A General-Purpose Transferable Predictor for Neural Architecture Search

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A General-Purpose Transferable Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
A General-Purpose Transferable Predictor for Neural Architecture Search

                                                             Fred X. Han1∗, Keith G. Mills2 , Fabian Chudak1 , Parsa Riahi3
                                                          Mohammad Salameh1 , Jialin Zhang4 , Wei Lu1 , Shangling Jui4 , Di Niu2
                                                                                          Huawei Technologies Canada, Edmonton,
                                                                             2                            3
                                                                                 University of Alberta,       University of British Columbia,
                                                                                                Huawei Kirin Solution, Shanghai
arXiv:2302.10835v1 [cs.LG] 21 Feb 2023

                                         Abstract                                                                candidate networks to maximize a performance metric.
                                         Understanding and modelling the performance of neu-                     While various strategies such as Random Search [15],
                                         ral architectures is key to Neural Architecture Search                  Differentiable Architecture Search [16], Bayesian opti-
                                         (NAS). Performance predictors have seen widespread                      mization [32], and Reinforcement Learning [22] can be
                                         use in low-cost NAS and achieve high ranking cor-                       used for search, architecture evaluation is a key bottle-
                                         relations between predicted and ground truth perfor-                    neck to identifying better architectures.
                                         mance in several NAS benchmarks. However, exist-                            To avoid the excessive cost incurred by training and
                                         ing predictors are often designed based on network en-                  evaluating each candidate network, most current NAS
                                         codings specific to a predefined search space and are                   frameworks resort to performance estimation methods
                                         therefore not generalizable to other search spaces or                   to predict accuracy. Popular methods include weight
                                         new architecture families. In this paper, we propose                    sharing [22, 16, 3], neural predictors [17, 32] and
                                         a general-purpose neural predictor for NAS that can                     Zero-Cost Proxies (ZCP) [2]. The effectiveness of a
                                         transfer across search spaces, by representing any given                performance estimation method is mainly determined
                                         candidate Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with                       by the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC)
                                         a Computation Graph (CG) that consists of primitive                     between predicted performance and the ground truth.
                                         operators. We further combine our CG network repre-                     A predictor with higher SRCC can better guide a NAS
                                         sentation with Contrastive Learning (CL) and propose                    search algorithm toward finding superior architectures.
                                         a graph representation learning procedure that lever-                       While partial training and weight sharing are used
                                         ages the structural information of unlabeled architec-                  extensively in early NAS works [22, 36], thanks to sev-
                                         tures from multiple families to train CG embeddings                     eral existing NAS benchmarks that provide an ample
                                         for our performance predictor. Experimental results on                  amount of labeled networks [8, 35], e.g., NAS-Bench-
                                         NAS-Bench-101, 201 and 301 demonstrate the efficacy                     101 [34] offers 423k networks trained on CIFAR-10,
                                         of our scheme as we achieve strong positive Spearman                    there have been many recent developments in training
                                         Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC) on every search                     neural predictors for NAS [31, 26]. As these methods
                                         space, outperforming several Zero-Cost Proxies, includ-                 learn to estimate performance using labeled architecture
                                         ing Synflow and Jacov, which are also generalizable pre-                representations, they generally enjoy the lowest perfor-
                                         dictors across search spaces. Moreover, when using our                  mance evaluation cost as well as the capacity for con-
                                         proposed general-purpose predictor in an evolutionary                   tinual improvement as more NAS benchmarking data is
                                         neural architecture search algorithm, we can find high-                 made available.
                                         performance architectures on NAS-Bench-101 and find                         However, a major shortcoming of existing neural
                                         a MobileNetV3 architecture that attains 79.2% top-1                     predictors is that they are not general-purpose. Each
                                         accuracy on ImageNet.                                                   predictor is specialized to process networks confined to
                                                                                                                 a specific search space. For example, NAS-Bench-101
                                         1    Introduction                                                       limits its search space to a cell, which is a graph of
                                                                                                                 up to 7 internal operators. Each operator can be one
                                         Neural Architecture Search (NAS) automates neural
                                                                                                                 of 3 specific operation sequences. In contrast, NAS-
                                         network design and has achieved remarkable perfor-
                                                                                                                 Bench-201 [8] and NAS-Bench-301 [35] adopt different
                                         mance on many computer vision tasks. A NAS strategy
                                                                                                                 candidate operator sets (with more details in Sec. 3) and
                                         typically performs alternated search and evaluation over
                                                                                                                 network topologies. Thus, a neural predictor for NAS-
                                                                                                                 Bench-101 could not predict the performance for NAS-
                                             ∗ Correspondence   to: fred.xuefei.han1@huawei.com

                                                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by SIAM
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A General-Purpose Transferable Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
Figure 1: Comparison of architecture representations in neural predictor setups: (a) conventional, space-dependent
neural predictors, e.g., BANANAS and SemiNAS; (b) our proposed, general-purpose, space-agnostic predictor
using Computational Graphs. Best viewed in color.

Bench-201 or NAS-Bench-301 networks. This search-            offer a universal representation of neural architectures
space-specific design severely limits the practicality and   from different search spaces. Figure 1 highlights the
transferability of existing predictors for NAS, since for    differences between (a) existing NAS predictors and (b)
any new search space that may be adopted in reality,         the proposed framework. The key is to introduce a uni-
a separate predictor must be re-designed and re-trained      versal search space representation consisting of graphs
based on a large number of labeled networks in the new       of only primitive operators to model any network struc-
search space.                                                ture, such that a general-purpose transferable predictor
     Another emerging approach to performance estima-        can be learned based on NAS benchmarks available from
tion is ZCP methods, which can support any network           multiple search spaces.
structure as input. However, the performance of ZCPs              Second, we propose a framework to learn a gener-
may vary significantly depending on the search space.        alizable neural predictor by combining recent advances
For example, [2] shows that Synflow achieves a high          in Graph Neural Networks (GNN) [20] and Contrastive
SRCC of 0.74 on the NAS-Bench-201 search space, how-         Learning (CL) [5]. Specifically, we introduce a graph
ever the SRCC drops to 0.37 on NAS-Bench-101. More-          representation learning process to learn a generalizable
over, ZCP methods require the instantiation of a neural      architecture encoder based on the structural informa-
network, e.g., performing the forward pass for a batch       tion of vast unlabeled networks in the target search
of training samples, to compute gradient information,        space. The embeddings obtained this way are then fed
and thus incur longer per-network prediction latency.        into a neural predictor, which is trained based on labeled
In contrast, neural predictors simply require the net-       architectures in the source families, achieving transfer-
work architecture encoding or representation to predict      ability to the target search space.
its performance.                                                  Experimental results on NAS-Bench-101, 201 and
     In general, neural predictors offer better estimation   301 show that our predictor can obtain high SRCC
quality but do not transfer across search spaces, while      on each search space when fine-tuning on no more
ZCPs are naturally universal estimation methods, yet         than 50 labeled architectures in a given target family.
are sub-optimal on certain search spaces. To overcome        Specifically, we outperform several ZCP methods like
this dilemma, in this paper, we propose a general-           Synflow and obtain SRCC of 0.917 and 0.892 on NAS-
purpose predictor for NAS that is transferable across        Bench-201 and NAS-Bench-301, respectively. Moreover,
search spaces like ZCPs, while still preserving the          we use our predictor for NAS with a simple evolutionary
benefits of conventional predictors. Our contributions       search algorithm and have found a high-performance
are summarized as follows:                                   architecture (with 94.23% accuracy) in NAS-Bench-
     First, we propose the use of Computation Graphs to      101 at a low cost of 700 queries to the benchmark,

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outperforming other non-transferable neural predictors   3.1 Abstract Operation Representations With-
such as SemiNAS [17] and BANANAS [32]. Finally, we       out the loss of generality, we consider operations in
further apply our scheme to search for an ImageNet [7]   neural networks and define a primitive operator as an
network and have found a Once-for-All MobileNetV3        atomic node of computation. In other words, a primitive
(OFA-MBv3) architecture that obtains a top-1 accuracy    operator is one like Convolution, ReLU, Add, Pooling
of 79.2% which outperforms the original OFA.             or Batch Normalization (BN), which are single points
                                                         of execution that cannot be further reduced.
2   Related Work                                              Operator-grouping is an implicit but widely adopted
Neural predictors are a popular choice for perfor-       technique for improving the efficiency of NAS. It is a
mance estimation in low-cost NAS. Existing predictor-    coarse abstraction where atomic operations are grouped
based NAS works include SemiNAS [17], which adopts       and re-labeled according to pre-defined sequences. For
an encoder-decoder setup for architecture encod-         example, convolution operations are typically grouped
ing/generation, and a simple neural performance pre-     with BN and ReLU [3]. Rather than explicitly rep-
dictor that predicts based on the encoder outputs. Sem-  resenting all three primitive operations independently,
iNAS progressively updates an accuracy predictor dur-    a simpler representation describes all three primitives
ing the search. BANANAS [32] relies on an ensem-         as one grouped operation pattern that is consistent
ble of accuracy predictors as the inference model in its throughout a search space. We can then use these rep-
Bayesian Optimization process. [26] construct a similar  resentations as feature inputs to a search algorithm [23,
auto-encoder-based predictor framework and supplies      17] or neural predictor [31, 9], as prior methods do.
additional unlabeled networks to the encoder to achieve       While operator grouping provides a useful method
semi-supervised learning. [31] propose a sample-efficientto abstract how we represent neural networks, it hinders
search procedure with customized predictor designs for   transferability as groupings may not be consistent across
NAS-Bench-101 and ImageNet [7] search spaces. NPE-       search spaces. Take the aforementioned convolution
NAS [30], BRP-NAS [9] are also notable predictor-based   example: Although convolutions are typically paired
NAS approaches. By contrast, our approach pre-trains     with BN and ReLU operations, the ordering of these
architecture embeddings that are not restricted to a spe-primitives can vary. While NAS-Bench-101 use the
cific underlying search space.                           ‘Conv-BN-ReLU’ ordering, NAS-Bench-201 use ‘ReLU-
     Zero-Cost Proxies (ZCP) are originally proposed as  Conv-BN’, thus forming a discrepancy that current
parameter saliency metrics in model pruning techniques.  neural predictors do not take into account.
With the recent advances of pruning-at-initialization         Compounding this issue, the set of operations can
algorithms, only a single forward/backward propagation   differ by search space. While NAS-Bench-101 consid-
pass is needed to assess the saliency. Metrics used in   ers Max Pooling, NAS-Bench-201 only uses Average
these algorithms are becoming an emerging trend for      Pooling, and NAS-Bench-301 uses complex convolutions
transferable, low-cost performance estimation in NAS.    with larger kernel sizes not found in either 101 nor 201.
[2] transfers several ZCP to NAS, such as Synflow [25],  A neural predictor trained on any one of these search
Snip [14], Grasp [29] and Fisher [27]. Zero-Cost Proxies spaces using operator-grouping could not easily trans-
could work on any search space and [2] shows that        fer to another. Thus, operator-grouping is the main
on certain search spaces, they help to achieve results   culprit of low transferability in existing predictors. We
that are comparable to predictor-based NAS algorithms.   provide a table enumerating the operator groupings for
However, the performance of ZCPs are generally not       each search space in the supplementary materials.
consistent across different search spaces. Unlike neural
predictors such as ours, they require instantation of 3.2 Computational Graphs To construct a neural
candidate networks as well as sample data to compute predictor that is transferable between search spaces,
gradient metrics.                                         we consider a representation that can generalize across
                                                          multiple search spaces. We define a Computation Graph
3 A Unified Architecture Representation                   (CG) as a detailed representation of a neural network
                                                          without any customized grouping, i.e., each node in the
In this section, we discuss how to represent neural net-
                                                          graph is a primitive operator and the network CG is
works. First, we elaborate on operator-grouping within
                                                          made up of only such nodes and edges that direct the
NAS, how it simplifies architecture representation while
                                                          flow of information. Without operator-grouping, CGs
hindering transferability between search spaces. Then,
                                                          define a search space that could represent any network
we introduce our Computational Graph (CG) frame-
                                                          structure since the number of primitive operators is
work and how it solves the transferability problem.
                                                          usually far less than the number of possible groupings.

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Figure 2: An example illustrating the key graphical features extracted from compute graphs and how we encode
them as GNN node features. All nodes contain input and output tensor HWC sizes. Nodes with trainable weights
contain additional features on the weight matrix dimensions and bias.

    While there are many potential ways to construct        primitive operator node and E contains pairs of vertices
a CG, we adopt a simple approach of using the model         (vs , vd ) indicating a connection between vs and vd . Un-
optimization graph maintained by deep learning frame-       der this definition, the problem of performance estima-
works like TensorFlow [1] or PyTorch [21]. As the name      tion becomes finding a function F , e.g., a Graph Neural
suggests, a model optimization graph is originally in-      Network (GNN), such that for computation graph Gi ,
tended for gradient calculations and weight updates,        which is generated from a candidate neural network,
and it is capable of supporting any network structure.      F (Gi ) = Yi , where Yi is the ground truth test score.
In this work, all the CGs used in our experiments are             Representing networks as CGs enable us to break
simplified from TensorFlow model optimization graphs.       the barrier imposed by search space definitions and
Specifically, we extract the following nodes from a model   fully utilize all available data for predictor training,
optimization graph to form a CG:                            regardless of where a labeled network is from, e.g.,
                                                            NAS-Bench-101, 201 or 301. We could also effortlessly
   • Nodes that refer to trainable neural network
                                                            transfer a predictor trained on one search space to
      weights. For these nodes, we extract the atomic
                                                            another, by simply fine-tuning it on additional data
      operator type, such as Conv1D, Conv2D, Linear,
                                                            from the target space.
      etc., input/output channel sizes, input/output im-
      age height/width sizes, weight matrix dimensions
                                                            4 Neural Predictor via Graph Representation
      (e.g., convolution kernel tensor) and bias informa-
      tion as node features.
                                                            In this section, we propose a two-stage approach to im-
   • Nodes that refer to activation functions like ReLU prove generalization and leverage unlabeled data via
      or Sigmoid, pooling layers like Max or Average, Contrastive Learning (CL). We first find a vector repre-
      as well as Batch Normalization. For these nodes, sentation, i.e., graph embedding, which converts graph
      we extract the operator type, input/output channel features with a variable number of nodes into a fixed-
      and image height/width sizes.                         sized latent vector via a graph CL procedure, before
                                                            feeding the latent vector to an MLP accuracy regres-
   • Key supplementary nodes that indicate how infor-
                                                            sor. Given a target family for performance estimation,
      mation is processed, e.g., addition, concatentation
                                                            a salient advantage of our approach is its ability to lever-
      and element-wise multiplication. For these nodes,
                                                            age unlabeled data, e.g., computation graphs of the tar-
      we also extract the type, input/output channel and
                                                            get family, which are typically available in abundance.
      image height/width sizes.
                                                            In fact, our approach is able to jointly leverage labeled
Figure 2 illustrates how we transform a computa- and unlabeled architectures from multiple search spaces
tion graph into learnable feature vectors. Formally, to maximally utilize available information.
a computation graph G consists of a vertex set V =                For each CG Gi , we would like to produce a vector
{v1 , v2 , v3 , ...} and an edge set E, where v refers to a representation hi ∈ R for a fixed hyper-parameter e.

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We would like to infer relationships between networks by              Laplacian Eigenvalues
                                                                                                         Calculate Topological Similarity
considering the angles between vector representations.
Our CL-based approach learns representations where                     Computation
only similar CGs have close vector representations.
                                                                          Similar              Graph                 Graph
                                                                           CGs                Features             Embeddings
4.1 Contrastive Learning Frameworks Sim-
CLR [5, 6] and SupCon [13] apply CL to image
                                                                       Computation                        Graph                    Proj.
classification. The general idea is to learn a base en-                  Graph                           Encoder                   MLP

coder to create vector representations h of images. To
train the base encoder, a projection head P roj(∗) maps                                                                        Predictor Features

the vector representations into a lower-dimensional
space z ∈ Rp ; p < e to optimize a contrastive loss.
     The contrastive loss forces representations of sim-             Figure 3: Contrastive Learning framework. We apply
ilar objects to be in agreement. Consider a batch                    a graph encoder to produce embeddings. Next, a
of N images, whose vector representation is I =                      projection layer produces representation vectors whose
{h1 , h2 , . . . , hN } ⊂ Re . For each Gi , let zi = P roj(hi ) ∈   similarity we compare using the CL loss, weighted
{||z|| = 1 : z ∈ Rp }, and let the cosine similarity be              according to the Laplacian Eigenvalues of each CG.
sim(zi , zj ) = zi · zj /τ , where the temperature τ > 0
and · is the dot product. The agreement χi,j between
two arbitrary indices i and j is given by                            4.2 Computational Graph Encodings Figure 3
                                                                     provides a high-level overview of our scheme. When ap-
                                                                     plying CL to CGs, we start by considering the similarity
                             exp(sim(zi , zj ))
(4.1)        χi,j = log P                           .                between CGs. We leverage the rich structural infor-
                            r6=i exp(sim(zi , zr ))                  mation CGs provide by encoding each atomic primitive
A primary distinction between SimCLR and SupCon is                   within a network as a node. Specifically, our approach
how we determine if two different objects are similar.               uses spectral properties of undirected graphs [10]. Given
     SimCLR considers the unsupersived context where                 a CG with |V | nodes, we consider its underlying undi-
we do not have access to label/class information. Data               rected graph G0 . Let A ∈ {0, 1}|V |×|V | be its adjacency
augmentation plays a crucial role. For each anchor                   matrix and D ∈ Z|V |×|V | be its degree diagonal matrix.
index i in a batch, we apply a transform or slight                   The normalized Laplacian matrix is defined as
perturbation to create an associated positive element
j(i), while all other samples r 6= i, j(i) are negative (4.4)            ∆ = I − D−1/2 AD−1/2 = U T ΛU,
indices. The SimCLR loss function,
                                                            where Λ ∈ R|V |×|V | is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues
                                 X                          and U the matrix of eigenvectors. Eigenvalues Λ encode
(4.2)            LSimCLR = −          χi,j(i) ,             important connectivity features. For instance, 0 is the
                                                            smallest eigenvalue and has multiplicity 1 if and only if
serves to maximize agreement between the original and G is connected. Smaller eigenvalues focus on general
augmented images.                                           features of the graph, whereas larger eigenvalues focus
     By contrast, if classes are known, we can use the on features at higher granularity; we refer the reader to
the SupCon loss function [13],                              [33] for more details.
                                                                 More generally, we can use the eigenvalues of ∆ to
                          X −1 X
(4.3)       LSupCon =                         χi,s ,        measure    pseudo-distance between graphs. Given two
                              |P (i)|                       CGs   g1 2 , we compute the spectral distance σS (g1 , g2 )
                                                                    , g
                          i∈I         s∈P (i)
                                                            as the Euclidean norm of the corresponding k = 11
where P (i) is the set of non-anchor indices whose class is smallest eigenvalues.
the same as i. Thus, not just j(i), but all indices whose        Our constrastive loss incorporates elements from
class is the same as i contribute to the probability of both SimCLR and SupCon in addition to spectral
positive pairs.                                             distance. As our task of interest is regression rather
     Next, we construct a contrastive loss for CGs. We than classification, we replace the positive-negative
consider the challenges and advantages of using graphs binary relationship between samples in a batch with a
as data as well as the overall problem of regression probability distribution over all pairs which smoothly
instead of classification.                                  favors similar computation graphs.

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Table 1: Spearman correlation coefficients (ρ). We compare our CL encoding scheme to a GNN encoder as well
as several ZCPs. For our CL and GNN, we report the mean and standard deviation over 5 fine-tuning runs.

                         Method          NAS-Bench-101       NAS-Bench-201       NAS-Bench-301
                         Synflow [25]         0.361               0.823              -0.210
                         Jacov [18]           0.358               0.859              -0.190
                         Fisher [27]         -0.277               0.687              -0.305
                         GradNorm [2]        -0.256               0.714              -0.339
                         Grasp [29]           0.245               0.637              -0.055
                         Snip [14]           -0.165               0.718              -0.336
                         GNN-fine-tune    0.542 ± 0.14        0.884 ± 0.03        0.872 ± 0.01
                         CL-fine-tune     0.553 ± 0.09        0.917 ± 0.01        0.892 ± 0.01

     First, if the family of networks each CG belongs         Bench-201 [8] and NAS-Bench-301 [35], with 50k, 40961
to is known, e.g., NAS-Bench-101, 201, etc., we can           and 10k overall CG samples, respectively. We differen-
treat the family affiliation as a class and follow the        tiate between target and source families depending on
SupCon approach. Second, rather than using the                our configuration. We treat target families as unseen
uniform distribution over P (i) as in Equation 4.3, we use    test domains and assume we only have access to a lim-
a convex combination over P (i) based on the similarity       ited amount of labeled target data, yet a large amount
of the corresponding computation graphs. Overall, our         of unlabeled target CGs. We use source families to train
loss function is given as                                     our predictors and we assume labels are known for each
                         X X                                  CG.
(4.5)           LCL = −             αs(i) χi,s ,                   We consider the three cases where one of NAS-
                         i∈I s∈P (i)
                                                              Bench-101, 201 or 301 is the held-out target family, and
        (i)          P            (i)                         use the other two as source families. We use structural
where αs ≥ 0 and       s∈P (i)   αs = 1. For computation
                                                              information from unlabeled samples in the target family
graph i, we simply define α∗ to be the softmax of             to train our CL encoder in an unsupervised manner.
σS (i, ∗) with temperature 0.05.                              Then, we use labeled data from the source families
     Finally, there are challenges associated with data       to train an MLP predictor using supervised regression.
augmentation for CGs. Slightly perturbing a CG may            Finally, we use a small amount of labeled data from the
drastically change its accuracy on a benchmark, e.g.,         target family to fine-tune the MLP predictor.
changing an activation function or convolution [19].               In addition to our CL-based encoder and ZCPs, we
In more severe scenarios, arbitrary small changes to          consider a simple GNN [20] regressor baseline that we
a computation graph may make it fall outside of the           can train and fine-tune in an end-to-end fashion. We
family of networks of interest or even result in a graph      provide implementation details for each predictor in the
that does not represent a functional neural network at        supplementary materials.
all. To address this, rather than randomly perturbing a            We sample 5k instances from NAS-Bench-101, 4096
CG, we use σ to randomly pick a very similar graph from       instances from NAS-Bench-201 and 1k instances from
the training set to form a positive pair. As suggested        NAS-Bench-301 when they are the target test family,
in [13], we learn the embeddings using large batch sizes.     and use all available data when they are a source family.
We enumerate the structure of our predictor and other         When fine-tuning, we use 50 CGs from NAS-Bench-101
details in the supplementary materials.                       and NAS-Bench-301 and 40 CGs if NAS-Bench-201 is
                                                              the target family. We execute the ZCPs on the test sets
5   Experimentation                                           and report the Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient
In this section, we evaluate our proposed transferable        (SRCC) (ρ ∈ [−1, 1]). SRCC values closer to 1 indicate
predictor by comparing ranking correlations with other        higher ranking correlations between predictions and the
transferable Zero-Cost Proxies (ZCP) on popular NAS           ground truth accuracy.
benchmarks. Then, we compare with other neural pre-                Table 1 summarizes the results. First, we note
dictors in the literature by performing search, show-         that our CL-based encoder achieves the best SRCC
ing that methods with higher ranking correlations often       in all three target family scenarios. On NAS-Bench-
produce better results.                                       101, only our CG-based schemes can achieve SRCC
                                                              above 0.5, while some ZCPs fail to even achieve positive
5.1 Comparison of ranking correlations We con-
sider the search spaces of NAS-Bench-101 [34], NAS-             1 CIFAR-10   architectures that do not contain ‘zeroize’.

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Table 2: Search results on NAS-Bench-101, 201 and 301 using the same EA search algorithm but with different
performance estimation methods. #Q represents the number of unique networks queried during search. Note
that the #Q for CL-fine-tune also counts the fine-tuning instances.

                                  NAS-Bench-101              NAS-Bench-201              NAS-Bench-301
                            #Q     Acc. (%)     Rank    #Q    Acc. (%)    Rank         #Q Acc. (%)
             Random         700    94.11 ± 0.10 26.0    90    93.91 ± 0.2 104          800 94.75 ± 0.08
             Synflow        700    94.18 ± 0.05 5.8     90    94.37 ± 0.0 1.0          800 94.60 ± 0.11
             CL-fine-tune   700    94.23 ± 0.01 2.2     90    94.37 ± 0.0 1.0          800 94.83 ± 0.06

correlation. On NAS-Bench-201, only our CL scheme is
                                                            Table 3: Search performance of our CL-fine-tuning
able to achieve over 0.9 SRCC while the GNN baseline
                                                            predictor and EA search algorithm against other NAS
and the best ZCP methods, Synflow and Jacov, achieve
                                                            approaches on NAS-Bench-101. We report the best
around 0.85 SRCC. Similar to [2], on NAS-Bench-301,
                                                            architecture accuracy and number of queries.
all of the ZCP schemes fail to achieve positive ranking
correlation. By contrast, both of our predictors achieve       NAS algorithm                  #Queries        Best Acc.
over 0.85 SRCC on 301. Moreover, the CL encoder                Random Search                   2000            93.66%
with fine-tuning achieves very low standard deviation on       SemiNAS [17]                    2000            94.02%
all three benchmarks. This indicates stable, consistent        SemiNAS (RE) [17]               2000            94.03%
performance. Overall, our findings demonstrate the             SemiNAS (RE) [17]               1000            93.97%
utility of CGs as generalizable, robust neural network         BANANAS [32]                     800            94.23%
representations and the capacity of our CL scheme to           GA-NAS [23]                      378            94.23%
learn rich graph features through unlabeled data.              Neural-Predictor-NAS [31]        256            94.17%
                                                               NPENAS [30]                      150            94.14%
                                                               BRP-NAS [9]                      140            94.22%
5.2 Search results We now demonstrate that our                 EA + CL-fine-tune                700            94.23%
predictor is a superior choice for transferable perfor-
mance estimation in NAS. We vary the performance es-
timator and report the accuracy and rank of the best
architecture found. Specifically, we compare the CL-        SRCC on NAS-Bench-301 and note how poor estima-
fine-tune predictor for a given target family against the   tion performance reflects downstream search results as
Synflow ZCP and a random estimation baseline. We            a random estimation baseline outperforms Synflow on
pair each predictor with a simple evolutionary approach     that search space. By contrast, with a small amount
that we detail in the supplementary materials.              of fine-tuning data, our CL-fine-tune predictor achieves
     For each method, we conduct 5 search runs on NAS-      exceptional transferability across architecture families
Bench-101 which has 423,624 labeled candidates, NAS-        and is able to better guide the search process.
Bench-201 with 15,625 searchable candidates, and NAS-            Next, we compare our best search results on NAS-
Bench-301 with over 1018 candidates. To establish a         Bench-101 to other state-of-art NAS approaches in
fair comparison, we query (#Q) the same number of           Table 3. We observe that our EA + CL-fine-tune setup
networks. Intuitively, the number of queries made to the    is competitive with other NAS algorithms. For instance,
benchmark simulates the real-world cost of performance      our setup requires fewer queries to find the second-best
evaluation in NAS.                                          architecture (94.23%) in NAS-Bench-101 compared to
     Table 2 reports our results. On NAS-Bench-101 and      BANANAS. The only other scheme which achieves that
301, our CL-fine-tune predictors consistently find better   level of performance is our previous work, GA-NAS [23].
architectures than either Synflow or the random esti-       Moreover, our search result is better than SemiNAS in
mation baseline. On average, our CL predictor can find      terms of the number of queries and accuracy. It is also
the 2nd best NAS-Bench-101 architecture while Synflow       critical to note that, due to the generalizable structure
finds the 6th best, and does not come close in terms        of our CGs, we can transfer our predictor to other search
of performance on NAS-Bench-301. On the smallest            spaces with only a small amount of labeled data for
search space, NAS-Bench-201, both our CL-fine-tune          fine-tuning. This is a unique advantage among neural
predictor and Synflow easily and consistently find the      predictors.
best CIFAR-10 architecture. We recall from Table 1               Finally, we further test the efficacy of our predictor
how none of the ZCP methods could achieve positive          in NAS by searching on the large-scale classification
                                                            dataset ImageNet [7]. To reduce carbon footprint, we

                                                                                                Copyright © 2023 by SIAM
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Algorithm 1 Evolutionary Search Algorithm (EA)
Table 5: Candidate operation groupings for NAS-
                                                                 1: Input: Random architecture set P ; Predictor M ;
Bench-101, 201 and 301. We report the sequence
of atomic operations in each grouping as well as the                Budget B; NAS-Benchmark D;
                                                                 2: for t = 1, 2, . . . , T do
number of nodes we would use to represent it as a CG
subgraph. ‘BN’ means Batch Normalization.                        3:    Pbest ← top-k(P )
                                                                 4:    Pnew ← Mutation and Crossover(Pbest )
      Op. Name              Sequence              #Nodes         5:    Pnew ← Rank(Pnew , M ) . Sort using predictor
                    NAS-Bench-101 [34]                           6:    Pchild = ∅
       1 × 1 Conv       [Conv, BN, ReLU]              3          7:    for b = 1, 2, . . . , B do
       3 × 3 Conv       [Conv, BN, ReLU]              3          8:        Pchild ← Pchild + Query(Pnew [b], D)
    3 × 3 Max Pool         [Max Pool]                 1          9:    end for
                     NAS-Bench-201 [8]                          10:    P ← P + Pchild
         Zeroize                –                     0         11: end for
      Skip-Connect          [Identity]                0
       1 × 1 Conv       [ReLU, Conv, BN]              3
       3 × 3 Conv       [ReLU, Conv, BN]              3
    3 × 3 Ave. Pool        [Ave. Pool]                1         architectures Pbest , and denote them as parent1 and
                   NAS-Bench-301 [35, 16]                       parent2 . Then, we randomly select one operator in
         Zeroize                –                     0         parent2 and use it to replace another random operator
      Skip-Connect          [Identity]                0         in parent1 , ensuring that the selected operator cannot
    3 × 3 Sep. Conv* [ReLU, Conv, Conv, BN            8         be the same as the one it is replacing. Therefore, our
                      ReLU, Conv, Conv, BN]                     crossover is single-point and uniformly random. After
    5 × 5 Sep. Conv* [ReLU, Conv, Conv, BN            8         crossover, we perform additional mutations on the child
                      ReLU, Conv, Conv, BN]                     architecture.
    3 × 3 Dil. Conv† [ReLU, Conv, Conv, BN]           4              In the mutation procedure, we select architectures
    5 × 5 Dil. Conv† [ReLU, Conv, Conv, BN]           4
                                                                that are members of Pbest or that came from the
    3 × 3 Ave. Pool        [Ave. Pool]                1
    3 × 3 Max Pool         [Max Pool]                 1
                                                                crossover procedure and perform 1-edit random muta-
                                                                tions on their internal structures. The actual definition
     * Depthwise Separable Convolution [24]. The first
                                                                for 1-edit change is determined by the search space. For
     convolution in a ‘Conv, Conv’ pair has ‘groups’ equal
     to input channels, and the second conv is 1 × 1.
                                                                example, on NAS-Bench-101, 1-edit mutations include
     † Dilation (Atrous) Convolution [4]. The first conv in a   the following:
     pair has a dilated kernel, while the second is 1 × 1.
                                                                  • Swap an existing operator in the cell with another
                                                                    uniformly sampled operator.
7    Supplementary Materials                                      • Add a new operator to the cell with random
7.1 Architecture Groupings Table 5 enumerates                       connections to other operators.
the operator groupings for NAS-Bench-101, NAS-
Bench-201 and NAS-Bench-301, respectively. Further-               • Remove an existing operator in the cell and all of
more, we list the number of nodes a Computational                   its incoming/outgoing edges.
Graph (CG) needs to encode each sequence. Finally, we
                                                                  • Add a new edge between two existing operators in
note the presence of depthwise separable [24] and dilated
                                                                    the cell.
(atrous) convolutions [4] in NAS-Bench-301, in contrast
to the regular convolutions found in NAS-Bench-101                • Remove an existing edge from the cell.
and NAS-Bench-201.
                                                                It is also worth mentioning that in our search we allow
7.2 Evolutionary Search To perform search, we                   for more than 1-edit mutations, i.e., we could randomly
adopt a common Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) that                 perform consecutive mutations on an architecture to
consists of a combination of crossover and mutation             boost the diversity of the new population Pnew .
procedures to create a larger pool of child architectures.           We evaluate the performance of each architecture
We provide a high-level description for our procedure.          in Pnew using a given performance predictor M . We
     Given a population of architectures P , at each            denote a NAS-Benchmark we can query as D as well
iteration t = 1, 2, . . . , T , we select the current top-k     as a query budget B. Using D, we query the ground
best architectures as potential parents and denote this         truth performance of the first B architectures in Pnew
subset as Pbest . To perform crossover, we select two           and denote this labelled subset Pchild . We add Pchild

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Table 6: Summary of key hyper-parameters for our EA search algorithm. Pinit refers to the starting population.

                                    NAS-Bench-101          NAS-Bench-201       NAS-Bench-301
                                  k   B   |Pinit | T      k  B |Pinit | T    k   B   |Pinit | T
                 Random/Synflow   20 100   100     6      10 20   10     4   20 100   100     7
                 CL-fine-tune     20 100    50     6      10 10   10     5   20 100    50     7

to the existing population P and continue to the next
iteration t + 1. Algorithm 1 summarizes our overall
search procedure, while Table 6 enumerates our specific
hyperparameter settings.

7.3 Predictor Components Our CL graph encoder
considers Transformer [28] attention mechanisms with
positional embeddings [5, 6] to capture global graph
relationships and k-GNN [20] layers to capture local
features. Starting from operation node embeddings,
the transformer encoder consists of up to 2 layers with
2 attention heads, whose output we concatenate with
a k-GNN [20] to form an overall graph embedding of
size m = 128. We generate graph embeddings by
aggregating the features of all nodes using the mean
operation. An MLP with 4 hidden layers and ReLU
projects the graph embedding down to size p = 64 to
compute the CL loss. When training the CL encoder,
we set τ = 0.1 and normalize output representations as
[13] suggest. Finally, we use a separate MLP head with
5 layers and a hidden size of 200 to make a prediction
from the CL embedding.
     Our simple GNN graph encoder baseline consists of
4 or 6 layers with node feature size 64. We apply the
same mean aggregation to form a graph embedding, and
then use an MLP head with 4 hidden layers and ReLU
activation to make a prediction.

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