A new wave of information from the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation - Vol. 45.2 - Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation
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CERF’s Up! Summer 2019 / Vol. 45.2 Experience Mobile in 2019, page 24 Table of Contents President’s Message..................................................................... 3 Rising TIDES Conference Program.................................................... 4 Legacy Fund & Scholarship Announcement........................................ 5 Broadening Participation Comprehensive Plan.................................... 5 2019-2021 Governing Board Candidates............................................ 6 Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM.. ...................... 7 CESN & New Science Writer Introduction.. ....................................... 8-9 SEERS Update.. .......................................................................... 10 DISL’s Our Wastewater Footprint: Water Quality Lessons from Local Estuaries.................................. 11 Managing Your Data: Collaborating with Yourself and Others................ 13 Strategies for Science.. ........................................................... 14-15 Riding the Wave to CERF 2019....................................................... 16 Marsh Workshop.. ................................................................... 17 Registration........................................................................... 17 Workshops............................................................................ 17 Keynote & Plenary Speakers................................................. 18-20 Upcoming Events.................................................................... 20 Student and Early Career Event.. ................................................. 21 Safe and Welcoming Plan with Event Code of Conduct.................... 22 Film Festival.. ......................................................................... 23 Silent Auction......................................................................... 23 Field Trips.. ............................................................................ 24 Sponsorship Opportunities........................................................ 25 WOTUS Announcement.. .............................................................. 26 Cover photo: Student from Saint Mary’s University measures elevation profile in a restored marsh site in Nova Scotia. Check out the Atlantic Canada Coastal & Estuarine Science Society for more information from one of our Canadian Affiliate Societies.
Rising TIDES (Toward an Inclusive, Diverse, and Enriched Society): A Message from the President identities shape interactions, and As an inaugural member of the Con- the biases that continue to influence sortium, CERF adds to a collective engagement across differences. voice that is driving shared expecta- The plan contains actionable steps tions for professional conduct. for including a more diverse set of In April the Governing Board also people in CERF membership and discussed expanding opportunities activities and for aligning our orga- to incorporate traditional ecological nizational climate with our cultural knowledge into CERF science and Hilary Neckles aspirations. practice. The Board agreed that CERF’s “Visions IV” strategic plan Inclusion is multifaceted. In particu- CERF’s commitment to broadening includes an objective to build a more lar, for people to feel welcomed they participation should include integrat- inclusive and diverse Federation. This must also feel safe. I have reported ing the knowledge of Indigenous is more than a laudable goal: ensur- previously on CERF’s sustained Peoples and local communities ing a culture and an environment efforts to promote environments that into developing effective solutions in which differences are embraced, are free from sexual harassment and to coastal problems. An excellent individual identities are valued, and all example of blending complementary people feel welcomed and respected ways of knowing to improve coastal is fundamental to our core values restoration decision-making was and essential to our success. Rising presented by Matt Bethel and DeWitt TIDES1 (Toward an Inclusive, Diverse, Braud through CERF’s webinar series and Enriched Society) is a compre- this year; CERF members who missed hensive program for enhancing the this inspirational case study can diversity and inclusion of our scien- find the recording in the online video tific society and CERF conferences. library. I’m pleased to share some advances These many facets of inclusivity will CERF has made over the past year soon come together at CERF 20195 toward this objective. in Mobile, Alabama, under the leader- are intentionally inclusive toward Many of the actions directed toward ship of conference co-chairs Leila LGBTQ+ people; visit the revised diversity, equity, and inclusion within Hamdan and David Yoskowitz and Event Code of Conduct3 and the new our Federation are spearheaded by their amazing conference team. From conference Safe and Welcoming CERF’s Broadening Participation plenary panels offering diverse per- Plan4 for details. CERF also updated Council (BPC). At the April 2019 spectives and life experiences to rich its Code of Ethics and Society meeting of the CERF Governing scientific sessions permeated with Bylaws to define sexual harassment Board, BPC Chair Treda Grayson cultural heritage and coastal humani- and discrimination as professional presented a new Broadening Partici- ties, CERF 2019 promises to enhance misconduct and potential grounds pation Comprehensive Plan2 to strong our capacity to address complex for member termination. Recently, in Board endorsement. This plan arose coastal challenges. I can’t wait to see recognition that the pervasiveness from deep conversations at CERF many of you there. of sexual harassment undermines 2017 surrounding the multiplicity of full participation in the scientific barriers that contribute to underrep- enterprise, CERF has joined with resentation of people from minority 99 other professional disciplinary groups in coastal and estuarine sci- organizations to launch the Societies ence. Discussions during workshops Consortium on Sexual Harassment in and wider conference venues led to STEMM (science, technology, engi- increased awareness of how social neering, mathematics, and medicine). 1 https://www.cerf.science/risingtides 2https://www.cerf.science/safe-and-welcoming-cerf 3https://www.cerf.science/event- code-of-conduct 4https://www.cerf.science/safe-and-welcoming-cerf 5https://www.cerf.science/cerf-2019 3
2019 Rising TIDES (Toward an inclusive, Diverse, and Enriched Society) Conference Program 2017 Rising TIDES Conference Program students and mentors CERF is pleased to announce the 2019 Rising TIDES Conference Program! Rising TIDES provides financial support for underrepresented minor- ity (URM) students and their mentors to participate in the 25th Biennial CERF Conference in Mobile, AL, on 3-7 November 2019. With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and CERF, we plan to support 14 students and mentors to participate in a Rising TIDES workshop, scientific sessions, and other conference activities. Through joint support of both students and mentors, this program aims to enhance career development of URM students and ensure that students participating in the program will have sustained mentorship following the conference. The program also helps to develop a community of practice for CERF members who are engaged in building diversity and inclusion within their own organizations and across institutions, and involves those who are already mentors of URM students in helping to transform CERF into a broadly inclusive society. The deadline for applications for 2019 was 26 June. CERF is committed to broadening participation in coastal and estuarine science and manage- ment – please monitor the Rising TIDES website1 for more details. 1 https://www.cerf.science/risingtides 4
CERF Announces New Legacy Fund and Scholarship Opportunity CERF is excited to announce the The Legacy Fund was first estab- scientists and managers. This schol- creation of a new Legacy Fund. The lished in 2018 with a generous arship is supported through generous Legacy Fund is a way to honor scien- donation of $12,333 in honor of Holly donations to the CERF Legacy Fund. tists, resource managers, decision- Greening’s retirement. We encourage CERF anticipates awarding one US makers, educators, and others for you to recognize other CERF legends $1000 scholarship in 2019. their important contributions to the through donations1 in their honor The application submission deadline understanding and wise stewardship About the Scholarship: was 30 June 2019. Thank you to of estuarine and coastal ecosystems CERF is excited to announce the those who submitted applications. worldwide. establishment of a new Legacy Fund You will be contacted soon! The Fund will support unique and Scholarship program. The program 1 https://www.cerf.science/donate valuable enhancements to the provides scholarships for student research or career development of and early career members of the student and early-career members Federation to enhance the research of the Federation through scholar- and career development of the next ships given at the CERF Biennial generation of coastal and estuarine Conference. CERF Releases Broadening Participation Comprehensive Plan CERF is dedicated to broadening The plan is based upon input received ership, policies, and practices; and participation in coastal and estuarine from CERF members and attendees fostering interactional diversity, or science and management. As part of during facilitated workshops and opportunities for people with diverse its Rising TIDES (Toward an Inclu- guided discussions at the 2017 CERF backgrounds and life experiences to sive, Diverse, and Enriched Society) conference. The plan is focused on interact in meaningful ways. Read the program, the Broadening Participa- three categories: building represen- full plan and learn more about Rising tion Council has developed a compre- tational diversity, or the proportional TIDES at: https://www.cerf.science/ hensive plan to promote an inclusive representation of underrepresented risingtides culture and opportunities for under- minorities within CERF membership, represented and underserved minori- activities, and disciplines; commit- ties in coastal and estuarine science ting to structural diversity, or the at all career stages. incorporation of diversity into lead- 5
2019-2021 CERF Governing Board Election We invite you to make your voice President-Elect Member-at-large (2 positions) heard in the future of the Federation. Leila Hamdan, Associate Professor, Neil Ganju, Research Oceanographer, Voting is now open for the 2019– University of Southern Mississippi US Geological Survey 2021 CERF Governing Board elec- Enrique Reyes, Professor, East Chris Madden, Lead Scientist, South tions to elect our next President-elect, Carolina University Florida Water Management District Secretary, two Members-at-large, and Thomas Mozdzer, Associate Profes- student Member-at-large. Only one Secretary Jason Stutes, Senior Marine sor, Bryn Mawr College individual will be selected for each Ecologist, GeoEngineers Jennifer Beseres Pollack, Associate position except Member-at-large, for Jamie Vaudrey, Assistant Research Professor, Harte Research Institute, which we are electing two individuals. Professor, University of Connecticut Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi The candidates for office are listed below; their full bios and statements Kristin Wilson Grimes, Research Student Member-at-large Assistant Professor, University of are available online3. Derek Detweiler, Ph.D. student, the Virgin Islands An online voting form was sent to Virginia Institute of Marine Science all eligible voting members. Please Meredith Diskin, M.S. student, remember to submit your vote by 12 Dauphin Island Sea Lab July 2019. Johnny Quispe, Ph.D. student, On behalf of the current and future Rutgers University Governing Board members, thank Serina Wittyngham, Ph.D. student, you for participation in this important Virginia Institute of Marine Science election. Derek Detweiler Meredith Diskin Neil Ganju Kristin Grimes Leila Hamdan Student Member-at-large Student Member-at-large Member-at-large Member-at-large President Chris Madden Thomas Mozdzer Jennifer Pollack Johnny Quispe Enrique Reyes Member-at-large Member-at-large Member-at-large Student Member-at-large President Jason Stutes Jamie Vaudrey Serina Wittyngham Secretary Secretary Student Member-at-large 3 https://www.cerf.science/2019-2021-governing-board-slate 6
CERF Joins Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM CERF has joined with 99 organiza- evidence-based resources and guid- environment for all its members and tions to launch the Societies Con- ance to address sexual harassment in conference participants. CERF has sortium1 on Sexual Harassment in the member societies’ operations and recently revised its Code of Ethics2 to STEMM (science, technology, engi- more broadly within the fields they include harassment and discrimina- neering, mathematics, and medicine) represent. tion as professional misconduct. to advance professional and ethi- It was established by the American CERF has also updated its Event cal conduct, climate, and culture in Association for the Advancement of Code of Conduct3 to clearly outline STEMM disciplines. Science (AAAS), the Association of expected and prohibited behavior at The Societies Consortium reflects American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the CERF Biennial Conference and a shared understanding that pro- and the American Geophysical Union all CERF events, and provide mecha- fessional societies have a unique (AGU), with Education Counsel serv- nisms to report unacceptable behav- responsibility in their role as stan- ing as the policy and law consultant ior and implement corrective actions. dard-setters and standard-bearers for for the initiative; CERF is one of 100 Ensuring respect and safety for every- STEMM fields to address the perva- Inaugural Members representing a one who engages with CERF is fun- sive problem of sexual and gender wide range of STEMM fields. damental to our values and essential harassment. More information, including a list of to our success” said Hilary Neckles, Focused on advancing full participa- the Inaugural Members, can be found CERF President. “As an inaugural tion and excellence in STEMM and at: http://educationcounsel.com/soci- member of the Societies Consortium, preventing and responding to sexual etiesconsortium/ CERF joins a groundbreaking collec- and gender harassment in STEMM tive voice leading the charge to end CERF is committed to providing a environments, the Societies Con- sexual harassment in the sciences. safe and welcoming culture and sortium will provide research and 1 http://educationcounsel.com/societiesconsortium/ 2 https://cerf.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/2018/CERF%20Code%20of%20Ethics%2010-19-2018.pdf 3 https://cerf.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/2018/CERF%20Event%20Code%20of%20Conduct%2010-19-2018.pdf Share the full text of any Estuaries and Coasts article with SharedIt! Did you know that authors and subscribers can share a view-only, full-text version of any Estuaries and Coasts article using Springer Nature’s new “SharedIt” feature? Select the “Share article” button on the article webpage for a shareable link. Help us share the full-text versions of the high-quality, peer-reviewed journal articles in Estuaries and Coasts by using the SharedIt links! For more information, please visit http://www.springernature.com/sharedit. 7
The Latest Coastal & Estuarine Science News Merryl Alber, Managing Editor Claudia Geib, Science Writer/Coordinating Editor Go to the CESN website at www.cerf.science/cesn to read the full summaries and sign up to have future issues delivered to your email inbox. March 2019 Eelgrass habitat not a straightforward boon for oysters based on algal pigment concentration and sediment Influence of eelgrass is offset by species identity, organic matter, measured in a series of sediment cores predators, and food availability that approximately dated back to 1930. Oysters and the habitats they create offer many benefits www.cerf.science/cesn-march-2019#Article3 for coastal ecosystems, as well as the potential for com- High temperatures and macroalgae make a deadly mercial harvesting. The presence of seagrasses, such as duo Warm waters and algal blooms combine to eelgrass, is thought to benefit oysters, and seagrass beds cause coastal hypoxia are often targeted for oyster seeding—yet a recent study Macroalgal blooms and rising water temperatures are shows that the relationship between oysters and seagrass increasingly frequent and co-occurring threats to marine is far from a simple one. life. Both of these stressors have long been linked to low www.cerf.science/cesn-march-2019#Article1 oxygen conditions in coastal areas—yet their combined Assessing the risks of harbor dredging on diamond- effect on hypoxia occurrence and intensity remains back terrapins Cape Cod’s terrapins at low risk during poorly understood, especially given that drift algae is winter dredging difficult to study. Recent research in the shallow, eutro- Wellfleet Harbor, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is host to the phic Nakaumi Lagoon in western Japan used drift algae northernmost population of diamondback terrapin turtles, within enclosures to simulate the synergistic influence which are listed as threatened under the state Endangered that these factors have on oxygen concentrations. Species Act. During the winter this turtle enters a hiberna- www.cerf.science/cesn-march-2019#Article4 tion state known as brumation, during which they lie in immobile clusters on the seafloor. Terrapins in this state May 2019 are at considerable risk of mortality if they brumate within Comparing the ecosystem filtration services part of a harbor that is dredged to maintain navigation of native and non-native oysters channels, which is an activity generally reserved for the Strategic seeding can maximize filtration winter in order to minimize disruption to the ecosystem. One of the great benefits of cultivating oysters comes www.cerf.science/cesn-march-2019#Article2 from their feeding activity, which removes suspended Bridging the harbor: Do phytoplankton respond? particulate matter from the water. On the west coast of Shallow reefs could shelter low-lying marshes from the U.S., the presumed filtration values of native Olym- erosion pia oysters (Ostrea lurida) has been a strong motivator In the late 1950s a bridge was built across Shippagan Har- for restoration efforts aimed at replacing the dominant, bor, a coastal strait in New Brunswick, Canada. The bridge but non-native Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)—yet divided the area into an inner and outer bay, and decreased the actual filtration values of these two species has not fetch over the inner bay by 76 percent. In a recent paper, been compared. researchers evaluated whether such a dramatic change www.cerf.science/cesn-may-2019#Article1 affected phytoplankton. They hypothesized that the bridge should have led to a higher abundance of phytoplankton in the inner bay, as reduced hydrological flow concentrated nutrients from the land and altered the geochemistry of the inner as compared to the outer bay. They evaluated this 8
Welcome to Our New CESN Science Writer/Coordinating Editor: Claudia Geib Meet Claudia Geib, CERF’s tion, Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Buzzards Bay new Coastal and Estuarine Coalition has sought to make scientific research and Science News (CESN) Sci- progress more widely accessible, a skill she hopes to put ence Writer/Coordinating to good use at CESN. Outside of work, she is a swimmer, Editor! Claudia is a science diver, and sailor, and when not in or on the water is usu- writer and editor based in ally somewhere near it. Falmouth, Massachusetts. CESN is an electronic newsletter that is put out on a She has a Master’s degree bimonthly basis (6 issues per year) and serves as a in Science Writing from companion to the journal Estuaries and Coasts. Each MIT, and focuses her work issue of CESN provides a summary of four articles from on marine and environ- the journal, written for an audience of coastal managers mental science. You can and other interested stakeholders and emphasizing the find her writing in publica- management applications of scientific findings. Issues tions including National are posted online and in CERF’s Up!, and emailed to sub- Geographic, Hakai Maga- scribers. Learn more at https://www.cerf.science/cesn. zine, Futurism, and Atlas Obscura. Her editorial work with institutions like Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- CESN (continued) May 2019 Taking a holistic look at marsh sediment dynamics trol on coastal dunes. The authors of a new study evalu- Both vertical and lateral movement must be consid- ated this idea by comparing the erosion control of three ered in marsh restoration common dune species grown alone or in combination. Some marsh restoration efforts focus on shoreline pro- www.cerf.science/cesn-may-2019#Article3 tection and limiting lateral erosion, such as constructing Evaluating restored wetlands in Northern Gulf of living shorelines. Other projects are aimed at increasing Mexico Comparisons help benchmark recovery for vertical elevation, such as through thin layer placement vegetation and soil of sediment. In a new perspective article, author Neil K. When is a restored wetland considered “recovered”? Even Ganju contends that these marsh restoration projects as coastal managers work to rejuvenate wetlands all over do not generally consider the full sediment dynamics of the world, the degree to which these habitats return to a system, and that a focus on preventing lateral erosion natural conditions remains largely unknown. Part of this near a channel can actually reduce the material avail- is due to the fact that the results of restoration are based able for maintaining the elevation of the marsh edge and largely on the standards it is measured against, and so interior. choosing the appropriate basis for performance plays an www.cerf.science/cesn-may-2019#Article2 enormous role in the apparent success of a project. Is plant diversity important for protecting coastal A literature review and meta-analysis for restored coastal dunes? Functional richness does not necessarily wetlands in the northern Gulf of Mexico identified refer- reduce wave erosion ence parameters and standards for these restored sites. Vegetation is known to play an important role in protect- www.cerf.science/cesn-may-2019#Article4 ing coastal dunes from erosion. Yet, given that dune species can have different effects on sediment transport, increased species richness might increase erosion con- 9
SEERS Spring Meeting Success! SEERS met at UNC-Wilmington Center North Carolina influenced socio- for Marine Science in Wilmington environmental issues after Hurri- NC from March 7-9th. About 100 cane Florence. In the field, she often people came to share their knowl- performs biota and geomorphological edge about estuaries and network coastal habitat assessments and has with old friends and new. Devon Eulie been able to incorporate advanced was our local host and is now our geospatial technology ranging from Secretary! Jess Whitehead of North Real-time Kinematic (RTK)-GPS units Carolina Sea Grant gave the key note to unmanned aerial systems (UAS) speech. She spoke about ecosystem Mariko Polk to terrestrial LIDAR. She seeks to resilience and incorporating multidis- understanding of coastal ecology promote coastal science through ciplinary perspective. and management from a geospatial research, policy change, and edu- perspective. Her dissertation work cation that empowers local com- Our new Student Representative, focuses on analyzing human and munities, especially those that are Mariko Polk ecological implications of estuarine underserved and underrepresented, in Mariko Polk is a Marine Biology shoreline stabilization decisions by coastal management and resiliency. PhD. student at the University of examining the physical and bio- As the Student Representative, she North Carolina Wilmington who was logical impacts of natural, hardened hopes to strengthen student mentor- recently became the Student Repre- (bulkheads and revetments), and ship, collaboration, and inclusivity for sentative for SEERS. Her research living shorelines, and how applied undergraduate and graduate students focuses on the application and shoreline management decision in in the SEERS region. 10
DISL’s Our Wastewater Footprint: Water Quality Lessons from Local Estuaries Left: Toni Thomason and Elizabeth Hieb with The Sea Lab lead the Our Wastewater Footprint lesson with an interactive display at the University of Alabama Huntsville Science and Technology Open House held in Mobile at the Gulf Quest Museum. Center: Our Wastewater Footprint team, Ashley Frith, Toni Thomason, and Kim Peter, lead the interactive display at The Sea Lab’s annual open house, Discovery Day.Right: The Our Wastewater Footprint team from The Sea Lab at Dauphin Island attends community events to share the lesson with all ages. These middle school students learn how we impact water quality during the University of Alabama Huntsville Science and Technol- ogy open house held in Mobile at the Gulf Quest Museum. Our Wastewater Footprint is a prod- Based on stakeholder needs, Our bama Coastal Foundation, Dog River uct package developed from science Wastewater Footprint was born to Clearwater Revival, WildNative Delta to help communities work together include an interactive webpage1, Tours, and Ecotours of South Missis- to improve the quality of our coastal edutainment packet for communities sippi to put these tools to use. waters. More than four years of (educational and fun!), and recom- Currently, the materials are avail- research led by Drs. Ruth H. Carmi- mendations and resources to improve able for download2 and use by the chael and Elizabeth Darrow helped local water quality. Those resources public. For more information, to ask to shape this unique resource that is include ways to report concerns, find questions, or to schedule a meeting accessible by everyone and can be data, and learn how to reduce your with an Our Wastewater Footprint modified and updated as needed for wastewater footprint. researcher, email wastewaterfoot- application to other watersheds. “This is something that you affect print@disl.org. The four years of research defined every day, and our tools show how Our Wastewater Footprint is a how human activities and land-use you can change your impact,” said collaboration among the Dauphin changes have affected water quality Toni Thomason, a Master’s student Island Sea Lab, U.S. FDA, Gulf Coast in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico, at the University of South Alabama Research Laboratory, Auburn using the Grand Bay estuary and in the Marine Conservation and University, University of North nearby waters on the Mississippi- Resource Management program. Carolina-Wilmington, and the Grand Alabama coast as a representative “These products are a living resource, Bay National Estuarine Research system. In the Grand Bay system, and we can adapt them to meet the Reserve (NERR). The project was like many coastal waters world-wide, needs of any local end user, groups, funded by the NOAA NERRS Science nutrients and microbes in sediment, towns, or individuals. This is what Collaborative. water, and shellfish reflected increas- makes Our Wastewater Footprint a ing wastewater inputs from sewage unique tool.” and stormwater. Most areas were 1 https://www.disl.org/research/ Thomason is working with Dr. in the early stages of change, but a wastewaterfootprint Carmichael and local non-profits, 2 www.disl.org/wastewaterfootprint highly urbanized area was impaired businesses, and ecotour groups to compared to other nearby waters. expand Our Wastewater Footprint The data determined that where resources and applications in the there were properly maintained and community. As part of her capstone functioning wastewater treatment project, Thomason will work with facilities, however, water quality was local organizations such as the Ala- enhanced. 11
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Managing Your Data: Collaborating with Yourself and Others Elizabeth Green, Rachael Blake, and Kelly Hondula The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), University of Maryland There are many reasons to consider In a “tidy” dataset each variable is but new tools are in development for and anticipate sharing your data as a column and each observation is a translating between metadata stan- a package (e.g. using the friction- row. The benefits of organizing your dards. less data standard1 or as a research data in this format are it makes it Finally, you’ll need to determine the compendium2) from the very begin- easier to extract a single variable for appropriate place to archive your ning of your research data process. analysis and ensures that variables data package. Data repositories vary Data sharing is improving and more remain paired throughout your analy- in their specificity of topics, require- journals now require it along with sis pipeline. Data in a “tidy” format is ments for submission, and level of publications, but there are many also easier to join to other datasets curation. competing standards and diverse on a common variable, such as geog- practices across research fields/ raphy, date, or time. You will want to pick a repository domains. Structuring your data and that hosts similar types of data and Preparing data for sharing also metadata as a package allows you can ensure a certain permanence, so includes standardization. For null to easily share with collaborators when someone comes across your values, leaving blank cells is the most now and to publish your data later. research in five years, they can easily universally recognized method and Publishing your data also allows you find your associated data. Although maximizes compatibility across soft- to receive credit for your data con- journal supplementary material is ware platforms. Dates should adhere tributions (Piwowar et al. 2007). A often a choice for publishing data, to the ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM- data package contains two equally long term repositories are a better DD to eliminate the confusion created important components, the data and option because they specifically by trying to determine if 03-05-2019 is the metadata. Neither is very useful curate data files. Some repositories March 5, 2019 or May 3, 2019. Spell- without the other. to consider include Dryad7, Environ- ing, letter case, and white spaces mental Data Initiative (EDI) Data The first step in compiling a data should all be standardized, as a Portal8, and the Qualitative Data package is formatting your data to machine will see “Whale” as different Repository9. You can search for more be accessible to other people on your from “whale” for example. data repositories from the Registry of project, as well as to future research- The second component to a data Research Data Repositories10. ers. Using a package structure, your package is the metadata. Thorough accessible data is stored in non- With the goal of sharing a data metadata includes the informa- proprietary and machine-readable package established at the begin- tion necessary for someone else to file formats. For most tabular data, ning of your research data process, understand and use the data. (White saving data as comma-separated these resources and tips can help to et al. 2013). There are several specific values (CSV) files fulfills this criterion. streamline the process and allow for metadata standards depending on However, for machine generated data easier collaboration with colleagues, what discipline your data are from, or highly dimensional data3, there other researchers, and your future including the Ecological Metadata may be other commonly accepted self. If you want to learn more, check Language (EML)5 and the Federal best practices for file formats. out SESYNC’s CyberHelp11 website Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)6. where we share guides and lessons With tabular data, the principals of Picking a metadata standard is on different research data skills and Tidy Data4 (Whickham 2014) lays out informed by where you plan to archive answer frequently asked questions. the best practices and advantages to and publish your data. Creating structuring your data in a tidy format. metadata can be a tedious exercise, 1 https://frictionlessdata.io/ 2 https://research-compendium.science/ 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_Data_Format 4 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidyr/vignettes/tidy-data.html 5 https://knb.ecoinformatics.org/external/emlparser/docs/ emlparser/docs/index.html 6 https://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/geospatial-metadata-standards 7 https://datadryad.org/ 8 https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/home.jsp 9 https://qdr.syr.edu/ 10 https://www.re3data.org/ 11CyberHelp: https://cyberhelp.sesync.org/ References: Hart EM, Barmby P, LeBauer D, Michonneau F, Mount S, et al. (2016) Ten Simple Rules for Digital Data Storage. PLOS Computational Biology 12(10): e1005097. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005097 Piwowar HA, Day RS, Fridsma DB. (2007) Sharing Detailed Research Data Is Associated with Increased Citation Rate. PlosOne 2(3): e308. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0000308 Wickham H. (2014) Tidy Data. Journal of Statistical Software 59(10): 1-23 https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v059.i10 White EP, Baldridge E, Brym ZT. Locey KJ, McGlinn DJ, Supp SR. (2013) Nine simple ways to make it easier to (re)use your data. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 6(2): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.4033/iee.2013.6b.6.f 13
Strategies for Science Doug Bell ship was to learn how management was consistently stressed as being decisions are shaped within a sci- vital for maintaining awareness and entific organization, an interest that building support from both voters and was raised during previous tenures at decision-makers. research and academic institutions. To me, the integration of all these With PPE, my core responsibilities activities formalized my understand- focused on strategic planning, coor- ing that when we speak of marine dination, and laboratory evaluations. policy, we are implicitly referring to an Another emphasis of the fellowship is incredible range of skillsets and roles for Fellows to step outside our imme- that are required to inform and drive diate host offices for broader experi- policy from an idealized conception ence and professional development. to its practical implementation. Over the year, I sought out additional work experience with the National For student readers who have written Sea Grant Office and OAR’s Budget text speaking to the relevance and Formulation and Analysis Division, as broader impacts of their research well participating in several confer- but pause with uncertainty regarding ences and workshops. the mechanisms of how their sci- ence is applied, consider exploring Collectively, my experiences pro- Visiting the Mauna Loa Observatory, home the environmental policy environ- of the Keeling Curve, currently maintained vided a holistic perspective of the ment. There are many opportunities by the Global Monitoring Division of OAR’s operational mechanics of a federal at the intersection of science and Earth System Research Laboratory. enterprise, as well as its current policy (AAAS S&T Policy Fellowship, challenges and the future strategies Scientifically trained perspectives are Presidential Management Fellow- needed for its ongoing success. an essential component for shaping ship; NOAA Coastal Management and Whether it was in strategy discus- informed decision-making in public Digital Coast Fellowships), in addition sions, budget considerations, or policy. A testament to that idea is this to those mentioned in past issues of conference workshops around the year’s 40th anniversary of Sea Grant’s CERF’s Up!3,4. country, several themes continued John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellow- to emerge as foundational to the I was also encouraged by another ship Program, having funded nearly future application and management consistent message throughout the 1,300 fellows since its inception1. of scientific research: collaboration, year, which was the importance of A complete overview of the program coordination, and communication. integrating the younger generation can be found on Sea Grant’s website, Federally-funded research in the into the federal workforce. While both but in short, selected finalists—who U.S. continues to be world-class, but sides of the hiring equation have not are either current or recent graduate thoughtful application and enhanced found a satisfying equilibrium, oppor- students with backgrounds in marine utility of technical knowledge requires tunities are available, but it requires and/or environmental science, public strengthening collaborations between fine-tuning your employment radars. policy, and law—are matched with the natural sciences and the social, Regardless of where you are in your host offices within the Executive and behavioral and economic sciences education, start looking at job post- Legislative branches for a year-long (SBES)2. Furthermore, integrating ings. For those that excite you, learn fellowship to learn about, and con- SBES into research programs may be the requirements and invest time in tribute to, a range of policy, research, utilized to demonstrate the value that balancing your skillset and seeking resource management, and/or admin- federally-funded science provides the relevant opportunities to obtain that istrative processes. American public. And to fully enable experience. In a previous CERF’s Up!3, effective collaboration, dedicated Ben Wilson makes excellent sugges- I was fortunate to be matched with coordination across a broad range of tions for stepping outside the lab. In the Office of Policy, Planning, and stakeholders (e.g., federal agencies, addition to those recommendations, Evaluation (PPE) within NOAA’s state governments, public citizens, consider auditing classes in econom- Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric nonprofits, private industry, and ics and social sciences, engaging Research (OAR). One of the key academia) should not be overlooked. in public stakeholder gatherings on experiences I sought from the fellow- Lastly, strategic communication environmental topics of interest, and 14
Strategies for Science (continued) certainly reviewing the workshops please take heed of the growing need as an ORISE Fellow with EPA where I offered at the upcoming CERF Bien- and interest for diversified graduate will be working on the adoption and nial. Networking should also not be experiences5,6. review of State and Tribal water qual- restricted to conferences as I found ity standards. Truly, the Knauss Fellowship provided my most meaningful interactions me an invaluable perspective of our *The thoughts expressed in this article are were initiated through “cold-call” broader scientific enterprise. It has those of the author and do not represent emails and followed up over cof- also steered me to continue exploring the views or policies of the institutions fee or lunch. To graduate program the environmental policy realm, now aforementioned. administrators and current faculty, 1 National Sea Grant College Program. 2019. Knauss Fellowship Fact Sheet. Retrieved from https://seagrant.noaa.gov/Knauss 2 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/24865. 3 Wilson, B. 2018. Transitioning out of Academia. CERF’s Up!, Vol. 44(3): 8 4 Cat, L.A. 2019. Five Lessons from an Ecologist Transplanted to the Hill. CERF’s Up! Vol. 44(4): 16-17 5 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25038. 6 Cook, S.B., and N.H. Marcus. 2016. Introduction to the special issue on graduate education in the ocean sciences. Oceanography 29(1):13–15, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.03. 15
CERF 2019 25 Biennial th Conference REgister now at www.cerf.science/cerf-2019 Student Travel Awards Applications | 14 Feb. – 6 Aug. Presenter Registration | 3 Sept. Marsh Workshop.............................17 Registration.. ..................................17 Advance Registration | 6 Oct. Conference Workshops.....................17 Keynote & Plenary Speakers.......... 18-20 Registration Closes | 14 Oct. Student/Early Career Opportunities.. ....21 Film Festival...................................23 Silent Auction.................................23 Field Trips......................................24 Sponsorship Opportunities................25 Responsive Relevant Ready 3-7 NOVember, 2019 | MObile, AL CERF is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all conference participants. 16
OFF-SITE Workshop Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology Revisited An inter-generational meeting of tidal marsh ecologists examining marsh support of fisheries Join us for a 1.5-day workshop being to a Special Issue of Estuaries and tations to set the scene, held at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on Coasts. Registration is limited to 50 and the hosts will be Editors 2–3 November as part of the official participants. Register via the CERF of the Special Issue in Estuaries CERF 2019 Conference Program. 2019 conference website1 or contact and Coasts. meeting hosts Ron Baker2 at, or Matt Since the publication of Concepts 1 https://cerf.science/cerf-2019 Taylor3 with any enquiries, and to dis- and Controversies in Tidal Marsh 2 rbaker@disl.org cuss presentation or paper proposals. Ecology (Weinstein & Kreeger 2000) 3 matt.taylor@dpi.nsw.gov.au The meeting schedule allows for a much has been done to address the limited number of submitted presen- challenges posed by the authors therein, and advance the field of tidal marsh research. This meeting of tidal marsh ecologists will bring together ecologists from retired leaders to CERF 2019: Registration is Open new grad students, to identify and discuss the key challenges facing Registration for CERF 2019 is open! You do not have to be a member to these ecosystems into the 21st cen- attend our conference; however, CERF members receive a discounted tury. A combination of presentations, registration rate. The Biennial CERF Conference offers coastal and panel Q&A, and group discussions estuarine scientists from all over the world to come together for almost will facilitate the sharing of insights, a full week to network, learn, attend intriguing sessions, and explore the knowledge, and advice from the old interesting city of Mobile, Alabama, with new colleagues and friends. guard to the new. We will explore Advance registration is available until 6 October. Make sure to register the central theme of marsh support to save up to $80 on conference registration. of fisheries by discussing topics Check out pricing options and register now for #CERF2019 at including habitat-fishery linkages, www.cerf.science/2019-registration. connectivity, seascapes, economic and social valuation, restoration, and climate change. This is a tremendous opportunity to network with and gain insights from leaders in this field. On-site Conference Workshops We have confirmed Distinguished Are you looking for a way to further enhance your CERF 2019 experi- Professor Ken Able, Rutgers Univer- ence? Consider signing up for a workshop! We will be offering a diverse sity, as our keynote speaker, together program of 11 workshops on Sunday, 3 November 2019, as an exciting with our other special invited guests, kickoff to a great CERF conference. These workshops represent an leaders of the field over the past opportunity to receive valuable training in topics ranging from effective decades, including Rod Connolly, communications to technical web-based software. Carolyn Currin, Linda Deegan, Ron All workshops have a limit to the number of participants to ensure Kneib, Tom Minello, Lawrence Rozas, maximum interactions and discussions. We encourage you to sign Si Simenstad, Gene Turner, and Mike up for a workshop when registering for the CERF conference and take Weinstein. Join us to gain insights advantage of a low-cost, high-quality training opportunity. from these leaders from their life- time of work in this field. Check out the full list of available workshops at www.cerf. science/2019-workshops. Papers arising from the meeting, and relevant papers from the main CERF conference, can be submitted 17
Plenary and Keynote Presenters CERF is excited to announce the #CERF2019 Plenary and Keynote Presenters! Read about them below visit our website to learn more. CERF 2019 Keynote Presentation: The Gulf: History, Wisdom, and Hope Dr. Jack E. Davis Jack E. Davis is a professor of his- The New York Times Book Review called his book a tory specializing in environmental “beautiful homage to a neglected sea.” The Gulf was a history and sustainability studies New York Times Notable Book for 2017 and made sev- and the Pulitzer Prize-winning eral other “best of” lists for the year, including those of author of The Gulf: The Making of The Washington Post, NPR, Forbes, and the Tampa Bay an American Sea. Before joining the Times. The Gulf was a finalist for the National Book Crit- faculty at the University of Florida ics Circle Award for nonfiction and winner of the Kirkus in 2003, he taught at the University Prize for nonfiction. With his former student Leslie Poole of Alabama at Birmingham and (UF PhD 2012), he is currently editing a new edition of Eckerd College, and in 2002 was a Wild Heart of Florida, a collection of personal essays and Fulbright scholar at the University of Jordan in Amman. poems about natural Florida. In January 2018, he signed Upon joining the faculty at the University of Florida, he a contract with the publisher of The Gulf, Liveright/W.W. founded the department’s student journal, Alpata: A Norton, to write a new book, employing the working title Journal of History. His Race Against Time: Culture and Bird of Paradox: How the Bald Eagle Saved the Soul of Separation in Natchez Since 1930 won the Charles S. America. Sydnor Prize for the best book in southern history pub- Jack is now writing a book on the cultural and natu- lished in 2001. His next book, An Everglades Providence: ral history of the bald eagle. He divides the seasons Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the American Environ- between two “villes”: Gainesville, Florida, and Harrisville, mental Century (2009), received a gold medal from the New Hampshire. Florida Book Awards. In 2014, he was a fellow at the MacDowell Colony, where he worked on his latest book, The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea. Environmental Decision Making: How Can Natural and Social Scientists Contribute, and What Can They Expect? Monday, 4 November | 3:00 – 4:30 PM Jason Shogren, Ph.D., is Stroock ciation of Environmental & Resource Economists, the Chair of Natural Resource Con- Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, and the servation and Management and Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics. Department Chair in Economics at the University of Wyoming, his Elizabeth A. Albright, Ph.D., an alma mater. He studies the behav- Assistant Professor of the Prac- ioral underpinnings of economic tice of Environmental Science and and environmental policy. Jason is a foreign member of Policy Methods at Duke University’s the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and served as Nicholas School of the Environ- professor to King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. He worked ment, engages in research focused with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on local-level resilience and com- and for the Council of Economic Advisers in the White munity learning in response to extreme climatic events. House. In 2007, he was one of 2,000 scientists and Elizabeth is currently working on projects studying researchers on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate hurricane disasters in the Carolinas, floods in Colorado, Change, which was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for and access to water infrastructure in Alabama. Of par- its research establishing a connection between human ticular interest to Elizabeth is the intersection of extreme activity and global warming. He is a Fellow of the Asso- events, climate change adaptation, and environmental 18
Plenary and Keynote Presenters (continued) justice. Funded by the National Science Foundation, her evaluation and recovery of protected birds, the imple- work in Colorado has been awarded the Paul A. Sabatier mentation of community-based restoration projects, Award for Best Paper in Environmental Politics at the and the creation of partnerships with governments and American Political Science Association annual meet- stakeholders for the conservation of nature. He has been ing. She has published on response to extreme climatic leading the efforts to restore the Colorado River delta events, the advocacy coalition framework, and stake- during the past 20 years, including the restoration of holder participation in state-level regulatory processes. river flows and the facilitation of binational negotiations between Mexico and the U.S. for the Colorado River. In Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, Ph.D., his current position, Osvel is working to develop capacity is the Director of the Coastal Solu- and cross-collaborative projects to protect threatened tions Fellowship Program at the coastal habitats for communities and shorebirds along Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Osvel the Pacific Flyway from Mexico to Chile. Osvel has received his doctorate in Wildlife co-authored 32 research articles and book chapters. In and Fisheries Science from the Uni- 2009 he received the National Award for the Conser- versity of Arizona. Since 1997, he vation of Wetlands in Mexico, in 2012 he received the has been working in conservation and research projects Emerging Explorer Award from the National Geographic in northwestern Mexico, in particular in wetland areas of Society, and in 2014 he received the Sonoran Desert the Sonoran Desert. Osvel’s recent activities include the Conservation Award. Coastal Science Outreach: Citizen Science and Communication Wednesday, 6 November | 3:00 – 4:30 PM Lauren Alexander Augustine, Ph.D., of the Advisory Board for the American Geophysical is the Executive Director for the Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange program; and was a Gulf Research Program. She is juror for two resilience competitions, Rebuild by Design responsible for overseeing all for recovery after Hurricane Sandy and Resilience by aspects of management and use of Design in San Francisco. She is also a NATO Expert the criminal settlement funds from for the Civil Protection Group. Lauren earned her B.S. the Deepwater Horizon disaster in applied mathematics and systems engineering and that were entrusted with the National Academies by the her M.S. in environmental planning and policy from the federal government. This includes fulfilling the vision, University of Virginia, and her Ph.D. in an interdisciplinary defining the strategic direction, and leading the devel- program that combined physical hydrology, geomorphol- opment and implementation of this multi-dimensional, ogy, and ecology from Harvard University. science-based program. Since her tenure at the National Academies began in 2002, Lauren has gained experience Emily Maung-Douglass, Ph.D., working in a variety of roles on a broad range of topics is an Oil Spill Science Extension pertaining to water, natural disasters, and resilience. Specialist at the Louisiana Sea Prior to joining the Gulf Research Program in 2018, she Grant College Program of Louisiana served as Director of the Resilient America Program, State University. Emily received a which supports communities’ efforts to build resilience doctorate in Marine Biosciences to extreme events using science and diverse stakeholder from the University of Delaware engagement. In addition, she has formerly served as and holds degrees from Old Dominion University and Country Director for the African Science Academy Devel- University of Connecticut. Trained as a marine ecologist, opment Initiative (ASADI), a decadal program that built she studied big picture questions using techniques from scientific capacity in national academies across Africa; chemistry and ecotoxicology. During her schooling, she as Director of the Disasters Roundtable; and as a study volunteered doing science outreach whenever possible director for the Water Science and Technology Board. and collected data for part of her dissertation through a Outside of her work at the National Academies, Lau- citizen science project by partnering with the Delaware ren has served on the World Economic Forum’s Global Center for the Inland Bays. After post-doctoral work as Agenda Council on Risk and Resilience; was a member a visiting science fellow at Xiamen University in China, 19
Plenary and Keynote Presenters (continued) she put her skills and experiences to use for Louisiana being coordinated by the Baffin Bay Stakeholder group, Sea Grant at LSU where she is an Oil Spill Extension & which he co-chairs. He is a member of the Nueces Estu- Outreach Specialist. Originally from Cleveland, OH, Emily ary Advisory Council, a stakeholder group that is tasked grew up in coastal Virginia where her fascination with the with assessing the effectiveness of the water man- ocean and environment blossomed. She and her husband agement strategies in the Nueces River Basin. Finally, Keith now enjoy exploring Louisiana with their dogs, cat, Mike is a member of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance Water and two-year-old son, Luca. Resources team, which focuses on understanding and reducing water quality problems in the Gulf of Mexico Michael S. Wetz, Ph.D., is the Harte region. He received a doctorate and masters in Ocean- Research Institute Chair for Coastal ography from Oregon State University, and a B.S. from Ecosystem Processes at Texas Coastal Carolina University. A&M University at Corpus Christi. Mike is a broadly trained marine Upcoming Events scientist, with expertise in phyto- plankton ecology and water quality studies. He strives to provide a sound scientific basis for CERF 2019 Conference 3–7 November, 2019 stakeholder-led coastal restoration/management efforts. NALMS Symposium 11 November, 2019 In recognition of these efforts, Mike has received sev- eral awards from local conservation entities, including CCA’s “Conservationist of the Year” and the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation’s “Higher Education Award”. Mike led a volunteer water quality sampling program in Baffin Bay for four years. Results from that study are now guiding watershed restoration and protection efforts that are Tilt Current Meters • Low Cost • Accurate • Rugged Design • Small & Light • Long Battery Life • Large Memory lowellinstruments.com 20
Student and Early Career Networking Event Monday, 4 November 7:00 - 9:00 PM Renaissance River View Hotel Students, early career individuals, and panelists from a range of career disciplines who would like to participate in the Career Networking Event, please indicate your interest when registering for CERF 2019. If you have already registered and did not sign up for the event, please send your name, institution, and career level to CERF19CareerNetworking@gmail.com. Join us for this popular networking tions with tomorrow’s leaders of the Also, when someone hands you their event! Converse with faculty, profes- coastal and estuarine science and business card, on the back write down sionals, post-docs, and other stu- management community. a few tidbits of who they are and some- dents while enjoying complimentary thing memorable about them…that way Whether it is just for an evening func- pizza* and beverages! Gather valu- you’ll remember them months after the tion or for the duration of the confer- able information on various career conference when you go through your ence, we encourage you to adopt options and make professional con- business cards. the CERF tradition of volunteerism nections that may lead to job oppor- and commitment to education. Who *There will be dairy-free and gluten- tunities and future collaborations. knows, you may end up meeting a free food options. If you feel comfort- Participants will have the opportunity future collaborator in the process! able doing so, please send an email to to chat with panelists from various CERF19CareerNetworking@gmail.com Hot Tip: BRING BUSINESS CARDS! coastal and estuarine science and indicating any dietary restrictions so we (Ask your department if they will print management positions. Each career can ensure that your needs are met. these for you cost-free. And yes, even panelist will be stationed at a table, students can have business cards!). where students and recent graduates will join them to talk and ask ques- tions. Then, after a set amount of time, students and early career indi- Student/Early Career Travel Awards viduals will switch tables to interact The deadline to apply for Travel Awards is August 6 with a new career panelist. This will allow for conversations with several Thinking about attending CERF people from varied career paths, as 2019? Need assistance with well as interactions with your fellow travel? Apply for a Student/ peers! Early Career Travel Award! CERF is providing travel grants Students and early-career individuals: to support student and early- Be sure to keep your calendar clear career members attending and for this event. We request that you presenting at CERF 2019 in sign up to attend when you complete Mobile, Alabama. Students and your registration for the conference early-career professionals in online. Make sure to prepare some need of financial assistance to questions and bring business cards! attend the 2019 conference may request travel support from CERF’s Stay tuned for a list of panelists who William E. Odum/Scott Nixon Memorial Fund for Student Activities. will be in attendance. Awards typically range from $150 to $300 per person. Students can Mid/Later-career individuals: Please use this award as leverage to gain additional support from their aca- consider signing up to be a panelist demic department or employer. More information is forthcoming. at this event when you register for the Please check the CERF website1 for updates. conference. Share your knowledge 1 www.cerf.science/cerf-2019 of careers, agencies, and institu- 21
You can also read