Tracking Multiple Fast Targets With Swarms: Interplay Between Social Interaction and Agent Memory
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Tracking Multiple Fast Targets With Swarms: Interplay Between Social Interaction and Agent Memory Hian Lee Kwa1,2 , Jabez Leong Kit1 and Roland Bouffanais3 1 Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, 2 Thales Solutions Asia, Singapore, 3 University of Ottawa, Canada hianlee arXiv:2108.07122v1 [cs.MA] 16 Aug 2021 Abstract each other to disperse and search for the targets. Upon en- countering a target, a robot changed to the ‘track’ mode and The task of searching for and tracking of multiple targets is autonomously moved to the center of mass of all observed a challenging one. However, most works in this area do not targets and its neighbors using a locally calculated force vec- consider evasive targets that move faster than the agents com- prising the multi-robot system. This is due to the assumption tor. Later, Parker (2002) assigned weights to the targets, pre- that the movement patterns of such targets, combined with venting target coverage overlap by reducing the influence of their excessive speed, would make the task nearly impossible targets already under observation on the force vector. to accomplish. In this work, we show that this is not the case and we propose a decentralized search and tracking strategy When the number of targets exceeds the number of agents, in which the level of exploration and exploitation carried out Kolling and Carpin (2006) developed a strategy based on by the swarm is adjustable. By tuning a swarm’s exploration the targets’ speed and direction of travel. Agents broad- and exploitation dynamics, we demonstrate that there exists cast a ‘help request’ if it predicted that a target was about an optimal balance between the level of exploration and ex- to move out of detection range. Esterle and Lewis (2017) ploitation performed. This optimum maximizes its tracking performance and changes depending on the number of targets studied the implementation of various response models and and the targets’ movement profiles. We also show that the use communications strategies for situations where the number of agent-based memory is critical in enabling the tracking of of targets in the search space was known a priori. They an evasive target. The obtained simulation results are vali- demonstrated that increasing the level of inter-agent com- dated through experimental tests with a decentralized swarm munication served to improve the system-level monitoring of six robots tracking a virtual fast-moving target. performance, regardless of the response model used. However, Mateo et al. (2017) have shown that increasing INTRODUCTION levels of connectivity causes a reduction in an MRS’s capac- Swarming multi-robot systems (MRS) are gaining increas- ity to respond to dynamic stimuli. Furthermore, Mateo et al. ing amounts of attention as they bring several advantages (2019) established that a swarm must change its level of con- compared to their centrally controlled MRS counterparts. nectivity to maximize its response, adapting itself according This includes system flexibility—the ability to operate in to the speed of evolution of the environment. Applying this dynamic environments, robustness—the ability to cope with concept to the tracking of a single fast-moving non-evasive individual agent failures, and scalability—the ability to target, Kwa et al. (2020a) showed that an optimum level of carry out tasks in systems comprised of different number of connectivity occurs at which the ideal balance between the agents. As such, swarming MRS have been demonstrated to amount of exploration and exploitation is carried out, thus be able to carry out several tasks such as dynamic area mon- maximizing the tracking performance of the system. A sim- itoring (Zoss et al., 2018), area mapping (Kit et al., 2019), ilar observation was also made by Hamann (2018). In this and target monitoring (Coquet et al., 2019). work, a stick pulling task is carried out by a MRS swarm in In the field of target tracking, the task of monitoring mul- which the degree of collaboration among agents is varied by tiple moving targets is an NP-hard problem and was first changing an agent’s sensor range. The author concluded that formalized in the Cooperative Multi-robot Observation of the amount of information needs to be moderated to maxi- Multiple Moving Targets (CMOMMT) framework by Parker mize a system’s performance. Doing so prevent agents from and Emmons (1997). Under this framework, agents position trying to optimize the problem independently, which occurs themselves to maximize the amount of time that each tar- at low levels of connectivity, and also prevents all agents get is observed. In this study, the authors developed a ba- from solving the same problem in parallel. sic algorithm where robots switched between a ‘search’ and In CMOMMT, all proposed strategies are limited to hav- ‘track’ mode. While in the ‘search’ mode, robots repelled ing targets slower than or at the same speed of the individual
swarming agents. This is especially the case when evasive erated two velocity vectors at each time-step that were com- targets are being tracked where there is a long-standing as- bined to give a final agent velocity vector: sumption that the targets will always be able to evade their pursuers given their superior mobility and maneuverability. vi [t] = vi,att [t] + vi,rep [t], (1) This gives a false sense that the problem is impossible for the where vi,att [t] and and vi,rep [t] are the velocity vectors pursuing swarm (Parker and Emmons, 1997; Parker, 2002). generated by the attractive component and the repulsion However, it has been shown that this is possible in various component respectively. Selecting the degree, k, of the target capture games where the pursuers have vision of the inter-connecting k-nearest neighbor communications net- entire environment (Janosov et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2019). work controlled the amount of social interaction between the Shishika and Paley (2019) also demonstrated that informa- swarming agents, and hence the overall EED of the swarm. tion sharing between swarming agents aids agents in the The overall strategy employed in the system is detailed in process of intercepting and capturing a fast-moving evader. Algorithm 1. The individual components of this algorithm Furthermore, Ni and Yang (2011) showed that the networks will be explained in the following sections. used to share information among agents must be a dynamic one. This allows connections between agents to be broken Algorithm 1 : Dynamic k-Nearest Network Search and and established, maximizing the system’s ability to capture Tracking Strategy evasive targets. Our contribution to this challenging problem is a novel 1: Set t = 0, k ∈ [2, N − 1], ω = 1, and c = 0.5 swarm-based strategy for memory-enabled agents. Memory 2: while System active do is demonstrated to be critical in allowing an MRS to track 3: for All agents i ∈ [1, N ] do evasive targets that move faster than the individual units. Its 4: Set p using Algorithm 2 introduction also gives another parameter that can tune an 5: Calculate vatt,i using Eq. (2) MRS’s exploration and exploitation dynamics (EED), per- 6: Calculate vrep,i using Algorithm 3 mitting agents to successfully prioritize either exploratory or 7: vi [t] ← vatt,i [t] + vrep,i [t] exploitative actions. In doing so, the system autonomously 8: vi [t] ← (vmax /vi [t]) · vi [t] adapts its collective dynamics to maximize its performance 9: xi [t + 1] ← xi [t] + vi [t] while tracking different target numbers, speeds, and move- 10: end for ment profiles. In this problem of dynamic target tracking 11: t←t+1 problem, Jordehi (2014) cited two main challenges which 12: end while are addressed in this work, namely: (1) the trade-off between exploration and exploitation carried out by a swarm, and (2) problems associated with outdated system memory. As Agent Aggregation The aggregation component of the such, we also thoroughly explore the intricate interplay be- strategy was used to generate a point of attraction for the tween these two factors that give rise to the optimum amount agents, encouraging exploitative actions. Each agent keeps of system engagement necessary to maximize the system’s track of the position at which a target was found and the tracking performance. time at which it was detected. Each agent also receives a The rest of this paper is structured as follows. We first set of target positions and encounter times from its k-nearest present the MRS search and tracking strategy. We then de- neighbors. These received values are compared to an agent’s scribe the operating conditions of the search environment in own values and the most recent target position is used as a which we deploy our MRS, as well as introduce a metric that point of attraction, p (see Algorithm 2). Therefore, agents allows for the quantification of a swarm’s EED. This novel can exploit both information that is directly sensed from the approach is thoroughly analyzed through simulations, and environment and those coming from its neighbors. Note also validated experimentally using a testbed comprising six that a neighborhood is understood in the network sense; an decentralized miniature robots. agent i has as many neighbors as its degree k. Given that time-varying network topologies are considered, the neigh- Methods borhoods of each individual agent change over time. Search and Tracking Strategy Using an agent’s previous velocity and location relative to p, an agent’s velocity is updated according to: The strategy used by Kwa et al. (2020a) was composed of two regulated behavioral patterns: (1) promotion of agent vi,att [t + 1] = ωvi [t] + cr p[t + 1] − xi [t + 1] . (2) aggregation around a point of attraction (exploitation), and (2) an adaptive inter-agent repulsion behavior (exploration). This equation is similar to that used in the social-only PSO These behaviors, inspired by the Charged Particle Swarm model (Engelbrecht, 2010), where ω is the velocity inertial Optimization algorithm (CPSO) (Blackwell and Bentley, weight, set at ω = 2, c is the social weight, set at c = 2, 2002) and the Social-Only PSO (Engelbrecht, 2010), gen- and r is a number randomly drawn from the unit interval. In
computational optimization, this is the main driver of a the where rij [t] is the vector from agent i to agent j at time-step system’s exploitative behavior. Here, it is used to drive the t. The level of inter-agent repulsion is controlled by two fac- MRS towards the target. It should be noted that the targets tors: (1) the dynamic repulsion strength, aR [t], controlling will never overlap each other and that agents do not assign agent separation when the system is in equilibrium and, (2) unique identifiers to tracked targets. the exponential term d in the pre-factor term (aR /rij ). Crucial to the system’s ability to track an evasive target The key aspect of this repulsion scheme is the ability of is the implementation of agent-based memory. It was pre- each agent to tailor its repulsion strength, aR [t], based on in- viously determined that the use of memory was counter- formation gathered through direct measurements taken from productive as its usage resulted in the exploitation of out- the environment and from communications with its neigh- dated information, causing swarm aggregation in a loca- bors. Here, we introduce the concept of an agent’s tracking tion at which the target is no longer present (Coquet et al., state, Si [t]. When an agent has information of a target’s lo- 2019; Kwa et al., 2020a). Despite these disadvantages, cation, it is assigned a tracking state of 1, moves towards the memory usage has been shown to encourage the aggrega- target location, and reduces its aR [t] value until a minimum tion of agents around high quality target patches in static value is reached. When an agent has no target information, non-destructive foraging tasks (Falcón-Cortés et al., 2019; it enters an exploratory state, assigns itself a tracking state Nauta et al., 2020b). In the pursuit of an evasive target that of 0, and increases its aR [t] value until a maximum value is moves faster than any individual agent, the use of agent- attained. Formally, the tracking state is assigned by consid- based memory gives the swarm a longer lasting point of ering Si (xi [t], t) = 0 if pi [t] = ∅, and 1 otherwise. attraction. This increases the amount of exploitation car- ried out by the MRS, allowing it to close in on a target even Algorithm 3 : Adaptive Repulsion though agents are unable to detect the presence of the target. Set aR,min = 2, aR,max = 12, d = 6, δexplore = 0.1 and As such, each agent is given a memory, M , with a duration δtrack = 0.75 of tmem . while System active do if aR > aR,min and Si [t] = 1 then aR ← aR − δtrack Algorithm 2 : Point of Attraction Update Algorithm elseif aR < aR,max and Si [t] = 0 then Initialize M = tmem aR ← aR + δexplore if Agent detects target then Calculate vrep,i using (3) pself ← Target’s position end while tbest ← t end if Determine Ni = {j ∈ [1, N ] s.t. agent j is a topological Swarm Communications Network The swarm commu- k-nearest neighbor of agent i} nication network regulates the EED of the MRS. Adjustment Get list of all neighbors’ p and tbest of the level of connectivity, also known as the degree con- pneigh ← Most recent entry in all neighbors’ p nectivity, of an MRS can have considerable effects on the tneigh ← Most recent entry in all neighbors’ tbest collective dynamics of the swarm (Mateo et al., 2017, 2019). if tbest + M < t then pself ← ∅ Kwa et al. (2020a,b) also established that in the tracking of if tneigh + M < t then pneigh ← ∅ fast-moving targets that lower degrees of connectivity favor if pself = ∅ and pneigh = ∅ then p[t] ← xi [t] exploration of the domain while higher degrees of connec- elseif tbest > tneigh then p[t] ← pself tivity favor domain exploitation. else p[t] ← pneigh Target Representation In this work, the targets do not emit a gradient field; agents Adaptive Repulsion The implemented adaptive repulsion are either able to detect a target if they are within a target’s behavior was used to prevent the agents from flocking within radius or are completely unable to do so should they be posi- a small area and promote area exploration. From a prac- tioned otherwise. The absence of a gradient field makes the tical robotics standpoint, this behavior also offers an anti- tracking problem more challenging by eliminating the possi- collision measure as a direct byproduct of this mechanism. bility of using gradient-descent methods. This conservative This behavior was first introduced in Kwa et al. (2020a) and approach represents one of the most challenging cases with a is summarized in Algorithm 3. near-zero-range sensor tracking a target faster than the agent Each agent, i, with a set of topological neighbors, j, cal- themselves. It is only through the deployment of an MRS in culates its velocity vector as follows: such challenging scenarios that it is able to fully make use of its swarm intelligence. X aR [t] d rij [t] vrep,i [t] = − , (3) The targets move according to ‘non-evasive’ and ‘evasive’ rij [t] rij [t] policies. Using the non-evasive policy, the targets move to- j∈Ni
wards random waypoints within the search space. Using the where N is the total number of agents within the swarm. evasive policy, the targets initially follow the non-evasive With this metric, a higher engagement ratio will indicate that policy until it makes contact with an agent. Upon contact agents are spending a larger proportion of time attempting to with an agent (i.e. when an agent falls within the target’s track a target, and hence higher levels of exploitation. Con- radius), the target calculates its velocity using the repulsion versely, at lower engagement ratios, agents spend a lower equation presented in (3), with all agents within its radius proportion of time attempting to track a target, which is char- used as repulsion neighbors. After encountering agents for acteristic of higher levels of exploration. tlimit consecutive iterations, the target travels in a straight line for tevade time-steps to attempt to outrun its pursuers. Simulation Results A homogeneous swarm of N = 50 agents with a maxi- Problem Statement mum speed of 0.1 arbitrary-distance-units per time-step was In this work, a set of tracking agents A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , aN } initialized in a L × L square operating environment, with and a set of targets O = {o1 , o2 , . . . , oM } move within a L = 25. The agents are tasked with tracking J targets fol- bounded two-dimensional square search space of dimen- lowing either an evasive or non-evasive motion policy, where sions L × L devoid of any obstacles. Both agents and J ∈ {1, 2, 3}. By fixing the agents’ maximum speed at targets have an x and y position, xi = (xi , yi ), and max- va, max = 0.1 we studied the effects of changing the maxi- imum velocities of va,max and vo,max respectively, where mum speed of the targets relative to the agents. All simu- va,max ≤ vo,max . The targets are modeled using disc-shaped lations were also carried out over a period of 100,000 itera- binary objective functions with fixed radii of ρ = L/25. A tions, resulting in low variability between runs with different target is considered to be tracked if an agent lies within its random seeds (below 1% for both tracking performance and radius. Formally: system engagement). ( 1 ∃i ∈ A s.t. kxi − xm k ≤ ρ, Impact of Varying Degree of Connectivity cov(om , t) = (4) 0 otherwise. Single Target Tracking While tracking both evasive and non-evasive targets, increases in target velocity caused a de- The goal of the system is to maximize its tracking perfor- crease in the system’s tracking performance as seen in Fig. 1. mance of the targets within the environment, given by the This was expected since the swarming agents’ velocities reward function: were not increased to match that of the target and increas- T M ing a target’s velocity allows it to more easily outrun its pur- 1 XX suers. Unsurprisingly, a reduction in tracking performance Ξ= cov(om , t), (5) T J t=1 m=1 was also seen when targets used an evasive movement pol- icy instead of the non-evasive one as it gave the targets the where T it the total time period of interest and M is the total ability to better avoid its pursuing agents. number of targets within the search space. In the simulations From Fig. 1, it can also be observed that there exists performed, the agents are tasked with tracking the targets in an optimal degree of connectivity, k = k ∗ , at which the an environment free from obstacles and are assumed to have tracking performance is maximized and is also consistent perfect information about the target’s location once within with our previous work (Kwa et al., 2020a,b) as well as the the target’s radius. work carried out by Hamann (2018). However, this opti- mum only appears when the target travels faster than the Exploration and Exploitation Dynamics individual agents. This is because at low target velocities, In addition to the tracking performance of the swarm, the the swarm need not regulate its level of exploration and ex- collective dynamics of a swarm can be studied through the ploitation to effectively track the target; the swarm can track quantification of the EED of the system. Previously, this the target through performing purely exploitative actions. In was performed by finding the correlation between an agent’s contrast, when the target travels faster than the agents, the direction of travel and bearing to the target (Kwa et al., swarm needs to engage in more exploratory actions within 2020a,b). However, a new metric needs to be considered the search space to reacquire the target’s location after being since multiple targets are being studied. As such, a swarm’s outrun. Kwa et al. (2020a,b) have shown that a swarm tends engagement ratio is used to quantify its EED. An agent is to favor exploitation at high levels of connectivity and ex- considered to be engaged with a target if it has entered the ploration at lower connectivity levels. This is confirmed by ‘tracking’ state and Si (xi [t], t) = 1. Therefore, the overall Fig. 2 that shows higher system engagement at higher levels engagement ratio of the swarm is calculated as follows: of connectivity. As such, when operating at the optimal de- T N gree of network connectivity, it can be said that the system is 1 XX able to carry out a good balance of both exploratory and ex- Θ= Si [t], (6) N T t=1 i=1 ploitative actions, improving its target tracking capabilities.
gregating around and exploiting the target’s location. Even- 1.4 tually, when the agents are outrun by the target, they have vo,max /va,max = 1 to expand and explore the environment again to relocate the 1.2 vo,max /va,max = 1.25 target. This suggests that the amount of exploitation that can vo,max /va,max = 2 be performed by the swarm is being limited by the lack of vo,max /va,max = 3 1.0 information gathered by the swarm about the target’s loca- Tracking Performance Ξ tion, further stressing the critical need to balance the amount 0.8 of exploration and exploitation carried out by the swarm. Multiple Target Tracking Similar to single target track- 0.6 ing, the swarm has a lower k ∗ when tracking evasive targets compared to when tracking non-evasive targets (see Fig. 3). 0.4 Again, this is due to the swarm requiring higher levels of ex- ploration when pursuing evasive targets. Also seen in Fig. 3 0.2 0 10 20 30 40 k 1.0 Figure 1: Non-evasive target (solid line) and evasive 1 Target target (dashed line) tracking performance with different 2 Targets 0.8 3 Targets vo,max /va,max ratios (maximum agent’s velocity va,max = 0.1 Tracking Performance Ξ and memory length of tmem = 20). 0.6 The presence of an optimal k is also apparent in non- evasive target tracking. However, k ∗ for non-evasive tar- 0.4 get tracking tends to be higher than that for evasive target tracking. This is because an evasive target makes its move- 0.2 ments to avoid contact with a pursuing agent, thereby re- quiring more exploration from the MRS to track the target. 0 10 20 30 40 k Exploration is favored at lower degrees of connectivity, re- Figure 3: Multiple non-evasive (solid lines) and eva- sulting in a lower k ∗ and associating evasive target tracking sive (dashed lines) target tracking performance (maximum with a different exploration and exploitation balance. agent’s velocity va,max = 0.1, memory length of tmem = 20, and maximum targets’ velocity vo,max = 0.2). 1.0 is a reduction in k ∗ when tracking multiple targets. This vo,max /va,max = 1 vo,max /va,max = 1.25 holds true for both evasive and non-evasive targets and is 0.8 vo,max /va,max = 2 because more exploration is required to acquire information vo,max /va,max = 3 about the different targets’ location. These higher levels of Engagement Ratio Θ 0.6 exploration are achieved at lower levels of connectivity. It is also harder to track multiple targets simultaneously. There- fore, increasing the number of targets present in the search 0.4 space lowers the tracking performance of the swarm. 0.2 Impact of Varying Agent-Based Memory It has previously been assumed that the addition of agent- 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 based memory will cause the swarm to exploit outdated k information, reducing the system’s overall tracking perfor- Figure 2: Swarm system engagement with a single evasive mance. However, as seen in Fig. 4, the addition of moderate target traveling at different speeds (maximum agent’s veloc- amounts of agent-based memory to the system only results ity va,max = 0.1 and memory length of tmem = 20). in a small decrease an MRS’s non-evasive target tracking performance. Figure 2 also reveals an upper limit in the engagement In contrast, when tracking an evasive target, memory ratio of the system in both evasive and non-evasive targets plays a major role in a swarm’s ability to track the target. tracking. At higher levels of connectivity, the swarm loses Without its use, the swarm is unable to track the target effec- track of the target easily due to a high portion of agents ag- tively. As demonstrated in Fig. 4, the tracking performance
0.9 0.30 0.8 Tracking Performance Ξ Engagement Ratio Θ 0.7 0.25 0.6 0.20 0.5 0.4 0.15 Non-Evasive Target 0.3 Evasive Target 0.10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Memory Length tmem Memory Length tmem Figure 4: Single evasive and non-evasive target tracking per- Figure 5: Evasive target system engagement with varying formance with different implemented agent-based memory memory lengths. Target moved at a speed of vo,max = 0.2. lengths (target speed vo,max = 0.2). Tracking agents are Agents were connected in a dynamic k = 20 network. connected in a dynamic k = 20 network. 1.0 tmem = 0 rapidly improves when memory is introduced until an op- tmem = 20 0.8 tmem = 100 timum memory length is reached before slowly degrading again. This is because the use of agent-based memory gen- Tracking Performance Ξ erates a persistent point of attraction based on a target’s last 0.6 known position, giving the agents the ability to aggregate at that point. While the swarm may periodically encounter the 0.4 target without the use of memory, its agents will tend to ex- pand until they reach their static equilibrium positions and 0.2 will be unable to close in on the target due to the target’s evasive maneuvers. This is illustrated in Fig. 5 where it can 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 be seen that the swarm is unable to engage with the target k with very low agent-based memory lengths. Figure 6: Single non-evasive (solid line) and an evasive Balancing Network Connectivity and Memory (dashed line) target tracking performance while varying the When comparing Figs. 1 and 4, it can be seen that after length of the implemented agent-based memory and degree the optimal memory length has been attained, changing the of network connectivity. degree of connectivity impacts the MRS’s tracking perfor- mance more compared to the effects attained by altering exploration and exploitation carried out by the swarm to the memory length. However, Fig. 6 shows that changing maximize its tracking response. This is demonstrated in the length of the memory present in each agent also affects Fig. 7, which shows a clear optimum level of engagement the optimal degree of connectivity required to maximize the that maximizes the MRS’s tracking performance. The plots tracking performance. It can be seen that increasing agents’ also show that the ideal engagement ratio maximizing eva- memory length tends to decrease the optimal degree of con- sive target tracking performance is lower than that for a non- nectivity, k ∗ . This is caused by the swarm’s tendency to evasive target. Not only do these results highlight the pres- perform higher amounts of exploitation with longer mem- ence of the optimal balance between exploration and ex- ory lengths. This is congruent with the findings by Nauta ploitation, but they also reveal the important fact that this et al. (2020a), who showed that stronger memory effects fa- optimum varies based on the task presented to the swarm. vor more exploitative actions in a foraging scenario. There- Furthermore, Fig. 7 shows that excessive memory lengths fore, to maximize its tracking performance while using in- (M = 2000) degrade the tracking performance of the swarm creased memory lengths, the swarm needs to compensate for when pursuing both evasive and non-evasive targets. The this increase in exploitation by performing more exploratory plot also highlights the necessity of the inclusion of agent- actions, effectively resulting in a reduced k ∗ value. based memory when tracking evasive targets as the system The results obtained point to an optimal balance between without memory is outperformed by all the other systems.
1.0 sized that besides this communication of target locations to Evasive Target No Memory the robots and robot positions to the computer, there was no tmem = 20 central controller facilitating the coordination of the robots’ 0.8 tmem = 40 tmem = 100 movements. It should also be noted that while the target tmem = 2000 traveled at a slower speed than the robots, the target has infi- nite maneuverability compared to the finite maneuverability Engagement Ratio 0.6 of the robots. As such, even if the individual robots can 0.4 move faster than the target in a straight line, they effectively respond much slower due to their low maneuverability. It is also worth mentioning that these experiments were carried 0.2 out in an environment free of obstacles to highlight the ef- fects of agent-based memory. Should this experiment be re- 0.0 run in a more complex environment with obstacles, the robot 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Performance Ξ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 units are equipped with LIDAR sensors, allowing them to perform collision avoidance. All experiments were run with an all-to-all connectivity 1.0 Non-Evasive Target (k = 5), in an attempt to make the response of the swarm more apparent. Two sets of tests were run, one with agent- 0.8 based memory length of M = 15 s, and another without any. Each set of tests was comprised of 10 runs, with each run lasting for approximately 2 minutes to minimize the di- Engagement Ratio 0.6 rectional drift experienced by the robots and allow for the as- 0.4 sumption that the robots are able to accurately self-localize. The robots’ locations are communicated to a central com- puter to enable the reconstruction and visualization of their 0.2 paths and responses to the presence of a target seen in Fig. 8. The figure shows that without memory, the robots were un- 0.0 able to respond to the presence of the target and tended to re- 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Performance Ξ main in place even when the target had been encountered. In contrast, with agent-based memory, when an agent encoun- Figure 7: Engagement-Tracking plots of a swarm with dif- tered the target, the swarm as a whole was able to respond ferent tmem and k tracking an evasive (top) and a non- and the units turned to move towards and aid in the tracking evasive (bottom) target. Darker shaded points indicate of the target. The improved response of swarm system to swarms using networks with higher values of k. the presence of the target resulted in a significant increase in tracking performance (p < 0.01), with the swarm being bet- ter able to track the evasive target for a longer period of time Swarm Robotic Experiments (Table 1). This is similar to the results obtained in the simu- To validate the obtained simulation results, we per- lations, validating our hypothesis that agent-based memory formed series of experiments using 6 in-house developed is required in the tracking of a fast-moving evasive target. differential-drive land robots with a maximum speed of While the physical experiments performed confirmed the 10 cm/s. Although this swarm robotic system was originally necessity of the implementation of agent-based memory, the developed for the mapping of unknown environments (see quantitative results obtained from the physical experiments Kit et al. (2019) for technical details), it has also been used did not replicate those obtained from the simulations. These in the tracking of non-evasive targets (Kwa et al., 2020a). discrepancies can be attributed to three reasons: (1) the At the start of all tests, 6 of the robots were arranged small number of robots used for the simulations, (2) the short in the middle of an open search area. These robots were experiment duration relative to that of the simulations, and tasked with tracking a virtual evasive target, traveling at an (3) the physical tests and the simulations were not performed average speed of 5 cm/s, following the same evasive move- at the same scale and density. Also as demonstrated by ment policy previously described with ρ = 0.75 m. The Czirók et al. (1997), statistical characterization of a multi- target’s location is determined by a central computer that agent system’s order becomes more difficult at low swarm calculates its next position based on the current locations of densities. This makes it harder to predict the behavior of a all of robots. To ensure that no gradient descent methods system with low density within simulations, which could ac- are used, only the units within the target’s radius are given count for some of the discrepancies between the simulation information about the target’s location. It must be empha- and physical experiment results.
(A) Initial Positions (B) Without Memory (C) With Memory (D) Path Reconstruction Environment Physical Figure 8: (Top) Reconstruction of target and robot positions and robot paths as observed through our monitoring system. (Bottom) Physical experiments using a connectivity of k = 5 and adaptive repulsion. (A) Robots initialized at the start of the experiments. (B) Robots without agent-based memory unable to respond to a target’s presence. (C) Robots with agent-based memory moving towards target after being found. (D) ORION robotic unit (Kit et al., 2019). Table 1: Swarm tracking performance results with and with- engagement ratio, the average proportion of agents attempt- out agent-based memory obtained from the robotic units. ing to track a target during the entire simulation. Without Memory With Memory Through tuning the swarm’s EED, an optimum balance 39.0 31.8 48.8 63.8 between the level of exploration and exploitation was found, 47.1 39.9 46.6 44.0 occurring only when the swarm tracks targets moving faster 37.6 40.5 64.4 37.0 than its component agents. This balance tilts in favor of 32.9 37.1 40.1 58.4 performing higher amounts of exploration when attempting 30.8 35.1 48.1 42.8 to track multiple evasive targets, due to the swarm’s need Averaged 37.2 ± 4.6 49.4 ± 9.2 to acquire information of the targets’ locations. Similarly, when tracking a smaller number of non-evasive targets, bet- ter tracking performance will be obtained if a swarm per- forms higher amounts of exploitative actions. Discussion A limitation of this work is that our MRS operates in an The application of swarming MRS to a dynamic target unobstructed environment. However, as this work focuses search and tracking task is a very challenging problem. This on the highly dynamic problem of tracking a fast-moving is especially the case when multiple evasive targets capa- target and the importance of memory in the performance ble of traveling faster than the individual agents are being of such tasks, more complex environments were not used. considered. Such cases are not adequately studied as it has Should the MRS be implemented within an environment been assumed that a fast-moving evasive target will always with obstacles, the simulations can be modified to utilize ob- be able to outmaneuver its pursuers, rendering the tracking stacle avoidance algorithms, taking advantage of our robotic task impossible and therefore trivial. test platform’s LIDAR sensors. In this work, we show that despite having to track multiple Finally, physical experiments were carried out with a fast-moving evasive targets, it is possible to employ limited swarm of 6 robots. While the quantitative results did perception swarming MRS to accomplish the task through not replicate those obtained in the simulations, we demon- the use of a decentralized swarming strategy. The presented strated a significant improvement of the swarm’s evasive tar- strategy allows the tuning of a swarm’s exploration and ex- get tracking performance when equipped with agent-based ploitation dynamics through the use of an adaptive inter- memory compared to an MRS without. This is in agreement agent repulsion behavior, the degree of connectivity of the with our results, highlighting the importance of memory in interconnecting k-nearest neighbor network, and the length the search and tracking of a fast-moving evasive target. of memory present in all agents. The swarm’s EED shifts in favor exploration by reducing the degree of connectivity Acknowledgements or by reducing the agents’ memory lengths and vice versa to This research is funded by Thales Solutions Asia Pte Ltd, favor information exploitation. This strategy was tested in under the Singapore Economic Development Board IPP. simulations where we quantified the swarm’s overall track- ing performance and its EED. The former was performed References by counting the number of time-steps the targets had been Blackwell, T. B. and Bentley, P. (2002). Dynamic Search with tracked and the later was done by calculating the swarm’s Charged Swarms. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evo-
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