A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General

Page created by Katie Allen
A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
A Better Life
A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General

1    About this Report            16   Serving Our Employees       About This Report
                                                                   Our mission of Serving Others, the
3    Letter from our CEO          23   Serving Our Communities     foundation on which our business was built
4    Dollar General at a Glance   27   Serving the Environment     and continues to operate today, serves as
                                                                   a guiding force to support the company’s
5    Our History                  33   Managing Our Supply Chain   future, including our commitment to
                                                                   environmental, social and governance
7	Our Mission                    36   Corporate Governance
                                                                   (ESG) matters. This report provides
8    Who We Are                   43   SASB Index                  information about our efforts and initiatives
                                                                   in this space, including select metrics from
9    COVID-19 Update              44   Chemical Policy             the Sustainability Accounting Standards
                                                                   Board (SASB) standards for the Consumer
12   Serving Our Customers
                                                                   Goods—Multiline and Specialty Retailers
                                                                   and identifies where our programs are
                                                                   aligned with, and help support, the United
                                                                   Nations Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                   (SDGs). This document covers the fiscal
                                                                   year ending January 29, 2021, unless
                                                                   otherwise noted.

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals,
SDGs, set forth a framework to build a
better world for people and our planet
by 2030, and are designed to be applied
by governments and organizations
worldwide. Our Serving Others program
supports and aligns most closely with
the highlighted seven goals. As we
continue to enhance our program, we
will seek ways to further how we can
positively impact the SDGs.

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter      Company Overview        COVID-19 Update      Serving Others          Managing Our Supply Chain                                      Corporate Governance          SASB Index

Letter from our CEO
Over the course of Dollar General’s 82 years of business, we have proudly walked
alongside our neighbors through both the good times and the challenging ones. We have
been there with open doors helping meet basic needs. Over the past year, the resiliency
of our business model and the dedication of our team members allowed us to quickly
adapt in a changing environment to serve the needs of our customers and our DG family.

When COVID-19 forced closures          wellness of those around us            strive to be an important part of
and limited interactions with          was on all of our minds, we also       the fabric of our communities and
                                                                                                     FROM OUR CEO
others, we were one of the first       extended our telehealth benefits       create opportunities for others                                           Todd J. Vasos
                                                                              Our fiscal 2019 was one of celebrations as we marked our 80th anniversary
retailers to offer senior hours to     and waived all telehealth co-pays      to thrive.
                                                                              and opened   our 16,000 th
                                                                                                      store location. While much has changed in the
                                                                                                                                                        Chief Executive Officer
                                                                              landscape since our founding in 1939, Dollar General’s mission of Serving Others
our customers. Additionally, we        for our associates.                    remains strong and steadfastly integrated into the fabric of our business.
                                                                              In the following pages, we
increased the number of stores                                                Our second annual Serving Others Report serves as an extension of that
                                       As we grow and further                 share a glimpse of our journey
                                                                              mission by communicating the many ways in which we serve our customers,
with DG pick-up capabilities                                                  employees, communities and shareholders every day. Our core values help
                                       strengthen our company, we             to strengthen our position as
                                                                              guide our more than 155,000 employees in more than 16,500 stores, more than
to provide added ease and                                                     20 traditional and DG Fresh distribution centers and our Store Support Center
                                       realize that in order to build a       a purpose-driven company. It
                                                                              serve others every day.
convenience. When global supply
                                       pathway to continued success           highlights
                                                                              Whether               our
                                                                                         we are helping      efforts
                                                                                                         customers   stretchto
                                                                                                                             theircreate      a positive
                                                                                                                                   budget, generating
chains were affected, we worked                                               economic impact with each new store and distribution center, providing career
                                       for everyone, it cannot be             more resilient,
                                                                              development                    diverse,
                                                                                              opportunities through            inclusive,
                                                                                                                       our growing   organization, promoting
diligently to mitigate the impact to                                          sustainable business practices, creating shareholder value or helping further
                                       done in isolation but instead          and and
                                                                              literacy   sustainable
                                                                                            education initiativesfuture.        We look
                                                                                                                  in the communities   we proudly call home,
our stores so that we were able to                                            Serving Others is not just a mission—it’s a cornerstone of our culture and a
                                       in collaboration with teams            forward           to   working            together
                                                                              filter through which business decisions are made.            as
meet our customers’ needs.
                                       committed to improving                 a    team       and      in   partnership
                                                                              In the following pages, I invite you to learn more     with
                                                                              about how the Dollar General team lives our
All of this was made possible by       outcomes and opportunities for         our communities
                                                                              mission                              and
                                                                                        every day. As with everything       vendors
                                                                                                                        we do,  we           to
                                                                              plan to continually review and refine our efforts
the dedication and commitment          others. Whether through job            Serve
                                                                              so            Others.
                                                                                  we can achieve   our operating priorities while
                                                                              continuing to be responsible stewards of Dollar
of our team members. To                creation, talent development and
                                                                              General’s legacy.

show our gratitude, we paid            training, diversity and inclusion
approximately $167 million             efforts, sustainable business
in appreciation bonuses and            practices, education and literacy
awarded $5.25 million to our           grants, value creation for our
                                                                              Todd Vasos
Employee Assistance Foundation.        shareholders or providing quality      Todd J. Vasos
                                                                              Chief Executive Officer

In a time when the health and          products at affordable prices, we      Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                             SERVING OTHERS REPORT                                               3

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter               Company Overview   COVID-19 Update    Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain   Corporate Governance    SASB Index

Dollar General at a Glance
As of January 29, 2021

        17,000+                               157,000+                                   46                         $33.7B
                    Stores                         Employees                             States                          in Sales

                    26                               #
                                                         112                                 $                      Top 25
              Distribution                        Rank on the                       Low-priced                       Forbes Top 25
                Centers                         Fortune 500 List                   Product Model                   responders to the
   16 traditional distribution centers                                              ~22% of products              COVID-19 pandemic
      9 fresh distribution centers                                                  priced at $1 or less
   1 combination distribution center

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter         Company Overview                  COVID-19 Update            Serving Others       Managing Our Supply Chain             Corporate Governance              SASB Index

Our History
                                                  The first Dollar General                                                                                   The Dollar General Literacy
                                                retail store opens. Turner’s                                                                            Foundation is established. Founded
                                                   Department Store in                                                                                    on the belief that literacy opens
                                                   Springfield, Kentucky                                                                                   doors for personal, professional
                                               converted to the first Dollar                                                                              and economic growth, the Dollar
                                               General store in June 1955.                                                                                  General Literacy Foundation
                                               The store’s business model                                                                                   provides financial support for
                                               was simple. No item would                                                                                libraries, schools and nonprofits to
                                             cost more than $1. Soon, Dollar                        1976 Dollar General                                 further literacy and education both
                                             General stores began sprouting
                                              up across southern Kentucky.
                                                                                    DG             exceeds annual sales
                                                                                                      of $100 million.
                                                                                                                                                         nationally and in the communities
                                                                                                                                                             that Dollar General serves.
                                                            1955                                           1976                                                         1993

                   1939                                                              1968                                             1989
 J.L. Turner and Cal Turner, Sr. open J.L.                                       Dollar General                           Dollar General celebrates
Turner and Son Wholesale in Scottsville,                                           becomes                                its 50th anniversary. Fifty
  Kentucky. Each invested $5,000 and                                           a public company.                           years after the founding
  became partners in a wholesale, dry-                                                                                       of J.L. Turner and Son
  goods business to serve retailers that                                                                                  Wholesale, Dollar General
      survived the Great Depression.                                                                                       operated approximately
                                                                                                    +$100M                 1,300 stores in 23 states,
                                                                                                                             employing more than
                                                                                                                               7,000 individuals.

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter         Company Overview            COVID-19 Update        Serving Others        Managing Our Supply Chain             Corporate Governance            SASB Index

                                                                                                                                                        Dollar General named to
                                                                                                                                                       Fortune magazine’s 2020
                                                                                                                                                     list of World’s Most Admired
                                                                                                                                                    Companies. Training magazine
                            Dollar General relocates                                In April, Dollar General opens                                       names Dollar General’s
                              its corporate office                                   its 10,000th store in Merced,                                     training and development
                                to Goodlettsville,                                  California. In November, Dollar                                 program to its top spot for the
                                   Tennessee.                                     General is named to the S&P 500®.                                     second consecutive year.
                                     2000                                                         2012                                                           2020

           1999                                                  2009                                                             2019
Dollar General recognized                              Dollar General becomes a                                         Dollar General’s training
 on the Fortune 500 list                               public company (again).                                        and development program
     for the first time.                               After the company went                                             named #1 worldwide
                                                         private for two years,                                          by Training magazine.
                                                        Dollar General returned                                        Dollar General celebrates
                                                         to the NYSE under its                                          the grand opening of its
                                                       current stock symbol DG.                                        16,000th store in Panama
                                                                                                                              City, Florida.

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter   Company Overview   COVID-19 Update   Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain   Corporate Governance   SASB Index

Our Mission
Dollar General’s mission is captured in two simple, but powerful words—Serving Others.
This mission drives our continuous pursuit of ways to better serve our customers, communities,
employees, shareholders and vendors. As we strive for operational excellence, our mission is
at the heart of everything we do.

Serving Others
Convenience, Quality & Great Prices

Respect & Opportunity

A Superior Return

A Better Life

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter      Company Overview            COVID-19 Update     Serving Others    Managing Our Supply Chain   Corporate Governance         SASB Index

Who We Are

We are today’s neighborhood general store, serving the needs of our
customers by providing convenience, value & service - Every day!

                      OUR VISION                                        OUR VALUES                            OPERATING PRIORITIES
                                                                        We believe in:                                Driving profitable
                                                                                                                      sales growth
                                                                        • Demonstrating integrity
                                                                          in everything we do.
                       We must act with a                                                                             Capturing growth
                      sense of urgency and                              • Providing employees the                     opportunities
                        speed to market.                                  opportunity for growth and
                                                                          development in a friendly
                                                                                                                      Enhancing our position
                                                                          and fun environment.
     Our people                                   We will                                                             as a low cost operator
        are a                                    capture                • Delivering results through
     competitive                                  growth
                                                                          hard work and a shared                      Investing in our
     advantage.                                opportunities.
                         Our customers                                    commitment to excellence.                   diverse teams
                        are at the center                                                                             through development,
                          of all we do.                                 • Celebrating success and
                                                                          recognizing the contribution                empowerment
                                                                          of others.                                  & inclusion

              We will be                Low cost                        • Owning our actions and
             the leader in              drives out                        decisions and learning
             our channel.               high cost.
                                                                          from our mistakes.

                                                                        • Respecting the dignity and
                                                                          differences of others.

A Better Life SERVING OTHERS REPORT 2020 - Dollar General
CEO Letter      Company Overview        COVID-19 Update       Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain    Corporate Governance     SASB Index

COVID-19 Update
The events of the past year have highlighted the essential
role that Dollar General plays in the communities we
serve, as our customers have relied on us more than ever
to provide them with the products they need at prices
they can afford in a convenient easy-to-shop small box

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic,            vaccination and our exempt team
the health and safety of our           members with additional labor
employees, customers and local         hours to accommodate for their
communities has remained               time away from the store.
our top priority. In response
                                       Additional Safety Measures
to the pandemic, we have
                                       We continue to provide PPE
implemented several proactive
                                       to employees, including facial
and preventative measures, which
                                       coverings, and have added
are outlined below, and we are
                                       hand sanitizer for employee and
proud to have remained open to
                                       customer use. Additionally, in all
serve our neighbors as one of
                                       traditional distribution centers and
America’s essential retailers.
                                       cold storage facilities, temperature                            TOP                           TOP

Vaccination Support for
                                       scan checks are administered for
                                       each employee prior to each shift.
                                       Social Distancing
                                                                                                   Forbes magazine
                                                                                                                            The Harris Poll’s Essential
Employees                              Social distancing measures                              recognized Dollar General    100 Ranking listed Dollar
We are working to remove               are being exercised across our                         among its top 25 corporate       General in its top 45
barriers by providing our frontline,   organization and are designed                               responders to the        companies that played an
hourly store team members with         to help keep individuals six feet                          COVID-19 pandemic.         essential role during the
                                                                                                                                 COVID-19 crisis.
a one-time payment equivalent          apart. In stores, floor spacing
of four hours of regular pay after     markers and more than 40,000
receiving a completed COVID-19         plexiglass register barriers have

CEO Letter    Company Overview     COVID-19 Update      Serving Others          Managing Our Supply Chain       Corporate Governance      SASB Index

                                                                             been installed throughout the        Employee Bonuses
                                                                             chain. Distribution and cold         Dollar General awarded
                                                                             storage facilities also have         approximately $167 million
                                                                             implemented traffic flow pattern     in appreciation bonuses to
               Serving Others                                                indicators alongside additional
                                                                             distancing measures in common
                                                                                                                  eligible employees in our stores,
                                                                                                                  distribution centers and private
             During the Pandemic                                             areas such as restrooms, locker
                                                                             rooms and break rooms.
                                                                                                                  fleet networks during our 2020
                                                                                                                  fiscal year. These bonuses
 HELPING KEEP CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES SAFE                                                                        demonstrate our gratitude to
                                                                             Enhanced Cleaning Protocols
                                                                                                                  the team members who allowed
                                                                             From stores and distribution
                                                                                                                  us to serve our customers and
                                                                             centers to the Dollar General
     Senior Hours                       40,000+                              Private Fleet and corporate
                                                                                                                  communities during a very
                                                                                                                  challenging year.
   ONE OF THE FIRST TO IMPLEMENT         TOTAL NUMBER OF                     offices, we have implemented
    SENIOR HOURS AT A RETAIL OR    PLEXIGLASS SHIELDS INSTALLED              enhanced cleaning protocols as       Increased Telehealth Services
          GROCERY STORE               AT CHECKOUT REGISTERS                  part of our daily operations.        For employees not enrolled in
                                                                                                                  Dollar General medical plans,
                                                                             Paid Sick Leave
      Four Hours                        ~17,000+                             By entering their worksite,
                                                                                                                  we provided an additional
                                                                                                                  opportunity to enroll in a
     EQUIVALENT PAY GIVEN TO            NUMBER OF STORES                     employees are confirming that
                                                                                                                  telehealth program, which
   HOURLY FRONTLINE EMPLOYEES            WHERE DG ADDED                      they are COVID symptom free,
                                                                                                                  provides affordable healthcare
     WHO RECEIVE A COMPLETE             PICKUP CAPABILITIES                  have not been in direct contact
                                                                                                                  options to employees without
       COVID VACCINATION                                                     with someone known to have
                                                     As of fiscal year-end                                        physically visiting a healthcare
                                                                             tested positive for COVID and
                                                                                                                  provider’s office. We are also
                                                                             are not awaiting the results of
                                                                                                                  currently waiving all telehealth co-
                                                                             a COVID test. Employees who
                                                                                                                  pays for employees covered under
                                                                             are experiencing fever or other
                                                                                                                  Dollar General’s medical plans.
                                                                             symptoms of the virus are asked
                                                                             to stay home. Also, employees
                                                                             impacted by COVID-19, including
                                                                             those who must remain at home
                                                                             due to their own diagnosis, to
                                                                             care for an immediate family
                                                                             or household member or while
                                                                             awaiting test results based on
                                                                             their own health symptoms, are
                                                                             paid for regularly scheduled
                                                                             hours during those times.
CEO Letter     Company Overview        COVID-19 Update      Serving Others    Managing Our Supply Chain    Corporate Governance        SASB Index

Senior Hour                           Ongoing Communication
We were one of the first to           We continue to remind
announce senior hours, which          employees on a regular basis of
are designed to allow some of         the steps to help avoid or contain
the most vulnerable customers         the spread of the COVID-19 virus
the ability to shop during the        as well as steps they should take
first hour that stores are open.      if they experience symptoms
By encouraging customers to           or have direct contact with
plan their shopping trips around      someone who tested positive
these hours, this allows seniors to   for the virus. Protocols have
purchase the essential items they     also been established on how
need in less busy and crowded         employees should respond to
shopping periods.                     both direct and indirect exposure
                                      to the virus.
Contactless Shopping
We are enhancing customers’           Dollar General Employee
shopping experiences by offering      Assistance Foundation Donation
Dollar General Pickup and             In 2020, Dollar General made
increasing the number of stores       a $5.25 million donation to                        SERV ING OU R E MP LOY E E S
with self-checkout. Dollar General    the Dollar General Employee

                                                                                    $5.25M                           ~$167M
Pickup is now available for most      Assistance Foundation, which
stores and allows customers           provides financial assistance
to shop from the convenience          to employees during specified             TO SUPPORT EMPLOYEES                TOTAL OF EMPLOYEE
of the Dollar General app on          times of need.                             AMOUNT AWARDED TO OUR             APPRECIATION BONUSES
their smart phone. After placing                                             EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION              AWARDED
an order, customers receive                                                       TO SUPPORT EMPLOYEES
a communication when their                                                         DURING TIMES OF NEED
order is ready. Once at the store,
customers can grab their order                                                          SERVI NG OU R COMMU NIT IE S
from the in-store Dollar General

                                                                                        $2M                             ~75%
Pickup shelves and be on their
way. Dollar General Pickup also
allows customers to take full                                                PROVIDED BY THE DOLLAR GENERAL     TOTAL NUMBER OF AMERICANS
advantage of the Dollar General                                                LITERACY FOUNDATION TO SAVE         WITHIN APPROXIMATELY
Digital Coupons for instant                                                  THE CHILDREN’S COVID-19 RESPONSE   5 MILES OF A DOLLAR GENERAL
savings.                                                                         EFFORTS IN RURAL AMERICA
                                                                                                                                  As of fiscal year-end

CEO Letter   Company Overview   COVID-19 Update   Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain   Corporate Governance   SASB Index

 Serving Our


CEO Letter        Company Overview       COVID-19 Update         Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain           Corporate Governance       SASB Index

                                                                 OUR CUSTOMERS

Serving Our Customers
Founded in 1939, Dollar General is a leader in the value sector providing customers with everyday
products at great prices in a convenient, easy-to-shop store. Whether preparing a meal for a special
occasion, helping your child with a school project, welcoming a pet into the family or planning a
night to pamper yourself, Dollar General stores are filled with the essentials that help make life’s
every day moments possible at prices you can afford with name brands you trust.


Convenience and ease of shopping are important to our customers.
Each potential store location is carefully evaluated to ensure Dollar
General is able to deliver a convenient, affordable retail option to              Healthy meals are easy at Dollar
the local community. Our store locations reflect our belief that all              General. In partnership with a
individuals deserve access to everyday essentials at affordable prices.           nutritionist, we crafted Better for
Dollar General stores can be found in urban, suburban and rural                   You recipes that can be made from
communities, including many communities where traditional grocers                 ingredients purchased at Dollar
and other retailers have chosen not to operate.                                   General. For more information on
                                                                                  these delicious and nutritious recipes,
Each of Dollar General’s 17,000+ locations provide customers with
                                                                                  visit the “Inspiration” section of our
components of a healthy diet such as milk, eggs, bread, cheese,
                                                                                  website under “DG Easy Meals” and
frozen and canned fruits and vegetables, grains, lean proteins and
                                                                                  “Better for You.”
more. Additionally, we have a number of healthier initiatives in
select stores including a “Better for You” assortment that provides
a broader selection of healthier food options, including our Good &
Smart private brand. As of fiscal year-end 2020, these offerings were             Geaux Get Healthy
available in nearly 7,300 stores.                                                 Dollar General partnered with Baton Rouge Mayor-President, Sharon Weston
                                                                                  Broome, and her “Geaux Get Healthy” initiative to provide healthier food
                                                                                  options, including produce, to residents of the Baton Rouge community.
                                                                                  The curated produce assortment offers fresh fruits and vegetables including
                        In fiscal year 2020, Dollar General opened
                                                                                  lettuce, tomatoes, onions, apples, strawberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes,
      OUR               1,000 new stores, remodeled 1,670, relocated 110 and

                                                                                  lemons, limes, salad mixes and more.
             TH         expanded into the state of Washington - marking our
                        46th state. We are excited to extend our geographic

     STATE              footprint, broaden workforce opportunities and serve
                        more communities across the country in 2021.

CEO Letter       Company Overview    COVID-19 Update       Serving Others      Managing Our Supply Chain        Corporate Governance      SASB Index

                                                           OUR CUSTOMERS

                                    PRODUCT SAFETY & QUALITY                electrical (when required) and        vendor partners to use safer
                                    We are committed to providing           chemical tests on the company’s       alternatives to chemicals listed in
                                    our customers and their families        direct import products based          the company’s current Restricted
                                    with safe, quality products at          on applicable federal, state          Substances List. Further, Dollar
                                    great values. Our commitment            and local regulatory and              General expects all formulated
                                    includes sourcing products from         safety requirements, as well as       private brand suppliers within
                                    vendors and manufacturers that          additional company expectations.      cleaning, beauty and personal
                                    are expected to meet or exceed          Product labels are also evaluated     care to register their products’
                                    applicable local, state and federal     based on regulatory requirements      formulations with the UL
                                    safety requirements, including          and for appropriate use and           WERCSmart® system on at least
                                    those relating to product               safety instructions.                  an annual basis and to use safer
                                    ingredients and components,                                                   alternatives to chemicals listed
                                                                            Dollar General’s product safety
                                    labeling and packaging, as well                                               in the company’s Restricted
                                                                            and regulatory compliance
                                    as the environment. Additionally,                                             Substances List. Through this
                                                                            program, which is outlined
                                    vendors are required to adhere                                                process, Dollar General expects
Dollar General’s Current                                                    in more detail below, applies
                                    to our Code of Business                                                       to gain additional insight into
Restricted Substances List:                                                 to direct imports and certain
                                    Conduct and Ethics as well                                                    the chemical composition of
Formaldehyde, Toluene,                                                      domestically purchased private
                                    as our workplace conditions                                                   these products and to evaluate
Nonylphenol Ethoxylates,                                                    label items. We develop product
                                    expectations.                                                                 the expansion of the Restricted
Butylparaben, Propylparaben,                                                safety and compliance testing
                                                                                                                  Substances list to other chemicals.
Trichloroethylene, Triclocarban     We primarily look to the                protocols in collaboration with
                                                                                                                  If a product is determined to
and Triclosan                       applicable regulatory standards         some of the largest testing
                                                                                                                  contain a substance included
                                    when evaluating the safety and          companies in the world including
                                                                                                                  on the restricted substances list,
                                    quality of our products. We are         Intertek, UL (Underwriters
                                                                                                                  Dollar General will partner with
By December 2022, the company       always interested in ways to            Laboratories) and MTS (Modern
                                                                                                                  the vendor to ensure that the
expects to have worked with         improve the safety and quality          Testing Services).
                                                                                                                  chemical is removed and replaced.
its vendors to eliminate those      of the items we carry, taking
                                                                            Chemical Policy and Restricted
chemicals on the company’s          into account our ability to
                                                                            Chemical List
current Restricted Substance List   continue to offer those items at
                                                                            In 2019, Dollar General announced
from all private label formulated   the affordable prices that our
                                                                            a policy designed to go beyond
products sold at Dollar General,    customers need and expect.
                                                                            what is required by law and
within home, cleaning, beauty and
                                    Safety and Regulatory Testing           take additional steps to reduce
personal care departments.
                                    Dollar General partners with            or eliminate certain chemicals
                                    global independent, third-party         of concern from our products.
                                    testing laboratories to conduct         Through this policy, Dollar
                                    various physical, mechanical,           General urges its suppliers and

CEO Letter     Company Overview        COVID-19 Update       Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain      Corporate Governance   SASB Index

                                                             OUR CUSTOMERS

Product Testing                       Product safety investigations
To ensure product safety and          are initiated when the company
compliance, all direct import         receives information regarding a
and certain private label items       potential product safety or quality
undergo periodic laboratory           issue. The scope of any such
testing, the frequency of which       investigation will be determined
depends on, among other things,       on a case-by-case basis, taking
the risk profile of the product or    into account, among other things,
product category. This testing is     the nature of the potential issue
performed by independent, third-      and any alleged harm caused by
party laboratories on randomly        the product. Not every report
selected items.                       or investigation of a potential
                                      product safety or quality issue will                         Dollar General expects all
Product Recalls
                                      result in a product recall. If it is                          formulated private brand
Product recalls (whether direct
                                      determined that a product recall is                      suppliers within cleaning, beauty
import, private label or national
                                      necessary, the Global Compliance                        and personal care to register their
brand) and product safety
                                      team is notified and coordinates                          products’ formulations with the
inquiries and investigations are
                                      the removal of product from                                UL WERCSmart® system on at
coordinated by the company’s
                                      inventory.                                                least an annual basis and to use
Global Compliance department
                                                                                                 safer alternatives to chemicals
with the support of a cross-
                                                                                              listed in the company’s Restricted
functional team of individuals
                                                                                                         Substances List.
from other areas of the company.
A product recall may be instituted
either as the result of an internal
product safety investigation or
based upon direction provided
to the company by a government
agency or a vendor.

CEO Letter   Company Overview   COVID-19 Update   Serving Others   Managing Our Supply Chain   Corporate Governance   SASB Index

 Serving Our


CEO Letter     Company Overview        COVID-19 Update              Serving Others      Managing Our Supply Chain          Corporate Governance      SASB Index

                                                                    OUR EMPLOYEES

Serving Our Employees
Driving our success is our fourth operating priority – Investing in our diverse teams
through development, empowerment and inclusion, which is the foundation for our
talent philosophy of “Attract, Develop and Retain.”

Our employees are the heart           Whether our employees are                      grow with us. We have helped            plans; flexible spending accounts;
of our company and bring our          entering the workforce for the                 thousands of employees from our         disability insurance; 401(k)
mission of Serving Others to life.    first time or looking for ways                 stores, distribution centers, store     plan; paid vacation; employee
To that end, we work hard each        to build their careers, as one of              support center and international        assistance program (including
day to create opportunities for       the fastest-growing retailers in               sourcing offices develop their          access to legal assistance and
our diverse teams to grow and         America, we have a variety of                  careers and advance within the          counseling); healthy lifestyle and
thrive in an inclusive environment.   opportunities for individuals to               company. As of fiscal year-end          disease management programs;
                                                                                     2020, approximately 73% of              discounts for products and
                                                                                     store managers and thousands            services; parental leave; adoption
                                                                                     of employees, including several         assistance; and service award
                                                                                     members of our senior leadership        recognition. Eligibility and benefit
                                                 ~3                                  team, have been promoted                levels are based upon, among

                                                                                     from within the organization.           other things, an individual’s part-
                                                                                     Additionally, we have a strong          time or full-time status, position
                                                  Training hours                     pathway to success for entry-           and tenure. To help measure the
                                                     in 2020                         level workers where on average, a       success of our overall employee
                                                                                     part-time sales associate can be        compensation and benefits
                                                                                     promoted to an assistant manager        programs, we monitor employee
                                                                                     in just one year.                       applicant flow and staffing levels
                                                 ~73%                                ATTRACTING TALENT
                                                                                                                             across the organization, as well
                                             PROMOTED                                We seek to provide market-
                                                                                                                             as employee turnover, particularly
                                            FROM WITHIN                              competitive compensation and
                                                                                                                             at the store manager level.

                                           Approximately 73% of store                benefits packages that attract
                                           managers and thousands of                 talent to the organization and
                                         employees have been promoted                then retain and incentivize
                                           from within the organization              performance. We offer a
                                                                                     broad range of benefits,
                                                                                     including: medical, prescription,
                                                 As of fiscal year-end
                                                                                     telemedicine, dental and vision

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                                                             OUR EMPLOYEES

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT                 ACE Program
& TRAINING                             Dollar General partnered with the
                                       American Council on Education’s
In 2020, under the guidance of
                                       (ACE) Learning Evaluations team
our award-winning training team,
                                       to evaluate our company’s Store
we invested nearly three million
                                       Manager Training program for
training hours in employees at all
                                       possible college credit. After ACE’s
levels of the company to promote
                                       rigorous, third-party evaluation and
education and development.
                                       recommendations, Dollar General
The portfolio of training              store managers who complete
opportunities is designed to help      the company’s Store Manager
employees gain new skills and          Training program are eligible to
experiences to grow their career,      receive up to nine semester credit                                   TOP
providing a blueprint for moving
people from an entry-level job to a
business leader. Whether through
                                       hours toward the completion of an
                                       undergraduate degree.
                                       DG University Alliance
                                                                                               In February 2021, Dollar General
store or district manager trainings,
                                       The DG University Alliance is                         was inducted into Training magazine’s
classes at our training centers or                                                             prestigious Top 100 Hall of Fame,
                                       a university partnership and
programs for our executive leaders,                                                            following two consecutive years
                                       scholarship program allowing
development opportunities are                                                                   as the magazine’s top training
                                       employees and their family
available to individuals through-out                                                          and development program and 10
                                       members to access higher                                    consecutive years among
their employment journey.
                                       education. In 2020, Dollar General                               its Top 100 list.
In addition to instructor-led          expanded the participating
trainings, Dollar General also         colleges and universities from 8
has a robust library of online         to more than 200, providing all
educational content that is            employees, regardless of part-time

available for employees to             or full-time status, with even more
access at times that are               opportunities to receive tuition
convenient for them.                   benefits, including discounts, fee
                                       waivers and deferred billing. The                      Colleges and universities participate
Education Credits and Scholarship                                                                 in the DG University Alliance,
                                       Alliance also offers a scholarship
Dollar General’s partnership                                                                      providing all employees with
                                       program, which is available to
with the American Council on                                                                       even more opportunities to
                                       full-time employees who meet                                  receive tuition benefits.
Education and its University
                                       applicable criteria.
Alliance helps employees earn
their college degree.

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                                                                                                OUR EMPLOYEES

RETAINING AND ENGAGING TALENT                                                                                        DIVERSITY & INCLUSION
Employee engagement is integral to maintaining our culture. To                                                       Our core values include respecting the dignity and differences of others,
help us facilitate increased awareness regarding company operating                                                   and Dollar General is committed to fostering an inclusive environment
priorities and strategies, we host regular employee town hall meetings.                                              where every employee feels valued, respected, supported and is able to
Additionally, we conduct employee feedback surveys throughout the                                                    bring their authentic self to work every day.
enterprise, focusing on employee engagement, manager effectiveness,
                                                                                                                     In 2020, we convened a cross-functional and diverse team of employees
recognition and belonging. Knowledge gained from the surveys is
                                                                                                                     to help ensure that our beliefs and convictions are accurately expressed
used to help improve the employee experience, foster inclusivity,
                                                                                                                     in our operating priorities. In addition, we hosted listening sessions
empower employees and create action plans for further engagement.
                                                                                                                     with employees from all levels and functional areas to learn how we
This frequent feedback also helps in driving recognition programs for
                                                                                                                     can foster a more inclusive environment. These efforts led to a fine-
all levels and allows us to deliver tools for recognition throughout the
                                                                                                                     tuning of our fourth operating priority from “Investing in Our People as
enterprise. Our focus on employee engagement helped us achieve
                                                                                                                     a Competitive Advantage” to “Investing in Our Diverse Teams through
79% overall employee satisfaction during fiscal year 2020.
                                                                                                                     Development, Empowerment & Inclusion.”
                                                                                                                     Employee Resource Groups
 Engagement Scores for fiscal year 20201
                                                                                                                     Dollar General has five Employee
 Overall Company Engagement                                                             73%                          Resource Groups (ERGs). Each
                                                                                                                     group is organized around a
 Overall Company Recognition                                                            74%
                                                                                                                     chosen commonality and works
 Overall Company Overall Employee Satisfaction                                          79%                          to leverage differences, promote
                                                                                                                     awareness and build a more
 Overall Company Participation                                                          79%
                                                                                                                     inclusive culture consistent with
 Overall Company Manager Effectiveness                                                  85%                          Dollar General’s mission and core
 Overall Company Belonging                                                             86%                           values. Each employee-led group
                                                                                                                     has an executive sponsor who
                                                                                                                     helps the ERG leadership create
                                                                                                                     programming to support employee

       79%                                                         86%
                                                                                                                     career development, communities
                                                                                                                     and culture. Our ERGs further focus
                                                                                                                     on opportunities to satisfy customer
        Overall                                                     Overall
                                                                                                                     needs and provide a stronger tie
       Employee                                                    Company
                                                                                                                     to the communities in which our
      Satisfaction                                                 Belonging
                                                                                                                     employees live and serve.

1 Results represent the weighted combined average of scores from our store, distribution center and store support
   center employees.

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                                                            OUR EMPLOYEES

Military Support
Dollar General proudly supports all those who have served and continue       In addition to offering exclusive discounts to military
to serve our country. We offer exclusive discounts to active military,       families, Dollar General is proud to partner with
veterans and their immediate family members. Additionally, our               United Through Reading to help ensure children do
military employee resource group, SERVE, provides opportunities for          not have to miss bedtime stories because their family
our employees who are members of military families to connect and            member is away on military service.
volunteer. We are also a founding partner of the Paychecks for Patriots
program, which supports service members’ transition to civilian life
through meaningful employment opportunities.
Dollar General was recently named to Professional Woman’s Magazine
(PWM) Best of the Best Employers List for Top LGBTQ+ Friendly
Companies. For more than 21 years, PWM has polled hundreds of
Fortune 1000 companies for its Best of the Best evaluations to bring the
latest information and guidance to readers as well as encourage active
outreach and diversity policies among corporations and government
agencies. In 2020, Dollar General received a score of 90 (out of a
possible 100) on the Corporate Equality Index (CEI). Started in 2002,
the CEI is a national benchmarking report on businesses that gauges
policies and practices as they relate to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. The
CEI is administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

                  Named Professional Woman’s
                  Magazine Best of the Best Employers
                  List for LGBTQ+ Friendly Companies

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                                                            OUR EMPLOYEES

 As of December 31, 2020

Officer Group                                     Management                                      Non-Management
The following data includes all employees         The following data includes all employees       The following data includes all full-time and
at the Vice President level and above.            at the manager level and above, with            part-time non-management employees
                                                  the exception of Dollar General’s Officer       based in the United States.
                                                  Group and employees based outside of
                                                  the United States.

                     38%                                           71%                                                67%
                   Gender                                         Gender                                             Gender
                   Diversity                                      Diversity                                          Diversity

                     14%                                           24%                                                36%
                   Ethnicity                                      Ethnicity                                          Ethnicity

                                                                    of our total workforce
                                                                    is female
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                                                           OUR EMPLOYEES

In 2020, we pledged $5 million to support organizations that are
working to accelerate racial and social justice.
Funding includes a multi-year commitment to support the Equal
Justice Initiative’s work to address criminal justice reform and
challenge racial and economic injustice through education and
awareness. The Atlanta-based Operation Hope will receive $1 million
to support its efforts to advance financial dignity and inclusion
through financial literacy training and coaching programs. INROADS
will receive $1 million to support internship and education programs
for ethnically diverse students across the country.
In addition to supporting nonprofits in their efforts to foster more
inclusive communities, Dollar General’s AAERG published “Active
Allyship at Dollar General: Navigating the Steps Forward”. The guide
is a resource to help employees understand ways they can play an
active role in creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment.

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 Serving Our


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                                                            OUR COMMUNITIES

Serving Our Communities                                                       LITERACY AND EDUCATION                  To support adult learners and
                                                                              For more than 27 years, the Dollar      the nonprofits serving them,
Investing in the communities we call home is an integral
                                                                              General Literacy Foundation             we partnered with ProLiteracy
part of our mission of Serving Others. In fiscal year 2020,                   (DGLF) has been investing in            to launch the Mobile Learning
Dollar General and its Foundations invested more than                         education programs across the           Fund. The fund is designed to
$30 million in charitable efforts that focus on nourishing                    country. In fiscal year 2020, the       increase access to new learning
                                                                              Foundation awarded more than            opportunities for adults by
the mind and body through education, kindness and                             $16.1 million in grants to programs     providing adult literacy program
pediatric cancer care.                                                        impacting more than 1.4 million         providers with digital educational
                                                                              students. More than 1,800 schools,      materials to help learners with
                                                                              nonprofit organizations and             upskilling in math, literacy and
                                                                              libraries across the 46 states in       technology via engaging mobile

                                                                              which Dollar General operates           solutions.
                                                                              received grants to help strengthen
                                                                                                                      We are also partnering with the
                                                                              and enhance literacy programs,
                                                                                                                      American Indian College Fund
                                                                              provide access to educational
                                                                                                                      to extend access to programming
                                                                              materials and technology, and
                                                                                                                      for adults working towards their
                                                                              give teachers the tools and
     $16.1M+                    1,800+                                        support they need to better
                                                                                                                      high school equivalency on
                                                                                                                      Tribal Colleges and Universities
     Awarded in grants      Schools, nonprofits and                           serve students. While this is
   to literacy programs    libraries across 46 states
                                                                              not a comprehensive list, some
  impacting more than        received grants to help                          partnership highlights from 2020
    1.4 million students    strengthen and enhance                            are provided below.
    in fiscal year 2020.       literacy programs.
                                                                              Creating Access to Education
                                                                              In the spring of 2020 when
                                                                              education was disrupted by
                                                                              nationwide school closures,
                                                                              the Dollar General Literacy
                                                                              Foundation awarded $2 million to
                                                                              Save the Children to help more
                                                                              than 300,000 vulnerable children
                                                                              in rural communities have access
                                                                              to literacy and learning materials
                                                                              and nutrition.

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                                                            OUR COMMUNITIES

Building Home Libraries               In partnership with the American
In partnership with Reading Is        Libraries Association (ALA)
Fundamental in 2020, Dollar           and the American Association
General provided over 128,000         of School Librarians (AASL),
books to more than 38,000
children. The free books were
                                      we created the Beyond Words
                                      program to provide funding to
                                                                                               Books have been provided to more than
distributed three times a year        school libraries devastated by
                                                                                                38,000 children in 2020 through our
to elementary-aged students in        disaster to help replace print,                         partnership with Reading Is Fundamental.
communities where Dollar General      digital and technology resources.
distribution centers are located.     Since 2007, the Foundation has
Supporting Story Times
In partnership with United
                                      awarded more than $2.6 million
                                      to public school library rebuilding
                                                                                              Students received backpacks and school
                                      efforts. In 2020, we helped
Through Reading, we help                                                                    supplies in response to disasters through our
                                      schools impacted by wildfires,
ensure children do not have                                                                 sponsorship of the Kids in Need Foundation.
                                      flooding and tornadoes across
to miss the special bonding
                                      the county.
moments of story time because
their family member is away on        When disasters impact a school,
military service. To help make this   students and teachers’ supplies
possible, we provide support to       are often loss. As a national
facilitate video-recorded stories     sponsor of the Kids in Need
and reading libraries on military     Foundation’s Second Responder
bases and ships around the            Program, we provide backpacks,
globe so that men and women           school supplies and teacher
in the Armed Forces can record        supplies to schools, students and
themselves reading a story to         teachers impacted by disaster.
their loved ones.                     During 2020, we provided
                                      supplies to 560 teachers,
Rebuilding Libraries and
                                      13 schools and over 10,000
Providing Basic School Supplies
During moments when natural
disasters or fires impact schools,
the Dollar General Literacy
Foundation partners with
nonprofit organizations to aid in
the recovery efforts.

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                                                             OUR COMMUNITIES

DG Kindness
Every day, we hear stories of our Dollar General family leading with
compassion and kindness.
To celebrate these moments of kindness, we launched the DG Kindness
campaign in the fall of 2020. Each week, we celebrate one employee’s
story by providing a $1,000 donation to a charity in their hometown to
amplify their act of kindness. At 2020 fiscal year-end, we had celebrated
17 weeks of spreading kindness.
Children’s Health
In 2020, Dollar General proudly celebrated 15-years of partnership and
support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Through corporate
gifts and an annual in-store Thanks & Giving campaign, we have raised
more than $26 million to support the life-saving work at St. Jude.
In addition to financial support, Dollar General helps make the holidays
a little brighter by hosting Santa’s Workshop on St. Jude’s campus for
patients and their siblings. Attendees receive free toys and gift cards,
participate in fun crafts, enjoy snacks, laugh and receive a visit from
a few special friends. For patients who are not able to attend, special
gift bags full of toys and holiday cheer are created and delivered to
their rooms.
Employee Assistance Foundation
During 2020, Dollar General donated $5.25 million to the Dollar General
                                                                               DG Kindness
Employee Assistance Foundation to provide much needed hope and
                                                                               Training Store Manager, Heidi B’s heart was heavy after seeing the
help to our employees during difficult times. Whether an employee
                                                                               impact of the devastating wildfires on her hometown community in
loses a loved-one or has damage to their home by natural disaster or
                                                                               Oregon. She began helping community members sift through the
fire, for over 15-years the Foundation has been there to offer support.        destruction to look for family treasures that may have survived the fire.
Funding for the Foundation comes from the company, board members               She also purchased 150 angels and placed them in front of homes that
and our coworkers joining together to serve the Dollar General family.         were destroyed to try to bring hope to those who lost everything. For
                                                                               Heidi’s compassion and commitment to Serving Others, we recognized
                                                                               her as part of our DG Kindness campaign and donated to the Santiam
                                                                               Canyon Wildfire Relief Fund in her honor.

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Serving the


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                                                                                              THE ENVIRONMENT

Serving the Environment
Dollar General is committed to ensuring the communities we call home remain vibrant for
generations to come. Part of being a good neighbor means being a responsible steward of our
natural resources and working to reduce our environmental footprint through sustainable and
business-friendly practices. As we grow our business, we continuously explore ways to further
reduce and limit our impact on the planet while balancing operational and customer needs.

Our Footprint                                                                                                          Energy Conservation
We believe that Serving Others includes helping to ensure the health                                                   In 2016, we initiated a broad-based LED light installation effort in
of our planet and mitigating our potential impact on climate change.                                                   our stores with the intent of reducing energy costs and reducing the
Whether through Environmental Protection Agency certifications for                                                     impact of our carbon footprint. As of fiscal year-end, 99 percent of our
our fleet, using energy efficient lighting and machines or repurposing                                                 stores’ interior lighting has been converted to LED lighting resulting
products to avoid landfill impact, we are working to create positive                                                   in a reduction in energy usage in our stores by 19 percent since the
change.                                                                                                                implementation began. Additionally, where permitted under our lease
                                                                                                                       terms, we have converted all exterior lighting to LED.
                                                                                                                       To help regulate energy consumption, energy management systems
                                                                                                                       are included in nearly all Dollar General stores. Additionally, all new
 Carbon Footprint1                                                      2019                          2020
                                                                                                                       and replacement HVAC systems include variable frequency drives to
 Enterprise Square Footage                                     138,342,000                    146,256,000              help generate further energy efficiencies, resulting in approximately
                                                                                                                       seven percent energy use reduction in stores where they are installed,
 GHG Emissions                                                                                                         which at fiscal year-end represented 21 percent of our chain.
                                                                      347,831                      408,623
 Scope 1 (MT CO2e)
                                                                                                                       In addition to lighting and HVAC efforts, as part of our cooler door
 GHG Emissions
                                                                     1,114,435                     1,214,410           expansion, we are actively replacing inefficient and aged coolers and
 Scope 2 (MT CO2e)
                                                                                                                       freezers with ENERGY STAR® rated units, which are approximately
 GHG Emissions                                                                                                         23% more efficient.
                                                                   1,462,266                      1,623,033
 Scope 1 and 2 Total (MT CO2e)
                                                                                                                       Finally, we have installed solar panels in a limited number of stores in
 Carbon Intensity
 (MT CO2e /1000 SQ FT)
                                                                           10.6                            11.1        Illinois and Missouri.

 Energy Consumed
                                                               2,372,941,107                2,582,574,879
 Purchased Electricity (kWh)

1 Square footage is for fiscal year-end; all other metrics for calendar year-end.
Notes: Enterprise square footage includes retail and distribution centers. Total square footage increased by 5.7%. Scope 1 includes stationary (natural gas, propane, heating oil, and backhaul generators) and mobile (corporate jet,
fleet vehicles, owned trucking, owned refrigeration trailers, and leased trucking) emissions. Scope 2 includes purchased electricity. Purchased electricity reduction can be attributed to efforts such as: increased use of more energy
efficient lighting, energy management systems, VFD HVAC systems and the installation of ENERGY STAR® coolers.

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                                                            THE ENVIRONMENT

(calendar year 2020)

      274,098                                    1,459                            2,358                       2.2 Million
    Tons of Cardboard                         Tons of Paper                     Tons of Plastic                        Pallets

             5                                   1.9                               487                           722,285
          Million                              Billion                            Million                       Barrels Oil Saved

            Trees Saved                   Gallons Water Saved                 kWh Energy Saved

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                                                             THE ENVIRONMENT

Our distribution centers are engaged in ensuring our pallet program
has minimal impact on the environment. The pallet pool is a mix
of vendor owned pallets that are leased for use and whitewood
pallets that we own once received. We return all leased pallets to the
appropriate vendor after use, and we reuse the whitewood pallets. If
any whitewood pallets are unsafe for reuse and cannot be repaired,
they are recycled for other end goods.

Tertiary Packaging
                                                                               Mixed Paper Recycling
To increase efficiencies for our distribution centers and reduce our
                                                                               All unsold or outdated magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, and
environmental impact, we conducted an economic order quantity
                                                                               store paperwork (to the extent that it does not contain confidential
analysis that allowed us to reduce the number of partial pallets
                                                                               or personal information) are returned to our distribution centers to be
received. The decrease in partial pallets allowed us to reduce inbound
                                                                               recycled. Since 2010, we have recycled over 32,588 tons of mixed paper.
deliveries, employee touches and the number of pallets being utilized
for product. This effort resulted in a reduction of more than 807,000
pallets in fiscal year 2020 as compared to the previous fiscal year.           Network Services
                                                                               We work to recycle and e-cycle our outdated network equipment,
                                                                               all according to EPA guidelines.
Dollar General initiated a plastic film recycling program in which
distribution centers collect and bale plastic film returned from our           Store Support Center
store teams along with the plastic wrap used at the distribution facility      Ongoing recycling efforts at our Store Support Center include the
to help protect pallets. From the start of this program in February            following items: cardboard, loose paper, plastic bottles, aluminum
2012 through December 31, 2020, Dollar General has recycled and                cans, shrink wrap, light bulbs, batteries, cooking oil, toner cartridges,
repurposed more than 16,576 tons of plastic film.                              scrap metal, obsolete fixtures, broken furniture and motors.

Cardboard Backhauling                                                          New Store Growth and Store Remodels
The company implemented a cardboard backhauling initiative more                Partnering with preferred developers, Dollar General has implemented
than a decade ago. This initiative calls for cardboard shipped to our          a virtually-zero waste construction program to reduce the excess
stores to be broken down and returned to our distribution centers for          materials that remain after a store is built. As we remodel and optimize
recycling or sale to paper mills. More than 2.2 million tons of cardboard      store formats to better serve our customers, we work to minimize
have been recycled since the beginning of this program in 2008, which          waste through the recycling efforts listed above and through metal
is equivalent to nearly 39 million trees saved.                                recycling programs.

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                                                              THE ENVIRONMENT

In the United States over 42 million people face food insecurity. To help
reduce food waste and support local food distribution efforts, Dollar
General distribution centers and stores in select markets are partnering
with Feeding America®. During 2020, we donated more than 2.4 million
pounds of food to local food banks which is equivalent to over 1.7
million meals.
The Power of Spilled Milk
In 2020, Dollar General partnered with Rubicon to divert 12,348 tons of
expired dairy waste from landfill. Of this total, 8,174 tons were sent to
regional producers of animal feed, where they were used as high-quality
                                                                                DISTRIBUTION CENTERS
additives to feed farm animals. Compared to a landfilling scenario, we
                                                                                Our state-of-the-art distribution center facilities are strategically located
estimate the reuse of this waste as animal feed resulted in the avoidance
                                                                                to enable us to efficiently serve our stores needs while operating in
of 1,152 tons of CO2e or the equivalent of 249 passenger vehicles driven
                                                                                an environmentally mindful way. Through strategic placement of our
for one year.
                                                                                facilities, we are able to create economic empowerment opportunities
In addition to the animal feed program, 4,174 tons of expired dairy             for the local workforce and communities while also positioning our
waste was sent to a farm to process through an anaerobic digester.              transportation team for more efficient hauls and reduced stem miles.
Through this specialized process a Pennsylvania farm close to our
                                                                                We are mindful of conservation efforts in operating our facilities.
Pottsville, Pennsylvania distribution center is able to turn the milk into
                                                                                Among the energy-saving building practices utilized in our
natural gas, which is then used to generate electricity. The electricity
                                                                                distribution centers are:
created from the milk at the distribution center is not only able to
power the approximately 1,200 acre farm, but superfluous power is               •   LED lighting with occupancy sensors
sold to the local electric company.                                             •   Electric-powered material handling machines (e.g., forklifts)
                                                                                •   Controllable light levels
                                                                                •   White TPO roof membranes that reflect sunlight and help with
                                                                                    heating/cooling energy usage
        2.4                                                                     •   Advanced warehouse cooling systems

                                                                                •   Energy-efficient dock doors, seals and windows
                                                                                •   Increase the use of variable frequency drives (VFD) for climate
    pounds of food donated                                                          control equipment and conveyors
      to local food banks
                                                                                Additionally, we use adiabatic condensers in 38% of our distribution
                                                                                centers. These condensers offer energy efficient solutions by using
                                                                                water only as needed based on ambient temperatures and system
                                                                                demand and do not require chemicals to treat the water.

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                                                                     THE ENVIRONMENT

We work diligently to create the                        90%
most efficient routing systems                  of our total fleet carriers are
for our truck deliveries to ensure                  SmartWay™ certified.

the lowest mileage between
                                          best practices and enhance the
our distribution centers and
                                          sustainability of their supply
stores. This helps reduce the
total number of miles driven
and subsequent diesel fuel                Our global supply chain utilizes
consumption. Since 2018, we have          various methods of transportation
reduced our stem miles from our           to deliver goods throughout, our
traditional distribution centers by       network. To optimize routing,
2.7%. Over the past year, we have         reduce cost and lower fuel
reduced stem miles from our fresh         consumption, we rely on single
distribution centers by 5.6%.             and intermodal networks of
                                          transportation utilizing traditional
To help further improve freight
                                          truckloads, rail and ocean liners.
transportation efficiency, in 2020,
                                          In fiscal year 2020, 19% of our
100% of our outbound fleet
                                          total cartons were shipped using
carriers and 89% of our inbound
                                          intermodal transportation.
fleet carriers were certified by
the Environmental Protection              In alignment with the International
Agency’s SmartWay™ program.               Maritime Organization’s new
Through data collection, the              standards, Dollar General and its
program helps companies                   ocean carriers migrated to a low-                DG Kindness
benchmark and adjust to industry          sulfur fuel in 2020.                             Martin Robbles began his career with Dollar General’s Private
                                                                                           Fleet five years ago. When school was interrupted by COVID-19,
                                                                                           his daughter, Khloe, learned that some of her classmates did not
 Dollar General’s Private Fleet                                                            have hot meals at home. The father-daughter duo sprang into
 To serve our new stores opening across the U.S. each week, our private                    action and built a lemonade stand raising money for the San
 trucking fleet continues to grow. Our private fleet is a GI Bill® certified               Antonio Food Bank. For Martin and his daughter’s generosity
 employer offering a competitive compensation package with the opportunity                 and compassion, we recognized them as part of our DG Kindness
 for drivers to earn up to $90,000 a year, annual bonus opportunities and day-             campaign and joined them in donating to the food bank’s efforts.
 one competitive benefits eligibility. For warehouse employees interested in
 pursuing this career path, we offer an internal Class A CDL training program.
 In 2020, our private fleet nearly doubled in terms of number of employees
 and 47% of fleet leaders were promoted internally.

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 Managing Our

Supply Chain
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