A Revolutionary Approach to Distributed Valve Manifold Control - Emerson

A Revolutionary Approach to Distributed Valve Manifold Control - Emerson
Technical Brief
August 2020

A Revolutionary Approach to
Distributed Valve Manifold Control
How the AVENTICS™ 580 CHARM Node saves substantial
time and cost when integrating pneumatic valve manifolds
into a DeltaV™ distributed control system

Technical Brief                                                 A Revolutionary Approach to
August 2020
                                                          Distributed Valve Manifold Control

Introduction                                                  Problems with traditional
Traditionally, the chores of I/O mapping and                  wired marshalling
configuring bus networks to valve manifolds in                In the time-honored way of wiring I/O to a distributed
a distributed control system (DCS) have made                  control system, technicians wire field devices
commissioning time-consuming, expensive,and                   to terminal blocks in marshalling panels located
confusing. Also, users report increasing shortages of         within an I/O room. Wires come in from the field
the skilled workers needed for all the myriad tasks of        through multi-core cables, and are connected to
system implementation.                                        their appropriate I/O cards in controller cabinets.
In recent years, significant steps toward                     Wiring is cross-marshalled, so that each device gets
simplification have become imperative                         connected to its appropriate I/O card and channel.
Fortunately, Emerson’s 2009 introduction of                   Unfortunately, the process is often frustrating for
Electronic Marshalling technology for DeltaV                  all concerned: from technicians and integrators to
revolutionized many aspects of plant control, and             control engineers and project managers. Problems
not coincidentally of system implementation. It gave          can occur at almost every step.
DeltaV users previously unprecedented flexibility,            For instance, during cross-marshalling, it becomes
with the option to add I/O anywhere in the plant at           harder and harder to keep track of where each and
any stage of the project.                                     every wire comes from, and where it should go to.
Now an exciting new technology from Emerson                   Human errors abound. Wires are connected to the
extends Electronic Marshalling, and for the first             wrong place. Wires are even left out altogether.
time allows integrated control of pneumatic valve             And even when cross-marshalling is “all done” — it’s
manifolds on one network. The AVENTICS 580                    actually not.
CHARM node, attached to an AVENTICS Series 500                Almost invariably, every project is subjected to
valve manifold, can interface directly with the DeltaV        cascades of late I/O changes. These include rework
CHARacterization Module (CHARM) I/O card                      on drawings, control system partitioning, moving
from Emerson.                                                 wires, building new cabinets, and many other
The 580 CHARM node represents a revolutionary                 detailed tasks. Every change adds cost, time, and
approach to distributed valve manifold control. It            most importantly risk to the job.
can benefit DeltaV S-series users in chemicals,               Result: delays. And in the field, even a 1-day delay
pharmaceuticals, life sciences, petrochemicals, and           can add millions to the costs of a critical
food and beverage manufacturing, as well as control           automation project.
skid assemblers. The 580 CHARM coil capacity can
pilot up to 96 process valves.                                Advantages of Emerson’s Electronic Marshalling
This paper examines problems with traditional wiring          and CHARM technology
approaches, and explains how this new technology              An increasing percentage of operations have been
leverages the power of DeltaV and Electronic                  moving away from the outdated wired marshalling
Marshalling with integrated pilot valve control to save       approaches mentioned above. That includes
substantial time and provides users with a lower              businesses using DeltaV with Electronic Marshalling
total cost of ownership — while greatly simplifying           for continuous or batch-oriented manufacturing
thecontrol of valve manifolds.                                processes with distributed I/O. It also includes
                                                              facilities that wish to implement modular plant
                                                              architecture (MPA) for I/O-anywhere distribution.
                                                              The newer approach of choice:
                                                              Electronic Marshalling.

Technical Brief                                               A Revolutionary Approach to
August 2020
                                                        Distributed Valve Manifold Control

Electronic Marshalling is an innovative approach            CHARM connection with valve manifolds
developed for the interconnection of field                  Adding CHARM functionality to the DeltaV DCS
measurement devices to the DeltaV distributed               represents a giant step in efficient I/O component
control system. It’s part of Emerson’s Human                implementation. However, problems remain with the
Centered Design initiative.                                 connection of valve manifolds.
Electronic Marshalling focuses on the areas of              Some users connect CHARMs with pneumatic
commissioning that many users find most complex,            valves via hard wiring. But this is expensive, and
labor-intensive, and potentially disruptive. Simply         configuration requires extra time and labor.
put, Electronic Marshalling eliminates all the design,
                                                            Other users improve on valve manifold hard-wiring
engineering, and work associated with cross-
                                                            by adding an additional fieldbus network. This yields
marshalling.Instead, each individual I/O channel can
                                                            some simplification of commissioning, and allows
be electronically marshalled to any controller in the
                                                            some added diagnostics.
system. So I/O can be bound to specific controllers
at any stage in the project without manually rewiring.      However, this approach requires a second
                                                            communications card and adds complexity along
Electronic Marshalling’s revolutionary advantage:
                                                            with additional data mapping. Furthermore, an
it allows users to make late changes to I/O
                                                            additional network (usually PROFIBUS-DP,
types, or add new I/O — with no adjustments to
                                                            DeviceNet, or EtherNet/IP), requires additional
existing wiring or cabinets! You just add new I/O to
                                                            configuration and mapping of data. Lastly, under this
marshalling cabinets, and electronically marshall
                                                            approach, the amount of time required to modify a
them to the controllers that need that I/O.
                                                            system can increase exponentially with the system’s
This retains some advantages of bussed I/O                  complexity, and may not support communication and
networks (reduced wiring and footprint; more                power redundancy.
diagnostics; device add/change flexibility). Most
                                                            Fortunately, a third approach is now available.
important, it greatly decreases system complexity
and system footprint.                                       Advantages of AVENTICS 580 CHARM nodes
A critical component for this new way of doing things       The latest and best way to integrate valve manifolds
is CHARM technology. A CHARM is a single-channel            into a DeltaV system with Electronic Marshalling
component with an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter         utilizes the new AVENTICS 580 CHARM node.
and signal characterizer. You simply click it onto          Using Electronic Marshalling technology, the 580
the terminal block — now a smart terminal strip —           CHARM node provides full integration of AVENTICS
where field wires are landed. It inserts anywhere           Series 500 valves into the DeltaV system. It
onto the strip. No screwdrivers or other tools are          significantly simplifies commissioning, and empowers
needed.                                                     the full, native diagnostic capabilities of DeltaV.
This simple but significant new technology brings           The approach requires only one network connection
unprecedented flexibility to wiring work. It allows field   to connect an Electronic Marshalling Cabinet, which
wiring of any signal type to be terminated anywhere.        includes I/O and a pilot valve manifold, back to the
So using CHARM permits late characterization of             DeltaV system. This single field connection carries
any type of I/O signal — analog input, analog output,       control signals for both I/O and the solenoid pilot
digital input, digital output, or RTD and thermocouple      valve manifold. The pilot valve manifold is connected
temperature sensors. For system planners, the               to the CHARM baseplate via two redundant cables
ultimate charm of CHARM is simply this: flexibility to      that carry the power and control signals. These
add any type of I/O, anywhere, anytime.                     connections provide the user with a direct interface
                                                            of the 580 CHARM node to the DeltaV Control
                                                            Network — as if the pilot valve manifold was
                                                            mounted directly on a CHARM baseplate — with no
                                                            need for CHARM digital output cards to drive each
                                                            valve coil on the pneumatic valve manifold.

Technical Brief                                                 A Revolutionary Approach to
August 2020
                                                          Distributed Valve Manifold Control

Results: significant reductions in network and                Cost savings
programming interfaces, network gateways, wiring,             The 580 CHARM node solution provides substantial
and junction boxes with increased reliability and             savings in network cards, associated I/O, wiring, and
diagnostics.                                                  commissioning time. But its largest savings for many
All communication between electronically                      applications may come from eliminating the need for
marshalled components, including valve manifolds,             two different networks. It’s no longer necessary to
and the DeltaV controller takes place on the DeltaV           stuff and maintain two networks in each cabinet. For
Control Network. No dedicated secondary networks              example, this new solution eliminates the need to
are necessary. With a 580 CHARM node, the                     use PROFIBUS-DP to control pilot valve manifolds.
valve manifold is electronically marshalled to any            Instead, the job can be done more efficiently solely
controller in the system. Any I/O is available to any         by the DeltaV Control Network via the CHARM I/O
controller via one network.                                   Card, which reads the sensors on process valves.
An electronically marshalled cabinet with these new           Of course, integrating 580 CHARM nodes into a
CHARM nodes is 100% functionally equivalent to a              DeltaV system using Electronic Marshalling is a new
traditional wired marshalled cabinet. But it involves         way of doing things — but all the elements add up to
fewer wires, much less work, much more flexibility,           make truly impressive reductions in cost and effort:
a lot fewer change order hassles, and better                  • Savings of up to 15% on wiring and
diagnostics.Users gain safe, reliable, and redundant               components alone
control of pneumatic signals. And they can achieve
                                                              • Significant savings in costs for programming
process efficiency without painful delays in
                                                                   and commissioning
response times.
                                                              • Substantial savings in eliminating or mitigating
The 580 CHARM node only connects to AVENTICS
                                                                   any need for a secondary industrial control
Series 500 valves. This family of high performance,
                                                                   network (e.g., PROFIBUS-DP) and all its
“plug-in” directional control valves offers a host of
                                                                   associated hardware
advantages: higher flow rates; the broadest range
of components and accessories in its class; and               • 580 CHARM coil capacity can pilot up to 96
exceptional ease of installation, configuration,                   process valves
and modification.                                             Ease of use
Applying the 580 CHARM node approach provides                 Integrating 580 CHARM nodes into Electronic
users with a complete, integrated Emerson I/O                 Marshalling technology is easy. Solenoid valve
and pneumatic valve manifold solution for DeltaV              outputs are treated like any other electronic outputs
installations.Interoperability is guaranteed via proven       by the DeltaV system. There’s no need for individual
Emerson technology.                                           Discrete Output (DO) CHARMs to drive each
This solution offers tight integration to existing            solenoid valve.
Emerson hardware, software, native diagnostics,               This approach takes advantage of the native
and redundancy. It eliminates added configuration             capabilities of the DeltaV DCS. Greatly enhanced,
tools, or the necessity for becoming familiar with            higher-level diagnostics are provisioned from the
multiple networks. It gives the user a single point           DeltaV system to any authorized workstation —
of responsibility for products, documentation,                using existing applications, in the same manner as
and support. And it imposes no learning curve on              other DeltaVconnected devices.
existing CHARM programmers or users.                          So using 580 CHARM nodes provides several
                                                              critical capabilities: It makes it easy to respond to
                                                              late change orders around I/O requirements (that
                                                              might otherwise add cost and risk). It supplies
                                                              increased ease of commissioning. And it furnishes
                                                              native diagnosticreporting and redundant power and
                                                              communications to the pilot valve manifold.

Technical Brief                                                 A Revolutionary Approach to
August 2020
                                                          Distributed Valve Manifold Control

Finally, this proven, efficient Emerson solution offers       This simplifies implementation of systems with
maximum implementation flexibility. Not only can              integrated valve manifolds, greatly reduces
you add any type of I/O, anywhere, at any time, but           complexity, and eliminates learning curves for
you can now add any AVENTICS Series 500 valve                 DeltaV users. It cuts project risk, and avoids
manifold with that same freedom.                              potentially serious delays. Finally, it means
Additional advantages                                         substantial cost and time savings in wiring and
                                                              components; added savings in programming and
• Local field solution for modular skid applications
                                                              commissioning; and even more savings from
   — since field junction boxes provide analog and
                                                              eliminating secondary networks.
   digital inputs wired to DeltaV CHARM; manifold
   directly connected to CHARM baseplate to                   Takeaways
   drive valve solenoid coils, replacing pilot valve          • Conventional hard-wiring and dual-network
   dedicated Discrete Output (DO) CHARM                          methodologies make for costly, complex, time-
• Easy-to-use, task-based engineering                            consuming control system implementation
   environment familiar to DeltaV users —                     • Newer Emerson Electronic Marshalling
   configures same as Discrete Output                            technology brings substantial simplification and
   (DO) CHARM                                                    savings
• Connection of CIOC (CHARM I/O Card)                         • AVENTICS 580 CHARM nodes help extend
   redundant communication and power                             these benefits to the valve manifold level, and
   connections to valve manifolds via existing                   provide a host of advantages for current
   CHARM column extender connections — adds                      DeltaV users
   control and reliable communication functionality           • They promise substantial rewards for
   to valve manifolds; not available with any                    businesses that implement the winning
   competitive approaches                                        combination of Emerson’s DeltaV system with
Conclusion                                                       Electronic Marshalling, AVENTICS 580
Traditional hard-wiring approaches for I/O points                CHARM nodes, and AVENTICS Series 500
in distributed control systems add considerable                  valve manifolds
time and costs. So the availability of Electronic
Marshalling and CHARM technologies has been an
important advantage of more recent DeltaV system
Now the full benefits of Electronic Marshalling can
be even further improved and extended to the
pilot valve level with AVENTICS 580 CHARM
technology. Users receivefull native DeltaV system
diagnostics functionality; full redundancy; full
interoperability — and the flexibility to make late
changes anywhere, anytime.

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