Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times

Page created by Alicia Griffith
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
05.10.2018 fri

Movies: A Star Is Born
Books: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life:
A Sortabiography by Eric Idle
Music: Blood Red Roses by Rod Stewart
Wine: The Musqué Mutation
Kitchenwise: Sauteed Chicken Cutlets
                                                      Macau Daily Times | Edition 3143 | 05 Oct 2018

Hot Metal                       A Bugatti. A Ferrari. The electrics. A luxury Mercedes-Benz
                                 SUV. Those are among the new models getting the buzz at
                                                       the Paris Motor Show opening today
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
X2    PÁTIO DA ILUSÃO illusion
    DRIVE IN                                                                           Lindsey Bahr, AP Film Writer

‘A Star Is Born’ is

                                                                           AP PHOTO
dizzyingly wonderful

I  t’s hard not to go into “A
   Star Is Born “ without a lot
of prejudgments. Even if you
                                      store cashiers take photos of
                                      you without asking, where you
                                      can send a private jet to usher
haven’t seen the other three          a girl you just met to your con-
versions, the mere fact that          cert and where you can be an
they exist, and with such for-        alcoholic teetering on the edge
midable talent, is enough to          because you’re talented and
make anyone scoff at the fact         charismatic and you make too
that Hollywood keeps dusting          many people too much money
off this well-worn story about        and, besides, you’re basically
fame and love and addiction.          functioning aside from the tin-
And then you throw in the fact        nitus.
that it was made by a first-time      Cooper puts the viewer right
director, who also happens to         with Jackson as he takes the
be a movie star, no less, and the     stage at a big festival. His rou-
whole thing seems even more           tine, you imagine, doesn’t alter
dubious. Leave that all at the        that much: Pop the pills. Drink
door, though, because “A Star         the drink. Take the hat off. Play.
Is Born,” is simply terrific — a      Sing. Exit stage left to drink                  Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga in a scene from “A Star is Born”
big-scale cinematic delight that      some more. Only this night, he
will have the masses singing,         ends up somewhere a little off                  ms, puts on YouTube and crea-       makes you actually feel part        quiry.                                  ral, vulnerable and strong as
swooning and sobbing along            his regular path, at a drag bar                 tes a viral sensation.              of a world, and not just like an    This film wears its thesis on its       she goes toe-to-toe with Coo-
with it.                              where Ally, in full Edith Piaf                  The first hour of “A Star Is        observer on the other side of a     sleeve and is trying to make a          per in what might be his best
It’s quite a feat from Bradley        costume, wakes him out of his                   Born” is downright electri-         screen.                             point about being an artist with        performance — the man truly
Cooper, who directed, co-wro-         ambling stupor with “La Vie En                  fying — funny, exciting, sexy       But like all good things, the en-   “something to say” and making           disappears into Jackson Maine.
te, produced and stars in the         Rose.” And with a star-making                   and wholly lived-in. Charac-        gine of that first hour only gets   use of the time when people             And as a director, well, he is
film. Cooper plays Jackson            close-up of Ally, Jackson, and                  ters you just met feel like old     the film so far, and the second     are listening. Jackson values           the real deal and, with this sort
Maine, a massively popular            the audience, falls in love.                    friends, from the drag queens       half has its shortcomings. Coo-     authenticity above all else, but        of introduction, definitely far
singer-songwriter whose path          Cooper and Gaga have incre-                     at the club to Ally’s father (An-   per rushes through an enor-         we never get to learn what Ally         from the shallow now.
intersects with an unknown and        dible chemistry, the kind that                  drew Dice Clay) and his fellow      mous amount of story to wrap        wants out of her career — all
overlooked talent named Ally          makes you believe that two                      drivers. Sam Elliott, as Jack-      things up in a reasonable runti-    we know is that Jackson, and                 “A Star Is Born,” a Warner
(a magnificent Lady Gaga) and         strangers would know in a ni-                   son’s brother, might only have      me. While he does accomplish        presumably Cooper, disappro-              Bros. release, is rated R by the
the two become entangled as           ght that they’re made for each                  15 minutes of screen time, but      this, it comes at the expense of    ve of the artifice.                        Motion Picture Association of
his star fades and hers rises.        other. Before you know it, he’s                 it’s enough to break your heart     Ally as a character who goes        But the actors and the fil-                America for “language throu-
When the film starts, Jackson         asking her to come up on sta-                   (and probably earn him some         from earthy singer-songwriter       mmaking hold up “A Star Is                  ghout, some sexuality/nudity
is at the height of his fame, the     ge with him to sing her song,                   awards love too). “A Star Is        to a Katy Perry-like pop diva       Born” where the story cannot.            and substance abuse.” Running
type of fame where grocery            “Shallow,” which someone fil-                   Born” is that rare film that        in an instant without much in-      Gaga is a gifted actress, natu-         time: 135 minutes.

     BOOK IT                                                                                                                                      tTUNES
     Eric Idle on Monty Python,                                                                                                                   Rod Stewart nostalgic on
     life’s brighter side                                                                                                                         varied ‘Blood Red Roses’

     E    ric Idle has been funny for                                                  have a name. Idle, John Cleese, Mi-
                                                                                                                                                  N    ostalgia has been a focal
                                      AP PHOTO

                                                                                                                                                                                          AP PHOTO

          a very long time.                                                            chael Palin, Graham Chapman, Ter-                               feature of Rod Stewart’s
     He gained fame almost 50 years                                                    ry Jones and Terry Gilliam toyed                           songwriting even as far back as
     ago playing pompous TV hosts                                                      with names like “Toad Elevating                            1971’s “Maggie May,” and some
     and leering idiots as a member                                                    Moment” and “Whither Canada?”                              of the best tunes on “Blood Red
     of the Monty Python comedy                                                        before settling on “Monty Python’s                         Roses,” his 30th studio album, ex-
     troupe. While the original BBC                                                    Flying Circus.”                                            plore that same vein.
     TV show ran for only four sea-                                                    “We didn’t know what we were                               “Farewell” pays tribute to a friend
     sons, it spawned a bunch of live                                                  doing and insisted on doing it,”                           through a poignant melody and re-
     shows and several movies, in-                                                     Idle writes. The show — a mix of                           minisces about their shared Lon-
     cluding “Life of Brian,” which                                                    absurdity, whimsy and high-brow                            don youth. “Honey Gold” features
     ended with Idle on a crucifix                                                     humor— had evolved from British                            sweeping strings, an electric gui-
     singing “Always Look on the                                                       comedy before it, but it was a reve-                       tar echoing the one on “Tonight’s
     Bright Side of Life.”                                                             lation when it crossed to the United                       the Night” and one of his clearest
     He reprised the tune at the 2012                                                  States.                                                    vocals on the record as Stewart
     London Olympics and featured                                                      Readers looking for firsthand in-                          honors an unidentified “woman
     it in his Broadway hit “Spama-                                                    sights into the inner workings of                          of the world” who’s been around               Rod Stewart, “Blood Red Roses”
     lot.”                                                                             that landmark show will be disa-                           apparently since his time in The              (Republic Records)
     There are a few laughs in this                                                    ppointed. They might even wonder                           Faces.
     book, billed as a “sortabiogra-                                                   if some of the book’s pages stuck                          Most of the tracks were written
     phy,” but it mostly reads like “Always Look on the Bright Side                    together, since Idle barely touches                        by Sir Roderick himself and lon-              sweet backing vocals from Brid-
     a casual memoir of someone of Life: A Sortabiography” (Crown                      on how the group of outsized perso-                        g-time associate Kevin Savigar,               get Cady, also hit the spot, but the
     who still can’t quite believe his   Archetype), by Eric Idle                      nalities managed to create so much                         but Stewart also gives a touching             tender “Julia,” another nostalgic
     good fortune.                                                                     lasting comedy.                                            performance on “Grace,” a song                chapter, is marred by distracting
     Idle is one of those funny people who had a miserab- A lot of the book is consumed with the many famous and                                  by Frank and Sean O’Meara and                 white-noise-like guitar and blues
     le childhood. His father survived World War II in the fabulous people he hung out with, among them Geor-                                     a tragic, true-life story about the           classic “Rollin’ & Tumblin’” stru-
     Royal Air Force only to die in a traffic accident as he ge Harrison and David Bowie. And a lot of pages are                                  briefest of marriages during the              ggles to turn on square wheels. A
     was coming home for Christmas in 1945. The boy was devoted to recounting his high-profile performances of                                    1916 Irish insurrection against               foray into EDM and the Stones
     eventually packed off by his overwhelmed mother to an “Bright Side.” It gets repetitious.                                                    British rule.                                 -like “Vegas Shuffle” grate.
     orphanage, or “Ophny” as residents called it.                But Idle can be insightful. His chapter about his rela-                         “Didn’t I,” about parents strug-              Stewart’s classic rasp is slightly
     He made it into Cambridge University and — more sig- tionship with the late comedian Robin Williams is espe-                                 gling to cope with their daughter’s           silkier and still effective but
     nificantly — into its performing Footlights club, which cially poignant. But the chapter highlights how the book                             addiction; the soulish disco of               “Blood Red Roses,” actually a
     was a springboard to British stage and TV shows.             is most interesting when Idle writes about what he noti-                        “Give Me Love;” the lively, Mo-               whaling term, is a bit all over the
     In 1969, the BBC rounded up some other bright young ced instead of listing what he did.                                                      town-inspired “Rest of My Life;”              flower shop.
     performers for a sketch show so undefined it didn’t even                                             Michael Hill, AP                        and “Look in Her Eyes,” with                                 Pablo Gorondi, AP
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
05.10.2018 fri

  NEWS OF THE WORLD                                            David McHugh, AP

Electrics, SUVs and supercars mingle in Paris
                                       wildly expensive supercar from Bugatti. A one-seater retro Ferrari with a giant engine.
                                       And, notwithstanding the buzz over electrics, a big, seven-seat luxury Mercedes-Benz
                                       SUV with a powerful internal combustion engine.
                                Those are among the new models getting the most attention at this year’s Paris Motor Show.
                                The show, held every two years, opens to the public today [Macau time] through Oct. 14 at the
                                Paris Expo Porte de Versailles exhibition center. More than a million people attended in 2016.

AUDI E-TRON                                               stations under construction by Ionity, the joint ven-
Germany’s luxury carmakers are finally offering pro-      ture among Audi, Porsche, Daimler, BMW and Ford.
duction-ready battery-powered vehicles, the leading       So can owners of Mercedes-Benz’ EQC electric SUV,
edge of what they say will be dozens of new electrics     also on display at the Paris show.
and hybrids over the next five to ten years. The e-tron   Audi says the interior will be nearly silent so well-
falls into the familiar category of crossover SUV: big    heeled occupants can crank up the high-end Bang &
wheel wells and higher seating position but a car-like    Olufsen sound system. Among the options are virtual
roofline and plenty of interior comforts. The e-tron      exterior mirrors that use cameras.
offers faster charging at 150 kilowatts and longer        Initial deliveries to European customers are planned
range: more than 400 kilometers (249 miles) on a          for late this year; it comes to the U.S. in mid-2019.
full charge under the European WLTP standard.             Prices in Germany start at 79,900 euros and in the
Owners can use the highway network of fast-charging       U.S. at USD74,800.

                                                                                  BUGATTI DIVO                                           “Not only is it super expensive, it is kind of built to
                                                                                  Lighter and more agile than its similarly over-the-    be driven in a situation where it is more likely to be
                                                                                  top predecessor, the Chiron, the Divo carries on       damaged,” said Antuan Goodwin, car review edi-
                                                                                  the bold Bugatti styling with the swooping side air    tor for the CNET technology website. “So you have
                                                                                  intakes doubling back into the roofline, tradition-    to be a super exclusive buyer to look at something
                                                                                  al Bugatti grille and large front and rear spoilers.   like that.”
                                                                                  They provide the downforce to keep it on the road      The company only offered the car to people who
                                                                                  at speeds up to 380 kph (236 mph) generated by         already own a Chiron. The production run of 40
                                                                                  an enormous 1,500 horsepower, 8-liter, 16-cylin-       vehicles is already sold out at 5 million euros ($5.6
                                                                                  der engine.                                            million) apiece.

FERRARI SP1 AND SP2                                       kph (62 mph) in 2.9 seconds and 200 kph (124
The one- and two-seat open cockpit sports cars            mph) in 7.9 seconds. The series is intended to
are the first in Ferrari’s Icona series aimed at re-      provide less than 5 percent of Ferrari sales,
viving long-discontinued models from the past.            which are forecast for 9,000 units this year. But
Only 499 existing customers can have the limited          the Italy price including VAT of 1.6 million euros
edition of the slender, boat-shaped cars, which           ($1.85 million) suggests the SP1 and SP2 should
recall racing models of the 1940s and 1950s.              contribute richly to the company’s bottom line.
Ferrari says the 810 horsepower engine is its             The priced also includes helmets, custom driv-
most powerful ever. It takes the vehicle to 100           er’s overalls and shoes.

                                                                                  BMW Z4                                                 on the hood and sides. The six-cylinder, 3.0 liter
                                                                                  The venerable two-seat convertible sports car cat-     version with 340 horsepower goes 0-100 kph (0-
                                                                                  egory has been losing ground to SUVs and high-         62 mph) in 4.5 seconds. It has up-to-date driver
                                                                                  er-end cars among those with the spare cash to         assistance technology for more mundane moments
                                                                                  spend. BMW aims to reinject some buzz in the pre-      such as traffic jams and parking, and the soft top
                                                                                  mium midsize sports car segment, which shrank 14       goes up in 10 seconds. The four-cylinder base mod-
                                                                                  percent to 23,000 units in the first seven months of   el starts at 40,950 euros ($47,268) in Europe, tax
                                                                                  the year in Europe.                                    included; the First Edition performance model
                                                                                  Like its predecessors, the new Z4 has a long hood,     comes in an eye-catching paint job called “frozen
                                                                                  big BMW kidney-shaped grills, and flared metal         orange metallic” and costs 74,900 euros.

MERCEDES GLE                                              as driver assistance features that can sense a traffic
Mercedes’ top-selling SUV gives an idea of what cus-      jam ahead and ease off the speed. The electrical sys-
tomers with money often want: a large diesel or gaso-     tem can also add power to the wheels when needed,
line engine with plenty of power to move up to seven      making the car a so-called “mild hybrid” and saving
passengers or pull a boat or off-road vehicle. The new    fuel. The interior assistant can sense if you are lean-
version’s wheelbase is 8 centimeters (3.1 inches) lon-    ing over to look for something in your bag on the
ger to make more interior room; a third row of seats      passenger seat and will turn on the light to help you
to accommodate seven is optional. It has a 48-volt        look. Prices will be announced later, ahead of market
active suspension system to even out the ride as well     launch in 2019.

Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
X4   PÁTIO DO SAL salt
   WORLD OF BACCHUS                                                     Jacky I.F. Cheong                    The Musqué Mutation

                                Cave Kientzheim-Kaysersberg Kaefferkopf Grand                                Along with Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztra-                           may have been misidentified as the wilder
                                Cru “Anne Boecklin” Gewurztraminer 2011                                      miner is easily one of the most distinctive                      Gewürztraminer in Germany.
                                                                                                             grape varieties in the world, instantly                          Italy’s Südtirol and – perhaps to a lesser
                         Brilliant citrine with shimmering golden reflex, the lavish                         identifiable by its signature lychee and rose                    extent – Austria’s Steiermark are the most
                                                                                                             petal aromas, full body and low acidity.                         likely origin(s) of Gewürztraminer. First,
                         nose diffuses pomelo, lychee, guava, sweet ginger and rose                          Gewürztraminer is by no means as stylis-                         both are German-speaking, hence the un-
                         petal. Anchored by ample acidity and firm minerality, the                           tically versatile as Riesling or Pinot Noir,                     mistakably German-sounding name of the
                         voluptuous palate exudes tangerine, yuzu, nectarine, white                          but it rarely fails to capture the imagination                   variety. Second, Südtirol is widely believed
                         clover honey and osmanthus. Off-dry and full-bodied at 13%,                         of oenophiles who have just begun their                          to be the location where Traminer naturally
                         the dense entry continues through a rounded mid-palate,                             vinous discovery journey.                                        crossed with St. Georgen, resulting in Grü-
                         leading to a piquant finish.                                                        The exact origin of Gewürztraminer                               ner Veltliner. Third, the origin of a variety
                                                                                                             remains debatable, but almost certainly                          usually has the most clones of it, cf. the
                                                                                                             from Germanic Europe. Various theories                           Pinot family in Bourgogne.
                                                                                                             have suggested Alsace, Baden, Pfalz,                             Alsace may not be the ancestral home
                                                                                                             Steiermark and Südtirol as its birthplace,                       of Gewürztraminer, but it certainly is its
                                                                                                             although the possibility of multiple ori-                        spiritual home. Gewürztraminer loves
                                                                                                             gins cannot ruled out, not least because                         and thrives in Alsace’s heavier clay soil,
                                                                                                             Gewürztraminer per se is a musqué mu-                            producing particularly ripe, pungent and
                                                                                                             tation of the Savagnin / Traminer family.                        powerful wines across the entire sweet-
                                                                                                             Similar to Malvasia, Muscat and Pinot,                           ness spectrum from bone-dry to Vendage
                                                                                                             the Savagnin / Traminer family comprises                         Tardive, Sélection de Grains Nobles
                                Dirler-Cadé Kessler Grand Cru                                                numerous members that could be conside-                          and the extremely rare Quintessence de
                                                                                                             red as clones, mutations or even varieties                       Grains Nobles. Gewürztraminer is the
                                Gewurztraminer 2008                                                          in their own right.                                              second most widely planted variety in
                                                                                                             Despite its leadership in the craft, Alsa-                       Alsace, and one of the five varieties per-
                         Saturated citrine with bright golden reflex, the aromatic                           ce is most probably not the genesis of                           mitted for Grand Crus.
                         nose oozes blood orange peel, lychee, mirabelle, bacon                              Gewürztraminer, as its first cuttings were                       It has too often been said and repeated that
                         fat and white smoke. Braced by generous acidity and clear                           introduced from Baden and Pfalz in the                           Gewürztraminer literally means “spicy Tra-
                         minerality, the robust palate radiates mandarin peel, hami                          17th and 18th centuries. German Gewür-                           miner”, but as Jancis Robinson MW noted,
                         melon, rambutan, sweet ginger and essence de rose. Off-dry                          ztraminer tastes noticeably different from                       this variety actually contains extremely
                         and full-bodied at 14%, the tangy entry persists through a                          its Alsatian counterpart not only because                        little if any spicy notes, “Gewürz” should
                         vibrant mid-palate, leading to a potent finish.                                     of terroirs and winemaking, but also due                         better be understood as aromatic rather than
                                                                                                             to different clones and varieties, leading                       spicy. Indeed, one of Gewürztraminer’s
                                                                                                             to speculations that the gentler Traminer                        aliases in Italian is Traminer Aromatico.

                                                                                                                                Jacky I.F. Cheong is a legal professional by day and columnist by night. Having spent his formative years in Britain,
                                                                                                                                    France, and Germany, he regularly writes about wine, fine arts, classical music, and politics in several languages

  RESTAURANTS                                                                                                                                                                                 BARS & PUBS

                                         Level 3, The Parisian Macao
                                         Monday - Sunday:
                                                                                                                                FW Rio Grill & Seafood Market
                                         11:00am - 11:00pm
                                         Tel: +853 8111 9200
                                                                                       Pastry Bar                               Tel: (853) 8799 6338
                                                                                       10am – 8pm                               Email : riogrill_and_seafoodmarket@
                                         GLOBAL                                        T: 8802 2324
                                                                                       Level 1, MGM MACAU
                                                                                                                                Location: Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s
                                         Café Bela Vista                                                                                                                                      38 Lounge
                                         Grand Lapa, Macau
Imperial Court                                                                                                                                                                                Altrira Macau,
Monday - Friday
                                         T: 87933871
                                         Mon -Thurs
                                                                                                                                JAPANESE                                                      Avenida de Kwong Tung, 38/F Taipa
                                                                                                                                                                                              Sun-Thu: 13:00 – 02:00
11am - 3pm / 6pm - 11pm
                                         06:30 – 15:00 / 6:00 – 22:00                                                                                                                         Fri, Sat and Eve of public holiday:
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays
                                         Fri – Sunday                                                                           Shinji by Kanesaka                                            15:00 – 03:00
10am - 3pm / 3pm - 11pm                                                                                                         Level 1, Crown Towers
                                         06:30 – 22:00
T: 8802 2361
                                                                                                                                Lunch 12:00 - 15:00                                           R Bar
VIP Hotel Lobby, MGM MACAU
                                         Mezza9 Macau                                  7am – 11pm
                                                                                                                                Dinner 18:00 - 23:00
                                                                                                                                Closed on
                                                                                                                                                                                              Level 1, Hard Rock Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                              Opening Hours
Beijing Kitchen                          Level 3, Grand Hyatt Macau
                                         Opening Hours
                                                                                       T: 8802 2372                             Tuesday (Lunch and Dinner)                                    Sun to Thu:
Level 1, Grand Hyatt Macau                                                             Grande Praça, MGM MACAU                  Wednesday (Lunch)
                                         Dinner: 5:30 – 11:00                                                                                                                                 11:00 – 23:00
Opening Hours                                                                                                                                                                                 Fri & Sat:
11:30am – 24:00                                                                                                                                                                               11:00 – 24:00
                                                                                                                                ASIAN PACIFIC
                                                                                                                                                                                              The St. Regis Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                              Level One, The St. Regis Macao
                                                                                                                                                                                              Cuisine: Light Fare
                                                                                                                                                                                              Atmosphere: Multi-Concept Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                              Setting: Refined, Inviting
                                         Vida Rica (Restaurant)                                                                                                                               Serving Style: Bar Menu
                                         2/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE             North by Square Eight                                                                                  Dress Code: Casual
Kam Lai Heen                             T: 8805 8918                                  11am - 1am                               Golden Peacock                                                Hours: 12:00 PM - 1:00 AM; Afternoon Tea:
Grand Lapa, Macau                        Mon - Sunday                                  T: 8802 2388                                                                                           2:00PM - 5:30 PM
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F         6:30 – 14:30 / 18:00 – 23:00                                                           Casino Level1, Shop 1037,
                                                                                       Level 1, MGM MACAU                                                                                     Phone: +853 8113 3700
T: 8793 3821                                                                                                                    The Venetian Macao
11:00 - 15:00 / 18:00 – 22:00                                                                                                   TEL: +853 8118 9696
(Close on Tuesday)                                                                                                              Monday - Sunday:
                                                                                                                                11:00 - 23:00
Shanghai Min
Level 1, The Shops at The Boulevard
Opening Hours                                                                                                                   PORTUGUESE
11:00 – 15:00; 18:00 - 22:30             Morton’s of Chicago
                                         The Venetian(r) Macao-Resort-Hotel                                                     Clube Militar
                                         Taipa, Macau                                                                           975 Avenida da Praia Grande
                                                                                       South by Square Eight
SHANGHAI                                 T:853 8117 5000
                                                                                                                                T: 2871 4000
                                                                                                                                12:30 – 15:00 / 19:00 – 23:00
                                                                                       T: 8802 2389
Catalpa Garden                           • Bar
                                                                                       Level 1, MGM MACAU                       Fernando’s
Mon - Sunday                             Open daily at 3pm
                                                                                                                                9 Praia de Hac Sa, Coloane
11:00 - 15:00 / 17:30 - 23:00            • Dining Room
                                                                                                                                T: 2888 2264
Hotel Royal, 2-4                         Monday - Saturday: 13:00 - 23:00
                                         Sunday: 17:00 - 22:00
                                                                                       ITALIAN                                  12:00 – 21:30
                                                                                                                                                                                              Macau Fisherman's Wharf
Estrada da Vitoria                                                                                                                                                                            Edf. New Orleans III
T: 28552222                                                                            La Gondola                                                                                             Macau

                                                                                       Mon - Sunday
                                                                                       11:00am – 11:00pm
                                                                                                                                THAI                                                          Vida Rica Bar
                                                                                       Praia de Cheoc Van, Coloane,                                                                           2/F, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE
                                                                                                                                                                                              T: 8805 8928
                                                                                       next to swimming pool
                                                                                                                                                                                              Monday to Thusday: 12:00 – 00:00
                                         Aba Bar                                       T: 2888 0156                                                                                           Friday: 12:00 – 01:00
                                         5pm – 12midnight                                                                                                                                     Saturday: 14:00 – 01:00
                                         T: 8802 2319                                                                                                                                         Sunday: 14:00 – 00:00
                                         Grande Praça, MGM MACAU
Aux Beaux Arts                                                                                                                                                                                Vasco
Monday – Friday                          Copa Steakhouse                                                                        Naam                                                          Grand Lapa, Macau
6pm – 12midnight                         3/F, Sands Macao Hotel                                                                 Grand Lapa, Macau                                             956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F
Saturday – Sunday                        OPENING HOURS:                                Portofino                                956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, The Resort                       T: 8793 3831
11am – 12midnight                        Cocktails: 4:30 pm - 12:00 am                 Casino Level1, Shop 1039,                T: 8793 4818                                                  Monday to Thursday: 18:30 – 12:00
T: 8802 2319                             Dinner: 5:30 pm - 11:00 pm                    The Venetian Macao                       12:00 – 14:30 / 18:30 – 22:30                                 Friday to Saturday: 18:00 – 02:00
Grande Praça, MGM MACAU                  Tel: +853 8983 8222                           TEL: +853 8118 9950                      (Close on Mondays)                                            Sunday: 18:00 – 24:00
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
05.10.2018 fri

  KITCHENWISE                           Sara Moulton, Celebrity Chef via AP


N     ow that my kids are on their
      own and cooking for them-
selves, both have thanked me for
                                        AP PHOTO

passing on one technique in par-
ticular: how to cook a thin piece
of protein and make a pan sauce
from the drippings. It is indeed
a quick, easy and affordable skill
with endless variations. It also
guarantees a deeply delicious
entree. Consider this recipe —
chicken cutlets topped with a tart
orange sauce — the template for
the technique.
Whenever you use it, you have to
start with a thin piece of protein
to ensure that it cooks quickly
and evenly. Here I’ve chosen
thinly sliced chicken cutlets. If
the only breasts available at your
supermarket are large and thick,
bring them home, pop them in
the freezer for 30 to 40 minutes
(which firms them up) and then,
very carefully, slice them in half
width-wise to produce two thin-
ner cutlets. If you’d prefer pork to
chicken, just buy half-inch-thick
boneless pork chops and trim off
any excess fat.
Before sauteing the meat, you’ll
need to dredge it in flour. This
step prevents the meat from
drying out by coating and insu-
lating it. (Both chicken breasts
and boneless pork chops are very
lean.) It also serves to thicken the
sauce when the protein is added
back to the pan. My flour of choice
is Wondra, a venerable brand
favored by my grandmother that
was magically designed not to
lump up in gravy. It also produces
a nice light coating for the cutlets.
After you’ve browned the cutlets
in a little oil and moved them onto
a plate, there’ll be some concen-                   recipe
trated juices sitting on the bottom
of the pan. To deglaze the pan and                 START TO FINISH: 30 MINUTES                               Transfer the chicken to a plate.
dilute the brown bits, you’ll need                 Servings: 4                                               Add the orange juice and sherry vinegar to the skil-
                                                   1/4 cup all-purpose flour (preferably Wondra)             let and simmer until reduced by half, scraping up the
to add liquid, usually something                   2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil                      brown bits in the bottom of the pan. Add the chicken
acidic. Wine is traditional, but a                 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast cutlets, pref-   broth and olives and bring the liquid to a boil. Reduce
little vinegar and/or citrus can                   erably thin sliced                                        the heat and simmer for a few minutes. Return the
also do the job. Here I call for                   Kosher salt and black pepper                              chicken to the pan, along with the orange segments
sherry vinegar, but balsamic, red,                 1 orange, peeled and cut into sections plus 1/3 cup or-   and any juices from the plate and simmer very gen-
white, or cider vinegar would be                   ange juice (preferably fresh)                             tly, turning the chicken over several times, for 2 to 3
                                                   1/3 cup sherry vinegar                                    minutes until it is just cooked through. Do not let the
fine, too.
                                                   1 cup chicken broth                                       liquid boil.
Next you’ll add some chicken                       1/3 cup chopped pitted green olives                       Transfer the chicken to 4 plates and simmer the sauce
broth, then reduce the liquid a bit                                                                          until it has thickened. Add butter to the skillet and
before returning the cutlets to the                HOW TO COOK IT                                            swirl the pan just until the butter is incorporated. Add
pan to finish cooking them gently                  Spread out the flour on a piece of parchment on the       salt and pepper to taste and spoon the sauce over the
as the flour coating thickens the                  counter. In a large, nonstick skillet heat the oil in a   chicken.
sauce. The last touch? Add some                    large skillet over medium-high heat. Season the cutlets
                                                   on both sides with salt and pepper and coat them with     Nutrition information per serving: 283 calories;
butter to enrich and thicken the
                                                   the flour, shaking off the excess before adding them to   109 calories from fat; 12 g fat (1 g saturated; 0 g trans
sauce a trifle further. That’s it.                 the skillet. Reduce the heat to medium and cook the       fats); 83 mg cholesterol; 533 mg sodium; 13 g carbohy-
You’ve landed a delicious entree                   chicken until lightly golden, about 2 minutes per side.   drates; 1 g fiber; 5 g sugar; 27 g protein.
on the table in just 30 minutes.
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times

                                                              SUNDAY (OCT 7)
                                                              Macau International Music Festival - Hagen
                                                              The Hagen Quartet from Salzburg, Austria, consists of
                                                              three siblings, Lukas, Veronika and Clemens Hagen,
                                                              and German violinist Rainer Schmidt. This celebrated
                                                              family-led ensemble has persisted for more than three
                                                              decades. With its seamless family rapport, excellent
                                                              performance technique, and precise interpretation,
TODAY (OCT 5)                                                 the Hagen Quartet is acclaimed as “the epitome of the          TUESDAY (OCT 9)
Macau International Music Festival -                          string quartet.”                                               Landscape of Change - Macau Watercolour
Portugal Meets Spain                                          Besides winning numerous awards, its live concerts             Paintings from the MAM Collection
                                                              are noted for thoughtful and well-orchestrated
What sparks will fly when rumba flamenca meets                programming. In this year’s music festival, it will bring to   This exhibition features watercolours from the mid-
fado? Fado, with its melancholic and touching                 Macau audience, for two consecutive nights, German             19th century to the 20th century themed on Macau
tunes, is the most important music genre of                   and Austrian classics – in which it excels – including         landscape, presented in four sections, namely, “The
Portugal, while rumba flamenca of Spain is marked             representative works of Haydn, Schubert and Webern,            Coastline”, “Fishing Sceneries”, “Peaceful Time”, and
by passionate rhythms. Portuguese ensemble                    a principal member of the 20th-century Viennese                “Modern Glitz”. Through the perspective and works of
Sangre Ibérico has created a unique fusion, winning           School, as well as esoteric quartet pieces composed            more than 20 Chinese and Western artists, the exhibition
great acclaim with their distinctive style in the             by Beethoven in his late years. Music fans will go on a        showcases Macau’s topographical, landscape and
talent competitions Got Talent Portugal and Got               fantastic music journey, where they can savour different       social transformations over the last century or so, while
Talent Spain, successfully presenting to the world            composers’ styles and have a glimpse of the evolution          at the same time allowing visitors to appreciate the rich
the combined charms of Portuguese and Spanish                 of string quartet.                                             and diverse styles presented by different artists in their
music.                                                                                                                       watercolours. All in all, in the 21st century under rapid
The three young musicians have been on a non-                 Time: 8pm                                                      societal development, the show gives us an opportunity
stop creative journey. The album they released                Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre                                     to revisit historical sceneries of Macau, letting us cherish
this year, which combines pop music with rumba                Admission: MOP200, MOP300                                      the memory of a bygone era by indulging in imagery that
flamenca and fado, has earned favourable online               Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau                             has disappeared forever.
reviews. In their appealing live performances                 Enquiries: (853) 2836 6866
combining mellow yet lively vocals, and a fluid and                                                  Time: 10am-7pm (last admission 6:30pm; closed on
bright guitar sound, Sangre Ibérico truly connects                                                                           Mondays)
with the audience who cannot help but dance to the                                                                           Until: February 10, 2019
infectious rhythms, and indulge in the feverish and                                                                          Venue: 2nd floor, Macau Museum of Art
soul-stirring Latin music.                                                                                                   Admission: Free
                                                                                                                             Organizer: Macau Museum of Art
Time: 8pm                                                                                                                    Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814
Venue: Mandarin’s House                                                                                            
Admission: MOP150
Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau
Enquiries: (853) 2836 6866

                                                              MONDAY (OCT 8)
                                                              Seeing the Invisible - Works by Sylviye Lei
                                                              In the French phenomenological philosopher Michael
                                                              Henry’s famous work “Voir l’Invisible” (Seeing the
                                                              Invisible), his interpretation of Kandinsky’s abstract         WEDNESDAY (OCT 10)
                                                              painting theory is about the process to reveal the             Keith Haring Maze Macau
                                                              “introverted = the invisible = the essence of inner
                                                              emotions” through non-figurative paintings. Based              The spirit of Keith Haring’s message of ‘Love and Peace’
                                                              on this, Sylviye Lei’s exhibition is titled “Seeing the        lies at the centre of the special event which includes
                                                              Invisible”.                                                    interactive games, sculptural renditions of Keith Haring
TOMORROW (OCT 6)                                              According to Sylviye Lei’s statement, his intention has        artworks and special edition Macau event souvenirs, for a
Macau International Music Festival - Anton                    always been the pursuit of the meaning of light. He is         unique pop-art experience
Bruckner Symphony No. 8                                       looking for expressions of various state of mind through       The idea of maze was conceived by Macau-based
                                                              various expressions of light. On the other hand, in the        designers, working along with Artestar, a New York-
The music director of the Macao Orchestra, Lu                 process of strengthening the exclusion of symbolic             based licensing agency representing The Keith Haring
Jia, will join hands with the Shanghai Philharmonic           meaning, the painting itself that manages the pure             Studio and many other prominent artists. As the first
Orchestra to present Anton Bruckner’s magnum                  algorithm results tends to become a cold abstraction.          Keith Haring themed maze in the world, the event aims to
opus – Symphony No. 8 in C Minor in this year’s               But from the third point of view, does he have a               showcase a selection of images which represent Haring’s
music festival. It is the longest symphony Bruckner           behavioral meaning in the process of implementing              vitality and determination in encouraging people to be
had ever written and it deeply touches humans’                such a painting method?                                        positive and live in the moment. Keith Haring’s artwork
feelings and inspirations. It is filled with lofty beliefs,                                                                  and his legendary life are a great inspiration against
religious zeal and deep philosophical reflections.            Time: 11am-7pm (Closed on Sundays)                             negative energy worldwide.
                                                              Until; October 22, 2108
Time: 8pm                                                     Venue: 1st Floor, Macau Art Garden, No. 265, Av. Dr.           Time: 1pm-9pm (last admission 8:30pm)
Venue: Macau Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium                 Rodrigo Rodrigues                                              Until: December 31, 2018
Admission: MOP150, MOP200, MOP250                             Admission: Free                                                Venue Cotai Expo Hall F, The Venetian® Macau
Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau                            Organizer: Art For All Society                                 Admission: MOP150
Enquiries: (853) 2836 6866                                    Enquiries: (853) 2836 6064                                     Enquiries: (853) 2882 8818                                                                           
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
05.10.2018 fri

Beyond the Scenery: Exhibition Commemorating
the 300th Anniversary of the Passing of Wu Li

The Macau Museum of Art has collaborated with
the Palace Museum and the Shanghai Museum to
put together this showcase. The exhibition features
84 pieces of works by Chinese landscape painter
Wu Li, as well as some works by his mentors and
friends. Wu Li spent three years in Macau in order to
receive religious training from the Catholic Church.
While in Macau – and before becoming one of the
first Chinese to be ordained a Jesuit priest – he
continued to practise his painting, with 1681 being
his most productive year.

Time: 10am-7pm (last admission 6:30pm; closed on
Until: November 11, 2018
Venue: Macau Museum of Art
Admission: Free admission
Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814
Organizer: Macau Museum of Art

Sculpture – a Journey, Exhibition by
António Leça
Born in 1948, Portuguese sculptor António Leça
studied fine arts in Portugal’s capital Lisbon and
in Venice, Italy. This is his first solo exhibition. It
features a total of 56 artworks in wood, divided
into three series – “D’Après Brancusi”, “Trees” and
“Tótemes” – and created over the past five years.

Time: 3pm-8pm (Mondays)
       12pm to 8pm (Tuesdays to Sundays)
Until: October 21, 2018
Venue: A2 Gallery, Albergue SCM
Admission: Free
Organizer: Albergue SCM
Enquiries: (853) 2852 2550
Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
05.10.2018 fri

Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times Hot Metal - Macau Daily Times
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