A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada

Page created by Dean Campbell
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
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                                                                                                    EVERY GRAM
                                                                                                     LEVIS’ NEW
                                                                                               MOVING FORWARD

              A Journey of Hope
We’re all facing uncertain times at       this hot and dusty community is much       his family had been praying for at
the moment, including many of our         better than it was before.                 the Operation Smile Care Centre in
patients and their families. Searching                                               Riohacha – just 80 km away. It was
for a better life, Pedro and his family   From the very moment he was born,          here Pedro received his free, safe cleft
abandoned their home in Venezuela         Pedro’s family had prayed for answers.     lip surgery in the summer of 2019.
and migrated to Colombia. They            For seven long years, they tried to get    His cleft palate was recently repaired
settled in the town of Uribia, located    the help they needed to repair his         in November 2020, when it was safe
15 km inland from the Caribbean           cleft lip and cleft palate – all with no   for our local volunteers to perform his
Sea in the northernmost part of           success. Back in Venezuela, Pedro          surgery. Currently in Colombia alone,
South America. The average daily          was taunted and called “ugly” by the       there are at least 398 other children
temperature there is 30°C.                other children. He was frustrated that     still waiting for their new smiles.
                                          his speech made it impossible for
Homes in their neighbourhood are tiny     people to understand him.                  Today, Pedro can’t stop smiling. His
and made from thin pieces of wood                                                    mother cried tears of joy when she
lashed together with wire and roofed      Thanks to you and generous                 saw Pedro after surgery and said, “I
with corrugated metal or whatever         Canadian partners, Pedro found the         thank God and I thank you because
materials people can find. But life in    life-changing medical care he and          you made the effort to help us!”

                                                                                                    Spring 2021 Smile Report    1
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
    NEW SMILE                                                                                                  Left: Esmeralda, from Nicaragua
                                                                                                                       Below: Esmeralda today

    The sparkle in 16-month-old
    Esmeralda’s eyes is hard to miss.
    Born with a cleft lip, her parents Reyna
    and Víctor never imagined this could
    happen in their family. Like so many
    parents who have never seen a cleft
    condition before, they were shocked,
    saddened and more than a little
    worried for their precious girl. But over
    time, they assimilated and accepted
    her condition.

    “We found out about Operation Smile         Thankfully surgeries resumed in
    Nicaragua after Esmeralda was born          the fall of 2020 and Esmeralda’s
    because the doctor who was treating         parents received the call they’d been
    her recommended the care centre,            prayerfully waiting for – she was ready
    explaining that they provided free          to receive her new smile. “I cried with
    surgeries to patients with cleft lip.       joy, because I wanted to see her with
    When we received this news, we were         her lip good,” Reyna said. Today, there   “The centre’s care is very good,”
    happy,” Reyna said.                         are over 300 children on the patient      said Reyna. “It is a blessing of God
                                                registry in Nicaragua waiting for         that it exists because there are
    Esmeralda attended our international        surgery, with more added every week.      mothers who do not realize that there
    medical mission in March 2020, but                                                    are surgeries for cleft lip repair and
    she was suffering from anemia at the        Esmeralda has since been receiving        the best of all is that it is free and
    time and was not healthy enough for         ongoing comprehensive care from the       I can only say that I am happy with
    surgery. The pandemic postponed             care centre in Managua: post-surgery      the results of my daughter’s surgery.
    all surgeries in Nicaragua for several      interventions, nutrition advice, speech   Thank you to the volunteers and
    months and caused Reyna and Víctor          therapy, and psychological support for    donors who made it possible.”
    to lose all the hope they had.              the family.

    I can never thank you enough for            helping undernourished infants gain       world. We’re collaborating more than
    your partnership with our children          the weight they need to be ready for      ever with local healthcare partners
    and families. It is so important            when they are called. Some small,         and volunteers. We know that
    in helping our global teams move            local missions have begun again           strengthening local health systems
    forward together and respond to the         where it’s safe – a sure sign that hope   will help deliver current and future
    immediate needs of our patients             is on the horizon. Yet just like here     cleft surgery and care. A new smile is
    and their families. This past year has      at home, local COVID-19 conditions        a gift that lasts a lifetime, and there
    shown just how vital our investing          shape the details of our activities       are so many children just waiting (and
    in local activities and training local      and spur us to help our patients even     counting on you) for theirs. Thank
    volunteers is to the impact you’re          more.                                     you for being our partner on this
    delivering in the countries where                                                     ever-evolving journey. We can’t smile
    we work.                                    With you by their side, we are laser-     without you!
                                                focused on the children – innovating
    While so many children wait for             what care we provide them now and         Mark Climie-Elliott, CFRE
    conditions to be safe for local             how best to deliver it. We’re focused     CEO and Chief Smile Officer
    surgeries, nutrition programs are           on and planning for the post-pandemic     Operation Smile Canada

2    Spring 2021 Smile Report
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada

                                                                                                       Jia Ji and his mother Hu Ling

When it comes to making someone smile, nothing comes            This year, on Sunday, June 20th, we will be recognizing
together better than LISTERINE® and the Longest Day of          achievements and celebrating 3,000 smiles raised by our
SMILES®. As this year’s presenting sponsor, LISTERINE® is       community ambassadors and local supporters who do so
on board to help deliver 3,000 new smiles and complete          much to help our patients and their families.
care to children with cleft conditions around the world – all
by June 20th – the longest day of the year.
                                                                      “We saw this opportunity for LISTERINE® to
“We saw this opportunity for LISTERINE® to partner
                                                                      partner with Operation Smile as a wonderful
with Operation Smile as a wonderful way to promote
the importance of good oral health for children here
                                                                      way to promote the importance of good oral
in Canada,” said Rozelle Parma, Brand Manager at                          health for children here in Canada.”
LISTERINE®. “Additionally, we are helping to increase
awareness of Operation Smile’s important work, so that
they can continue to offer free, life-changing cleft surgery    “Longest Day of SMILES® brings our communities together
and care to children in other countries.”                       and always connects them to the children and families we
                                                                serve,” said Mark Climie-Elliott, CEO and Chief Smile Officer
The LISTERINE® team is committed to focusing                    of Operation Smile Canada. “It’s our chance to recognize
marketing efforts to raise awareness of the Longest             the commitment of so many people across the country
Day of SMILES®. Families are encouraged to join the             who raise awareness of cleft lip and cleft palate, who raise
challenge and sign up to raise a smile (or two) of their        funds for and with us, and who care passionately about
own. Simply visit www.longestdayofsmiles.ca or reach            helping others. We’re thrilled to have LISTERINE® SMART
out to givesmiles@operationsmile.org and join the SMILE         RINSE® as our presenting sponsor this year.”
movement today.

                                                                                                    Spring 2021 Smile Report           3
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
                                                                       LINE ARE SMILING
                                                                       Melissa McKerlie and her son Justin are dedicated
                                                                       community ambassadors for Operation Smile Canada.
                                                                       They’ve delivered 125 (and counting) new smiles since

                                                                       2018 using Justin’s love of skeletons as the platform…
                                                                       well, the “platform” is actually their front yard in

    HEALTH AND CARE WORKERS                                            Stratford, Ontario.

                                                                       During their weeks-long campaign in the run-up to Oct
    Never before have healthcare workers been so critical to           31, this mother and son duo set up a new Halloween-
    our safety and well-being as right now. To recognize the           themed display each morning
    dedication and sacrifice of the millions of these true heroes      at 6am. No display is ever
    at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World               repeated and they’ve set up
    Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2021 as the               over 140 different displays
    International Year of Health and Care Workers.                     over the past three years.

    Operation Smile medical volunteers continue to be on the           Stratford residents are
    front lines of the pandemic in the countries where they live       encouraged to drive by,
    – a testament to their professionalism and true dedication.        view the displays and
    Local volunteers are continuing to provide vital care to           support Operation Smile through the Skeletons
    our patients; small-scale surgeries are occurring where            of Vivian Line fundraising page on the Longest Day
    the conditions are safe using local medical professionals.         of SMILES® website. The fundraiser has grown each
    Never out of mind are the tens of thousands of children            year and the Stratford community loves the displays.
    who continue to wait for their own new smile. We are               Melissa, Justin and the Skeletons raised over $30,000
    indebted to every health and care worker and all our               this year from the community and important awareness
    Operation Smile medical volunteers. Thank you for keeping          about cleft conditions. Thanks, Melissa and Justin!
    us safe, healthy and always smiling.

    An Update on Levis                          Seven long months passed. During
                                                that time, the care centre carefully
    Ten-year-old Levis has a brand              monitored the pandemic’s impact
    new smile thanks to you and the             around the country. Stringent
    determination of Dr. Armando Siu, the       new COVID-related protocols were
    medical director of our care centre in      developed to make it possible to
    Nicaragua.                                  conduct small-scale surgical missions    Dr. Siu insisted that
                                                when the conditions were safe.           Levis be one of the first to receive his
    One year ago at this time, Levis was                                                 new smile because his was one of
    scheduled for cleft lip surgery on the      Finally in October 2020 those            the first surgeries postponed by the
    last day of a large international medical   conditions were right to safely and      pandemic.
    mission in Managua. He’d waited years       cautiously resume surgery. Levis’
    for this moment. The arrival of COVID-19    family received the call they were       After the surgery was finished, Dr. Siu
    in Nicaragua dashed his hopes, but not      waiting for and once again, made the     said, “The happiness that showed in
    his resolve, as the pandemic postponed      16-hour journey by bus to Managua.       Levis’ new smile was contagious! The
    surgeries. Levis and his mother, Ángela,    This time Levis was helping his mother   whole family was so happy as they
    went home sad, disappointed and the         with his new five-month-old baby         headed home.” Thank you, Canada,
    waiting began.                              brother who also tagged along.           for giving Levis a bright future ahead.

4    Spring 2021 Smile Report
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
Operation Smile Madagascar’s nutrition program in action

Nutrition programs are the
lifeline for children waiting
for surgery.
Now more than ever, nutrition
programs are essential for keeping
infants and young children with
cleft conditions healthy as they wait
for their surgery. Even before the
outbreak of COVID-19, the overall
health of a child was one determining
factor for assessing eligibility for cleft

Feeding can be difficult for children
with cleft conditions and can
often lead to undernourished and
malnourished patients. Surgery poses         To ensure the safety of patients          personalized to the patient to help
a real risk to them.                         and their guardians, as well as the       them gain weight, one for water safety,
                                             volunteers, new COVID-19 safety           and one for hygiene.
Our programs are geared to reduce            protocols are part of the program.
this risk by giving patients the             These include the checking of             These programs are helping us
nutritious food they need to gain            temperatures, social distancing,          establish a new nutrition program in
weight and become eligible for surgery       setting up hand washing stations,         the Democratic Republic of the Congo
when the time is right.                      wearing of face masks and face            (DRC), the second largest country in
                                             shields by volunteers and guardians,      Africa. Set to begin in March 2021
In Ghana, the nutrition program has          and the regular sanitization of           and made possible with your support,
been operating on a monthly basis            equipment.                                this nutrition program is our first
since 2015 (every other month during                                                   program in the DRC since 2019.
COVID) led by a team of volunteer            In Madagascar, Operation Smile
nutritionists. Through a partnership         periodically organizes two-day            The country will be divided into four
with two regional hospitals, patients        “nutrition boot camps” for its            zones and a volunteer nutritionist
and their caregivers receive medical         malnourished patients. Patients           in each zone will train local health
assessments, education and training          receive a thorough medical evaluation,    workers in remote clinics. Through the
about good nutrition and feeding, and        while caregivers receive medical          clinics, patients and families will be
supplements to help malnourished             guidance and counselling to correctly     supplied with nutritional supplements,
and undernourished infants gain              follow the prescribed nutrition plan.     and mothers will receive instruction on
weight.                                      Caregivers can also attend different      feeding using a variety of techniques:
                                             demonstrations and workshops, such        breastfeeding, bottles, ready-to-use
As the program grows in importance           as how to properly prepare a bottle       therapeutic food (RUTF) or other
along with the number of patients            of infant formula, prepare a well-        supplements.
enrolled, more local nutrition               balanced meal, treat water so it is
volunteers are being recruited and           safe to use and drink, and apply good     In the country’s capital city of
trained. This will help decentralize         hygiene practices at home. All these      Kinshasa, and before the program has
the program around the country and           details are essential to increase the     even begun, at least 20 patients under
bring the care closer to the patients        likelihood that patients gain weight.     age five have already been identified
– especially important during the                                                      as needing nutritional support.
pandemic.                                    At the end of the boot camp, each
                                             patient leaves with three kits: one

                                                                                                          Spring 2021 Smile Report             5
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
    As the pandemic continues to unfold in all the countries
    where we work, there is so much uncertainty – about

    tomorrow, the next month, and the coming years. While
    times are uncertain, our resolve to help our patients and
    their families is not.

    The last few months have given all of us an opportunity to
    think about the past, make the best of each day, and plan for       SMILES
    the future. Our strengthened resolve and plan for the future
    is spelled out in Roadmap 2021 & Beyond: Smiles Ahead
    (see right). The plan is focused on keeping children safe and
    healthy while they wait for their new smiles, strengthening
    our ability to provide safe surgery now and address the ever-
    growing backlog of children waiting for surgery in the future.

    When and where it’s safe, small-scale surgeries are slowly
    and carefully resuming. These surgical “missions” are
    typically only one or two days in length and deliver new
                                                                       NEW: THE ROAD AHEAD
    smiles to just a handful of children. It’s what we’re able to do
    safely now and it’s clearly not enough.                            Roadmap 2021 & Beyond: Smiles Ahead is one
                                                                       part of our promise to keep you informed about our
    One year into the pandemic, each cleft lip and palate that         future direction and current funding needs. While
    is repaired seems all that more special now – given the            times are uncertain, our vision and resolve are not.
    circumstances in which it was delivered: new pre-surgery           Only you combined with our dedicated volunteers
    COVID testing, limited patient travel, extended on-site            makes our work possible. We face greater
    stays, extensive pre- and post-operative health monitoring         obstacles as the pandemic continues to unfold, and
    of patients and their families, new surgical locations, new        we can only move forward together.
    COVID-related check lists – the list goes on.
                                                                       Roadmap 2021 outlines five key areas of focus,
    Each new smile is a testament to your unwavering support,          investment and impact for Operation Smile Canada:
    and the true dedication of our medical volunteers and
    healthcare partners. We are moving forward and we just                       Delivering Safe Surgery at the
    cannot thank you enough for standing with us.                                Local Level

                                                                                 Battling Malnutrition

                         DDr. Bill and Kathy Magee,                              Investing in Education and
                        Co-Founders, Operation Smile                             Training

                                                                                 Pioneering Cleft Research

                                                                                 Supporting Local Comprehensive
                                                                                 Cleft Care Centres

                                                                       You can read the Roadmap online at:
                                                                       operationsmile.ca/roadmap. If you would prefer a
                                                                       printed copy, just give us a call at: 1.844.376.4530.
                                                                       Thank you.

6    Spring 2021 Smile Report
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
Johana Amar

Even as a child, Johana Amar had      organization that uses donations          Why Designate a Charity
no doubt what she would grow up to    wisely. I saw that on my mission.
be. “I was born to be a nurse,” she   They work really hard at changing         as a Beneficiary of Your
said. Another passion of Johana’s
is humanitarian work. “I always
                                      lives and making a huge difference.”      Retirement Fund?
wanted to be part of a community      After reflecting on her experiences       By choosing a registered charity as a
that helped other people – people     as an Operation Smile volunteer,          beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or TFSA,
impacted by conflict, crises or       Johana decided to make Operation          your estate will receive a donation
poverty.”                             Smile Canada a beneficiary of             receipt for the full value of your gift,
                                      her retirement funds. “I feel so          and the tax credit reduces and can
A professional colleague told her     passionate about helping others and       even completely offset estate taxes.
about the work of Operation Smile.    it felt like the right thing to do. So
Her colleague had been on several     many children with cleft conditions       It’s a tried and true way of having an
missions with Operation Smile and     live in silence – they don’t have a       enduring impact, one that Johana and
encouraged Johana to investigate      voice. I felt it would be wrong to        a growing number of other Operation
further.                              leave them in silence,” she said,         Smile Canada supporters have
                                      explaining her reason for making a        embraced.
Johana volunteered on her first       lasting gift. “I want to make their
medical mission in 2017 in            lives better.”
Managua, Nicaragua. “I had a great
experience. I was impressed with      “I know that the right things will be
how well everything was prepared.     done with my gift. Having been on a
No detail was too small and every     medical mission, I know the support
aspect of patient care was thought    Operation Smile receives really           The Forever Smiles Club honours
through in advance,” said Johana.     makes a difference and goes to help       supporters who make a lasting gift,
                                      the people we serve. I also like the      such as through wills, life insurance
She was also impressed with the       fact that Operation Smile is working      policies and retirement funds. To
scope of care provided to patients    for better levels of healthcare, better   become a member, please reach out
and their families at the mission     prenatal care in low- and middle-         to Ken Butland at: 1.844.376.4530
site – speech therapists, child       income countries. It’s an important       (direct: 1.647.952.8229) or by email at:
life specialists and counselling.     aspect of long-term change that           ken.butland@operationsmile.org.
“Operation Smile is a very good       helps everyone.”

                                                                                              Spring 2021 Smile Report     7
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
                                                               FOR THE CHILDREN
      Laura, from
                                                               Every gift leads to a smile and means the world to a child
                                                               who needs your help. A great way to help more children is
                                                               to become a monthly SMILE PARTNER. Giving monthly is
                                                               an easy, budget-friendly way for you to deliver impact to the
                                                               children every month. You’ll keep them healthy before and after
                                                               their surgery, ensuring care every step of the way.

                                                               After surgery, most children require follow-up care. Laura was
                                                               born with a cleft lip and palate and has been our patient her
                                                               whole life. With her mom, Nancy, she first visited Operation
                                                               Smile Colombia when she was just two days old. Over the
                                                               years, Laura’s had five surgeries, continuous dental and
                                                               orthodontic work, and ongoing speech therapy. She’s grown
                                                               up to be a vibrant teenager and remains part of the Operation
                                                               Smile family.

                                                               This is just part of your impact as a SMILE PARTNER. We’re
                                                               very cautiously resuming local small-scale surgeries where
                                                               conditions are safe for patients and local medical volunteers.
                                                               Moving forward together, we will help deliver new smiles to the
                                                               thousands of waiting children around the world.

                                                               Call us at: 1.844.376.4530 or visit operationsmile.ca
                                                               and become a SMILE PARTNER today. Thank you.

                      Thank you for changing a child’s life with a new smile.

    WE’RE HERE TO SERVE YOU                                               Contact us
                                                                          by phone:
                                                                                        Toll-free: 1.844.376.4530 or
                                                                                        Local:     647.696.0600

    From making a donation over the phone, updating                       By email:     ca-supporters@operationsmile.org
    your contact information, changing your monthly donor
    credit card or banking information, to discussing the                 By mail or    375 University Ave., Suite 204
    impact of your gift or how to have lasting impact with a              in person:    Toronto, ON M5G 2J5
    gift made through your will, we’re always so pleased to
                                                                          Visit our
    hear from you.                                                        website:      www.operationsmile.ca

                                                                      /operationsmilecanada           @operationsmilecanada

8    Spring 2021 Smile Report
A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada A Journey of Hope - Operation Smile Canada
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