos

                                                                Twin brothers mark nearly a
                                                                decade of songwriting
Gold ribbon winners Bierman Brothers to                                                           another rocket. “In excitement, we were           said, they are focusing on personal growth.
perform on ENE stage                            The identical twins, 18, have already been on     talking about Mars, and the terrifying, but       “People get comfortable with the familiar, but
Twin brothers mark nearly a decade of song-     the local music scene for nearly a decade,        grand prospect of having a one-way ticket to      you can only grow as a person if you take
writing                                         drawing praise from seasoned critics who          Mars,” said Bierman. (Relatedly, Carson has       risks,” said Chad Bierman.
                                                have marveled at their precision and crafts-      acknowledged that if she is selected for the
After a breakthrough year, the Long Beach       manship.                                          Mars mission planned for some time around         Both of the twins have enrolled in Cypress
retro pop band Bierman Brothers will enter-                                                       2033, there is a good chance it will be a one-    College music program, where they say they
tain guests for the “Best of Event News         “There is talent in abundance,” says Dirk         way journey).                                     are learning new things every day.
Enterprise” on Nov. 12 at the American          Lance of Incubus. “These guys are some-
Legion Post 716 in Los Alamitos.                thing else,” says Norm Harris, the rock-          Going to Mars, said Bierman, “is like how         Accompanying the Biermans on the ENE
                                                respected owner of Norm’s Famous Guitars.         the Pilgrims traveled to the new world from       stage will be Bryce Weston, on drums, a col-
Not only have these identical twins enjoyed                                                       England. I was so hooked by that idea that I      lege-aged drummer whom some have called
a tremendous year, ENE readers selected         Sean Bierman and Chad Bierman are the             went straight to my room and spent the next       the next Jon Bonham, and Kyla Foster, who
the local entertainers as the top local band    Bierman Brothers. They have learned music         six hours writing and recording about 80          is studying music technology at San Diego
in our recent survey. “We are very excited to   together since 4th grade; they frequently trade   percent of the finished song.”                    State, will join them on keys and trumpet.
present the Bierman Brothers on stage at the    instruments as either can play bass or guitar
Best of ENE,” said Group Publisher Steven       on any given song.                                “This is a song about expanding one’s per-        “The Best of Event News Enterprise is going
Remery.                                                                                           sonal horizons by taking a leap of faith into     rock like it’s never rocked before,” said Chad
                                                They collaborate on songwriting and have          the unknown world of possibilities,” said         Bierman. “It’s going to be super fun, lively
The Bierman Brothers will appear along with     performed together for so long, “we know          Sean. “It takes risk,” he said, “but leads to     and we will ask everyone to sing before the
Latin recording artist Gustavo Alarco as they   what each other is thinking,” said Chad           new worlds of potential.”                         evening is over,” added his brother Sean
play their mix of hits along with a taste of    Bierman.                                                                                            Bierman.
their own original songs.                                                                         Moving forward, the brothers understand
                                                According to his brother Sean, they wrote         their long-term goal is to bring joy into the     During the event, the brothers plan to play
Also in 2021, the Bierman Brothers recently     “One Way ticket to Mars” during the pan-          world with their music. “We’re enjoying           the “Veteran’s Song,” an original song that
performed on the Wrigley Stage in Catalina      demic, long before they were introduced to        performing but we do want to make a differ-       pays tribute all who have served in the
Island, playing their original song “One Way    Carson.                                           ence,” he added.                                  military. “We’re super excited about it,” the
Ticket to Mars,” in honor of Alyssa Carson,                                                       Chad Bierman says their growing songwrit-         brothers said, especially being able to play it
the country’s youngest astronaut-in-training    “I was talking with my dad and older brother      ing catalog tells everyday stories about life     at the American Legion Post that is a place of
for a mission to Mars.                          in the kitchen,” said Sean, and it was at a       that inspire good in the world. Right now, he     honor for all who have served.
                                                time when SpaceX was preparing to launch
18                                                                               BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
ENE WELCOMES LATIN RECORDING ARTIST                            Gustavo Alarco
The Event News Enterprise is proud     it was what I wanted to do,” he           2000 and continues to be an active
to welcome Latin recording artist      said.                                     member of the Recording Academy
Gustavo Alarco and we thank him                                                  for both the Grammy & Latin
for making a special guest appear-     Alarco got his first big break in the     Grammy Awards.
ance during the Best of Event News     1990’s when he signed a record-
Enterprise Event.                      ing deal with BMG/RCA records. By         Alarco says he has had the oppor-
                                       1992, he released his debut album         tunity to tour extensively, sharing
“It is a great honor for me to         to much commercial and financial          his music with multitudes of fans
appear with the Bierman Brothers       success.                                  throughout the world. He comes to
at this ENE event,” Alarco said this                                             Los Alamitos having just returned
week. “I am excited and very much      “We were very fortunate that our          from a US tour that included dates
looking forward to performing in       first record did very well,” said         in the northeast and Puerto Rico.
Los Alamitos,” said Alarco.            Alarco, a bilingual artist who per-
                                       forms in both English and Spanish.        Lately, Alarco has been in the
Alarco was born in Buenos Aires,                                                 studio with Drexxel Lexington, a
Argentina. At the age of two, he       “Entre Sueños,” Alarco’s first            new band he calls a “superband,”
moved to the USA with his family,      album, produced two Top 40 hits           consisting of himself, Carlos
and grew up in Orange County.          on the Billboard Latin charts. “Fue       Cavazo and super smooth rocker
                                       La Noche” and “Asi Eres Tu”,              Paul Shortino. The new music,
Performing throughout his elemen-      remained on the charts for 26             said Alarco, will “knock you to
tary and high school years in the      weeks.                                    your knees and have you beggin’
theatrical arts & choir, Alarco said                                             please.”                              least one of them to be sung in
he decided when he was very            Alarco has also been active in the                                              Spanish.
young to pursue a musical career.      music business itself. He served on       Alarco would not say publicly the
                                       the first-ever Blue Ribbon commit-        songs he will perform with the        “The rest,” he said, “is good ol’
“It was what I enjoyed, and I knew     tee for the Latin Grammy Awards in        Bierman Brothers but expect at        afterburner rock and roll.”

                                                 We are grateful for
                                                 all the support the
                                               community has given us!
                                                Thank you Los Alamitos!
                 Best BBQ                                                                                              Best Steakhouse

               IN THE V.A. HOSPITALS
                                                            BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
                                                                                          20211                                                            19
     Thank you to everyone who voted for us, to our
     incredible staff and physicians who give their
     best every day and to our patients who trust us
     to provide them award winning care.


                                                            GOLD RIBBON WINNER FOR BEST HEALTHCARE SERVICE CATEGORY
                                                           IN THE BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 2021 READERSHIP POLL.

20                                           BEST OF EVENT-NEWS ENTERPRISE 202
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