A machine learning model to classify dynamic processes in liquid water
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A machine learning model to classify dynamic processes in liquid water Jie Huang,1 Gang Huang*,2 and Shiben Li*1 1) Jie Huang, Prof. Shiben Li Department of Physics, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325035, China; E-mail: shibenli@wzu.edu.cn 2) Gang Huang Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; E-mail: hg08@lzu.edu.cn The dynamics of water molecules plays a vital role in understanding water. We combined computer simulation and deep learning to study the dynamics of H-bonds between water molecules. Based on ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and a newly defined directed Hydrogen (H-) bond population operator, we studied a typical dynamic process in bulk water: interchange, in which the H-bond donor reverses roles with the acceptor. By designing a recurrent neural network-based model, we have successfully classified the interchange and breakage processes in water. We have found arXiv:2104.07965v5 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 14 Aug 2021 that the ratio between them is approximately 1:4, and it hardly depends on temperatures from 280 to 360 K. This work implies that deep learning has the great potential to help distinguish complex dynamic processes containing H-bonds in other systems. I. INTRODUCTION in water clusters26,27,34–36 , as far as we know, the question of the ratio of interchange to other dynamic processes related to As one of the big questions in the 21st century1 , the H-bonds in bulk water has not been discussed. To determine structure of water is essential for understanding cells, bi- the proportion of interchange processes, we simulated bulk ological processes, and ecosystems2–5 . Water’s surprising water in a canonical (NVT) ensemble using a specific AIMD properties6–8 , such as increased density on melting, high sur- simulation method: the density functional molecular dynam- face tension, maximum density at 4 ◦ C, are closely related ics (DFTMD) simulation. We observed interchange processes to the H-bonds9–11 . Despite the fact that it is tough to cap- in bulk water by analyzing the dynamic trajectory. ture the ultrafast motion of atoms during dynamic processes12 , watching water molecules as they dance is the key to under- stand the dynamic properties of water13 from the molecular level. Many methods over the past three decades were used As it’s tough to quantify interchange processes in a large to study water molecules’ motion, such as scanning tunneling number of ultrafast dynamic processes in liquid water, we microscopy (STM)14,15 , femtosecond pump-probe16 , infrared have designed a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based model (IR) spectroscopy12,17–19 , X-rays13,20,21 , neutron scattering22 , to classify the H-bond dynamic processes. Unlike general and computer simulations9,23–25 . classification methods, this model has the capability of classi- In this work, we focus on one specific dynamic process fying the dynamic processes related to H-bonds in bulk water. in bulk water: interchange26 , in which the H-bond donor re- Using this model, we have obtained the relative ratio of in- verses roles with the acceptor in the same H-bond. This pro- terchange and breakage processes in bulk water and explored cess was observed in the gas-phase water dimer by Saykally the effect of temperature on this ratio. Our work presents the and coworkers. The interchange process, which involves great capacity to use the RNN-based deep learning method to the quantum tunneling effect15,23,25–27 , is essential for under- study the dynamic properties of liquid water. standing water molecules’ dynamics. Also, since interchange processes are closely related to the H-bond network dynamics, it is likely to play a critical role in biological processes, like proton transfer28–30 . So far, interchange processes have been found in water dimer adsorbed on metal surfaces15 . Using The aims of this work is to provide a machine learning- ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations31 , Ranea et based model to classify dynamic processes and to determine al.23 found that the interchange process can be used to explain the proportion of interchange processes in water as one use- the rapid diffusion behavior of water dimer on the Pd(111) sur- age of the model. The organization of the paper is the fol- face. Fang et al.25 found that interchange process is a mech- lowing. We present the results and discussion in Sec. II. At anism of the rapid movement of water dimers on metal sur- first, the dynamic graph representation of H-bond networks is faces. As for bulk water, Lagge and Hynes found that the introduced in II A and the main characteristics of interchange redirection of water molecules involves large-angle jumps24 , processes are obtained in II B. Then we implement the RNN- which involves the redirection of multiple water molecules re- based classifier for different types of dynamic processes in ferred to as H-bond exchange, and it is supported by the sub- liquid water in II C and explore the temperature dependence sequent experiments32,33 . of the relative ratios of interchange and breakage processes The interchange process involves the concerted rotation in II D; The discussion of two factors, the mean number of of both water molecules engaged in a H-bonded pair. This H-bonds and the rate of breakage and formation of H-bonds mechanism is important in small clusters where the future in liquid water, related closely to the temperature dependence hydrogen-bond donor OH group is typically initially dangling. are discussed in II E. Finally, we present the methods details There are some simulation studies on the interchange process and conclusions of our study in Sec. III and IV, respectively.
2 II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Dynamic graph representation of H-bond networks As shown in Fig. 1, a directed dynamic graph is used to describe the bulk water system of N water molecules. Each water molecule may form an H-bond with any of the remain- ing N-1 molecules. For convenience, we call any pair of water molecules (i, j) a quasi-hydrogen bond (Q-bond), denoted as FIG. 2. Scheme of the geometric coordinates. ROO0 is the O-O bi j and represented as a dashed line in Fig. 1. distance. Four angles OH1O\ 0 , OH2O \ 0 , O\ 0 H0 1O, and O\0 H0 2O are represented as θa , θb , θc , and θd , respectively. If ROO0 < 3.5 Å , and any angle θ > 120◦ (θ ∈ {θa ,θb , θc , θd }), then an H-bond exists in this Q-bond. Here, the oxygen atom O as a donor donates the hydrogen atom H2 to the acceptor O0 . Since ROO0 < 3.5 Å and θb > 120◦ , we describe this state of bOO0 at this time t by h̃OO0 (t) = 1. B. Interchange process The AIMD simulation trajectory allows us to observe the details of the H-bond dynamics. Figure 3 demonstrates the dynamics of the distance, angles, and directed H-bond popu- lation for bOO0 . Intervals I1 , I2 , and I3 correspond to three typ- ical H-bond dynamic processes. interchange (I1 ): We notice θb > θcutoff in the first half and θd > θcutoff in the second half. FIG. 1. Dynamic graph representation of the H-bond network in Besides, h̃OO0 changes from 1 to −1, indicating that the donor simulated bulk water. Nodes represent water molecules; solid red or green arrows represent H-bonds; and dashed grey lines represent and acceptor have exchanged. breakage (I2 ): h̃OO0 = −1 in the Q-bonds. The colors red, grey, and green indicate h̃i j =1, h̃i j =0, and first half of I2 , and h̃OO0 = 0 for most of the second half. There h̃i j =−1, respectively. From the time sequence of h̃i j , we know how is no H-bond in the second half because ROO0 > Rcutoff , i.e., the the H-bond configuration of bi j changes over time. Four typical H- increase of distance ROO0 causes the H-bond to break. bifur- bond configuration change processes are illustrated for b13 , b15 , b45 , cation rearrangement motion (I3 )26,41 : At first, the hydrogen and b24 , corresponding to interchange, breakage, formation, and no atom H0 1 is donated to form an H-bond as θc > θcutoff . Then change, respectively. θc decreases and θd increases until θd > θcutoff , i.e., the other hydrogen atom H0 2 of the donor is donated to form the H- bond. Therefore, the hydrogen atom contributed by the donor Inspired by Luzar and Chandler’s H-bond population is changed. Because of the identity of hydrogen atoms, it is operator37 , we define a directed H-bond population operator impossible to distinguish the configuration of water molecules h̃i j for bi j (i < j) at time t as Eq. 1. before and after the process. However, during the interchange process, the direction of the water molecules’ dipole moment will change, indicating that the water molecules’ microscopic configuration will change. So in the rest of the article, we 1 H-bonded, i is the donor h̃i j (t) = 0 Not H-bonded (1) focus on the interchange process. −1 H-bonded, j is the donor Figure 4 shows a typical interchange process in water (see Fig. S4 in SI Sec. 3 and movies in supplementary material for more H-bond configuration change processes). A dashed line We know from h̃i j whether an H-bond exists in bi j and represents an H-bond, and its color (red or green) indicates its the donor-acceptor pair of the formed H-bond. At the bot- direction. Using h̃, we can describe the H-bond configuration tom of Fig. 1, we demonstrate four typical H-bond configu- change progress without paying attention to the distance and ration change processes by using the sequences of h̃: inter- angles. Therefore, h̃ dramatically simplifies the description change, breakage, formation, and no change. Besides, the for the H-bond configuration change process. Nevertheless, Q-bonds likely to form H-bonds are the most relevant wa- during dynamic processes, the fluctuations of h̃ that can result ter molecule pairs to the breakage and reforming of H-bond from the vibration of water molecules will bring a huge chal- networks. The following geometric criteria38–40 of an H- lenge for the classification of H-bond configuration change bond is used: O-O distance ROO0 < Rcutoff = 3.5 Å and angle processes. In addition, due to a large number of Q-bonds in O-H · · · O > θcutoff = 120◦ . As shown in Fig. 2, ROO0 , θa , θb , the simulated bulk water, finding a specific H-bond configu- θc , and θd are monitored for Q-bonds to study the reorienta- ration change process in 60 ps is like finding a needle in a tion and breakage mechanism of H-bonds. haystack. Therefore, we design an RNN-based model that rec-
3 distance [Å] 5.5 A I1 I2 I3 Rcutoff 3.5 ROO 0 1.5 180 B cutoff angle [°] a 120 b 60 c d 0 C 0 1 0 hOO -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 t [ps] FIG. 3. Interchange (I1 ), breakage (I2 ), and bifurcation rearrangement (I3 ) process for one typical Q-bond in bulk water. When an H-bond exists in a Q-bond if θa > θcutoff or θb > θcutoff , then the oxygen atom O is the donor; else, if θc > θcutoff or θd > θcutoff , then the oxygen atom O0 is the donor. Three typical processes are interchange, where the water molecule pairs exchange their roles as H-bond donor and acceptor; breakage, where the H-bond is breaking as the distance increase of this water molecule pair; and bifurcation rearrangement, where the donated hydrogen atom of the H-bond donor exchanged. Through h̃, we can see whether an H-bond exists between a Q-bond, also know the donor and acceptor if an H-bond exists. In panel (C), the grey, red, and green lines indicate the h̃OO0 states. bond configuration changes during this period. Although we can see some change patterns in interchange and breakage processes, it is still challenging to distinguish different h̃ se- quences due to the fluctuation. Therefore, we have designed a processing flow to classify the H-bond configuration change process based on RNN, as shown in Fig. 5. In the preproces- sor, we use a low-pass filter to filter out the high-frequency fluctuations of h̃ sequences. As we focus on the configuration FIG. 4. A typical interchange process, where two water molecules change processes of H-bonds, we exclude sequences without exchange their roles as H-bond donor and acceptor via water H-bonds at the beginning (T1 ) and the sequences whose H- molecules’ reorientation in an concerted manner. The donor oxy- gen atom has changed from the original O to O0 (color of dashed line bond configuration are unchanged ( T2 , T3 ) according to the changed from red to green). Besides, we have also noticed that the initial value and the variance of h̃ sequences (see Methods H-bond briefly breaks during the interchange process, causing the section). After preprocessing, the task we need to deal with fluctuation of the h̃ sequence. is a time series classification problem: In addition to inter- change and breakage processes, there are also many irregu- lar and complicated processes. We call the sequences of in- ognizes the dynamic processes related to H-bonds and uses it terchange and breakage positive and all sequences other than to determine various processes in water, thereby determining these two types negative for convenience. Negative sequences the ratio of interchanges. (T4 ) do not have any particular pattern. We do not expect that general supervised learning can be used to distinguish them. Nevertheless, we can teach a machine to learn to recognize positive sequences. Due to the need to classify time series, we C. RNN-based classifier for H-bond configuration change use a typical method for modeling ordered data42–44 , recurrent process neural network (RNN)45,46 . Specifically, we have designed a bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM) autoencoder We can see the interchange and breakage processes intu- (AE), whose goal is to reconstruct the input sequences as itively from h̃. Specifically, in the interchange process, h̃ much as possible. We have trained this AE using positive changes from ±1 to ∓1; in the breakage process, h̃ changes sequences only and evaluated how well the AE reconstructs from ±1 to 0. Therefore, in principle, by observing the se- for an input sequence x using reconstruction error L (x) (see quence of h̃ within a time window, we can classify the H-
4 FIG. 5. The processing flow of the H-bond configuration change classifier based on RNN. (i). Different types of h̃ sequences: T1 : Formation or no H-bond; T2 , T3 : No change; T4 : Negative sequence; T5 , T6 : Diffusion; T7 , T8 : interchange. We refer to the sequences of breakage and interchange as positive sequences. (ii). The preprocessor filters out the high-frequency components of h̃ and excludes T1 , T2 , and T3 . (iii). The classifier consists of a BLSTM AE to separate the positive and negative sequences and a final classifier to distinguish breakage and interchange sequences. Methods Section III C, Eq. 5). After training, the autoencoder nally, we use a final classifier to distinguish sequences be- can reconstruct positive processes very well. However, when tween interchange and breakage processes from positive se- we input negative sequences into the AE, likely, it would not quences. We use the range of a positive sequence x to deter- be able to reconstruct them well, leading to the reconstruc- mine whether it is interchange or breakage, which is defined tion errors of these negative sequences greater than that of the as δ (x) = max x − min x. positive sequences. Through the reconstruction error, we can Figure 6 (A) shows the densities of the reconstruction er- determine whether a h̃ sequence is positive or negative. Fi- rors for interchange, breakage, and negative sequences. Since BLSTM AE can reconstruct positive sequences well, the re- 250 A Interchange construction errors of interchange and breakage sequences are Breakage small, most of which are smaller than the reconstruction er- 200 = Negative T ror threshold LT (LT determination and corresponding accu- 150 Density racy analysis are described in SI Sec. 3, Fig. S3). Negative 100 sequences are not used to train the autoencoder, so it is much more difficult to reconstruct them. Hence, the reconstruction 50 errors are relatively large, most of which are greater than LT . 0 0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 As long as we find a suitable reconstruction error threshold, we can get a classifier for positive and negative sequences. 20 B Interchange Figure 6 (B) shows the densities for the range of normalized Breakage interchange and breakage sequences. The two distributions 15 = T are significantly different from each other. Therefore, the final Density classifier can distinguish interchange and breakage sequences 10 very well via δT = 0.66, as shown in the dashed line (see the 5 classification process in SI Sec. 3, Fig. S4-S5 ). Therefore, we have obtained an H-bond configuration change classifier 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 based on an RNN autoencoder. FIG. 6. (A) Densities of reconstruction error L for interchange, D. Proportions of interchange at different temperatures breakage, and negative sequences. (i) BLSTM AE can reconstruct positive sequences well. Hence, the reconstruction errors for inter- change and breakage sequences are relatively small, mainly less than To explore the effect of temperature on the H-bond config- LT . (ii) Since negative sequences are not used to train BLSTM uration change process, we have simulated nine bulk water AE, it is much more difficult for the autoencoder to reconstruct systems containing N = 64 water molecules. The tempera- them. Therefore, the reconstruction errors are relatively large, mainly ture ranges from 280 to 360 K every 10 K. Using the RNN- greater than LT . (iii) Once LT is determined, we use it as the thresh- based model, we classify h̃ sequence, count the number of old to distinguish positive and negative sequences. (B) Densities of interchange and breakage sequences at each temperature. As the range δ for interchange and breakage sequences. The two densi- shown in Fig. 7, the number of interchange and breakage pro- ties are significantly different from each other. cesses shows a "rising first, then decreasing" trend as the tem-
5 2000 A 1635 Interchange 1518 1464 Breakage 1500 1375 1126 1243 Number 1000 811 913 771 500 332 340 313 355 273 154 206 184 168 0 B 1.0 87% 84% 79% 83% 81% 82% 82% 82% 82% 0.8 Percentage 0.6 0.4 16% 21% 17% 19% 18% 18% 18% 18% 0.2 13% 0.0 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 Temperature [K] FIG. 7. The number (A) and proportion (B) of interchange and breakage processes determined by the RNN-based classifier at different temperatures. (i) With the temperature increasing, the number of interchange and breakage processes increases first and then decreases on the whole. (ii) The relative ratio of interchange to breakage basically does not depend on temperature. perature increases. In other words, there is an overall upward bond direction is ignored. The factor 2 is derived from the fact trend from 280 to 330 K. However, as the temperature contin- that one H-bond in water is shared by two water molecules. ues to rise, the number of detected interchange and breakage For a certain trajectory at one temperature, by counting nHB processes tends to decrease. As we use the method of width- at each time t, we get the distribution of nHB (one density fixed sliding window, the absolute number of interchanges and plot in Fig. 8 A). Then we use an L-dimensional vector h̃(t) breakages would change along the step size of sliding win- to represent the coarse-grained H-bond network configuration dow. These numbers would increase as we decrease the step for the simulated bulk water system at time t in Eq. 3, size. Therefore, we focused on the trend of the detected pro- cesses over the temperatures. On the other hand, although the h̃(t) = (h̃12 (t), h̃13 (t), · · · , h̃i j (t), · · · , h̃N−1,N (t)) (3) number of interchange and breakage processes vary at differ- ent temperatures, the relative ratios between the two are al- where L = N(N − 1)/2 is the number of Q-bonds in the sys- most unchanged, which is still about 1:4 (see SI Sec.4 for the tem. So in a unit time, we get a set H of h̃(t) in Eq. 4, step size effect of the sliding window). This result indicates that the relative ratio is almost not dependent on temperature, H = {h̃(t) | t = t0 + k∆t, k = 0, 1, · · · , M} (4) and the interchange process is another important mechanism where t0 represents the start time of the unit time window, ∆t in bulk water besides the breakage process. Next, we will ex- is the time interval between two adjacent frames, and M is the plain this trend of the number of interchange and breakage length of the unit time window. In a unit time tw = M∆t, the processes from the following two aspects: the number of H- number of graph configuration can be expressed as Ω = |H|, bond per molecule and the change rate of the coarse-grained where |H| is the size of the set H, i.e., the number of different H-bond network configuration. h̃ vectors in this unit time. The number Ω of graph config- uration per unit time characterizes the rate of breakage and E. The trend of interchange and breakage process number reforming of the H-bonds in bulk water. The theoretical upper bound of Ω in tw is M + 1; in this case, all h̃ vectors are dif- To understand the trend in Fig. 7 (A), we first calculate the ferent. By changing the start point t0 , we get the distribution number of H-bonds per molecule (nHB ) in the simulated sys- of Ω. tem. At time t, nHB can be expressed as Eq. 2, Figure 8 shows the temperature dependence of the distribu- tions of nHB and ln Ω. The width of a density plot indicates the 2 N N probability of nHB or ln Ω at the corresponding temperature. nHB (t) = ∑ ∑ |h̃i j (t)| N i=1 (2) From the medians (white dots) of violin plots in Fig. 8 (B), we j>i see Ω is relatively smaller at lower temperatures, indicating where N = 64 is the number of water molecules in bulk water fewer changes of H-bond configuration in the unit time. This systems, and |h̃i j (t)| is the absolute value of h̃i j (t), i.e., the H- result explains why the number of interchange and breakage
6 A in the future. 2.0 1.5 B. Sequence collection and preprocessing nHB 1.0 The sequence length of h̃ was 200 corresponding to 8 ps 0.5 simulation time. Positive sequences in which only one inter- change or breakage process occurred were collected. Nega- Temperature [K] tive h̃ sequences used to evaluate the BLSTM AE classifier 6.0 B were also collected. BLSTM AE was trained by 6786 positive 5.8 sequences, of which the interchange and breakage processes 5.6 each accounted for half (754 positive sequences at each tem- 5.4 ln perature). There were 18,931 negative sequences for evalu- 5.2 ating the BLSTM AE classifier. The filtered sequence h̃ f [n] 5.0 was obtained by second-order Butterworth filter implemented 4.8 by Scipy55 . In addition, if h̃ f [0] − 0.5 < 0.15, indicating no 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 H-bond at the beginning ( T1 ). If the standard deviation σ of Temperature [K] h̃ f [n] satisfy σ < 0.1, then we consider the H-bond configura- tion in the Q-bond has not changed ( T2 , T3 ). FIG. 8. The temperature dependence of (A) The distributions of the number nHB of H-bonds per molecule. (B) The distributions of ln Ω characterizing the rate of H-bond breakage and reforming. The C. Bidirectional LSTM autoencoder classifier dashed line denotes the upper bound of ln Ω in the unit time of 1 ps. The encoder and the decoder of BLSTM AE can be ex- processes at lower temperatures in Fig. 7 (A) are smaller. Be- pressed as two transformations, φ : X → F and ψ : F → X , sides, the direct reason for the decrease in the number of inter- where X and F are the input space and the feature space, change and breakage processes at higher temperatures is that respectively. The dimension of F is smaller than that of thermal motions tend to break H-bonds (thus reducing nHB ). X , and the feature vector φ (x) is the compressed represen- Therefore, the number of interchange and breakage processes tation of input x. The input x of BLSTM AE is the nor- in Fig. 7 (A) is determined by nHB and Ω together. malized and filtered directed H-bond population operator se- quence h̃ f [n]. The reconstruction error of BLSTM AE for a sequence x = h̃ f [n] is defined as III. METHODS Lω,ω 0 (x) = kx − ψω 0 (φω (x))k2 (5) A. AIMD simulations where ω, ω 0 represent the parameters of the encoder and de- coder respectively. The purpose of training is to obtain the AIMD simulations were carried out for bulk water of 64 optimal ω, ω 0 , water molecules within the canonical NVT ensemble us- ing CP2K/QUICKSTEP (v7.1)47 . The number N of water 1 m ω ∗ , ω 0∗ = arg min0 ∑ Lω,ω 0 (xi ) (6) molecules was 64 for all bulk water systems at different tem- ω,ω m i=1 peratures from 280 to 360 K. The length of the periodic cubic box was 12.4295 Å. The discretized integration time step ∆t where xi represents the i-th sequence (SI, Fig. S1-S2). was set to 0.5 fs. The simulation time was 60 ps. The BLYP functional, which consists of Becke non-local exchange48 and Lee-Yang-Parr correlation49 , was used; Interactions between IV. SUMMARY the valence electrons and the ionic cores were described by GTH pseudopotentials50,51 ; Valence electrons were expanded In summary, we have designed and trained a deep learning- in a basis set consisting of double-zeta Gaussian functions52 based model to recognize different types of processes related and plane waves with a cutoff energy of 280 Ry47 . The Nosé- to H-bonds. The priority of this model are its remarkable abil- Hoover chain thermostat53 was used to conserve temperature. ity to classify different dynamic processes of water molecules DFT-D3 correction54 for the dispersion interaction was used and its wide range of applications to different kinds of simula- to obtain a more accurate description of the vibrational prop- tion methods. The model can be transfered to other dynamic erties. It is worth mentioning that the analysis method we pro- systems containning H-bonds with the form of O-H · · · O. As a posed can be used on various simulation data, and the AIMD feasible example, combined with AIMD simulations, we have simulation used here is one of the options. The graph-based found that the relative ratio of interchange and breakage pro- analysis method is independent of simulation data, so this cesses in bulk water is approximately 1:4, and this ratio hardly method can be used to analyze more accurate simulation data depends on temperature.
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