A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Page created by Virgil Mcgee
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

                                                   August 3 0 to
                                                   September 10, 2020

a p rogra m of the sta nford alum ni association
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
What could be better than setting
sail along the Danube, stopping at scenic cities
that speak of another time? Doing it beside a
Stanford scholar and global thought leaders,
getting their perspective every step of the way.
Our 2020 Symposium offers a unique opportunity
to combine a luxurious river cruise aboard the
Crystal Mahler with a lecture program provided
by our faculty leader Jeremy Weinstein, renowned
journalists, regional leaders and other luminaries.
On this trip, we explore the evolution of Europe
and the European Union over the past century, as
well as its shared history and relationship with the
United States. After disembarking in Budapest,
former British Prime Minister David Cameron will
provide a keynote speech and panel discussion.
Join us and delight in specially arranged musical
performances, wine tastings and gallery visits
side by side with many of our speakers.



G A T H E R in the                                   E X P L O R E exquisite                     E N J O Y an outstanding      E N G A G E daily with
Hungarian capital of                                 cities along the Danube                     combination of a rich         high-profile speakers,
Budapest to hear                                     with a variety of excursion                 educational program           leaders and other
from prominent                                       options, including private                  and private musical           luminaries, among
leaders, including                                   gallery visits, exclusive                   performances, including       them Sylvia Poggioli,
David Cameron,                                       wine tastings and touring                   a concert by members of       the award-winning
former prime minister                                in Berlin, Vienna and                       the Vienna Philharmonic.      senior European
of the United Kingdom                                Budapest.                                                                 correspondent for
from 2010 to 2016.                                                                                                             NPR’s International Desk.

                                                                                                 SIGN UP ONLINE:    alumni.stanford.edu/trip?symposium2020
COVER: PARLIAMENT, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY                                                             OR BY PHONE:    (650) 725-1093
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Itinerary                             T H U R S DAY & F R I DAY,
                                      SEPTEMBER 3 & 4
                                      BERLIN / VIENNA,
                                                                           an active option to explore instead.
                                                                           CRYSTAL MAHLER (B,L,D)
                                                                                                                  minister of the United Kingdom,
                                                                                                                  then attend a panel discussion
                                                                                                                  with several guest lecturers. Later
S U N DAY & M O N DAY,                AUSTRIA / EMBARK                     S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 6
                                      Board a privately chartered                                                 this evening retire to our luxurious
AU G U ST 3 0 & 31                                                         LINZ / ČESKÝ KRUMLOV,
U.S. / BERLIN, GERMANY                flight to Vienna, then explore       CZECHIA                                hotel. FOUR SEASONS GRESHAM
Depart the U.S. on overnight                                                                                      PALACE (B,L,D)
                                      the city’s many riches—art           Tour the enchanting city of Linz,
flights to Berlin. Check in to our    and music, food and wine,            often overshadowed by its more         W E D N ES DAY, S E P T E M B E R 9
hotel, then gather for a welcome      history and contemporary life.       famous neighbors. Options today        BUDAPEST
reception and dinner. ADLON           Excursion options include the        include a Linzer torte baking          Admire Budapest’s magnificent
KEMPINSKI (D–8/31)                    intricate Belvedere Palace, the      workshop or a somber visit to          neo-Gothic Hungarian Parliament
                                      Imperial Schönbrunn Palace of        the Mauthausen Concentration           Building, or go on a Jewish
T U ES DAY & W E D N ES DAY,                                               Camp. Others may choose a full-
                                      the Hapsburg rulers, or a Jewish                                            heritage tour of the city ending
BERLIN / POTSDAM                      heritage tour of the city. Others    day excursion to the picturesque       at Europe’s largest synagogue.
Take advantage of all that this       may choose an e-bike adventure       Czech town of Český Krumlov.          Head to a stable outside the city to
dynamic capital city has to           along the waterways of Old           CRYSTAL MAHLER (B,L,D)                 watch a display of horsemanship
offer, whether visiting private       Danube Island. Embark the                                                   and learn about the region as an
                                                                           M O N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 7
contemporary art galleries,           Crystal Mahler on Thursday                                                  equestrian center, or indulge in a
                                                                           BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA
tasting delicacies from leading       and overnight in port for further                                           culinary tour to sample fisherman’s
                                                                           Dock midday in Slovakia’s capital,
restaurants, or venturing to          explorations of Vienna throughout                                           soup, Hungarian goulash and
                                                                           Bratislava. Excursion options
Potsdam, a UNESCO World               the day on Friday, ending with a                                            savory lángos, a traditional street
                                                                           include a walking tour of Old
Heritage region, with views of        private concert by members of                                               food. Gather again this evening
                                                                           Town, with the choice of a culinary
the Sanssouci and Cecilienhof         the Vienna Philharmonic. CRYSTAL                                            for a musical performance at the
                                                                           emphasis, stopping to savor
                                      MAHLER (B,L,D–BOTH DAYS)                                                    Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Palaces. Alternatively, take a tour                                        local specialties and wines, or
of the Reichstag and its iconic                                            an architectural emphasis, with        followed by a farewell reception
                                      S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 5
dome, join an architectural city      WACHAU VALLEY / MELK                 several interior viewings plus a       and dinner. FOUR SEASONS
tour featuring the Jewish Museum                                                                                  GRESHAM PALACE (B,L,D)
                                      The lecture program continues        beer tasting. CRYSTAL MAHLER
or instead learn about the history    during a morning of cruising.        (B,L,D)
                                                                                                                  T H U R S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 10
of East Berlin. ADLON KEMPINSKI       Disembark this afternoon in                                                 BUDAPEST / U.S.
(B,L,D–9/1; B,L–9/2)                  the World Heritage site of           T U ES DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8
                                                                           BUDAPEST, HUNGARY,
                                                                                                                  Transfer to the airport for flights
                                      Wachau Valley to visit Artstetten    SYMPOSIUM DAY                          home. (B)
                                      Castle (former residence of the      Disembark in Budapest, and
                                      Hapsburgs), wander through Melk      gather to hear a keynote address
                                      Abbey and Old Town, or choose        from David Cameron, former prime



                                              Ceský Wachau
                          ive   r            Krumlov
            u    b     eR                            Valley                                           S L OVA K I A
     D   an                                                                            Bratislava
                                                   Linz                   Vienna
                                                                                           Budapest                H U N G A RY
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Faculty Leader
                    J E R E M Y W E I N S T E I N , a professor of political science at Stanford University, has
                    worked at the highest levels of government on major foreign policy and national security
                    challenges, including most recently as deputy to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
                    (2013–2015). His research focuses on civil wars and political violence; ethnic politics; the
                    political economy of development; democracy and accountability; and migration. In addition to
                    his numerous appointments at Stanford and ETH Zürich, Professor Weinstein is a nonresident
                    fellow with the Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C. He is also a member of the
                    Council on Foreign Relations and serves on a number of nonprofit boards and advisory groups.
                    As a social scientist and former policymaker, Professor Weinstein will explore some challenging
                    contemporary policy issues—from both European and American perspectives—including the
                    migration crisis, the threats to democratic institutions and the future of the European Union.

                                            At Stanford University (currently):
                                            — Professor of political science
                                            — Fisher Family Director of Stanford Global Studies
                                            — Senior fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
                                            — Senior fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
                                            — Faculty co-director, Immigration Policy Lab (an international
                                               community of scholars with another branch at ETH Zürich)
                                            — Faculty co-director, Data for Development Initiative,
                                               King Center on Global Development
                                            — Author of Inside Rebellion: The Politics of Insurgent Violence
                                              (Cambridge University Press), which received the William Riker Prize
                                            — Co-author of Coethnicity: Diversity and the Dilemmas of Collective Action
                                              (Russell Sage Foundation), which received the Gregory Luebbert Award
                                            — International Studies Association’s Karl Deutsch Award, 2013
                                            — Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, Stanford University, 2007
                                            — BA, Swarthmore College
                                            — MA and PhD in political economy and government, Harvard University
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Special Guests                                                        Please note that speakers will be joining us for varying lengths of time during the program.
                                                                      Featured speakers, confirmed at the time of printing, are subject to change.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER                    GUEST SPEAKER                      GUEST SPEAKER                     SMITH COLLEGE                      HARVARD
David Cameron served as            Sylvia Poggioli is the award-      Sabine Christiansen is            STUDY LEADER                       STUDY LEADER
Prime Minister of the United       winning senior European            one of Germany’s most             Brent Durbin is an associate       Annette Gordon-Reed is
Kingdom of Great Britain and       correspondent for NPR’s            notable journalists and a         professor of government at         the Charles Warren Professor
Northern Ireland from 2010         International Desk. She            pioneer for women in the          Smith, teaches courses in          of American Legal History
to 2016, leading Britain’s         covers political, economic         industry. She started her         U.S. foreign policy, strategic     at Harvard Law School and
first coalition government in      and cultural news in Italy,        career as a business and          intelligence, military conflict    a professor of history in the
almost 70 years and forming        the Vatican, Western Europe        economics editor and then         and culture, and international     Faculty of Arts and Sciences
the first majority Conservative    and the Balkans. Poggioli’s        became a presenter on ARD’s       relations. He also directs         at Harvard University. A
government in the United           in-depth, on-air reporting and     national TV news journal,         Smith’s Jean Picker Semester-      renowned law professor,
Kingdom for more than              analysis have encompassed          Tagesthemen. From 1998            in-Washington program.             scholar of American history
two decades. Cameron               major European issues and          to 2008, Christiansen lead        Durbin’s research centers on       and Pulitzer Prize-winning
came to power during an            events from the past three         the most-watched political        the political and organizational   author, Gordon-Reed has
economic crisis, and under         decades, including the fall        debate show on German             dynamics of U.S. national          published six books. Her next,
his leadership, the UK’s deficit                                                                        security, with a particular        A Jefferson Reader on Race,
                                   of communism in Eastern            television, which regularly
was reduced by two-thirds.
                                   Europe, race and politics in       featured heads of state and       focus on the CIA. Durbin has       is forthcoming from Princeton
His administration focused
                                   Europe, and how immigration        international economic leaders    held research fellowships at       University Press. Gordon-
on tax cuts, developing a
                                   has transformed European           as guests. Throughout her         Stanford University’s Center       Reed’s honors include the
national minimum wage,
                                   societies. Throughout her          career she has produced           for International Security         National Humanities Medal,
education and welfare reform,
protections for the National       career, Poggioli has been          numerous award-winning            and Cooperation (CISAC),           a Guggenheim Fellowship,
Health Service, sustainable        recognized for her work with       documentaries and reports.        the University of California’s     a MacArthur Fellowship and
development, and Britain’s         honors, including election         Today, Christiansen is Goodwill   Institute on Global Conflict       the National Book Award
active role in the global fight    as a fellow of the American        Ambassador for UNICEF             and Cooperation (IGCC),            for nonfiction. As a student
against ISIS. Today, Cameron       Academy of Arts and Sciences       Germany, chairwoman of            the George Washington              she was an editor for the
chairs the LSE-Oxford              “for her distinctive, cultivated   the Sabine Christiansen           University’s Elliott School        Harvard Law Review; she has
Commission on State Fragility,     and authoritative reports on       Children’s Foundation and         of International Affairs and       served as a trustee for the
Growth and Development;            ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Bosnia.”     deputy chairwoman of the          Pembroke College at the            National Humanities Center
sits on the Global Board of                                           Laureus Sports Foundation.        University of Cambridge. He is     and was elected a member
Advisors at the Council on                                            For her social commitment         co-director of the Bridging the    of the American Philosophical
Foreign Relations; and advises                                        she has received several          Gap Project, which promotes        Society.
international businesses—all       		                                 awards—among others she           connections between scholars
concentrating on innovative                                           is a Knight of the Legion of      and the broader foreign policy
technology-driven sectors:                                            Honour (France) and received      community.
fin-tech, medi-tech and                                               the federal cross of merit
artificial intelligence.                                              (Germany).
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Crystal Mahler                                                                                     Program Cost*
The beautiful Crystal Mahler is one of the world’s best-rated river                                Rates are per person, based on double or single occupancy,
vessels, offering exceptional service from professionals chosen for                                as specified.
their expertise and traveler care. Extraordinary personal attention                                      CATEGORY / DESCRIPTION                             DOUBLE    SINGLE**
is among the ship’s defining characteristics, as are plush onboard
amenities, European butler service, expansive social spaces                                              A Petite Suite                                     $14,990      —
                                                                                                         Deck 2; 188 sq. ft.
crowned with skylights and glass roofs, and an ambience of
boutique elegance. The Crystal Mahler features all-suite, all-balcony                                    B Petite Suite                                     $15,990   $23,990
staterooms with king-sized beds and walk-in closets, a dual vanity                                       Deck 3; 188 sq. ft.
in the bathrooms in most categories, and panoramic windows.
                                                                                                         C Deluxe Suite                                     $18,990      —
Amenities include robes and slippers; personal iPads; wall-mounted                                       Deck 2; 237 sq. ft.
42-inch, flat-screen HD TVs; and complimentary Wi-Fi. The Crystal
Mahler’s farm-to-table menus are regionally inspired and sourced                                         D Deluxe Suite                                     $20,990   $31,490
                                                                                                         Deck 2; 253 sq. ft.
with the freshest ingredients from local suppliers. Multiple open-
seated eateries include three restaurants and a bistro café; service                                     E Deluxe Suite                                     $29,990      —
includes unlimited pours of fine wines, champagnes, premium                                              Deck 3; 253 sq. ft.
spirits and beers. The Crystal Mahler has an indoor swimming
pool, a full-service spa, and a fitness center equipped with cardio                                      F Crystal Penthouse                                $42,990      —
                                                                                                         Deck 3; 506 sq. ft.; separate living/dining area
equipment and free weights—with dedicated professionals for
service. Daily fitness and yoga classes are also provided.                                           *Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers add $300 per person.
                                                                                                    **Single accommodations may be limited to as few as 2 cabins.

               330   328   326   322   320   318   316   312         310         308   306   302   300

               327   325   323   321   319   317   315   311         309         307   305   303   301


               236   232   230   228   226   222   220   218   216         212   210   208   206   202      200

               229   227   225   223   221   219   217         215         211   209   207   205   203      201
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Information                                                           Terms & Conditions
DATES                                                                 Deposit & Final Payment                        for the passenger with respect
August 30 to September 10, 2020 (12 days)                             A $5,000-per-person deposit is                 to transportation and ship
                                                                      required to reserve space for this             arrangements and exercise every
SIZE                                                                  program. Sign up online at alumni.             care possible in doing so. However,
This program can accommodate 94 participants, including               stanford.edu/trip?symposium2020                we can assume no liability for
                                                                      or call Travel/Study at (650) 725-             injury, damage, loss, accident,
travelers from Stanford, the Harvard Alumni Association and
                                                                      1093. Final payment is due 120 days            delay or irregularity in connection
Smith College. Single accommodations are extremely limited;
                                                                      prior to departure. As a condition             with the service of any automobile,
please call for availability. For the keynote event in Budapest       of participation, all confirmed                motor coach, launch or any other
only, we will be joined by additional travelers from the              participants are required to sign a            conveyance used in carrying
Commonwealth Club of California, MIT, Princeton, Smithsonian          Release of Liability.                          out this program or for the acts
Journeys, the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, and Yale.                                                       or defaults of any company or
                                                                      Cancellations & Refunds
                                                                                                                     person engaged in conveying the
                                                                      Deposits and any payments are
INCLUDED                                                                                                             passenger or in carrying out the
                                                                      subject to a $500-per-person
5 nights of deluxe hotel accommodations 5-night cruise                                                               arrangements of the program. We
                                                                      cancellation fee up until February
aboard the Crystal Mahler 10 breakfasts, 9 lunches and                                                               cannot accept any responsibility for
                                                                      2, 2020. Cancelations between
                                                                                                                     losses or additional expenses due
9 dinners Welcome and farewell receptions Gratuities to               February 3 and April 30, 2020
                                                                                                                     to delay or changes in air or other
guides, drivers and ship crew for all group activities On-tour        will incur a $2,500-per-person
                                                                                                                     services, sickness, weather, strike,
charter flight from Berlin to Vienna    All tours and excursions as   cancelation fee, until the final
                                                                                                                     war, quarantine, force majeure or
described in the itinerary Transfers and baggage handling on          payment deadline 120 days prior to
                                                                                                                     other causes beyond our control.
                                                                      departure. After that date, refunds
program arrival and departure days Port fees and embarka-                                                            All such losses or expenses will
                                                                      can be made only if the program is
tion taxes Minimal medical, accident and evacuation insur-                                                           have to be borne by the passenger
                                                                      sold out and your place(s) can be
ance Educational program with lecture series and predepar-                                                           as tour rates provide arrangements
                                                                      resold, in which case a $5,000-per-
                                                                                                                     only for the time stated. We reserve
ture materials, including a recommended reading list, a selected      person cancellation fee will apply.
                                                                                                                     the right to make such alterations
book, a map and travel information Services of our profes-                                                           to this published itinerary as may
sional tour manager to assist you throughout the program              Stanford Travel/Study provides                 be deemed necessary. We reserve
                                                                      all travelers who are U.S. or                  the right to cancel any program
NOT INCLUDED                                                                                                         prior to departure, in which case
                                                                      Canadian citizens with minimal
International and U.S. domestic airfare Passport and visa fees        medical, accident and evacuation               the entire payment will be refunded
  Immunization costs Meals and beverages other than those             coverage under our group-travel                without further obligation on our
specified as included Independent and private transfers               insurance policy. Our group policy             part. We also reserve the right
Trip-cancellation/interruption and baggage insurance Excess-          is intended to provide minimal                 to decline to accept or retain
baggage charges Personal items such as internet access,               levels of protection while you are             any person as a member of the
                                                                      traveling on this program. You may             program. No refund will be made
telephone and fax calls, laundry and gratuities for nongroup
                                                                      choose to subscribe to optional                for an unused portion of any tour
services                                                                                                             unless arrangements are made in
                                                                      trip-cancellation and baggage
                                                                      insurance. Information will be                 sufficient time to avoid penalties.
                                                                      provided to travelers with their               Baggage is carried at the owner’s
You are responsible for booking and purchasing airfare to the                                                        risk entirely. It is understood that
                                                                      welcome materials. The product
start location and from the end location of the program. These        offered includes special benefits              the ship’s ticket, when issued, shall
air purchases are NOT included in the program cost. To assist         if you purchase your policy within             constitute the sole contract between
you in making these independent arrangements, we will send            14 days of written confirmation of             the passenger and the cruise
                                                                                                                     company. The airlines concerned
you details with your confirmation materials on when to arrive        your participation on the trip.
                                                                                                                     are not to be held responsible
and depart.                                                           Eligibility                                    for any act, omission or event
                                                                      We encourage membership in the                 during the time that passengers
                                                                      Stanford Alumni Association as                 are not on board their plane or
This is a moderately strenuous program that is at times busy          the program cost for nonmembers                conveyance. Neither the Stanford
and physically demanding. Daily programs can involve a mile           is $300 more than the members’                 Alumni Association, nor Stanford
of walking, often on uneven terrain. Stairs may not have handrails    price. A person traveling as a paid            University, nor our operators accept
and elevators may not be available. Participants must be physically   guest of a current member will                 liability for any carrier’s cancellation
fit, active and in good health. Average temperatures are likely to    not be charged the nonmember                   penalty incurred by the purchase
                                                                      fee. To purchase a membership,                 of a nonrefundable ticket in
range from the mid-60s to high 70s F and occasionally reaching
                                                                      visit alumni.stanford.edu/goto/                connection with the tour. Program
into the 80s.                                                         membership or call (650) 725-0692.             price is based on rates in effect in
                                                                                                                     November 2019 and is subject to
                                                                                                                     change without notice to reflect
                                                                      The Stanford Alumni Association,
                                                                                                                     fluctuations in exchange rates,
                                                                      Stanford University and our
                                                                                                                     tariffs or fuel charges.
                                                                      operators act only as agents

                                                                      TELEPHONE   (650) 725-1093
                                                                      EMAIL   travelstudy@alumni.stanford.edu
                                                                      California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50

                                                                               © COPYRIGHT 2019 STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                                               PRINTED ON RECYCLED, FSC-CERTIFIED PAPER IN THE U.S.
                                                                               ARTSTETTEN CASTLE PHOTO: SCHLOSS ARTSTETTEN / D. MAYRHOFER
A BOA RD T HE CRYSTAL MAHLER - August 30 to September 10, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Travel/Study                 Nonprofit Org.
                                                          Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center    U.S. Postage
                                                          326 Galvez Street                        PAID
                                                          Stanford, CA 94305-6105              Stanford Alumni
                                                          (650) 725-1093                         Association


Au gust 3 0 to
Se pte m b e r 10, 2020


“I felt so enriched by all the experiences—in the
 music we heard, the events we attended and
 the places we visited.”
M A RG E B L A I N E , ’55, C R U I S I N G TH E DA N U B E , 2018

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