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A Multimethod Approach for Creating New Business Models: The General Motors OnStar Project Vince Barabba General Motors Corporation, Corporate Strategy and Knowledge Development, 400 Renaissance Center, P.O. Box 400, Detroit, Michigan 48265 Chet Huber • Fred Cooke General Motors Corporation, OnStar Headquarters, 1400 Stephenson Highway, Troy, Michigan 48083 Nick Pudar General Motors Corporation, Corporate Strategy and Knowledge Development, 400 Renaissance Center, P.O. Box 400, Detroit, Michigan 48265 Jim Smith General Motors Corporation, OnStar Headquarters, 1400 Stephenson Highway, Troy, Michigan 48083 Mark Paich Decisio, 320 West Cheyenne Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 vince.barabba@gm.com • chet.huber@onstar.com • fred.cooke@onstar.com • nick.pudar@gm.com • jim.smith@onstar.com • m.paich@att.net We developed a multimethod modeling approach to evaluate strategic alternatives for GM’s OnStar communications system. We used dynamic modeling to address some decisions GM faced in 1997, such as the company’s choice between incremental and aggressive marketing strategies for OnStar. We used an integrated simulation model for analyzing the new tele- matics industry, consisting of six sectors: customer acquisition, customer choice, alliances, customer service, financial dynamics, and dealer behavior. The modeling effort had important financial, organizational, and societal results. The OnStar business now has two million sub- scribers, an 80 percent market share of the emerging telematics market, and has been valued at between $4 and $10 billion. The OnStar project set the stage for a broader GM initiative in service businesses that ultimately could yield billions in incremental earnings. Most important, OnStar has saved many lives that otherwise would have been lost in vehicle accidents. (Industries: communications. Transportation: automotive.) G eneral Motors (GM) assembled a project team consisting of the authors of this paper to develop its OnStar telematics business. Telematics is the pro- specifics of the model that we used to analyze the stra- tegic choices, and we present the financial, organiza- tional, and social impacts the project created. vision of communications services to cars, including OnStar is GM’s two-way vehicle communication sys- crash notification, navigation, Internet access, and traf- tem that provides a variety of services that enhance fic information. We used a multimethod modeling ap- safety, security, entertainment, and productivity (Figure proach to design the OnStar business model and to 1). The vehicle communicates with either an automated analyze the fundamental strategic decisions GM faced system, called the virtual advisor, or with a human ad- in 1997. We explain the modeling process and some visor through a cell-phone connection. Two-way Interfaces, 䉷 2002 INFORMS 0092-2102/02/3201/0020$05.00 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002, pp. 20–34 1526-551X electronic ISSN
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 1: OnStar provides safety and security, Internet, and communications services. communication enables safety and security services, concept, in 1996, GM made OnStar available as an op- such as crash notification, in which the call center is tion on some Cadillac models. The services at that time notified if the vehicle crashes or the airbag is deployed. were limited to safety and security and a few other A built-in global positioning system (GPS) precisely lo- features, such as remote door unlocking. The OnStar cates the vehicle and, if necessary, the call center dis- system required complicated installation by the dealer, patches emergency services to the accident scene. costing about $1,300. The high cost and hassle of in- Two-way communication facilitates a variety of stallation limited customer acceptance, but market re- other services that provide information and enhance search showed that buyers found the system extremely the user’s productivity. For example, users can obtain valuable and that the customer retention rate was very real-time traffic information through the virtual advi- high. Some senior GM executives believed that with sor in most major cities. In addition, they can access the appropriate strategy, OnStar could become an im- content, such as the Wall Street Journal, and have it read portant product. to them. Many other services have either been imple- mented or are currently in development. OnStar began in 1994 as a promising communica- Fundamental Decisions in 1997 tions technology. A GM engineering group proposed In 1997, GM faced fundamental strategic decisions Project Beacon to test the application of advanced com- with respect to OnStar. First, GM had to decide munications technology in GM vehicles. To test the whether to view OnStar as a car feature or as a service Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 21
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project business. The default and safe strategy was to market and what competitive and complementary technolo- OnStar as a car feature that would improve vehicle gies would emerge among the Internet, digital cellular safety and security. GM had decades of experience services, and hand-held devices, such as PDAs. with new car features and had well-developed models A reasonable approach to such pervasive uncertainty for pricing and packaging vehicle options. would be to postpone any major investments until the An alternate strategy was to view OnStar as a service picture became clearer. GM could run a portfolio of business that could contribute greatly to GM’s profits small technological experiments to develop and pre- (Figure 2). The OnStar business would collect monthly serve its options until the direction of the market be- subscription fees in exchange for a portfolio of services. came clearer. Once the situation was better defined, GM The business would be responsible for acquiring, de- could be a fast follower that could profit from the mis- veloping, and retaining customers and would provide takes of bleeding-edge competitors. In the Internet field, customer service. In contrast with the vehicle business for example, the blood of failed first movers, such as in which GM interacts with customers infrequently, WordPerfect, CPM, and VisiCalc, and various Internet the service business would put customers in touch companies is splattered all over the battlefield. with GM with every use of OnStar. Specifically, if GM took an overly aggressive ap- GM would have to choose between an evolutionary proach, it might make large investments in vehicle- and a revolutionary strategy. If it decided to create an communications hardware and infrastructure and OnStar service business with the evolutionary option, then fail to recover the costs because of low customer GM would take a cautious approach to the telematics demand. A good example of the failure of an aggres- market. In 1997, the telematics category barely existed, sive strategy in communications is Iridium’s launch of and no vehicle manufacturer had invested in it ag- satellites that cost several billion dollars. The system gressively. GM faced almost complete uncertainty never attracted many subscribers, and Motorola was about technological approaches, major competitors, forced to write off most of its investment. On its face, Figure 2: In 1997, GM faced fundamental strategic decisions for OnStar. Interfaces 22 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project the conservative strategy is sensible, and indeed, both important strategic decisions through the dialogue de- Ford and DCX have taken a cautious approach; neither cision process (DDP). DDP consists of four stages to will launch a telematics service until 2003. reaching agreement on decisions: framing, alterna- On the contrary, in some cases in the automobile in- tives, analysis, and connection (Figure 3). At each step, dustry, the go-slow approach has served firms badly. the project team interacts with the decision board that Auto companies missed the opportunity to be major is responsible for actually making the decision and players in the cell-phone business even though 60 to 80 committing resources. percent of cellular minutes are consumed in cars and Dynamic modeling can be a part of each stage. For even though some auto companies understood the po- example, in the alternatives phase, analysts often use tential for cell phones years before demand exploded. The cell-phone analogy is well known at GM. A second In 1997, the telematics category barely example of go-slow failure was Detroit’s sluggishness in responding to consumer demand for small, energy- existed. efficient, high-quality vehicles in the 1970s. models to suggest hybrid strategies that combine the GM’s second option was to choose the revolutionary original alternatives. In the analysis phase, they use strategy of preempting the market. In this strategy, GM dynamic models to calculate ranges for important would move quickly to build a large installed base and gain the cost advantages and network externalities that business variables, such as cash flow and market share. come from being the earliest and biggest player. Net- The OnStar case was difficult to model. In the vehicle work externalities result from a process through business, GM has decades of experience and plentiful which, as more people adopt a service, the service be- historical data. Modelers can build on a wealth of pre- comes more valuable to both existing and potential vious analyses and examples of best practice. The customers. There is evidence that the get-big-fast strat- OnStar business was very different in that the tele- egy can be very successful. The literature on first- matics market did not exist and no one had experience mover advantages, while mixed, provides examples in or historical data. which preemptive strikes have generated big payoffs To cope with the inherent uncertainty, we needed a (Gurumunrthy et al. 1995). In addition, economic anal- modeling process that would allow integration of vari- ysis demonstrates that properly managed network ef- ous methods and data sources. Our method had to be fects can create a long-lived competitive advantage flexible enough to absorb a wide variety of inputs (Shapiro and Varian 1999). based on judgment, historical analogies, market re- GM faced a strategic choice: should it follow an evo- search, and other sources. Our chosen modeling ap- lutionary wait-and-see strategy or should it make a proach integrated concepts and techniques from sev- revolutionary move to develop and preempt the tele- eral management sciences approaches: matics market? The choice was difficult because the (1) System dynamics was useful in two important market did not exist and data were scarce. In addition, ways. First, the stock-flow structure used in system dy- GM had minimal experience in subscriber service busi- namics provided a good foundation for the physics of nesses, so its senior management had limited intuition customer migration from one state to another. For ex- about which direction would be better. The preemp- ample, the model included structures that tracked the tive strategy would require a huge investment; failure flow of customers from unawareness, to adoption, to of the preemptive strategy would be costly. On the churn (loss of customers), and to possible resubscrip- other hand, its success would bring large returns. tion. Second, the feedback perspective used in system dynamics was very helpful in modeling the network externalities that are crucial to the telematics market. Modeling an Industry That Did (2) Conjoint analysis was used to calibrate the con- Not Exist sumer choice relationships that govern consumer GM formed a project team (this paper’s authors) to adoption of OnStar. consider alternative strategies for OnStar. GM makes (3) Dynamic optimization was used to assess the Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 23
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 3: Dynamic modeling is a part of the GM strategic decision process. correct magnitudes for price and for spending on service (which we discuss in more detail), finances, and marketing. dealer behavior. The financial sector calculated finan- (4) Diffusion models and the literature on previous cial metrics, such as revenue, cash flow, and profit. The studies of product diffusion helped us to understand dealer-behavior sector dealt with issues of how dealers the impact of market spending, word of mouth, price, made customers aware of OnStar and how much sales and product innovation on OnStar adoption. effort they expended. The sectors interact over time to (5) Concepts from lifetime customer-value analysis generate time series for such important business vari- helped us to analyze the impact of churn and customer ables as market share and cash flow. recapture. (6) The real-options approach was useful for decom- posing the decision to expand OnStar into a set of Customer Acquisition and Retention smaller, less costly steps. As it implemented each step, The customer acquisition and retention sector of the GM had the option of taking the next step if the out- simulation model describes the inflows and outflows come of previous decisions was favorable. of OnStar subscribers. The model builds on concepts from the literature on lifetime customer value by ex- plicitly representing the causal mechanisms responsi- The Integrated Simulation Model ble for subscriber acquisition and churn. Since the ac- A simulation model was our core tool in the OnStar cumulated number of subscribers produces monthly strategy project (Figure 4). It had six key sectors: cus- revenue directly through the monthly subscription fee, tomer acquisition, customer choice, alliances, customer we could use the model to evaluate the financial Interfaces 24 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 4: The simulation model of the telematics industry included multiple, interacting sectors. impact of decisions that would affect GM’s acquisition TR ⳱ A*C, (2) and retention of subscribers. where A is the fraction of new car buyers who have The detailed model structure begins with the simple top-of-mind awareness of OnStar, and C is the fraction relationship that determines the number of new of new-car buyers who choose to subscribe to OnStar subscribers: conditional on awareness. The product-diffusion lit- NS ⳱ TR * V, (1) erature suggests that the two factors that drive aware- ness are the coefficients of internal and external influ- where NS is the number of new subscribers added dur- ence. The coefficient of internal influence usually ing a time period, TR is the take rate (a fraction be- represents the effect of word-of-mouth communication tween zero and one), and V is the number of new ve- on sales. We believed, and the data have subsequently hicles on which OnStar is available. V can include both confirmed, that word-of-mouth would be an important GM and non-GM vehicles, depending on GM’s policy factor in generating awareness for OnStar. toward alliances with other vehicle manufacturers. Several published metastudies of estimated diffu- The modeling of the take rate (TR) begins with ideas sion models were helpful in calibrating the word-of- developed in the product diffusion literature. The take mouth effect (Mahajan et al. 1995, Sultan et al. 1995). rate is the product of customer awareness and cus- We had no direct evidence about the magnitude of the tomer choice: effect in the telematics market, but we used published Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 25
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project studies to construct a range of estimates that we useful, however, for projecting the number of OnStar thought were reasonable. The ranges were the basis for subscribers or estimating revenue and cost flows. extensive sensitivity analysis on word-of-mouth and We believed that three positive-feedback processes other uncertain parameters. could be important in the telematics industry. Each The coefficient of external influence represents the process could create positive feedback, but their im- effect of the firm’s marketing effort on product adop- plementation required managerial attention and effort. tion. In several product-diffusion studies, researchers The first process concerned creation of new OnStar ap- have modeled the external effect as an increasing func- plications. In 1997, OnStar was limited to the core tion of spending on marketing. We used a similar ap- safety and security features. Although these features proach and used the metastudies to calculate reason- were extremely valuable, the market research showed able bounds for the magnitude of the effect. We also they would not be enough to drive widespread pene- tration. From the beginning, we recognized that GM We believed word-of-mouth would could never find and build internally the myriad ap- plications that OnStar would need. Alliances with im- be an important factor in generating portant new-economy and old-economy players awareness. would be crucial. We considered the factors that would make GM an consulted with internal GM marketing experts and attractive partner to prospective content partners and outside advertising experts to estimate how much the factors that would make it economic for GM to OnStar would have to spend to reach different levels invest in partnerships. Examples of potential content of awareness. Consistent with previous studies, the re- partners included Fidelity Investments and several lationship between marketing spending and aware- vehicle-insurance companies. For both old- and new- ness exhibited diminishing returns. economy firms, partnerships become much more at- The choice variable is the conditional probability tractive as the installed base of subscribers grows. The that a new-car buyer will subscribe given that OnStar classic example of how applications partnerships can is available on the vehicle. The probability of the create positive feedback is Microsoft Windows. Appli- buyer’s choosing OnStar depends on the utility of cations developers wrote applications for Windows OnStar relative to the utility of alternative uses of the that made Windows more valuable. Increased value money and the utility of any available competing sys- increased the number of customers buying Windows, tems. We modeled the probability of choice with the which, in turn, made developing further applications logit-choice function that is commonly used in mar- more attractive. keting studies (Meyer and Johnson 1995). We derived We hypothesized that a similar process could occur the utilities we used to calibrate the logit choice model with OnStar. The economic dynamics of a recently an- from a consumer research study. nounced OnStar alliance for providing real-time per- The choice function included the effects of network sonalized traffic information demonstrates this pro- externalities. Writers on the economics of new-product cess. Market research revealed that consumers want diffusion make a strong case for the importance of net- personalized traffic information and that providing it work externalities or positive-feedback effects (Shapiro could be the telematics killer application. Traffic infor- and Varian 1999). Positive-feedback effects are the in- mation requires both GM and its partner to make ma- creases in the value of the service for all existing users jor up-front investments. Providing the traffic infor- as additional users adopt the service. We were aware mation feature is economically unattractive with a of these effects and asked an outside consulting firm small installed base because the average cost per sub- to search for examples relevant to the OnStar situation. scriber would be much too high. The economics be- Its research turned up several examples that were use- come very attractive as the installed base reaches sev- ful primarily for identifying potentially important eral million. The alliance mechanism forms a positive positive-feedback processes. The examples were not feedback because the availability of the traffic service Interfaces 26 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project makes OnStar more attractive to car buyers. In turn, installation procedure would be too costly and would additional subscribers make OnStar alliances more lu- generate few sales. Also it would be time-consuming crative for all involved. and expensive to modify OnStar to interface with mul- Quantifying the magnitude of the positive-feedback tiple car electronics systems. GM acted to reduce the processes was a challenge. We were tempted to con- cost of third-party installation by sponsoring the Au- clude that we could not accurately quantify these tomotive Multimedia Interface Consortium (AMIC). mechanisms and to leave them out of the formal mod- The AMIC is in the process of setting standards for eling. We decided to try to quantify the alliance feed- connecting to vehicle electrical systems. The standards back, because historical examples suggested that they will enable any manufacturer of telematics systems to could be critical to OnStar’s development, and because connect to the vehicle electronics systems of any au- the strength of the positive feedback is affected by tomobile without compromising the integrity and many other variables, such as pricing and spending on safety of any of the systems. marketing. Omitting the mechanisms from the model The AMIC standards could be a double-edged would greatly distort the effects of alternative pricing sword for OnStar. On one side, they enable businesses and marketing-investment policies. to connect OnStar to competitors’ cars. On the other To quantify these effects, we considered a long list side, they allow businesses to connect future compet- of potential services and partners. We used GM man- itors’ telematics systems with GM cars. The AMIC agers’ judgment and financial data to estimate how the standards increase the value of building a viable large- scale telematics system because the consumer value The AMIC standards could be a initially created for GM cars can be extended to other platforms. double-edged sword for OnStar. The third positive-feedback process concerns includ- ing other vehicle manufacturers in the OnStar alliance. number of subscribers would influence the economics We believe that our project is one of the first pub- of the different services. We used a combination of lished applications to analyze the strategic implica- market research and judgment to estimate how con- tions of network effects in a real-life situation. Al- sumers would value additional services. We used sen- though the importance of network effects is clear, ex sitivity analysis to determine how the system would post, from many historical case studies, few new- react to different values of uncertain parameters. product models actually incorporate them. Gupta et al. The second positive-feedback process concerned the (1999, p. 327) wrote the following: dynamics of third-party sales of OnStar. Third-party Network effects have attracted significant attention from sales would be installations of OnStar through stereo economists in recent years. However, marketing scientists stores; electronics retailers, such as Circuit City and have been slow to respond to the growing importance of this Best Buy; and discount retailers, such as WalMart. Pre- phenomena in new product adoption. For instance, most new vious research reported in the marketing literature iso- product models in the marketing science literature assume lated a positive-feedback process in which products that new products are autonomous and that the adoption of new products is not affected by the presence or absence of with high sales and large market shares receive more complementary products. These assumptions are being called display space and attention at retailers, which, in turn, into question in almost every durable product market in the further increases market share and sales (Reibstein and Network Economy, where firms rarely act alone to create new Farris 1995). products. Third-party distribution is the tool for reaching the 200 million existing vehicles and the 70 percent of new car buyers who buy competitors’ cars. The viability of Customer Choice third-party distribution depends on the cost and ease To calibrate the customer-choice sector, GM commis- of retrofitting vehicles with OnStar hardware. We sioned a conjoint study to estimate how consumers already knew that replicating the existing dealer- would respond to different subscription fees, initial Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 27
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project costs, and combinations of features (Reibstein and vehicles that offer a service, T is the take rate for a Farris 1995). The sample for the conjoint study was 621 service, C is the estimated investment cost of setting new-car buyers. In the conjoint study, researchers es- up a telematics service, F is the fee charged by the co- timated the utility of 13 potential attributes of the alition for using the service, and M is the manufacturer OnStar system, including route guidance, remote ve- that sponsors the coalition. In the model, we assumed hicle diagnostics, traffic information, initial price, and that the probability of choosing an existing service in- monthly subscription fees. creased with increases of S, V, T, and C. A large base The study showed that consumers could be divided of subscribers (S) and a high take rate (T) demonstrate into six market segments. The segments had different that the service is successful and will be more success- utilities for the service attributes and prices. In the cus- ful in the future. Other manufacturers would prefer to tomer acquisition sector, we calculated take rates sep- enroll in a successful coalition. In addition, a high take arately for each market segment. rate shows that consumers want the service and that We used the market study to calibrate the consumer- manufacturers without a service are at a competitive choice decision. For example, we tested the impact of disadvantage. If the sum of the Vs across coalitions is different attribute combinations and prices on long- large, most vehicles offer telematics services and the term OnStar penetration and profitability. We also ex- holdouts are under pressure to join one of the coali- perimented with alternative price trajectories, such as tions. A high cost of establishing a service (C) makes it skim and penetration pricing. Skim pricing involved installing OnStar on a few expensive GM models, such The analysis showed that the cost- as Cadillac, and charging a premium price for OnStar. focused strategy would cause the Penetration pricing involved installing OnStar on all effort to fail. GM models and charging a low price that would max- imize the take rate. disadvantageous to create a new service and more ad- vantageous, especially for small manufacturers, to join Vehicle Manufacturer Alliances a coalition. High fees (F) for participating in a coalition reduce the probability that an outside manufacturer The option of offering OnStar to other vehicle manu- will join. Finally, some manufacturers will be very hes- facturers emerged early in the project. Clearly, enrol- itant to partner with other manufacturers, such as Ford ling other manufacturers could be beneficial. First, in- with GM, so that the identity of a coalition sponsor (M) creasing the vehicles in the alliance would create a influences the probability of an alliance. large OnStar installed base and strengthen positive- Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) benefit feedback processes. Second, GM could collect licensing greatly by joining an OnStar coalition. First, replicating fees for the use of OnStar. The disadvantage of making the GM system would be very costly for auto manu- OnStar generally available would be that GM would facturers with much lower volumes than GM, espe- lose a competitive weapon for selling vehicles. cially if GM were able to exploit positive feedback and We evaluated the option of offering OnStar to other add high-value services. Second, assuming that con- manufacturers by including an additional positive- sumers find telematics services attractive (market re- feedback process in the model. Manufacturers had four search supports the conclusion), if several competing options in the telematics market: do nothing, start their OEMs were to join the coalition, the holdout compet- own services, join the OnStar coalition, or join another itor could lose precious market share in the vehicle coalition. The probability that a manufacturer (other than business. Finally, if OnStar were to build a credible GM) would choose one of the options was given by third-party distribution system with the AMIC stan- dard, OnStar would have access to the competitors’ P ⳱ f(S, V, T, C, F, M), (3) cars even if they didn’t join the coalition. OEMs could where S is the number of subscribers for a specific ser- conclude that their best interests lie in joining the co- vice (OnStar, Ford, and so forth), V is the number of alition and cutting the best deal possible, instead of Interfaces 28 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project letting GM capture their customers through the entire OnStar effort to fail. OnStar depends on a staff aftermarket. of intelligent, well-trained service personnel to provide For each major vehicle OEM, the team considered excellent service during difficult situations, such as car the costs and benefits of partnering with OnStar from wrecks and serious illness. It takes time to recruit and the perspective of that competitor. Our reasoning pro- train people who are up to the task. Consequently, cess was similar to that of estimating competitor pay- OnStar has adopted a policy of purposely overstaffing offs in a game-theory analysis. During each time pe- the call center in order to build customer-service ca- riod, the model calculated the probability that a pacity in advance of expected demand. The overstaff- manufacturer would choose one of the four options; ing policy gives service employees opportunities to once a manufacturer chose to join a coalition or to start learn systems and scenarios before they have full its own service, it could not change its decision. customer-service responsibilities. This policy is the The alliance decision structure creates another only one that is consistent with the strategy of building positive-feedback process. Additional partners in- a large installed base, and we estimate that it will pay crease the value of the system through multiple mech- for itself several times over in terms of lower churn anisms, such as word-of-mouth and additional appli- rates and positive word-of-mouth. cations. In turn, a more valuable system attracts new subscribers and additional partners. We did not be- Model Analysis of the Factory lieve that these processes would be so strong as to cre- Installation Decision ate a single system for the whole vehicle industry. We GM’s most important decision was whether to factory- acknowledged that some competitive automakers install OnStar in new vehicles. Factory installation has would be so averse to a GM-sponsored system that several advantages. First, factory installation elimi- they would never join an alliance. nates the $1,300, two-day dealer-installation process that greatly reduced the take rate. Second, factory in- Customer Service stallation eliminates the need for dealers to convince The customer-service sector represented demands for customer service and the acquisition and retention of OnStar adopted a policy of purposely service capacity. Poor customer service could restrain overstaffing the call center. the long-run growth of OnStar. Rapid subscriber growth increases the demand on the call centers. buyers to purchase OnStar as an option. The disad- OnStar must be able to match customer-service capac- vantage of factory installation is that the hardware is ity to demand or, beyond a point, the quality of its somewhat expensive and, if a new vehicle buyer does customer service will deteriorate. Common sense sug- not subscribe to OnStar, GM gains no revenue from gests and the literature on customer service confirms the factory installation. that customers’ poor experiences with service reduce Factory installation directly affects cost by eliminat- the attractiveness of the service, reduce the firm’s ac- ing the cost of dealer installation (Figure 5). Factory quisition of new subscribers, increase churn, and gen- installation also increases the number of cars with erate negative word-of-mouth. OnStar available and, for a given take rate, the number A firm can minimize the negative effects of inade- of OnStar subscribers. Increases in the number of sub- quate customer-service capacity by choosing the right scribers strengthen the positive-feedback processes customer-service policy. Often, firms run their call cen- that influence alliances and the development of appli- ters with a cost mentality. Their objective is to mini- cations. Specifically, additional subscribers increase mize the cost of the call center by paying low wages, the attractiveness of creating OnStar applications and limiting the time spent per call, and always running at the attractiveness for other OEM’s of joining the On- close to full utilization. The model-based analysis Star alliance. Additional applications and a larger al- showed that the cost-focused strategy would cause the liance both increase the number of new subscribers. Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 29
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 5: The positive feedback loops that drive OEM alliances and applications amplify subscriber growth. We compared the number of subscribers for 100- Financial, Organizational, and percent factory installation with a baseline in which OnStar was a car option (Figure 6). Although the dif- Societal Impacts ference between the two scenarios is fairly small dur- In late 1997, the project team recommended a very ag- ing the first two years, the positive-feedback processes gressive strategy that included factory installation on cause a dramatic gap in the eighth through 10th years. all GM vehicles, recruitment of other manufacturers Profits are low during the first three years in the into the OnStar system, and making the first year of factory-installation case because of the high initial cost service free. In addition, we recommended that GM of installing OnStar in all GM vehicles. In subsequent aggressively pursue alliances with content partners, years, revenue and profit are much higher in the such as a major cell-phone networks, Fidelity Invest- factory-installation case than in the base case because ments, and Dow Jones Publications. GM’s senior man- total subscription fees increase and the average cost agers agreed to the aggressive strategy, and imple- per subscriber drops. mentation is proceeding today. Many people are The simulation model was also an essential tool for familiar with OnStar through GM’s well-known Bat- sensitivity analysis. We varied uncertain parameters man advertising campaign. one by one and in combinations to determine whether Vince Barabba, GM’s senior executive for strategy, doing so would change the best strategic option. Fi- and Ron Zarrella, the president of GM at the time, be- nally, we ran Monte Carlo simulations that varied all lieve that the modeling process greatly influenced the uncertain parameters together. We found that the GM’s strategic choices for OnStar. Vince qualifies his superiority of the factory installation strategy was ro- belief in the utility of models by proclaiming Barabba’s bust against almost all parameter variation (Figure 7). Law: “Never say the model says.” Vince’s point is that Interfaces 30 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 6: The factory installation strategy generated far more subscribers than the incremental base case strategy. people, not models, have points of view that are the past four years. Creating a system like OnStar is formed by experience and can be clarified and im- much more complex than putting a modem and GPS proved by simulation models. Especially for strategic in the car and contracting with a call center. The system choices, models can never be more than aids in reach- must be capable of handling millions of subscribers ing sound judgments. and never fail because of the high stakes involved in auto accidents and emergencies. Many dot-com firms have learned how difficult it is to expand mission- Financial Impacts critical IT systems to accommodate millions of users. Through 2001, the implementation of the OnStar busi- The system must be flexible enough to add new ser- ness strategy has progressed very much as expected. vices quickly without disrupting existing features. As of fall 2001, OnStar has more than two million sub- GM has forged alliances with vehicle manufacturers scribers and an 80 percent share of the telematics mar- that account for over 50 percent of vehicle sales. GM’s ket. The number of subscribers is growing rapidly. No partners include Toyota, Honda, VW-Audi, and Su- other vehicle manufacturer is expected to launch a baru. Honda and Toyota are initiating factory instal- competitive system until 2003 at the earliest. The larg- lation on their Acura and Lexus models, respectively. est competitor is a small independent firm that has GM has also enrolled an impressive list of content about 80,000 subscribers. partners. WestWood One, a prominent radio com- Competitors will have difficulty replicating OnStar’s pany, has partnered with OnStar to provide real-time business. OnStar has benefited from learning during traffic information. Dow Jones provides the Wall Street Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 31
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 7: The simulation model was used to generate multiple scenarios for subscribers and other important variables. Journal, which is read to car occupants by the OnStar in which GM creates value by the transaction of selling virtual advisor. The virtual advisor downloads the re- a vehicle. This mental model, or theory of the business, quested content and reads it to the driver through the served GM well for many years, but intense competi- vehicle’s sound system. The virtual advisor also allows tion has reduced its effectiveness in recent years. users to trade securities from the vehicle through Fi- The new mental model augments the transactions delity Investments. OnStar receives approximately five revenue with a stream of revenue from service busi- proposals per week from prospective service partners. nesses like OnStar (Figure 8). Examples of other service OnStar is on track for financial success. In early No- businesses are enhanced vehicle service and repair, vember 2001, Ron Zarrella, then president of GM, fore- and vehicle insurance. The annuity revenue and cash cast that OnStar would break even by 2003 and would flow from services should greatly improve GM’s mar- generate major cash flows thereafter. Investment bank- ket value. Investment banking studies have estimated ers have valued OnStar at between $4 and $12 billion that GM could generate several billion of extra earn- if it were to be spun off as an independent business ings annually from greater participation in service (Merrill Lynch 2000, Lapidus 2000, Martiliotti 2000). businesses. In addition, the service and vehicle busi- nesses form a positive-feedback loop in which healthy service businesses make the vehicle business more Organizational Impacts valuable, and a healthy vehicle business makes the ser- The OnStar project contributed to creating a new en- vice businesses more valuable. OnStar was the first terprise mental model for GM. The company has had step and a critical component in the process of con- a mental model of the vehicle business as a transaction necting the vehicle business and service businesses. Interfaces 32 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project Figure 8: The new GM enterprise mental model increases market value by managing the dynamic interaction between the vehicle and service businesses. Societal Benefits show that reducing response time by only five minutes can enormously increase survival probabilities. On- The first societal benefit of the OnStar project is the Star’s impact on the lives of thousands of people can creation of the new telematics business. The telematics be partly measured by the amazing letters that GM industry did not exist before GM implemented its receives every day. These letters tell remarkable stories strategy. Today, Wall Street analysts project that the of how rapid emergency response has prevented death industry will grow to $12 billion over the next 10 years. and serious injury. As more manufacturers make tele- In addition, such services as real-time traffic informa- matics services available, survival rates should in- tion will increase productivity by helping to reduce crease further. traffic congestion. By far, OnStar’s most important contribution is sav- Acknowledgments ing lives. OnStar answers thousands of emergency The authors thank Lyle Wallis for his ongoing help in developing calls each month and has often made the difference and expressing the concepts in this paper. They also thank John between life and death. Studies in emergency medicine Sterman and Nelson Repenning of MIT for their ideas and the use Interfaces Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002 33
BARABBA ET AL. The General Motors OnStar Project of their classes as test beds for our presentation. Bill Stripling pro- products: Empirical generalizations and managerial uses. Mar- vided valuable coaching assistance in developing the Edelman pre- keting Sci. 14(3) Part 2, G79–G88. sentation. Rebecca English Paich was very helpful in editing the pa- Martiliotti, Domenic. 2000. Can GM finally deliver the product? Bear per and improving the clarity of the writing. Stearns Equity Research, December. Merrill Lynch Equity Research. 2000. General Motors Corp. April. References Meyer, Robert, Eric J. Johnson. 1995. Empirical generalizations in the Gupta, Sachin, Dipak C. Jain, Mohanbir S. Sawhney. 1999. Modeling modeling of consumer choice. Marketing Sci. 14(3) Part 2, G180– the evolution of markets with indirect network externalities: An G189. application to digital television. Marketing Sci. 18(3) 396–416. Reibstein, David J., Paul W. Farris. 1995. Market share and distri- Gurumurthy, Kalyanaram, William T. Robinson, Glen L. Urban. bution: A generalization, a speculation, and some implications. 1995. Order of market entry: Established empirical generaliza- Marketing Sci. 14(3) Part 2, G190–G202. tions, emerging empirical generalizations and future research. Shapiro, Carl, Hal Varian. 1999. Information Rules. Harvard Business Marketing Sci. 14(3) Part 2, G212–G221. School Press, Cambridge, MA. Lapidus, Gary. 2000. Gentlemen start your engines. Goldman Sachs, Sultan, Fareena, John U. Farley, Donald R. Lehmann. 1990. A meta- January. analysis of applications of diffusion models. J. Marketing Res. Mahajan, Vijay, Eitan Muller, Frank M. Bass. 1995. Diffusion of new 27(1) 70–77. Interfaces 34 Vol. 32, No. 1, January–February 2002
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