A Changed Landscape for U.S. Investment-Grade Corporate Bonds

Page created by Clarence Pham
A Changed Landscape for U.S. Investment-Grade Corporate Bonds
April 2021

Fixed-Income Insights

A Changed Landscape for
U.S. Investment-Grade Corporate Bonds
Spreads on US investment-grade corporates have returned to pre-pandemic levels.
How might investors approach the asset class in the current environment?

                    by Ritchie Oriol, Investment Strategist

   n	In 2021, investment-grade corporate bonds endured their worst opening quarter in 30 years, as the impact of
      rising interest rates on the value of corporate bonds significantly outweighed any income and spread tighten-
      ing that occurred over the quarter.
   n	Normally, such an outcome would lead investors to review their allocation to the asset class. Indeed, with the
      normalization of the United States underway and with it, commensurate expectations for strong economic
      growth, concerns over the impact of inflation remain a risk.
   n	Despite this, the attraction of rotating into cash remains limited as risk-free yields provided by US T-bills
      remain at historic lows.
   n	In this environment, we believe investors should embrace a flexible approach to high-quality fixed income and
      consider strategies that mitigate the impact of higher interest rates, which could rise further as the U.S.
      economy enters a period of robust, above-trend growth.

Following the extremely strong returns investors in investment-      robust rollout of vaccinations in the United States led to a
grade (IG) corporate bonds enjoyed over the last three quarters      significant sell-off in longer dated US Treasuries, causing
of 2020, the first quarter of 2021 provided a cause for pause.       duration-sensitive US IG corporate bonds to endure their worst
The historic interventions undertaken last year by the US Federal    start to the year in three decades. Indeed, US investment-grade
Reserve (“Fed”) to underpin the orderly functioning of the           corporates (as represented by the ICE BofA US Corporate Bond
financial markets in response to COVID-19, including rapid and       Index) returned -4.5% in Q1 – the positive impact of modest
meaningful rate cuts and the unprecedented purchase pro-             spread tightening over the quarter and income were over-
grammes for investment grade (and to a limited extend below          whelmed by negative price returns due to the impact of rising
investment grade) corporate securities stabilized sentiment. As      rates on duration.
a result, spreads of investment-grade corporate bonds reverted       With this backdrop, how should investors in high grade debt
from levels often associated with high yield in March 2020 to        with a focus on income evaluate the opportunity set? We believe
those found pre-crisis levels by early January 2021 (Figure 1,       income-oriented investors in the asset class are likely to stay the
second page).                                                        course in the near term. Broad macroeconomic conditions
In recent months, landmark fiscal stimulus via the US$1.9 trillion   remain favourable - overall consumer confidence continues
COVID Relief package, encouraging economic indicators and a          to improve1 as has the economic outlook from the perspec-
Figure 1. Spreads on Investment-Grade US Corporate Bonds Have Returned to Pre-Crisis Levels
                                   Option adjusted spread on the ICE BofA Corporate Index, 1 January 2019–31 March 2021



              Spread (bps)






Source: Bloomberg. Data as of 31 Mar 2021. The option-adjusted spread (OAS) is the measurement of the spread of a fixed-income security rate and the risk-free rate of return,
which is adjusted to take into account an embedded option. Past performance is not a reliable indicator or guarantee of future results. For illustrative purposes only and does
not represent any specific portfolio managed by Lord Abbett or any particular investment. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect the deduction of fees or expenses, and are not
available for direct investment.

forecasts for US GDP for 2021 are expected to normalize above                                                                                                                                  shorter maturities, 1-3 year US corporates provide yields over
trend levels in the second half of this year (Figure 2, third page).                                                                                                                           10x the level of those same T-bills. And although income
Perhaps more important is that unlike in previous periods, the                                                                                                                                 should not be the sole determinant for asset allocation, in an
alternatives for safe income are meagre (Figure 3, fourth page).                                                                                                                               environment where spreads are tight and expected to remain
While US investment-grade corporates provided yields of just                                                                                                                                   rangebound, carry should be considered an important compo-
over 2.25% as at the end of March 2021, that is 40x the yield                                                                                                                                  nent of return.
provided by 12-month US T-Bills. For those investors targeting

Figure 2. For 2021, a Vaccine-Led Normalization of US Economic Activity Is Expected


        YoY GDP Change (%)

                                                                                                                    3.7          3.5          3.6          3.4



                             -10                 -9.0
                                   4Q19   1Q20   2Q20         3Q20          4Q20         1Q21         2Q21         3Q21         4Q21         1Q22          2Q22

Sources: Trading Economics, BEA (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis), and Credit Suisse U.S. Equity Strategy Navigator, 1/4/2021. YoY = year-over-year. The historical data
shown in the chart above is for illustrative purposes only and do not represent any specific portfolio managed by Lord Abbett or any particular investment.

Figure 3. Yields on US Corporate Bonds Far Outstrip Those of 12-Month T-Bills
                                             Yields and yield ratios for the indicated asset classes, 1 January 2014–31 March 2021

                                                         IG v 12M UST (LHS)                  1-3Y IG v 12M UST (LHS)                         12M UST Yield (RHS)

                               40                                                                                                                                                 4.0


                               30                                                                                                                                                 3.0

             Yield Ratio (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                        Yield (%)
                               20                                                                                                                                                 2.0


                               10                                                                                                                                                 1.0


                               0                                                                                                                                                  0.0















Source: Bloomberg. Data as of 31 Mar 2021. IG=Investment grade US corporate bonds. 1-3Y IG= 1-3 Year Investment grade US corporate bonds. UST=US Treasury bills.
LHS=left-hand side. RHS=right-hand side. Past performance is not a reliable indicator or guarantee of future results. For illustrative purposes only and does not represent
any specific portfolio managed by Lord Abbett or any particular investment. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect the deduction of fees or expenses, and are not available for
direct investment.

Further, if you consider the default risk associated with investment                                           Even more effective, in our view, would be a multi-sector approach
grade corporates, we believe investors are more than well com-                                                 to access opportunities in adjacent fixed income asset classes to
pensated for the risk as spreads remain significantly wider than                                               provide a wider opportunity to identify attractive relative value as
what would be justified by default risk. Along these lines, Bank of                                            well as to complement the overall return profile and enhance the
America recently highlighted that the average historical loss for                                              risk/reward characteristics of IG corporate fixed income alloca-
investment grade bonds due to defaults were about 12 basis                                                     tions. And because the excess return available in high quality
points per annum over the 30-year period ending 2019.3                                                         short term credit is largely compensation for liquidity risk rather
                                                                                                               than principal risk due to default, a multi-sector approach with a
As markets have moved from crisis management mode in 2020 to
                                                                                                               focus on true short duration assets can potentially provide
normalization today, how might investors mitigate downside risk
                                                                                                               enhanced yields without sacrificing overall portfolio credit quality
and take advantage of an evolving landscape in corporate credit?
                                                                                                               or liquidity.
For those focused on the broad investment grade asset class
itself, we suggest an active approach with emphasis on identifying
relative value across credit rating and industry. We think this calls
for a sensible approach to duration in an environment that is likely
to continue to experience upward pressure on inflation and yields                                                                                                                                   4
on longer-dated government bonds.
 Source: Bloomberg; as measured by the University of Michigan Consumer                   Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of the price (the value of principal) of
Sentiment Index as at 31 March 2021.                                                     a fixed-income investment to a change in interest rates.
 Source: Bloomberg, as measured by the US Business Roundtable CEO                        Securitized products (also known as structured products) are pools of
Survey Economic Outlook Index, as at 31 March 2021.                                      financial assets that are brought together to create a new security, which is
BofA Global Research, Situation Room, 25 March 2021.                                     then divided and sold to investors.
A Note about Risk: The value of investments in fixed-income securities will              Spread is the percentage difference in current yields of various classes of
change as interest rates fluctuate and in response to market movements.                  fixed-income securities versus Treasury bonds or another benchmark-bond
Generally, when interest rates rise, the prices of debt securities fall, and             measure. A bond spread is often expressed as a difference in percentage
when interest rates fall, prices generally rise. High-yield securities, some-            points or basis points (which equal one-one hundredth of a percentage
times called junk bonds, carry increased risks of price volatility, illiquidity,         point).
and the possibility of default in the timely payment of interest and principal.          The ICE BofA U.S. Corporate Index tracks the performance of U.S. dollar
Bonds may also be subject to other types of risk, such as call, credit,                  denominated investment grade corporate debt publicly issued in the U.S.
liquidity, interest-rate, and general market risks. Longer-term debt securities          domestic market. The ICE BofA 1-3 Year U.S. Corporate Index is a
are usually more sensitive to interest-rate changes; the longer the maturity             maturity-specific subset of the index.
of a security, the greater the effect a change in interest rates is likely to have
on its price. Lower-rated bonds may be subject to greater risk than                      ICE BofA Index Information:
higher-rated bonds. No investing strategy can overcome all market volatility             Source: ICE Data Indices, LLC (“ICE”), used with permission. ICE PERMITS
or guarantee future results.                                                             USE OF THE ICE BofA INDICES AND RELATED DATA ON AN “AS IS”
                                                                                         BASIS, MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING SAME, DOES NOT
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Statements concerning financial market trends are based on current market                suggestion to engage in or refrain from any investment-related course of
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                                                                                         adviser, or give advice in a fiduciary capacity with respect to the materials
The credit quality of the debt securities in a portfolio are assigned by a
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nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), such as
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Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, or Fitch, as an indication of an issuer’s
                                                                                         investment idea, strategy, product, or service described herein may be
creditworthiness. Ratings range from `AAA’ (highest) to `D’ (lowest). Bonds
                                                                                         appropriate for your circumstances.
rated `BBB’ or above are considered investment grade. Credit ratings `BB’
and below are lower-rated securities (junk bonds). High-yielding, non-invest-            The opinions in this commentary are as of the date of publication, are
ment-grade bonds (junk bonds) involve higher risks than investment-grade                 subject to change based on subsequent developments, and may not reflect
bonds. Adverse conditions may affect the issuer’s ability to pay interest and            the views of the firm as a whole. The material is not intended to be relied
principal on these securities.                                                           upon as a forecast, research, or investment advice, is not a recommenda-
                                                                                         tion or offer to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy,
Treasuries are debt securities issued by the U.S. government and secured
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                                                                                         Readers should not assume that investments in companies, securities,
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                                                                                         sectors, and/or markets described were or will be profitable. Investing
A Treasury Bill (T-Bill) is a short-term U.S. government debt obligation                 involves risk, including possible loss of principal. This document is prepared
backed by the U.S. Treasury Department with a maturity of one year or less.              based on the information Lord Abbett deems reliable; however, Lord Abbett
                                                                                         does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the information.
One basis point equals one one-hundredth of a percentage point.
                                                                                         Investors should consult with a financial advisor prior to making an
Carry represents the additional return accruing to an investor from holding a            investment decision.
higher yielding security over a lower yielding security, assuming prices
remain constant.

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