A Restorative Approach to the Clinical and Aesthetic Management of Adult Patients with Class II Division 2 Incisor Malocclusions - Martin Kelleher

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A Restorative Approach to the Clinical and Aesthetic Management of Adult Patients with Class II Division 2 Incisor Malocclusions - Martin Kelleher

Arijit Ray-Chaudhuri

Richard J Porter and Martin GD Kelleher

A Restorative Approach to the
Clinical and Aesthetic Management
of Adult Patients with Class II
Division 2 Incisor Malocclusions
Abstract: A Class II division 2 incisor malocclusion may be a cause of aesthetic and/or functional concern for some affected patients. Their
particular concerns may include dark spaces around the misaligned teeth or uneven gingival contours. Orthodontic and/or orthognathic
treatment can address some of these problems but frequently involves lengthy and expensive treatment in the adult dentition. Sadly, such
treatment often produces an unstable result, with significant drawbacks such as the requirement for long-term retention. This article aims
to describe alternative strategies for managing patients with this incisor malocclusion.
Clinical Relevance: This paper outlines a quicker, pragmatic and minimally destructive restorative treatment alternative to conventional
orthodontic treatment and the associated long-term retention.
Dent Update 2012; 39: 684–693

A Class II division 2 incisor malocclusion                  The purpose of this paper is to
may be defined as:                             discuss some of the perceived undesirable
                                               features of this malocclusion and
             ‘The permanent mandibular         demonstrate a sensible restorative solution,
incisors occluding posterior to the cingulum   with some clinical examples being given.
plateau of retroclined permanent maxillary                  In addition to retroclined
incisors.’1                                    maxillary central incisors, the Class II
                                               division 2 (II/2) patient typically presents
                                               with maxillary lateral incisors which are        Figure 1. Retroclined upper central incisors with
 Arijit Ray-Chaudhuri, BDS, MFDS               proclined and mesio-labially rotated             mesio-labially rotated upper lateral incisors.
 RCS(Ed), MJDF RCS(Eng) LLM, AHEA,             (Figure 1).
 Specialist Registrar in Restorative                        Less commonly, all four maxillary
 Dentistry, King’s College Dental Hospital,    incisors may be retroclined, which may
 London, SE5 9RW and St George’s               result in retroclination of the mandibular
 Hospital, London, SW17 OQT, Richard J         incisors and relative prominence of the
 Porter, BSc, BDS, MFDS RCS(Eng), FDS          maxillary canines (Figure 2).
 RCS, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry,                  The features of this malocclusion
 St George’s Hospital, London, SW17 OQT        often give rise to a minimal overjet and,
 and Martin GD Kelleher, BDS, MSc, FDS         together with an increased overbite, may be
 RCPS, FDS RCS, Consultant in Restorative      deemed to be traumatic to the palatal and/
 Dentistry, King’s College Dental Hospital,    or lower labial gingivae (Figure 3).             Figure 2. Retroclined upper central and lateral
 London, SE5 9RW.                                           Poor dental aesthetics may be       incisors with prominent upper canine teeth.

684 DentalUpdate                                                                                                               December 2012

                                                      an overall aim to improve patients’
                                                      and others’ perceptions of dental
                                                      attractiveness. Treatment usually involves
                                                      the use of sophisticated fixed appliances
                                                      for a considerable period, depending on
                                                      the severity of the malocclusion, followed
                                                      by long-term or indefinite retention,
                                                      sometimes referred to (erroneously) as
                                                      ‘permanent retention’.
Figure 3. ‘Traumatized gingivae’ on the labial                    Many patients elect not to
aspects of the lower anterior teeth due to poor       undertake this type of treatment, either
oral hygiene and an increased overbite.               because they do not find it acceptable
                                                      or because they are unable to access
                                                      such care. For these, and indeed for all
                                                      such patients, it is reasonable to consider
                                                      an acceptable cost-effective alternative
                                                      solution, one of which is restorative.
                                                                  This restorative solution has
                                                      the advantage of requiring a much shorter
                                                      active treatment and, importantly, as the
                                                      option presented is minimally destructive
                                                      of dental hard tissues, comes at a very low
                                                                                                      Figure 6. An adolescent patient with mandibular
                                                      ‘biological cost’ (Figures 4 and 5).
Figure 4. A patient with a Class II division 2                                                        retrognathism.
malocclusion and significant tooth surface loss
affecting the upper incisors prior to restorative
dental treatment.                                     A summary of Class II division
                                                      2 malocclusions                                 who develop a Class II division 2 incisal
                                                      Prevalence                                      relationship usually have a normal or a
                                                                  The Class II division 2 incisor     mild Class II skeletal relationship due to
                                                      set-up had not been reported to be              mandibular retrognathia (Figure 6).7
                                                      common within any study population.                         A more severe discrepancy
                                                      Class I and Class II division 1 relationships   tends to produce a Class II/1 relationship
                                                      are the most frequently encountered             because the lower lip cannot contact
                                                      malocclusions, with Class II division           the upper incisors to retrocline them, as
                                                      2 having a prevalence of 9–13% in               described below.

Figure 5. The same patient after restorative dental   Caucasian children and adults.4-6
treatment. The benefit to the patient is that he/                                                     Soft tissue characteristics
she gets rid of perceived aesthetic problems at                                                                   Class II division 2 patients
minimal biologic cost and a reasonable financial                                                      are known to present with different
                                                                   The precise aetiology of a Class
cost.                                                                                                 lip shapes, positions and thicknesses
                                                      II division 2 malocclusion is not always
                                                                                                      by comparison to patients who have a
                                                      clear but appears to be multi-factorial. A
                                                                                                      Class I malocclusion (Table 1). Class II
a significant concern for patients with a             summary of the common causative and
                                                                                                      division 2 patients are also reported to
Class II division 2 incisor malocclusion. It          associated factors is described below.
                                                                                                      have an elevated lower lip-line, as well
has been observed in some studies that                This is not an exhaustive list for which
                                                                                                      as increased lip to labial surface contact
an uncrowded and symmetric anterior                   the reader is referred to the standard
                                                                                                      with the maxillary central incisors, thereby
dentition is considered to be visually                textbooks.
                                                                                                      providing a significant and constant
pleasing to those rating the smiles.2 Not                                                             retroclining force.8 The authors of this
only is a harmonious dental relationship              Skeletal relationship                           study found that an average of 5.1 mm of
considered attractive, but it is also known                         Modern radiographic imaging       the upper central incisors were covered
to be important in how others observe                 has added to the debate on the existence        by the lower lip in the Class II division 2
personality, success, and even how patients           of a ‘pathognomic skeletal pattern’ and this    group, by comparison to 2.7 mm in the
view their ‘self image’.3                             is still the subject of discussion, although    control group. For some patients this is
             Orthodontic therapy has often            some tentative conclusions may be drawn         the prime aetiological factor, whereas in
been provided to correct these aesthetic              from the literature.                            others it appears that this is a function of
concerns, followed by retention, with                               Children and adult patients       the skeletal abnormality.

December 2012                                                                                                                       DentalUpdate 685

 Patients who have a Class II division              these, even if present.                          temporarily applying, sculpting and curing
 2 incisor malocclusion tend to have                           Patients’ commonest concerns          composite material on to the problem areas.
 different:                                         relate to:                                       It allows the patient and the practitioner
 1. Lip shapes                                       Retroclined upper central incisors;            to make subtle changes because this
 2. Lip positions                                    Prominent upper lateral incisors;              composite mock-up can be left in position
 3. Lip thicknesses                                  Sore and inflamed upper and/or lower           for quite a number of hours before it falls
                                                    ‘gums’;                                          off. This allows the patient to discuss the
Table 1. Soft tissue differences between Class II    An overall lack of satisfaction with their     potential aesthetic result with friends,
division 2 and patients with other malocclusions.   smile.                                           family and others. The authors favour this
                                                                                                     approach to the alternative, which is to use
                                                                                                     articulated diagnostic wax-ups of models
                                                    Smile concepts and                               of the teeth made in a laboratory. These
Dental-alveolar appearance
             The Class II division 2 patient
                                                    assessment in Class II division                  suggested changes are then transferred
                                                                                                     to the mouth using a putty matrix of the
has a characteristic clinical and radiographic      2 patients                                       wax-up to create a removable chairside
dento-alveolar appearance when viewed                            A detailed clinical examination     mock-up in an appropriately coloured
from the front. The lateral incisors often          is required prior to any treatment in the        bisacrylate resin. This alternative may be the
appear to be shorter than the central               ‘aesthetic zone’. Sadly, while opinions          preference of some clinicians, although it
incisors because they escape the control of         are common in this field, there are few          requires an additional appointment and a
the lower lip and stay proclined. The upper         objective criteria for the assessment of         laboratory fee is incurred before the patient
labial segment is often imbricated and the          smiles and the lip-to-teeth relationships.       has any real understanding of the proposed
lateral incisors tend to be crowded out             This lack of reliable biometric data             treatment.
and frequently have mesio-labial rotations.         sometimes means that clinicians have little                    It is also important to consider
This dental set-up, coupled with a Class            choice but to rely heavily on past clinical      that a Class II division 2 relationship is not
2 skeletal relationship, often means that           experience and their ‘subjective judgement’.     necessarily unaesthetic per se and can be
upper and lower incisors do not contact                          It is important to gain an          compatible with different individual’s ideas
effectively in the intercuspal position and         in-depth understanding of the concerns of        of attractiveness. One should remember
sometimes continue to over-erupt until they         the patient from his/her detailed history        that restoration of a smile following modern
contact the opposing soft tissues. In the           as it is he/she who will be the ultimate         European or American images may well not
presence of poor plaque control, this can           arbiter of ‘success’. Indeed, research has       be acceptable to everyone, especially if they
help to exacerbate gingival inflammation,           indicated that orthodontic treatment need        are a member of an ethnic minority.
although not necessarily symptoms or                does not always correlate well with patients’                  It is beyond the scope of this
periodontal disease. This may increase the          perceptions of their malocclusion.10,11 It is    paper to demonstrate all the components
tendency for the local gingival margins to          worth remembering that, in several studies,      of aesthetic smile design and, instead, it will
become inflamed or sometimes recede,                patient and lay perceptions of treatment         focus on the aspects relevant to the Class II
but it is not, in itself, a cause of progressive    need have actually been minimal, which is        division 2 malocclusion.
periodontitis.                                      sometimes in conflict with the considered                      For this purpose, smile diagnosis
             It has also been reported that         opinions of dentists and orthodontists. In       will be divided simply into aspects of soft
maxillary central and lateral incisor teeth         fact, a patient’s presenting complaint may       and hard tissue aesthetics. In the case of a
in these individuals have relatively longer         be very different from that envisaged by a       Class II division 2 patient, both components
crowns, shorter roots, reduced labio-palatal        clinician and may relate more closely to self-   are likely to play a role in the overall
thicknesses and altered crown to root               image than an objective diagnosis.               harmony of a successful result.
angles.9 These dental features, in particular,                   The authors have found that
may present significant limitations to the          a meaningful evaluation of the potential
amount of torque forces that may be placed          result of treatment can be achieved quickly      Soft tissue aesthetics
on teeth, the rapidity of movements and             by using direct composite resin to provide                     The lips have an important role
limit the overall orthodontic result that may       an immediate and entirely reversible             in not only contributing to the creation
be achievable. In such cases, a restorative         temporary composite ‘mock-up’ directly in        of a Class II division 2 relationship, but
solution could be a viable alternative to           the patient’s mouth. The patient, or others      also in drawing attention away from it.
orthodontics if a patient wishes to avoid           concerned about the appearance, can then         It is interesting to note that Scott et al
undesirable consequences, such as possible          quickly evaluate the proposed changes and        concluded that an increased thickness
root resorption or a sub-optimal unstable           have a direct input into how they feel about     of the vermilion border had a significant
aesthetic outcome.                                  those possible changes.                          positive effect on the perception of an
             The above section provides                          A Class II division 2 patient who   individual’s malocclusion.12 They also
a short summary of likely clinical                  has expressed a desire for change can gain       demonstrated that subjects with thicker
observations, although patients are unlikely        a tangible and meaningful representation         vermilion borders and mild occlusal
to notice, or express concern, for all of           of the end result which can be created by        abnormalities were deemed to be more

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attractive, intelligent, honest and successful       the teeth may be deemed by some patients              and may be self-limiting as the oro-facial
than others with thinner lips and more               to be unaesthetic. These areas are readily            soft tissues may lose tone with age. It may
noticeable malocclusions.12                          visible post-treatment and may well require           be discovered that the patient prefers his/
             The lips not only frame a smile         careful management to optimize the                    her current ‘gummy’ yet youthful smile
but also define the boundaries of the                margins of any restorations.                          over a proposed ‘aesthetic’ alternative. It is
‘aesthetic zone’. Lip-lines are classically                        Not only does the relative over-        important to analyse, discuss and document
described as being high, medium or low.              eruption of the upper central incisors often          in the notes that these discussions have
The medium lip-line is often considered to           create a wide band of observable gingivae,            taken place as part of the consultation
be the most desirable in western culture             but it can also result in irregularity of the         process.
and this exists when the lower border of the         gingival margins. It is a frequent feature of
upper lip, when smiling, is approximately            the smile that, in such cases, the gingival
                                                                                                           Hard tissue aesthetics
level with the maximum height of the                 zeniths of the central incisors are below
                                                                                                                         The Class II division 2
gingivae (the gingival zenith or apex) of the        that of the lateral incisor and canine teeth
                                                                                                           malocculsion may have several features
upper anterior dentition.13 Therefore, almost        (Figure 9).
                                                                                                           which mean it falls short of what is
the entire labial surfaces of the teeth are                        This is far from ideal as many
                                                                                                           considered to be ‘aesthetically ideal’.14
displayed as well as a small amount of the           clinicians agree that the gingival zenith of
                                                                                                                         One of the aims of orthodontic
interdental papillae (Figure 7).                     central incisors should be level in height
                                                                                                           treatment is to create an occlusion that
             The Class II division 2 patient         with the equivalent points of the maxillary
                                                                                                           has no imbrications, which is frequently
typically differs from this and often has a          canine teeth. In addition, the supposed
                                                                                                           found in both the upper and lower arches
high lip-line and consequently an increased          ideal smile would have the gingival zeniths
                                                                                                           in this malocclusion. Imbrication of the
amount of gingival display. A relaxed smile          of the lateral incisors slightly lower than, or
                                                                                                           lower incisors is often considered to be of
may show little or nothing of the over-              equal to, this line, but certainly not higher
                                                                                                           lesser initial importance than the increased
erupted upper central incisors and ample             than it.
                                                                                                           overbite and retroclination of the upper
free and attached gingivae, producing the                          On the other hand, the
                                                                                                           centrals, although it may become more
characteristic ‘gummy smile’ (Figure 8). The         visibility of the gingival aesthetics may be
                                                                                                           noticeable once this aspect of treatment is
obvious display of the cervical portions of          considered a trivial concern for the patient
                                                                                                                         The effect of upper anterior
                                                                                                           crowding, such as mesio-labial rotation
                                                                                                           and proclination of the lateral incisors, is
                                                                                                           that other elements of an aesthetic smile
                                                                                                           are lost. For example, ideally, there should
                                                                                                           be symmetry of the contact points, incisal
                                                                                                           embrasures and connector spaces. In
                                                                                                           relation to the latter, a 50-40-30 rule should
                                                                                                           be observed, ie that 50% of the height of
                                                                                                           the central incisors should appear to be
                                                                                                           in contact (the connector space) in the
Figure 7. A patient with a medium lip-line with                                                            midline, 40% of the height in between the
the upper lip approximately at the cervical          Figure 9. A Class II division 2 patient with a high   central and lateral incisor and 30% between
margins of the upper incisors.                       smile displaying the cervical aspects of her upper    the lateral incisor and the canine .15 This is
                                                     anterior teeth and ample gingivae. It is also of      rarely, if ever, the case in Class II division
                                                     note that the gingival zeniths of the upper central
                                                                                                           2, where there is often no contact point
                                                     incisors are more coronal than those of the upper
                                                                                                           or connector zone between some or all of
                                                     lateral incisors.
                                                                                                           the anterior teeth, thereby creating large
                                                                                                           unsightly incisal embrasures (Figure 10).
                                                                                                                         Crowding may also result in the
                                                                                                           following problems:
                                                                                                            A shift in the dental midlines causing
                                                                                                           them to be non-coincident with each other
                                                                                                           and/or to the facial midline. Johnston
Figure 8. A Class II division 2 patient with a
                                                                                                           and colleagues found that only 56% of
moderately restored dentition and over-eruption
of the upper central incisors and the upper left                                                           laypersons, but 83% of orthodontists, were
lateral incisor. The patient does not display the                                                          able to notice a midline discrepancy of
incisal edges of his upper anterior teeth on         Figure 10. A Class II division 2 patient with         2mm in patients with all forms of incisor
smiling but does display the cervical portions and   discrepancies of both contact points and              malocclusion. This rose to being apparent to
the associated gingivae.                             connector zones of the upper anterior teeth.          almost all raters if the discrepancy was 4mm

688 DentalUpdate                                                                                                                        December 2012

or more.16                                         and clinician would have to accept the          relapse. Mild proclination, intrusion
 Changes to the incisal edges of the upper        overbite, retroclination of the upper           and palatal root torque of the maxillary
anterior teeth. Ideally, as a segment the          anterior teeth and any crowding in the          incisor teeth allows the mandibular
tips of the upper anterior teeth should be         lower arch. Thus orthodontic treatment          incisors to be proclined into the position
parallel to the inter-pupillary line or follow     would be aimed at relief of crowding            previously occupied by the maxillary
the lower lip in a relaxed smile.17                in the upper arch and alignment of the          incisor crowns, thereby maintaining the
 Changes to the longitudinal axes of teeth        upper anterior teeth only. Depending            incisor crowns within the zone of soft
which, ideally, should be perpendicular to         on the molar relationship, this can be          tissue equilibrium.
the inter-pupillary line and slightly mesially     achieved with distalization of the buccal                    Retention is always required
inclined as one looks from the apex to the         segments or extraction of the upper             using either a removable retainer (eg
crown.18                                           premolar teeth to allow canine retraction.      Hawley, Essix, etc), a fixed retainer,
              In addition to positional                         In more marked cases, it           or more commonly a combination of
concerns of the teeth in the upper labial          may not be possible to accept the               the two. The former is dependent on
segment, the morphology of the teeth               overbite and/or the upper labial                long-term patient compliance and
themselves can contribute to the overall           segment retroclination. In these patients,      meticulous oral hygiene to prevent
aesthetic problem. Long upper central              fixed appliances will be required to            plaque stagnation. A fixed retainer may
incisors next to relatively short laterals         permit palatal root torque, possibly            debond as well as cause difficulty with
tend to violate some perceptions of beauty         in combination with lower incisor               flossing and therefore requires indefinite
relating to visual tooth proportions in a          proclination if the lower arch has mild to      review and maintenance with all the
smile. The desired width ratios of teeth           moderate crowding. In cases of severe           attendant costs. There is, however, no
in the ‘aesthetic zone’ are sometimes said         lower arch crowding, premolar extractions       compelling evidence that one type
to follow the ‘Golden Proportion’ (Phi),           may also be required. Care needs to be          of retention is superior to another in
especially in relation to denture teeth in         taken with these types of movement as           preventing relapse in the incisors in
removable prosthodontics.19,20 This means          they are anchorage demanding, may               Class II division 2 individuals. Though
that the width of the maxillary central            cause root resorption and risk gingival         stability may be maintained with
incisor should be in a ratio of 1:0.618 by         recession.                                      retention, a retrospective analysis by
comparison to the lateral and the canine                        In general terms, the greater      Canut and Arias illustrated that, within 3
should be visibly narrower than the lateral        the severity of a Class II skeletal pattern     years, 10% of Class II division 2 patients
by the same proportion. However, it is             and the lower the Frankfort-mandibular          had unacceptable irregularity of their
essential to note that this applies to the         planes angle (FMPA), the harder it is to        maxillary dentition.23
perception of the visual width of these            achieve an ideal post-treatment result.                      If the pre-treatment tooth
teeth as viewed from the front, as opposed         In adult patients, growth modification          position is accepted, however, and
to their actual anatomical width. There            is not possible and thus severe skeletal        the malocclusion is masked with
has been lots of research into whether             discrepancies will have to be accepted or       restorations, then the need for retention,
this ratio is apparent in visually pleasing        will require orthodontics and surgery. This     although not maintenance, is removed.23
smiles and the results have produced mixed         usually begins with pre-surgical dento-
conclusions.21,22                                  alveolar decompensation to convert the
                                                   Class II division 2 into a Class II division    Restorative management
                                                   1 incisor relationship, and maintain the        of adult Class II division 2
Orthodontic management                             curve of Spee. Orthognathic surgery
of adult Class II division 2                       would usually involve mandibular
                                                                                                               The broad aims of restorative
                                                   advancement to a three-point landing
patients                                           (incisor and terminal molar contact only)       dental treatment are to accept the
            Although the focus of this             using a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy      position of the roots of the teeth but to
paper is on the restorative management             to correct the antero-posterior skeletal        camouflage the crowns to produce a
of adult patients presenting with a Class II       discrepancy, followed by post-surgical          more even and symmetrical appearance:
division 2 incisor relationship, it is important   fixed appliance therapy to level the arches      The changes may involve using
to remember that orthodontic and/or                by mandibular buccal segment extrusion          directly bonded layered composite to
orthognathic treatment may sometimes still         and make final adjustments to tooth             alter the incisal levels by lengthening
be the treatment of choice.                        positions.                                      the upper lateral incisors mainly on their
            Mild Class II division 2                            In Class II division 2 patients,   palatal surfaces and by shortening the
malocclusions without marked vertical              poorly controlled orthodontic treatment         tips of the upper centrals to reduce the
or antero-posterior skeletal discrepancies         may produce an unstable tooth position          excessive height of the central incisors.
may be amenable to treatment of the                because the new positions of the teeth           Adding direct composite or porcelain
upper arch only, especially if the patient’s       violate the equilibrium of the intra- and       to the labial contours of the upper
concern is only the aesthetics of the upper        peri-oral tissues. This unstable position       anterior teeth in order to bring them
anterior dentition. In such cases, the patient     means that the teeth will be prone to           forward to be more in line with the

December 2012                                                                                                              DentalUpdate 689

lateral incisors. This reduces the effect of           Direct composite bonding                             allows the clinician to judge how such
them being retroclined and being in the                             Strategic use of direct composite       changes could affect lip posture, incisal
shadows of the upper lateral incisors.                 can offer a sensible solution to some                display and phonetics. More importantly,
 Altering the gingival contours, by raising           patients who are concerned about their dark          it allows clinicians a chance to observe
the gingival zeniths of the upper central              spaces and a mild or moderately crowded              the patient’s non-verbal reaction to these
incisors to be at the level of the canine              dentition.                                           proposed changes.
teeth and also restoring the appropriate                            In order to assess the                                Prior to undertaking this
gingival embrasures.                                   acceptability and limitations of directly            mock-up, the teeth should be cleaned
             The hard and soft tissue                  bonding composite to camouflage the teeth,           and dried and then composite of an
management options available to achieve                the unset composite material can be placed,          appropriate shade can be sculpted on to
these aims include:                                    shaped and light-cured, without etching or           particular areas of the teeth to disguise
 Direct composite bonding;                            bonding. This gives patients a realistic and         the misalignment and block out the dark
 Gingival recontouring;                               readily visible change. It is quick, reversible      spaces. Most frequently, composite will
 Porcelain laminate veneers;                          and a risk-free way of assessing the visual          need to be placed on the palatal aspects
 Any combination of the above.                        effects of the proposed smile change. It also        of the lateral incisors and separately on to
                                                                                                            the whole of the labial aspect of the central
                                                                                                            incisors (Figures 11–16).
                                                                                                                          To optimize the aesthetic result,
                                                                                                            the edges of the central incisors may be
                                                                                                            shortened and the visual effect of doing
                                                                                                            this can be gauged directly by using a
                                                                                                            black permanent ink marker pen (eg
                                                                                                            Staedtler®). Application of this felt-tip pen
                                                                                                            to the dried edges of the central incisors
                                                                                                            can illustrate to the patient the visual
                                                                                                            effect of greater or lesser shortening of the
Figure 11. The patient with composite bonded           Figure 14. The patient with composite bonded         central incisor tips. This allows the patient,
on to the labial aspects for the upper central         on to the upper canine teeth. A practical tip for    and any interested third parties, to assess the
incisors.                                              directly ‘mocking-up’ composite is to support the    appearance of such temporary shortening
                                                       material with a gloved finger palatally and to use   (Figure 17). The ink can easily be removed
                                                       a small brush dipped in resin to smooth the labial   with surgical spirit.
                                                       surfaces.                                                          Once the patient is satisfied

Figure 12. The directly bonded composite
should be light-cured as per the manufacturer’s
                                                       Figure 15. The composite material can be
                                                                                                            Figure 17. A patient with ‘permanent’ ink drawn
                                                       smoothed with polishing discs.
                                                                                                            on the incisal edges of their upper central incisors
                                                                                                            to illustrate the effect of shortening.

Figure 13.The patient with composite bonded
on to the upper lateral incisors. It is of note that   Figure 16. The completed composite ‘mock-up’ to
in this case the majority of the composite was         illustrate what is achievable without orthodontic    Figure 18. A study cast of the ‘mock-up’ to aid the
bonded to the disto-labial aspects of these teeth.     treatment.                                           definitive composite placement.

690 DentalUpdate                                                                                                                             December 2012

 Advantages                                          Disadvantages

 Excellent aesthetics possible                       May not be possible in crowded arch

 Resistant to staining                               May be destructive of sound tooth tissue

 High tissue compatibility                           Requires at least two visits

 High success rates if preparation is in enamel      Requires excellent laboratory support with
                                                     the associated costs                                  Figure 19. A patient with a Class II division 2
Table 2. The advantages and disadvantages of porcelain laminate veneers in Class II division 2 patients.   incisal relationship with missing upper lateral
                                                                                                           incisors and retained upper deciduous canine

with the mock-up a photographic record               to the retroclined position of the central
and impressions should be taken to allow             incisors, the indirect veneering technique
accurate reproduction of the effects                 is predominantly additive and avoids
(Figure 18).                                         the need for much, if any, labial axial
              In the majority of cases, the          reduction. Preparation is often only
composite will be retained long enough               needed with a small chamfer finish line at
for the patient to have a few hours with the         the cervical region to guide the ceramicist,
material in position in order for him/her to         but allowing for sufficient thickness of
seek opinions from friends and family. They          material and an appropriate emergence
may be instructed on how to flick off the            profile. However, preparation of proclined
                                                                                                           Figure 20. The patient receiving a simple
composite or offered the option of returning         lateral incisors can be destructive, unlike
                                                                                                           gingivectomy of the upper central incisors.
the next working day to have this done by            the approach with direct composite. With
the dentist.                                         regard to aesthetics and contour, there
              Composite has the advantages           should be clear instructions on length,
of being biologically friendly. It requires little   translucency, micro-anatomy, etc, assisted
or no tooth preparation and provides a quick         by the technician being given models
result. Composite is, however, susceptible           and photographs of the direct or indirect
to staining and this can be a problem in             mock-up.
smokers. It has to be finished and polished
carefully. It is essential to advise the patient
                                                     Gingival contour
pre-operatively that the material is likely to
                                                                  Much can be achieved with
require repolishing or resurfacing after a
                                                     composite or porcelain veneers alone for              Figure 21 The patient with definitive porcelain
few years, though this is rarely onerous for
                                                     Class II division 2 patients with cosmetic            laminate veneers on her anterior and
either the patient or clinician. The costs and
                                                     concerns, particularly in relatively mild             premolar teeth.
responsibilities involved in doing this should
                                                     cases. Some patients with a low lip-line
be discussed and a record kept of these
                                                     may have little perceived benefit or
                                                     desire to have aesthetic improvements
                                                     undertaken to their gingival contour.                 recontouring is often the labial aspect of
Porcelain laminate veneers                                        As mentioned above, a feature            the upper central incisors. The margins of
             Porcelain veneers offer an              of ideal gingival architecture is that the            these teeth may be well below the GAL.
alternative to directly bonded composite             gingival zeniths of the central incisors, the         This soft tissue change can be achieved
and theoretically can offer excellent                canines and, possibly, the lateral incisors           with either soft tissue sculpting (Figures
tissue compatibility, colour stability and           should lie on a line joining these zeniths.           19–21) or both soft tissue and alveolar bone
aesthetics24,25 (Table 2). The single path of        This line is known as the gingival aesthetic          recontouring, using a conventional flap
insertion required for porcelain veneers,            line (GAL). For example, a large vertical             technique, electro-surgery or a soft tissue
however, is often compromised by the                 discrepancy from the GAL of the lateral               laser.
presence of the crowded and short lateral            incisors in a Class II/2 patient may have a                        The concept of biological width
incisors.                                            detrimental effect on the overall aesthetic           should be considered when undertaking
             Porcelain veneer preparations           result, producing the appearance of                   restorative dental procedures which
should be confined to enamel, with minimal           inappropriately narrow teeth.26                       encroach on gingival tissues, and this is
axial reduction so that pulpal complications                      In this malocclusion, however,           especially important when recontouring
may be minimized. With specific reference            the area that requires most gingival                  bone.

692 DentalUpdate                                                                                                                           December 2012

Conclusion                                          6.    Proffit WR, Fields HW Jr, Moray LJ.           16. Johnston CD, Burden DJ, Stevenson
                                                          Prevalence of malocclusion and                    MR. The influence of dental midline
              Restorative dentistry may be
                                                          orthodontic treatment need in the                 discrepancies on dental attractiveness
able to offer an alternative to orthodontics
                                                          United States: estimates from the                 ratings. Eur J Orthod 1999; 21: 517–522.
for Class II division 2 patients who have
                                                          NHANES III survey. Int J Adult Orthod         17. Ahmad I. Anterior dental aesthetics:
aesthetic and functional concerns. Such
                                                          Orthognath Surg 1998; 13: 97–106.                 dentofacial perspective. Br Dent J 2005;
treatment is both time- and cost-effective
                                                    7.    Karlsen AT. Craniofacial characteristics          199: 81–88.
and comes at a very low biological cost.
                                                          in children with Angle Class II div 2         18. Morley J, Eubank J. Macroesthetic
Such a visual benefit is of at least equal,
                                                          malocclusion compared with extreme                elements of smile design. J Am Dent
if not greater, value to the patient who is
                                                          deep bite. Angle Orthod 1994; 64: 123–            Assoc 2001: 132; 39–45.
concerned about a prolonged course of
                                                          130.                                          19. Lombardi RE. A method for the
orthodontic treatment which, at the end,
                                                    8.    Lapatki BG, Mager AS, Schulte-                    classification of errors in dental
may have poor long-term stability.
                                                          Moenting J, Jonas IE. The importance              esthetics. J Prosthet Dent 1974; 32:
                                                          of the lip line and resting lip pressure in       501–513.
Acknowledgements                                          Class II division 2 malocclusion. J Dent      20. Levin E. Dental aesthetics and the
          The authors would like to                       Res 2002; 81: 323–328.                            golden proportion. J Prosthet Dent 1978;
thank Mr Neil Poyser, Mr Jamie Gwilliam,            9.    McIntyre GT, Millett DT. Crown-root               40: 244–252.
Mr Farhad Naini and Ms Thushala Ubaya-                    shape of the permanent maxillary              21. Bukhary SMN, Gill DS, Tredwin CJ et
Naranyanage for the use of their clinical                 central incisor. Angle Orthod 2003; 73:           al. The influence of varying maxillary
photographs.                                              710–715.                                          lateral incisor dimensions on perceived
                                                    10.   Holmes A. The subjective need and                 smile aesthetics. Br Dent J 2007; 203:
                                                          demand for orthodontic treatment. Br J            687–693.
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