A message from the President - London Diamond Bourse

Page created by Benjamin Carlson
A message from the President - London Diamond Bourse
May 2021


        A message from the President
Welcome to the third LDB Briefing. I’d like to start by mentioning       from all of this? I can best answer by quoting that famous line from
a few housekeeping matters:                                              the film All the President’s Men: ‘Follow the money.’ The Money, as
                                                                         it were, has clearly now become obsessed with environmental, social
• Our AGM will be held on Thursday 3rd June at 2.30pm. Due to            and corporate responsibility (ESG). Moreover, it has woken up to
  the pandemic, we are going to have to hold this virtually and live     the fact that our sector is, like the curate’s egg, only good in parts.
  in the bourse – so please let us know if you plan to attend. The one   We can see this change of attitude (let’s face it, until very recently
  advantage of live streaming is that it allows Members who might        no one really knew or cared much about the jewellery supply chain)
  not otherwise be able to attend, to do so. Anyway, please put it       as a threat, a nuisance or an opportunity. For my own part I see only
  in your diary as it is the one occasion in the year when we all get    potential. If consumers are happy to pay a higher price for an ethical,
  together.                                                              fully traceable product then I am delighted to source it. The more
                                                                         so as it is clearly – from a moral perspective – the right thing to do.
• The World Federation of Diamond Bourses has launched Diamond
  Aid – to raise funds for medical care in India. We have all read       Which brings me, in a roundabout way, to one of the World Diamond
  about the situation there and all donations will be put to excellent   Council’s recent News Updates, which ran under the headline: ‘Eight
  use. Further details below.                                            words and a set of foundational conventions that expand the scope
                                                                         of the WDC system of warranties.’ The story began as follows:
• We are very keen to recruit new Members. We have established
  a working party, which has all sorts of plans. In the interim,           Only eight words separate the declarations made on B2B invoices
  however, please consider who amongst your contacts could                 and memos by those members of the trade who have adopted the
  be interested in joining us.                                             World Diamond Council’s New System of Warranties (SoW), from
                                                                           industry members still using the old SoW. But, while seemingly
                                                                           innocuous, those words are massively significant, for they greatly
                                        The Bharat Diamond Bourse          expand the scope of the system. Whereas in the original declaration
                                           is leading a campaign           the seller of diamonds guaranteed that the merchandise is conflict
                                          to provide medical care          free, ‘based on personal knowledge and/or written guarantees
                                            in India. Please give          provided by the supplier of these diamonds,’ in the new SoW the
                                                 generously.               seller guarantees that the diamonds are conflict free “and confirms
                                                                           adherence to the WDC SoW Guidelines.

Now, in the words of Monty Python, for something completely              The SoW Guidelines document, which is now an integral component
different. Would you spend £1.35m on a Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso          of the SoW commitment, states that buyers and sellers of diamonds
Quadriptyque watch? Or $3m on a 38.04 carat diamond and platinum         must observe the implementation of the KPCS, as it is expressed
ring? Or, for that matter, CH500,000 on a sapphire parure that once      in the KPCS Core Document, KP Administrative Decisions and KP
belonged to Napoleon’s daughter? Financial Times readers would           Guiding Documents. But it also states that buyers and sellers of
and do. Which is why, twice a year, the newspaper publishes a            diamonds understand and voluntarily implement a set of universally
Watches & Jewellery Special Report – a comprehensive round-up            accepted principles on human and labour rights, AML and
of the most important industry stories. I find it a fantastic way        anticorruption measures. More specifically, it references a set
to keep up to date with what is (and isn’t important) to luxury          of seminal good-governance documents. None of these documents
consumers. Three headlines in the April issue struck me as               are what you would call a light read but the fact remains that we all
particularly significant:                                                need to be aware of them and what they contain, which is why we
                                                                         have included a summary in this Briefing. The New SoW, incidentally,
• ‘Myanmar sanctions take the shine off Burmese rubies’                  will become mandatory over the next three years for rough diamonds
  – essentially a piece about how the country’s military coup            and over the next five years for polished diamonds. An online toolkit
  and mining conditions are deterring Western buyers.                    is being tested at the moment.

• ‘Consumers doubts over re-cycled gold melt away’ – a feature                                   Alan Cohen - President
  on how rising demand from younger consumers is driving
  ethical jewellery making.
                                                                                                                 Alan, taken exactly five years
• ‘Industry makes slow progress on responsible supply chains’                                                      ago, with the 1,109 carat
  – all about how activists remain concerned at human rights                                                       Lesedi La Rona from the
  and environmental issues.                                                                                        Karowe mine, Botswana.
                                                                                                                     Purchased by Graff
Many of the other articles also included passing references to                                                           for US$53m.
sustainability, human rights and the environment. What do I conclude

                                                                         We are all aware of the dire situation facing India in fighting the

       Diamond Aid                                                       Corona virus. The pandemic is raging and the Indian healthcare
                                                                         system is being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the infected
                                                                         and an enormous shortage of essential supplies. The international

       – please give
                                                                         diamond and jewellery industry is a close-knit community, actually a
                                                                         family, made up of members from around the globe, many of whom
                                                                         live or originate in India. Therefore, the World Federation of Diamond
                                                                         Bourses has launched Diamond Aid, a fundraising programme, in

        generously                                                       association with the Bharat Diamond Bourse, to purchase specific
                                                                         medications and equipment so desperately needed in hospitals in
                                                                         Surat and Mumbai. You can make a donation here:
A message from the President - London Diamond Bourse
Responsible Sourcing Made Easy                                                                                                                         Take advantage of the Hatton Garden
                                                                           CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, has launched an online
                                                                           Toolkit designed to enable all members of the jewellery and gem
                                                                           sector to conduct responsible sourcing due diligence on their supply
                                                                                                                                                            Business Improvement District
                                                                           chains. The digital files of which the toolkit is comprised can be        Business Improvement Districts are designed to maintain and                • Advertise/feature your business in the shop directory
                                                                           downloaded at no cost from a dedicated mini-website, located at           regenerate an area. Their aim is to bring economic prosperity and            at https://www.hatton-garden.london/hatton-garden-jewellers
                                                                           www.cibjo.org/rs-toolkit. The CIBJO Responsible Sourcing Toolkit          services which complement statutory duties provided by the council
                                                                           supports the CIBJO Responsible Sourcing Book, which provides              and police. As well as improving the area, BIDs are seen as powerful       • Businesses in the area have an opportunity to be part of the Meet
                                                                           companies in the jewellery supply chain with a framework and              business alliances which unite the business community, owners and            the Neighbours section of our website, where we feature interviews
                                                                           guidance for due diligence for the responsible sourcing of gem            occupiers and the public authorities to join forces for the good of the      with representatives from Hatton Garden’s local businesses. As well
                                                                           materials and precious metals. The Toolkit was developed for CIBJO        specific destinations. BIDs are continuing to grow in importance, with       as being featured on our website, the interview will be published in
                                                                           by the Coloured Gemstone Working Group, which is a forum of               more than 320 across the UK and 66 in London, they are more vital            our monthly newsletter which is sent out to over
                                                                           leading gem and jewellery companies dedicated to helping businesses       than ever for the UK’s economic recovery.                                    1,000 people.
                                                                           in the coloured gemstones supply chain be more sustainable, and                   WHAT DOES THE HATTON GARDEN BID DO?
                                                                           making responsible sourcing part of the way they operate. The                                                                                        • Businesses can also be featured on the Hatton Garden BID’s social
                                                                           Toolkit comprises nine modules, each one of which relates to a            The Hatton Garden Business Improvement District (BID) was                    media platforms. We can promote any positive news stories or
  Responsible sourcing
                                                                           specific section of the Responsible Sourcing Blue Book. Each module       established in 2016 and has since provided a collective voice for            useful information on our Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter,
   has just been made                                                                                                                                the business community, playing a vital role in the enhancement of           where we have a combined audience of over 3,500. All of the
   easier thanks to the                                                    provides a detailed explanation of that section, and also a number of
                                                                           downloadable files, in MS Word or PDF format, which can be used to        the area to preserve its special assets and celebrate its uniqueness         BID’s social media platforms have experienced a huge increase in
    World Jewellery
                                                                           do the due diligence described. They include templates, forms, sample     as a destination. It has brought much positive change to this very           followers over the past year.
                                                                           declarations and additional information.                                  unique and historical area through public realm strategies, numerous
                                                                                                                                                     networking opportunities and an increased focus on the security and        • Businesses can be part of our monthly newsletter and promote
                                                                                                                                                     safety of the area.                                                          offerings, business events or stories.

                Five hours reading in five minutes                                                                                                                     BENEFITS OFFERED BY BID
                                                                                                                                                     The BID can offer numerous marketing and promotional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • The Hatton Garden BID will be developing a world class seasonal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  event programme for all our local businesses and visitors to the
                                                                                                                                                     opportunities for our levy paying businesses, including the following:       area to enjoy. Included in the programme are a range of networking
The World Diamond Council System of Warranties (SoW) – see                 growth alone is not enough to ensure equity, social progress and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities and business training and information workshops.
Alan’s article on the front cover – is linked to a number of important     eradication of poverty.
                                                                                                                                                     • The Garden Card - this is a luxurious privilege card for the area,
documents. Doubtless you plan to read them all from cover to cover,
                                                                                                                                                       which gives businesses an opportunity to promote themselves and          For more information please visits https://www.hatton-garden.
but in the interim here is a quick summary.                                          UN CONVENTION AGAINST CORRUPTION
                                                                                                                                                       is also used to attract new and repeat customers to the area. Since      london, where you can subscribe to the newsletter and apply for The
                                                                                                                                                       its launch in September 2018, over 2,000 cards have now been             Garden Card. If you would like to take advantage of any of the benefits
           UN GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON BUSINESS                               The UN Convention Against Corruption is a landmark, international
                                                                                                                                                       issued.                                                                  mentioned, or if you have any questions, please speak to Stacey in the
                  AND HUMAN RIGHTS                                         anti-corruption treaty that was adopted by the UN General Assembly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                office or email stacey@londondiamondbourse.com
                                                                           in October 2003. It is exceptional not only in its worldwide
Endorsed unanimously by the United Nations Human Rights Council
                                                                           coverage but also in the extent of its provisions, which recognize the
in 2011, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

                                                                                                                                                             A country free from corruption
                                                                           importance of both protective and punitive measures.
articulates 31 essential principles, outlining a state’s responsibility
both to protect human rights and offer access to remedies in the event
                                                                             FAFT RECOMMENDATIONS ON MONEY LAUNDERING
that those rights are not respected. It also addresses the business
                                                                              FOR DEALERS IN PRECIOUS METALS AND STONES
sector’s obligation to do due diligence so as to avoid infringing on the
rights of others and to address any negative impacts. The structure                                                                                                                                                             have only been interested in developing a fair system of taxation
                                                                           The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental
prescribed by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human                                                                                                                                                                   and royalties for mining companies, backed up by transparent
                                                                           watchdog body, which sets international standards to prevent                                                                   The author at work
Rights forms the basis of a number of conventions that today are                                                                                                                                                                independent valuations of the rough diamond production prior
                                                                           money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as the financing of
widely observed and implemented in the diamond and jewellery                                                                                                                                                                    to export from Canada. Importantly, the valuations are based on
                                                                           activities leading to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
sectors. These include the Responsible Jewellery Council’s Code of                                                                                                                                                              objective current market prices, rather than on judging a production
                                                                           Recommendation 22 and Recommendation 23 of the FATF
Practices, CIBJO’s Responsible Sourcing Blue Book and the OECD                                                                                                                                                                  against a so-called ‘master sample’ diamond parcel, created by the
                                                                           document identifies dealers in precious metals and precious stones
Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains.                                                                                                                                                                   producer, where the assortments (and therefore value) only change
                                                                           as ‘designated non-financial businesses and professionals,’ stating
                                                                           that they also should be subject to stringent anti-money laundering                                                                                  periodically, and to the producing company’s advantage. To the
           ILO DECLARATION ON FUNDAMENTAL                                                                                                                                                                                       Canadian government’s credit and despite intense lobbying, it opted
                                                                           (AML) and anti-terrorist financing measures. It should be noted that
             PRINCIPLES AND RIGHTS AT WORK                                                                                                                                                                                      for the market-based approach which has lasted well for almost a
                                                                           the specific practices that need to be implemented by any diamond or
                                                                           jewellery company will depend on the laws applied in the country or                                                                                  quarter of a century.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) was founded in 1919
                                                                           region in which it is located. More often than not, these will comply
on a belief that universal and lasting peace can only be accomplished                                                                                Richard Wake-Walker is the co-founder of WWW International                 Corruption is something that plagues the gem sector. Canada comes
                                                                           with the FATF guidelines.
only if it is based on social justice. It recognizes that economic                                                                                   Diamond Consultants. He left De Beers in 1994 having successfully          out at number 11 in world corruption indices (one being the least
                                                                                                                                                     set up their first Moscow office, and previously spent eight years as      corrupt), equal with the UK. Surprisingly, and erroneously in my
                                                                                                                                                     a key member of the De Beers sales department, where at various            experience, Botswana is the second least corrupt major diamond

  We are being watched                                                     Human Rights Watch (HRW) recently published: Sparkling Jewels,
                                                                           Opaque Supply Chains: Jewellery Companies, Changing Sourcing
                                                                                                                                                     times he was responsible for rough diamond sales to all the main
                                                                                                                                                     cutting centres.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                producing country at 35 (the same as Israel). Then Namibia at 57,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                South Africa at 69, Russia at 129 (Russia is the lowest of all European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                countries, placed even below Sierra Leone). Angola and DRC are well
                                                                           Practices and Covid-19. In the report, HRW studied fifteen of the         I had a distant cousin who emigrated to Canada in the 1920s. He was        towards the bottom of the list, along with the likes of Iran, Iraq and
                                                                           world’s largest jewellery and watch companies, which between them         forced to become a hobo in Vancouver during the Great Depression           Afghanistan. Belgium, again far too high in my view, is 15 while India
                                                                           generate more than $40bn in annual revenue and representing a             and wrote a book on his experiences. His life on the streets also          is half way down the list at 86.
                                                                           staggering 15 per cent of global jewellery sales. These companies         moved him to go into local British Columbian politics where he was
                                                                           were then ranked on their responsible sourcing. None were deemed          mildly successful. Later in the 1980s he published a polemic called        Canadians, even Quebecois, always say that Quebec is the most
                                                                           ‘excellent’, but Tiffany & Co and Pandora were ranked ‘strong’ for        Conning the Canadians. This was not, as you might expect, about            corrupt province in Canada. The provincial legislature has even had to
                                                                           taking significant steps towards responsible sourcing. Three other        multi-national mining companies operating in the Canadian Arctic           pass its own local anti-corruption laws. When applying for a contract
                                                                           firms – Bulgari, Cartier and Signet – were considered ‘moderate’,         but Quebec’s attempts to secede from the Federation. My cousin             there a few years back, we were informed that if our bid was too low it
                                                                           whilst Boodles, Chopard and Harry Winston were rated ‘fair’. Two          also maintained that the French government was secretly financing          would be assumed we were bribing bureaucrats. When querying why
                                                                           firms – Chow Tai Fook, Christ and Tanishq – were ranked as ‘weak’         Quebec’s policies, but that is a separate story.                           we then did not win the contract, we were told our bid was ‘far too
                                                                           and four – Kalyan, Mikimoto, Rolex and TBZ – could not be ranked                                                                                     high’. Enough said. Cousin Victor would have been amused by all this.
                                                                           at all due to their opaque nature. Interestingly, five of the companies   Anyway, after a diamond career dealing with Africa and Russia, it was      Today he would be investigating whether the title of his polemic still
                                                                           (Chopard, Harry Winston, Tanishq, Pandora and Boodles) have risen         a relief to get involved with a civilised country from 1998 onwards.       holds good, although he wrote another book called: Let Quebec go!,
                                                                           up the rankings since 2018. Overall, HRW found 11 of the companies        By civilised I am referring to the lack of corruption in Canada, still a   which perhaps underlined his true standpoint. Victor died 16 years
             Tiffany, Pandora, Bulgari, Cartier and Signet                 had taken steps to improve their human rights due diligence since         relatively new diamond producer which quickly became, and still is,        ago, like Prince Philip, just a few weeks short of his centenary.
           received muted praise from Human Rights Watch                   2018. Bulgari, Cartier and Pandora have increased their use of            the third largest diamond mining country by value. The civil servants
                                                                           recycled gold and Chopard is sourcing gold from Fairtrade mines.          and politicians I have dealt with in Ottawa, Sudbury and Yellowknife                             By Richard Wake-Walker
A message from the President - London Diamond Bourse
Please remember…
        We have lost three much valued Members over the last year.                adventures), her sister in Canada and relatives all over the world. Her
                                                                                  daughter-in-law, Vanessa showed an interest in the trade, and joined
                    Elias (Eli) Schreiber                                         Marcie regularly in Hatton Garden to help out. It all sadly came to an
               Elias (Eli) Schreiber was born in Rumania in 1934.                 end last year when Marcie caught Covid-19 and passed away. Sadly,
               He arrived in the UK in 1962 and became a member                   her husband passed away several years ago. She is survived by her
               of the Diamond Bourse in 1977. Eli was a deeply                    son, Marc, Vanessa and their two children. Marcie was a wonderful
               religious man. He was kind, patient and never lost                 friend and is greatly missed. Trevor Sigsworth
               his temper. Whenever and wherever you met him,
               he exuded a peaceful and serene aura – one of those                                Henry Isaacs
people who was loved by all who knew him. Tragically, after seeming                                With the passing of the late Henry Isaacs, the
to overcome Covid-19, he passed away. He is survived by his wife, five                             London Diamond Bourse lost one of the pillars of
children and many grandchildren. He is greatly missed. Alan Cohen                                  its foundation. Henry had been a much-loved and
                                                                                                   appreciated Member since 1977, and his presence
                    Marcelle Saad                                                                  on the trading hall always lightened up the room.
               Marcie was born in Lebanon and moved with her                      One could always rely on Henry for useful information on a host of
               family, at an early age, to South Africa. After school             topics, and it was always a pleasure to have a conversation with him.
               she got a job with a Diamond Dealer in South                       He served on the Council and as our Social Welfare Officer for many
               Africa and this was the start of a life-long passion               years and was our dedicated representative at many occasions. In
               for the business. She moved to the U.K. with her                   later years, health concerns forced him to take a step back from public
               husband, where she started a family. As time went                  duties, but he remained a Member, and came in on a regular basis,
by the opportunity came to travel. She especially loved visiting the              ably assisted by his daughter. Henry passed away – as he lived his life
Kruger National Park, (resulting in many birdwatching and big cat                 – quietly. He is missed by us all. Menachem Prager

 Precious Metals in the Gemstone Market
Without their overriding end use in cosmetic jewellery, gemstones                 jewellery industry offtake is c. 1700 tonnes per year, thus over 80
would be just another commodity. The development of chemically                    years theoretical availability from reserves. New annual production
and physically identical synthetics of ruby (for lasers) and diamonds             is c. 3200 tonnes, so – arithmetically at least – there is no prospect
(for cutting, polishing, grinding), reinforces this. To become jewellery,         of a shortage, other than by external influences. The position with
gemstones need to be enwrapped in precious metals. Of these we                    silver is even less acute. Surface supplies are vast and jewellery offtake
recognise the big three: gold, silver, platinum and, to a lesser extent,          is less than 20% of annual mined supply. Platinum and palladium
palladium. Yet in pricing an item we tend to weigh the gem value                  would hardly be missed. The two major producers, RSA and Russia,
and the mounting design, rather than the metals cost. So, is the                  accounting for over 80% of annual output, are, by economic necessity,
choice of metal consequential? A $50,000 diamond solitaire, in a                  ready sellers.
full three-ounce gold setting, has a gem-to-metal ratio of ten-to-one.
Hardly a deal breaker. Yet the dynamics are changing, and we need                 So what will influence the precious metals prices? If immediate
to understand how this might affect the price and supply of precious              supply-demand factors are minimal then it has to be economic/
metals to the jewellery industry. By annual mixed volume                          financial factors and their impact on gold. As ever, the others will
the disparity is acute:                                                           then follow suit. The ratios (see above) have changed significantly
                                                                                  in the past decade. For platinum and palladium there were overriding
                  Annual production*      Used in jewellery                       industrial reasons, in the auto catalyst industry mostly. This is the
 Silver           25,000                  17%                                     major end use for both metals but with diesel fuel being effectively
 Gold             3200                    52%                                     barred on environmental grounds, Pt lost out to Pd with massive
                                                                                  swings in the price deferential, as shown. This matters little to the
 Platinum         160                     21%
                                                                                  jewellery market. The key is the perception of gold as a store of value.
 Palladium        200                     7%                   *tonnes per year
                                                                                  What is driving the gold price? Investments and jewellery account
Visual appearance is paramount. Gold, then to an extent silver,                   for over 820 tonnes (c.25%) of annual mined output and have been
are instantly recognisable. The PGMs could pass for a base metal.                 rising steadily. Personal investment, much in bullion and coins, is
So how does price affect choice?                                                  also rising, but central bank holdings have been relatively static. The
                                                                                  two overriding drivers would be international political and economic
 The Price of Precious Metals (US $ Per Ounce) and Ratios
                                                                                  uncertainty. Neither is currently of major concern.
                        Silver     Gold          Platinum     Palladium
 Price end 2010         30.4       1408          1745         17%                 In conclusion:
                                                                                  1. The supply of precious metals is critical to the retail gemstones
 Ratio to Gold          1.0:50.7   1.0:10        1.0:1.2      52%
 Price April 2021       25         1750          1180         21%                 2. Gold dominates and will continue to do so, with 52% absorbed by
 Ratio to Gold          1:70.0     1.0:1.0       1.0:1.48     7%                     jewellery.
                                                                                  3. Its price ratio to silver and platinum continues to increase but this
The price changes in a decade are explainable in industrial terms                    is only of investor impact with low-cost items.
but not significant to their choice in jewellery. Note the metal-to-gem-          4. There is unlikely to be any supply shortage of meaningful duration,
ratio above. Gold occupies a unique place in society. It is instantly                given the abundance of surface stocks and the diversity of mined
recognisable and possesses extreme physical and chemical properties.                 sources.
These include density, malleability and resistance to corrosion. It can           5. The huge swing in the palladium price is explained by its overriding
also lean back on over 4000 years of history as a ‘store of value’, the              end use in the auto catalyst industry and the changes wrought by
first coinage being recorded in Lydia (now Turkey) around 640BC.                     the climate war. It is of little concern to the gemstone industry.
This is unlikely to change.
                                                                                  For the foreseeable future, the gemstone trade need not concern itself
  SUPPLY AND DEMAND FACTORS FOR THE BIG THREE                                     about the availability of precious metals; there is lots to go round.
                                                                                  Neither will the metal be a determinant, other than at the low end
On a relatively short-term basis (3-5 years) these are of little                  of the mass market.
consequence to the gemstones industry. Example: Above – ground
gold reserves are estimated at c. 150,00 tonnes in all forms, of which                           David Hargreaves is a mining engineer
over 40,000 tonnes are held in government stockpiles. Now the                                      and founder of Fair Trade Gems.

                    This LDB Member Briefing was produced by Kathy Chappell, Alan Cohen, David Hargreaves and Jonathan Self.
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