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Vol. 17, 2021 A new decade for social changes ISSN 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com 9 772668 779000
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com Business Development of Lie Tulip Salon Using a Canvas Business Model Monica Sylvia Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia monica.sylvia@widyatama.ac.id Yelli Eka Sumadhinata Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia yelli.sumadhinata@widyatama.ac.id Abstract. This research focuses on Lie Tulip Salon and Spa which works in the field of beauty salon services and beauty treatments. This study aims to examine the application of the canvas business model at Lie Tulip's salons and spas. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that describes the Canvas Business Model at Lie Tulip's salon and spa using SWOT analysis. The data collection method was carried out by conducting interviews and taking documentation. The results of this study prove that the consumer segmentation in this company is female consumers with an average age of 15-60 years. In addition, the channel operated by this company is to build good communication with its customers, and to provide the best and professional service. Lie tulip salon and spa always conducts service standardization training for its employees. Furthermore, this company can establish good relationships with the suppliers of cosmetic products. Finally, the cost structure in this company shows that the biggest cost factor in the company is the salary of the experts. Keywords. Business model, Canvas, SWOT analysis 1. Intorduction There is a relationship between the needs of women for beauty salons, seen from the high activity of women in big cities such as the development of groups of women who work and based on the outer needs of a woman who always wants to look beautiful and perfect in various circumstances , is the driving force for the salon business to continue to grow because it has a growing market. Many beauty salons have and offer various attributes, both satisfying service, competitive products, a comfortable place, attractive promotions and so on in order to satisfy consumers and gain consumer loyalty (Minerva, 2019). Beauty salons and spas are forms of business related to appearance, beauty, care, health, hygiene, hair, face, skin, body, nail and hand cosmetics for women who really need a perfection of appearance for beauty, health and self-confidence. Currently the need for beauty care is growing as a daily necessity, starting from hair care, facial care and body care, so that many companies offer beauty care services today (Martha, 2015). The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused Lie Tulip salon and spa consumers to drop significantly, therefore Lie Tulip salons and spas must follow health protocols, and beauty 343
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com salons must pay attention to hygiene and sanitation in order to provide good service to customers. Hygiene is an effort to prevent disease that focuses on individual or human health efforts and the environment in which the person is located (Minerva, P., Astuti, M., & Asih, 2019). The development of the Lie Tulip salon and spa business currently leads to services that must follow the COVID 19 health protocol. In addition, the Lie Tulip salon and spa segmentation serves all segments from young people to adults, while the concept of a place still follows the old concept so it is not suitable for segmentation. young people then do not have to focus on one of these market segments, finally the development of the concept of a place will be emphasized in the Lie Tulip salon and spa. "An organization must decide which segments are served and which are ignored" (Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, 2010). The problem with the Lie Tulip salon and spa business in Bandung is that the COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in a very significant reduction in customers, so they must run services in accordance with health protocols. Consumer segmentation is still unclear, so the concept of a Lie Tulip salon and spa is not quite right. Based on the identification, (1) How to apply health protocols in Lie tulip salon and spa services? (2) How is the service business development at Lie Tulip salons and spas with a Business Model Canvas approach covering 9 blocks, namely Customer Segments, Value Proportions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnership and Cost Structure?. 2. Literatur Review 2.1. Business Development According to Carol Noore, quoted by (Bygrave, W. D., & Hofer, 1992), the process of entrepreneurial development begins with innovation. This innovation begins with various factors, both internal and external, such as aspects of education, sociology, cultural organization, and the environment (Bygrave, W. D., & Hofer, 1992). These factors form the locus of control, creativity, innovation, implementation, and growth so that they can make a person grow big (Suryana, 2013). Internally, innovation is influenced by factors originating from individuals, such as locus of control, tolerance, values, education, experience. Meanwhile, factors originating from the environment that influence include role models, activities and opportunities. Therefore, entrepreneurship develops, advances, and grows through processes that are influenced by the environment, organizations and families (Suryana, 2013). 2.2. Health Protocol for COVID-19 Along with the high number of positive cases of COVID-19, the government has carried out many activities in the form of socialization, assistance, and other activities aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID-19. The research results of Zahrotunnimah (2020) show that there have been many efforts by local governments to carry out communication strategies for their respective communities through coercive, informative, canalizing, educational, persuasive and redundancy techniques in packaging messages in the form of instructions, appealing to the public to prevent transmission of COVID -19. However, it is undeniable that this effort certainly requires support from various parties so that the results can be maximized, especially in efforts to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmission. To deal with the spread of COVID-19, it is necessary to make preventive efforts in the community. Sari (2020) research results state that there is a relationship between public knowledge and. compliance with the use of masks as an effort to prevent COVID-19. In line with the results of this study, there is a need for educational efforts for the public regarding the prevention of COVID-19, including through the habit of wearing masks. One of the preventive 344
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com ways is to carry out health promotion activities through socialization, education, and the use of various information media to provide an understanding of the dangers and transmission of COVID-19 (Kementrian Kesehatan, 2020). 2.3. Previous Research In the research of Nova (2019) entitled Business Development Strategies in the Fashion Sector Using the Canvas Method on Dandelion Bags in Pasar Baru Bandung, resulted in: nine components of the Dandelion Bag business model, namely, the customer segments to be served are young people with the majority of men with an average age of 15-40 years. In Yunitasari's research, Christanti (2018) entitled Business Models as Competitive Strategies for Beginner Business Actors, resulting in: business models for hijab product case studies have an important role in compiling business planning. In the research of Pratama (2017) entitled Designing a Business Model Using the Business Canvas Model Approach as a Form of Business Development Strategy for Quail Cultivation at Ikhlas Quail Farm (IQF) , resulting in: the existence of nine components of the IQF SME business model. The nine components of the business model are the first target market for IQF SMEs. Second, the value proposition offered. Third, the channels used. Fourth, customer relations. Fifth, income stream. Sixth, must-have resources. Seventh, the main activities that must be carried out. Eighth, a must-have partner. Ninth, the cost structure that must be issued. In the research of Erlyana & Hartono (2017) entitled Business Model in Marketplace Industry Using Business Model Canvas Approach: An E-Commerce Case Study, it resulted in: that the business model conducted by XYZ Online Shop excels in customer relationship block and still needs to improve key partner and key activities blocks. Business Model Canvas along with SWOT analysis describes how XYZ Online Shop creates, delivers, and captures value based on its internal and external environments. In the research of (García-Muiña, F. E., Medina-Salgado, M. S., Ferrari, A. M., & Cucchi, 2020) entitled Sustainability Transition in Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing with the Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas, resulted in: the new company's sustainable value proposition , considering all three pillars of sustainability: environment, economy, and society. Despite the limitations resulting from the individual case study, the findings can be easily adapted to other ceramic tile companies in the sector. In addition, the paper could inspire other manufacturing companies in the drafting of a sustainable business model. The paper explores the still limited literature on the application of sustainable business models in operational scenarios. In Sonninen (2016) study entitled Strategic Management: Business Model Canvas for Start-Up Company (Thesis), it resulted in: as a good development push would be proper attitude, clear planning and good promotion, as Kakunpala has definitely reached its goal and got answers, explanations, open strategy factors and approximate plan of development. The thesis reached its goals due to fact that development activities are possible to incarnate with future benefits for the company. 2.4. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis includes efforts to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that determine company performance. External information about opportunities and threats can be obtained from many sources, including customers, government documents, suppliers, banking circles, partners in other companies. Many companies use the services of scanning agencies to obtain newspaper clippings, research on the internet, and analysis of relevant domestic and global trends (Daft, 2010). 345
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com Figure 1. Model: SWOT Source: Fredi Rangkuti (2004: 18) 2.5. Business Model Canvas Business Model Canvas is one way to find out 9 important elements in the company which will be used as a benchmark for business development. According to (Pratami, N. W. C. A., & ADH, 2016), this Canvas Model Description is divided into 9 elements, namely: Figure 2. Model: Business Model Canvas Source: https://www.strategyzer.com a. Customer segments (groups of people / organizations served by companies). b. Value propositions (the proportion of value / benefits the company wants to provide to its customers). c. Channels (the way the company reaches its consumers). d. Customer relationships (how a relationship is established whether it is long term or not). e. Revenue streams (the company's potential or other revenue sources). f. Key resources (resources owned by the company to run the IMB can be controlled or not adequate). g. Key activities (various company activities). h. Key partnership (partner). i. Cost structure (company cost). 3. Research Methodology Descriptive Research is research that aims to describe or describe completely and clearly the characteristics of the problem or phenomenon at hand (Sugiama, 2008). Exploratory research is research that can guide researchers to reveal clearly and with certainty the problems faced from problems whose origins are vague or even very unclear. Exploratory research really 346
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com helps clarify the problem at hand and define the problem, so that the direction of the solution is more certain (Sugiama, 2008). Descriptive qualitative research as expressed by Creswell (2013), is methods to explore and understand meanings ascribed to social or humanitarian problems. Research with a qualitative approach is more sensitive and adapts to joint management of the value patterns faced. While the research method used in this research is descriptive method. According to Moleong (2013) the descriptive method is a method of examining the status of a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought, or a class of events in the present. The purpose of this descriptive research is to describe, translate and interpret the findings of data in the field, in the form of photo documentation, archival documents, dialogues and events during the research. Data collection techniques are the methods used by researchers to obtain data in the field. Data collection techniques are recording events, matters, and all elements of the population that will support or support the researcher Hasan (2002). In qualitative research, data collection is carried out in natural settings (natural conditions), primary data sources, and the techniques are mostly involved, in-depth interviews and documentation (Sugiyono, 2017). Researchers collect data directly and systematically in the field. Researchers take notes, record data or diaologues, and take pictures of behavior, attitudes, growth, development and implementation of character education applied in the research location. 4. Percentage of Data The data obtained is data on the number of Lie Tulip salon and spa customers in 2019- 2020 which were obtained from the owner's records, then presented on the tube graph as follows: Figure 3. Customer Data for Lie Tulip salons and spas 2019-2020 Source: Direct data collection at Lie Tulip salons and spas 2020-2019 347
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com There was a decrease in the number of Lie Tulip salon and spa customers in May 2019 due to this month being the month of Ramadan so that customers decreased somewhat. Then from January 2019 to February 2020 the total number of customers showed a uniform fluctuation, but from March to May there were absolutely no customers due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the PSBB. In June 2020, there was a New Normal implementation by the government so that customers could return to visit Lie Tulip salons and spas, but the trend is decreasing from June to December. Health protocols at Lie Tulip salons and spas have been implemented but still look less than optimal, therefore Lie Tulip salons and spas must follow health protocols as a whole and beauty salons must pay attention to hygiene and sanitation in order to provide good service to customers. Hygiene is an effort to prevent disease that focuses on individual or human health efforts and the environment in which the person is located (Minerva, P., Astuti, M., & Asih, 2019). To deal with the spread of COVID-19, it is necessary to make preventive efforts in the community. Sari & Sholihah‘Atiqoh (2020) research results state that there is a relationship between public knowledge and. compliance with the use of masks as an effort to prevent COVID-19. Lie Tulip salons and spas must also educate their employees and customers to continue to follow health protocols and conceptualize Lie Tulip salons and spas to comply with health protocols According to Carol Noore, quoted by Suryana (2013), the process of entrepreneurial development begins with innovation. . This innovation begins with various factors, both internal and external, such as aspects of education, sociology, cultural organization, and the environment (Suryana, 2013). In addition to adaptations and developments that adapt to health protocols, Lie Tulip salons and spas must also have new innovations to bring back customers, one of which is developing the concept of a place and focusing on marketing segmentation. 5. Discussion Based on the analysis of external and internal environment, it can be obtained opportunities and threats in the salon Lie Tulip as follows: Table 1. External Factors Lie Tulip Salon and Spa External factors Opportunities Threats Macro Bandung economic ● trend weak purchasing Environment growth conditions power due to covid are improving ● Fluctuating Inflation Rate ● Consumers' fear of leaving the house due to the pandemic Increasing middle and upper income groups Kota Bandung Trend of hairstyles and spas growing continuously 348
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com Micro The bargaining Barriers. New competitors in Environment power of suppliers similar companies are to companies is relatively high. relatively small Bargaining power of buyers is relatively low. Table 2. Internal factors Lie Tulip Salon and Spa Internal factors Strengths WeaknessesThe Management main expertise and Lack of professional experience of the owner in resources (hairstylist) beauty service activities Marketing • Various beauty service programs offered. • Good service in providing beauty services based on the characteristics of individual interests. Finance The cash payment system Capital limitations in for consumers is carried out business development are in the service of service related to improvements to products so as to support the business premises, facilities smooth running of the and infrastructure. business. Production and The application of clear Inadequate service room. Operations operational procedures in the implementation of production and operation processes. Table 3 SWOT Matrix for Lie Tulip Salon and Spa Strength (Strength) The Weakness (Weakness) a. owner of the company has a. UMR is quite high in the main expertise and the city of Bandung. experience of the owner b. Stylish and therapeutic in the activities of salaries are quite high. providing beauty services. c. Facilities that must SWOT b. Supported by professional always be improved experts who are according to the latest experienced in their trends. fields. c. Has complete company license. 349
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com d. Has a complete range of services according to customer needs. Opportunities SO Strategy WO Strategy (Opportunities) a. Improve quality and a. Increase human a. Many consumers who services. resources. already believe in the b. Expanding market share. b. Provide facilities in salon services and skin accordance with the and hair care at Lie Tulip, estimated number of because it was established consumers. thirty-two years ago, so many loyal customers will always come back. b. Prices are higher than other competitors due to customer fanaticism over the results of the neat service in make up, bun and other services. c. A large number of residents and offices have sprung up so that the opportunities are increasing. Treath (Threat) The ST Strategy WT Strategy. a. price of foreign branded a. Set prices according to a. Conduct training with cosmetics is getting more expert products and existing human expensive. services. resources. b. The large number of b. Make a variety of service b. Increase promotion of competitors with lower menus at various prices. services. prices. c. Accentuate the c. Trends in people's tastes uniqueness in order to are fast changing. be different from competitors. The concept of the Business Model Canvas is used to describe, visualize, assess and change the business model into the same language through the tools in the form of a sheet of canvas which is divided into nine building blocks of business models, namely: Table 4 Business Canvas Model Lie Tulip Salon and Spa Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer ● Supplier of ● Human Proporstiton Relationships Segments cosmetic resource Comfortable ● Communicating the for products processing ● service. results of services to ● Women. ● Marketing ● Served by social media such as ● Age 15- ● Operational experts. websites as well as 60 years. 350
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com marking consumers on Instagram. Key Resources Channels ● Human ● Perform good resources communication with ● Supply of customers. products Cost Structure Revenue Streams ● Operational costs. ● Direct sales in stores. ● Fixed costs and variable costs. a. Customer Segment Lie Tulip salons and spas are women with an average age of 15-60 years. On average, they need beauty salon and beauty care services, this segment will provide a great and continuous opportunity to fulfill their salon and spa needs. b. Value Propositions Providing beauty services such as, Haircut, Wash Blow, Wash Straightener, Blow Variation, Smoothing, Coloring, Creambath, Hair Spa, Hair Mask, Hair Connect, Hair do, Curly, Hair Set, Bun, Beautiful Veil, Make-up Party, Graduation Make-up, Bridal Make- up, Facial & Body Spa, Body Scrub, Massage, Facial, Lulur, Sauna, Menicure and Predicure and other beauty packages intended for female customers in Bandung. This complete service is the value propositions of Lie Tulip salon and spa. c. Channels Lie Tulip salons and spas are required to be able to sell beauty service products and provide satisfaction to consumers, one of which is to establish good communication and always remember treatment schedules, and to provide services after services are provided in order to evaluate the results, whether it is in accordance with customer desires, this is a maximum service to get customer satisfaction. d. Customer Relationships Lie Tulip salon and spa maintains good communication with customers. Lie Tulip salons and spas always try to keep customers loyal by communicating the results of services to social media such as websites and marking consumers on Instagram, which makes customers feel more cared for. e. Revenue Streams Lie Tulip salons and spas make sales of service products the main source of income. This source of income is used for operational costs, promotions, business development as well as investment. f. Key Resources Lie Tulip salon and spa packs their services very nicely, with educated and trained staff according to professional salon and spa service standards, also with friendly and friendly service standards. In the use of cosmetic products, Lie Tulip salons and spas only use products with well- known brands and can be accounted for for the sake of safety and customer satisfaction. g. Key Activities Lie Tulip salon and spa regularly conducts service standardization training for employees to further improve their skills in services according to their midwives. h. Key Partnership 351
Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 17, 343-354, March, 2021 ISSN: 2668-7798 www.techniumscience.com Lie Tulip salon and spa maintains good relationships with suppliers of cosmetic products needed, such as Mrs. Ambar as a product seller and Dr. Ester As a beauty consultant. i. Cost Structure The biggest cost is human resources which is the most important factor because this service business relies on the expertise possessed by its employees, thus the biggest cost factor in this case is the salaries of experts, therefore Lie Tulip salons and spas apply a billing and commission system. to be more efficient, so that each employee will get a different income according to their productivity and abilities, therefore the company can save more expenses more effectively and efficiently. 6. Conclusion From the results of research and discussion of the feasibility analysis for the development of Lie Tulip salons and spas in the city of Bandung, it can be concluded as follows: a. Judging from the aspect of the business environment, Lie Tulip salons and spas are legal, marketing aspects, Lie Tulip salons and spas have the potential of educated staff and well trained. For the human resource aspect, Lie Tulip salon and spa provide appropriate training in accordance with their skills and fields so that they can improve their respective competencies, and finally from the financial aspect, Lie Tulip salon and spa get income and benefits so that Lie Tulip salon and spas qualify as a profitable and viable business to run. b. Based on the entrepreneurial aspect, Lie Tulip salons and spas have the potential and are feasible to run by looking at the large market potential in the city of Bandung. This can make Lie Tulip continue to grow and develop. Lie Tulip salons and spas have a good chance where the net profit is still high. And in the managerial aspect, Lie Tulip salons and spas have high potential with a team of employees who are ready to compete and have the experience and integrity of the company. References [1] Bygrave, W. D., & Hofer, C. W. (1992). Theorizing about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16(2), 13–22. [2] Christanti, Y., Umar, A., Sasongko, A. H., & Widyastuti, I. T. (2018). Business Model sebagai Strategi bersaing untuk Pelaku Bisnis Pemula Studi kasus: Bisnis Hijab. BBM (Buletin Bisnis & Manajemen), 3(1). [3] Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research Design. Yogyakarta: Student Library. [4] Daft, R. L. (2010). New Era of Management Ninth Edi-tion. South-Western: Cengage Learning. [5] Erlyana, Y., & Hartono, H. (2017). Business model in marketplace industry using business model canvas approach: An e-commerce case study. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 277, No. 1, 012066. [6] García-Muiña, F. E., Medina-Salgado, M. S., Ferrari, A. M., & Cucchi, M. (2020). Sustainability transition in industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing with the triple-layered business model canvas. Sustainability, 12(6), 2364. [7] Hasan, I. (2002). Methodology and Its Application. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia. [8] Kesehatan, K. (2020). Pedoman Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Coronavirus (COVID-19). Jakarta: Kementrian Kesehatan. [9] Martha, E. P. (2015). Pengaruh Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan, dan Suasana Salon terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Pada Pelanggan Flaurent Salon Yogyakarta). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta: Tesis Putera, Andri. 352
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