A growing role at UD - University of Dayton

Page created by Johnnie Lopez
A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
role at UD
A growing
A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
Table of contents
•   Introduction by Ben McCall, HSI executive             Evolving the Institution: Page 20                          Leaning into Research: Page 36
    director: Pages 2-3
                                                          •   Curran Place a ‘living lab’: Page 21                   •   Research includes energy, nutrition: Page 37
•   2019-2020 HSI staff: Page 4
                                                          •   Carbon neutrality paper wins award: Page 22            •   Working with Climate Analytics: Page 38
•   2019-2020 HSI student leaders: Page 5
                                                          •   UD earned AASHE STARS gold: Page 23                    •   Research on sustainability in higher education:
•   2019-2020 sustainability majors/HSI GAs: Page 6                                                                      Page 39
                                                          •   Flowers. Power: Page 24
                                                                                                                     •   Building bridges between science and faith:
                                                          •   Temperature setbacks saved money: Page 25                  Page 40
Developing Leaders                                        •   HSI student leader highlights: Pages 26-28

                                                                                                                                                                               2018-2020 HSI IMPACT REPORT
for a Just Future: Page 7                                                                                            •   Sustainability scholars: Page 41
                                                          •   GAs start office ecology project: Page 29              •   SURF will fund undergraduate research: Page 42
•   Growing the sustainability major: Pages 8-9
                                                          •   Evolving, by the numbers: Page 30                      •   HSI names faculty affiliates: Page 43
•   Sustainability majors video: Page 10
•   HSI student leaders program has grown: Page 11
•   Sustainability students traveled abroad: Page 12
                                                          Building Relationships                                     Media/Achievements: Page 44
                                                          with the Community: Page 31
•   Student spotlight on Darion Smith: Page 13                                                                       •   Select HSI media mentions: Page 45
                                                          •   HSI affiliations: Page 32
•   Co-curricular learning starts early: Page 14                                                                     •   Select UD sustainability achievements: Page 46
                                                          •   Affiliations, sustainability-related events: Page 33
•   Graduate certificate has expanded: Page 15
                                                          •   UD joins resilience commitment: Page 34
•   HSI video for GCSHE: Page 16
                                                          •   GAs led Second Nature assessment: Page 35
•   3 Marianist universities team up: Page 17
•   Students call for action in climate strike: Page 18
•   Developing leaders, by the numbers: Page 19

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
McCall: 2018-2020 a time of exciting expansion for HSI
                      The past three years have been a remarkable         At the time (early 2021) of this writing , HSI    efforts in the 2019 Global Climate Strike, and
                      period of expansion for the Hanley                  was in the final stages of its first strategic    we’ve built on a collaboration with our sister
                      Sustainability Institute, and I’m pleased to        planning process, which has engaged more          Marianist universities.
                      share this summary of HSI’s impact during           than 200 people from UD and the
                      this period.                                        surrounding community. We’ve organized            We’ve also strengthened our signature
                                                                          this report around the themes emerging from       Student Leaders program, which has enabled
                      Our expansion has been partly physical: In          that process: Developing Leaders for a Just       UD students to make a tangible impact on
                      2019, we moved into a larger and newly              Future, Evolving the Institution, Building        campus sustainability through efforts in
                      renovated space on the fifth floor of Fitz Hall,    Relationships with the Community and              energy efficiency, waste reduction, native
                      with more offices and student collaboration         Leaning into Research.                            plantings, local food production, peer
                      space.                                                                                                education and impact on campus

                                                                                                                                                                               2018-2020 HSI IMPACT REPORT
                                                                          We’ve been developing leaders for a just          sustainability.
Ben McCall: HSI       It’s also been personal: In 2018, we hired our      future inside and outside of the classroom. As
executive director;   first executive director (yours truly) as well as   the academic sustainability program               These critical student projects are part of our
professor of          a sustainability planning and evaluation            (formerly known as the SEE Initiative)            work on evolving the institution, but not all of
sustainability        manager (a position shared with Facilities          became integrated into HSI, we launched two       it. HSI led an effort to determine the
                      Management, which in 2020 shifted fully to          new transdisciplinary majors (B.A. and B.S.)      feasibility and economic impact of a near-
                      Facilities). In 2019, we hired a                    in sustainability, and already had 28 majors in   term conversion to a carbon-neutral campus.
                      communications coordinator.
Several key                                                               the first full year of the program. We launched
                                                                                                                            The academic paper that emerged from that
                                                                          a graduate certificate in sustainability, which
positions             In 2020, we hired Felix Fernando as UD’s first
                      assistant professor of sustainability. He also is
                                                                          now draws 14 students per year into our
                                                                                                                            work was recently recognized with the 2020
                                                                                                                            Campus Sustainability Research Award from
                                                                          foundations in sustainability course.
were added            the first tenure-track faculty member at UD                                                           the Association for the Advancement of
                      to be housed outside of a traditional academic      Outside the classroom, we provide                 Sustainability in Higher Education.
to HSI’s              department.                                         experiences for first-year students through an
                                                                                                                            In 2018, AASHE recognized UD with a Gold
employee              This was quickly followed by appointments of
                                                                          integrated learning-living community and a
                                                                                                                            rating in the Sustainability Tracking,
                                                                          sustainability mini-course.
roster from           Bob Brecha and myself as professors of                                                                Assessment and Rating System (STARS), an
                      sustainability. In just a single year, we went      We’ve continued working with student              effort led by former HSI graduate assistant
2018 to 2020.         from zero tenure-line faculty to three!             organizations, we’ve supported our students’      (continues on next page)

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
McCall: HSI poised for continued success in years ahead
                    Leah Ceperley. In partnership with           Regional Green, the emerging Gem City         Another key initiative being launched in
                    Facilities Management, Leah also led an      Market co-op, and the City of Dayton’s        2021 is a graduate fellowship program to
                    effort to install a 6.5-acre pollinator      sustainability plan. HSI has also             attract exceptional graduate students to
                    prairie beneath a massive solar array that   partnered with both regional (e.g., Green     UD to support the research of
                    was “planted” in 2018.                       Energy Ohio and Five Rivers MetroParks)       sustainability scholars in addition to HSI’s
                                                                 and local (e.g., East End Community           programmatic work.
                    HSI also has been actively building          Services and Mission of Mary
                    relationships with the community. A          Cooperative) organizations.                   Our faculty are leaning into research,
                    signature element of this theme has been                                                   from Felix Fernando’s work on the human
                    UD’s signing of Second Nature’s Resilience   HSI also has been leaning into research, as   dimensions of energy extraction, to Bob
                    Commitment in 2019, which committed          we build capability within HSI and across     Brecha’s analysis of the intersection of

                                                                                                                                                                  2018-2020 HSI IMPACT REPORT
                    us to working with our local community to    campus. We've launched a new                  energy and the United Nation’s
                    perform a climate resilience assessment      community of practice called the              sustainable development goals, to
Important           and eventually a resilience plan.            sustainability scholars, which includes       Rebecca Potter’s work on sustainability
initiatives in      HSI faculty and graduate students worked
                                                                 about 100 faculty and researchers from 30     literature and curriculum, to Marianist
                                                                 different programs and departments.           Sister Leanne Jablonski’s work building
the near future     through the pandemic to complete the                                                       bridges between scientific and faith
                    assessment due to be released in mid-        This community facilitates new                communities.
include             2021.                                        connections among its members and also
                                                                 advises HSI on research initiatives.          The work of HSI and its sustainability
scholarship and     In concert with the Resilience                                                             partners at UD has been consistently
                    Commitment, UD established a high-level      One such upcoming initiative is the
internship          Climate Action, Resilience, and              Sustainability Undergraduate Research
                                                                                                               gaining visibility, both in terms of media
                                                                                                               attention and campus sustainability
opportunities,      Environmental Sustainability (CARES)         Fellowship (SURF) program, supported by       recognitions. It seems clear HSI and UD
                    Council to oversee campus sustainability     a gift from UD alumnus John Alberici.         are poised for continued success in the
a strategic plan,   and climate resilience work.                                                               years to come.
                                                                 The SURF program will enable an annual
undergraduate       HSI faculty, staff and students also have    cohort of outstanding UD undergrads to        Consider joining our twice-monthly
and graduate        participated in many community
                    initiatives, including the Montgomery
                                                                 spend a full year (including a summer)
                                                                 working on a transdisciplinary research
                                                                                                               Sustainability Spotlight newsletter at
research.           County Food Equity Coalition, Dayton         project with sustainability scholars.         nhsi.

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
2019-2020 HSI staff
Bob Brecha, professor; department
of physics, University of Dayton
School of Engineering renewable and
clean energy program (on leave)
Leah Ceperley, sustainability
planning and evaluation manager
Felix Fernando, lecturer in
sustainability; sustainability graduate
certificate coordinator
Mark Gokavi, communications

                                                                                                                                                                2018-2020 HSI IMPACT REPORT
Sr. Leanne Jablonski FMI, HSI scholar
for faith and the environment
Brooke Jones, senior administrative
Ben McCall, HSI executive director
Rebecca Potter, HSI director of
curriculum, sustainability program
director, associate professor of
Katie Schoenenberger, director of
student engagement

                                          Many University of Dayton students, staff and faculty members attended the 2018 AASHE conference in Pittsburgh.

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
2019-2020 student leaders
Claire Abele, civil and environmental engineering
John Barnard, environmental biology
Jenny Capka, marketing and communications
Ummiya Chaudhary, civil and environmental engineering;
business administration, sustainability minors
Marla Diaz, environmental biology
Hannah Gibson, human rights studies; sustainability minor
Sean Handel, mechanical engineering; sustainability minor
Maura Hohl, dietetics
Jared Marsh, human rights studies; sustainability minor
Elizabeth Miles, dietetics

                                                                                                                                                                               2018-2020 HSI IMPACT REPORT
Marigrace Moses, environmental biology; sustainability
Sophia Palmer, mechanical engineering; sustainability
Amanda Ratliff, environmental biology
Claire Roberts, environmental biology; sustainability minor
Emily Sandstrom, environmental biology; sustainability
Emily Shanahan, international business management;
human rights, sustainability minors
Izzy Schutte, environmental biology; geology minor
Claire Sullivan, biology; sustainability,
political science minors
Vince Wilson, mechanical engineering                          An HSI student leaders retreat featured Dr. Brian Raison, Ohio State University assistant professor and
                                                              extension field specialist, to facilitate a strategic alignment workshop. Activities included determine shared
                                                              values, customers, a SWOT analysis and brainstorming.

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
2019-2020 sustainability majors
Pilar Bertollini, BS-watershed
Carter Creviston, BS-watershed
Nicholas Clarke, BA-urban
Richard Danyko, BA-urban/English
Nichole Dunham, BS-watershed/environmental biology
Lindsey Elchert, BA-urban
Caroline Garvey, BS-energy
Dylan Grogan, BS-energy
Catherine Jensen, BA-urban                                        P. Bertollini     A. Moore
Mary Kauper, BA-urban
Molly Klimo, BS-undecided

                                                                                                                                                                            2018-2020 HSI IMPACT REPORT
Abigail Kropp, BA-undecided
Peyton Majerski, BS-undecided
Jackson Mescher, BA-urban
Abbey Moore, BS-watershed
Yamilet Perez Aragon, BA-food studies/graphic design
Mark Ryan, BS-undecided
Abigayle Smith, BS-watershed                                      Y. Perez Aragon    M. Ryan
Darion Smith, BA-urban

2019-2020 graduate assistants
Christopher Baldasare, engineering management                                                          Professor John Clarke, Caitlin Marshall ’19, Payton Oakes ’19,
Tess Isemann, renewable and clean energy; graduate certificate in sustainability                       University of Dayton President Eric Spina and Emily Gorenc ’19
Meg Maloney, biology; graduate certificate in sustainability                                           pose when the design students presented their project for
Jack Rees, renewable and clean energy                                                                  signage at the solar prairie outside Daniel Curran Place.
Lauren Wolford, public administration; nonprofit leadership and sustainability graduate certificates

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
                                                               for a
                                                               Just Future

Former HSI student leader Elise Erhart at the solar prairie.
A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
Potter: Growing the sustainability major a group effort
                    At the beginning of 2018, Jessica “Jesse”      Clarke, who discovered the major as a          faculty to teach sustainability-related
                    Carbonaro was in my office talking about       junior, took courses ahead of the major’s      courses, an expansion that the college and
                    her last semester as a self-designed           launch so that he would be able to             departments have embraced.
                    sustainability major and environmental         complete requirements on time. Carter
                    biology major. Jesse had been active in the    was the first sustainability major at UD,      Since 2018, departments across the
                    Hanley Sustainability Fund, and                and this May (2021) “Nico” will be the first   university have launched new faculty
                    Sustainability Club, and knew she wanted       graduate with the degree.                      searches for positions that highlight

                                                                                                                                                                  D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                    to pursue environmental law.                                                                  sustainability in their job descriptions, and
                                                                   When the BA and BS degrees appeared for        a new cadre of brilliant scholars from
                    She had come to my office the year before,     the first time in the 2019-2020 University     lecturer to associate professor have joined
                    days after the sustainability program was      of Dayton course catalog, even more            UD, developing new courses and revising
                    established, ready to create a self-designed   students noticed. At the start of the 2019     existing ones, working with students and
Rebecca Potter:     major around sustainability, and her           fall semester, other students quickly joined   engaging in community-based research.
sustainability      timing was good. The graduate certificate      Carter as sustainability majors, about
                    had launched, and a group of faculty, staff    evenly divided between the bachelor of         This has expanded sustainability-related
program director;                                                                                                 education available to all students, not just
HSI curriculum      had been designing two new bachelor’s          arts and bachelor of science.
                    degrees in sustainability building on an                                                      those earning a major or minor. It has been
director            already robust minor.                          Within short order, those 12 doubled in        an encouragement for many of those
                                                                   number, and then by fall 2020 had              students to pursue further study.
                    Two HSI student leaders, Grant Karda and       increased again. During the COVID-19
Potter, plus        Lauren Murray, had been collecting             pandemic, my office was online but             Currently, 19 UD faculty or staff teach
students, staff,    student feedback on the proposed design        students still found it.                       courses offered directly through the
                                                                                                                  sustainability program (“SEE-numbered”
                    of the major. Even before the BA and BS
faculty and         degrees in Sustainability were launched,       By December 2020, there were 28 UD             courses), often in team-teaching
                    students who, like Jesse, wanted to make       students majoring in sustainability, and       arrangements that pair expertise across
administrators      Sustainability their academic major were       that number continues to grow rapidly.         fields and even across academic units.
built the new       finding my office.
                                                                   Building the program has been a very           Many more teach sustainability content
UD major of         Carter Creviston prepared the paperwork        expansive group effort that incorporated
                                                                   faculty, staff and administrators from
                                                                                                                  through their disciplines and contribute to
                                                                                                                  sustainability education in myriad ways.
                    to declare the major weeks before the
sustainability.     board of trustees approved it. Nicholas        across UD. It required an expansion of         (continues on next page)

A growing role at UD - University of Dayton
Potter: Sustainability emphasizes experiential learning
                 A program is not just an assemblage of courses, and a sustainability          By the Numbers
                 program has to be considerably more than that; it needs to be connected to
                 the community through experiential learning. UD’s sustainability program
                 needs to incorporate that fundamental principle of a Catholic, Marianist                              STUDENTS MAJORING
                 university, educating the whole person. Here are some of the sustainability
                 major’s innovations and achievements from 2018-2020:
                                                                                                28                     IN SUSTAINABILITY BY
                                                                                                                        THE END OF 2020

                                                                                                                                               D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                 • Constructions of Place, taught by Hsuan Tsen and Glenna Jennings,
                   presented Dinner in the Desert Kitchen.
                 • Sustainability Research I, taught by Don Pair and Viorel Paslaru (2018)
                   and Zach Piso (2019-20), led student teams to address sustainability

                   education. Student leaders took up several of those projects under the        FACULTY/STAFF
“Since 2018,       skilled guidance of Katie Schoenenberger, illustrating how our campus       CURRENTLY TEACHING
departments        can be a living lab for student learning.                                    PROGRAM COURSES
                 • Sustainability Research II , taught by Kelly Bohrer with Paslaru (2018),
across UD          Steve Bein (2019) and Piso (2020), had students work on a broad range of
have launched      projects from solar power, waste reduction, watershed resiliency, soil

new faculty
searches for
positions that
                   health and community resiliency with a number of local community
                   partners. Those partners included the Miami Conservancy District,
                   Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions, Mission of Mary
                   Cooperative, The Dakota Center, Edgemont Solar Garden, Dayton Solar
                   and the City of Dayton.
                                                                                               4                                    11
                                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY MAJOR      PATHWAYS IN WHICH
highlight        • Introduction to Sustainability , taught by Felix Fernando and Rebecca
                   Potter, participated in the GEMnasium, joining students in courses          TRACKS: FOOD SYSTEMS;    UD-SINCLAIR ACADEMY
sustainability     across the University in a collaborative educational project led by         URBAN SUSTAINABILITY;    STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO
in their job       ArtStreet. The Spring 2019 GEMnasium focused on food security in
                                                                                                ENERGY; SUSTAINABLE      WORK TOWARD THE
                   Dayton; students presented their ideas from a mobile market to local co-
descriptions.”     operative groceries and innovative urban food production.                        WATERSHEDS          SUSTAINABILITY MAJOR

       Click here
        to play
Schoenenberger facilitates HSI student leader projects
                    Over the past five years, I have had the        sustainability leader alumni and GAs to           Student Voices
                    pleasure of working with more than 50           inspire us for what comes next and to help us
                    undergraduate students, more than 10            reflect on our current UD experience.
                    graduate students, and many student, staff
                    and faculty volunteers as part of our           I could not be more excited for the future of
                    sustainability leaders program.                 the leaders program and for all the areas in

                                                                                                                                                        D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                                                                    which the student leaders are learning and
                    Our goal in establishing the program in 2016    working on sustainability projects on
                    was to create a platform so students could      campus and in our community. Some of our
                    gain leadership and professional                very first projects, such as the Sustainable
                    development skills while exploring their        Activation Program (SAP), Energy GPA, and
                                                                                                                      “(Katie) is the glue that
                    vocation. All of these students and partners    the Student Neighborhood Composting               connects us to HSI staff,
Katie               brought to HSI their passion for                Program, are now established, successful          Facilities Management, and all
Schoenenberger:     sustainability, their expertise in a wide       programs with strong demand. Our team is
HSI’s director of   variety of disciplines, and an excitement and   still motivated and excited by these projects,    other parts of campus. … Her
student             commitment to a team approach.                  driven by how much their fellow students          approach makes my HSI
                                                                    value the programs.
engagement          As a team we worked to contribute to and                                                          experience more than a
                    achieve ambitious goals while also              As you read through the highlights (Pages
                    supporting each other’s personal and            26-28) of the last few years, you’ll also get a   professional experience or an
“I could not        professional goals. We worked to help UD        glimpse of some of the new projects we are        on-campus job. Katie makes
                    earn an AASHE gold rating and earn              excited about, including work on native
be more             national notice for our leaders program as      planting areas, a vegetable garden and            the student leaders program
excited for         well as individual projects such as Energy      collaborations with dining services, and          feel as if we are a part of
                    GPA. We worked to engage students, staff,       deeper outreach to offices, student
the future of       faculty and our community in connecting         organizations, and departments on campus.         something bigger and pushes
                    their everyday life and work to                 Whatever is next for our student leaders, I       us to achieve our potential.” –
the leaders         sustainability. And we worked to stay           know they have made a difference here at
                                                                                                                      Sophia Palmer, HSI student
program.”           connected with each other, even after
                    graduation, warmly welcoming back our
                                                                    UD and will no doubt continue to make a
                                                                    difference in all of their endeavors.             leader and sustainability minor

Sustainability students have traveled abroad to learn
                    HSI student leaders and sustainability
                    students have benefitted from University of
                    Dayton programs that include overseas
                    travel and education.
                    UD’s Human Rights Center, ETHOS, the
                    Center for International Programs and

                                                                                                                                                               D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                    other initiatives have offered study abroad
                    opportunities that intersect with
                    sustainability education. Pre-pandemic,
                    these programs enabled UD students to
                    study agriculture in India, human rights in
                    Malawi, Africa and other efforts in other
                    locations. Study abroad programs were also
                    held in places like Berlin, Prague and Peru.
                    Emily Shanahan (center column)
                    graduated with a major in international
                    business management and minors in
                    human rights studies and sustainability.
                    Shanahan, who grew up on a family farm in
                    Hillsboro, Ohio, served on HSI’s food and      own challenges with the green revolution;    She was on HSI’s education team. In
                    growing team.                                  there was a lot of pressure for farmers to   2019, she did research in Malawi, “My
                                                                   enter these predatory contracts with seed    research focused on women’s roles in
                    In India, Shanahan stayed with a host farm
                    family in Sikkim in the Himalayan              companies.”                                  sustainable fish farming. I learned so
Students have
                    mountain range. The India experience “was                                                   much from the people I would interview
opportunities to
                    another way to look at food and farming        Marigrace Moses (right), graduated with a    including all aspects of life such as
learn abroad with
                    that was so vastly different to what I know.   major in environmental biology with          environmental, social and economical. I
campus partners.    It provided that new perspective and its       minors in human rights and sustainability.   would definitely go back.”

From F-16 mechanic to sustainability, local grad returns
                     Darion Smith grew up pretending to be the      Smith said. “I became an F-16 aircraft
                     Crocodile Hunter, hiking in Glen Helen         mechanic and was first stationed in Aviano,
                     Nature Preserve and credits (Clayton,          Italy.”
                     Ohio) Northmont High School with
                     helping “encourage my love for nature and      She completed two part-time semesters at
                     wildlife with cool field trips.”               the online American Military University,
                                                                    and later was stationed at Holloman AFB

                                                                                                                                                                   D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                     “I have always lived in suburban areas, and    in New Mexico while finishing her service
                     the outdoors was my refuge, especially         and getting an associate’s degree in
                     from family issues and stress,” she said. “I   aviation maintenance technology with the
                     loved going on hikes, splashing in the         Community College of the Air Force.
                     streams, listening to the birds.
                                                                    Smith enrolled at New Mexico State
                     “As I grew older, however, I became aware      University to major in civil engineering.
                     of the real issues facing society. Nature      When the pandemic hit in March 2020, she
                     went from something I loved to play in, to     and her husband decided to relocate closer
                     something I needed to protect and felt         to her home in Ohio. She said financial aid
                     concerned for.”                                and scholarships made it possible for her to
                                                                    enroll at UD with or without the GI Bill.      part of the change for a cleaner, safer,
                     It’s no surprise Smith became a
                     sustainability major at the University of      “I chose UD's sustainability major because     more sustainable world. “I think
                     Dayton. But the journey she took to get        I was hard pressed to find another like it,”   sustainability concepts should be
                     there included several other schools,          Smith said. “What's more, I have never         infused into every single major or
                     working full-time and a stint as an F-16       before seen things like (the) urban            degree offered at this point, as it
                     mechanic in the U.S. Air Force.                sustainability (track), which exactly          should be considered integral to any
                                                                    describes the kind of work I am passionate     and all disciplines,” Smith said.
                     Smith attended Sinclair Community              about doing.”
                     College while working full-time before                                                        “If you live on this planet,
                     leaving school. “After a while of lacking      Smith said she’s been passionate about         sustainability relates to you and
Student Spotlight:   motivation and direction, I decided to join    nature, the planet and the environment         everything around you.”
Darion Smith         the military so I could get the GI Bill,”      her whole life and that she wants to be         Full story on HSI news blog

Co-curricular learning begins in students’ first year
                        Sr. Leanne Jablonski coordinates the      urban farm. They can visit Marianist
                        first-year experience of sustainability   Environmental Education Center
                        at UD by designing and facilitating       (MEEC) for service, interpretive
                        experiential learning events and          hikes, and retreats. Field trips to the
                        engagement opportunities for              Cincinnati Zoo (photo at right) and
                        students to connect with peers,           Yellow Springs feature enjoyable
                        student organizations, faculty/staff      tours of green initiatives.

                                                                                                                                                       D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                        and professionals engaged in
                        sustainability. These all complement      Dinner and virtual dialogue events
                        the residence life and academic           with guest speakers, panels and
                        experience for students interested in     sustainability-themed movies invite
                        exploring how sustainability connects     students to join with staff, faculty and
                        with their major and career plans.        off-campus community members to            By the Numbers
                                                                  mutually share perspectives on how
                        The sustainability integrated             we can address climate change,

                                                                  environmental justice and food
                                                                                                                      EVENTS WHERE JABLONSKI WAS
Sr. Leanne Jablonski,   learning-living communities program
FMI: HSI scholar for    is open to all first-year students        security. Participants explore                   INVITED TO SPEAK; 14 PROFESSIONAL
                        regardless of major. Students in the      connections between peace and the                  MEETINGS; 37 CLASSES OR OTHERS
faith and the
                        SEE ILLC live together in dorms and       environment using the United
environment             take humanities courses, and are          Nation’s Sustainable Development
                        invited to participate with their         Goals and mark “ecological feasts” of
“UDI 262 is a
                        friends and others interested in          Earth Day and St. Francis/the Season             MAJOR EVENTS AT UD/DAYTON FROM
                        sustainability in any of the broad        of Creation, and our Marianist
great way to            event menu. The spring semester one-      Founders integrating faith-based                  ‘18-’20 ORGANIZED BY JABLONSKI
                        hour mini-course UDI 262 -                resources.                                          DRAWING 2,969 PARTICIPANTS
explore your            Exploring SEE is open to any UD
                                                                  First years are also encouraged to
interest in the         first-year student.
                                                                  connect with student groups such as

                                                                                                                     LOCAL, UD AND STUDENT GROUPS
Sustainability          Students learn about urban                Sustainability Club, HSI student
                        sustainability through visiting           leaders and to participate or attend               WITH WHICH JABLONSKI PARTNERS
Program.”               downtown Dayton sites or                  events such as the Stander
                                                                                                                        FOR EVENTS AND PROJECTS
                        volunteering at Misison of Mary           Symposium and Sustainability Week.

Fernando: Graduate certificate has expanded since 2018
                      The graduate certificate in sustainability      The two core courses are SSP 500:
                      was launched in 2018. The certificate           foundations in sustainability (offered
                      provides an interdisciplinary perspective       every Fall) and SSP 580: applied
                      on what it takes to address the world’s         sustainability (offered every spring).
                      toughest challenges—from poverty and            Approved elective courses from other
                      climate change to renewable energy and          graduate programs constitute the two
                      urban development.                              elective courses.

                                                                                                                                                         D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                      The program was designed as a                   Over the last two years, the certificate has
                      complementary qualification for graduate        grown rapidly attracting a diverse group of
                      students interested in adding a certificate     students from graduate programs such as
                      that could greatly enhance their                renewable and clean energy, public
Felix Fernando:       employability or for professionals              administration, engineering, biology,          “Sustainability is probably going
assistant professor   interested in gaining a qualification that      communication and business
of sustainability;    can help them take the next step in their       administration as well as professionals        to be that one skill set that no
graduate              career.                                         pursuing the certificate.                      matter what field you go into, is
certificate           Students must complete two core courses         The SSP 500 course has increased from          going to be critical, especially
coordinator           (for six credits) and two electives (totaling   three students in fall 2018 to 11 in 2019 to
                      at least six credits) for a minimum of 12       20 in 2020. The SSP 580 course has             with addressing all the
                      credits total in order to obtain the graduate   increased from six in spring 2019 to 14 in     challenges humanity is facing
                      certificate in sustainability.                  2020.
                                                                                                                     right now.” – Felix Fernando

                                                Student Voices
                                                “I could say experiential learning was almost a core to my education at the University of
                                                Dayton and that’s what makes it unique. ” – HSI graduate assistant Meg Maloney, who was
                                                a student leader and River Steward and who will earn the graduate certificate.

       Click here
        to play
3 Marianist universities team up for watershed learning
                         As part of the sustainability curriculum, UD                                                     Utilizing elements of the three-credit river
                         piloted curricular partnerships built upon                                                       leadership course that had been developed
                         five years of faculty and staff collaboration
                                                                                                                          by the Rivers Institute of the Fitz Center for
                         at our three Marianist universities: UD,
                         Chaminade University in Honolulu and St.                                                         Leadership in Community with the Miami
                         Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, to                                                      Conservancy District, the City of Dayton
                         respond to Pope Francis’ encyclical,                                                             and other partners, many students also

                                                                                                                                                                           D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                         Laudato si’ in dialogue with the                                                                 joined a pilot shared experiential lab course
                         Characteristics of Marianist Universities.                                                       held virtually once weekly in “real-time”
                         Called AMNIS (American Marianist                                                                 with students from the AMU partners.
                         Universities Networking In Sustainability),
                         from the Latin for river or waterway, the                                                        This water culture and society course
                         collaboration was initiated and coordinated          Participants at the beach in Hawaii.
                                                                                                                          focused on the socio-ecological
                         by Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI.                                                                    characteristics, cultural history, assets and
                         The AMNIS goal was to develop exchange                                                           social justice challenges within each
                         and joint field experiences building on the        from each institution could engage together   watershed, featuring the ways each
                         cultural and ecological diversity of each          virtually during the spring semester and      university engaged and applied Marianist
                         location along with the common Marianist           then participate together in a field          values of service and leadership. Faculty and
                         values and mission, to educate about the           experience at each university during the      students from each institution shared in
                         “connection between the common good, the           summer on a three-year rotation. An AMU       delivering the content of the course, which
                         poor and care for the earth, our common            seed grant of $5,000 catalyzed support from   was completed with a two-week field
                         home”. . . “instilling in our students a respect   each institution to fully fund three week-    experience in Honolulu in May.
                         for the integrity of creation and a                long site visits at each campus.
UD is part of the
                         commitment to environmental justice.”                                                            Zelalem Bedaso in UD’s geology department
Association of
                         Ecologists, other natural and social               A pilot curriculum launched in spring 2019.   led UD’s 2020 effort in a collaborative major
Marianist Universities
                         scientists, humanists, engineers and others        At UD, HSI’s Rebecca Potter and Jablonski     grant proposal submitted to National
(AMU) that includes
                         from each institution met by regular               co-taught with Leslie King from the Rivers    Science Foundation to fund a full three years
Chaminade and St.
                         conference calls, and site visits and designed     Institute and Fitz Center and Jeff            of experiential learning focusing on
Mary’s (Texas).
                         a curriculum where cohorts of students             Kavanaugh from UD’s biology department.       environmental justice and climate change.

Students call for personal action during climate strike
                             Organizers of the on-campus event to               board with the strike and provide support.
                             observe the global climate strike on Sept. 20,
                             2019, wanted their chants and written              Speakers shared stories of plastic from the
                             messages to turn into personal and                 Midwest ending up in California ocean
                             transformative action. “We aren’t just here        waters and said that everyone can take small
                             holding up signs. We aren’t here just telling      or big steps to reduce their personal carbon
                             stories,” said organizer Jared Marsh, who          footprint.

                                                                                                                                                                            D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
                             graduated with a bachelor's degree in human
                                                                                Executive directors Ben McCall of the
                             rights studies. “We’re here to start taking
                                                                                Hanley Sustainability Institute and Shelley
                             pledges, commitments, start making the
                                                                                Inglis of the Human Rights Center issued a
                                                                                letter of support that included the strategic
                             Dozens of students, staff and faculty              vision calling for UD to become The
                             members joined millions around the world           University for the Common Good.
After the campus rally,
                             in striking ahead of the 2019 U.N. Climate
there was a march to                                                            “Climate change and environmental
                             Action Summit. A checklist sign at UD’s
Dayton’s Federal Building.   event was entitled, “What Can I Do?”               devastation pose an existential threat to
                                                                                human rights for all,” said the letter from
                             After attending the strike, other items on the     McCall and Inglis. “The responsibility for the
A grassroots effort from     list involved taking a sustainability pledge,      climate crisis lies primarily with the most
the Sinclair Peace Club,     registering to vote, writing or signing a letter   developed countries, like the United States.
the UD Sustainability        to government officials, listening to why          But the impacts of climate change are felt
Student Leadership           speakers were striking, learning and               most by the poorest and most vulnerable
                             supporting local businesses and turning a          around the globe. Governments and other
Council, Dayton Sunrise
                             “personal narrative into a crafted message         stakeholders have an affirmative obligation
Movement, HSI, the                                                              to take effective measures to prevent and
                             for climate justice.”
Human Rights Center,                                                            redress climate impacts, and mitigate
River Stewards, the Center                                                                                                       Jared Marsh (with microphone) was a
                             Behind the scenes, HSI faculty such as Sr.         climate change, for the full realization of
for Social Concern and       Leanne Jablonski and Rebecca Potter helped         human rights.”                                   sustainability minor and an HSI student
others led to the 2019 UD    give students direction about how to                                                                leader as well as a human rights major.
climate strike.              organize the event, get the administration on      Full story on HSI’s news blog                    Flyer News story.

Developing Leaders for a Just Future: By The Numbers

     6                                                                                               15

                                                                                                                      D EVELOPING LEADERS FOR A JUST FUTURE
      MINOR                                                                                       REPRESENTED ON
                                                                                                 THE SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                 PROGRAM ADVISORY

     12               The graduate certificate’s SSP 500 course increased from three students
  SUSTAINABILITY                                                                                    STUDENTS IN
MAJORS AT THE START   in Fall 2018 to 11 in 2019 to 14 in 2020. The graduate certificates’ SSP     SUSTAINABILITY
 OF 2019-2020         580 course increased from six in Spring 2019 to 14 in 2020.                 CLASSES ‘18-’20


Birds-eye view of Old River Park.
Curran Place’s solar prairie blooms into a ‘living lab’
                          In less than two years, the University of
                          Dayton transformed the front lawn of
                          Daniel J. Curran Place into a “living
                          laboratory” dedicated to sustainability.
                          A solar array was installed in 2018 and a
                          pollinator prairie was planted under those
                          panels in 2019.
                          Leah Ceperley, who works for UD’s
                          Facilities Management and was a driving
                          force for the prairie in her role at HSI
                          (through spring 2020), said solar company
                          Melink agreed not to fence the solar panels
                          to allow students more access. “We are in a
                          unique position to use the solar prairie as a

                                                                               EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
                          living laboratory,” she said. “We have access
                          to the student solar panels and to the
                          prairie, opening up opportunities for
                          faculty and students to engage the site for
                          research, learning and teaching.”
                          HSI Executive Director Ben McCall noted
                          Ceperley and Matthew Worsham – former
                          HSI graduate assistants – helped grow the
Facilities Management     idea to realization. "This has been a
led the project to        fantastic collaboration among Facilities,
install solar panels at   HSI and students," McCall said. "It's a
Curran Place and          dramatic visual manifestation of the
                          commitment of UD’s leadership to
around campus.
                          sustainability.” Full story on HSI’s blog

Paper on carbon neutrality pathway for UD wins award
                       A University of Dayton research paper on        "Limiting global warming to 1.5C° (2.7F°)     Higher Education.
                       the cost of carbon neutrality at the            to prevent the worst effects of climate
                       University earned an Association for the        change absolutely necessitates an             “This recognition of our work shows how
                       Advancement of Sustainability in Higher         immediate transition from a fossil fuel-      powerful it can be when graduate
                       Education 2020 Sustainability Research          based energy system to one that's             students, faculty and Facilities
                       Award.                                          renewably powered,” Shea said.                Management personnel team up to tackle
                                                                                                                     sustainability challenges,” McCall said. “I
                       Graduate assistant Ryan Shea was the            “Our research showed that at the              hope there will be many more such
                       lead author of the paper - “A life-cycle cost   University of Dayton, and likely other        impactful collaborations at UD as we
                       analysis of transitioning to a fully-           universities, this imperative is not only     work to meet our commitment to
                       electrified, renewably powered, and             possible but cost-effective.”                 becoming a carbon neutral campus."
                       carbon-neutral campus at the University
                       of Dayton,” - with co-authors Hanley            The award was announced by Fahmida            More than 400 applications worldwide
                       Sustainability Institute Executive              Bangert, the director of sustainability and   were considered for the 40 finalists in
                       Director Ben McCall, UD energy                  SEM business services at Stanford             several categories with competition in
Former HSI graduate    efficiency and renewable energy manager         University. “This type of analysis will       UD’s category from researchers in China,

                                                                                                                                                                        EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
assistant Ryan Shea    Matthew Worsham, engineering                    really help not just Dayton, but other        Indonesia and the United States.
was the lead author    professor Andrew Chiasson and former            universities to further reduce greenhouse
                                                                       gas emissions from Scope 1 and 2              “While UD faces similar logistical and
of the study. A        UD engineering professor Kelly Kissock.
                                                                       emissions,” Bangert said. “So nice work,      capital barriers that many local actors
session on the paper                                                                                                 face when realizing their fully-electric
                       "Ben, Matthew, Kelly, Andrew and I are          thank you and congratulations.”
was presented at the   honored AASHE selected our research for                                                       and renewably-powered future, I hope
2020 Global            their 2020 Campus Sustainability                The research paper said UD’s conversion       that this research, in concert with the
Conference on          Research Award, signifying the                  would increase costs by just 2.4 percent      continued hard work from dedicated
Sustainability in      importance of transitioning to                  during a 30-year period. The paper was        students, faculty, and staff, lays the
Higher Education.      decarbonized campus energy systems,”            published in the journal Sustainable          necessary groundwork for UD to finally
Shea now works as a    Shea said.                                      Energy Technologies and Assessments and       address its contribution to a warming
                                                                       an update to the study was discussed in a     world,” Shea added.
senior associate at
                       AASHE presented the award during an             presentation during the recent 2020
Rocky Mountain         online awards ceremony Dec. 3, 2020.            Global Conference on Sustainability in        Full story on HSI’s news blog.

UD earned its first gold rating in AASHE STARS in 2018
                            In 2018, the University of Dayton earned its first
                            gold rating for its sustainability achievements in
                            the Association for the Advancement of
                            Sustainability in Higher Education Sustainability
                            Tracking, Assessment and Rating System
                            With more than 800 participants in 30 countries,
                            the STARS program is the world’s most widely
                            recognized framework for reporting a college or
                            university's sustainability performance. UD's
After earlier earning a     score ranked in the top 2 percent of all rated
silver rating, the          schools, first in Ohio, and second among all U.S.
University of Dayton        Catholic colleges and universities.
received a gold rating in

                                                                                       EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
                            "We jumped nearly 23 points — and from a silver
2018. The effort was led    rating to a gold rating — since our last report
by Facilities               submission just 14 months ago, thanks to a joint
Management’s Leah           Facilities Management and Hanley Sustainability
Ceperley, UD’s              Institute effort to engage more units University-
sustainability planning     wide in our sustainability initiatives," said Steve
and evaluation manager      Kendig, UD’s executive director of energy
and also a former HSI       utilization and environmental sustainability.
graduate assistant. UD      "This rapid improvement … is only possible
earned a second gold        because more units bought into the University's
rating and is making a      sustainability goals and committed to evaluating,
push for platinum in a      reporting and aligning performance and priorities
future set of rankings.     to advance sustainability on our campus and in
                            our community.” Full story.

This photograph taken
     of the solar prairie
       outside Daniel J.
 Curran Place was one
of three finalists in the
 2019 National Council
    for Science and the
   Environment (NCSE)
photo contest. In mid-
     July the plants and
    flowers were in full

                                 EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
           bloom, which
attracted thousands of
pollinators. The prairie
plants with deep roots
 were chosen to retain
water and cool the soil
      below the panels,
        which increases

Photo by Mark Gokavi,
  HSI communications

Temperature setbacks during pandemic saved money
                       One byproduct of students not being at       how to manage those buildings and make       was going to be very hot and/or humid.”
                       the University of Dayton during spring       sure that they were not getting too warm,
                       2020 because of the pandemic was many        or too cold or too humid,” Worsham said.     Rees and Worsham adjusted the air
                       buildings not seeing much use, which         “We both probably learned more this          handler schedules because of little use
                       resulted in lower energy use.                summer than I have in the last three         during the summer. Instead of operating
                                                                    years of working with it.                    from morning to late afternoon, the
                       Jack Rees, a Facilities Management                                                        schedules were staggered to run for two
                       graduate assistant who also was an active    “Jack set up views in the platform that we   hours in the early morning to reduce
                       Hanley Sustainability Institute GA and       could use to quickly assess the conditions   humidity and cycle the air.
                       was still affiliated with HSI in 2020,       of different buildings based on the
                       worked during that time to perform           sensors that we had in place. And he also    “The schedules were also staggered in all
                       temperature setbacks on all academic         did some programming for new things          of the buildings to help reduce electrical
                       buildings across campus.                     that we had come up with to manage           load,” Rees said. “Air handlers were also
                                                                    temperatures.”                               turned on manually if certain buildings
                       “I started by making trend studies of                                                     were consistently too warm and/or too
                       various temperature readouts for each air    Rees said that once the trend studies        humid. Matthew and I, as well as the rest

                                                                                                                                                                EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
                       handler in all of the academic buildings,”   were done, he and Worsham created            of the energy team, are now trying to
                       said Rees, who worked with Matthew           spreadsheets of every building on campus     calculate the overall energy savings from
                       Worsham, UD’s energy efficiency and          with every air handler associated with       the temperature setbacks we put into
                       renewable energy manager. “These trend       each building.                               place this summer.”
                       studies would allow Matthew and me to
Former HSI graduate    view current and previous temperature        “Matthew and I would then go through         Facilities Management staff later
assistant Jack Rees    data (going back 48 hours) in specific       all of the trend studies and fill out the    reported that they saved about $1 million
(left) and Matthew     areas of buildings so that we could          spreadsheet with high and low                per year in energy savings across campus.
Worsham, UD’s energy   monitor the temperature and humidity         temperature and humidity readouts, as
                                                                    well as make notes of any readouts that      The HSI student leader energy teams
efficiency and         readouts.”
                                                                    were abnormally high,” Rees said.            along with HSI grad students have helped
renewable energy       Worsham said UD had never done                                                            track and save energy in programs all
manager, worked to     temperature setbacks for more than a         “We started the summer doing this every      around campus. Full story on Facilities
make buildings more    long weekend. “For weeks at a time, we       day but then transitioned to doing it        Management’s savings from retro-
efficient in 2020.     had to come up with new strategies for       every other day, or when a particular day    commissioning and other projects.

HSI student leaders program project highlights, part 1
                                           Education Team                                              Energy Team
                                           The HSI education team is led by three sustainability       The campus energy team is led by three sustainability
                                           leaders who work with a group of about 20 student           leaders and a GA supported through Facilities
                                           volunteers to offer a series of sustainability education    Management (FM). This team works in collaboration
                                           events and programming for their fellow students and        with FM and other campus partners on projects to
                                           the broader campus and community. Their work                reduce campus energy use and educate students about
                                           includes:                                                   energy conservation and energy justice. Their work
                                           •   Sustainability Activation Program (SAP) - A series of
                                               events focused on conservation, sustainable food and    •   Energy GPA – This collaboration with Facilities
                                               consumer choices and social justice issues offered as       Management, HRL and mechanical engineering is
Student leaders                                part of the Housing and Residence Life (HRL)                led by HSI students who work with faculty and staff
                                               AVIATE program to offer PATH points. Events                 to reduce carbon emissions from university
The sustainability leaders program is an       include the Flyers Go Green lesson and small-group          residential energy use.

                                                                                                                                                                   EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
experiential learning and professional         conscious living and energy chats. SAP was
                                               recognized by AASHE as a finalist in 2018 for their     •   Students in the UD student neighborhood receive
development program open to all UD                                                                         monthly updates on their household energy use
                                               Student Sustainability Leadership Award.
undergraduate students. The UD                                                                             through the Energy GPA dashboard, where they can
campus and community benefit with          •   Dakota Center afterschool program - The team is             not only see their energy use, but also how well they
expanded capacity in the work of making        working with the Dakota Center, located in Dayton’s         did as compared to average households (with a
our campus and community more                  McFarlane neighborhood, to develop and offer an             grade) and the rest of the neighborhood. This
sustainable. Our sustainability leaders        afterschool program focused on sustainability topics.       program paves the way to present actionable ways
benefit with greater opportunity to                                                                        students can decrease the amount of energy they use
                                           •   Student Sustainability Leadership Council -                 so in return they are better prepared to save energy
develop professional skills in the very        Members of the education team co-leads, with SGA, a         at UD now and in the future when they pay for their
diverse field of sustainability and            group of student leaders from across campus who             energy use in their own homes. Energy GPA was
valuable mentorship in exploring their         coordinate and collaborate on sustainability and            recognized in 2018 in the AASHE Campus Index.
vocation while at UD.                          social justice projects and discussions.                    (continues on next page)

HSI student leaders program project highlights, part 2
                       •   Office Ecology - In late 2019, HSI graduate assistants Tess Isemann     recommendations. Topics covered included building energy
                           and Lauren Wolford worked with the Center for Leadership on a           groupings, lighting, plug-loads, mechanical equipment, variable
                           pilot project to increase awareness of everyday habits in UD work       frequency drives, water and HVAC systems.
                           spaces. They examined procurement, catering and food habits
                           including the use of paper plates or one-time plastic bags/utensils,    Food & Growing Team
                           office plants, transportation to work and using power strips that get
                           turned off at the end of the work day. During the spring of 2020        The food and growing team is led by two sustainability leaders and a
                           (both in-person and remotely) the office ecology team also worked       joint environmental biology-HSI graduate student. The team works
                           with student leaders from all of the project teams on a collaborative   very closely with staff in Facilities Management (FM) to develop,
                           audit of the UD president’s house and presented their results and       maintain and educate around projects related to all things that grow.
                           shared ideas with Dr. Spina and his wife, Karen. The energy team is     Their work includes:
                           looking forward to picking up their work on office ecology once
                           faculty, staff and students return to campus full-time.                 •   Members of the team worked with FM to plan, implement and
                                                                                                       maintain the Curran Place solar prairie. This area of native prairie
                       •   Building energy audits and energy efficiency projects - The campus          plants is located under and around a 1.3 MW solar array in front of

                                                                                                                                                                                EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
                           energy team regularly works with Facilities Management staff to             Curran Place. Planted in 2018, the project now includes day-to-day
                           support work to reduce energy in our campus facilities. Most                maintenance support from team members, education events and
                           recently the team has worked on academic building lighting audits,          programming and engagement with volunteers.
                           deployment of smart thermostats in junior and senior residential
                           houses and buildings, and development of systems monitoring and         •   In addition to the Curran Place solar prairie, the team also works
                           information methods.                                                        with facilities management to support the planning and
                                                                                                       implementation of several more native planting areas on campus
                       •   Empowered Energy Consumers PATH point events - Members of                   including the Merkle grounds facility, ArtStreet bioswale and radio
                           our campus energy team created three new peer education events              tower hill by Stuart Hall. The team regularly works with volunteers
                           focused on energy justice, renewable energy and residential energy          from the environmental biology program.
                           use. Each module was completed by more than 500 students.
                                                                                                   •   Tree map of main campus - The food and growing team worked with
HSI student leaders    •   Building Energy Education Program (BEEP) mini-course - The                  landscaping and grounds staff during the past few years to map trees
                           eight-week course covered how energy is used in buildings, how to           over our entire campus. So far the team has completed the main
established a garden
                           monitor energy use, and how to propose various energy savings               (continues on next page)
at Old River Park.

HSI student leaders program project highlights, part 3
                           campus and mapped more than 1,600 trees and 75              Their work includes:
                           types. Our goal is to catalog the size and tree type and
                                                                                                                                                 By the Numbers
                           provide a mobile tool for staff to use to note tree         •   Student neighborhood composting program - The

                           condition and location of memorial trees.                       zero waste team leads this compost collection
                                                                                           program for residences in a section of the UD
                           •   Pilot vegetable garden at Old River Park - The              student neighborhood. This program has been
                               team is working with facilities management and              offered since the fall of 2018 and now has grown to
                               dining services on a vegetable garden to explore            serve up to 80 student residences. Students collect
                               growing at Old River Park for use by dining                 organic waste in five- gallon buckets, which are         POUNDS OF
                               services and our on-campus catering chefs as well           then picked up and exchanged by our team once a       ORGANIC WASTE PER
                               as to support student learning and engagement.              week, with about 350 pounds of waste collected
                                                                                           each week. The team then works with facilities         WEEK COLLECTED
                           •   Kennedy Union patio green roof - HSI worked                 management to compost this waste on-campus              FROM THE UD
                               with facilities management, faculty in the                  for eventual use in our vegetable garden.
                               departments of biology and geology, and the KU                                                                     NEIGHBORHOOD
                               staff in the fall of 2017 to install UD’s first green   •   Office and Flyer Enterprises compost program -

                                                                                                                                                                     EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
                               roof. The food and growing team continues to                The zero waste team also supports composting
                               support maintenance of the roof and the                     (bucket exchange) for offices and coffee locations
                               temperature sensor network that is installed                on-campus. This program started at the same time
                               under the roof.                                             as our neighborhood composting program and
                                                                                           was serving 15-20 locations on-campus. The team
                           Zero Waste Team                                                 looks forward to re-starting this program, which
                                                                                           had to stop during remote work this past year.

HSI student leaders lead
composting on campus.
                           The campus zero waste team is led by three
                           sustainability leaders and an HSI GA. The team
                           supports the campus community in working towards
                           a zero waste campus through reduction of our waste,
                           increase in our recycling, and increase in composting
                                                                                       •   Zero waste education and events - In 2018-19 the
                                                                                           team began supporting large campus events with
                                                                                           the goal of zero waste. These include partnerships
                                                                                           with dining services, senior week, family weekend,
                                                                                                                                                  STUDENT HOMES
The team has run a         organic waste. The team also is working towards                 the MBA program, campus recreation, and
neighborhood composting                                                                    reunion weekend. The team’s efforts led to a          IN THE COMPOSTING
                           increased student involvement in their efforts, with
program since 2018.        increased volunteer and student orgs engagement.                typical diversion rate of 90-95 percent.                   PROGRAM

HSI graduate assistants kick off office ecology project
                           Hanley Sustainability Institute graduate        April Mescher, strategic partnerships         Mescher said she hopes other UD offices
                           students Tess Isemann and Lauren                and marketing director at the Center for      take advantage of the program.
                           Wolford worked with the Center for              Leadership, jumped at the opportunity
                           Leadership on a pilot project to increase       for the Center for Leadership to be the       “I think we should be leveraging these
                           awareness of everyday habits in                 case study after a “Lunch and Learn” put      types of opportunities to make us
                           University of Dayton work spaces that           on by HSI.                                    stronger and more sustainable,” she said.
                           they hope will lead to sustainability                                                         “It’s painless. They are bright people that
                           improvements.                                   Hosting more than 100 senior executives,      will help us all be better. It’s really a zero
                                                                           emerging leaders, front-line supervisors      effort to host the audit on the office that’s
                           The duo examined procurement,                   and professionals from corporate, non-        being assessed. You need to allow them
                           catering and work food habits including         profit, education and government              (to work) and be open to their feedback.”
                           the use of paper plates or one-time             organizations weekly in their space,
                           plastic bags/utensils, office plants,           made it the perfect spot to pilot the         “We were actually able to celebrate a lot
                           transportation to work and using power          program, according to Isemann and             of really good best practices that they are
                           strips that get turned off at the end of the    Wolford.                                      already accomplishing.” Wolford said,
                                                                                                                         “The pilot of this program went very

                                                                                                                                                                               EVOLVING THE INSTITUTION
                           workday, among other items. They then
                           compiled and presented their findings.          There were plenty of opportunities in a       well, and we're looking forward to adding
                                                                           controlled space to observe and monitor       on a few more offices.”
                           “We’re not looking to change up                 everything from how the space is
                           everything that you’re doing,” Isemann          performing, team operations and               This office ecology project piggy-backs
                           said. “We’re looking to make your               preparations, printed items and catering,     the HSI's Green Office Initiative that
                           (office’s) current way of life better for the   and food waste.                               offered certifications to recognize best
                           planet and people.                                                                            practices in work spaces. The Green
                                                                           “By nature, I am always looking to ensure     Office Initiative was part of the
The office ecology         “Our team is able to identify where the         we are leaving the planet a better place,     Sustainability Tracking, Assessment &
project included using     operations of the office are now, and           anyway,” Mescher said, who added that         Rating System (STARS) effort, which
infrared photography       develop strategies to help the office meet      Isemann told her, “You know your team         ultimately resulted in UD earning a gold
to track heat sources in   goals, which ultimately help the                is already doing a lot of the right things,   rating from the Association for the
offices around the UD      University meet our climate                     but I think that we could offer some          Advancement in Sustainability in Higher
                           commitments.”                                   suggestions and alternatives.”                Education (AASHE).

You can also read