A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

Page created by Andrew Erickson
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP
           Hydrogen fuel cells vs. rechargeable batteries
           Which will power vehicles in the future?
           Augmented reality: IP protection
           The rise of new technologies
           European examination: the clock is ticking...
           A major shake-up for patent examination

A revival in
the making
The reinvention of
human gene therapy

                                                            summer 2018
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP


     3-5 The reinvention of
     human gene therapy
     A revival in the field, with a
     number of approved medicines
     now on the market.

     6-7 European examination:
     the clock is ticking...
     A major shake-up for patent          Welcome to the Summer

     8-9 The power of forward
                                          2018 edition of IP Review
     Patents can teach you about          First of all, I would like to thank Matthew Howell for his efforts
     the inventions they describe.        in editing the IP Review over the last four years. Matthew has
     However, patent metrics can tell
     you a lot more.
                                          now passed the editor’s reins over to me and I hope to do
                                          as good a job as him in putting together a broad variety of
     10-11 Hydrogen fuel cells            articles that you will find both interesting and informative.
     vs. rechargeable batteries
                                          In this issue, we continue the           Add to this a recap on correctly
     Which will power vehicles in
                                          theme of focusing on emerging            claiming priority, an age old issue but
     the future?
                                          technologies. We have the second         one which still catches people out,
                                          part of our review of augmented          as demonstrated in the recent EPO
     12-13 Priority: lessons to           reality, this time focusing on how       decision relating to the high profile
     be learnt                            innovators can maximise their            gene-editing technology CRISPR.
     The issue of priority at the         chances of obtaining patents in          There is also a piece on an innovative
     European Patent Office has           this area. We also delve into the        way of analysing patent data, in this
     been brought to the forefront        competition between hydrogen-fuel        case looking at ‘forward-citation’
     of people’s minds in light of a      cells and batteries as the future        searching.
     high profile decision.               power source in modern transport.
                                          Further, we have a look at the recent    Finally, on the trade mark side, we
     14-15 Augmented reality:             success of gene therapy in the           find out that trolling is not restricted
     IP protection                        treatment of genetic diseases, an old    to patents.
     The rise of new technologies.        concept only now coming to fruition.
                                                                                   I hope you enjoy the issue and look
                                          Looking more at the practicalities       forward to hearing your thoughts.
     16 The rise of the trade             of patent procedure, we have an
     mark troll                           article on the efforts of the European
     Whilst trolling behaviour is well-   Patent Office (EPO) to speed up
     known for patents, it can also       examination and the knock-on
     affect trade marks.                  effects this could have on applicants.
                                                                                                      Justin Wilson
     IP review summer 2018
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

                                                                                          Cover Story

The reinvention
of human gene
The concept of gene therapy has been around for over 25 years. At its inception, it was
hailed as a powerful new technique for treating previously incurable genetic disorders.
Unfortunately, the initial hype did not materialise into approved medicines and the field went
out of favour, with many biotech companies looking for alternative therapies for human
disease. However, in recent years, there appears to have been a revival with a number of
approved medicines on the market and more in the pipeline.

Gene therapy is a technique in which       the blood clotting system not to       sought to insert a correct version of
a correcting gene is delivered to a        work correctly.                        the ADA gene so that the children’s
patient in order to treat or prevent                                              immune system could work effectively.
disease. In many instances, this gene      The first gene therapy trial was       Whilst it was shown that the
replaces a defective gene which is the     approved in 1990. The therapy was      functional ADA enzyme was present
underlying cause of the disease. For       given to two children who had severe   in the children following treatment,
example, some forms of haemophilia         combined immunodeficiency (SCID)       unfortunately, the level of ADA was
are the result of a mutation in a single   which was caused by a defect in the    too low to show a clinical benefit in
gene which causes a key protein in         gene encoding the enzyme adenosine     treating the SCID.
                                           deaminase (ADA). This gene therapy

A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

    ...The reinvention of
    human gene therapy

    In the following years, the number          All these factors resulted in much of     However, with no further commercial
    of gene therapy trials grew rapidly.        the research in this area being halted,   successes, it was not long before the
    However, that all changed in October        especially by the big pharmaceutical      trials declined in number, bottoming out
    1999 when an 18-year-old volunteer          companies. This left mostly academic      in 2011 to their lowest level since 1998.
    died from multiple organ failure after      researchers to progress the field
    being administered a gene therapy to        during the 2000s. This is illustrated     These trends are also supported by
    treat a genetic disease of his liver. His   in Figure 1 below which shows the         the number of gene therapy related
    body experienced a severe immune            number of clinical trials approved year   patent applications being filed.
    reaction to the virus being used to         by year for gene therapies. As can        As shown in Figure 2, the number
    carry the replacement gene into his         be seen, the number of trials being       increased rapidly between 1990 and
    body (referred to as a viral vector)        approved peaked in 1999, after which      2000, after which there was a sharp
    which brought about the multiple            there was a decline until 2003.           decrease until 2003.
    organ failure. This tragedy dampened
    the enthusiasm around gene therapy
    and led to much stricter controls
                                                                 Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Approved
    for researchers wishing to carry out
    human trials.

    In 2003, a further significant set-back
    occurred when a French patient,
    being treated for an immune disorder,
    developed a leukaemia-like condition
    as a direct result of the gene therapy
    treatment. The viral vector used in the
    therapy caused an unexpected
    mutation in an otherwise healthy
    gene which triggered the onset of the
    leukaemia in the patient.

    In addition to these unfortunate                                                                                    Figure 1
    developments, there were problems
    getting different gene therapies to         In 2003, the first commercial gene        In 2004, possibly following the
    work effectively. For example, whilst       therapy product Gendicide received        authorisation of Gendicide, there
    researchers showed it was possible to       a marketing authorisation in China        was a rise in the number of patent
    deliver replacement genes to patients       for the treatment of cancers caused       applications filed. However, after this,
    using gene therapy, it was very difficult   by a mutation in the p53 gene which       the numbers again declined such that
    to get the gene to function at a            suppresses tumour formation. This         between 2006 and 2014 the number
    sufficiently high level so as to have a     authorisation may have reinvigorated      was around or just below 400 per
    therapeutic effect on the disease.          research into gene therapies as           year, less than half that seen during
                                                the number of clinical trials being       the peak in 2000. This shows that
                                                approved again started to rise.           far less innovation was occurring in the

      IP review summer 2018
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

                                                                                                     commonplace, such as haemophilia
                   Gene Therapy Patent Applications Filed
                                                                                                     and sickle-cell disease. They are
                                                                                                     expected to be granted marketing
                                                                                                     authorisations over the next few years
                                                                                                     with estimates of there being two in
    800                                                                                              2018, up to 10 in 2019 and possibly as
                                                                                                     many as 13 in 2020.

                                                                                                     This surge in commercial development
                                                                                                     and success of new gene and cell
                                                                                                     therapies is on the back of a large
                                                                                                     increase in investment. Figure 3 below
                                                                                                     illustrates the increasing annual
                                                                                                     global investment into gene and cell
                                                                                                     therapy companies since 2013, with
                                                                                 Figure 2            a jump from $3.3 billion in 2016 to
                                                                                                     $4.2 billion in 2017. This increase in
field, likely due to a significant drop in   Following this, Spark Therapeutics’                     investment also seems to correlate
research and development.                    gene therapy product Luxturna                           with the increase in patent filings in
                                             was granted the first US marketing                      this period. Patent filing data is not yet
Encouragingly, things started to change      authorisation towards the end of                        completely available for 2017 but it
for the better in 2012. The Dutch            2017 for the treatment of an inherited                  will be interesting to see if the upward
company uniQure obtained the first           form of vision loss that may result in                  trend continues in line with investment
European marketing authorisation for         blindness.                                              and as the field continues to grow.
their gene therapy product Glybera
for the treatment of lipoprotein lipase      There have also been authorisations                     At the end of 2017, there were almost
deficiency, a rare inherited disorder        to allow the commercial use of CAR-T                    2,000 gene therapy clinical trials
which can cause severe pancreatitis.         cells in Europe and the US. CAR-T cells                 ongoing, including about 100 trials in
This helped to prove the concept that        are a type of immune cell engineered                    pivotal Phase 2/3 or Phase 3 studies.
gene therapy works and can be taken          to detect and destroy cancer cells.                     Remarkably, gene therapy is now the
to the market, although Glybera itself       Although these are not true gene                        second largest class of drugs being
was never a commercial success.              therapy products, the production                        developed, bigger than antibodies
This is perhaps partly due to very           of these cells uses a gene transfer                     and only behind more traditional New
low patient numbers (about 1-2 in            technique similar to gene therapy.                      Chemical Entities (NCEs). Therefore,
1,000,000 people are affected with                                                                   it seems that gene therapy is finally
the disease) and the large price tag of      Although only three gene therapy                        fulfilling its early promise.
about €1 million.                            products and two CAR-T cellular
                                             products have received marketing
With Glybera demonstrating that it           authorisations in the US or Europe to                                  To find out more contact
                                             date, a whole raft of further products                                 Justin Wilson
could be done, there was a big jump
in clinical trial approvals from 2012        are being developed for a range of
to 2015 to the highest ever level (as        diseases, some of which are more
shown in Figure 1), showing there was
renewed interest in gene therapies.
Further, for the first time since the late
1990s, there was a significant increase                   Annual Sum of Amount raised by Financing Type
in patent filings from 2014 to 2016,
showing that innovation in this area is                    All IPO financings          All follow-on financings          All venture financings

on the increase as biotech companies
once again believe it has legitimate
commercial potential.

Since then, Strimvelis, GlaxoSmithKline’s
gene therapy product for ADA-SCID
(the same condition treated in the first
ever gene therapy clinical trial in 1990)
received a marketing authorisation in                      2013                 2014              2015            2016                  2017

2016 in Europe.
                                                                                                                                               Figure 3
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP


    European examination:
    the clock is ticking...
    In what promises to be a major shake-up for patent examination, the European Patent Office
    (EPO) is aiming to shorten substantive examination to an average of 12 months by 2020 from
    an average of 30 months in 2016. Is this feasible, how will it work in practice and what can
    applicants do now to prepare?

    Why is the EPO doing this?                    four years looks suspiciously like blue-         are a series of internal policy changes
                                                  sky thinking, given the record number            that will have profound implications for
    To remain competitive. As with other          of applications filed in recent years            applicants.
    major patent offices around the globe,        and the limited number of Examiners
    the EPO has been troubled with                available. But the EPO has a track record        An EPO examination report typically
    escalating pendency times over the            of achieving ambitious productivity goals.       allows four months in which to respond,
    past decade. These delays increase            The first ‘early certainty’ initiative reduced   extendible to six months by right. A
    application costs due to spiralling           the average time taken to issue prior art        summons to attend oral proceedings,
    annual renewal fees and frustrate             searches to 4.9 months, against a target         normally the final opportunity for
    applicants seeking legal clarity over their   of 6 months that was widely viewed as            applicants to make their case during
    inventions. This ultimately weakens           overly ambitious. More recently, the EPO         examination, is issued four to six months
    the competitiveness of the EPO versus         is well on its way to reducing the time          before the date of the oral proceedings.
    national patent offices across Europe,        taken for most post-grant oppositions            From this, it is feasible to hit the
    where pendency times and renewal fees         to 15 months, down from 26 months                12-month target by issuing a summons
    can be more attractive. Never one to rest     in 2016. In terms of examination, there          to attend oral proceedings as the second
    on its laurels, the EPO has launched a        has already been a 45% increase in               examination report during examination.
    series of streamlining initiatives            applications being granted since 2015.           In fact, the EPO has authorised
    under the banner of ‘early certainty’         It would take a brave person to bet              Examiners to issue a summons to attend
    over the past five years, and substantive     against the EPO succeeding again.                oral proceedings as the first examination
    examination is next to receive the                                                             report. This is in stark contrast to the
    efficiency treatment.                         How will the EPO achieve this?                   previous system, which would often see
                                                                                                   Examiners issue three to four regular
    Is this target feasible?                      The number of EPO Examiners has been             examination reports before running out
                                                  gradually increasing, rising from 3,600 in       of patience and issuing a summons to
    Yes, but it won’t be easy. Reducing the       2007 to 4,300 in 2016. But hiring more           attend oral proceedings.
    average examination time by 60% over          Examiners and asking them to work
                                                  harder will only get the EPO so far. The         Applicants and Examiners are also being
      IP review summer 2018                       main weapons in the productivity arsenal         encouraged to shorten examination
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

through amicable means. The EPO is           decisive responses before examination        for granting extensions of time so this
proactively reminding applicants that        begins. All EPO applications receive         option may be restricted depending
partial/full refunds of the examination      an initial view on patentability before      on the circumstances under which
fee are available for withdrawing their      examination, which provides applicants       extensions will be granted. Further, only
application before certain milestones -      with an opportunity to pre-emptively         partially addressing objections raised
a 100% refund is available for withdrawal    overcome anticipated examination             in an examination report may be less
before examination begins and a 50%          objections. In the past, pre-examination     attractive as it could increase the risk
refund is available for withdrawal           responses were often used to try             of provoking a summons to attend oral
before a response is filed to the first      ambitious response strategies, safe in       proceedings. Therefore, it may be much
examination report. Examiners are also       the knowledge that more conservative         more difficult to stretch out examination.
increasingly telephoning applicants to       strategies could be adopted during
suggest ways of overcoming objections,       examination if the initial strategies        However, the EPO is considering
rather than issuing a full examination       fail. This could now run the risk of a       whether to allow applicants to formally
report.                                      summons to oral proceedings being            defer examination for a period of three
                                             issued whilst the application is bogged      years, following intense lobbying from
What can applicants do to prepare?           down in formal objections under the new      the biotechnology and pharmaceutical
                                             system, such as objections raised due        sectors. This proposal seems likely to
The EPO has been gradually                   to the notoriously strict approach of the    come into force, with a more formal
implementing these policies over the         EPO towards claim amendments, rather         decision expected in the second half of
past 12 months, but it is clear that         than progressing to more subjective          2018. The proposed system would not
the next 24 months will see a major          issues like inventive step.                  achieve an outright three-year hiatus,
acceleration for the EPO to meet                                                          however, because it looks likely that
its target. This means that pending          For applications yet to be filed,            interested third parties would be able
applications and all new applications        applicants may wish to amend their           to initiate examination by writing to the
will be processed under the strictest        patent specifications before filing to add   EPO to raise their own objections against
implementation of the new polices.           more EPO-specific basis for possible         an application (an existing mechanism
                                             future amendments. This would help to        known as ‘third party observations’).
For applications already under EPO           avoid delays encountered when claim          Further, this will not affect the 12 month
examination, applicants should be            amendments are rejected due to the           target when examination does eventually
mindful of the increased risk of being       strict approach of the EPO mentioned         start.
summoned to attend oral proceedings as       above, as can often occur for applications
the next examination report. If a regular    originating from outside Europe where        Given the changes happening at the EPO,
examination report is issued, applicants     the hurdles associated with claim            it seems likely that applicants will have
may wish to take more decisive action        amendments are often lower.                  to be more flexible in their prosecution
to overcome outstanding objections                                                        strategy to complete examination within
rather than face a summons, such as          Can applicants resist the increase           the 12 month target. In addition, having
by taking a conservative approach to         in speed?                                    more proactive engagement with the
claim amendments or telephoning the                                                       Examiner can only help to resolve issues
Examiner to gauge their likely reaction to   At present, it is possible to slow down      more quickly.
an intended response strategy.               the pace of examination by obtaining
For pending applications awaiting EPO        extensions of time and only partially                        To find out more contact
examination, applicants can prepare          addressing objections raised in                              Greg Stepney
for the increasingly time-constrained        examination reports. Under the new                           gstepney@withersrogers.com
examination procedure by filing more         system, the EPO may require justification
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP


    The power of
    forward citations
    Patents can teach you about the inventions they describe.
    However, patent metrics can tell you a lot more. One powerful
    patent metric is forward citations. Forward citations can allow you
    to gauge the potential value of your patent portfolio, and give you
    insight on new competitors.

    Master vs Improvement
                                                                                     The Market
    To understand what forward citations
    are, and how they can be used, it is first
    important to fully understand the concept of
                                                    The Market       Patent 2
    Master Patents and Improvement Patents.                                                Master Patent

    A patent gives you the right to stop others
    doing what the patent covers. For this
    reason, patents are often described as                                                    Improvement
    ‘negative rights’. Anyone else who is doing                                                  Patent
    what the patent covers is infringing, and you
                                                          Patent 1
    have the right to stop them.

    The scope of a patent is a bit like territory
    within a new piece of land. Figures 1a and
    1b give a couple of examples.

                                                                         Figure 1a                         Figure 1b

      IP review summer 2018
A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

Looking at Figure 1a: you might own Patent             Forward citations are the opposite of            As you can imagine there are lots of
1 and a competitor might own Patent 2.                 backward citations. So looking again at          indicators you could use for this task;
Both are in the same market, but cover                 Figure 2: an Improvement Patent cites the        however, knowing if this competitor has
completely different territory. However, this          description of your patent. This is a forward    cited your patent gives you an indication of
is not always the case: Figure 1b shows the            citation.                                        whether they need your patent.
situation where an Improvement Patent
is within the territory of an earlier Master           It’s all a matter of perspective. From your      The sheer number of forward citations can
Patent. This can happen if the Improvement             perspective, the prior art is a backwards        also be a strong indicator of value. If there
Patent covers an inventive improvement on              citation and the Improvement Patent is a         are a lot of forward citations, there may well
a generic invention covered by the Master              forward citation.                                be a lot of demand for your invention from
Patent. So for example the Master Patent                                                                competitors.
covers a mouse trap, and the Improvement               Feel the power of
Patent covers a better mouse trap.                     forward citations                                Consider another scenario: you own a large
                                                                                                        portfolio of patents and want to rank them
In this case, the owner of the Improvement             Competitors                                      in order of commercial value and abandon
Patent cannot sell the better mouse trap                                                                the bottom 10% to save money. Forward
because it would infringe the Master Patent            Citations can be used to understand the          citations - normalised for age - can be a
- i.e. it falls within the territory of the Master     competitive landscape of the market              helpful metric to help with this daunting
Patent. The opposite is also true: the owner           sector the invention, and by extension your      task.
of the Master Patent cannot sell the better            business, is in.
mouse trap either since it falls within the                                                             Search tools
territory of the Improvement Patent.                   Backwards citations tell a story of the past
                                                       and how the innovation in that market sector     A number of free search tools are available
Forward citations?                                     has grown. Known competitors inhabit this        to look for forward citations. However, they
                                                       space, so backward citations might not be        can generally only return citations linked to
When you read the word “citation” you                  very helpful if you are already aware of them.   a single patent.
may be thinking of a backward citation.                Sometimes prior art patent holders might
This is when you are writing something                 have even gone out of business!                  Withers & Rogers can provide you with a
and reference a previous work. Figure 2                                                                 search which returns all forward citations
illustrates this point. When a patent office           Forward citations however, might tell            (from within a limited period) which cite a
examines your patent application, they                 you about a new (previously unknown)             patent in the name of your business.
will find previously published documents               competitor; or new activity of a known
usually in the same technical field. These             competitor.                                      We can set up regular alerts which notify
documents are called ‘prior art’. In order                                                              you immediately when one of your patents
to get the patent application granted, you             Information about competitor activities          has been cited by a competitor. In the alert,
must persuade the patent office that your              might benefit your business strategy. The        you can receive extra information analysing
invention is new and clever, compared with             Improvement Patent from Figure 1b might          the strength of the opportunity, or the legal
the cited ‘prior art’.                                 be a new patent application which has cited      status of the Improvement Patent.
                                                       your existing patent (which now has the
During this process the patent office                  exulted title of ‘Master Patent’). Knowledge     Forward citations can, if fully utilised, be
focuses their searching on the claims                  of the Improvement Patent might lead             incredibly useful for any business. Forward
of your patent application. The claims                 you to licence, cross-licence, or even sell      citations can clarify the competition and
define the invention - i.e. they map out the           your Master Patent to the new competitor.        potential patent value. Finally, there are
territory shown in figures 1a and 1b. The              Alternatively, you may put them on notice.       tools available that can easily help you
“description” of your patent, on the other                                                              or your business take advantage of your
hand, gives a detailed example of your                 Patent valuation                                 patent portfolio.
invention with all the bells and whistles.
                                                       Consider this scenario: a competitor has         Contact your Withers & Rogers Attorney
Figure 2 shows how prior art is being                  approached your business and wants a             for more information on how we can use
cited against the claims in your patent.               licence to your patent. How much do you          forward citations to advance your business
This information is stored and publically              licence it for?                                  interests.
                                                                                         Figure 2

                                                                                                                       To find out more contact
                                                                      Forwards     Improvement
                                                                                                                       Jim Ribeiro
                                                Description            Citation       Patent                           jribeiro@withersrogers.com

         Prior Art                Citation
                                                                                                                       Theo Worsley
                                                      Your                                                             tworsley@withersrogers.com

A revival in the making - IP - Withers & Rogers LLP

     Clean Tech

     Hydrogen fuel cells vs.
     rechargeable batteries
     - which will power vehicles in the future?
     The worldwide need to reduce CO2 emissions and improve air quality is accelerating the
     international development of vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells and rechargeable batteries.

     Here in the UK, the Government has
     published the Clean Air Plan and is            Comparison Fuel Cell vs Battery Pack Families filed in B60L
     proposing to ban the sale of all new petrol   900
                                                                                                                            Battery Pack
     and diesel cars and vans from 2040.           800
     Hence, there is a genuine local urgency
     for alternative-powered vehicles.

     Having mapped European patent filings         500

     for alternative-powered vehicles, we have     400
                                                                                                                               Fuel Cell
     found that innovation in hydrogen fuel cell   300
     powered vehicles has resulted in a steady
     stream of approximately 200 to 300

                                                      2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015      2016        2017
       IP review summer 2018

   Alstom Coradia iLint hydrogen powered train’ and (c) Alstom / Michael Wittwer

European patent application filings each          currently inefficient. However, wind farms      Just over a year ago, Alstom introduced
year. In direct contrast, the development         are now increasingly being used to power        the new Coradia iLint train, marketed as
of rechargeable battery powered vehicles          electrolysis plants, so no CO2 is produced      the world’s first “zero-emission” hydrogen
has grown rapidly, and since 2013                 when generating the hydrogen fuel in this       powered train. The iLint is intended
approximately 800 European patent                 way. Also, the Israel Institute of Technology   to run on non-electrified tracks at 140
applications have been filed each year.           has recently found a way of improving           km/h, with a 600 to 800 km/tank load
                                                  the efficiency of the electrolysis process      autonomy, and accommodate up to 300
Does this mean that rechargeable                  by up to 100%. With the formation of the        passengers. A total of 14 fuel cell trains
batteries are better suited to powering           Hydrogen Council in 2017, the energy            have already been commissioned by
vehicles than hydrogen fuel cells?                and transport industries are working            the Local Transport Authority of Lower
                                                  together to see hydrogen technology play        Saxony in Germany and are scheduled
The trend in patent filings seems to be           an essential role in global energy needs        to convey travellers between Cuxhaven,
mirrored by the current sales numbers             and they have pledged to invest 10 billion      Bremerhaven, Bremervörde and
and increased consumer perception                 euros in hydrogen technologies and              Buxtehude from December 2021.
in the automotive sector. Last year, the          infrastructure over the next five years.
number of battery powered cars on the                                                             Without a doubt, the need to find
roads worldwide rose to a record high of          Indeed, with 8,000 worldwide patents            alternatives to the internal combustion
two million, according to research by the         related to hydrogen technology, it              engine will continue to spur on
International Energy Agency.                      seems that Toyota are committed to the          innovation. Although battery powered
                                                  commercialisation of this particular type       vehicles have taken an initial lead,
In the UK, we are becoming familiar with          of alternative power and it has recently        it seems that hydrogen power has
battery powered car brands such as Tesla,         launched the hydrogen powered Mira car.         advantages and there is a commitment
Lucid and Faraday. Many of the major car                                                          to utilising it effectively for vehicles. So,
manufacturers have introduced their own           It is recognised that hydrogen fuel cells       returning to the original question of
versions of battery powered cars as well.         offer certain advantages over their             hydrogen fuel cells vs. rechargeable
Rechargeable batteries are also used in           rechargeable battery counterparts. For          batteries, it seems that both hydrogen
the rail sector and Bombardier’s Talent 3         example, hydrogen has a much higher             fuel cell and rechargeable battery
EMU is a battery powered train suitable           energy density, which gives a hydrogen          technology will become mainstream
for short distances, for example in tunnels       powered vehicle a longer distance               power sources for transportation.
where overhead cables are difficult to            range. This higher energy density also
install.                                          means that hydrogen fuel cells are
                                                  particularly well suited for powering                           To find out more contact
For hydrogen fuel cell technology, the            heavier vehicles such as trains, buses and                      Rosie Hardy
main barriers to market have been the             lorries. Consistent with this, ITM Power,                       rhardy@withersrogers.com
supply of hydrogen fuel and infrastructure        who develop local hydrogen generating
requirements. The hydrogen fuel is                systems, have reported a strong order
obtained from water using an electrolysis         book linked to international growth in                          Frank Harner
process. Whilst hydrogen is available             hydrogen powered buses and trains.                              fharner@withersrogers.com
in abundance, the electrolysis process
requires electrical power and this is


     Priority: lessons
     to be learnt
     In recent months, the issue of priority at the European Patent Office
     has been brought to the forefront of people’s minds in light of the
     high profile decision to revoke a patent covering the gene editing
     technology CRISPR.

     When a patent is filed in a country that      initial application, whether this is a    Alternatively, if the Applicant of the
     is a signatory of the Paris Convention        natural person or an entity with legal    later application is not the person
     or a member of the World Trade                personality (e.g. a corporation). Where   who filed the initial application, the
     Organisation, the Applicant, or their         the Applicant is multiple persons, they   Applicant must be that person’s
     successor in title, may, within twelve        are generally treated as each owning a    successor in title when the later
     months, apply for protection in all the       share of an indivisible legal right.      application is filed. In practice, this
     other member countries. This is known                                                   means that an assignment from the
     as the right to claim priority. This allows   In view of the fact the right to claim    Applicant of the initial application to his
     the later applications to be treated as if    priority is an indivisible right, it is   successor must take place before the
     they were filed on the same day as the        a principle of European case law          filing date of the later priority claiming
     initial application for the purpose of        that, in the situation where an           application.
     determining relevant prior art and for        initial application has multiple joint
     assessing patentability.                      Applicants, a later application has to    In the case of the CRISPR decision,
                                                   name all the Applicants of the initial    the CRISPR gene editing technology
     This right to claim priority is enjoyed       application to enjoy a valid claim to     provides a cheap, efficient and easy
     by the Applicant who filed the                priority from the initial application.    way to precisely edit DNA. As such, the
                                                                                             patents and applications directed to
                                                                                             this technology have received much
       IP review summer 2018                                                                 attention and are of high value.

                                                   It is very important to make sure you
                                                   have the proper priority chain of title in
                                                   place at the appropriate time because
                                                   it is not possible to retroactively correct
                                                   any errors.

The patent in question, EP2771468,           application had not been correctly          a separate and distinct right from
was granted to the Broad Institute,          assigned from the inventors named           ownership rights in any invention(s)
MIT and Harvard University and               on the provisional application to the       that may be disclosed in the
was revoked after the filing of nine         Applicants named on the European            application and/or patent rights
oppositions. This European application       application. Therefore, the priority        ultimately granted in respect of such
was filed naming Broad, MIT and              claim was considered invalid and the        invention(s).
Harvard University as Applicants             Applicants of the European application
and claimed priority from twelve US          were not entitled to claim the filing       • All Applicants identified in an initial
provisional applications, some of which      date of the earliest US provisional         application must either be named on
named the inventors as Applicants.           application. Consequently, the claims       the later application, or have assigned
                                             of the patent were found to lack            their share of the right to claim priority
There were four US provisional               novelty over a number of documents          to one or more of the Applicants
applications at issue before the             which, as a result of the invalid           named on the later application.
European Patent Office but we need           priority claim, became relevant prior
only consider one by way of example.         art, including the Applicant’s own          • If there is to be any change to
The earliest US provisional application      disclosures. Accordingly, the European      the Applicant(s) between the initial
named only inventors as applicants,          Patent Office revoked the patent.           application and the later application,
as was traditional practice in the US.                                                   it is imperative that the right to claim
All but one of these inventors were          In view of recent case law of the           priority be transferred, via a written
employees of, and had assigned their         European Patent Office, for example         legal document, prior to filing the later
rights to, Broad, MIT, or Harvard.           T0577/11, the decision was not a            application.
Therefore, these inventors had               surprise to many. Furthermore, the UK
assigned their right to claim priority.      courts reached the same conclusion          • If this is not possible, then it is
                                             in Edwards Lifesciences AG v Cook           advisable to name all the Applicants of
However, one inventor, Marraffini, was       Biotech Inc [2009] EWHC 1304.               the initial application (or applications,
(and still is) a researcher at Rockefeller                                               in the case of multiple priority claims)
University. The European Patent              Following the decision, The Broad           on the later application. It is always
Office considered that he was a joint        Institute immediately released a            possible to transfer ownership of the
Applicant, and he was therefore a joint      statement indicating that they intend       application after filing.
holder of the right to claim priority        to appeal the decision. It will therefore
from that application. Marraffini did        be some time before this story reaches      It is very important to make sure you
not appear as an Applicant on the later      its conclusion and the Appeal will be       have the proper priority chain of title in
European application, and no evidence        followed closely.                           place at the appropriate time because
was submitted to the proceedings                                                         it is not possible to retroactively
that he had assigned his rights to The       In the meantime, there are some             correct any errors, as was shown the
Broad Institute before the filing date of    practical points to follow to ensure        hard way in the recent CRISPR case.
the European application.                    that the right to claim priority is not
                                             compromised:                                              To find out more contact
As a result, the European Patent                                                                       Kirsty Simpson
Office held that the right to claim          • Remember that the right to claim                        ksimpson@withersrogers.com
priority in respect of this provisional      priority from an initial application is

     Augmented Reality

     IP protection
     The drive for augmented reality (AR) has
     given rise to a breadth of new technologies,
     especially in the areas of image processing, data
     processing, optics and communications.

     As you may have seen from our article       intellectual property ownership will         virtual world using their smartphone.
     in the previous edition of the IP Review,   most likely have to navigate around          Firstly, the claim was rejected for relating
     AR technologies can be grouped into         patentability exclusions which exist for     to an abstract idea - a direct exclusion
     handheld AR, which is a key space for AR    computer related inventions, methods of      from patentability under US law. The
     content developers, and head-mounted        gaming and abstract ideas, especially in     patent examiner particularly contended
     displays (HMDs). With increasing            the US and Europe.                           that the claim related to using a
     amounts of investment and public                                                         computer to perform a series of mental
     interest in AR, there comes the need        Niantic, Inc. found themselves facing        steps that can be regularly performed
     to protect sufficiently the intellectual    these problems of originality and            by a human, and the claimed computer
     property (IP) in the technologies being     patentability exclusions when pursuing       elements of the claim such as a “game
     developed to ensure a return on R&D         their US patent application for “Linking     server” do not add meaningful technical
     investment costs. In this second article,   Real World Activities with a Parallel        contributions since they perform
     we will take a closer look at how current   Reality Game” [1]. Niantic initially         conventional and generic tasks.
     patent applicants have been navigating      claimed “a computer-implemented              Secondly, the Examiner contended that
     the patent system to seek protection        method for providing a parallel reality      the invention was fully disclosed in and
     for handheld AR content and HMD             game”. Paraphrasing their claim, this        thereby anticipated by existing prior art
     technology.                                 involved: hosting a virtual world on         patent publications, including one from
                                                 a game server with a geography that          Microsoft [2]. Microsoft’s publication
     Handheld AR content                         parallels the real world so that a user      related to “combining real-world
                                                 can navigate the virtual world by moving     actions and virtual actions in a gaming
     The space of AR content is growing          in the real world; and introducing game      environment”, which particularly involved
     rapidly, especially since smartphones       elements [i.e. Pokémon] linked to the        users travelling to specific locations to
     became AR enabled. Because this is an       real world into the virtual world and        complete virtual location-based tasks to
     area of significant expansion, overlaps     modifying these game elements based          gain rewards. This effectively highlights
     between the concepts and ideas of           on player interactions. In other words,      an overlap between Niantic’s broad
     different inventors can be expected.        this describes the player interactions       claim to location-based parallel reality
     Additionally, since most AR content is      taking place in Pokémon GO, where a          games and existing similar concepts that
     embodied as software or as a computer       player would view and interact with game     could fall within that claim. However,
     program, AR content developers seeking      features linked to the real world from the   Niantic’s specific implementation of a

parallel reality game became a point             a HMD package. Firstly, we have seen          IP protection for HMDs does not
for establishing novelty over the prior          patent applications directed towards          end with patents. Undoubtedly, the
art. They stepped away from the broad            the more fundamental operations               aesthetics of HMDs are almost of
concept of simply interacting with game          and mechanical aspects of HMDs. For           parallel importance to their technical
elements in a parallel reality game, and         example, Daqri successfully made claim        performance, since this will be a
instead limited the claim to specify that        to a novel HMD with a retractable display,    determining factor of their success when
game elements are introduced to certain          albeit after having to amend their claim      they hit the marketplace. In this respect,
locations in the virtual world based on          to distinguish their HMD over a combat        there are plenty of registered designs
requests made by external real-world             weapon-site helmet by explicitly claiming     being filed for HMDs, including by Magic
sponsors.                                        its application for more commercial           Leap and Daqri who have registered 10
                                                 AR [3]. Magic Leap may find success           and 5 US designs, respectively. The term
Whilst the first objection that the initially-   in protecting HMDs that use light field       of registered design protection often
claimed invention is an unpatentable             technology as opposed to “conventional”       exceeds the term of a patent, therefore
abstract idea may seem unwarranted               screen overlays [4].                          can be a strong way to protect the
on the surface, the patent examiner’s                                                          aesthetic appearance and non-functional
thoughts can find sympathy if the direct         However, novelty could fast become an         aspects of HMDs.
language of the initial claim is considered.     issue when attempting to claim the more
The initial claim lacked any indication as       “conventional” fundamental aspects of
to the technical mechanisms that would           HMDs. For example, Microsoft currently
allow for modifications and interactions         have a US patent pending for a Mixed
with the virtual world to take place, whilst     Reality Display Device [5] which broadly
merely stating that such steps occur.            attempts to claim a HMD that comprises
Hence, in the patent examiner’s eyes, the        a display, lens system and a curved
claim only presented an idea or abstract         Fresnel combiner. As expected for such
concept of parallel-reality gaming, rather       a broad claim, the US Patent Office has
than a tangible invention that could             found there to be a significant overlap
execute this idea. In addition to the            with existing HMD technologies and has
above amendments made to establish               cited several patent publications that
novelty, Niantic made amendments                 are believed to be relevant, including
to ensure that each feature or step              Google’s “eyepiece for see-through head
of the claim was linked to a technical           wearable display” which uses Fresnel
component of the system. As an overall           reflections to guide the display light [6].
result, they were able to argue that their                                                     Overall, HMD developers can gain a
new claim solved a technical problem             HMD developers may therefore                  package of IP protection to compensate
which led to improvements in how virtual         find more value in claiming patent            for both the technical and aesthetic
elements can be placed in a virtual world,       protection in more low-level functional       aspects of HMDs through a combination
and therefore the new claim should be            or application specific features with         of patent and design protection. Where
considered as both non-abstract and              respect to their use with HMDs. For           it might become difficult to establish
technical.                                       example, Daqri have successfully made         novelty over the more fundamental
                                                 claim to a HMD comprising conventional        technology in HMDs, developers can
Considering what happened to Niantic’s           features, and additionally memory             find value in claiming more functional or
application, it is increasingly important to     storing instructions that can be executed     application specific features, where the
ensure that AR content developers file           to interpret visual gestures of a user in     claimed features are grounded in HMD
patent applications with a clear technical       a specific technical way [7]. Similarly,      hardware.
advantage or contribution to the AR              Microsoft have successfully claimed for
field in mind, whilst containing enough          a HMD with conventional components,           References
                                                                                               [1] US Patent Publication No. US9669296(B1), Niantic
technical content and implementation             with the processors configured to detect      [2] US Patent Publication No. US2011/0319148 (A1),
details to establish novelty over similar or     and feedback emotions of a user [8].          Microsoft
                                                                                               [3] US Patent Publication No. US9625724 (B2), Daqri
overlapping ideas. From the perspective          In such cases, it could be tempting to
                                                                                               [4] US Patent Publication No. US2017293141 (A1),
of patentability exclusions, although            abstract the claimed features away            Magic Leap
only the US Patent Office’s abstract idea        from HMDs in order to gain broader            [5] US Patent Publication No. US2018003972 (A1), Microsoft
                                                                                               [6] US Patent Publication No. US2016131907 (A1), Google
exclusion was discussed above, the               protection, e.g. for interpreting visual
                                                                                               [7] US Patent Publication No. US9652047 (B2), Daqri
European and UK Patent Offices have              gesture or detect emotions not                [8] US Patent Publication No. US9824698 (B2), Microsoft
similar attitudes where they require for         necessarily with a HMD. However, this
                                                                                                                   To find out more contact
there to be a technical advantage or             may open the claimed invention up to
                                                                                                                   John-Paul Rooney
contribution by the invention for it to be       citations of prior-art that may not be
patentable as a computer program or              related to HMDs or even AR technology.
method of gaming.                                However, as we have seen above, there
                                                 is a risk of abstracting the idea too far
                                                                                                                   Rajan Chauhan
HMDs                                             and landing in the patentability exclusion
HMD developers can gain IP protection
for a number of aspects that complete

        Trade Marks                                                                                          Contact Us

                                                                                                              4 More London Riverside
                                                                                                              London SE1 2AU
                                                                                                              United Kingdom
                                                                                                              Tel: +44 20 7940 3600
                                                                                                              Fax: +44 20 7378 9680


     The rise of the                                                                                          1 Redcliff Street
                                                                                                              Bristol BS1 6NP

     trade mark troll
                                                                                                              United Kingdom
                                                                                                              Tel: +44 117 925 3030
                                                                                                              Fax: +44 117 925 3530
     The spectre of patent trolls has been around        British Airways trade marks, including B.A. and
     since the late 1990s. However, whilst this          CONCORDE. One of British Airways’ marks              Leamington Spa:
     trolling behaviour is most well-known for           was completely cancelled and six of the marks
                                                                                                              Nicholas Wilson House
     patents, it can also affect companies and their     were partially cancelled, meaning Gleissner’s
     trade marks.                                        action against British Airways was successful.       Dormer Place
                                                         Further, in this kind of situation, a tactic that    Leamington Spa
     One example of this is Michael Gleissner, a         has been used by trolls is to subsequently file      Warwickshire CV32 5AE
     German-born entrepreneur, who is thought            trade mark applications corresponding to the
                                                                                                              United Kingdom
     to own over 1,000 UK company names                  revoked marks to arguably ‘steal’ a registered
     which have been listed as the applicant on          mark by re-filing it as their own.                   Tel: +44 1926 310700
     thousands of trade mark applications filed                                                               Fax: +44 1926 335519
     all over the world. In particular, Gleissner        It is worrying for brand owners that a third
     has successfully registered popular English         party can file non-use revocations and sit back
     forenames, such as ELIZABETH, JOHN and              while the burden of proof falls on the brand         Sheffield:
     PETER. Subsequently, Gleissner has sought           owner to compile evidence to demonstrate             Derwent House
     to ‘block’ trade mark applications that include     use of the mark in question. It is rare to see       150 Arundel Gate
     these names by filing oppositions and seeking       such actions but there are still third parties
                                                                                                              Sheffield S1 2FN
     a cost award in his favour.                         who possess the financial means to bully
                                                         trade mark owners for material gain.                 United Kingdom
     The UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) has                                                          Tel: +44 114 273 3400
     become wise to this sort of behaviour and,          Overall, putting a stop to trolling behaviour
                                                                                                              Fax: +44 114 275 5788
     for example, has refused to register the name       is difficult. However, there may be steps that
     ALEXANDER for Gleissner as a trade mark. It         brand owners can take to mitigate against
     was found to be in ‘bad faith’ as the absence       such threats:                                        Munich:
     of any sound business reason to use the mark                                                             Steinerstr. 15 A
     amounted to an abuse of the legal system.           • If you find yourself on the receiving end of
                                                                                                              81369 Munich
                                                           a non-use action, we recommend re-filing
     Further, the UKIPO has also dismissed actions         your trade mark for the goods and/or               Germany
     by Gleissner to cancel other companies’ trade         services under attack.                             Tel: +49 89 50222 4020
     marks on the basis of non-use, again as these
     actions were in bad faith.                          • Furthermore, we would also advise trade
                                                           mark, domain name and company name
     The UKIPO’s tough stance is good news for             watches so that the registration of any
     brand owners as it is helping to prevent abuse        blocking trade marks can be identified and
     of the UK trade mark system. However, it              potentially challenged.
     seems that it is still possible for third parties
     to attack brands for financial gain, especially
     as no equivalent approach has been taken by
                                                                        To find out more contact
     the EU Intellectual Property Office.
                                                                        Pollyanna Savva
     For example, Michael Gleissner filed eight
     non-use revocation actions against several
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